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Past activities. Actividades del pasado. En unidades anteriores ha aprendido a hablar de las actividades que se realizan en el momento presente utilizindo et present continuous (What are you doing? ~ I'm waiting for Samantha) y también de las actividades que se van x realizar cn el futuro utilizando el future continuous (This time next week, I'll be lying on the beach). Ahora ampliarai el mamero de situaciones a las que hacer referenci 's aprendiendo cémo hablar de actividades que han tenido tu pasado, Probablemente no se sorprender al ver que el tiempo verbal que se utiliza para tal fin es el past continuous. ‘A lo largo de esta unidad -dedicada principalmente al estudio del nuevo tiempo verbal- aprender ademas una regla ortografica relativa a dos terminaciones verbales, oira el acento de una persona nativa de Nigeria y recibira informacion acerea de este y de otros paises del ocste de Africa donde se habla el ingks, Consejos para el aprendizaje. Los aficionados a las estadisticas a veces preguntan: 1 igual que ocurrria con cualquier otro idioma, es dificil dar una respuesta precisa. si bien, con frecuencia, se ofrceen estimaciones como las Siguientes: “alrededor de 800.000 palabras, de las cuales unas 300.000 son términus kenicos”o “alrededor de wn millon de palabras, de las cuales unas 10.000 han sido creadas en los dltimos veinte aos” Estas cifras resultan, a primera vista, terrorificas: sin embargo, hay otra cifra que puede tranquilizara los estudiantey: un inglés nativo que ha seguido una educacién normal usa por término medio unas 5.000) palabras en ef habla cotidiana De hecho, en la primera mitad del curso ya ha encontrado unas 2.500 palabras inglesas, Seguramente no las recordar’ todas, pero es de esperar que esté satsfecho con el i también con las normas gramaticales y otros aspectos de! len la segunda mitad del curso que empicza en esta unidad 's que ha aprendido hasta ahora —no sito con el vocabulario, sino eneral- y que emprenda con ilusidn el estudio de Observacién. Antes d mancras de referirse al pasido que ha visto en anteriores unidades iniciar el estudio del nuevo tiempo verbal cn las siguientes priginas, puede resultarle util revisar las distintas — Past simple, empleado para hacer referencia a hechos que han tenido lugar en ef pasado (unidad 25, especialmente lay pags. 508-515), Present perfect, empleado para (unidad 33, especialmente las pi ef referencia hechos rec (672-675). nies y experieneias del pasado ws diferens anidad encontrara varios ejemplos de 1s entre los mismos y el uso Sittiene presentes los usos de estos tiempos verbales, le ser’ mas facil establecer del past continuous. En cuuilquier caso, en el apartado de Introduetion de ests past simple y de present perfect 993, rT Speaking and Introduction. On the cassette, you can hear two jokes and part of a song. The jokes are about pubs and champagne cocktails, and you have heard them before. (They appeared in Unit 25.) You have also heard the song before. (It was in Unit 33.) ~ Listen to the cassette, following the first version of the text. ~ Listen again, following the second version. — Read the second version aloud, putting in the missing words. Se) Introduction. Joke 1 Song: Joke 2: ‘There's a new pub in my street — and there's a sign on the door: “We serve everything.” Last Thursday, I went in. I said to the barman: “Do you serve champagne cocktails?” He said: ‘es. We serve everything. 1e cock! ‘man came in — with a kangaroo. Do you serve kanga- And he gave me a champas Then, ‘The man said: “OK. A beer for me, and an or- ange juice for the kangaroo.” Have you ever seen the Colosseum? Haye you seen Niagara Falls? Have you ever seen the Pyramids in Egypt? Pye taken photographs of them all. A few days ago, I went to the pub. arrived at the pub at seven o'clock. T had ten champagne cocktails, and I came out of the pub at eleven o'clock. A man eame out of the pub behind me. stopped and looked up at the sk ‘Then, he said: “Is that the sun or the moon don't know, What do you think?” : “I don't know. I don't live in this street.” S) Introduce Joke I: Song: Joke 2: There’s a new pub in my +++ —and there's a sign on the «s+»: “We serve s=+ Last Thursday, I went =. I said to the +++: “Do you serve He said: “Yes. We serve ! [And he gave me a champagne +=++s1=», ‘Then, a man came in ~ with a *s-+0e+s, to the sresse: “Do you serve kanga- Haye you ever *=+ the Colosseum Haye you *»+* Niagara Falls? Have you ever s+» the Pyramids in Egypt? Pye +e» photographs of them all, A few days ++, I went to the pub. Larrived at the +=» at seven o'clock. Thad ten champagr =, and Teame of the +*» at eleven 0 A man came +++ of the pub behind me. He stopped and looked up at the Then, he said: “Is that the **+ or the ©+=:2" sald: “I don't »+*. What do you think?” He said: “I don't == "tive in this UNIT 49 Practice. = Read this joke aloud. Three admirals met on a ship: a British admiral, an viet admiral ‘The British admiral the bravest men In the in the Royal Navy, we have ord.” The American admiral said: “No, the bravest men in the world are in the United States Navy The Soviet admiral said: "You're both wrong. The brav- est men in the world are in the Soviet Navy. Watch this. He said to a Soviet sailor: “Boris Ivanovich! into the “You see," said the Soviet admiral, “That is an example of great courage ‘The Américan dmiral thought for a m said (o an American sailor: “Jeffersont swim around the ship six times, and come back here.” The Am: 1n sailor did this. “That.” said the American admiral, real courage.” ‘an example of The British admiral thought for a moment. Then, he said to a British sailor: “Hi into the sea, around the ship twelve times, and come back here.” ‘The British sailor sai 1¢ into the sea, sw the ship twelve times, and come back here? ‘The British admiral said: “That's right.” n around ‘The British sailor said: “You're mad. If you want som body to swim around the ship, you can do it yourself! And that,” said the British admiral, “Is an example of supreme courage.’ ~ Find all the examples of past simple verbs in that joke (You'll find the answers on page 1012.) admiral ¢ “edmoral almirante the Royal Navy > ‘roval ‘nevi! Marina Real sailor ‘seule! marinero brave torew valiente, espléndido courage arid) valor, coraje ‘An American sailor. Words you know on the subject of this unit. Past act morning yesterday | afternoon evening last night ‘week. month, year Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday January. February. March Spring, summer, autumn, winter ten minutes three days | ago six weeks in (the year) 1776 in July 1776 fon July 4th, 1776 The Speaking and listening section in this unit has these parte: What was happening? What were you doing’ {Qué estaba ocurtiendo? {Qué estabasiestaba haciendo? {Oué ocurrié después? ‘What happened next?

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