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App Design Proposal

App Inventor Name: Ronen Cohen

Submission Date: November 8, 2014

I. Planning Table (30 points)

The Name of Your App


Paint the World

Category of
Your App
Why are you building this
For example, what
kind of contextual
problem (daily
life, learning,
instruction, work
etc.) are you
User Group(s)
(age/job/education level
User Test Plan

This drawing app improves the drawing app Pain Pot we created
in week 4. It allows for users to take photos (or import images) and
illustrate them. It also has an educational purpose (although the
advertisement will focus on the fun side of it), in that students can
illustrate images to better explain them (such as adding labels on
maps for Social Studies lessons or labeling body parts in Science).
The app also helps improving users fine motor and hand-eye
coordination skills, and general technology use and design skills.
School aged children for use in their free time as well as for
educational purposes.

Who are the testers?

35 10-and-11 year old students (my students)

5 children from ages 5-11 (my sons friends)

When and where do you plan to test your app?

When: As soon as I complete the first draft of the app.

Where: At my school and at my apartment building.

How do you plan to test your app?

1: Let kids play around and observe and ask them questions about
it (level of difficulty using it, what they did with it, what they could do
with it, etc.- I am sure I can find a sample testing document online.)
2: Design questions about specific parts of the app (design,
simplicity, variety of options, overall feel, etc.
3: Modify app based on feedback.
4: Get more feedback
5: Modify again

What do you want your testers to do with your app?

- Take their own photos and illustrate them

- Take images and import images
- Illustrate and label images

A template designed for BSU EDTECH534 Mobile App Design Course by Yu-Chang Hsu, Ph.D.

What do you want to learn about your app from the user tests? (e.g., fun factors,
visual appeal, navigation, buttons, colors, etc.)

There are many things I would like to learn from them:

- Overall design- colors, buttons, spacing, etc.
- Overall experience- fun, simple to do things, simple to understand
what and how to do it.
How does this app work?

The app works by users drawing on the canvas, importing or

uploading pre-set backgrounds, and taking photos or videos of it.
Dissemination Plan

I plan to use it with my students and neighbors, and to promote it

through them.
Future development plan
for this App

I definitely think that the educational side of the app has a lot of
potential. The labeling images can turn into merging images, cutting
out sections of images and creating their own new image, all in
order to better illustrate images and share them.
My current understanding of AI2 is insufficient to develop more
complicated apps, and even in order to do what I envision for this
app, I will need help from more experienced users.

A template designed for BSU EDTECH534 Mobile App Design Course by Yu-Chang Hsu, Ph.D.

II. Instruction for App Component Map and App Behavior Flowchart
Please use concept map tools (e.g., Gliffy, Google Drawing, or etc.) of your choice to create the following to explain your proposed apps.

Sketch it out!

App Component Map (i.e., explain what you plan to have on the Component Designer; You can also consider providing a screenshot of your working
Component Designer to help your explanation.)
a. What are some visible components you plan to have on the user interface? (e.g., buttons, labels, images, animations, textbox for input etc.)
b. What are some Non-visible components you plan to have on the component designer? (e.g., sound, location sensor, TinyDB etc.)
c. Why do you need those components mentioned above (aesthetic, relevance function etc.)?

II-A. App Component Map (30 points)

II-B. App Behavior Flowchart

A template designed for BSU EDTECH534 Mobile App Design Course by Yu-Chang Hsu, Ph.D. 2011-2014

A template designed for BSU EDTECH534 Mobile App Design Course by Yu-Chang Hsu, Ph.D. 2011-2014

A template designed for BSU EDTECH534 Mobile App Design Course by Yu-Chang Hsu, Ph.D. 2011-2014

A template designed for BSU EDTECH534 Mobile App Design Course by Yu-Chang Hsu, Ph.D. 2011-2014

A template designed for BSU EDTECH534 Mobile App Design Course by Yu-Chang Hsu, Ph.D. 2011-2014

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