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Overnight, a half-dozen readers reacted [and praised] the summaries of what transpired in Paris; thus,

the opening-salvo is reprised, here, along with a few follow-up observations/clarifications. First, note
that the Pope Claimed Again Hes Not a Marxist; that Iran Eclipsed US as Iraq's Ally in Fight Against
Militants; As Obama Vows to Nix Keystone Pipeline, Here's a History of Presidential Veto Power; that
Gun Control Advocates Are taking a page out of the same-sex marriage advocates' playbook [prioritizing
state-level lobbying, which is c/w federalism+; and that Obamas Community College Plan [no matter
how well-intended, as are most-all lib ideas] must not be the norm [as he desires]; he is, quite literally,
passing the buck.
The Golden Globes seemed reasonable [noting the inability to assess those aired on
TV/cable], despite the fact that many categories arent split in the Oscars, creating more
tension between comedy/musical and drama. It seemed apt for them to spread-itaround [awarding Michael Keaton for Birdman, which also won for screenplay, while
honoring the stylized Budapest]. Note how many films opened in December [Amy
Adams won her second straight Golden Globe for Big Eyes following last years win for
American Hustle. The Theory of Everything won Best Original Score and Best
Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture (Drama) Eddie Redmayne]. It seems
Boyhood slipped-past unnoticed [which assuredly will be remedied soon], having won
for Best Motion Picture (Drama), Best Director [Richard Linklater] and Best Performance
by an Actress in a Supporting Role [Patricia Arquette]. Also of-interest are Best
Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture (Drama), Julianne Moore in Still Alice;
Best Supporting Actor in a Motion Picture, J.K. Simmons in Whiplash; and Best Original
Song, Selma.
Having completed another compilation of ~2-megs, the complete effort has been updated:
These Blast e-mails have addressed international affairs [focused on Kurdistan, and
increasingly on how BHO is trying to displace BB], national affairs [focused on the
midterms, and now on POTUS-16+, and statewide affairs *focused on Corbett, and now
on whether the GOP can advance its agenda despite its being rented by unions+.
Composed since Memorial Day, 2013, they has been compiled in three sets: [1]AntiBHO e-mails [I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV] remitted during the first
half-year *focused on BHOs Scandal-Sheet and the effort to defund ObamaDontCare
(spotlighting Cruz)]; [2]Action-Items e-mails [I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII,
and XXX] remitted from December-13 through September-14 *focused initially on
Guzzardi and morphed into analyzing myriad other issues related to BHOs overall
effortsdomestic and globalto destroy American Exceptionalism]; and [3]
Thoughts e-mails [I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X and XI] composed during the past few
months [attempting to ID info being ignored by the Media]. {They now total 4325 pages
*1051 Anti-BHO + 2492 Action-Items + 782 Thoughts+.}
It seems apt to set the table by citing Orianna Fallachi [The Rage and the Pride in 2001, and The Force
of Reason in 2004], who argued that Islamism cannot coexist with Western-style democracy [with its
liberty, human rights, freedom of thought and religion]; she predicted one had to perish and, thus,
predicted the fall of the West. Here are key take-aways from Gay-Paree:
15 conclusions drawn from the Parisian Islamism

