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Select your difficulty :

Adjective Order Table Colours part 1 Colours part 2 this that these those part 1 this
that these those part 2 this that these those part 3 Possessives part 1 Possessives part
2 Possessives part 3 Possessives part 4 Possessives part 5 Adjective Order

Where when Frequency adverbs

Capital letters
Capital Letters

Comparatives and Superlatives

Mr Purple & Mr Blue Same & different as as A as as B Than A Than B As or than
Comparative Superlative A Comparative Superlative B Quantity words A Quantity words B
Quantity words C Quantity words D

Adjectives used as nouns Figures of speech Nouns : Proper or Pommon ? Commons nouns :
Countable or uncountable ? Uncountable nouns : General or Defined ? Countable nouns :
General or Specific ? General & specific nouns : Undefined or Defined ? Proper nouns :
Special Cases Common nouns : Special Cases

Both all none

both two both all neither none

Some any
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some, any : Dictation some, any : MCQ

Linking words
Link words table because though because of although while unless because though
while unless Students frustrations however although Not missing the link

Mr Blue & Mr Purple

because so because though but though

Addition Contrast Results : Set 1

and but so in addition however therefore also yet consequently moreover
nevertheless thus

Addition Contrast Results : Set 2

and but so in addition however therefore also yet consequently moreover
nevertheless thus

Nationality words
Nationality Words Table The (i)an people A The (i)an people B The -i people The -ese
people and two others The English and their close neighbours Some other Europeans The

Numbers & Dates

Cardinal numbers
1 10 10 -100 100 1 000 1 000 10 000 1 000 000 10 000 000 1 000 000 000 10 000
000 000 20 29 120 -129 1030 1039 11 19 111 119 ty- or -teen ? Cardinal Numbers
Test Simple Arithmetic

Ordinal numbers
1st 10th 20th 1000th Ordinal Numbers Test

Seasons Years Months Days Dates : British Dates : American

Phrasal verbs
These exercises DO NOT TEST your knowledge of phrasal verbs, but help you to understand
them. The object is to create the same images in your mind as those of a native speaker.
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Dont do all these exercises on the same day.

Give yourself time to integrate the images :
Introduction to phrasal verbs Prepositions Definitions in out up down on off for over
Do each exercise over again until you get it 100% correct.

top -middle bottom above below next to far from at to behind in front of on up
down like/unlike with without top middle bottom under on which left right
middle between half right middle left first last then between next to over
under on under on top underneath in front of behind by of for from

Personal pronouns
I you he she it we they her him them it me you they you he it she

Relative pronouns
who which 2 who which 2 what or that Whos that ? what which who whom
whose that

Time expressions
always still again still already (not) yet no longer (not) any more before after
ago in last next this for during How long ? When ? for ago : Micheles life
since ago : Tanyas life early late earliest latest soon last back then early late
earliest latest soon last back then

get go gerunds and infinitives make do tell say talk speak tell ask want pay use
used to be/get used to usually

These exercises will help you to understand the logic of irregular verbs in English and so
have no need to learn an alphabetical list by heart.
They are presented in groups which each form their Simple Past and Past Participle in similar
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There are also pictures to help with the meaning.

Similarities between the Simple Past and the Past Participle
bend bent burn burnt keep kept bring brought bleed bled sell sold dig dug light
lit find found put
Differences between the Simple Past and the Past Participle
break broke broken shake shook shaken bite bit bitten drive drove driven give
gave given wear wore worn blow blew blown begin began begun come
came come

Simple Present or Present Continuous ? Past Present Mr Blue goes for a walk Changes 1
Changes 2 Simple Past or Present Perfect ? If Romeo & Juliet 1 If Romeo & Juliet 2
Hotel Reservations : Time Words Hotel Reservations : Tenses Hotel Reservations : Dictation

Making questions
Tuberculosis and women A farm in the city Hand washing How Green Is My (Rooftop)
Garden ?

Do these exercises in order.
The first exercises are easy, but pay attention to the order of the words because at the end
youll have to reconstruct the whole text.
Match the sentences to the pictures Match the words to the pictures Do a crossword Put the
sentences in order Write the words in the space Sentence reconstruction Text Reconstruction

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