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Lect. univ. dr. Sorin-Avram VRTOP

Universitatea Constantin Brncui din

Ph.D., Sorin-Avram VRTOP

Constantin Brncui University of

Rezumat: Preocuprile contemporane referitoare la

inteligen constiutie subiectul interesului crescut pentru
educatori. Problematica aplicrii acestor teorii ns este
nsoit de nevoia de a cunoate aspectele eseniale
teoriilor i modul n care este posibil articularea acestora
n cadrul proceselor educaionale de diferite tipuri i

Abstract: Contemporary concerns relating to

intelligence are the subject to increased interest for
educators. The issue of applying these theories,
however, is accompanied by the need to ascertain the
essential of these theories and how these can be
articulated in the educational learning process of
various types and levels.

Cuvinte cheie: teorii despre inteligen, teoria

triarhic, teoria inteligenei emoionale, teoria
inteligenelor multiple.

Key words: theories of intelligence, triarchic

theory, emotional intelligence theory, theory of
multiple intelligences

Cercetrile din perioada acual continu o

tradiie iniiat de cercettori precum Galton,
Wundt, Simon i Binet i dezvoltate pe
parcursul secolului al XX-lea de foarte muli
cercettori dintre care precizm cercetrile
desfurate de Lewis Terman, Edward
Thorndike, Charles Spearman, Carlton Pearson,
Jean Piaget, Barbel Inhelder, L. L. Thurstone, J.
P. Guilford, David Wechesler, Cyril Burt,
Philip E. Vernon i Hans Eysenk, i alii.

Research in the actual field continues a

tradition initiated by scholars such as
Galton, Wundt, Simon and Binet and
developed during the twentieth century by
many researchers such as: Lewis Terman,
Edward Thorndike, Charles Spearman,
Charles Pearson, Jean Piaget, Brbel
Inhelder, L.L. Thurstone, J.P. Guilford,
David Wechesler, Cyril Burt and Hans
Eysenk, and others.

Teoria triarhic
Cercetrile lui Richard Sternberg (n.1949) se
concretizeaz n teoria triarhic a inteligenei.
ncurajat de rezultatele experinelor ca elev i
student i de studiile elaborate Sternberg
formuleaz o teorie componenial a
inteligenei n care asociaz diferite stadii de
procesare a informaiei cu funcii specifice
creierului uman. Rezultatele studiilor sunt
publicate n lucrarea Beyond IQ: A Triarchic
Theory of Human Intelligence (1985)(Dincolo
de coeficientul de inteligen: O teoria
triarhic a inteligenei umane). Msura
adevrat a succesului nu este dat de ct de
bine se descurc elevul la clas ci de ct de bine

Triarchic theory of intelligence

Richard Sternberg's research (n.1949) is
embodied in the triarhic theory of
intelligence. Encouraged by the results of his
experiences as pupil and student and by his
Sternberg formulated a theory
"components" of intelligence in associating
different stages of information processing to
specific brain functions. The results of this
study are published in the paper: Beyond IQ:
A Triarchic Theory of Human Intelligence
(1985). True measure of success is given by
how well the student is performing in the
classroom and succeeds in life as well.

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reuete n via. Sternberg revine la Corporaia

