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Letter of Introduction


Field Visits

Professional Literature

Holler if you Hear me

Holler if You Hear Me by Gregory Michie is a book that all new educators should read as it
sheds light onto the struggles that so many teachers experience and have to learn to deal with on
a daily basis. If we all learn from other peoples experiences such as Michie's than we will all be
better more rounded teachers.

Holler if you hear me

Thomas L. Doremus
Education 205
Michie essay
The average amount of hours we spend on school in our lifetime is about 14,000 hours or
over 500 days. During our time spent at school we experience a lot and have good days as well
as bad ones. Every students experiences are different and vary from day to day as Michie
experienced during his days as a teacher. Throughout my education I have learned a lot, but I
have experienced more and learned just as much from my teachers and peers as I did from the
lessons being taught. I can relate to the stories from Michies students because I was bullied in
school, got into a fight, dealt with multiple divorces, lost friends changed schools/houses, got

into trouble with the wrong crowd, was assaulted by an ex cop in my neighborhood when
walking to my friends house and commuted to school, which I did not want to go to. My
experiences along with Michies and his students are not uncommon. In the classes I have
observed in I have noticed some similarities between Michies experiences and the events that
occur every day in classrooms around the world. The single most commonality I noticed was the
challenge of classroom control. As Michie struggled with being a teacher and having to deal with
his students acting out so have all of the teachers I have observed. Just as Michie had a few
freakouts and breakdowns I have observed teachers yelling at students, separating troublemakers
and even wrongfully using students as examples of what not to do. If I were the teacher I would
try to do things differently by having a classroom structure/community that stated all desired
actions and goals, I would be understanding, listen to students and not yell at them. As I prepare
to become a teacher Michies story concerns me because many of his realities are my fears of
teaching, like not being able to control my classroom, not being able to help every student and
becoming overwhelmed or burnt out by all of the work and stress. As Michie dealt with the
situations that occurred within his classroom so will I and what I have learned from his book will
prove to be immeasurably helpful. The book taught me many things such as how to embrace
students diversity, how to use students differences to encourage individuality to teach to students
interests/cultures and how to connect to students from different backgrounds. Even though every
teaching experience is different Michies book and his experiences while teaching should be read
by all teachers to help us understand that we are not alone and that even though at times it is hard
and tiring that it is rewarding and worth it in the end.
Chapter 1: Room to Learn
Pg.1-3 Michie has the question what is a bill on the chalkboard and waits for his students to
settle down. After 5 minutes (way too long of a time to wait to get attention, should take less than
a minute) Michie finally gets the classes attention and calls on Ervin to answer the question.
Ervin how bout it, whats a bill? Ervin responds jokingly what like a phone bill?, which sent
the class into a tangent on things unrelated to a Bill such as the simple fact that Ms. Tuckers
husband was named Bill. Ervins response was not very surprising considering we as learners
learn by making our own meaning and comprehension out of past experiences and prior
knowledge. The first thing Michie should have done differently was the way he phrased the
question because it did not intrigue the students nor did it provoke inquiry. The question should
have had an open ended question to spark discussion such as what Laws/rules do students deal
with on a daily basis and why do you think we have them? Michie also could have used the
phone Bill incidence as a teachable moment to compare different types of bills and how they are
similar. Michie also should have gained the classes attention much sooner and not wasted 5
minutes waiting for students to listen. Michie should have gained their attention by using
different techniques such as putting a hand in the air/over the mouth, having the students repeat a
pattern by clapping their hands or banging on the desks and offer positive reinforcement for
listening and good behavior. Michie should have separated the trouble making students as well as
had a more structured morning routine allowing for peer to peer discussion, building on a
classroom community. Michie should not have brought up the test, nor should he have responded
to the students in the mean way he did by raising his voice. Help the students to make
connections like how the classroom rules similar to a Bill or explain to the students that another
man named Bill Clinton was president who signed many Bills. Overall Michies classroom was
lacking control and structure.

