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PERSONAS MAYORES DE 20 AOS. Convocatoria 2011

Apellidos: ........................................................................................ Nombre:..........................................................
D.N.I./ N.I.E.: ........................................


Lee atentamente las preguntas antes de contestar y responde en los folios que se te
proporcionarn excepto en las preguntas tipo test.
La puntuacin mxima de cada pregunta est indicada en su enunciado.
Revisa detenidamente la prueba antes de entregarla.
Al finalizar, se entregarn las pruebas y todas las hojas utilizadas para las respuestas.

A. Ejercicios de comprensin sobre un texto. (25 puntos)

TEXTO: House rules: the science of TV drama
House is the most watched drama on TV. Andrew Gumbel asks its creators why.
If Sherlock Holmes came back as a doctor, he might look like Dr Gregory House, the brilliant but flawed diagnostician in
the medical drama, House. Pinpointing oddball conditions and rare afflictions with razor-sharp acuity after lesser doctors
have tried and failed to come up with the right illness, House and his team have to cut through physiological red herrings
and psychological obstruction to figure out what is ailing the hapless victim of the moment.
It is this perfect blend of two of the modern world's most deep-seated fascinations the mystery story, and the gloriously
varied dysfunctions of our own bodies that has made House the most watched show on TV. And it's obvious the writers
and producers are having as much fun as the audience.
Although the show is into its seventh series in the UK, it shows no sign of running out of material. Indeed, a lack of
diseases to draw on has never been a problem according to the show's creator, David Shore. "There seem to be no limits
to the ways the human body can break down." he says. Shore is a huge Holmes fan House and his most trusted
sidekick Wilson are a self-conscious homage to Holmes and Watson. And, according to Dr Lisa Sanders of the Yale
School of Medicine, the show's most influential medical adviser, doctors are the natural heirs of the Holmes tradition.
The drama has no set rules. Sometimes the writers will craft a story around a disease; at other times they will craft the
story and then go to the by now formidable team of medical experts for a suitable disease to fit around it, says Shore.
It's a process that can lead to lengthy negotiations to keep the medicine real and the drama intact.
Medical accuracy, however, is of paramount importance: House enjoys a vast worldwide audience, and nobody on the
production team wants to risk viewers diagnosing themselves with ailments that don't exist, or dabbling in selfadministered treatments inspired by the show that might cause them further damage.
The Guardian, Tuesday 5 October 2010

1. Say whether the following sentences are true (T) or false (F) according to the information given in the
text. Justify your answer by providing the sentence in the text that shows you are right.
(8 puntos, 4 por apartado)

[ T ] Although Dr. House and Sherlock Holmes are different characters, they share a lot of points in common.
If Sherlock Holmes came back as a doctor, he might look like Dr Gregory House. Shore is a huge
Holmes fan House and his most trusted sidekick Wilson are a self-conscious homage to Holmes and
Primera lengua extranjera II: Ingls, 1/4

[ F ] In spite of its success, they are not going on with the program due to the lack of diseases.
Although the show is into its seventh series in the UK, it shows no sign of running out of
material. Indeed, a lack of diseases to draw on has never been a problem according to the show's
2. Choose the correct answer. (8 puntos, 2 por apartado)
a. The mystery story and the varied dysfunctions of our own bodies ...
repel the audience.
are the keys to the popularity of the program.
are factors that doesn't have anything to do with its success.
make the program a bore.
b. Doctors Holmes
don't have anything to do with
believes they are

are, in a way, quite similar to

think that they are better than

c. The writers create the stories a disease in mind

not having
before they have
all the above are true
d. When House and his team talk about a disease they ...
are very scientific
aren't very precise.
don't care if they are right or wrong
joke all the time.

3. Answer the following questions in your own words, using information from the text. (9 puntos, 3 por apartado).
a. What are the similarities between House and Holmes?
Students own answers. Informacin en texto: razor-sharp acuity House and his most trusted
sidekick Wilson are a self-conscious homage to Holmes and Watson
b. What is the process of creation of the stories followed by the writers?
Students own answers. The drama has no set rules. Sometimes the writers will craft a story around a
disease; at other times they will craft the story and then go to the by now formidable team of
medical experts for a suitable disease to fit around it
c. Are the writers medically accurate? Why?
Students own answers. Medical accuracy, however, is of paramount importance: House enjoys a vast
worldwide audience, and nobody on the production team wants to risk viewers diagnosing themselves
with ailments that don't exist, or dabbling in self-administered treatments inspired by the show that
might cause them further damage.

B. Conocimiento de la lengua. (50 puntos)

Primera lengua extranjera II: Ingls, 2/4

4. Find in the text a synonym of the following words. (4 puntos, 2 por apartado)
a. Amalgam, compound, mixture (noun)


b. Convenient, pertinent, proper (adjective)


5. Find in the text an antonym of the following words. (6 puntos, 2 por apartado)
a. Amateur, unskilled, untrained (adjective)


b. Erroneousness, falsehood, inaccuracy (noun)


c. Ambiguous, indefinite, obscure, unclear (adjective)


6. Transform the following words into nouns using suffixes. (10 puntos, 2 por apartado)
a. Happy: happiness

d. Popular: popularity

b. Explain: explanation

e. Frequent: frequency

c. Intelligent: intelligence

7. Link each one of the words with its definition. (10 puntos, 2 por apartado)
flawed / tried / intact / homage / risk / huge
Characterized by flaws; having imperfections
To expose to the chance of injury or loss
Respect or reverence paid or rendered


Not damaged or impaired.


Extraordinarily large in bulk, quantity, or extent


Attempted to do or accomplish


8. Transform the following sentences as suggested. (12 puntos, 3 por cada apartado)
a. House and his team have to cut through physiological red herrings. (Make a question for the
underlined words)
What do House and his team have to cut through?
b. This perfect blend has made House the most watched show on TV. (Turn into the passive voice)
House has been made the most watched show on TV.
c. "There seem to be no limits to the ways the human body can break down." Shore said. (Turn into
reported speech)
Shore said that there seemed to be no limits to the ways the human body could break down.
d. (Complete the following conditional sentence) They wouldn't have to create new stories.
They wouldn't have to create new stories if the show finished.
Primera lengua extranjera II: Ingls, 3/4

9. Write a relative sentence joining the following sentences together. (8 puntos, 4 por cada apartado)
a. House enjoys a vast worldwide audience. House sidekick is Wilson.
House, whose sidekick is Wilson, enjoys a vast worldwide audience.
b. She was eighteen. She met her boyfriend then.
She was eighteen when she met her boyfriend.
C. Composicin escrita guiada. (25 puntos)
10. Write a composition of about 100-120 words on one of the following topics.
a. Do you think that the North American TV series are better than the Spanish ones?
b. Write about the advantages and disadvantages of watching films in original language

Primera lengua extranjera II: Ingls, 4/4

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