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for you

Telea Juna

Chapter 1

for you
This little book of Meditation can help, if you would
like to Meditate and dont know how to start.

Chapter 1

The why, what, where, when and how of it

1. Why Meditate?


2. What is it?

A lot has been written and discussed about Meditation, which probably defeats

3. Where shall I meditate?

the whole point of it. The point of it is to get out of our minds if only for a few

4. When is the best time?

minutes, to experience a feeling of tranquility, peace, upliftment and Joy....

5. How do I start?

We are so busy being busy we have forgotten about simply Being, in the
stillness, where there is deep peace. Why is it so hard for us to be still? We have
busy minds that create busy lives!
Do you think a bird would wake up one day and say to itself, I dont think Ill sing
with the sunrise today I have too much to do? Birds dont think..... they are too
happy being birds! It just means we need to take time out of our minds to expand,
stretch ourselves, breathe in Nature, relax, rejoice in Life, feel Infinity. Then our
thinking becomes clearer, sharper, more focused, quieter.
What is Meditation? It is a way of calming the mind until it is silent, only then can
we truly feel free, connected, completely present, relaxed.

In Nature, sitting under a beautiful tree, in your garden, in a park,

best for you. These are only guidelines as each person finds their
own way.

on the beach, in the mountains, by a lake.

This is the best
position for
meditation, or on a
chair with feet on
the ground.

At home, have a special cushion you really like to sit on and make
it your special meditation cushion. Find a place in your home
that is warm, comfortable and you wont be disturbed. Either sit
on your cushion on the floor with a straight back (lean against the

I suggest an
that I teach
in classes, it

wall if you cannot sit upright comfortably) or place your cushion

seems to

on a chair or sofa where you can sit straight, with your feet flat on

work for

the ground without straining. If you lie down you may fall asleep,

everyone. I

so it is not recommended!

call it The


up and
(Image courtesy of Ambro at


The best time of day is first thing in the morning and start with
five minutes every day for the first week, then build it up for as

Alignment (see Section 2 on Exercises).

long as it is comfortable each week.


I believe there is a Source of all Creation which has nothing to

It is important to have a straight spine as energy naturally flows

do with religion or belief, it just Is. Words are only labels and not

up and down, then radiates outwards. Find a quiet place, light a

important, the feeling and connection to Creation itself is.

candle (to help focus the mind), sit in a relaxed position on your
meditation cushion (this helps the mind associate with your
meditation and its comfy!). Breathe in a rhythm that is
comfortable, focus on the in and out breath being even. Close
your eyes, or focus softly on a candle flame, whichever you find is

So the objective of Meditation is to go beyond our identity of self

and experience what is beyond the small self, the greater part of
us that is non physical, pure energy, a higher consciousness that
is connected to Creation.

Finding your way

Exercises and ways of Meditating

Section 1

Meditation made easy

1. About Chakras

Chakra is an ancient Vedic Sanskrit word for Wheel of Light. Vedic Sanskrit itself

2. About Breathing

is a very ancient language and no one really knows how old it is, it has been called

3. Meditation Exercises

the Language of Light.

There are seven chakras (energy centres) along the spinal column that correspond
to various organs and glands in the body.
1. The Root Chakra is at the base of
the spine and connects us to Earth.
2. Spleen Chakra
3. Solar Plexus Chakra
4. Heart Chakra, the centre of our
Being, the most important Chakra.
5. Throat Chakra
6. Third Eye Chakra (intuition,
7. The Crown Chakra is at the top of
the head the soft spot (fontanelle).

Breathing is the most natural thing to do, so why do you think we

need to pay attention to it? How we breathe determines the
quality of life we have. Shallow breathing from the top part of the
lungs tends to create a feeling of anxiety, panic, stress, fight or
flights, which in turn affects our bodies.
Deep breathing from the belly (diaphragm) brings a state of calm
to our bodies. The best way to breathe is to breathe in deeply so
that your solar plexus (around your belly button) expands with the
in breath and collapses on the out breath. It may take a bit of
practise and fun trying this until you can do it easily and it
becomes your normal way of breathing.
Meditation is first of all, combining all the practical things above,
like where and how you sit and breathe. Once in that relaxed
state you can then find ways to quieten the chatter in your mind.
One way to keep your mind busy is to give it something to do so
you can start your meditation. You can look softly at a candle
flame or close your eyes. Then put the first three fingers of your
right hand lightly on the inner part of your wrist of your left hand,
until you feel your pulse. Count your heartbeats and breathe in to
the count of 1-2-3-4,

Meditation Music examples, see p.9

then out to the count

of 1-2-3-4, nice and
gently. This will calm
the mind until it is

Section 2

Meditation Exercises

Once you are comfortable and your mind is quiet, imagine a point of infinite white
light far, far, above your head, from the Source of all Creation, like a star above you
in the sky.
Then imagine that as you breathe in through your nose, see a beam of soft, gentle,
white light coming down and through the top of your head (Crown Chakra), right
down through your body, through your legs and feet, and into the crystal heart in
the centre of the Earth.
Next, breathe out gently through your mouth and see another beam of white light
come up from the crystal heart of the Earth, back up through your feet and out
through the top of your head, and back to the Source above you.
Do this three times (in and out breath is counted as one time). Drink a glass of
water afterwards, Spring water is best,
or filtered water. You can buy water
filter jugs easily from supermarkets.