Pg.4-7 Michie recalls using his past experiences such as going to school with Micheal Jordan and
uses those experiences within his classroom to connect to his students and spark class discussion.
Michie did a great job at trying to get to know his students on a more personal level through
personal questionnaires about each students likes and dislikes about school. Students need to
connect and relate to their peers and teachers in-order for them to feel that the information is
relevant. For students to be comfortable within the classroom a teacher must build positive
relationships and create a positive learning community based around the students. (LRE).
Tavares Pg.15-21 As a teacher know when to get out of the way, when to listen and when to help.
Tavares learned like many students by doing and was better off when given instructions and then
allowed to go to work (learn through trial and error).
Chapter 2: Never Touch A Student
Pg.22-School is very overcrowded, which allows for students to slip through the gap and lose out
on their education.
Pg.27-Teachers are subject to rumors and must squash them and report everything to protect
themselves and their students.
Talk to students to try to connect with them and find out what is going on in their lives that
would lead them to start rumors.
Pg.33-Hectors sister had to go to the hospital and the teacher does the right thing and does what
teachers are told not to do (touch a student). He hugs Hector and in doing so shows that he cares
and becomes closer with him.
Take precautions to not be put into troubling situations or rumors by getting to know your
students, but also know when to break the rules in order to be able to comfort or help a student in
Chapter 3: TerribleHorrible NoGoodVeryBad
School is a scary place
Pg.51-Brenda pees her pants due to not being allowed to go to the bathroom.-Know your
students and look for the tall tail signs that a student needs to really use the bathroom such as
squirming in their chair, restlessness and continually asking to go to the bathroom.
Students begin to act up, making fun of each other and causing havoc throwing things.
Teacher pulls aside the trouble making students.
Due to the lack of classroom structure and control many of the students did not want to return to

Teachers must create a positive classroom community, with rules made by the students for the
Chapter 4: The Story of Their Lives

Pg. 62-The House on Mango Street

Girls from the Eighth grade class do a dramatic reading/audiobook, which allowed for Michie
and his students to get to know each other through a school activity. The girls all wanted to
participate so Michie assigned the Five Esperanzas (the Mango girls).
Pg. 66-Nancys house burns down and shows how learning can be an escape from reality for
many sudents. Please lets just keep readingjust wanted to be at school dont know why?
After Michie talks with Nancy he gives her his version of the story for Nancy had nothing but
performing the story at school and posed the question would you rather have an old friend or a
new one? After reciting the book the students wrote to the author asking how much of the story
was true. This was good on Michies part because he got the girls to write about something they
were passionate about while also covering some standards.
Pg. 68-You have to be willing to explore and leave your comfort zone as a teacher in-order to be
able to cater to the individualities of the class.
Pg. 74-77-Never forget where you came from.
Cultural backgrounds matter within the classroom and they must be catered appropriately to the
demographic of the class. It is very common for Caucasians to go to school, but for Nancys
neighborhood the common goal is to graduate High School. As Nancy states some Mexicans in
her neighborhood look at college bound Mexicans and say stop acting white. In most of Nancys
classes she is the only Latino, which makes her feel like an outsider. We must never forget where
we came from and we must understand where our students are coming from so that we can help
them feel comfortable within the classroom and not be intimidated to participate or ask
Chapter 5: Look at your Hands
Pg.80-Brazers-A term for someone who is too Mexican (not Mexican American).
A result of a clash of two cultures.
Pg.81-Team Teaching is used instead of pulling students out.
A push in is done to teach the class as a whole (tag team/team teaching).

The teachers didnt know each other, which caused problems.

Teachers need to get along and communicate in order to further help students and to do this
teachers need to interact so that they know if their teaching/education philosophies will work
together or not.
Pg.85-Found out what the students didnt know about Mexic, themselves and students
preconceived ideas such as their definition of the white man.
Teachers need to show cultures through different points of views and different perspectives.
Pg.86-Students normally want to learn and they do not just do things without purpose or
meaning. Many students respond the way they due because of past negative experiences.
Pg.87-Sergio doesnt do his homework because he is in the hospital all night worrying about his
grandmother.-This is an example that although school is important that family and other things
come first above all else.
Pg.88-Co-Team-Teaching makes class sizes smaller and more effective.
4 Classes worked collaboratively on a mural as a final project and display the compilations of the
classes to the rest of the school.
Pg.95-Turn learning into a discussion amongst peers instead of just memorizing facts and dates.
Recognize cultures and traditions and learn to celebrate them.
Never forget that as a teacher we are always learning and that the students can be the teachers as
Chapter 6: No Zombies Allowed
Pg.101-Media studies and communication
Michie makes learning fun and relevant by having a discussion around a Jerry Springer segment
(a show they are all familiar with).
Pg.106-Culminating production
Create your own SitDramas
The students creaeted scenes about real life situations like trust, honesty and divorce. By learning
through the incorporation of true real life experiences makes the learner internalize and
remember the information much better than just rote learning.