Psihologic i elaboreaz un test de inteligen
bazat pe msurarea multidimensional a
Cercetrile lui Robert Sternberg au nceput prin
analiza informaiei rezultate n urma procesrii
rezultatelor oferite de itemii cuprini n testele
de inteligen. Ca urmare a acestui fapt a
nceput s aib ndoieli privitoare la
posibilitatea ca aceti itemi s conduc la o
imagine comprehensiv a inteligenei. n
acelai timp a observat diferite categorii de
studeni: unii avnd rezultate foarte bune la
nvtur n liceu, un scor nalt la testele de
inteligen precum i recomandri excelente,
alii avnd rezultate foarte bune la aproape toate
msurtorile privitoate la abiliti dar fr a se
remarca n mod n special la una anume. Mai
mult la sfritul facultii unii dintre studenii
care n mod iniial se situau pe un nivel superior
se aflau acum la un nivel mediu, i invers.
Pentru a explica acest fenomen i a explica
inteligena Sternberg delimiteaz trei aspecte
ntre care ns exist legturi, i anume:
- lumea intern a individului: care cuprinde
procese i abiliti analitice;
- lumea extern a individului: care cuprinde
abiliti adaptative;
- experiena individului: care cuprinde
abiliti sintetice.
Acestea au constituit punctele de plecare pentru
construirea teoriei triarhice a inteligenei.
Teoria ncearc s explice inteligena uman
prin intermediul a trei subteorii:
a) Subteoria contextual.
Aceasta asociaz inteligena cu lumea
extern a individului, subliniind rolul
comportamentului inteligent n viaa de zi
cu zi a individului, modul cum un individ
alege i se adapteaz la condiiile zilnice i
la un anumit mediu sau la altul.
b) Subteoria componenial
Aceasta asociaz inteligena cu lumea
intern a individului, cu tipurile i
identitile proceselor mentale implicate n
gndire. Aici sunt cuprinse trei tipuri
metacomponente(procesele care privesc

Sternberg worked as well for

Psychological Corporation and developed an
intelligence test based on measuring
Robert Sternberg's research began by
analyzing the information resulting from
processing the results of the items included
in intelligence tests. As a result he began to
have doubts about the possibility that these
items will lead to a comprehensive picture of
intelligence. At the same time he studied the
different categories of students: having some
good results in teaching in high school, high
scores on tests of intelligence and excellent
recommendations, some with very good
results in almost all measurements of skills
but not evident in a particular way. More
than this at the end of undergraduate studies
students that were situated on a higher level
were now at a medium level, and vice versa.
To explain this phenomenon and explain
what intelligence is Sternberg designates
three aspects and relationships among them,
- the internal world of the individual:
including processes and analytical skills;
- the individual's external world: that
- the experience of the individual: including
These were the starting points for defining
the triarchic theory of intelligence.
The theory tries to explain human
intelligence through three sub-theories:
The intelligence is associated with the
emphasizing the role of intelligent behavior
in everyday life of the individual, and how
an individual chooses and adapts to daily
conditions and an environment or another.
The intelligence is associated with the
individual's internal world, the types and
identities of the mental processes involved in
thinking. Here there are three different types

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Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine ale Educaiei, Nr. 3/2010

proiectarea, monitorizarea i evaluarea unei

performan(procesele mentale care execut
instruciunile metacomponentelor precum
compararea), i componentele care sunt
necesare la dobndirea sau achiziia de noi
cunotine(procesele mentale implicate n
nvarea modalitilor de rezolvare a
problemelor sau n nvarea a noi date
despre concepte i fenomene).
c) Subteoria experenial
Aceasta asociaz inteligena att cu mediul
intern ct i cu cel extern al individului
subliniind rolul experienei n cadrul
comportamentului inteligent. Aici se
situeaz abilitatea individului de a face fa
la ceea ce este nou i la abilitile care l
nzestreaz s devin mai rapid n
efectuarea i rezolvarea sarcinilor i care
conduc la automatizare. Cu ct exist mai
multe aspecte privitoare la o sarcin care
devine automatizat cu att individul poate
s i concentreze mai bine atenia asupra
aspectelor noi sau a situaiilor nou aprute.
Teoria pune n eviden trei aspecte
referitor la ceea ce oamenii denumesc
inteligen: (1) inteligena analitic sau ceea
corespunde definiiei standardelor
psihometrice i corespunde teoriei
componeniale timpurii; (2) inteligena
creativ, care implic introspecia, sinteza,
abilitatea de a raciona i rspunde la noi
stimuli i situaii, aceasta constituie aspectul
experenial al teoriei; (3) inteligena
practic, ceea ce implic abilitatea de a
descoperi, nelege, rezolva probleme
adevrate de via din complexitatea vieii
de zi cu zi.( conform: Skeptic Magazine
Interview with Robert Sternberg On The
Bell Curve. Skeptic, vol. 3, no. 3, 1995,
Cercetrile recente ale lui Sternberg au ca
subiect talentul, creativitatea i nelepciunea,
nelegerea inteligenei practice, antrenarea
inteligenei, stilurile de nvare.
Astfel, stilurile intelectuale sunt nelese ca o
punte de legtur ntre inteligen i

