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a) Interview Report
The requirement of this task is to interview the administrator, teacher and pupils on the
characteristics of a teacher who practices the ethics of teaching and collect any other supporting
document about the particular teacher. Based on the information gathered, I need to triangulate
the information. In order to get the information, I have interviewed the administrator which is the
Co-curriculum Senior Assistant (Pn. Noorhayati Binti Mustafa), the teacher (Pn. Zaidah Binti
Mohamed Nor) and pupils (year 6 Cemerlang). To support the information given, I have also
collected the certificates or document about the particular teacher.
First of all, I have interviewed the Co-curriculum Senior Assistant. She has suggested En.
Kamarul Radzuan Bin Kamarudin as a teacher who practices the ethics of teaching in this
school. This particular teacher has been suggested because he has received Anugerah
Perkhidmatan Cemerlang (APC) on 2012. For a teacher to receive this award, he/she needs to
participate actively in school activities and also social activities (outside the school). His/her
involvements will be count as a credit to be nominated by the administrator to receive APC.
In this school, this teacher acts as a secretary for Co-curriculum Senior Assistant. Even
though he is a man, he could manage to be a perfect secretary. All the files under his monitoring
is done accurately and quickly based on the characteristics required by the administrator. He is
one of the teacher teaching year 6 pupils. He is teaching Science for year 6 pupils which is the
core subject. And the elective subjects that he is teaching for the other years/levels are Music
and Physical Education and Health. Apart of it, he also conducted few programs in this school.
For example, he was conducted School Sports Day on April in this year. Then, he will conduct a
camping for Unit Beruniform on September. He is also monitoring documentation and report for
co-curriculum activities.
He is also involved with social activities. He acts as a sports technical officer for a state and
national level. He is sports technical officer specifically for artistic gymnastics. He holds the post
for 3 years. He trains the acoustic gymnastics team for a state and national level. He also brings
the sportsmen and sportswomen to compete at the national level. Almost every year he was
nominated as a crew for that group. Apart of it, he is also a teacher for NADIs programme that
is organized by Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (NADI). This program is specifically for those
who will be sitting for exam like Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR), Penilaian Menengah
Rendah (PMR) and Sijil Peperiksaan Malaysia (SPM). This program usually starts at end of

February and ended before the fasting month which is July. He is also a member of the choir
for a state level under Department of Education Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur. Almost
every year during Teachers' Day celebration for a state and national level he was involved as a
member of the choir.
Based on the information gathered with Co-curriculum Senior Assistant, this particular
teacher has a few characteristics on practicing the ethics of teaching. He does not like to refuse
the work given by the administrator. Even though he is furthering his study, it is not an excuse
for him to reject the work assigned. Despite the constraints with social activities, he is also
involved with the Scouts Uniform Unit at the state level.
Apart of it, he is a teacher who balances both in co-curriculum and curriculum activities. This
is supported by the teacher who I have interviewed. Even though he is active in sports, it does
mean he did not know about secretarys stuffs. He is very efficient in terms of documentation.
He could create co-curriculum data, write letter, do filing, key in pupils name in sports data, and
update data (pupils population data, co-curriculum financial data, school financial data either in
writing form or soft copy). As a secretary, he is very sensitive to the use of Information
Communication Technology (ICT) for all kind of administration.
He is also good in managing his time. He knows on how to allocate his time for outdoor
activities, co-curriculum activities and curriculum activities besides involving with extra classes
organized by DBKL and the school administration. Besides, he is a teacher who is very
committed to his work. For him, work as worship and the salary as compensation. The work is a
priority for him. Any work given to him will be well executed, perfect and timely. He does not like
to postpone and give excuses in executing the work entrusted to him.
Furthermore, he has a good relationship with his colleagues. There is no issue raised by his
colleagues about his attitudes. Therefore, it is easy for him to work with everyone as he already
built a good rapport with them. The teacher that I have interviewed also said he has a very good
relationship with their colleagues. Since they are colleague up till now, she never heard he has
problem with any other colleague in this school. He also has a good collaboration with his
colleagues while doing works. According to this teacher, he is a person who is very easy to
cooperate while doing works. Apart of it, he is very friendly to all the colleagues.
He also has a good relationship with pupils. He knows on how to get pupils attention and
where he should be angry, kind or joking with them. This can be seen during the Teachers' Day