First, The *surviving+ Charlie Hebdo journalists are not pleased with We are Charlietype solidarity from those who havent courageously reprinted the cartoons. Second, its
necessary for France [and other European countries to Reclaim 'No-Go' Zones. Third,
except for cnns-tapper, CNN was terrible, FNC was [dependable], Al Jazeera was
surprisingly informative and, of course, MSNBC was hopeless. Fourth, anti-Israel
rhetoric was slipped-in by Arabs unchallenged by inter alia Bill Maher. Fifth, more than a
Million Marched in Paris, including BB, despite the fact that Hollande didnt want him to
attend. Sixth, anti-Semitism was manifest by those who denied anti-Semitism existed
[including the UN SECRETARY-GENERAL]. Seventh, despite BHOs claims, terrorism is
rampant IN YEMEN. Eighth, Eric Holder was a No-Show at Historic France Rally, HOLDER
the fact that Sen. FEINSTEIN said Terrorist sleeper cells are in USA. Ninth, France
Declared War on Radical Islam [confirmed by the NY-Times]. Tenth, Violence fuels
debate among Muslims over interpreting faith. Eleventh, Lefties-lament that this may
embolden [anti-immigrant/anti-Islamist] conservatives. Twelfth, Islam is to terror as
rainfall is to flooding. Thirteenth, the Arab world remains tumultuous. Thirteenth, US
and the EU are to blame for the failure of the Peace Process. Fourteenth, note the
exhaustive work of pamela geller including, in particular, three of her articles [OBAMA
MASSACRE, THE ISLAMIZATION OF AMERICA IN 2013, and Jihad in America 2014].
Fifteenth, the two-state solution is dead because Abbas consistently refuses to accept
[@ the end] the existence of a Jewish State.
A friend posed a [rhetorical] question [Eric Holder and top U.S. officials were no-shows at Paris unity
rally] that, per FNC this a.m., was answered by BHOs White House by claiming BHO was absent because
his security detail was too large for Paris; this is contradicted by the fact that Holder didnt join
Hollande *with whom hed just met+ @ the march, for Holder even Refused to Say U.S. is at War with
Radical Islam [failing to echo the Prime Minister of France, Manuel Valls]. Thus, when ~30 World Leaders
Joined the Mass Paris March to Honor Terror Victims, included were Muslim and Jewish statesmen who
linked arms as they led hundreds of thousands of French citizens in an unprecedented march under high
security to pay tribute to victims of Islamist militant attacks. It matters that Europe rallied for America
after 9/11, but the USA couldnt show-up for them after the Charlie Hebdo attack; it matters than
France was our first ally. Here is her lament, which answers itself:
Please tell me the truth or theory behind Obama's despicable, rude, slap in the face
absence at the funerals of the two officers who were gunned down in NY (despite the
fact that he was in Hawaii...he has a private airplane at his call) as well as the solidarity
'rally' in France with world leaders joining together??
Does he just not care? Is he deep-down a close radical Islamist? Is he an anti-Semite
(no respect for Israel and this terror act against Jewish citizens)? No reaction or getting
on the airwaves when NY has mobs physically abusing police officers and blocking
traffic, calling for 'dead cops'. What the hell is wrong with him and who are his real
advisors now? Why would 'they' even go after Petraeus at this point when there are
Americans being beheaded and there are, no doubt, plans in-the-making for a second