of components including meta-components

(processes involving the design, monitoring
and evaluation of a problem), performance
components ( mental processes which
perform the instructions from metacomponents such as encoding, inference,
components necessary to acquire or
acquisition of new knowledge (the mental
processes involved in learning how to solve
problems, or learning new information about
concepts and phenomena).
This associates intelligence with both
highlighting the role of individual
experience in intelligent behavior. Here lies
the individual's ability to cope with what is
new and skills that equip one person to
become faster in performing and solving
tasks and which lead to automation. The
more elements become automated the better
for the individual who can better
concentrated the attention on solving new
tasks and situations.
The theory highlights three aspects of what
people refer to as intelligence:
(1) analytical intelligence,
corresponds to
the definition of
psychometric standards and to early
componential theory;
(2) creative intelligence, which involves
introspection, synthesis, and ability to
respond and react to new stimuli and
situations, which is the experiential aspect of
the theory,
(3) practical intelligence, which involves the
ability to discover, understand, solve real
life problems of the complexity of everyday
life. (according to: Skeptic Magazine
Interview with Robert Sternberg On The Bell
Curve. Skeptic, vol. 3, no. 3, 1995, pp.72-80)
Sternberg's recent research involves the
subjects of talent, creativity and wisdom,
intelligence training, learning styles.

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organizatoric, dup cum urmeaz:
- funcie(legislativ, executiv),
- form(monarhic, ierarhic, oligarhic,
- nivel(global, local),
- scop(intern, extern),
- orientare(conservativ, progresiv).
Stilurile pot fi utilizate pentru a explica i a
prognoza aspecte ale performanelor colare
individuale, la locul de munc, precum i n
viaa personal, i nu pot fi atribuite n mod
direct inteligenei.
Comportamentul este inteligent n limita n
care: (a) este folosit n adaptarea la, selecia,
sau modelarea mediului nconjurtor al
individului; (b) rspunde unei sarcini sau
situaii noi sau n procesul de a deveni
metacomponentelor, al componentelor de
dobndire(achiziie) de noi cunotine de tipul
specificat n subteoria componeial.(Beyound
IQ: A triarchic theory of human intelligence.
Cambridge, U.K., Cambridge University Press,
Importana pentru educaie
Una dintre concluziile care se desprinde din
cercetrile lui Sternberg se refer la faptul c
inteligena este mai mult dect rezultatele
obinute n urma efecturii unui test
standardizat, sau dect rezultatele obinute n
Sternberg consider c inteligena
poate fi educat dar pe baza analizei factorilor
care mpiedic o mplinire a inteligenei precum
: lipsa motivaiei, lipsa controlului impulsurilor,
lipsa de perseveren, neputina de a transpune
gndurile n fapte, teama de eec, dezorientarea,
Testul multidimensional de abiliti msoar
toate cele trei aspecte ale componentelor teoriei
triarhice. Toate acestea sunt importante pentru
succesul n via i au fost folosite pentru a
dezvolta programe cu copiii precum i pentru
selecia managerilor. mpreun acestea ofer
mai multe date dect inteligena analitic
msurat prin intermediul testelor clasice IQ
crora conform lui Sternberg societatea le-a

Thus, intellectual styles are seen as an

intellectual bridge between intelligence and
personality, having organizational character
- form (monarchic, hierarchic, oligarchic,
- orientation (conservative, progressive).
Styles can be used to explain and predict
the individuals performance in school, at
work and in life, and can not be directly
"Behavior is intelligent to the extent that: (a)
is used to adapt to, to select, and to adjust
the environment of the individual, (b)
responds to new situations or tasks or
processes which become automated, (c) is
the result of
meta-components, the
components of performance, or the
acquisition of new knowledge of the type
specified in
componential sub-theory.
(Beyond IQ: A triarchic theory of human
intelligence. Cambridge, UK, Cambridge
University Press, 1985.).
One conclusion that emerges from
Sternberg's research relates to the fact that
intelligence is more than the results obtained
by performing a standardized test, or than
the results obtained in school. Sternberg
believes that intelligence can be educated
but based on analysis of the factors that
hinder the fulfillment of intelligence such as:
lack of motivation, lack of impulse control,
lack of perseverance, inability to translate
thoughts into action, fear of failure,
disorientation, etc..
The multidimensional test measures skills
aspects of all three components of the
triarchic theory. All these are important for
success in life and have been used to
develop programs for children and selection
of managers. Together these provide more

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Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine ale Educaiei, Nr. 3/2010

acordat prea mare importan.

