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Understanding Our Consumers

Our goal at Les Mills is to create

Consumer Research to Date

tness experiences that will

An independent research agency (Essence Research,

New Zealand) conducted an extensive series of
discussions with consumer focus groups on all the
LES MILLS programs during 2003 and 2004. Focus
groups included:

change the lives of our class

members. If were serious about
this, we need to know how they
feel about our programs, what
they want from them, and how we
can go about delivering this. This
information is vital to the ongoing
development of LES MILLS
programs and also vital for you

People who are currently doing LES MILLS

Club members who havent tried any LES MILLS
programs so far;
People who are doing freestyle group tness; and
People who have dropped out of LES MILLS
In addition, they also conducted research on over
500 current LES MILLS program participants in
Sweden and obtained feedback from key agents
within the LES MILLS network.

Generic Research Findings

The main ndings were:

to be a successful and eective


It isnt easy motivating a group of people with

varying levels of tness and experience. Everyone
is dierent so instructors should encourage
people to work towards their individual or
personal goals their personal challenge. Its
important to provide clear instructions to each
person on how to tailor a workout for example,
adjusting weights for BODYPUMP, resistance or
load for RPM, or step height for BODYSTEP.
People are most satised when the class feels
like a great experience. So the instructor needs
to manage the expectations and energy levels
of classes. Instructors should also keep the group
informed of upcoming exercises and tracks and
maybe give a brief overview of what to expect at
the beginning of a class.
However, most people agree that the experience
shouldnt be too predictable. Variety is an
important part of the experience and its a key
reason why people choose group tness over
other forms of exercise. Theyre particularly critical
when theres a lack of variety in music or tracks.
Another common criticism is a lack of
consistency amongst instructors. People inevitably
develop preferences for certain instructors, but
its important that they can choose any class on a
group tness timetable and get consistent, highquality instruction.

Les Mills International Ltd 2005

LES MILLS programs have a strong prole

people have heard of them and feel positive about
Every week more and more people are taking part
in LES MILLS programs.
People love doing the programs and theres a very
high level of satisfaction.

Furthermore, participants tell us that they are

continually surprised and delighted with
improvements and innovations in the programs.
LES MILLS programs clearly lead and keep ahead
of tness trends.
In addition to this, more detailed information relating
to ALL of the programs was obtained:
All of the LES MILLS programs give high levels of
Great instructors are the key to happy clients.
Across all the programs, its the quality of the
instructor and the instructing that creates that
People often arrive at the gym with no desire to
exercise at all. So enthusiastic instructors who
can inspire and motivate people are the ones
who get the best ratings with our clients. The ideal
instructor leads a great tness experience and
doesnt put up barriers. The focus should be on the
needs of the group and ensuring everyone gets
the most out of the workout.
Poor demonstration, instructions and cueing
are the most common criticisms of instructors.
Clear instruction of the exercises, technical
explanations and cueing are critically important.
The instructor needs to be the ultimate role model,
demonstrating perfect technique. All LES MILLS
programs are expected to have instructors with
excellent instruction and demonstration.

Everyone wants results to see results, but also to

understand results. Increasingly, people want more
information on the benets and purposes of
dierent exercises. They want to know how and
why its doing them good.
Increasingly, people want what they describe
as an authentic experience. This means
its essential that LES MILLS instructors are
always approachable and welcoming. They
need to be supportive in their comments and
no one participant should be singled out for
unconstructive criticism. Authentic instruction
is about avoiding the negative stereotypes of
supercial, over-the-top, selsh instructors or
annoyingly loud music.
Music is a key strength in LES MILLS programs
most people love the choice of music. Great
music takes away the discomfort of exercising, and
it provides motivation, particularly for reluctant

Even with long-term club members, awareness

and knowledge of programs may be limited. We
have to keep new and existing club members
up to date about the benets of LES MILLS

In programs where equipment is used, like in

of the equipment can make or break the
experience. While its not the instructors direct
responsibility, people still expect instructors
to monitor the quality and availability of the

Word-of-mouth recommendation from

friends and family is the number one factor for
generating interest in our programs and getting
people to try them out. Encourage people to bring
someone to your next class. Recommendations
from club sta or personal trainers, and from
posters and information pamphlets also create
interest in the programs, so get chatting to people
at the gym and motivate them to try something
new and dierent.