I cannot believe that he did not go to the 'protest' and show his presence for The United
States of America in France. He is a disgrace, embarrassment, rude, snob, stupid and
arrogant ass who doesn't give a shit about this country or anyone/anything. What is
David Axelrod doing now? Also, it was interesting that while there was complete unrest
and police protesting in the windy city Chicago (worst than usual), Rahm Emanuel did
take his family and go away on his vacation, after his son was released from the hospital
from a robbery incident. When the going gets tough, they both go away.
Notice that Al Sharpton was not at the 'Show of Unity' in France today, nor Jesse
Jackson....It didn't serve their personal needs and they weren't the spotlight.
Disgusting. At your convenience, please answer my inquiries. I don't know the factual
answers. I can only surmise the common sense answers, but, I'm sure there is more
behind all of this? [Maybe not....]
Issues somewhat related to this issue [and serving as another way to reply to the above-stated gambit]
relate to unrestricted immigration; Czech President Milo Zeman feels that Muslims who do not
conform should be deported, noting that France is already choking. 10% of its population (per official
stats, but there is more) are feral Muslims imported from Africa; Marseilles has been permanently
transformed into a backward region of Morocco; native Frenchmen are mowed down by imported
Muslims cars, bullets or blades seemingly every other day; 1000 cars of Frenchmen are torched every
year for a Muslim celebration of Christmas; and 750 areas with over 4 million Frenchmen are officially
designated as Zones urbaines sensible. These are zones where no real Frenchman, if he is sensible
(thats my esoteric translation, the weasel French word means sensitive), ought to set foot, or else its
his limbs or life.
Related thereto, therefore, is a spirited Immigration Debate [invoking American First
Principles] between CATO Institute scholar Alex Nowrasteh and Center for Immigration
Studies executive director Mark Krikorian, which was devoid of racism/xenophobia.
Nowrasteh argued, Restrictive immigration policies are government tools of social,
demographic, and economic engineering that are unacceptably intrusive and contrary to
principles of liberty. Krikorian argued, For the past five decades, Americas
immigration policy has been based on poetry. It needs, instead, to be based on prose
and concludes that, because America is a buyers market when it comes to
newcomers, the USA should craft policy with the interests of its citizensespecially
those at the lower rung of societyin mind. The easy-answer is that ILLEGALS should be
deported, while LEGALS should be welcomed; this is applicable in America and Europe.
*Pretty soon, well learn What Will the House Do to Block Obama's Immigration
On a grander scale, The navet of Western democracy seems apparent, for Richard Perle argues that
the World Cant Cope With Terrorism, but Must Learn; he feels Obama Has No Plan for Islamic Terror.
[Ted Belman feels his essay is disappointing, both in his diagnoses and his prescription. He minimizes
this Islamist sub-group to maybe hundreds of thousands rather than tens of millions and he doesn't
identify the root problem as Islam and those Islamic governments that promote them and their
ideology; he fails to acknowledge that a large majority of Muslims support Sharia law and Jihad. As for
solutions, he offers none.+ Even Former Acting Director of the CIA Mike Morell [who seems to have
dirty-hands with regard to BenghaziGate] has warned that, along with the Islamic State, the Paris Attack
is a Reminder that Al Qaeda is Still a Very Significant Threat to US. {Note that denial of this problem

pervades Western culture, as evidenced by J.K. Rowling [the author of the world-famous Harry
Potter book series], who Tweeted a condemnation of media mogul Rupert Murdoch for saying that
Muslims should hold themselves accountable (self-police, if you will, noting el-Sisis speech) for
Islamic terrorism.}
Reinforcing the way many in the media have been lambasted for providing little more
than lip-service to press-freedom, note that NY Times Executive Editor Dean Baquet
Called a Journo Prof Ahole for Criticizing Decision not to publish the Charlie Hebdo
cartoons of Muhammad; this suggests The New York Times needs to get all of their
people off of Facebook, but it also exposes their hypocrisy [recalling prior decisions to
publish images offensive to Catholics and Jews]. Along these lines, it must be
acknowledged that Israeli Analysts claim France Ignored Islamic Terror Directed at
Jewish Targets.
Zeroing-in on Islamism, RedState provided three essays this-a.m. [So They Were Actual Muslims Then?;
The American Left: Dont believe those guys, they arent really Muslims; and The Exegetical Left and the
Koran]. The latter included a colorful way to absorb lib-writings in this regard [and in other contexts]:
There has been a lot of commentary in the media in the last few days, as there always is
when bad things happen at the hands of Islamic terrorists, that the beliefs of the Islamic
terrorists are not in the Koran.
These typically follow with quotes from the Koran and the usually white, urban, liberal
explaining at the terrorist is just misreading that passage.
I cannot help but notice that these are usually the exact same people who also often
write that evangelicals are misreading the Bible on the divinity of Jesus, the exclusivity
of the path through him to salvation, gay marriage, the sanctity of life, and how
ridiculous it is to believe there was a global, world-wide flood.
It suddenly dawned on me this week that Im falling victim to the Gell-Mann Amnesia
Briefly stated, the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect is as follows. You open the
newspaper to an article on some subject you know well. In Murrays
case, physics. In mine, show business. You read the article and see the
journalist has absolutely no understanding of either the facts or the
issues. Often, the article is so wrong it actually presents the story
backwardreversing cause and effect. I call these the wet streets
cause rain stories. Papers full of them.
In any case, you read with exasperation or amusement the multiple
errors in a story, and then turn the page to national or international
affairs, and read as if the rest of the newspaper was somehow more
accurate about Palestine than the baloney you just read. You turn the
page, and forget what you know.


