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Summary for Is Music the Key to Success?


Multiple studies link music study to academic accomplishment and serious music training
seem to associate with vast success in other fields. The connection is not a happenstance. To
begin with, most of the top-flight professionals in industries from tech to finance to media, all of
whom had serious past lives as musician. Approximately all made a connection between their
music training and their professional achievements. What is more, the phenomenon extends
beyond the math-music association. Amazingly, many high achievers said, music opened up
pathways to creative thinking. All their experiences suggest that music training sharpens their
collaboration and their listening skills. In addition to that, music helps enhancing the way of
thinking that laces contrast ideas together and improve the power to focus on the present and the
future simultaneously. To put in another way, the process of music is intriguing. As is the way
many of them apply musics lesson of focus and discipline into new ways of thinking and
communicating even problem solving. Music is said to help strengthen your confidence in the
ability to create. Besides, music function as hidden language to improve the ability to connect
contradictory ideas. The much-discussed connection is between math and music resonates most
as both are at heart modes of expression. The similarities between piano playing and investing
strategy is, it is related to pattern recognition. During performing some musicians can visualize
all of the notes and their interrelationships, a skills that translate intellectually into making
multiple connections in multiple spheres. Last but not least is, music also provides balance that
gives one satisfaction and joy and it converges between music and technology.

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Reflection for Is Music the Key to Success? Article

When Plato said that music gives wings to the mind, he might have been onto something. I am
inclined to think "well of course music is the key to success. The writer, Joanne Lipman, has her
point when she stated that music, as I quote, opens pathway to creative thinking, sharpens
collaboration, enhances the ability to listen and above all, the qualities that are absent from most
of people today; how to weave together contradictory ideas and the power to focus on the present
and the future simultaneously.
From my reading of this article, I can briefly conclude that music inspires people of critical and
creative thinking, independent study, self-enhancement and problem-solving skills and many
other things, but there are other things that do the same thing. In this case, however, the links
between music study and improvement in concentration ability, symbiotic peoples skills that
include both working as a soloist and as a team member, plus the sheer relaxing effects of music
are well known.
Something I have observed in successful people is not only do they have discipline, but they also
are creative problem-solvers. I think that neglecting right-brained activities in school education is
a huge mistake because of this. Most people who study music don't grow up to be professional
musicians, but they exercise that creativity. I see a lot of one-dimensional students these days,
and luckily they are studying music, which implores them to go for perfection on every task that
is given. Music studies motivate the learners to aim beyond excellence and exactness.
Music training accomplishes so much more than simply teaching notes - it teaches self-control,
teamwork, and consciousness and visualization of interrelationships between seemingly
dissimilar elements or, to put it more simply: it trains a person how to apply the lessons and

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discoveries of one variety, and apply them to another. This is a crucial feature of the creative
process, and one that takes continual practice to become proficient in.
In short, is music study the key to success? Of course not. But diligence and self-disciplined
application to hard tasks are the key to success.

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Summary for Music: The Essential Ingredient Article

The author believes that music is an essential ingredient for the cultivation of a more
evolved global community and for the development of more intelligent, adaptable, creative and
compassionate generations in the future. One of the cores of music that makes it so vital in our
being is vibration. Everything starts off with vibration. Our emotions, thoughts, perceptions and
physical being can be expressively touched and shaped by music. The right music helps
establishing the thought waves and retune the emotion state to help go through the stresses of the
day in a more relaxed, creative and inspired way. Moving to the next point whereas music, too,
can act as a healer. Music itself heals in so many levels, physical, mental, emotional and
spiritual, often all at the same time. The physical and psychological power of music is life
altering, it restores functionality, a sense of hope and confidence and will to live. The next point
is, music associates with creativity. Playing music, especially improvisation and creating music
in terms of musical composition, tend to trigger multiple areas of brain to develop greater
creative capacity. What is more, simply listening to music can help to relax as relation is the key
to creativity. It encourages stimulation of imagination, one of the key component of the creative
process. Lastly, listening to a favourite song or fully immersing in a piece of beautiful music can
shift the mood and creates images in the mind, impact the limbic brain to make ways to new

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Reflection for Music: The Essential Ingredient Article

