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Peluang, Permutasi&KombinasiMatematika

Rumus Web mengumpulkan materi Peluang, Permutasi & Kombinasi Matematika ini untuk anak
SMA demi UAN SNMPTN SPMB SIMAK UI.Silakan dipelajari

1) Permutasi
Permutasi adalah susunan unsur-unsur yang berbeda dalam urutan tertentu. Pada
permutasi urutan diperhatikan sehingga
Permutasi k unsure dari n unsur
adalah semua urutan yang berbeda yang
mungkin dari k unsur yang diambil dari n unsur yang berbeda. Banyak permutasi k
unsure dari n unsure ditulis
Permutasi siklis (melingkar) dari n unsure adalah (n-1) !
Cara cepat mengerjakan soal permutasi : dengan penulisan Pk, hitung 10P4
kitalangsungtulis 4 angkadari 10 mundur, yaitu
jadi 10P4 = 10x9x8x7 berapaitu? hitungsendiri
Contohpermutasisiklis :
Suatukeluarga yang terdiriatas 6 orang dudukmengelilingisebuahmejamakan yang
berbentuklingkaran.Berapabanyakcara agar
merekadapatdudukmengelilingimejamakandengancara yang berbeda?
Jawab :
Banyaknyacara agar 6 orang dapatdudukmengelilingimejamakandenganurutan yang
berbedasamadenganbanyakpermutasisiklis (melingkar) 6 unsuryaitu :

2) Kombinasi
Kombinasiadalahsusunanunsur-unsurdengantidakmemperhatikanurutannya.Padakombinasi AB =

BA. Dari suatuhimpunandengan n unsurdapatdisusunhimpunanbagiannyadenganuntuk

Setiaphimpunanbagiandengan k unsurdarihimpunandenganunsur n disebutkombinasi k unsurdari

n yang dilambangkandengan ,
Contoh :
TentukanbanyakhimpunanbagiandarihimpunanA yang memiliki 2 unsur!
Jawab :

Banyakhimpunanbagiandari A yang memiliki 2 unsuradalah C (6, 2).

Cara cepatmengerjakansoalkombinasi
denganpenulisannCk, hitung 10C4
kitalangsungtulis 4 angkadari 10 mundurlaludibagi 4!, yaitu dibagi
jadi 10C4 = 10x9x8x7 / 4x3x2x1 berapaitu? hitungsendiri
Ohyajikaditanya 10C6 makasamadengan 10C4, ingat 10C6=10C4. contohlainnya
melihatpolanya? hehesemogabermanfaat!

1. PengertianRuangSampeldanKejadian
Himpunan S darisemuakejadianatauperistiwa yang
mungkinmuculdarisuatupercobaandisebutruangsampel.Kejadiankhususatausuatuunsurdari S
disebuttitiksampelatausampel.SuatukejadianAadalahsuatuhimpunanbagiandariruangsampel S.
Diberikanpercobaanpelemparan 3 matauanglogamsekaligus 1 kali, yang masingmasingmemilikisisiangka ( A ) dangambar ( G ). Jika P adalahkejadianmunculduaangka, tentukan
S, P (kejadian)!
Jawab :


2. PengertianPeluangSuatuKejadian
Padasuatupercobaanterdapat n hasil yang mungkindanmasingmasingberkesempatansamauntukmuncul. Jikadarihasilpercobaaniniterdapat k hasil yang
merupakankejadian A, makapeluangkejadian A ditulis P ( A ) ditentukandenganrumus :

Contoh :
Jawab : S = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} maka n ( S ) = 6
Misalkan A adalahkejadianmunculbilangangenap, maka:
A = {2, 4, 6} dan n ( A ) = 3

3. KisaranNilaiPeluangMatematika
Misalkan A adalahsebarangkejadianpadaruangsampel S dengan n ( S ) = n, n ( A ) = k dan

Jadi, peluangsuatukejadianterletakpada interval tertutup [0,1]. Suatukejadian yang

peluangnyanoldinamakankejadianmustahildankejadian yang peluangnya 1
4. FrekuensiHarapanSuatuKejadian
Jika A adalahsuatukejadianpadafrekuensiruangsampel S denganpeluang P ( A ),
makafrekuensiharapankejadian A dari n kali percobaanadalah n x P( A ).
Contoh :
Bilasebuahdadudilempar 720 kali, berapakahfrekuensiharapandarimunculnyamatadadu 1? Jawab
Padapelemparandadu 1 kali, S = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } maka n (S) = 6.
Misalkan A adalahkejadianmunculnyamatadadu 1, maka:
A = { 1 } dan n ( A ) sehingga :
Frekuensiharapanmunculnyamatadadu 1 adalah

