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Match the following items in column B to column A


Acute malnutrition________
Chronic malnutrition_______
Phase 1 feed________
Phase 2 feed________
Routine antibiotic________
Second line antibiotic________
Rehydration for a malnourished child_______
Drug to be given in phase 2____

A. F100
B. F75
C. Weight for age
D. ReSoMal
E. Height for age
G. Nutritional Oedema
H. Amoxicillin
I. Mebendazole
J. Chloroamphenicol
K. Weight for height

1. Which of the following is the admission criterion for a severely malnourished

child? Say true or false for each choice
a. W/H < 70 _____
b. W/H < 75%__________
c. Unilateral pitting oedema________
d. MUAC <11.5_________
2. Say true or false for each statement
a. Severely malnourished patients should be given sugar water at OPD in the
waiting area_______
b. It is possible to treat severe acute malnutrition on an out-patient
c. A malnourished child should fulfill at least two admission criteria to be
admitted to the Therapeutic Feeding Program________
d. Kwashirkor and marasmic children should be treated using different
protocol and milk formulae__________
3. Say true or false for each statement about phase 1
a. Antibiotics are routinely given for patients in phase 1______
b. The feed in phase 1 is F100________
c. All complications should be treated in phase 1__________
d. Over diagnosis and treatment of dehydration is dangerous for a
malnourished child____________
4. In transition phase:
a. The type of milk is the same as phase 1 but the amount is increased by
b. All the follow up procedures are the same as phase 1 except the type of
c. Oedema should disappear completely before a patient is transferred to
transition phase_________
5. Which of the following is true about dehydration

a. Diagnosis of dehydration for a malnourished child is the same as a well

nourished child but the difference is in the treatment_________
b. Skin turgor, sunken eye ball and mental status are the key signs to
diagnose dehydration in severely malnourished children_________
c. IV rehydration is dangerous in malnourished children and should only be
used with specific indications.____________
6. The reason for use of NG tube are:
a. Taking less than 75% of the prescribed amount over 24 hrs in phase 1____
b. Pneumonia with rapid respiratory rate_____
c. Disturbance of consciousness______
d. Painful lesion of the mouth______
7. Which of the following is true about out-patient management of severe acute
malnutrition? Say true or false for each choice
a. Children are transferred to outpatient treatment when their nutritional
status improves from severe malnutrition to moderate malnutrition_____
b. The admission criteria for out-patient management is the same as inpatient management except for good appetite and absence of
c. MUAC > 12cm is one of the discharge criteria for children treated for
severe acute malnutrition______
d. W/H > 85% is one of the discharge criteria for children treated for severe
acute malnutrition_______
e. In out-patient management of severe acute malnutrition, patients are
followed on a weekly basis______
f. Presence of a health facility is not mandatory to manage severely
malnourished patients on outpatient basis (in OTPs)________
8. Which of the following is true about discharge criateria
a. W/H>85_________
b. No oedema at least for 10 days if treated as in-patient_____
c. MUAC > 12.5 cm________
d. W/A > 85 ___________

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