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Group 1

HUM14/ A26

Geraldine Canlas (Maam Canlas for her students and Dindin for her

Belongs to Humanities Cluster of School of Language, Humanities and

Social Science
Graduated from Ateneo de Naga University in 1997 as Suma cum

Awarded as one of the three outstanding students of Naga city
One of the top ten college students of region 5 (Bicol)
Represented Bicol in the national category
A finalist to the top ten outstanding students(national level)

in the

year 1997
What is your philosophy?
When I was trying to organize my thoughts, I realized that its not
easy to put into words all your philosophies in life, because I started
thinking that you have so many philosophies in life and its not easy
to explain it in one sentence. More for education because it a
complete package, where you get to involve so many ideas, so
many experiences. Basically, I would like to start by sharing to you
that; generally, my philosophy in life is that I am rounded with Gods
wisdom. For me, everything that I get to comprehend, its
something that I owe to god, so my basic principle in life is God

created everyone with a very imported purpose in life. Whether I

become a professor, you become an engineer, and somebody
become an architect, everybody is created by God in His image and
so we reflect the ability of God.
Please expound.
- To expound it, if I try to connect it to my work, being a teacher,
my basic principle in education is every time I stand in front of
my class. I believe that I am an instrument of God, doing honour
and service to the Lord. So if I always think of that as my
mission, so if I think of that, I am always reminded that; I have to
make the activities in class, the lessons in the class, something
beneficial to the students. So if I wanted to honour God and
serve Him, I have to love my students, enjoy my class, not to
punish them and terrorize them. I believe that I am not the best
teacher in mapua and I am not really a perfect teacher; no one
is. But with that joy in your heart and longing to serve the Lord,
its always the students who will benefit in the end. Another
principle in education that I really admire or I really adapt at
class is learning is not limited within the four walls of the
classroom. The teacher should expose the children outside, and
not to limit the discussion inside to four walls of the room. I
always admire students who do a lot of reading but I always tell

them to go beyond what they read. They should be able to apply

what they learned from reading, from their teachers, and from
their experiences.
How do I remain positive?
- Life is not really fair because there are individual differences. I
will not be able to appreciate you if we are the same. So we
complement each other. But my real idea is that life is unfair, but
it challenges you and it leads you back to God. When we are
united we God, everything is fair for us because He brings back
justice in the world.
Did you have a hard time during your first time in teaching?
- Honestly, maybe it runs in my blood that I have natural passion
for teaching. My original program is communication but I also
finished 18 units of methods of teaching but I never thought that
I would become a teacher someday. As they say, when you are a
very idealistic person you always look for the best company to
join in. So I thought for myself that maybe I belong. I first started
in an office working for a Japanese company but I ended up
realizing that its not for me. I am bored being stucked at the
office answering phone calls and reading newspaper. So I said I
think I have to search for myself and maybe I was meant for

Mapua. I always tell my students that I am not here not only to

impart knowledge but also to bring them closer to the Lord.
Did you regret being a teacher?
- Never, if theres one thing that I will never regret I think it is
becoming a teacher. In my 14 years of teaching in Mapua, I never
noticed that I have stayed here for 14 years because honestly
enjoyed being a teacher, being with Mapuans because Mapuans
are one of a kind. I have regards for Mapuans because in all
honesty these are the students naturally intelligent but they are
very humble. So four or five years from now, after meeting that
student, the nect time you see him he is a top notcher, he
already topped the board exams, and so I always feel about
them for being part of their success. Teaching, for me, is indeed
the noblest profession.
We are happy that people like Maam Canlas is part of our
community. Having people like her inside the campus really does make a
change. We do agree on her ideas especially on what makes her think
positive. We also liked the way she sees through things with her different
perception of it. In addition, it is her faith in God that we admire. Despite all
the challenges she is still a strong believer of God. Just as we are faced with
trials we must also turn to God for guidance.

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