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To my mind, the right answer to the question What does it take to be a good parent is

not easily obtainable. You should spend a lot of time in contemplation before reaching to it. And
still there is no guarantee that finally you will get it. Since many people have different opinions
on raising a child there may be thousands absolutely different answers to one and the same
question, a rather tricky one, I would say. To tell you the truth, after I asked myself the same
question, several things went through my mind. What kind of parent will I be? How will I raise a
child? Can I be a good parent? What turns ordinary people into good parents? Panic overtook me
and I felt an overwhelming desire to rush to the local bookstore to purchase loads of parenting
books and magazines to learn how to become a good parent or call to my mom. Parenting is
among the most researched fields in the entire social science. The scientific evidence for the
parenting principles is very consistent. In fact, it is not easy to be a good parent within a short
time; however, if you are really serious about this, you will meet your expectation if you follow
some simple rules of parenting. Good parenting helps to boost cheerfulness, kindness, selfcontrol, cooperation, self-reliance, honesty, and empathy. It also helps to promote motivation,
intellectual curiosity, and desire to achieve. If you know exactly how to be a good parent, you
can protect your children from developing drug and alcohol abuse, anti-social behavior, eating
disorders, depression, and anxiety. A lot of parents base their actions on gut reaction.
Nevertheless, some parents have better instincts than others. In fact, it is totally not easy to be a
good parent that not everyone can stay well on the way of nurturing and educating their children.
There are several simple tips on how to be a good parent that should be follow by the people.



If you want to know how to be a good parent, first step loves your child. This is the most

important aspect to be a good parent. How to show your love is by give your child love and
affection, praise your children, avoid comparing your children to others especially siblings, listen
to your children and make time to your children .

First way to loves your child is by giving your children love and affection. Show them
that you really care about them by give them caring hug or a warm touch. Dont ever overlook
how important a physical connection is when it comes to your child. For example you can make
hug and some kisses to your children as a habit such as by giving them hug before they sleep or
they go and come back from school. Make your children comfortable with love and affection
from birth. Another way to show love and affection which is by tell them that you love them
every day, no matter how you angry at them. Besides, the ways is by giving a gentle cuddle, a
little encouragement, appreciation, approval or even a smile. As a result by implement this ways
it can boost the confidence and well-being of your children.
Next way to love your child is by praise your children. Praising your children is an
important part of being a good parent. This behavior is important because to ensure your kids
feel proud of their accomplishment and good about themselves. If you not give them the
confident that they need to be out in their world on their own, then they would not feel
empowered to be independent or adventurous. For example when they get excellent result in the
examination praise them because they feel proud with what they get and will try continuously to
get the best in everything that they do. Also important to tell children when they are doing
something wrong. It is important because to help them build positive sense of self.
Besides, avoid comparing your children to others, especially siblings. Each of your
children is individual and unique. They have their own character that might be different from
each other. Celebrate their differences and instill each child the desire to pursue their interest and
dreams. For example if you want to improve their behavior, you can talk about how they can
meeting their goals on their own ways. Dont ever telling them to act like their sister or neighbor.
This will make them much more depress and feel unhappy. Comparing one child to another also
make one child develop rivalry with his or her sibling. You want to nurture a loving relationship
between your children, not competitive one. Besides that avoid favoritism when it is happened it
will make other children jealous. As example when your children quarrelling as parent you must
act fairly. Dont choose sides, but be fair and neutral.

For instant, to show your love you must listen to your children. Listen to your children is
one of the important communications between you and your children. For example you can set a
time to talk with your children every day and listen to their problems. If your children say he has
to tell you something, make sure you take his seriously and drop everything you are doing or set
up time to talk when you can really listen.
Lastly ensure you make time for your children. Be careful not to stifle or smother them.
There's a big difference between protecting someone and imprisoning them within your too
unyielding demands. You want them to feel like your time together is sacred and special without
making them feel like they are forced to spend time with you. Spend time with each child
individually. Try to divide your time equally if you have more than one child. Listen and respect
your child and respect what they want to do with their life. For example you can set aside a day
to go to a park, theme parks, museum or library depending on their interests. Attend school
functions. Do homework with them. Visit their teacher at open house to get a sense of how they
are doing in school.



Second step to be good parent is by being a good disciplinarian. How to be a good

disciplinarian is by enforce reasonable rules. It is means that enforce rules that apply to every
person leading a happy and productive life. It is important to set rules and guidelines that help
your child develop and grow without being so strict that your child feels like they cannot take a
step without doing something wrong. For example when lunch time, everybody must seat and eat
together nobody cannot excuse because on this is the time they can share a story together. By
doing this your child should love you more than he fears your rules.
Other than that control your temper as much as you can. It is important to try to be as
calm and reasonable as you can when you explain your rules or carry them out. You want your
children to take you seriously, not fear you or think of you as unstable. Obviously, this can be
quite a challenge, especially when your children are acting out or just driving you up the wall,

