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UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTONOMA DE MEXICO COLEGIO DE CIENCIAS Y HUMANIDADES DEPARTAMENTO DE INGLES GUIA DE ESTUDIO PARA EL EXAMEN EXTRAORDINARIO DE COMPRENSION DE LECTURA EN INGLES II AUTORES: MARIA CRUZ GARCIA CATARINO ANA MARIA IBANEZ RODRIGUEZ GUADALUPE MARGARITA MEDINA ORTEGA PABLO JESUS SANCHEZ SANCHEZ Coordinacién Araceli Mejia Olguin José Isabel Gonzalez Gonzalez Ana Lilia Villegas Pacheco introdaccin INDICE Lectura Detallada Smoking Voz Pasiva Cognac Worid Modales | Amino-Acid Therapy a Nutritional Fix for the Brain General Nutrition for Addictions IV. Red Semantica Relationships Dieting Can Lead to Divorce Vv Organizacion Textual Dr. Beaumont’s Discoveries a. Idea Principal’! \deas Secundarias b. Cronologia Vi. Referencia Anaférica Dr. Beaumont’s Discoveries Tabla de Pronombres Vil. Comparativos y superlativos Eating out in Lindavista VIL Organizadores Graficos: Diagrainas de flujo Tequila Aranda’s Production Process IX x Examenes Tipo a. How Digestion Begins b. The Development of Egyptian Writing xt Clave de Respuestas a. Ejercicios Bibliografia Anexo: Tabia de contenidos basicos del programa ajustado de Inglés II 13 15 16 18 19 25 29 33. 40 50 INTRODUCCION E! propdsito de esta guia es ayudarte a preparar tu examen extraordinario mediante el repaso de los contenidos basicos que constituyen fa asignatura de Inglés 11 El programa de esta asignatura le proporciona elementos para: a) practicar diferentes tipos de lectura (de ojeada, selectiva y de busqueda), b) realizar Ja lectura detallada de parrafos y textos cortos con el fin de comprender como estan estructurados, y C) deSarrollar estrategias y habilidades de estudio tales como elaborar table diagramas y graficas. La presente guia contiene textos corlos para aplicar diferentes tipos de lecture, breves explicaciones de los contenidos més importantes del programa de !a asignalura y ejercicios similares a los que encontrarés en el examen extraordinario. Con dicho contenido alcanzaras tos objetivos planteados y ejercitaras el uso de elementos linguisticos y discursivos Cabe recordar que dentro de los elementos lingilisticos se encuentran la voz pasiva, los verbos modales, los pronombres, los comparativos y superlativos. Mientras que los elementos discursivos abarcan las estrategias de vocabulario (redes semanticas), 1a organizacién textual (introduccién, desarrollo y conclusion e idea principal/ideas secundarias y los organizadores grafices (cuadros, tablas y diagramas) Te sugerimos que estudies detenidamente cada explicacién y realices los ejercicios propuestos sin consultar fa clave de respuestas que se encuentra al final de‘la guia, hasta que los hayas resuelto, De esta manera podras autoevaluarte Al final de la guia también se inciuye un examen extraordinario tipo Resuéivelo una vez cue hayas terminado todos las ejercicios propuestos Asi podras probar tus conocimientos, verificar tus avances en el proceso de comprensidn de lectura y mejorar tus posibilidades de resolver con éxito el examen extracrdinario El dia del examen le recomendamos ser puntual, presentar identificacion oficial y llevar un diccionario. {Buena suerte! 4 |. LECTURA DETALLADA Es el tipo de lectura que se utiliza para estudiar y se lleva a cabo cuando quieres comprender en su totalidad lo dicho por un autor en un texto. Puedes decir que haz hecho una lectura detallada al percatarte de como esta organizado un texto y al ser capaz de hacer un organizador grafico con la informacion Ejercicio 1. Haz una lectura detallada de! siguiente texto y enseguida contesta las Preguntas. SMOKING Smoking is one of the worst things kids or adults can do to their bodies. Yet every single day almost 5,000 kids and teens under the age of 18 try smoking for the first time Tobacco companies spend billions of dollars every year for ads and other ways to make sure that kids start buying tobacco. The companies count on kids to become hooked because it keeps them in business. Preguntas. 1. 4Cual es una de las peores cosas que nifios y adultos pueden hacer a sus cuerpos? 2. ~Aaque se refieren las cifras 5,000 y 187 3. ~Qué se dice acerca de las companias tabacaleras? lice Il. VOZ PASIVA | La voz pasiva es una forma de expresar una idea en la que se hace énfasis en la accién y el sujeto ejecutor pasa a segundo término, y en inglés a menudo se prefiere la oracién pasiva cuando no es tan importante qué o quién hizo la accidn, esta se utiliza comunmente al describir procesos, reportes de investigaci6n y otros textos descriptivos. La voz pasiva la encontraras con el verbo TO BE en cualquiera de sus formas o tiempos y un verbo en participio pasado, En voz pasiva, “ser” es la interpretacién al espafol mas comun del verbo to be, (was, were,is,am, ,are) y el verbo en pasado participio llevara las terminaciones ado, ido,to,so y cho. La voz pasiva se puede interpretar en espafol de dos maneras: de forma literal o impersonal. Para decidir cual es mejor considera la forma mas usual en espanol. Ejemplo: Cognac was born of a dream... As for every famous product, Cognac has its legend, it is said that the secret of double i distillation was discovered in the 16 th century by the Knight Jacques de la Croix-Maron. It is thanks to a nightmare that Cognac saw the light of day: Satan, wanting to have his j soul, tried to boil it but did not succeed. It is when the devil threatened to reboil it that the i knight awoke suddenly and became convinced that by distilling his wine a second time, he would allow his wine to express itself in a new brouillis. | Cognac was born of a dream se abtuvo (impersonal) fue obtenido (literal) As for every famous product Cognac has its legend. it is said that the secret of Se dice Es dicho double distillation was discovered in the 16th century by Jaques de la Croix-Maron fue descubierto se descubrié Ejercicio 1 Localiza y subraya en el Texto “Cognac” los siguientes enunciados en voz pasiva y después escribe en espanol las versiones literal (L) e impersonal (I). Fijate en el ejemplo. Cognac — World. Elaboration Here are described the diffesent phases of the elaboration of cognac. The harvest Vines are planted about 3 meters apart. Harvest can begin as soon as the grape has reached perfect ripeness. This is usually about the beginning of October and lasts until the end of the month. Some wine producers still harvest by hand but most have adopted machine harvesters The winemaking The pressing of the grapes is done immediately after harvest. Nowadays, wine producers use horizontal flat presses or pneumatic presses. The juice is left to ferment straight away. The. sugars