BODYPUMP Consumer Research

BODYPUMP is well established now, but it still has
real potential for growth. Theres a lot of interest in
strength training and BODYPUMP appeals to both
men and women. While its a familiar program to
many, its still a unique and innovative idea for those
new to group tness.
Heres some of the feedback from the LES MILLS
focus groups:
BODYPUMP fans like the challenge and
sense of achievement that the class creates a
powerful, eective, ecient, total body workout.
They expect to be taught correct technique by
People like the challenge, hard work and
achievement that is all part of a BODYPUMP
class, but they also want it to be fun and
Some instructors have been criticized for being
domineering, intimidating and overly critical.
Thats particularly unacceptable to younger people
who expect a more inspiring and positive style of
In some clubs, poorly maintained equipment or
the shortage of equipment is a key concern.

Implications for Instructors

Instructors will need to put emphasis on:
Mastering perfect technique.
How? By understanding how we execute every
exercise in the BODYPUMP library the plane of
the move, the range of movement, target zones,
weight selection and so on. We also need to
understand why we execute an exercise this way
factors like the associated benets and safety
parameters. And then, most importantly, we have
to spend as many hours as we need to physically
perfect each exercise.
The perfect tool to awesome BODYPUMP
technique is the latest technique session, included
with this DVD release. When you can demonstrate
perfect technique and really understand why
we do each exercise, youll have no problems
communicating this expertise to your class
members. Youll be a fantastic demonstrator and
coach of BODYPUMP technique.

Les Mills International Ltd 2005

But the main thing stopping people from

trying BODYPUMP is that its got a rather
intimidating image. Theyre put o by the
overwhelming array of equipment, daunting
reputation of some instructors, by fear of being
and looking incompetent and by the perception
that BODYPUMP is too serious and not really
Answer to the above nding from Emma Barry,
Group Fitness Director, Les Mills International:
We systematically remove the areas of concern or
barriers that currently prevent our members from
trying this world-class workout. Its about telling them
what they need to know. Like what to wear and bring
to class, which weights to select and how to use them,
etc... and getting them familiar with the workout in a
warm, informative and motivating way.
So now we know that BODYPUMP participants
want an ecient, results-focused, personally
challenging workout thats also enjoyable and
really inspires them. How can we use this research
to improve our classes and coaching?
Answer from Emma:
Its simple we just need to focus on the basics: our
Five Key Elements. These, along with the information
we get each quarter, give us the skill and expertise to
provide the workout and experience people are telling
us that they want.

Looking the part to be a great role model for

the program.
We know that people keep coming back to our
classes for lots of reasons, but one of the driving
forces that gets them there in the rst place is the
desire to change the shape of their bodies. If you
dont walk the talk as we say, itll be dicult for
them to believe that BODYPUMP is the fastest
way in the universe to get in shape.
This could mean you need to enlist the help of a
personal trainer or you might need to cross-train
using both strength and cardiovascular regimes.
For some of you, simply increasing the number
of LES MILLS classes you take part in will help
achieve this. But be sensible use a variety of
program options like BODYATTACK and RPM
to work up your cardio response, and maybe
BODYBALANCE to help with suppleness and
Giving clear instructions and cueing.
These are fundamental to an ecient resultsfocused, enjoyable and personally challenging
workout. People not only want us to show them
how to do each exercise correctly, but they want
us to coach them how to do the same. They want
results and its our responsibility to make this
happen. Its about them not about us.

So its important to spend time on two things:

1. Script cues that set up the exercise correctly,
and then coach people to move like experts.
Weve given you a number of quarterly education
sessions over the last year that focus on just this.
Review Growing from Instructor to Coach and
Life Changing Instructional Language for Physical
Execution to really ne-tune your skills here.
Check out the BODYPUMP cues included in this
handout. Here youll nd a comprehensive list of
initial and follow-up cues to use.
2. Watch the eect of your cues on your class
are you getting the right message across? And
if not, is it because theyre not simple enough?
Or are you just talking too much so people are
switching o ? Sometimes in a class, less is more.
If your initial cues arent having the desired eect
on peoples execution, remember you have a
second chance at getting it right. So keep your
eyes on your participants and CRC as necessary.
Often this is when you get to see which cues
really work.