5. PeluangKomplemenSuatuKejadian
Misalkan S adalahruangsampeldengan n ( S ) = n, A adalahkejadianpadaruangsampel S, dengan n
( A ) = k dan Ac adalahkomplemenkejadian A, makanilai n (Ac) = n k, sehingga :

Jadi, jikapeluanghasildarisuatupercobaanadalah P, makapeluanghasilitutidakterjadiadalah (1 P).

1. GabunganDuaKejadian
Untuksetiapkejadian A dan B berlaku :
Catatan :

dibaca Kejadian A atau B dan

dibaca Kejadian A dan B

Contoh :
Padapelemparansebuahdadu, A adalahkejadianmunculnyabilangankompositdan B
adalahkejadianmunculbilangangenap. CarilahpeluangkejadianAatau B!
Jawab :

2. Kejadian-kejadianSalingLepas

. Sehingga

B disebutduakejadiansalinglepas.

Dalamkasusini, Adan

3. KejadianBersyarat
Jika P (B) adalahpeluangkejadian B, maka P (A|B)
didefinisikansebagaipeluangkejadianAdengansyarat B telahterjadi. Jika
adalahpeluangterjadinyaAdan B, maka


4. Teorema Bayes
TeoremaBayes(1720 1763) mengemukakanhubunganantara P (A|B) dengan P ( B|A )

dalamteoremaberikutini :
5. KejadiansalingbebasStokhastik
(i) Misalkan A dan B adalahkejadian kejadianpadaruangsampel S, A dan B
an yang lainnyaatau : P (A | B) = P (A), sehingga:

1. PengertianPeubahacakdanSebaranPeluang.
Peubahacak X adalahfungsidarisuatusampel S kebilangan real R. Jika X
adalahpeubahacakpadaruangsampel S denga X (S) merupakanhimpunanberhingga, peubahacak
X dinamakanpeubahacakdiskrit. Jika Y adalahpeubahacakpadaruangsampel S dengan Y(S)
merupakan interval, peubahacak Y disebutpeubahacakkontinu. Jika X adalahfungsidarisampel S
kehimpunanbilangan real R, untuksetiap



Misalkan X adalahpeubahacakdiskritpadaruangsampel S,
fungsimasapeluangdisingkatsebaranpeluangdari X adalahfungsi f dari R yang
ditentukandenganrumusberikut :

2. SebaranBinom
SebaranBinomatauDistribusi Binomial dinyatakandenganrumussebagaiberikut :

Dengan P sebagai parameter dan

untuk n = 0, 1, 2, . ,n
Dengan P sebagai parameter dan
P = Peluangsukses
n = Banyakpercobaan
x = Munculsukses
n-x = Munculgagal
Opportunity, Permutations & Combinations Mathematics
Web Formula Opportunities collecting materials, Permutations & Combinations
Mathematics for high school kids to UAN SNMPTN SNCA SIMAK UI. Please learn :)
1) Permutations
Permutation is an arrangement of different elements in a specific order. On the
permutation sequence noted that
Permutations of k elements from n elements are all different possible sequences of
k elements taken from n distinct elements. Many permutations of k elements from n
elements written or.
Cyclic permutation (circular) of n elements is (n-1)!
How quickly do the problems of permutations
with NPK writing, arithmetic 10P4
we immediately write 4 points from 10 backwards, ie
10P4 = 10x9x8x7 so how is it? count yourself :)
Examples of cyclic permutations:
A family consists of six people sitting around a circular table. How many ways so
that they can sit around the table in a different way?
The number of ways that 6 people can sit around the table in a different order
with many permutations cyclic (circular) 6 elements, namely:
2) Combination
The combination is an arrangement of elements with no regard to the order. In
combination AB = BA. Of a set with n elements can be assembled with a set of parts
for each subsets with k elements of a set with n elements is called a combination of

n k elements are denoted by,

Given the set.
Determine many subsets of the set A which has 2 elements!
Many subsets of A which has 2 elements is C (6, 2).