are transformed into alcohol. The addition of sugar (chaptalisation) is not permitted, the wines are then stored with their residue These two steps (pressing and fermentation) are closely monitored for they will have an important influence on the final quality of the spirit. The wines that are produced after roughly 3 weeks of fermentation (from the end of October till the. last days in November) have en alcohol content of around 8% vol. They are just perfect for distillation The distillation The Cognac region has a limestony soil and a maritime and temperate climate that is humid, hot and sunny enough to ripen the grapes. Despite all these assets, the wines that are produced would not deserve their reputation if it were not for the alchemy that takes place in the pot still and that produces the cognac, the alcohol is produced during fermentation from the sugars thiat are naturally present in the fruit. It is found associated with many other components; it has to be separated from these complex mixes, process which is achieved by distillation. The process of separation which takes place during distillation is based on the difference in volatility between all components. The only volatile substances that make it into the spirit become the main elements of the bouquet. Ejercicio 1 Vines are planted 3 meters apart Las vifias son plantadas cada 3 metros (L) 5 Las vihas se plantan cada 3 metras (I) 1. The pressing of the grapes is done immediately after harvest 2. The sugars are transformed into alcohol. 3. The addition of sugar (chapitalisation) is not permitted 4. The wines are then stored with their residue 5. The alcohol is produced during ‘ermentation...... 6. It is found associated with many other components. Ejercicio 2 Lee los parrafos “The winemaking" “The distillation". Luego contesta las preguntas 4, {Qué instrumento se utiliza para machacar las uvas? 2. ~En que se transforman los azticares? 3. Por qué el machacado y la fermentacién son monitoreados estrechamente? 4. ¢ Cuando esta el jugo listo para la fermentacion? 5. ~ Cuando se produce el alcohol? 6. ¢ En qué consiste la destilacién? Ill MODALES Observa las palabras subrayadas en los siguientes textos. Amino-Acid Therapy a Nutritional Fix for the Brain Amino acids are critica: tor stopping cravings because they are important components of the neurotransmitters that tell the brain whether or not you are satisfied. Take a look at the list of deficiency symptoms to determine whether you | may benefit from amino- acid supplemention. Aminos often come in 500-mg doses. | start with one, wait an hour, and if needed gradually increase the dosage by 500 ¢ up to 3000 mg. Stop if you have any adverse reactions when taking aminos, be sure to also 50 mg. Of BG twice a day (a total of 100 mg.)500 mg of magnesium and a B-. complex supplement (note: usually 50 mg of B6 are contained in a B- complex supplement). Aminos should be taken at least 20 minutes before and 90 minutes after a meal of protein, or your body will use them as food, and they won't | get into your brain one; note of caution: People using MAO- inhibitors should not 4 take amino acids. According to Ross, mist patients taking selective seretonin- 4 reuptake inhibitors ( antidepressants like Prozac and Zoloft) can.take amino acids 3 without problems, provided they are under a physician's care 4 General Nutrition For Addictions Lianne Audette, LAC., a Santa Monica, Calif-based acupuncturist and naturopathic & doctor, suggests the following regimens to help heal addictions.. Dosages vary depending on the individual. All nutrients should be taken in divided doses 4 throughout the day, except for BG, which must be taken in the morning only. Take aminoacids on an empty stomach. Take extracis 10 minutes before or after food. for long-term treatment, work with a nutritionally oriented physician as some | dosages given are high. 4 En inglés estas palabras (auxiliares 0 modales), entre otras acompanan a los verbos para indicar capacidad, posibilidad, necesidad, sugerencia, probabilidad seguridad o suposicién como lo muestra el siguiente cuadro. Ee can Habilidad o capacidad |Puedo, puede, pueden, etcétera_ | could Pasado en can. Posibilidad |Pudo, podia, | pod | pudiese, etcétera pudiera, podrian, | may Permiso, duda, posibilidad Puedo, puede que, etcétera might Pasado de may, Pudo, podria, pudiera, podria ser | que, etcétera | must Necesidad de hacer algo,|Debo, debe, deben, etcétera __|obligacion ee have to Necesidad de hacer algo,|Tienen que, tiene que, etcétera: has to obligacién tenia que, tenian que, etcétera had to - - _ should Sugeren obligacion, deber |Deberia, debiera, etcétera would Probabilidad, suposicién Equivalente a la terminacién ria en espafol del verbo al que acompana « Aunque se ofrecen ciertos significados para estas palabras, cabe aclarar que existen para cada uno de ellos una gran variedad de interpretaciones. Considera el contexto para determinar el equivalente mas adecuado en espanol. Ejemplos de uso de estos modales. Take a look at... whether you_may benefit from amino-acid supplementation Dale un vistazo..ya sea que tu puedas beneficiarte de los suplementos de aminoacidos. Aminos should be taken at least 20 minutes before and 90 minutes after a meal Los aminoacidos deben ser tomados al menos 20 minutos antes y 90 minutos después de una comida Most patients taking selective serotinine reuptake inhibitors can‘take aminoacids without problems La mayoria de los pacientes que toman inhibidores selectivos de serotonina pueden tomar aminoacidos sin problemas. Después de leer el texto realiza los ejercicios. Relationships Dieting Can Lead to Divorce. A new study has found that women ‘who diet often bring tension to a marriage because their husbands find their choice difficult to cannot accept the change in lifestyle. In addition, a woman's low self-esteem, which may prompt the desire to diet, can cause further stress in marriages. On the other hand, men who dieted tended to receive sympathy and suppori from their wives, and their dieting did not lead to divorce. The-researchers inferred that for along and successful marriage, a woman should ignore any worries about her weight Ejercicio 1 Marca si el enunciado es falso (F) o verdadero (V) de acuerdo al texto. 