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Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila

College of Engineering and Technology

Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Department

Jofer G. Santiago
BS- MfgE
March 13, 2015, 2015
Reaction Paper No. 9
Reporters Name:
Fidel, Roselyn
Luceo, Edily Joy
Mones, Carrizza
Silvestre, Aprhil

At first glance, the results of a method study investigation may seem unfair to the
managers, supervisors, and workers who are, generally speaking, honest and
hardworking people who do their job the best they can. They are not less intelligent
than the method study specialist. Most of them have years of experience and great
practical knowledge. If they have failed to achieve the most from the resources that
are available, they might have lacked in training. If the method study man is tactless in
handling people, theres a possibility that those people will combined to form
obstacles in the way, up to the point where the task is impossible.
For the application of the method study to succeed, it must have the understanding of
the management at all levels starting at the top. If the people at top do not understand
what the method study man is trying to do and are not giving their full support, the
managers lower down will also not lend their support. It should be remember that in
any organization that the people at the management take their attitude from the
people at the top.
The first group of people to whom the purpose and techniques of the study should be
explained is the management group, the managing director or managing agent and, in
large companies or organizations, the departmental heads and assistant heads.

The method study mans most difficult problem may often be the attitude of the
supervisors. Supervisors represent management to the workers. The workers will take
their attitude from their supervisors. If the supervisor did not agree, the workers will

not respect the specialists suggestions, which, in any case, should come to them
through their supervisor.
Before the Method Study Man starts to work, the whole purpose of the study and the
procedures involved must be carefully explained to the supervisor. Unless this is
done, the supervisor is likely to be difficult, if not actually obstructive, for many
reasons. Among them are the following:
(1) Supervisors are the people most deeply affected by the study. The work, for which
they may have been responsible for years, is being challenged; if, through the
application of the study, the efficiency of the operation for which they are responsible
is greatly improved, they may feel that their prestige in the eyes of their superiors and
of the workers will be lessened.
(2) In most firms where specialists have not been used, the whole running of a certain
operation planning programmes of work, developing job methods, making up time
sheets, setting piece rates, hiring and firing workers may have been done by the
supervisor. The mere fact that some of these responsibilities have been taken away is
likely to make him feel a loss of status. No one likes to think that he has lost face
orlost ground.
(3) If disputes arise or the workers are upset, supervisors are the first people who will
be called upon to clear matters up, and it is difficult for them to do so fairly if they do
not understand the problem.
Supervisors may therefore resent the introduction of method study man into their
departments unless they have had some training to prepare them for it. The method

study course that the supervisors take must be longer and more detailed than that
given to management. They should know enough to be able to help in the selection of
jobs to be studied and to understand the factors involved, should disputes arise over
methods and time standards.
The method study practitioner will only retain the supervisors friendship and respect
by showing from the beginning that he is not trying to usurp their place. The following
rules must be observed:
(1) The method study person must never give a direct order to the workers. All
instruction must be given through the supervisor. The only exception to this is in
matters connected with methods improvements where the worker has been asked by
the supervisor to carry out the instruction of the method study man.
(2) Workers asking questions calling for decision outside the technical field of work
study should always be referred to their supervisor.
(3) The method study man should take care never to express opinions to a worker
which may be interpreted as critical of the supervisor.
(4) The method study person must not allow the workers to play him off against the
supervisor or to use him to get decisions altered which they consider harsh.
(5) The method study person should seek the supervisors advice in the selection of
jobs to be studied and in all technical matters connected in the process. The method
study man should never try to start alone.

The ideal person for the method study job is likely to be found very rarely and if he is a
successful method study specialist can easily be promoted to higher post.
Nevertheless, there are certain qualifications and qualities which are essential for
The very minimum standard of education for anyone who is to take charge of method
study application in an enterprise is a good secondary education with matriculation or
the equivalent school-leaving examination, or better still a university education,
preferably in the engineering or business fields.
It is desirable that candidates for post as method study specialists should have had
practical experience in the industry in which they will be working. This experience
should include a period of actual work at one or more of the processes of the industry.
This will enable them to understand what it means to do a days work under the
conditions in which the ordinary workers with whom they will be dealing have to work.
Practical experience will also command respect from supervisors and workers, and an
engineering background enables one to adapt oneself to most other industries.
Anyone who is going to undertake improvements in methods should have an inventive
turn of mind, be capable of devising simple mechanisms and devises which can often
save a great deal of time and effort, and be able to gain the cooperation of the

engineers and technicians in developing them. The type of person who is good at this
is not always so good at human relations, and in some large companies the method
section is separated from the work measurement section, although both could be
under the same chief.
The following are essential qualities:
The method study person must be sincere and honest; only if this is the case will he
gain the confidence and respect of those with whom he will work.
He must be really keen on the job, believe of the importance of what he is doing and
be able to transmit enthusiasm to the people around.
The person must be able to get along with people at all levels. It is necessary to be
interested in them, to be able to see their points of view and to understand the
motives behind their behaviour.
Tact in dealing with people comes from understanding them and not wishing to hurt
their feelings by unkind or thoughtless words, even when these may be justified.
Without tact no method study man is going to get very far.

The person must be neat and tidy and look efficient. This will inspire confidence
among the people with whom he has to work.
This can only come with good training and experience of applying method study
successfully. The work study man must be able to stand up to top management,
supervisors, and trade union officials in defence of his opinions and findings, and to
do so in such a way that will win respect and not give offense.
These personal qualities, particularly the ability to deal with people, can all be further
developed with the right training. Far too often this aspect of the training of method
study specialists is neglected, the assumption being that, if the right person is
selected in the first place, that is all that needs to be done. In most method study
courses more time should be given to the human side applying method study.
The qualities which go to make a good method study person are the same qualities to
make a good manager. Method study is an excellent training for young men and
women destined for higher management. People with these qualities are not easy to
find, but the careful selection of persons for training as method study specialists will
repay itself in the results obtained, in terms of both increased productivity and of
improved human relations in the workplace.

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