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the videos were very interesting, present different perspectives on how the
world will look in two thousand fifty, climate change and overpopulation will
be key to our future.
science and technology will be useful for survival and use natural resources
I hope that by two thousand fifty the world will be a sustainable and
conscious world, able of cooperate and live in peace with nature .
los videos fueron muy interesantes, presentan perspectivas diferentes
sobre cmo el mundo se ver en el ao 2050, el cambio climtico y la
superpoblacin ser clave para nuestro futuro.
la ciencia y la tecnologa sern tiles para la supervivencia y el uso de los
recursos naturales de manera eficiente.

Whats your name? angela delgado

Where are you from? Im from Colombia .
How old are you? I am twenty three years old
Are you married? single mother
Whats your telefone number? 313018851
Whats your address? I currently live in Soat City, my house is located at Puente
Pinzon neighborhood.
What do you do? I am study
What are you studying? I study business administration at UNAD University.
Who do you live with? With my son
What do you do in your free time? play football that is so funny.
What time do you get up? I get up at seven a cloock
What time do you have breakfast? I have breakfast EIGH O CLOCK
What do you do on weekend? watch movies with my family
My name is Angela Del Pilar Delgado Patio

I am twenty four years old, Im from Colombia . I currently live in Soat City, my house
is located at Puente Pinzon neighborhood. I study business administration at UNAD
University. Phone number: 3103018851 I have a son, he is two years old, his name is
Juan Jose, he is very smart and handsome

1. How will the education system change by 2050?

By 2050 Urbanization trends will reinvent the education system, making our economy
less real estate driven and erasing the divisions between home and work. I think that
the education will be more effective and the distance education will be the main way to
study a career, it will allow to us use the time so better.
2. What will a smart grid make in human beings by 2050?
"Smart grid will be a system where all of our appliances are linked directly to energy
distribution systems, allowing for real-time pricing based on supply and demand. The
cities of the future won't look like "some sort of science-fiction fantasy. The
overpopulation will be a key topic for the cities organization.
3. How will mass media be in future?
In the future The entire world will be an only one network that shares a lot of information
in real time More than today. The Internet will continue to radically transform media,
destroying the traditional model of what a news organization is.
4. Will global warming have any importance to have a better life in future? Why?
Sure, the global warming will be key in the future, We must to take care of our planet
and our natural resources from now. Its likely we could see out-of-control rises in sea
levels, enormous crop shortfalls, and wars over increasingly scarce freshwater
5. What will people know more about health?
In the future we will know a lot more about the virus than we do today and therapies will
be much more effective. The technology will allow to increase the average age and
quality of life for people.
In 2050 Colombia will be a developed country, the peace will be signed and the main
goal of the government will be the education and technological investigation. The
society will be more equal and the poorness will be minor than today, the economy will

be based on the fruit and vegetable production and the oil and gas wont be the more
important thing for us.
The technology and the energy demand will be supported in the alternative power
sources like wind, solar energy and biodigesters that will transform the trash gases in
electrical energy. The recycling will be a common practice of all us and the reuse of
trash will decrease the amount of waste generated daily in the cities. The internet
access will cover all the country allowing the easy interconnection for the people who
live in remote places.
The air transportation will be so common and all the cities will have airports and the low
cost of tickets will do so easy travel for all us. In the cities the electrical cars will have
the 90 % of the market and the bicycle transportation will be the favorite method for the
In the health field the dies caused by virus will be less than today, the key will be In the
prevention and the development of new vaccines that will help to control the sickness
expansions. the Colombian scientists will discover the way to cure the tropical
dangerous diseases.
I hope that in 2050 Colombia will be in peace, and will be the best place to live in the
entire world, without war and without drugs traffic . I would like that in 2015 we will
can to enjoy the nature, our rivers our forest and our natural resources .

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