1. Hacer dietas permite divorciarte. iE Vv 2. Los esposos comprenden y aceptan los cambios en la dieta para bajar de peso. & Vv 3. La baja autoestima en las mujeres pude detener su deseo de hacer dietas reductivas. F Vv 4. Abandonar la dieta no causa mayor stress en los matrimonios. F Vv 5. Las mujeres apoyan mucho a sus esposos para hacer dietas. F Vv 6. Los expertos opinan que para tener un matrimonio exitoso las mujeres no deben preocuparse por su peso. FE Vv Ejercicio 2 Lee los siguientes enunciados y de acuerdo al texto selecciona la-opcién mas adecuada a la frase subrayada 4. Husbands find their choice to understand and cannot accept the change in... a) podria aceptar b) pudieran aceptar c) no pueden aceptar d) deberian aceptar 2. Awoman's low self-esteem, which may prompt the desire to diet a) quieren incitar b) puede inducir c) debe inducir d) deberia incitar 3. Awoman should ignore any worries about her weight a) deberia ignorar b) puede ignorar c) tiene que ignorar d)permite ignorar IV. RED SEMANTICA | Llamamos red semantica a la representacion visual de una agrupacioén de palabras cuyo significado esta asociado a un concepto o tema particular. Ejemplo: Difficult change in to understand lifestyle ~ dieting —————» worries a about weight sympathy a-~ low and self. esteem support adverse supplement reactions doses we _—-~» increase | a . # inhibitors physicians care Ejercicio 1. Completa las siguientes redes seméanticas utilizando los textos “Aminoacids Therapy’..... y “Dieting can lead to divorce” Relationships Dieting Can Lead to Divorce. A new study has found that women who diet often bring tension to a marriage because their husbands find their choice difficult to cannot accept the change in lifestyle. In addition, a woman's low self-esteem, which may prompt_the desire to diet, can cause further stress in marriages. On the other hand, men who dieted tended to receive sympathy and support from their wives, and their dieting did not lead to divorce. The researchers inferred that for a long and successful marriage, a woman should ignore any worries about her weight 9 \ Ke _ = divotee 7 Tension Ejercicio 2 Amino-Acid Terapia Nutritional Fix for the Brain Amino acids are critical for stopping. cravings because they are important components of the neurotransmitters that tell the brain whether or not you are satisfied. Take a look at the list of deficiency symptoms to determine whether you may benefit from amino- acid supplemention. Aminos often come in 500-ng doses start with one, wait an hour, and if needed gradually increase the dosage by 500 up ta 3000 mg. Stop if you have any adverse reactions when taking aminos, be sure to also 50 mg. Of B6 twice a day (a total of 100 mg.)500 mg of magnesium and a B- complex supplement (note: usually SO mg of B6 are contained in a B- complex supplement). Aminos should be taken at least 20 minutes before and 90 minutes after a meal.of protein, or your body will use them as food, and they won't get into your brain one; note of caution: Peapie using MAO- inhibitors should not take amino acids. According to Ross, mist patients taking selective seretonin- reuptake inhibitors ( antidepressants like Prozac and Zoloft) can take amino acids without problems, provided they are under a physician’s care Aminoacids / <——— . Nutritionaj- —-_—_——___» Therapy 10 Dr. Beaumont’s Discoveries From an original painting entitled "Beaumont and St. Martin” by Dean Cornwell The scientific details’ of the digestive system remained a mystery to people until recent times Scientists had no way to study what was going on inside a living body. The first real opportunity to learn about the digestive system resulted from an ac i Over a hundred years ago, in Northern Michigan, a nineteen-vear-old Canadian Indian f worker, named Alex St. Martin, was shot accidentally. Dr. Wiiliam Beaumont, an army surgeon from Connecticut, was called to treat the boy. Dr. Beaumont worked hard to save his patient's life. After a year, Alex St. Martin seemed to be well again, except that the whole in his stomach wauld not close. When the outside wound healed, a fleshy flap was left over the opening in the stomach. that he had a wonderfili chance to lear more about digestion by opening in the stomach, the activities that went on inside. Dr. Beaumont with Alex St. Martin to pay nim for helping in experiments Dr. Beaumont re: observing, through tt orten years, doctor and patient worked togetl Tine doctor tied sirings to pieces of food, put them into the young man’s stomach, and took them out after several hours. This was not Martin, bi id him no harm. it was certainly the best way to find out what Sometimes the. patient grew tired of the experime and ran away. But money was gone he alway After Dr, Beaumont had learned all he could without help, he took his patient to doctors in medical schools in different cities. These doctors made more experiments.and examinations. In 4833, Dr. Beaumont published a book about his work. In it he told about such discoveries as these: The usual stomach temperature is 100° Fahrenheit. In the stomach food is thoroughly mixed with digestive fluid called gastric juice. This juice begins the digestion of protein foods. Gastric juice contains three percent hydrochloric acid Food removed after twenty minutes in the stomach has enough gastric juice mixed with it to enable it to go on being digested outside the body. Cold gastric juice has no effect on food. Fatigue.and emotional upset stop the flow of gastric juice. Milk is curdled in the stomach before it is digested. Dr. Beaumont and Alex St Martin deserve credit for their help inthe study of digestion. Both showed perseverance under difficult conditions. Taken from Thomas, Mary and M. Felicitas. (1959). Thinking about God's World. Chicago: Mentzer, Bush & Company, 81-82. Va. ORGANIZACION TEXTUAL: IDEA PRINCIPAL Se refiere a la forma en que el autor relaciona y presenta sus ideas en un texto. Hay diversas formas de organizar un texto por ejemplo de manera cronolégica y en ideas principales y secundarias IDEAS PRINCIPALES: Son los enunciados mediante los cuales de expresa lo mas importante de un texto. A la idea central de cada parrafo se le llama idea principal. Por lo general, ésta se encuentra al inicio de cada parrafo, pero hay ocasiones en que se presenta al final, y rara vez, en medio. Existen ideas principales explicitas e implicitas; las explicitas son aquellas que aparecen escritas por el-autor, las implicitas son aquellas que tienes que deducir a partir de la informacion de cada parrafo, ya que no aparecen expresadas directamente. IDEAS SECUNDARIAS: Son aquellas que presentan especificaciones, aclaraciones, ejemplos o detalles que apoyan o amplian las ideas principales. EJERCICIO 1. Con base en la informacion anterior realiza las siguientes actividades « Subraya las ideas principales, de los -parrafos que su indican en el siguiente texto y escribe su equivalente en espanol e scribe 1 6 2 ideas secundarias que apoyen a la idea principal Observa el ejemplo del texto “Dr. Beaumont Discoveries” Parrafo | Idea Principal: Los detalles cientificos del ‘sistema digestivo eran un misterio para la gente hasta tiempos recientes. Ideas de Apoyo Los cientificos no tenian manera de estudiar lo que pasaba en un Cuerpo viviente. La primera oportunidad para aprender acerca del sistema digestivo result de un accidente. 