Pg.110-Coolio Gangstas Paradise

Current events and music can be used and incorporated into teaching and lessons just like
Michies classroom where he incorporated music.
Pg.111-Songs in Spanish
Miguel is surprised with Michies music knowledge and Michie is surprised that Miguel came in
ready with his work done and eager to start the day.-Keep high, but achievable expectations for
your students because they will rise to meet and often times surpass them. Also students want to
learn and impress their teachers and peers, so dont hold one bad day against them.
Pg.112-Teachable moments-Dont allow them to escape and use them as a way to teach to
students through what they are interested in or bring up in discussion.
Pg.117-Inspiration to learn-When students are interested in something or feel invested in what is
going on then they participate more and learn more from the information.
Paloma and her birthday celebration
Paloma celebrates her Quinceanera (coming of age 15-16) and finds her family support more
important than the celebration itself. This coming of age shows the importance of family, culture
and heritage in students lives, which is another reason students differences need to be celebrated
and learned about to become culturally knowledgable.
Pg.116-I dont think the problems of my generation were created by us, they were brought on us
by people who are older.-As Paloma put it not all kids are bad, but the ones who are give the
rest of them a bad reputation.
Pg.117-Palomas most important thing learned from media studies was to voice her opinion and
make a difference by using her voice. Just like many students Paloma wanted to help her
neighborhood, which is why we must encourage our students to use their voice and stand up for
what they believe is right because everyone especially young kids need to be heard.
Chapter 7: See If I Care
Asked students to write letters
Pg.119-Letters to Michie show that the class is bored and want to do something else.
Having your students give feedback is very helpful for understanding your students, their
interests and how much they know or dont know. As one of the students put it we need to be
understanding and help others because no one is perfect.
The problem isnt you, its your subject.-Enough about sexism we get it. Know when to move
on and learn to not teach something the students already know.

Pg.120-121-Michie appears burnt out and frustrated. He outbursts at the students loudly due to a
lack of control.-Never yell at your students, always stay calm, be patient/understanding and try
different ways of getting the students attention.
Pg.123-Ruby is talking and says some comments aloud. Mr. Shepherd instead of remaining calm
and finding out the reasoning behind the action he flips out and kicks her out of the classroom.
Pg.128-129-Pay attention to your students, you never know what they are going through.
Mayra is abused and tells mother who does nothing. Mayra threatens to run away and mom
replies go ahead, theres the door.-This is why as teachers we must pay attention to our
students and ask them what is going on to try to understand what is going on with them outside
of school because many students come from troubled backgrounds that ultimately affect their
learning and education.
Chapter 8: You Gotta Be Heard
Pg.135-137-Gangs proudly represent themselves during the Independencia de Mexico.
Luis is influenced by the Jesters and is labeled as a gangbanger after signs of turning like cutting
his hair. Luis eventually disappears and is said to be hiding from the police for possible murder.
Students are enticed to join gangs because they promise to take care of them, be their
family/friend, provide for them, have low expectations and they provide security. As teachers we
need to build strong communities within our classrooms so that our students dont feel alienated
or uncomfortable and possibly turn to gang life.
Pg.141-The Preacher
Moses Green is a great example of a teacher who took the time to understand and help his
students deal with the pressure associated with the gangs in their neighborhood. He will stay on
your back and he will stick with you to the end.-Students need to understand that you care and
want them to succeed not only in school, but in life in general.
Mr. Green cared about his students, which showed when instead of getting mad, yelling or
simply kicking a student out of the class he would try to relate to what they were going through
and most importantly he would listen. He didnt see gangbangers, just people.-Find time or
activities to learn about your students to better help them.
Pg.143-Pedro or Peter
Horrible teacher changes students name from Pedro to Peter Anglicizing him and ultimately
eliminating a part of his heritage and culture. A persons name is very sacred and individual to
him/her, which is why students should be addressed by name (names should be celebrated).
Pg.148-Videotaped debate discussion forums.

Gang dialogue poems by the students were videotaped and used as a type of assessment, while
also being fun and relevant to the students.-It is a good idea to allow students to express
themselves and the experiences they are going through in their work.-Use writing/reading as an
escape from the troubles and issues going on outside of school.
Pg.151-Juan-the natural videographer
Juan and some students create a mini film called The Catch Up that is a Chase sequence, which
involved stereotyping, misconceptions and humor that shed light onto what many of the students
dealt with on a day to day basis. As Michie put it He (Juan) had skills, they just had to be
found and encouraged.
Pg.154Juans advice
Teachers strict because scared of students. Kids should not learn out of fears of consequences
instead they should learn out of pride and to better themselves.
Be strict, but free, try to understand students and be nonjudgmental.
I want to be a respected man, a man of integrity.
A good teacher: Knows their students and understands when they get something and are ready to
move on as well as when to remediate. If a student already knows the information than they may
be bored, not pay any attention at all or even worse not want to learn at all. As teachers we dont
want our students to do the work to just merely get it done we want our students to do the work
to learn and better themselves.
Chapter 8: You Gotta Be Heard
Pg.135-137-Gangs proudly represent themselves during the Independencia de Mexico.
Luis is influenced by the Jesters and is labeled as a gangbanger after signs of turning like cutting
his hair. Luis eventually disappears and is said to be hiding from the police for possible murder.
Students are enticed to join gangs because they promise to take care of them, be their
family/friend, provide for them, have low expectations and they provide security. As teachers we
need to build strong communities within our classrooms so that our students dont feel alienated
or uncomfortable and possibly turn to gang life.
Pg.141-The Preacher
Moses Green is a great example of a teacher who took the time to understand and help his
students deal with the pressure associated with the gangs in their neighborhood. He will stay on
your back and he will stick with you to the end.-Students need to understand that you care and
want them to succeed not only in school, but in life in general.