Real connection with our classes.

This is paramount in successful BODYPUMP
classes. You can achieve that connection
in a number of ways. Theyll get a sense of
achievement and success if you encourage your
classes and praise them for their good work.

Each quarter, Mike lists his coaching objective

for each track to guide you. Use these to provide
focus and direction.

Motivating participants to work hard, and then

work hard again.
People want to increase their strength, endurance
and stamina and this can mean digging deep into
their own personal motivation. We can be hugely
powerful here by challenging and inspiring them.
BUT our cues must be delivered with respect,
authenticity and real connection if they are to
have an eect.

While a great piano teacher cant teach students
on a piano thats out of tune, neither can a great
BODYPUMP instructor coach a class to great
results if their equipment is not well maintained.
Check things like collars are there enough and
do they work? Are there enough weights for your
normal class? If participants cant use the weight
they need to get results youll be turning a positive
experience into a negative one.

If you havent already, sign up to do AIM. This is a

powerful learning experience that will change the
way you teach.

Being really focused on stage.

People want us to take control and deliver the
experience in a powerful way. The most eective
way to do this is to have a strong purpose for each
class and an appropriate objective for each track.
Look back at the 2/2003 generic education called
Class-Focused Objectives Teaching with Purpose
and Passion.

While you mightnt see this as being part of your

role, its your responsibility to let the right people
know if you have equipment issues.

Inspiring life-changing
tness experiences
everytime, everywhere

Test Your Knowledge


Generic Research Findings

1. What type of instructors get the best ratings with
our clients?


4. What does it mean when people want an

authentic experience?


2a. What are the most common criticisms of our

5. What can great music do for our members in class?

2b. Therefore, what is critically important?


BODYPUMP Consumer Research

3. To encourage people towards their individual
goals it is important to provide what? Give two

6. Give ve key areas that instructors will need to put

emphasis on in the future. Give a brief description
of what this means for you.

Les Mills International Ltd 2005


The following initial and

SET Position Initial Cues

Squat Initial Cues

follow-up cues are to assist

These ensure correct alignment and safe

movement execution:

SET Position Follow-up Cues

Get ready, get SET to get active

Heels outside hip-width
Turn the toes out slightly this helps engage the
Soften your knees get them in line with the center
of your foot
Lift the chest and ease the shoulders back
Retract the shoulder blades to set a platform for the
bar to sit on
Flex from the ankles, hips and knees at the same time
Distribute the weight evenly throughout the feet
Descend till the butt sits just above the knees
Breathe in as you descend, and out as you rise

These create positive change:

Squat Follow-up Cues

Start from an active SET position with the heels wider

than hip-width and the toes out
Lift up your chest and keep it proud
Shoulders back, slightly squeeze between the blades
As you descend, let the knees come forward, keeping
the weight even over the foot surface
Sit your butt back, as if to hover above a seat
Avoid locking out the knees, keep the muscles loaded

you in more eective coaching.

Remember, 20 minutes a week
using great scripting will help
you grow from instructor
to coach.

SET up for success

Feet hip-width
Angle the toes out slightly
Knees exed and in line with 2nd and 3rd toes
Thumbs outside the line of the thighs
Lift chest/rst rib
Chin in, ears over the shoulders
Eyes straight ahead
Switch on through the core

Adopt an active SET position

Turn on the core before you pick up the bar
Get ready to get SET to get active
Soft knees, hard muscles
Stand with a long, strong spine
Keep the chest proud
Eyes on the horizon

Chest Press Initial Cues

Deadlift Initial Cues

Deadrow Initial Cues

Lie down, get ready, get SET to get active

Switch on the core
Hands wider than shoulders
Elbows under wrists and directly under the bar
Bar in the heel of the hands
Bar above the shoulder-line at rest
Target: Mid-chest, or nipple-line
Slight pinch between shoulder blades as the bar is
Move the shoulders forward as the bar rises

Get ready to get SET to get active

Feet hip-width
Keep the toes out and the butt switched on
Knees exed
Long, strong, straight spine
Chin in to lengthen the neck
Hands outside the thigh-line, thumbs brushing the
Bar falls vertically
Target: Top of the kneecap