As I am writing this reflection, it reminds me a lot on Bonos words, Without music, life would
be a mistake. To my mind, I have to agree with the authors point of view. There are countless
of reasons why music is the essential ingredients to todays lives. Music gets under your skin. It
creates strong feelings. And it creates strong memories. Music is a language. It is a language for
all humans, a language that is there when normal language is of little use. It can teach us about
how we live and about how others live. People use music to teach and to explain things and to
carry forward ideas and ideals.
The author has so many good points that me, myself could not afford to argue. For instance,
quoting the author, When I look at what has helped me survive and bring me into balance
through the most challenging times of my life, music has often been at the heart of it. It seems to
me that according to the author, you can use music to indulge your emotions or to balance it. It
works both ways I think. I assume if you are mad and someone puts on happy music it would be
more likely to annoy you. But if you put on something calm while you are anxious it can make
you feel better. Doing the opposite of your basic desire isn't going to be great because it is too
extreme. But slowly allowing music to alter your mood is a positive thing.
Now, I could definitely conclude that music can indeed heal the soul. When in pain, any person
could turn on the volume and hype things up, watch a music video, sing jolly songs and be merry
about the good things in life. When stressed out, one could simply tune in to tranquility brought
about by jazz and classical tunes. Music is the remedy to any soul in anguish, in despair; to

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anyone searching for his purpose and significance. It is one key to happiness and peace, binding
up wounds of loneliness or simply bringing in smiles and laughter.
Article : The Powerful Impact of Music
We hear it when we are in the car, at work, when we are shopping, at restaurants, at doctor's
offices, and many more places. Music surrounds us in our everyday lives. The style of music has
changed dramatically throughout the ages. For instance, there are six main eras in music history.
The Middle Ages, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Twentieth Century. The
music in these eras reflects the time period. Music has been and always will be a popular form of
entertainment for many. The dictionary defines "music" as an art of sound in time that expresses
ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and
color. Music is present throughout our lives, from the moment we wake up and hear that song
that starts our day off, to that song that reminds us of that relationship we once had with that
special someone, or a song that a city uses as its anthem for its sports team or a song that a
country listens to that helps comfort them in a time of tragedy and loss
The music serves a purpose other than entertainment at many of these places. Music has the
power to influence mood and behavior in people and it is no secret that it is used at every
available opportunity. We are introduced to music in our mother's womb even before we are
born. It is used to sooth, to hype up, to educate, for entertainment, as a medium to remember
information, for medical purposes, and so much more. Music is used in many ways to improve
and enhance the lives of people. It is meant to be consumed, whether it is by the listener,
performer, or composer. It is a way to translate feelings and desires that are sometimes difficult
to express using language.