Teoria Inteligenei Emoionale
n 1990 John Mayor de la Universitatea New
Hampshire i Peter Salovey de la Universitatea
din Yale, public lucrri privitoare la ncercarea
lor de a dezvolta o metod tiinific pentru a
msura diferenele ntre abilitile indivizilor n
sfera emoiilor. Ulterior cei doi concep teste
menite s msoare ceea ce acetia au denumit
inteligena emoional. Lucrarea lui Daniel
Goleman Inteligena Emoional aprut n
1995 conine o cantitate mare de informaie
privitoare la problematica acestei teorii, dar
dup cum remarc Steve Hein puine idei.
Inteligena emoional se refer la o abilitate
de a recunoate nsemntatea emoiilor i
relaia dintre acestea, precum i de a raiona i
rezolva probleme pe baza lor. Inteligena
emoional este implicat n capacitatea de a
percepe emoiile, de a asimila emoii cu
sentimentele apropiate, de a nelege informaia
despre aceste emoii i de a le organiza(Mayer
/ Salovey, 1997; Salovey / Mayer, 1990).
Inteligena general este un concept care
cuprinde o multitudine de grupuri de abiliti
mentale apropiate.(EQ Institute, Home page,
pag. 1)
Acesta const n patru domenii de abiliti
a) identificarea emoiilor,
implic abiliti precum
identificarea emoiilor prin intermediul
analizei expresiei faciale, a muzicii i a
povestirilor. De exemplu: abilitatea de a
identifica emoiile n cazul altor oameni, n
cazul operelor de art, prin intermediul
limbajului, sunetelor, culorilor, etc.
b) facilitatea emoional a gndirii, implic
abiliti precum cele prin care emoiile sunt
raportate la alte senzaii mentale precum
gustul sau culoarea, dar i folosirea
emoiilor n raionamente i rezolvarea de
probleme. De exemplu: emoiile stimuleaz
gndirea prin orientarea ateniei asupra
datelor importante.
c) nelegerea emoional, implic rezolvarea
cunoaterea emoiilor similare sau opuse i

data than analytical intelligence measured by

conventional IQ tests, which according to
Sternberg society has given too much
Theory of emotional intelligence
In 1990 John Mayor of the University of
New Hampshire and Peter Salovey of Yale
University, published their works regarding
the attempt to develop a scientific method to
measure differences between individuals in
the sphere of emotional skills. Later the two
tests to measure conception what they have
termed "emotional intelligence". Daniel
Goleman's book "Emotional Intelligence"
published in 1995 contains a large amount of
information regarding the issues of this
theory, but as noted Steve Hein "few ideas."
Emotional intelligence refers to an ability to
recognize the importance of emotions and
the relationship between them, to reason and
solve problems based on them. Emotional
intelligence is involved in the ability to
perceive emotions, assimilate emotion
similar feelings, to understand information
about these emotions and to organize them
(Mayer / Salovey 1997, Salovey / Mayer,
General intelligence is a concept that
includes a variety of mental skills similar
groups. (EQ Institute Home Page, p. 1)
It consists of four areas of mental abilities:
a) identify the emotions, perceptions,
expressions involving skills such as
expression analysis, music and stories. For
example: the ability to identify emotions in
other people for works of art, through
b) facility for emotional thinking, involving
skills such as those by which emotions are
related to other mental sensations such as
taste or color, and using emotion in
reasoning and solving problems. For
example: emotions stimulate thinking by
directing attention to important data.