celebration. His name will be nominated as the most popular teacher in this school. He is a
favourable teacher among the children. Based on the questionnaires given to the pupils, most of
them like this teacher. They agree that this teacher is a caring person. He is very caring towards
his pupils achievement in examination. He does extra classes for year 6 pupils to show that he
cares about the pupils. Most of the pupils like En. Kamarul Radzuan Bin Kamarudin because he
is funny, Concerned with student, likes to make jokes and many more.
According to Co-curriculum Senior Assistant, the teacher who follows the ethics of teaching
can be seen through his appearance. The cloth will be neatly iron. Everyday, this teacher will
wear smartly even he is wearing sports attire.
Lastly, he is never being late to school unless there is an emergency stuff. Usually he would
notify or inform the administrator the problem that he is facing if he could not turn up to the

b) Academic Essay
Based on the interview report above, there are issues of ethical teaching that I have
identified. The two issues are teachers politeness and aware of the use of Communication and
Information Technology (ICT).
The teacher that has been suggested as a teacher who practices the ethic of teaching is
very polite towards the administrations, colleagues, pupils and other staff. He has a good
relationship with his colleagues. There is no issue raised by his colleagues about his attitudes.
Therefore, it is easy for him to work with everyone as he already built a good rapport with them.
The teacher that I have interviewed also said he has a very good relationship with their
colleagues. Since they are colleague up till now, she never heard he has problem with any other
colleague in this school. He also has a good collaboration and cooperation with his colleagues
while doing works. According to this teacher, he is a person who is very easy to cooperate while
doing works. Apart of it, he is very friendly to all the colleagues. He likes to make joke without
making the others feel irritated with him.
Furthermore, he also has a good relationship with pupils. He knows on how to get pupils
attention and where he should be angry, kind or joking with them. This can be seen during the
Teachers' Day celebration. His name will be nominated as the most popular teacher in this
school. He is a favourable teacher among the children. Based on the questionnaires given to
the pupils, most of them like this teacher. They agree that this teacher is a caring person. He is
very caring towards his pupils achievement in examination. He does extra classes for year 6
pupils to show that he cares about the pupils. Most of the pupils like him because he is funny,
concerned with pupils, likes to make jokes and many more.
According to (Noriati A. Rashid, Bonn Pong Ying & Wong Kiet Wah, 2010), politeness means
an attitude or behavior which is able to establish a good relationship with each other that can
create harmonious and friendly environment. Teachers politeness can be seen in this teacher
when he is having a good communication skill, build good rapport with society, neatly dressed
and many more. Teacher plays an important role in developing human capital as an individual is
very meaningful when he/she could portray good behaviour in himself/herself. Each teacher
must show politeness through his/her words and the ability to communicate using appropriate
language and controlling his/her behavior.