but if you feel yourself getting ready to raise your voice, take a break and excuse yourself before
you finish talking to your children. We all lose our tempers and feel out of control, sometimes.
For example if you do or say something you regret, you should apologize to your children,
letting them know that you've made a mistake. If you act like the behavior is normal, then they
will try to mimic it.
The most important in being a good disciplinarian are be consistent. It is important to
enforce the same rules all the time, and to resist your child's attempts to manipulate you into
making exceptions. If you let your child do something he or she is not supposed to do just
because he or she is throwing a tantrum, then this shows that your rules are breakable. If you find
yourself saying, "Okay, but only just this once..." more than once, and then you have to work on
maintaining more consistent rules for your children. If your child feels like your rules are
breakable, he will have no incentive to stick to them. For example when you want your children
must take a shower before six oclock in the evening, you must also follow the rule and dont
break it. Once you break it might be the children will attempts to manipulate you and making
Furthermore, to be good disciplinarian you need to provide order for your children. Your
kids should feel like there's a sense of order and also logic to things in their household and in
their family life. This can help them feel safe and at peace and to live a happy life both in and
outside of their home. Here are some ways that you can provide order for your children which is
set boundaries such as bedtimes and curfews, so they learn that they have limitations. By doing
so, they actually get a sense of being loved and cared about by their parents. They might rebel at
those boundaries, but inwardly enjoy knowing that concerned parents guide and love them.
Encourage responsibility by giving them jobs or chores to do and as a reward for those jobs give
them some kind of privilege. For example punishment for not doing these jobs, they have the
corresponding privilege revoked. Even the youngest of children can learn this concept of reward
or consequence. As your child grows, give them more responsibilities and more rewards or
consequences for completing those responsibilities or ignoring them. Teach them what is right
and wrong. If you are religious, take them to the religious institute that you follow. If you are a
Muslim, teach them all the god and wrong things that have in the religion. In either case, don't be

hypocritical or be prepared for your child to point out that you are not "practicing what you
Lastly, to be good disciplinarian is by criticize your child's behavior, not your child. It's
important to criticize your children's actions, instead of your actual child. You want your child to
learn that he or she can accomplish whatever he or she wants through his or her behavior, instead
of being stuck being one kind of person. Let him or her feel like he has the agency to improve his
behavior. For example when your child acts out in a harmful and spiteful manner, tell him or her
that such behavior is unacceptable and suggest alternatives. Avoid statements such as: "You're
bad." Instead, say something like, "It was very wrong to be mean to your little sister." Explain
why the behavior was bad. Be assertive yet kind when pointing out what they have done wrong.
Be stern and serious, but not cross or mean, when you tell them what you expect. Avoid public
humiliation. If they misbehave in public, take them aside, and scold them privately


Third step is by helping your children build their character. There are several ways how

to build the character of the children there are teach the child to be independent, be a good role
model, respect your children privacy, encourage your children to have a healthy lifestyle and do
not place unreasonable expectations on your child. All this ways will help you as a parent to
build the character of your children.
The first way in building the character of your children is by teach them to be
independent. Teach the children that are ok to be different and they not have to listen or follow
the crowd. For example teach them what is right or wrong when there are young. As a result they
will be able to make their own decisions instead of listening to or following others. Remember
that your child is not an extension of yourself. They is a person which under your care, not a
chance for you to relive your life through them.
Next is be a good role model where by you should show to them a good behavior and
character. It is means that you as a parent should model to them the behavior or character that
you hope your children will adopt and continue to live by the rules that you set. During this era,

children much more learn with what they see and hear. Because of that you should show to them
by example in addition to verbal explanation. For example if you want your children to be polite
to others, then you should them how to be polite person. When they find you getting in fighting
with other people in some situation, you should apologized or let your children know that
behavior is not good.
Besides that, to build the character of our children you must respect your children privacy
means that respect their privacy as you would want them to respect yours. For example if you
teach your children your room is out of boundaries to them, respect the same with their room.
When you enter the rooms dont easily disturb their privacy such as dont read their diary or
check one by one what is the thing they save in their drawer. Teach then to honor their own space
and to respect the privacy of others.
Another ways to build the character of your children is encourage your children to have a
healthy lifestyle. It is important to make sure that your children eat healthy food as much as they
can. You also must ensure that they get plenty exercise and get enough rest every night. Other
than that make sure you not forcing your children to eat or act a certain way but you should
encourage positive and healthy behavior. When trying to enforce healthy eating habits, start it at
a younger age. For example avoid them with a candy or unhealthy snack because it can create a
bad habit to them. When they are young, start them with healthier food such as fruits. The best
food that you can introduce to them is the food that you cook in your own self. Because we know
what is the ingredient of the food that we serve to them. In order to encourage them to exercise,
the parent can teach them to play sport early on in life for example football. From this they will
find a passion that is also healthy.
Last but not least, to build the character of your children is place unreasonable
expectations on your child. There is difference between wanting your child to be reasonable,
mature individual and forcing your child to be perfect or to live up to your idea of what perfect
should be. As a parent, you should not push your child to get perfect grades or to be the best
player in the games that they involved. The thing that you should do is encourage and teach them
the good study habit as a result they can learn how to get a perfect grades in study. Dont push
them to study hardly but let your child put in effort that they are capable of. If you act like you
only expect the best, your child will feel like they may never measure up and may even rebel in

the process. Dont make yourself the person that the most your child afraid because they feels
like they will never measure up.


In conclusion, several tips how to a good parent has been show in many articles and

become a favorite topic for the writer. To be a good parent they should just follow the tips that
have been introduced by the writer. It is because to be a good parent is not an easy job. By
following the step and tips it may help the parent how to take care of their children. For instant
being a good parent is in itself a process of growing up. One should have the capacity to love and
to love wisely. It is this kind of person who makes a good parent. Share yourself with your
children and they will love you and learn from you.

(2,750 words)

Nguyen.L (2013). How to Be a Good Parent Top 12 Strategic Tips for Parents. Lifestyle.
Retrieved from

Wpendy, Elizabeth Douglas, Krystle C., Hannah (2011) How to Be a Good Parent. Mediawiki.
Retrieved from

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