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ce fel de relaii presupun acestea. De

exemplu: abilitatea de a recunoate i
denumi emoiile.
d) organizarea(managementul)
implic nelegerea implicaiilor actelor
stpnirea(reglarea) emoiilor proprii i ale
celorlali. De exemplu: abilitatea de a se
implica n mod reflexiv sau de a se detaa
n funcie de diferii factori.
Pentru a fi recunoscut ca inteligen autorii au
stabilit o categorie de criterii pe care aceasta
trebuie s le ndeplineasc:
1) criteriul conceptual: subliniaz faptul c
inteligena trebuie s reflecte mai degrab
performanele mentale dect modurile
obinuite de comportament, ncrederea n
sine, sau realizrile non-profesionale ale
unei persoane. Totui performanele
mentale trebuie s msoare conceptul n
cauz, i anume, abilitile referitoare la
2) criteriul corelaional: descrie standardele
empirice conform crora o inteligen
trebuie s descrie un set de abiliti
dar deosebite de abilitile
mentale descrise de ceea ce este deja stabilit
ca inteligen.
3) criteriul dezvoltrii: afirm c o inteligen
se dezvolt odat cu vrsta i experiena.
Acest criteriu are la baz activitatea i
cercetrile lui Alfred Binet i Theodore
n Emotional Intelligence meets Traditional
Standards for an Intelligence, Mayer, Caruso,
i Salovey prin intermediul a dou studii
operaionalizeaz inteligena emoional ca un
set de abiliti, artnd totodat principiile de
examinnd evidenele privind creterea lor de
la adolescen pn la maturitate.
Primul studiu cuprinde un set de 12 abiliti
alese din patru domenii diferite ale inteligenei
emoionale i care include perceperea,
asimilarea, nelegerea, i organizarea emoiilor.
Totodat studiul examineaz datele pe baza
crora aceast inteligen pune sau nu pune n
eviden: empatia, dragostea printeasc i

c) emotional understanding, and emotional

problems involving similar or opposite
emotions and knowing what kind of
relations they entail. For example: the ability
d) organization (management) involves
understanding the implications of emotional
social acts on emotions and mastery
(regulation) own emotions and others. For
example: the ability to engage in reflective
or detachment depending on various factors.
To be recognized as intelligent authors have
established a category of criteria that must
1) conceptual criterion: emphasizes that
intelligence must reflect mental performance
rather than the customary modes of
nonprofessional achievements of an individual.
Yet mental performance must measure the
concept in question, i.e., skills related to
2) corelation criterion: describes the
empirical standards that intelligence must
describe a special set of skills but the mental
skills similar to what is described as already
3) developmental criterion:
develops with age and experience. This
criterion is based on work and research of
Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon.
In "Emotional Intelligence
Traditional Standards for year," Mayer,
Caruso, and Salovey through two studies
emphasize that emotional intelligence is
operational as a set of skills, the principles
of intercorelation showing these skills by
examining records of their growth from
The first study includes a set of 12 selected
skills in four different areas of emotional
intelligence and includes the collection,
organization of emotions. Meanwhile, the
study examines data on which this
intelligence reveals whether or not: empathy,
love and parental cultural aspirations. The

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aspiraiile culturale. Studiul s-a desfurat pe un