13 Parrafo tl 1. La primera oraci6n contiene la taea principal. Lee y completa: Hace mas ce cien anos, en el Norte de Michigan: 2. Ens=guida se enuncia la idea secundaria. Escribela: Parrafo Ili 3. Idea principal 4. En las ideas secundarias se describe el estado de salud de A. St. Martin. Escribelas. Parrafo V 5. La idea principal dice “por diez afos, el doctor y paciente trabajaron juntos”. Lee y escribe las ideas que respaldan esta afirmacion: 14 Parrafo VI 6. En el recuadro se mencionan‘los descubrimientos del doctor Beaumont. Escribe 3 de los 7. a) b) c) Vb ORGANIZACION TEXTUAL: CRONOLOGIA Otra manera de organizar un texto es cronologicamente. La secuencia de los eventos se ordena de acuerdo con el momento en el que sucedieron éstos, colocandose en primer lugar los que sucedieron al principio. Ejercicio 1. Completa el siguiente cuadro enumerando en orden cronoldgico los acontecimientos del texto “Dr. Beaumont's Discoveries”. Fijate en el ejemplo: 1.- Hace mas de 100 anos En el norte de Michigan le dispararon accidentalmente a un indio canadiense 15 VI. REFERENCIA ANAFORICA En algunas lecturas encontraras palabras como HE, HIS, HIM, HER, MY, MINE, IT, ITS, YOUR, YOURS, THEY, THEIR, THEM, WE, OUR, US (ver anexo) que se incluyen en un texto para sustituir o referirse a algo mencionado con anterioridad en una oracion. Observa los ejemplos * Or. Beaumont worked hard to save his patient's life. “His" se refiere al Dr. Beaument 2 Dr. Beaumont made an agreement with Alex St. Martin to pay him for helping in experiments. . “Him” se refiere a Alex St. Martin The Doctor tied strings to pieces of food, put them into the young man’s stomach, and took them out after several hours. “Them” se refiere a los pedazos de comida Ejercicio 1. Subraya en el texto los siguientes pronombres y marca a quién o a qué hacen referencia. 1. "His". Parrafo Ill, linea 3. a) Dr. Beaumont b) Alex St. Martin c) El estémago 2. “It”. Parrafo V, linea 3. a) Alex St. Martin b) Ningun dano c) El trabajo que hizo el Dr. 16 rr 3: “He”. Parrafo V, linea 5. a) Alex St. Martin b) Dr. Beaumont “It, Parrafo VI, linea 3. a) Dr. Beaumont b) El libro “His” Parrafo VI, linea 3. a) Or. Beaumont b) El libro “Their” Parrafo Vil, linea 1. a) Dr. Beaumont b) Alex St. Martin c) El dinero c) Su trabajo c) Su trabajo c) Ambos PRONOMBRES PRONOMBRES PRONOMBRES ADJETIVOS PRONOMBRES PRONOMBRES PERSONALES POSESIVOS | —- POSESIVOS oe REFLEXIVOS MYSELF Yo MY Mi (s) MINE Mio (s) | ME Me Ami misma (0) Por mi misma (0) YOURSELF You Td YOUR Tu (s) YOURS Tuyo (s) YOU Te A ti mismo (a) : | Por ti mismo (a) HIMSELF HE él HIS Su (s) HIS sya f=) HIM Le (a él) A si mismo (a) aa él) (de el) Por si mismo. HERSELF Su (s) Suya (s) ss ial SHE Ella HER Gedy | HERS Goceta} HER Le (a ella) Asimisma ITSELF T Ello ITs Sue) IT Le (a ello) A si mismo (ello) (de ello) Por ello mismo | Nos (a OURSELVES WE Nosotros QUR Nuestro (s) GURS Nuestro (5) US nosotros) Anos. mismos . Por nos mismos YOURSELVES 7 x Su (s) Suyo (s) you Les (a # ud mos YOU —-Ustedes_ | YOUR de uds) | YOURS — (de Uds) Uds.) peruse Manes zl Su (s) Suyo (5) | Les (a) THEMSELVES THEY es | THEIR (de elloso | THEIRS (deelloso| THEM — (ellos)o | A elias (ellos)mismos Elles elas) ellas) (elias) | Por ellos (as) mi mismos (as) Vil, COMPARATIVOS Y SUPERLATIVOS Observa en el siguiente cuadro cémo se presentan estas formas en inglés, cuya funcidn es describir e indicar un grado de comparacién en el modo en que se ejecutan acciones o caracteristicas de personas, animales, objetos y lugares. (Ure) Menos caracteristica que Untreated tomatoes are less resistant than treated tomatoes. Igualdad caracteristic | Peppers are as delicious as tomatoes. |Los pimientos son tan del +as 0 modo +as coma Ios jitomates. | Peppers are as big as tomatoes | caracteristica | Los pimientos son tan grandes |tan + © modo + como como los jitomates. it Superioridad | Caracteristica + er (than) Tomatoes ireated with Vita-Mix] Los jitomates tratados con Vita-Mix. More caracteristica than averaged 36% bigger yields than|promediaron un 36% més de Mas caracteristica que untreated tomatoes crecimiento en los campos que los Vegetables are up to 5.5 times more | jitomates no tratados. Nutritious than the unfertilized|Los vegetales son S veces mas tomatoes. Nutritivos que los no fertilizad Inferioridad Less caracteristica than ant Los jitomates sin ferlilizante son menos resistentes que los jitomates fertilizados. Superlativo de superioridad The + caracteristica + est El/La + caracteristica The most + caracteristica El/La mas + caracteristica Vita- Mix.treated tomatoes resulted the. heaviest vegetables of the experiment. Vigorous worm colonies which produce the most nutritionally charged soils in the world Los jitomates fertilizados con Vita- Mix resultaron ser los yegetales mas pesados del experimento. Colonias vigorosas de gusanos que producen los suelos més _carqados nutricionalmente de! mundo. Superlativo de Inferioridad The least caracteristica El/La menos caracteristica ‘The untreated roots were the leas! ‘hair’ roots. Las raices no fertilizadas fueron las menos vellosas. Adjetivos Irregulares Superioridad Superlativo [Ejempio Good Bad far Better than (mejor que) Worse than (peor que) Farther than (mas lejos que) The best ( el mejor) The worst (el peor) The farthest (e! mas lejano) The pasta dishes are the best I've had outside Italy. Los platillos de pasta son los mejores que he tenido fuera de alia EATING ONT IN LINDAVISTA Diana Kinch Food Service Atmosphere Decor Location 3 Excellent 2 Good 1 Poor La Trattoria (210 Carl St.) This family-run restaurant has one of the shortest menus in town, but Mamma Laura's cooking is as good as in the most expensive restaurants and often better, The pasta dishes are the best ever had outside Italy, the decor is simple but attractive, and the service is friendly. On top of all that, the prices are very reasonable: about $8 for a whole meal. This is the best value for money in the city Reservations: 960-5693. Le Provencal (14 Post St.) One of the city's oldest establishments, this French restaurant offers. spectacular views over the city and the sea. Sip a cocktail in elegant comfort and you'll feel you're in paradise.