Politeness in communication can be divided into two parts which are verbal and nonverbal
communication. Verbal communication occurred when people use spoken words to
communicate or deliver a message to one another (Kasia Mikoluk, 2013). While communicating,
teacher should be aware of the norms of the culture to avoid miscommunication (Syed Ismail
Syed Mustapa & Ahmad Subki Miskon, 2010). Apart of it, the language setting must be
correlated with the cultural elements in that society. If the words used are not appropriate with
the culture, it will lead to negative values whereby the teacher is thought as an arrogant person
and impoliteness. Language setting is very important for an individual to have a good
communication skill with the others. For a teacher, language setting is very crucial especially in
teaching and learning process in order to avoid problem in the classroom. If people have a
better knowledge about language setting it will help the others to understand the message
delivered and avoid miscommunication.
The second part of politeness is through nonverbal communication. Nonverbal
communication occurred when it involves others behaviour such as dress style, the way of
sitting, the way of communication like smiling, greeting and mingling. Teacher should know on
how to dress properly when they are going to the school. Dressing is very important for
Malaysian society as it relates to their cultural values and religious belief. For a teacher, it is not
appropriate to wear clothes that are too tight or revealing her nakedness because the style is
contrary with the religious teachings besides bothering pupils concentration while studying.
Apart of it, teacher should dress by portraying an image of a teacher instead of dressing like
an entertainer. Teachers should also control their behaviour. It is not good for a teacher to be
cruel, rude and scolded his/her pupils by using harsh words in front of the others. This is not the
correct way to teach the pupils to behave properly. As a teacher, he/she should have gentle and
caring attitude. Unfortunately, there are teachers who are not able to demonstrate supremacy
character in themselves. This lead the pupils are not able to follow their characters and at the
same time they will lost trust and respect by the society.
According to MEB (2013-2025), teacher should portray politeness as it is related with Shift
3: Develop values-driven Malaysians. Todays students will inherit a world fraught with
challenges, from environmental degradation to armed conflict, on a scale that has never been
seen before. Successfully navigating these issues will not only require pupils to have leadership
skills, but strong universal values such as integrity, compassion, justice, and altruism, to guide
them in making ethical decisions. At the same time, it is important to balance the development

of global citizenship with a strong national identity. Every pupil leaves school as a global citizen
imbued with core, universal values and a strong Malaysian identity. The values they have learnt
are applied in their day to day lives, leading to more civic behaviour such as an increase in
volunteerism; a willingness to embrace peoples of other nationalities, religions and ethnicities;
and a reduction in corruption and crime. Every pupil also leaves school prepared to act as a
leader, whether in their own lives and families, or as part of the broader community and nation.
Teacher acts as a role model to pupils. Before developing good values in pupils, the teacher
themselves should portray good values to pupils. In this regard, Prof. Mohd Kamal Hasan
(1998) explains, the role of the teacher is very crucial in developing values in pupils. The
teacher themselves should be equipped with noble character even though they are some
people who did not appreciate this character. In our country, Malaysia there is teachers who did
not follow the ethics of teaching especially in showing noble character in term of politeness and
good behaviour to pupils. If teachers misbehaved it leads pupils to misbehave too and they will
become worse than the teachers. This will caused the country to face problem in producing
human capital by year 2020. Apart of it, I also influenced the country to produce human with
values and respect others as Malaysian is very popular with custom eastern. As consequence, it
will decrease the number of tourist to come to Malaysian because of impoliteness of the society.
The second issue that has been identified is the awareness of using Information
Communication Technology (ICT). According to Maszuria A. Ghani et. al (2014), ICT can defined
as the use of computers, communication devices and software applications to process, store,
retrieve, protect and send information from any place at any time (cited in Universiti Sultan
Zainal Abidin, 2010). In this era of globalization, pupils should be equipped with the skills that
demands information mastery skills, creative and innovative, and effective communication skill
in order to face 21st-century (Director-General Ministry of Education, 2010). Learning skills is
defined as the efficiency of using digital tools driven by new technologies in teaching and
learning process to make the lesson more effective. The skills involve in using ICT are creativity,
thinking skills, and innovative. The ICT skill in education has been emphasis in Shift 7 MEB
(2013-2025): Leverage ICT to scale up quality learning across Malaysia.
UNESCO review found that Malaysia is one of the first countries in the world which has
strategic plan of ICT in the education system. The study found many policies and plans that
have been developed since 1990s, such as a strategic plan for smart school and ICT policy in
education 2010. The goal is to leverage the potential of ICT in order to improve higher-order