Get ready to get SET to get active

More knee exion if using heavy weight
Hands outside the thigh-line, thumbs brushing the
Option: Hands wider
Weight even across the entire foot surface
Target: Top of the kneecaps
Draw bar up into your navel region, keeping the
elbows directed to the rear
When rowing, just move the bar, not the body

Chest Press Follow-up Cues

Deadlift Follow-up Cues

Deadrow Follow-up cues

Sit into the exercise more, activate the glutes as

Look forward of the toes
Draw the bar to the navel region
Squeeze between the shoulder blades
Elbows to the rear
Lock the body down, and control the movement of
the Row Phase

Tummy strong
Ease the bar down, keeping it o the body
Target: Mid-chest
Strong wrists
Keep your chest proud
Chest opens, then closes
Squeeze between the shoulder blades as the bar
Remember, active shoulders
Feel the rhythm
Elbows soft at the top
Keep the bar moving no beginning, no end

Les Mills International Ltd 2005

SET position, then drop an inch

Tip forward from the hip, keeping the knees soft
Weight even across the entire foot surface
Look forward of the toes
Feel the work in the butt and hamstrings


Clean & Press Initial Cues

Tricep Press Follow-up Cues

Tricep Pushup Initial Cues

Flex the knees more and maintain throughout this

Initiate the movement from the knees
As the bar is lifted, drop and get under the bar semisquat
Dynamic wrists
Press to the roof
Return to the catch position, knees bent semi-squat
Elbows back and out of the way
Release the bar back to the start

Keep your wrists strong

Target: Below the heart, bra-line, heart rate monitor
Elbows hug the ribs
Elbows soft no beginnings, no ends

Clean & Press Follow-up Cues

Load, explode, load and release

Drop under the bar to assist the lift shallow squat
Power the bar up
Use the legs to assist the lift and catch

Tricep Press Initial Cues

Get ready, get SET to get active

Hands shoulder-width apart
Bar in the heel of the hand, grip stong
Elbows slightly exed and facing the toes
Switch on and engage the core
Target: Lower chest
Elbows sweep close to the body

Kickback Initial Cues

Maintain SET in the horizontal position

Three points of contact, 90 degrees at the hip
Engage the upper back
Switch on, and engage the core
Set the upper arm along the trunk-line, elbow into
the side
Use the full range of the extension movement
Keep your upper arm still

Kickback Follow-up Cues

Table top back

Chin in, neck long
Brace through the core
Hips square
Extend from the elbow

Overhead Tricep Extension

Initial Cues

Get ready, get SET to get active

Split Stance
Switch on, and engage the core
Plate overhead elbows slightly forward of the
Extend from the elbows
Keep the upper arms close to the head
Option: Narrow grip

Les Mills International Ltd 2005

Tricep Extension Initial Cues

Get ready, get SET to get active

Chin in to elongate the neck
Switch on, and engage the core
Hands shoulder-width apart
Bar in the heel of the hand
Wrists neutral
Elbows slightly exed
Option: Advanced setup above eye-line
Lower bar towards the forehead
Isolate the movement at the elbows

Switch on, and engage the core

Lengthen through the spine
Option: On the toes
Hands under the shoulders
Fingers straight ahead
Elbows soft and to the rear

Tricep Pushup Follow-up Cues

Maintain length in your spine

Proud chest, squeeze between your shoulder blades
Hug your elbows to your sides
Elbows soft no beginnings, no ends

Tricep Extension Follow-up Cues

Strong wrists
Hinge at the elbows
Aim for the crown of the head
Elbows soft no beginnings, no ends
Lower the bar as far as you can without the elbows
moving sideways

Overhead Tricep Extension

Follow-up Cues

Stabilize the upper arms

Hinge from the elbows
Strong trunk
Option: Hold the plate like a book

Bicep Curl Initial Cues

Get ready, get SET to get active

SET Stance or Split Stance
Switch on, and engage the core
Lift chest, shoulders back
Wide grip; hands in a natural carrying angle
Strong wrists
Starting point: Bar touching the top of the thigh,
arms fully extended
Keep your arms near your side
Keep shoulders pointing to the side, and not rounded
Target: At the top of the curl, bar in line with

Bicep Curl Follow-up Cues

Stabilize through your core

Brace through your back
Chest lifted
Shoulders back
Work through the tough spot at the bottom of
the lift
Vary your stance to assist stabilizer recovery
Open out the elbows

Lunge Initial Cues

Demonstrate the 90:90 Rule Setup ONLY!