How quickly do the problem combination

with writing NCK, count 10C4
we immediately write 4 points from 10 back and then divided by 4!, which divided
so 10C4 = 10x9x8x7 / 4x3x2x1 how much is it? count yourself :)
Ohya if asked the same 10C6 10C4, 10C6 = 10C4 remember. other examples
20C5 = 20C15
3C2 = 3C1
100C97 = 100C3
see the pattern? hehe hopefully useful!
Math Opportunities
1. Definition of Sample Space and Events
The set S of all events or events that may appear from an experiment is called the
sample space. Specific incident or an element of S is called a point sample or
samples. An event A is a subset of the sample space S.
Given experiment throwing three coins at once one time, each of which has the
number (A) and drawing (G). If P is the incident came two figures, set S, P (event)!
2. An Opportunity Understanding Genesis
In an experiment there are n possible outcomes and each had the opportunity to
come together. If the results of this experiment, there are k outcomes of event A,
then the chance of event A written P (A) is determined by the formula:
In throwing a dice experiment, determine the incidence of experimental

opportunities arise even number!

Answer: S = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} then n (S) = 6
Let A be the event appear even number, then:
A = {2, 4, 6} and n (A) = 3
3. Opportunity Value range Mathematics
Let A be any event in the sample space S with n (S) = n, n (A) = k and
So, the odds of an event lies in the closed interval [0,1]. An event called the
impossible event zero chances and the chances of events called the incident one for
4. Frequency of Hope A Genesis
If A is an event on the frequency of the sample space S with a chance of P (A), then
the expected frequency of n times the event A trial is nx P (A).
When a dice 720 times, what is the expected frequency of the appearance of the
dice 1? Answer:
In throwing dice 1 time, S = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} then n (S) = 6.
Let A be the incidence of emergence of the dice 1, then:
A = {1} and n (A) so that:
The frequency of emergence hope dice 1 is
5. Complement An Opportunity Genesis
Let S be a sample space with n (S) = n, A is incident on the sample space S, with n
(A) = k and Ac is the complement of event A, then the value of n (Ac) = n - k, so
So, if the chance result of an experiment is P, then the chances of it not happening
result is (1 - P).
Genesis Compound Opportunity
1. Combined Two Events
For any events A and B apply:
Note: read "Genesis A or B and read" The events A and B "
In throwing a dice, A is a composite number and appearance of event B the event
appear even number. Look for a chance of event A or B!
2. The events Mutual Release

For each event applies if. So in this case, A and B are called independent of the
other two events.
3. Conditional Genesis
If P (B) is a chance event B, then P (A | B) is defined as the chance of event A
condition that B has occurred. If you are the chances of A and B, then in this case,
the two events are not independent.
4. Bayes Theorem
Bayes Theorem (1720 - 1763) put forward the relationship between P (A | B) and P
(B | A) in the following theorem:
5. Genesis independent Stokhastik
(I) Suppose A and B are events - events in the sample space S, A and B are called
the two events are independent if the occurrence stokhastik not influenced one
another or appearance: P (A | B) = P (A), so that:
Distribution Opportunities
1. Definition of random variables and distribution opportunities.
Random variable X is a function of a sample of S into the real numbers R. If X is a
random variable on a sample space S premises X (S) is a finite set, a random
variable X is called discrete random variables. If Y is a random variable on a sample
space S with Y (S) is an interval, a random variable Y is called continuous random
variables. If X is a function of the sample S to the set of real numbers R, for each
and every then:
Suppose X is a discrete random variable on a sample space S, the distribution
function of future opportunities shortened odds of X is a function f of R which is
determined by the following formula:
2. Distribution Binom
Binomial Distribution Binom or expressed by the following formula:

With P as a parameter and

The formula is expressed as:
for n = 0, 1, 2, .... , N
With P as a parameter and
P = chances of success
n = Many trials
x = Appears Successful
n-x = Appears to fail

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