eantion larg de aduli.
Al doilea studiu se concentreaz asupra
cerinelor impuse de cele trei criterii pentru ca
inteligena emoional s fie recunoscut drept
inteligen. Studiul s-a desfurat pe un
eantion de adolesceni. Datele furnizate de
adolesceni au fost apoi comparate cu un subset
din datele adulilor pentru a testa ipoteza
conform creia adolescenii sunt superiori
adulilor n efectuarea sarcinilor(conform: John
D. Mayer, David R. Caruso, Peter Salovey
Emotional Intelligence Meets Traditional
Standards for an Intelligence. EQ Institute,
Ablex publishing Corporation, 1999. Pag. 1, 4).
Concluziile studiilor subliniaz faptul c
inteligena emoional se raporteaz la cldura
i suportul parental, iar ntr-o msur mai
redus la satisfacia din via. Dei acestea sunt
rezultate preliminarii, i criterii mai bune sunt
de dorit, acestea sugereaz c inteligena
emoional este util n prefigurarea unor
criterii particulare de via. Autorii recunosc
preocuparea privitoare la structura factorial a
inteligenei emoional, precum i numrul mare
de ntrebri la care aceasta trebuie s ofere un
Criticismul lui Steve Hein referitor la
inteligena emoional subliniaz faptul c
autorii acestei teorii se concentreaz mai mult
asupra ideii de inteligen ca potenial. O
persoan poate s fie inteligent fr ns a fi
capabil s demonstreze c posed o anumit
abilitate, dei poate dispune de un potenial
nalt de abiliti. n ce privete termenul
abilitate acesta are dou sensuri: (a) potenial,
dar ca abilitate nedezvoltat nc, i (b)
potenial care a fost dezvoltat n ceva care poate
fi demonstrat. Definiia ignor faptul c un
copil poate porni n via cu un potenial ridicat
de inteligen emoional nnscut dar care
poate fi ulterior lezat. Testele specifice se
limiteaz numai la cteva emoii comparativ cu
termenii care sunt disponibili n limb englez
pentru desemnarea strilor emoionale.
nelegerea emoiilor ar fi mai bine definit ca
i cunotine despre emoii, i nu ca un aspect
al inteligenei emoionale. Cunotinele pot fi

study was conducted on a large sample of

The second study focuses on the
requirements imposed by the three criteria
for emotional intelligence to be recognized
as intelligence. The study was conducted on
a sample of adolescents. Data from
adolescents were then compared with a
subset of adult data to test the hypothesis
that adolescents are superior to adults in
carrying out (according to John D. Mayer,
David R. Caruso, Peter Salovey - Emotional
Intelligence Meets Traditional Standards for
year Intelligence. EQ Institute, Ablex
Publishing Corporation, 1999. Pag. 1, 4).
The conclusions of these studies points out
that emotional intelligence is related to
parental warmth and support, and in a lesser
extent to satisfaction in life. Although these
are preliminary results, and better criteria are
desirable, they suggest that emotional
intelligence is useful in private life
acknowledge the concern regarding the
factor structure of emotional intelligence,
and the large number of questions to which
Steve Hein's criticism on emotional
intelligence theory emphasizes that the
authors focus more on the idea of
intelligence as potential. A person can be
intelligent without being able to demonstrate
that they have a particular skill, although it
may have a high potential abilities.
Regarding the term "skill" it has two
meanings: (a) potential, but as an
undeveloped ability, and (b) potential which
has been developed into something that can
be demonstrated. The definition ignores the
fact that a child can start in life with an
innate potential of emotional intelligence but
which may be further harmed. Testing is
limited to a few emotions compared with
terms that are available in English language
to describe emotional states. Understanding
emotions would be better defined as
knowledge about emotions, and not as an
aspect of emotional intelligence. Knowledge

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predate ns inteligena este un potenial situat

nainte ca orice nvare s aib loc. Poate
aspectul cel mai interesant al acestui criticism
este ntrebarea fireasc cum putem msura
emoiile prin intermediul unui test. Definiiei
abstracte propuse de Mayor, Salovey, i
Carson, i propune una adaptat: abilitate
emoional, contientizarea, i organizarea
deprinderilor care ne ajut s maximizm
sntatea pe termen lung, fericirea i
supravieuirea, sau: a cunoate cum s
separm sentimentele sntoase de cele
nesntoase i cum s transformm
sentimentele negative n sentimente pozitive.
Cele patru forme propuse de Steve Hein sunt:
a) idenitifcarea emoiilor, perceperea i
b) facilitatea emoional a gndirii;
c) nelegerea emoiilor;
d) organizarea emoiilor.
Un rol important l au experienele de via
datorate prinilor, profesorilor, mediului social
i cultural care pot dezvolta sau leza inteligena
emoionale nu reprezint dect o msur
relativ a strii de dezvoltare sntoas sau
nesntoas a inteligenei emoionale nnscute
a unui individ.
Teoria Inteligenelor Multiple
Howard Gardner subliniaz c fiinele umane
posed talente diferite i mai mult dect att
alege n mod deliberat s scrie despre
inteligenele multiple - multiplu pentru a
sublinia un numr necunoscut de capaciti
umane, de la inteligena muzical pn la
inteligena implicat n cunoaterea de sine(
inteligen pentru a marca faptul c aceste
capaciti sunt t fundamentale ca i cele care
sunt curprinse n cadrul testelor de inteligen).
Teoria inteligenelor multiple este rezultatul
unei cercetri asupra cunoaterii umane care
poate fi subiectul testelor empirice, iar pe de
alt parte rezultatul este c teoria pluralizeaz
conceptul de inteligen. O definire optim a
inteligenei este greu de realizat, iar din acest
punct de vedere teoria inteligenelor multiple
difer de punctele de vedere tradiionale.