Adjust feet until stance feels comfortable
Feet hip-width apart and parallel
Hips square and level
Chest lifted, shoulders back
Switch on and engage the core
Drop the back knee toward the oor

Lunge Follow-up Cues

Chest high, draw up through the core

Feet on railway tracks
Let your back knee drop, the body will follow
Avoid tucking hip under
Drive up through the back leg
Keep the front knee soft, muscles loaded


Rear Deltoid Raise Initial Cues

Side Raise Follow-up Cues

Upright Row Initial Cues

Get ready, get SET to get active

One knee forward
Switch on, and stay strong through the core
Incline from the hip
Shoulders to the sides of the room, not rounded
Draw elbows up until just below shoulder-line
Do not let the shoulders lift

Rear Deltoid Raise Follow-up Cues

Chest high core on

Chin in, spine long
Slight tip from the hip
Feel the load through the back of the shoulders

Side Raise Initial Cues

Get ready, get SET to get active

Split Stance
Lift the chest and engage the core
Shoulders to the sides of the room
Lift elbows and plates to shoulder-line
Elbows slightly forward of the trunk
Option: In line with the mid-trunk if shoulder blades
Advanced Option: Increase angle at the elbow for
more loading

Chest high, core on

Chin in
Shoulders, elbows and wrists move as one
Activate the movement from the elbows
To increase the eort, increase the elbow angle
Target: Beneath the shoulder-line

Front Raise Initial Cues

Get ready, get SET to get active

Split Stance
Lift the chest and engage the core
Use plates. Option: Use the bar
Keep the elbows exed
Lift to chest-height
Keep shoulders to the sides and down

Front Raise Follow-up Cues

Get ready, get SET to get active

Split Stance
Lift the chest and engage the core
Use plates. Option: The bar
Hands in natural carrying angle wider than SET
Knuckles point to the ground
Strong wrists
Target: Just under the chest-line
Keep the bar close to your body, but not touching it

Upright Row Follow-up Cues

Chest high, core on

Long through the spine
Slide bar up the body without touching it
Activate the lift from the elbows
Target: Just below the shoulder level

Chest high, core on

Lengthen through the spine
Alternate Split Stance to suit
Elbows and wrists move as one
Target: Just below the shoulders

Shoulder Press Initial Cues

Crunch Initial Cues

Hover Follow-up Cues

Pull your belly button to your spine

Keep your body long and strong
Option: Up on the toes

Get ready, get SET to get active

Split Stance
Lift the chest, engage the core
Chin in
Use plates. Option: The bar
Bar in the heel of the hands
Hands just outside shoulder-line
Wrists neutral
Press above the head
Keep elbows slightly forward of the head

Shoulder Press Follow-up Cues

Chest high, core on

Eyes on the horizon
Alternate Split Stance to suit
Wrists strong
Drive the bar up
Elbows soft
Return bar between chin and shoulder area

Les Mills International Ltd 2005

Lie on your back

Knees bent
Feet wider than hip-width
Fingers resting behind the ears
Chin in, elongate the neck
Slide the lower ribs toward the pelvis

Crunch Follow-up Cues

Pull with your abs, not your hips

Activate the lift from your abdominals
Slide ribs to hip bones
Relax the front of the neck
Imprint your lower back into the oor

Hover Initial Cues

Lie prone
Support the body on the forearms
Elbows below shoulders
Set up on the knees
Option: Set up on the toes
Draw in the abdomen
Lift the hips

Reverse Crunch Initial Cues

Lie on your back

Knees bent, feet wider than hip-width
Feet o the oor
Lift the legs up, keeping the feet lower than the
Lift and lower the legs, keeping your lower back on
the oor

Reverse Crunch Follow-up Cues

Stay strong as your legs lift
Keep the feet below the knees
Let daylight in between your tail bone and the
Quality not quantity
Keep your lower back on the oor and the strength in
your tummy
Tighten your belt one more notch


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