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Elmer Figueroa Arce (Ro de Piedras, Puerto Rico28 de junio de 1968), conocido por su
nombre artstico de Chayanne, es un cantante, bailarn y actor puertorriqueo.
Chayanne, reconocido mundialmente como un icono del gnero pop de la msica en espaol
y quien durante su impecable trayectoria ha solidificado su carrera con exitosas giras
mundiales en escenarios totalmente llenos, ms de 50 millones de lbumes vendidos en todo
el mundo e incontables reconocimientos en la industria de la msica.
Nacido en Puerto Rico, Chayanne creci en el escenario mundial. A muy corta edad, este
integrante del grupo juvenil Los Chicos, logr el reconocimiento internacional con sus
actuaciones e innato talento que lo llevaron a conquistar multitudes de admiradores logrando
que este multifactico adolescente transitara naturalmente hacia una carrera en solitario.
Con su primer xito Fiesta en Amrica, Chayanne revolucion la industria al incorporar
electrizantes coreografas y bailarines a sus producciones, abriendo as con esta innovacin el
camino a un nuevo concepto visual que ms tarde fuera adoptado por muchos otros artistas.
Adems de poseer numerosos temas en las listas de xitos en Billboard, su xito es
fortalecido por sus protagnicos como estrella actoral en cine, telenovelas y series de
televisin, xitos profesionales que le han cosechado cientos de premios posicionndolo como
uno de los grandes.
Durante su clebre trayectoria Chayanne ha grabado veinticuatro lbumes. Sus canciones
han superado consistentemente las listas de radio obteniendo una marca al prevalecer
veintiocho ocasiones en los Hot Latin Songs Charts, ocupando la cuarta posicin en las listas
de xitos en la historia de estas prestigiosas carteleras.



de Chayanne lo



a traspasar


bsicamente, desde el inicio de su carrera. Sus multitudinarias giras han recorrido el mundo,
llevando al puertorriqueo a visitar un promedio de 30 pases en tres continentes por gira.
Paralelamente con su avance musical, Chayanne construye una brillante trayectoria como
actor. Sus consumadas actuaciones en diversas miniseries y telenovelas para mercados como
Puerto Rico, Estados Unidos, Mxico y Argentina hicieron suspirar a millones de televidentes.

Cantante, compositor y actor, este puertorriqueo toma tiempo para unirse a causas benficas
comunitarias. Ha servido como Embajador Especial de La Fundacin Internacional de
Inmigrantes ante las Naciones Unidas, portavoz de la Asociacin Americana del Cncer, la
Cruz Roja Americana y hacedor de sueos para la Fundacin Make-A-Wish, entre otras.

Elmer Figueroa Arce ( Ro Piedras , Puerto Rico28 June 1968 ) , known by his stage name
Chayanne, one ES singer , dancer and actor of Puerto Rican.
Chayanne, recognized worldwide as an icon of pop music genre in Spanish and who has
solidified his career with successful world tours on stages fully booked, more than 50 million
albums sold worldwide and countless awards for its impeccable track record music industry.
Born in Puerto Rico, Chayanne rose on the world stage. A very young age, this member of the
youth group Los Chicos, achieved international recognition with their performances and innate
talent that led him to conquer crowds of admirers achieving this teen multifaceted should transit
naturally to a solo career.
With his first hit "Party in America", Chayanne revolutionized the industry by incorporating
electrifying choreography and dancers to their productions, opening with this innovation the
way to a new visual concept was later adopted by many other artists.
Besides having numerous topics in the charts in Billboard, their success is strengthened by his
starring as acting star in movies, soap operas and television series, professional successes
that have garnered him hundreds of awards positioning it as one of the greats.
During his celebrated career Chayanne has recorded twenty albums. His songs have
consistently surpassed radio charts obtaining a mark prevail twenty times in the "Hot Latin
Songs Charts", ranking fourth in the charts in the history of these prestigious billboards.
International recognition of Chayanne has led to cross borders, basically, from the beginning of
his career. His massive tours have traveled the world, leading the Puerto Rican to visit an
average of 30 countries on three continents tour.
In parallel with his musical progress, Chayanne built a brilliant career as an actor. His
consummate performances in various miniseries and telenovelas for markets such as Puerto
Rico, United States, Mexico and Argentina did sigh million viewers.
Singer, songwriter and actor, this Puerto Rican takes time to join community charities. He has
served as Special Ambassador for the International Immigrants Foundation to the United
Nations, spokesman for the American Cancer Society, the American Red Cross and maker of
dreams for the Make-A-Wish Foundation, among others.

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