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Tulis terlebih dahulu nomor peserta pada lembar jawab yang telah disediakan.
Bacalah semua soal dengan teliti.
Soal terdiri dari 50 butir yang meliputi Speaking, Reading dan Writing.
Semua soal harus dijawab dalam waktu 60 menit ( 1 jam )

1. Lisa :
Listy ! Come here!
Listy : .?
Lisa :
Look! That is a huge bear. It is huffing.
Listy : What a wild animal! Listen to its terrible roar.
Lisa :
Hi do not get too close to its cage. Or you
wont stay all day.
a. Whats wrong?
c. Whats up?
b. What?
d. What happens?
2. Deni
: May I go to the restroom, Maam?
Ms. Ela : .
: Thank you, Maam.
Ms. Ela : Any time
a. Certainly
c. Sorry, you may not
b. I disagree with you
d. Of course, not
3. Atok : Would you join us to see football match next Sunday?
Pujio : . . . . I have something to do on that day.
a. Sure, Id love to
c. I like football very much
b. Thats very kind of you
d. Im sorry I cant
4. Sinta : You look pale!
Whats wrong with you?
Rama : . Ive got a headache.
Sinta : Sure, Ill take it for you
a. Will you take me to a doctor?
c. Do you have any idea?
b. Can you get me an aspirin?
d. Could you call me a doctor?
5. Leo and a man are in the bus.
: Nice day, isnt it?
The man :
: Its crowded out there.
The man :
It is. Indeed.
: Excuse me. . See you.
The man : See you.
a. Im getting on.
c. Im getting off.
b. Im walking around.
d. Im taking a walk.
6. Ratih
: Mom, Riko and I will go swimming.
Ms. Tuti : Do you want me to accompany you?
: ... .
Ms. Tuti : O.K. Be careful. Dont be too long.
: All right, Mom.
a. Thats very kind of you
c. Of course
b. No, dont bother
d. Yes, please
7. Mr. Indra : Id like to book four tickets to Bali, please.
Travel agent :
When do you plan to leave, sir?
Mr. Indra : Next Tuesday, please. Is there any flight that day?
Travel agent :
. . . . .
Mr. Indra : Yeah.
a. Will you fly from Sukarno-Hatta Airport? c.
Yes, there is a flight that day?
b. Will you travel from the railway station? d.
The flight is ready.
8. Erni: Im going to visit Jakarta next week.
Roni : Thats good. Which place will you visit ?
Erni : Ill visit Miniature of Indonesia.
Roni : Well,
a. I hope youll have a good time.
c. Thats not interesting
b. You must have a good time
d. I agree with you.

9. Gina : Does your father like living in the village or in the city ?
Andre : .
Gina : Why is it so ?
Andre : He wants to breathe fresh and clean air.
a. He likes living in the village
c. Yes, he likes living in the village
b. Of course he likes living in the city
No, he likes living in the city
10.Dr. Martin : Hello, Ratih. How are you?
: Hello, doctor. Im not feeling good. I feel cold and terribly dizzy.
Dr. Martin : I see. Now, , will you? Ill check you up.
: Sure doctor.
a. sleep on the bed
c. clean your mouth
b. lay on the bed
d. release your breath
11.Susi is sick. Shes just got up from her short nap.
Susi : Mommie Daddy where are you?
Mother :
Its all right, honey. Were here. Anything you want?
Susi : Im thirsty. . . . .?
Mother :
Sure, dear.
Susi : Thank you, Mom.
a. Can you take me a medicine, please? c. Can I get some food, please?
b. Can you take me a prescription, please? d.
Can I get some water, please?

: Mom, there is a good film at the 21 Cinema.