-Unfortunately, tbe food isn't quite as_good as the setting. Everything tastes OK, but at these prices it should be perfect. Still, the beautiful location and the most efficient service in town create a great atmosphere, which keeps Le Provencal busy most:days. Fixed 3-course lunch: $25. Evenings: all meals a la carte, from $30. Reservations: 553-0539 Burger Paradise (2121 Rase Ave.) Bright lights, Chicago 1930's decor and loud rock music make this place the most popular one with the local college kids. The atmosphere's lively, but the tables are too close together, so it can be uncomfortable. The hamburgers are better than in most places, but the other dishes are only average.Don't expect to get ‘fast’ food here —the waiters and waitresses are often inexperienced: and overworked (| waited almostan hour for my burger!)- Burgers from $3.50; desserts $2 and up. No reservations. So go early or be prepared to wait. Closed Mondays. La Pefia (412 Amazon St.) Lindavista's newest restaurant is really different. As well as delicious Mexican dishes, it offers less familiar and equally good specialties from other parts of Latin America. The: Brazilian and Chilean meat dishes are excellent, and there are many interesting vegetarian specialties too. La Pefia is sma!l and informal, and there's live Latin American folk music from some great musicians every night. The service is friendly, but it canbe on the slow side when the restaurant fills up. Around $12 for dinner. Highly.recommended. Reservations: 225-1872. The Old Chop House (20 Martin Lane) The menu ‘at this steak house is one: of the most unimaginative around; the steaks are overcooked and the salads are boring. The decor is attractive and the service is friendly, but it could be more efficient.:Open tilllate to.catch the theater-going crowd. Fixed menus start at $10. Very busy Friday and Saturday nights. Reservations: 930- 8444. Closed Sundays. 20 Ejercicio 1. Con base en la informacion de! cuadro de comparativos y superlativos, localiza y subraya en el texto “Eating out in Lindavista” las siguientes formas de comparacién. Después escribe en espanol lo que se esta comparando. 1. As good as (Parrafo I) 2. As good as (Parrafo Il) 3. The best (Parrafo |) 4. The best (Parrafo I) 5, The shortest (Parrafo I) 6. Oldest (Parrafo I!) 7. The most efficient (Parrafo Il) 8. The most unimaginative (Parrafo V) 9. Better than (Parrafo II!) 21 10. Less familiar (Parrafo IV) 11.More etticient (Parrafo V) 22 TEQUILA ARANDAS’ PRODUCTION PROCESS In the first stage, a physical inspection of the raw material is » made. We see that the agave tequilana weber belongs to the blue variety, that it is mature, that it does not have traces of illness, and that it is free of plagues A laboratory analysis to determine the quantity of reducing sugars that the agave contains is made. This operation consists of fragmenting the agave to a minimum size to facilitate its baking, This is achieved when the agave’ s heart or “pifia", is put under a } W game of blades that spin at great speed. After that, using transporting bands, the autoclaves (stainless steel deposits) are filled to begin its baking. Compafiia Tequilera de Arandas counts with 6 autoclaves with a capacity of 18,000 kg each. wl The agave's baking is made in autoclaves for approximately 18 hours at a maximum temperature of S0 °C. This baking is made to hydrolyze the sugars contained in the row -agave (inukinas). The baking can aiso be made in mamposteo furnaces covered with stainless steel during 48 hours. For this operation we have.5 furnaces of 20,000 kg each and another of 40,000 kg of capacity. Once that the agave is.baked, it is milled in an electric milling train that is formed by 4 mills of 3 masses each. This is made to obtain the juice from the agave. During this stage, the amount of contained sugars is regulated to obtain a better fermentation. The agave's juice or fresh must is deposited in stainless steel tanks for its formulation and later fermentation. Through the fermentation, the sugars contained in the must turn into alcohol through the action of a leavening stock developed in our laboratory with special care, since this stage. is crucial to obtain the particular characteristics of our products. This process has an approximated duration of 24 hours for tequila, and from 2 to 3 days for tequila 100% agave. At the end of the process, a fermented juice known. as dead must is obtained. It has an alcoholic graduation between 6 and 7%. The dead must is injected in stainless steel stills or copper still to be distilled, Distillation consists in boiling the must untii it becomes steam. The resulting steam becomes alcohol when it is condensed. The resulting product is known as “ordinary” and it has an approximated alcoholic graduation of 25%. This step is known as “tearing of the dead must”. At the end of the first stage, the resulting product is injected again to the stills for a second distillation, or rectification, out of an which we obtain a silver tequila which has an alcoholic graduation near to 55%. In this second step the separation of heads and tails is made in order to regulate methanol and alcoho!. This is a very important stage within the elaboration process, since it wil! give the wished profile to our silver tequila. For the distillation we have a distillation equipment that gives us a daily production capacity of 50,000 liters of tequila of 55% alcoholic volume. The resulting tequila from the distillation is diluted with distilled or dismineralized water to obtain its commercial alcoholic graduation, either to 41% for its maturation, or to 40% and 35% to be bottled like silver or gold tequila. Slow transformation that allows the product to obtain their wished organoleptic characteristics through natural chemical processes _ resulting of its resting in American or French oak containers. We count with 2,400 barrels of American white oak with capacity of 200 liters ana 9 French oak pipones with capacity of 20,000 liters. Our tequilas are rested during 6. months for Reposado Tequila and aged during 24 months for Afiejo Tequila (The Norma Oficial Mexicana indicates a minimum of 2 months for Reposado Tequila, and 12 months for Anejo Tequila ). Once the tequila is analyzed in our Quality Control Laboratory , and after we have corroborated that it is within the Norma Oficial Mexicana, it is put under a rigorous process of filtration at least in 2 occasions, first, to retire the most minimum strange particle and second, to eliminate turbidity and to give it brightness. Only after our tasting panel, which depends on our Quality Control Department, has evaluated and approved it, the tequila is released for its bottling process. This process is made with a high-end technology in a completely automatic machine. In this process, at least 3 quality control inspectors take part in each stage to guarantee that the final presentation of the tequila bottled in Compariia Tequilera de Arandas is in perfect conditions. hup:/Avinv.tequileradearandas.couvesp_proceso.htm 24 Vill. ORGANIZADORES GRAFICOS: DIAGRAMAS DE FLUJO Organizacion grdafica. En el nivel de comprensién organizacicnal, la transferencia de informacién es la etapa que sigue & la de identificacién de estructuras. Una hacerlo es elaborando diagramas Ejercicio 1. instrucciones: Con base eri el texto “Tequila Arandas’ Production Process’, compieta el siguiente diagrama de flujo. Escribe en los cuadros vacfos el nombre de la etapa de produccién que corresponda. Cada parrafo describe una etapa diferente. Los diagramas de flujo se utilizan en la descripcién de procesos. 