In other words, in the same way I would not listen to what liberal atheists on the op-ed
page of the New York Times think about my religion, why the hell should I listen to them
about Islam?
I should not. And neither should you.
It is apt to close with a follow-up colloquy with a self-described hopeless pacifist, but one [who claims
to be] realistic enough to know that there are times when military strength is required. But, we cannot
and should not be everywhere at all moments of time. To the contrary, this world-war necessitates that
America *and others+ be everywhere the Islamists are using as bases-of-operation. It necessitates,
also, calling-out Turkey, Where Some Murders Are More Equal than Others and Hamas which, along
with Fatah, is Fooling Europe. These were composed overnight [along with obvious responses]:
My comments do acknowledge that past approaches to resolving conflicts against Israel
have failed. That my views have changed, not without angst, but changed. Events of the
past year have been game-changers. Israel's efforts in diplomacy have indeed been
rejected through absolutely unacceptable actions and views. Having said that, I believe
Israel is stronger in its position and stature - not weaker - because it engaged in past
World opinion is fickle, and no country should endanger its survival by
trying to kiss-up to those who all too often harbor anti-Semitic
attitudes; currently, for example, Israel is poised to be attacked by the
International Criminal Court and [absent a USA-veto] by the UN Security
Council. Thus the above-stated belief is best viewed as a fantasy.
Obviously, I accept there are times when direct negotiation will fail because the
immediacy and brutality of the threat from those (like ISIS) who wage war against you
are so great. However, I am not prepared to forego the principle that you can make
headway on a problem by engaging in diplomacy. While a war-time strategy is now
required, the effort to find a hint of reason within the Islamic community must, from my
perspective, be simultaneously pursued if peace is ever going to be sustainable. You
cannot simply kill the problem away without thinking about how the void will be filled
after war is "over." Your response likely would be to stay there (wherever there is)
forever, if required. That to me is not a definition of success - a war won. It simply
suggests that the threat was not adequately eliminated in the first place.
The Palestinian Arabs have killed the problem away [info that was
actually discernible before Oslo, certainly after Camp David II, and
absolutely manifest after the Gaza withdrawal]; its ENOUGH already
with the receptivity towards diplomacy [and, thus, pressure by BHO to
keep pursuing this evasive mirage].
Again, your reply is Israel-centric. I will concede that diplomacy is unlikely to yield, at
this point, an answer for Israel. Regrettably, it is no longer feasible (I do hope that at
least you see this as regrettable). But, I will not concede in the context of the broader
problem of Islamic extremism across the globe that there is no place for diplomacy. If
we give up all hope now, we truly are looking at the prospects of a long and protracted

world war where our allies are unclear or reluctant. (I know you would blame that on
Obama. Doesn't matter with respect to what is required moving forward.) Also not
suggesting diplomacy instead of the battle field; rather both have a place in finding a
resolution. The US is exceptional in part because it does try to use the power of its
persuasion. Even if you would argue that our power has been diminished under Obama,
it remains considerable.
If America has any suasive-capcity left, it would be desirable to note its
being exhibited; otherwise, the above graph constitutes wishfulthinking wrapped around unjustified-conjecture [harboring a core of
anti-Semitism masked as anti-Zionism masked as reasonableness+.

This is Fatah's image from its official Facebook page;

It celebrates their killings of Jews.


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