Mr. Green cared about his students, which showed when instead of getting mad, yelling or
simply kicking a student out of the class he would try to relate to what they were going through
and most importantly he would listen. He didnt see gangbangers, just people.-Find time or
activities to learn about your students to better help them.
Pg.143-Pedro or Peter
Horrible teacher changes students name from Pedro to Peter Anglicizing him and ultimately
eliminating a part of his heritage and culture. A persons name is very sacred and individual to
him/her, which is why students should be addressed by name (names should be celebrated).
Pg.148-Videotaped debate discussion forums.
Gang dialogue poems by the students were videotaped and used as a type of assessment, while
also being fun and relevant to the students.-It is a good idea to allow students to express
themselves and the experiences they are going through in their work.-Use writing/reading as an
escape from the troubles and issues going on outside of school.
Pg.151-Juan-the natural videographer
Juan and some students create a mini film called The Catch Up that is a Chase sequence, which
involved stereotyping, misconceptions and humor that shed light onto what many of the students
dealt with on a day to day basis. As Michie put it He (Juan) had skills, they just had to be
found and encouraged.
Pg.154Juans advice
Teachers strict because scared of students. Kids should not learn out of fears of consequences
instead they should learn out of pride and to better themselves.
Be strict, but free, try to understand students and be nonjudgmental.
I want to be a respected man, a man of integrity.
A good teacher: Knows their students and understands when they get something and are ready to
move on as well as when to remediate. If a student already knows the information than they may
be bored, not pay any attention at all or even worse not want to learn at all. As teachers we dont
want our students to do the work to just merely get it done we want our students to do the work
to learn and better themselves.
Chapter 9: And Justice For Some
Pg.157-Public brutality
Reggie is in his football gear and is assaulted by a racist police officer around his schoolmates.

Michie immediately reports the incident and then after the school day ends another teacher goes
in person with the students to report what happened in person. The incident stirs commotion in
the school and protests along with support for Reggie begin to build.
Pg.162-The beating was wrong because it happened to a good kid. This shows how our system
is corrupt and looks into social status along with behavior instead of just the facts. Reggie settles
out of court and receives compensation and can finally move on with his life.
Pg.159-Michie finds a way to connect with Reggie through music interests.
Pg.164-Michie takes Reggie to an Earth, Wind and Fire concert and has a great time until on the
way home they see police lights and are both reminded of the incident that occurred the year
before (signs of P.T.S.D).
Pg.169-Never knew how to act until moved in with mom in Ohio, bit a teacher and cursed so
considered as special needs.
Mom taught all things need to know such as respect and how to act.
Pg.170-Never knew father, but still learned to treat others as you would want to be treated in
Had very low-self-esteem, which all teachers must build on with our students by praising
individuality and positive traits of others.
Pg.172-We are living in a prejudice system and although it is getting better we still have a long
way to go.
Chapter 10: To Be Continued
Pg.174-Yesenia I dont want to leaveI cant make it in High School. A concern about
entering the eighth grade and that it is coming whether the students are ready or not.
Pg.176-Nearly 40% of Chicago H.S. students drop out.
After dealing with the stress and feeling down Michie questions his own teaching and wonders if
his inability to teach would result in the students failing the standardized tests. He wants them to
do well and succeed.
Pg.180-He knew his students and their culture, which is why he goes out of his way and hires a
Mariachi band to play.
Pg.185-Yesenia appears to always be loud and talking; distracting the class. Although Yesenia
sometimes talks she is not always the one to blame and often is falsely accused of doing
something she wasnt. Because of this Yesenia felt as though Michie hated her and was one of

the reasons she was scared of school.

Pg.188-To me, being successful means eventually being able to take care of myselfsupport
my family and help the neighborhood. She wants to help others (empathy).
Pg.189-Always look to the positive and never drop your head for the water will engulf us if we
do not dare to tread.-De La Soul




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