1 >| 2 > 13 >i 4 Inspeccién Cocimiento Molienda ' v 5 40 3 8 7 6 + + <_ | +t Dilucién Ejercicio 2. Instrucciones: Con base. en la informacién del sexto parrafo del texto “Tequila Arandas’ Production Process”, completa el siguiente diagrama de flujo para describir el proceso de destilacién. Los diagramas de flujo se utilizan en la descripcién de procesos. Condensaci6n del vapor del mosto muerto 0 Destrozamiento del mosto muerto Rectificaci6n o Segunda destilacién 26 ISSUES AND TRENDS Tobacco use is responsible for more than 430,000 deaths per year among adults iin the United States, representing more than 5 million years of potential life lost. If current tobacco use patterns persist in the United States, an estimated 5 million persons under age 18 years will die prematurely from a smoking-related disease. Direct medical costs related to smoking total at least $50 billion per year; direct medical costs related to smoking during pregnancy are approximately $1.4 biltion per year. Evidence is accumulating that shows maternal tobacco use is associated with mental retardation and birth defects such as oral clefts. Exposure to secondhand smoke also has serious health effects. Researchers have identified more than 4,000 chemicals in tobacco smoke; of these, at least 43 cause cancer in humans and animals. Each year, because of exposure to secondhand smoke, an estimated 3,000 nonsmokers die of lung cancer, and 150,000 to 300,000 infants and children under age 18 months experience lower respiratory tract infections. Asthma and oiher respiratory conditions often are triggered or worsened by tobacco smoke. Studies also have found that secondhand smoke exposure causes heart disease among adults. Data reported from a study of the U. S. population aged 4 vears and older indicated that among nontobacco users, 88 percent had detectable levcls of serum cotinine, a biological.marker for exposure to secondhand smoke. Both home and workplace environments have contributed to the widespread exposure to secondhand smoke. Data from a 1996 study indicated that 22 percent of U.S. children and adolescents under age 18 years (approximately 15 million children and adolescents) were exposed to secondhand smoke in their homes. Smoking among adults declined steadily from the mid-1960s through the 1980s However, smoking among aduits appears to have leveied off in the 1990s. The rate of smoking among adults in 1997 was 25 percent Tobacco use and addiction usually begin in adolescence. Furthermore, tobacco use may increase the probability that an adolescent will use other drugs. Among adults in the United States who have ever smoked daily, 82 percent triea their firsi cigarette before age 18 years, and 53 percent became daily smokers before age 18 years. Preventing tobacco use among youth has emerged as a major focus of ‘obacco control efforts. Tobacco use among adolescents increased in the 1990s after decreasing in the 1970s and 1980s. Data from the 1999 Monitoring the Future Study indicated that past-month smoking among 8": 10"" and 12" graders was 18, 26 and 35 percent, respectively These rates represent increases of 20 to 33 percent since 1991. Data from the Youth Risk Behavior Survey revealed that past-month smoking among 3" to 12" graders rose from 28 percent in 1991 to 36 percent in 1997 (2 percent among females and 16 percent among males). In 1997, past-month cigar use among 3 to 12" graders was 22 percent (11 percent of females and 31 percent of males). af Youth are put at increased risk of initiating tobacco use by sociodemographic, environmental, and personal factors. Sociodemographic risk factors include coming from a family with low socioeconomic status. Environmental risk factors include accessibility and availability of tobacco products, perceptions that tobacco use is normal, peers’ and siblings’ use and approval, and lack of parental involvement. Personal risk factors include low self-image and low self-esteem, the belief that tobacco use provides a benefit, and the lack of abilityto refuse offers to use tobacco. Overwhelming evidence indicates that nicotine found in tobacco is addictive and that addiction occurs in most smokers during adolescence. Among students who were high school seniors during 1975-86, 44 percent of daily smokers believed that in 5 years they would not be smoking: Followup studies, however, indicated that 5 to 6 years later 73 percent of these persons remained daily smokers. In 1995, G3 percent of current smokers wanted to quit smoking completely, and 46 percent of the current daily smokers had stopped smoking for at least 1 day during the preceding 12 months. Less than 3 percent of current smokers stopped smoking permanently. 28 | IX. ORGANIZADORES GRAFICOS: GRAFICAS | Un organizador grafico es un esquema que ordena ldgicamente la informacién de manera global. Algunos ejemplos de organizadores son las tablas, cuadros, diagramas. mapas conceptuales y graficas Ejercicio 1. Antes de hacer un orgahizador grafico con base en la lectura “Issues and Trends’, contesta !as siguientes preguntas. 1. ~Aqué se refiere el numero 430,000? (Parrafo |) 2. ~Qué sucedera si persisten los actuales patrones de consumo de tabaco en EUA? (Parrafo |) 3. gA qué se refiere la cantidad $1.4 billones? (Parrafo 1) 4. zAqué se refiere el nUmero 3,000? (Parrafo I!) 5. A qué se refiere el numero 15 millones? (Parrafo III) Ejercicio 2. Con base en la lectura de! texto "Issues and Trends” completa las siguientes graficas. Fijate en el ejemplo: Grafica de} parrafo IV. En el parrafo IV se dice que el consumo de tabaco de los adultos disminuyé desde mediados de los afios 60 hasta los 80, sin embargo, después se mantuvo estable en los 90. La tasa del consumo de tabaco entre los adultos fue de 25% en 1997 Con base en esta informacion se realizé la siguiente grafica. 