Mother :
Yes, but dont be late for dinner, please.
Nina : Okay, Mum. Thank you.
a. May you go with me ?
c. Could I see it ?
b. Shall we buy the tickets ?
d. Could you tell me about it ?
13.The man :
The number are 15-A and 15-B
: Certainly.
a. Could you show us our seats, please?
b. Could you tell me the way to the movie?
c. Do you know how to get the seats?
d. Please tell me the way to the entrance!
14.X : Whats wrong with you? Why do you look so sad ?
Y : My uncles house was burnt yesterday.
X : .
a. I hope you are happy
c. Im sure hes alright
b. I wish he wasnt sad
d. You have my sympathy
15.Marta :
I heard you live in Pati now.
Yes, youre right.
Marta :
I like it.
a. How do you feel living there?
c. When did you move there?
b. Where do you live?
d. How long have you been there?
16.Mother :
Would you like to buy me some tickets, please ?
Father : .
a. Oh, you did
c. Yes, you would buy them
b. Yes, of course
d. Is it ?
17.Father : Udin, you know that the animal in the zoo is very dangerous. ?
Udin : No, thanks.
a. Feed it, please
c. Touch it, please
b. Dont see it, please
d. Dont touch it, please
18.Yuli : I want to translate some English sentences. Can I borrow your dictionary ?
Tati : I will use it by myself.
a. Sure, I would love to
c. Yes, please.
b. Thats very kind of you.
d. Im sorry you cant.
19.A : Why are you crying ?
B : Ive just got a bad news, my close friend died of cancer.
A:... .
a. I wish he was healthy
c. I hope you have a nice day
b. Please, accept my condolence
d. Please, accept my best regard
20.A : . . . .
B : I hope she will get better soon.
a. My grandpa was passed away yesterday. c.
Rini has recovered from her illness.
b. My niece is suffering hearth attack.
Andinas body is very strong and



Questions 21 - 25 refer to the following text

Last week I went to see an indoor show. I had a very good seat. The play was very
interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman sitting behind me made a
great nuisance. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the actors. I
turned around. I looked the woman and the man angrily. They did not pay any attention.
In the end I could not bear it. I turned around again. I can t hear a word ! I said angrily.
It is not your business, the young man said rudely, This is a private conversation!
21.Where is the background of the text ?
a. In a stadium
c. In a park
b. in a theatre
d. In a playground
22.Why didnt the writer enjoy the play ?
a. Because the play was not interestinng c.
Because he got a bad seat
b. Because other people spoke loudly
Because a man and a woman sat
behind him
23.What did the writer do to show his anger ?
a. He looked the couple angrily
c. He said angrily to the couple
b. He talked loudly to the couple
d. He turned the couple rudely
24.In the sentence ... In the end I could not bear it. It refers to ..........
a. the word
c. the attention
b. The show
d. the nuisance
25.What kind of text is the text above ?
a. A descriptive text
c. A recount text
b. A narrative Text
d. An anectdote text
Question 26 - 30 refer to the following text
Siti was a diligent girl. She was very good at cooking. One day, her mother asked her
to make some dessert. She decided to make a baked custard. She mixed all the
ingredients carefully in a pan and poured into a greased baking dish. Then she put it in
the oven. When the custard was cooked Siti took it from the oven and set it on the edge of
the table to cool. She left it for some mint to add to the peas because it gave them a
fresher, sharper flavour.
As soon as Siti had gone, Jambul the rooster, and his hens wandered to the kitchen. He
hopped up on to the table and sampled a little portion of custard. When Siti returned with
a scream, she rushed him. He panicked and jumped onto the edge of the baking dish,
flipping it over onto the floor. What was Siti to do ? There was not enough time to cook
other dessert.
Quickly scooping and scraping the custard back into the dish, she sprinkled coconut
and sugar on top and popped in under the grill so the sugar would melt and caramelize.
The family enjoyed the custard very much but Siti did not.
26.What did Siti leave the kitchen for ?
a. To make the custard cool
c. To make the sharper flavour
b. To give the custard a fresher
d. To find some mint
27.Why did Siti scream?
a. Because she saw chicken eating her custard.
b. Because she saw chicken wandering in the kitchen
c. Because she saw her custard flipping onto the floor
d. Because she saw her custard on the table
28.In the sentence ..Then she put it in, it refers to
a. a custard
c. a dish
b. a pan
d. an oven
29.How did Siti solve her problem ?
a. She cooked other desert
c. She made a new custard from the old one
b. She made coconut cake
d. She made other custard from coconut and
30.According to its generic structure, paragraph 2 is the..
a. Orientation
c. complication
b. abstract
d. resolution
Questions 31 - 33 refer to the following text
An impolite man always made others upset. One day on a crowded bus a man stood
blocking the aisle preventing others from moving forward. The conductor politely asked
him several times to move forward. Finally, the man turned and called the conductor a