can be taught but intelligence is a potential

located before any learning takes place.
Perhaps the most interesting aspect of this
criticism is the question how far natural
emotions can be tested.
To the "abstract" definition proposed by
Mayor, Salovey, and Carson, it is proposed a
definition as adapted "mental ability which
emphasizes emotional sensitivity, awareness,
and organizing skills to help us maximize
our long-term health, happiness and
survival," or "the know how to separate the
healthy unhealthy feelings and how to
transform negative feelings into positive
feelings. "
The four types proposed by Steve Hein are:
a) identification of emotions, perception and
d) organization of emotions.
An important role is due to the life
experiences of parents, teachers, social and
cultural environment, that can harm or
develop innate intelligence, meanwhile the
emotional intelligence quotient is only a
relative measure of healthy or unhealthy
state of development of an individual's
innate emotional intelligence.
Theory of multiple intelligences
Howard Gardner points out that human
beings have different talents and more than
that deliberately chooses to write about
"multiple intelligences" - "multiple" to
highlight an unknown number of human
capacities, from musical intelligence to the
intelligence involved in knowledge oneself
("intelligence" to mark the fact that these
capabilities are fundamental as those that
are comprised in
intelligence tests).
The theory is the result of research
regarding human knowledge that may be
subject to empirical tests, and secondly the
theory offers a plural
concept of
intelligence. An optimal definition of

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Education Sciences Series, Issue 3/2010


Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine ale Educaiei, Nr. 3/2010

Inteligena cuprinde abilitatea de a rezolva

probleme sau de a modela produse care sunt
consecina unei situri particulare ntr-o cultur
sau comunitate. Abilitatea de a rezolva o
problem permite unui individ de a se apropia
de o situaie la care trebuie s gseasc o soluie
i s gseasc modul cel mai apropiate de a
ajunge la aceast soluie. Crearea unui produs
cultural este crucial pentru funcii precum
surprinderea i transmiterea cunoaterii sau
exprimarea unor puncte de vedere sau
sentimente personale.
Teoria inteligenelor multiple este structurat n
lumina originii biologice i trateaz numai cu
acele abiliti care sunt universale speciilor
umane, inteligena fiind definit ca un potenial
biopsihologic, fiecare inteligen trebuie s aib
o operaie esenial, identificabil, sau un set de
operaii. O inteligen trebuie s poat fi
ncorporat ntr-un sistem de simboluri un
sistem cultural care conine sensuri, care
surprinde i transform forme importante de
Criteriile pentru recunoaterea i acceptarea
unei inteligene sunt:
posibilitatea izolrii acesteia n urma unei
intervenii sau traume a creierului;
existena savantului idiot;
identificarea unor operaii interioareeseniale(core) sau a unui set de operaii;
existena unei dezvoltri istorice distincte,
mpreun cu existena unui set de rezultate
care poate fi definit ca performane de
tip expert;
o istorie evolutiv i plauzibilitate
susinere din partea
experimentale i a psihometriei;
codrii(encoding) i cuprinderii acesteia
ntr-un sistem de simboluri.
nainte de cercetrile lui Howard Gardner, L.L.
Thurstone (1887-1955) a desfurat un studiu
extensiv asupra factorilor de inteligen, care a
constat n analiza unor seturi de test
administrate elevilor identificnd astfel apte
factori de inteligen.