29: El consumo del tabaco de los adultos por décadas 100% 25% 60 80 90 697 Grafica del parrafo VI. (Lineas 1 a la 4) Ahora realiza tu una grafica con la informacion del parrafo VI. Te recomendamos que hagas una grafica de barras. El consumo del tabaco de los adolescentes 30 Grafica del parrafo VIII. Se sugiere utilizar una grafica de pastel. Existe la posibilidad de hacer tres graficas diferentes ademas de la del ejemplo. Tu tienes que hacer solamente una. Ejemplo: Porcentaje de fumadores que creyeron que dejarian de fumar en cinco afios 44% 31 HOW DIGESTION BEGINS Digestion begins in the mouth. First, the food is broken into small pisces by chewing The motion of chewing is made possible by teamwork between bones, muscies, blood vessels, and nerves, each of which is part of a different system of the body. The chewing is done by the teeth with the help of the tongue. The torigue is a large muscle that is used to help chewing and swallowing. The tongue grasps the food and gets it into position between the teeth. The tongue tosses and turns the food and holds it in the mouth until it is moistened enough to be swallowed. Its skin has taste buds connected to the nerve system. Chewing changes food into smaller particles and softens it. If you do nat chew properly, unsoftened food will reach your stomach in large lumps. Digesting such food causes extra work for the stomach and small intestine. Such extra work may cause indigestion and stomachache. But chewing does not change the materials in food. The big change from one kind of material to another is caused by digestive juices produced in various parts of the body. In front of and just below your ear, inside your lower jawbone, and under your tongue, are salivary glands that release saliva into your ir.outn. Saliva is colorless, cloudy, and more than 99 per cent water. But it also contains an important enzyi..e, which is a chemical substance that digests starchy food. If you have chewed your food well, it is mashed soft, moistened, and partly digested by the time it leaves your mouth. Taken from Thomas, Mary and M. Felicitas. (1959). Thinking about God's World. Chicago’ Mentzer, Bush & Company. 84-85 32 EXAMEN TIPO 1 HOW DIGESTION BEGINS Alumno: _ = Apellido paterno Apellido materno Nombre(s) Grupo: __ Fecha 1, RECEPTIVE READING. Contesta {as siguientes preguntas con base en el texto “How digestion begins” * gCuales son las cuatro partes del cuerpo que trabajan en conjunto para hacer posible la masticacién? (Primer parrafo) _ * ECudles son las dos cosas para las que se usa la lengua? (Primer parrafo) + (Cuales son las partes del sistema digestivo q masticada apropiadamente? (Segundo pérrafo) ienen que trabajar si la comida no es + @Cudles son los dos malestares que puede ocasionar el esfuerzo extra de digerir comida masticada inapropiadamente? (Segundo —pérrafo)__ * ¢Cuales son las tres partes de la cavidad bucal donde estan las glandulas salivarias? (Tercer parrafo) 2. DISCURSO. CONECTORES. Completa Ia siguiente tabla con base en el texto "How digestion begins" aie Te Tat yre kb beac a ys conc 5 o Secuencia | Primer parrafo, eDe qué es la secuencia? cronolégica | primer renglén 0 Condicién | Segundo : ~ | @Qué pasa si no se cumple la condicién? parrafo, primer - renglé ee . _ ° Tercer parrafo, | But “Con qué es lo que conirasta el hecho de que masticar primer rengion no sea la parte del proceso de digestion en el que los materiales se transformen en comida? ° Tercer parrafo, | But 12Con qué se contrasta la tenencia de una enzima en [a | séptimo renglén | saliva? ° - Tercer parrafo, Aijade un descriptor a la Serie de descriptores de la - _ séptimo rengl6n saliva: contiene una enzima. ee © Condicién | Tercer parrafo, ECual es la condicién? octavo rengién 33 3. DISCURSO. ESTRUCTURA ORGANIZACIONAL. Marca con una X fa letra V si la oracién es correcta o la F si es falsa, sequin la estructura del texto "How digestion begins”. * La estructura de! primer parrafo es cronolégica v F + La estructura del segundo parrafo es idea principal / ideas secundarias. v F v F « El iercer parrafo es la conclusion del texto. 4. DISCURSO. REFERENTES © gAqué se refiere its skin en el primer parrafo, ultimo renglén? _ * ZA qué se refiere such food en el segundo parrafo, tercer renglon?, + (A qué se refiere such extra work en el segundo parrafo, penuiltimo renglén? * ZA qué se refiere it en el lercer parrafo, séptimo renglén? __ _ + cAque se refiere it en el tercer parrafo, ultimo renglén? 5 GRAMATICA. VOZ PASIVA. Completa fa siguiente tabla con Ia informacién que se te solicita proveniente del texto "How digestion begins" Primer parrafo, primero | segundo renglones 0 Primer parrafo, sei rengl _ [o__ Primer parrafo, rengion | lo Primer parrafo, sexto y séptimo _renglones —_ 4 - z Primer parrafo, antependitimo, | penilltimo y Gitimo renglones. | ‘o Tercer parrafo, primero, segundo | | i y tercer renglones fo Tercer parrafo, antepentltima, pentiltime y ditime renglones. 6. GRAMATICA. MODALES. Subraya la epcién correcta, En la oracin “Such extra work may cause indigestion and stomach ache” ("How digestion begins’, segundo parrafo, penditima y altima oraciones), el modal se utiliza para indicar: a) permiso b) consejo ©) posibilidad d) capacidad a) deber 7. GRAMATICA. SUPERLATIVOS. Contesta la siguiente pregunta. En la oracién “Chewing changes food into smaller particles and softens it” (‘How digestion begins’, segundo pérrafo, primera oracién), gcudles son las dos cosas que se comparan? Objeto “A” Somparativo Objeto "B” 34 8. HABILIDADES ACADEMICAS. ORGANIZADORES GRAFICOS. Complete el siguiente diagrama de arbo! con base en la informacion del ees Primero > primer parrafo. ee Digestion a Comienza en | v Es posible Se sealiza por 01 Luego ee Se lleva a cabo gracias a v ————— La lengua Huesos. | Sirve para \ The Development of Egyptian Writing The Egyptians had developed a system of picture writing about five thousand years ago. Examples of Egyptian writing were found carved on temples and tombs. At one time, people believed that only Egyptian religious leaders had understood or used this writing Fag For this reason, it was given the name hieroglyphics, which means "sacred carving." e gti Zac At first, the early Egyptians used simple pictures to | ga stand for objects. A picture of a man meant “a man." [ [ ee Sun was written 4, and water was == Pictures were K a used to express actions, too. A picture of a man with his hand to his mouth meant "eat." 4 \ Egyplion lieraglyphies Eventually, the Egyptians began using certain pictures to represent sounds. Gradually, figures were made more simply until symbols, or signs, were used for some sounds instead of pictures. The Egyptians developed twent'y-four such symbols, but they continued to use many picture-signs in their writing, too. The ancient Egyptians never developed their hieroglyphic writing into an alphabet made up only of letters. Aserthe, Rehrud him, ara Most early writing was carved on stone monuments. rolls of papyrus and Later, the Egyptians learned to make a kind of paper {EFF Yang Vi . Comparativos y Superlativos 1. La cocina de Mama Laura es tan buena como la del restaurante mas caro y a menudo mejor. 