thinking and overall quality in education. Ministry of Education (MOE) also works hard to
improve the efficiency in quality education by using ICT. The target group is the urban areas
school and smaller size of pupils (MEB, 2013-2025).
Based on the data gathered during interview session, this particular teacher is very aware of
the use of ICT. Even though he is active in sports, it does mean he did not know about
secretarys stuffs. He is very efficient in terms of documentation. He could create co-curriculum
data, write letter, do filing, key in pupils name in sports data, and update data (pupils population
data, co-curriculum financial data, school financial data either in writing form or soft copy). As a
secretary, he is very sensitive to the use of (ICT) for all kind of administration.
In this era of globalization, teacher should be aware of the use of ICT as it is in line with the
Shift 9: Leverage ICT to scale up quality. The Ministry has spent more than RM6 billion on ICT
over the past decade in education initiatives such as Smart Schoolsone of the most capitalintensive investments the system has undertaken. However, ICT usage in schools continues to
lag expectationsboth in terms of quantity and quality. For example, a 2010 Ministry study
found that approximately 80% of teachers spend less than one hour a week using ICT, and only
a third of students perceive their teachers to be using ICT regularly. Critically, the 2012
UNESCO review found that ICT usage has not gone much further than the use of wordprocessing applications as an instructional tool. ICT has tremendous potential to accelerate the
learning of a wide range of knowledge and thinking skills. However, this potential has not yet
been achieved (MEB, 2013-2025).
Teachers should be accommodated with ICT so that they could produce an interactive and
communicative lesson. When teachers are not provided with ICT at school, this will cause
several problems. For example, pupils will find the lesson not interactive and it will demotivate
them to study. In this era of globalization, the materials and resources used should be up to date
to attract pupils attention. If teachers are not up to date with the use of ICT and still use chalk
and talk while teaching, it will make the pupils down grading their teachers. When pupils lost
their interest to study it will lead them to face failure in examination and will be down grade by
the society. Nowadays, people only look at the person who is successful in learning and respect
them most rather than people who have low achievement in learning.
Furthermore, the development of ICT also lead to pupils achievement gap between the
rural and urban areas, gender achievement gaps in student, socio-economic background, high
school dropouts among aboriginal. Teachers are facing difficulties in teaching because of the

limited of school system such as ICT. The education system should be equal to all students
regardless of who their parents are, or where are they study and equipped with the tools that
they need to unlock their own future. Hence, it will be easier for a teacher to prepare a lesson
that equips with the current tools regardless of their location either urban or rural areas. As a
result, there will be reduction of achievement gaps between states and school types.
As conclusion, these two issues that I have highlighted are very crucial for a teacher to
concern more as to deal with pupils and also while teaching in class. If teachers are not able to
follow these ethical teaching, it will give an impact to the teacher themselves, school, pupils,
society and country in the future.

Kasia Mikoluk. (2013, July 15). Types of Communication: Verbal, Non-verbal and Written.
Retrieved August 10, 2014. Retrieved from
Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013 2025. (2012). Putrajaya: Ministry of Education Malaysia.
Maszuria A. Ghani, Salina Omar, Marina Hj Abdul Majid & Hjh Rosnah Rajak. (2014). Guru &
Cabaran Semasa. Kuala Lumpur: BS Print (M).
Noriati A. Rashid, Bonn Pong Ying & Wong Kiet Wah. (2010). Asas Kepimpinan dan
Perkembangan Profesional Guru. Kuala Lumpur: Oxford Fajar.
Prof. Mohd Kamal Hasan. (1998). Etika Kerja dan Profesionalisme: Suatu Tinjauan Semula.
Percetakan Yayasan Islam Terengganu.
Syed Ismail Syed Mustapa & Ahmad Subki Miskon. (2010). Asas Kepimpinan & Perkembangan
Profesional. Selangor: Penerbitan Multimedia

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