donkey. Getting angry, the conductor smiled and said to the other passengers, I dont
know who is correct. The gentleman calls me a donkey and I call a donkey a gentleman.
31.Why did the conductor ask the man to
a. Because he made others upset
b. Because he closed the aisle
32.Why was the conductor angry ?
a. Because the man insulted him
b. Because the man moved forward
33.What kind of text is the text above ?
a. A descriptive text
b. A narrative Text

move ?
c. Because he was impolite to others
d. Because he prevented others to move
c. Because the man disturbed others
d. Because the man made him upset
c. A recount text
d. An anectdote text

Questions 34 - 38 refer to the following text

Marie Sklodowska was a French physicist and chemist. She was Pierre Curies wife,
Irene and Eves mother. She was born in Warsawa, Poland, November 7 th, 1867. She died
on July 4th, 1934 because she suffered from blood cancer which was caused by the
incessant attack of radio active during her work. She was so clever and brilliant. When she
was fifteen years old, she graduated from secondary school with highest rank. As her
parents were poor, she could not continue her study. She earned money by giving private
lessons. Since Polish was colonized by the Russian, Polish girls were not permitted to
continue her study in university. In this reason, she moved to Paris to study in Sorbonne
university where met Pierre Currie
34.How old Marie die ?
a. 67 years old
c. 57 years old
b. 77 years old
d. 87 years old
35.When did she graduate from secondary school ?
a. in 1922
c. in 1912
b. in 1882
d. in 1915
36.How did she get money ?
a. By working for Pierre Currie
c. By working for Russian
b. By teaching in secondary school
d. By giving private lessons
37.Why did she move to French ?
a. Polish was colonized by the Russian
She worked in Sorbonne university
b. Polish girls could not study in university d.
The Russian moved her to Paris
38.What kind of text is the text above ?
a. A descriptive text
c. A recount text
b. A narrative Text
d. An anectdote text


Choose the correct punctuation !

39.My school starts at 7 o clock.

a. ,
b. .
40.Edward, Open the door
a. !
c. ;
b. ,
d. .
41.Robert said
I agree with your idea .
a. :
c. ;
b. ,
d. .
Choose the correct writing !
42.My school is over at ....
a. 1 30 pm
c. 1;30 p.m.
b. 1,30 pm
d. 1 : 30 p.m.
43.Today is ....
a. 7 May 2006, Sunday
c. Sunday, May 7, 2006
b. Sunday, May 7 2006
d. May, 7. 2006, Sunday
44.The address of the person who is writing the letter is written in ....
a. the top right hand corner
c. the bottom right hand corner
b. the top left hand corner
d. the bottom left hand corner

Choose the best arrangement !

45.a better is little none than
a. 5-3-1-4-2-6
c. 1-4-3-2-6-5
b. 6-1-4-2-3-5
d. 4-1-3-5-6-2
46.bird catches early the worm
a. 3-1-2-4-5
c. 4-3-5-2-1
b. 4-5-2-3-1
d. 1-5-2-4-3
47.The generic structure of a procedure text is ....
First step goal second step material third step
a. 1-3-5-2-4
c. 4-2-1-3-5
b. 2-4-1-3-5
d. 5-4-2-1-3
Find the mistyped words !
49.The wice
50.Pedi cab


girafes eat
was angry last year.

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