2. La comida no es bastante buena como el ambiente 3. Los platillos con pasta son los mejores que he tenido fuera de Italia, 4. Este es el mejor valor por el dinero en la ciudad 5. Este restaurante familiar tiene uno de los menus mas corios en el rumbo AB 6, Uno de los establecimientos mas antiguos de la ciudad. 7. El servicio mas eficiente en el rumba 8. El ment ervesta casa del filete es uno de los mas inimaginables 9. Las hamburguesas son mejores que en la mayoria de los lugares 10. Asi como también los platillos deliciosos mexicanos, ofrece menos especialidades familiares - e igualmente buenas - de otras partes de América Latina. 11.La decoracion es atractiva y el servicio es amigable, pero podria ser mas eficiente. 44 Vill. Organizacion Textual Ejercicio de organizacién grafica. En el nivel de comprensién organizacional, la transferencia de informaci6n es la etapa que sigue a la de identificacién de estructuras. Una forma de hacerlo es elaborando diagramas. Instrucciones: El siguiente es el esqueleto de un diagrama de flujo. Escribe en cada cuadro el nombre del concepto que corresponda a cada parrafo del texto “Tequila Arandas’ Production Process”. Los diagramas de flujo se utilizan en la descripcién de procesos. ——> |1 >| 2 aa Inspeccién Fragmentacién | Cocimiento Molienda : Elaboracion + Fermentacion + 10 | 3 | [3 ] = oye + - + . i Embotellamiento } — Filtracion Afiejamiento Dilucién Destilacion Ejercicio 2. Instrucciones: Con base en la informacién del sexto parrafo del texto “Tequila Arandas’ Production Process’, completa el siguiente diagrama de flujo para, describir el proceso de destilacion. Los diagramas de flujo se utilizan en la descripcién de procesos Condensaci6n del Hervor de! mosto == vapor del mosto muerto muerto o Destrozamiento del mosto muerto Rectificacién o Separacién de cabezas Segunda destilacion y colas Inyecci6n del “ordinario" iX. ORGANIZADORES GRAFICOS Ejercicio 1. Alas muertes por afo de los adultos en Estados Unidos por el uso del tabaco 2. Se estima que cinco millones de personas con menos de 18 afios moriran prematuramente por una enfermedad relacionada con el fumar. 3. Alos gastos médicos relacionados con las mujeres que fuman durante el embarazo. 4. A los no fumadores que mueren cada afho y que estan expuestos al humo del cigarro 5. Al numero de nifiosy adolescentes en Estados Unidos que estuvieron expuestos al humo del cigarro en sus casas, segun un estudio hecho en 1996. Ejercicio 2. Grafica del parrafo VIL. 47 Ejercicio 2. Instrucciones: Con ‘base en la informacion del se: xto pérrafo del texto “Tequila Arandas’ Production Process’, completa el siguiente diagrama de flujo para, describir el proceso de destilacién. Los diagramas de flujo se utilizan en la descripcién de procesos Hervor del mosto muerto 2 Condensacién del vapor del mosto muerto o Destrozamiento del mosto muerto Rectificacion o Separacién de cabezas y colas Segunda destilacién Inyeccién del “ordinario” 46 Grafica(s) del parrafo VIII. Puede ser cualquiera de estas. 48 o BIBLIOGRAFIA AAVV. Programa de Comprension de Lectura en inglés it. ENCCH, 2003. AAVV. Amino-acid therapy, general nutrition for addictions. Heal your addictions naturally. July 2000. 48-49 AAVV. Dieting can lead to divorce in Relationships. Speak up. 186 afio XVI Spain. 54 (2003) Brown Lindsay y Krystina Kasprowicz. Think in English. Mexico: Macmillan 1989. 44 Eating out in Lindavista. Fraser, Dorothy and A. Magenis. (1964). Discovering Our World's History. New York American Book Company. 22. Johns, Tim and Florence Davies. Text as a vehicle for informauon: the Classroom Use of Written Texts in Teaching Reading in a Foreign Language. Reading in a Foreign Language. 1 (1). March, 1983. 1-19. Thomas, Mary y M. Felicitas. (1959). Thinking about God's World. Chicago: Mentzer Bush & Company. 81- 82 Dr. Beaumont's Discoveries, 84-85 How digestion begins. . 50 ANEXO: CONTENIDOS BASICOS DEL PROGRAMA AJUSTADO DE INGLES II Objetivos: 1) El alumno continuara realizando jas lecturas de ojeada, selectiva y de busqueda de textes autént cos de estructura sencilla, 2) leera detalladamente parratos 6 textos cortos para identificar ia idea principal y las ideas secundarias y 3) reconocera la importancia de los organizadores graficos [objetivo Leer detalladamenie un parra- fo © un texto corto utilizando estrategias de lectura y voca- bulario asi come conocimien- tos gramaticales Objetivo Identificar la funcién de conec- totes para reconocer la organi- zacién textual Cee Te _-Contenidos: Tema/Subtema © Contenidos: Tema/Subtema Lectura detaliada Estrategias de lectura © Signos de puntuacién Estrategias de vocabulario © Redes seménticas Identificar |a idea principal y las secundarias en un parrafo ‘Organizacion textual 9° Idea principal/ideas secundarias Referencia anaforica © Pronombres demostratives Gramatica. © Voz pasiva Gramatica. © Modales Lectura detallada Organizacin textual 0 Enumeracién. 0 Secuencia, 0 Cronologia. Habilidades académicas. 0 Parafrasis. ae we Chjetive Reconocer la funcién de los organizadores graficos Estrategias de vocabulario. 9 Redundancia léxica Gramatica © Comparativos 9 Superlativos Contenidos Tema/Subtema Tectura detallada Organizadores Graficos o Tablas © Diagramas. 0 Graficas. COLEGIO DE CIENCIAS Y HUMANIDADES Directora General Lic. Lucia Laura Munoz Corona Secretario General Ing. Genaro Javier Gémez Rico Secretaria Académica M. en C, Patricia Emma Diaz Gonzdlez Secretanio Adminisirativo L.C. Juan A. Mosqueda Gutiérrez Secretaria de Servicios de Apoyo al Aprendizaje lic. Araceli Fernandez Martinez Secretario de Planeacién Dr. Jorge Gonzalez Rodarte Secretaria Estudiantil lic. Guadalupe Marquez Cardenas Secretario de Programas Institucionales Mtro, Trinidad Garcia Camacho Secretaria de Comunicacién Institucional Lic. Laura $. Roman Palacios Secretario de Informatica Ing. Juventino Avila Ramos DIRECTORES DE LOS PLANTELES Azcapotzalco Lic. Sandra Guadalupe Aguilar Fonseca Naucalpan M. en C. Victor Diaz Garcés Vallejo Dr. Roberto Avila Antuna Oriente Lic. Arturo Gonzdlez Delgado Sur Lic. Jaime Flores Suaste

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