This is a great way to start your day,

clear, focused, energized and feeling

Some useful links to share:

Examples of meditation Music : Relaxing Music

Dolphins and Ocean sounds

Morning Birdsong Music Nature Video Meditation for the Seven Chakras - Scottish Lilly (This is the Video on the first page)

Inspirational Talks:
One of my favorite talks by Abraham-Hicks about THE STREAM
Here is the link:

Section 3

The Heart Breath

This is most eective in connecting us in our up and down alignment

The third time, breathe as follows :

through our Heart Chakra and receiving and radiating Love.

1. Breathe in from the Source to your Heart

This exercise is better done standing, although you can sit if you

2. Breathe out from your Heart to the Earth

like. The in breath is through your nose and the out breath is
through your mouth.

3. Breathe in from the Earth to your Heart

4. Breathe out from your Heart to the Source

Visualise the point of Infinite white Light, (the Source) above your

5. Breathe in from The Source to your Heart

head as described before (Section 2 page 8).

6. HOLD THE BREATH IN YOUR HEART (for about 3 seconds)

1. Breathe in, (through your nose) bringing the breath from the

7. With your eyes closed, slowly release your breath, feeling it

Source (visualised above you) into your Heart Chakra.

2. Breathe out, (through your mouth) bringing the breath from
your Heart to the crystal heart of the Earth.
3. Breathe in, from the heart of the Earth, to your Heart.

expand from your Heart outwards from you... out... and out...
gently into the world.
This brings a feeling of Love and Peace throughout your whole
body and Being.

4. Breathe out, from your heart, back to the Source.

Do steps 1-4 twice.


About Telea Juna

Introduction to this book:

My intention in writing this little book on Meditation is to help people with
busy lives and very little time for reading, to have the basics of meditation
and the tools needed to make a start.
I believe that Meditation is an individual journey and the first steps into
understanding yourself, Life, the Universe and everything!
It begins with intention, and the discipline to practise a little bit each day.

About Telea Juna:

I am a natural healer and intuitive. I have been meditating, healing and
teaching Metaphysics Internationally for over 40 years (time flies when youre
having fun!). I have an amazingly gifted daughter and two equally amazing
Grandchildren. I was born British on a Christmas Day on a Sunday in UK.
In my garden at home,
Summer 2013

Like a little bird I live in UK in the summer and fly away to Cyprus (South) in
the winter where it is warmer. In-between I travel to do Life Transformation
workshops and healing sessions. I also do 1-2-1 Skype sessions, Life
Coaching, Horse Whispering, creative Business Counseling, and Property
My journey of self realization and discovering my natural gifts is probably the
subject of another little book! I hope you enjoy this one! Namaste

Sanskrit language for wheel of light or energy vortex. There are seven Chakras along the
spinal column. Each Chakra relates to a specific part of the body, has certain colours and
resonates to certain sound frequencies which can be measured.
Having a knowledge and understanding of our own Chakra system greatly helps in self
healing and in our lives.

Related Glossary Terms

Energy, Vedic Sanskrit


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In physics, the Law of Conservation of Energy states that energy can neither be created nor
destroyed, but it can be changed into different forms.
Everything is energy. It is in different densities and different forms.
We create energy when we think, feel or take action. That energy goes wherever our minds
direct it, this is mostly unconscious. By consciously directing our energy to the end result of
what we want, by visualisation, Affirmations, positive thought, or anything that works for us,
we can create a healthy body, and a happy fulfilled life of creativity and prosperity.
Buddha said You become what you think about.
What we think about, we bring about! Thoughts are energy, where our thought flows our
energy goes....

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Soft spot on the top of a babys skull when baby is born. The bone solidifies and the
fontanelle disappears in the first few months of a babys life.

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Wikipedia (Sept. 2013):
The word meditation carries different meanings in different contexts. Meditation has been
practiced since antiquity as a component of numerous religious traditions and beliefs.[6]
Meditation often involves an internal effort to self-regulate the mind in some way.
Meditation is often used to clear the mind and ease many health issues, such as high blood
pressure,[7] depression, and anxiety. It may be done sitting, or in an active way for
instance, Buddhist monks involve awareness in their day-to-day activities as a form of
mind-training. Prayer beads or other ritual objects are commonly used during meditation in
order to keep track of or remind the practitioner about some aspect of the training.

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Meditation Music (free downloads)

Here is a link to a free download site :
I have also put several links to suggested Meditation music and videos to share in
Section 2, page 9.

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Point of Infinite Light

This is the reference I use to visualise in Meditation. Our finite brains are not able to grasp a
concept of Infinity, so I found it works if we imagine a point of infinite white light somewhere
far above our heads, like a star, that represents what I call The Source of All Creation. It
has nothing to do with religion or beliefs.

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Vedic Sanskrit
Wikipedia (Sept. 2013):
Vedic Sanskrit is an Old Indo-Aryan language. It is the spoken ancestor of liturgical
Sanskrit, and an early descendant of Proto-Indo-Iranian. It is closely related to Avestan, the
oldest preserved Iranian language. Vedic Sanskrit is the oldest attested language of the
Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European family.
Vedic Sanskrit is the language of the Vedas, texts compiled over the period of early-to-mid
2nd to mid 1st millennium BC. It was orally preserved as a part of the rauta tradition of
Vedic chanting, predating the advent of alphabetic writing in India by several centuries. For
lack of both epigraphic evidence and an unbroken manuscript tradition, Vedic Sanskrit can
be considered a reconstructed language. Especially the oldest stage of the language,
Rigvedic Sanskrit, the language of the hymns of the Rigveda, is preserved only in a
redacted form several centuries younger than the texts' composition. Recovering its original
form is a matter of linguistic reconstruction.[1]
From about the 6th century BC, in the classical period of Iron Age Ancient India, Vedic
Sanskrit gave way to Classical Sanskrit as defined by the grammar of Pini.

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