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Music is really another piece of literature, one that moves emotions, and sometimes just enables
people to let loose. It is almost always used in movies. It can used to produce the feeling of
suspense or excitement. It is used in tear-jerkers to solicit an emotional response of empathy.
Have you ever watched a really chilling movie, one that you just can't bear to watch anymore, so
what do you do? You turn off the volume. Then suddenly the movie is not horrifying at all, well
that's because the music that played in the background really set the tone and made you want to
scream, but without it the movie really was nothing.
People can use music to express themselves, in ways it cannot be expressed through behavior, or
art. It helps us communicate and relate to things when we cannot find the words to help us
express our feelings. Music cannot only change one emotion but it can transform the whole
entire mood. Music is one of the few things that can help to escape reality. No matter how bad
things are, music has the potential to make people forget all about it. Music can spark any
emotion. It can hold memories. It can tell stories. Human senses are powerful and can trigger
emotion. The type of music depends on the person. Music triggers different emotions in different
people. What one person enjoys and is stimulated by could disgust and upset someone else.
What is it about music that has such a profound effect on the human mind and body? Research
has shown that music with a strong beat can stimulate brain waves to sync with the beat. The fast
beat encourages sharper thinking and better concentration whereas the slower beat creates a
relaxed almost meditative state. Music can also stimulate the brain to "change gears" easier. Its
effects remain evident even when you are done listening. On the flip side of getting people hyped
up, music can also help people calm down and concentrate. Music is sometimes used to relax and
soothe people. After a stressful event, listening to calming or classical music relaxes the body
and mind. Music can also induce a more positive state of mind. It has long been believed that
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music can also act as an aphrodisiac which is an element, either natural or chemical, that
stimulates a sexual desire. Many people use music as a way to get "pumped" up. Gyms usually
play music with a faster tempo to increase speed and motivation. According to a study on
musical tempo an increased tempo increased the speed in which people preformed simple tasks.
It also affected the participants in the study by acting as a stressor and increasing their heart rate.
It is played in places such as dance clubs and skating rinks and produces a feeling of power.
Faster music will control the speed at which you skate or dance or put you in the mood to do any
of these activities. When the tempo of the music was reduced the heart rate decreased. Music
with a fast tempo stimulates and demands physical activity.
In Africa, there are rituals performed by singing and chanting. It is shown how powerful music
can actually be. It is so powerful that it is capable of affecting or altering health. For that, music
is a form of communication which if one is deprived of can cause serious damage. So one should
not under estimate the power of music. Music therapy is growing in the field of medicine. Its
calming effects can help reduce anxiety and ward off the negative effects of stress. This can help
by reducing the negative effect the stress response has on the body and mind. Music is used for
medical purposes such as lowering blood pressure and autism. So to stay healthy drink milk,
exercise and keep yourself around a good healthy flow of music.
Many experts agree that with music lessons, because there are so many different facets involved,
such as memorizing, expressing emotion, and learning about musical interval and chords.
Children who have been diagnosed with autism receive many benefits from music therapy.
Depending on where children are placed on the autism spectrum music can assist with
communication and provide structural regularity that the children need. A child taking music
lessons greatly improves their comprehension of proportional math, which is of great importance
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in higher level mathematics. So, in effect, an education in music will aid the child in what are
considered by many to be the two most important and fundamental areas of study. On this same
note, concerning failing students, music education has been shown to pull children from even the
greatest depths of academic failure.
The effects of musical education for teenagers are even greater. Through music, the student may
now be able to express thought and emotion and feel the need for self-improvement. With these
types of changes, the student will seek improvement both consciously and unconsciously in the
classroom and in other areas of life. Through the observations and in-depth studies presented, it
seems that the implementation of music education into the school system could solve many of
the problems that test preparation classes and overbearing focus on core areas of education
cannot. With a step outside of the normal, standardized educational system, the failing student
may be able to see music as inspiration to do well in other areas of life.
Other than just changing someone individually, music can also change a whole group. Music
unites people. We can usually tell how someones feeling by the type of music he or she is
listening to at the time. Its a tool used by many. Groups of people around the world can come
together and gather at concerts, shows, and venues to show what their interests and likings are. It
ties people from different culture, country and language. You could be singing a symphony in the
glee club or, join the school band, either way you are uniting together, expressing yourself, and
creating new friends that will last a lifetime.
Another outstanding thing about music is, it can instill love. For many people the song that they
dance their first dance to at their wedding is the song that they remember forever and whenever
they hear it, it makes them fall in love all over again. During wedding and anniversary or any

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special occasion, a serenade is a lovely way to get affection. It is like a memory lane that always
welcome you whenever you hear the songs all over again.
Using music to advertise is a good way to for a company to get the attention of a potential client
or customer and for them to purchase the product or service that they are offering. Jingles are
often easier for people to remember than just plain information. Many companies use popular
artists or songs as a medium to advertise their products. One such company is McDonald with
the theme song Im lovin it, Coca-Cola, Gardenia, Digi Bersamamu and whatnot. Their
advertisements feature popular songs in hopes of getting the attention and marketing to the
specific demographic associated with the song. By using music in advertising the company wants
the listener to associate the song or tune with the product or service so when they hear the song
they will think of the product or service. This is a great way for people to remember what they
are selling.
As you can see music has been and will always be woven into the fabric of our society. There are
many uses for music and it has many hidden meaning and uses. Using the resources provided
and careful observation, it is clear that music is a powerful force in human society. Who knew
that music was such a powerful tool and could have so many effects on the human body and
mind? Listening to certain music has been shown to improve mood, increase productivity, and
even encourage intellectual growth, while music education can have an even greater effect. Its
power spans from entertainment and fun to the ability to heal, reducing stress, memorable
advertising, and so much more. However wonderful or terrible it may be, music is a cornerstone
of human culture; it is a learning tool, a method of communication, and, for some, a way of life,
and as such, it should be treated with respect and dignity.

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Allen., K. (2012, June 17). How Music Benefits The Brain. Retrieved August 18, 2014 from
Changizi, M. (2009, September 15). Why Does Music Make Us Feel?. Retrieved August 17,


Fitzpatrick, F. (2012, September 22). Music: The Essential Ingredient. Retrieved August 18,


Gonzalez, M. (October 2, 2012). Musical Creativity and the Brain. Retrieved August 18, 2014
Lipman, J. (2013, October 12). Is Music Key to Success?. Retrieved August 16, 2014 from

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