intelligence is difficult, and from this point

of view of multiple intelligences theory
differs from traditional views. Intelligence
includes the ability to solve problems or to
model products that are the result of a
particular location in a culture or
community. Ability to solve a problem
allows an individual to approach a situation
that needs to find a solution and find the best
way to get close to this solution. Creating a
cultural product is crucial for functions such
as capturing and transmitting knowledge or
expressing personal views or feelings.
Multiple intelligences theory is structured in
the light of biological origin, and covers
only those types that are universal human
abilities, intelligence being defined as a
biopsichological potential, each intelligence
had an essential operation, identifiable, or
set of operations. An intelligence must be
incorporated into a system of symbols - a
cultural system that contains the meanings
that captures and transforms the major form
The criteria for recognition and acceptance
the possibility of its isolation following an
the existence of idiot savant;
identification of inner-core operations
existence of a distinct historical
development, together with the existence of
a set of results that can be defined as performance
evolutionary history and evolutionary
support from experimental psychology and

(encoding) and its coverage in a system of
Before the research of Howard Gardner, L.L.
Thurstone (1887-1955) conducted an
extensive study on the factors of
intelligence, which included analysis of sets
of students administered test of intelligence
thus identifying seven factors.

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Education Sciences Series, Issue 3/2010


Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine ale Educaiei, Nr. 3/2010

Comprehensiune verbal

Abilitatea de a defini i nelege cuvinte

Fluena cuvintelor

Abilitatea de a pronuna cuvinte


Abilitatea de a rezolva probleme de aritmetic


Abilitatea de a vizualiza relaii


Abilitatea de a memora i de a reaminti


Abilitatea de a vedea diferene i asemnrile

dintre obiecte


Abilitatea de a gsi reguli

Verbal comprehension

Ability to define and understand words

fluency of words

Ability to pronounce words


Ability to solve arithmetics


Ability to visualize relationships


Ability to memorize and recall from memory


Ability to see the likes and diferences between objects


Ability to find new rules

Concepia tradiional despre inteligen

Concepia lui Howard Gardner

1. Inteligena este abilitatea de a crea un produs nou sau de a
rezolva probleme ntr-un context cultural anume.

Inteligena este o capacitate cognitiv uniform cu care

2. Inteligena este un set de deprinderi ale unui individ care fac

oamenii se nasc i care poate fi msurat prin

posibil rezolvarea unor situaii diverse din via.

intermediul testelor

3. Inteligena este un potenial biopsihologic de a gsi i crea

soluii la diferite probleme i care conduc la obinerea de noi

Traditional view of intelligence

Howard Gardner view of intelligence

1. Intelligence is the ability to create a new product or solve
problems in a particular cultural context.

Intelligence is a uniform cognitive capacity that people

are born and can be measured by a test

2. Intelligence is a set of skills that enable an individual to solve

various situations in life
3. Intelligence is a biopsihologica potential to find and create
solutions to different problems and leading to new knowledge.

Howard Gardner propune urmtoarele tipuri de Howard Gardner proposes the following types of
Inteligena lingvistic
Persoanele care posed acest tip de inteligen Linguistic intelligence
Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Education Sciences Series, Issue 3/2010


Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine ale Educaiei, Nr. 3/2010

gndesc cu predilecie n cuvinte i folosesc cu

uurin limba pentru a exprima i nelege
realiti complexe; au o sensibilitate special
pentru ordinea cuvintelor, sonoritatea i
ritmurile limbii. Copiii cu o inteligen
predominant lingvistic nva repede limba
matern precum i limbi strine, citesc cu
plcere, folosesc metafore i i aleg cariera pe
baza capacitilor lingvistice.

People who possess this intelligence think in

words and use the preferred language to easily
express and understand complex realities, have a
special sensitivity to word order, rhythm and
sonority of the language. Children with a
predominantly linguistic intelligence quickly
learn language and foreign languages, read with
pleasure, use metaphors and choose their career

Inteligena logico-matematic
Caracteristicile acestui tip de inteligen
constau n: nelegerea relaiilor dintre aciuni,
obiecte i idei; analiza cauzelor i ale efectelor
acestora. Abilitatea de a calcula, cuantifica,
evalua propoziii i de a efectua operaii logice
complexe, abilitatea de a gndi deductiv i
inductiv; gndirea critic i creativ, rezolvarea
situaiilor problematice. Persoanele cu o astfel
de inteligen i aleg profesiuni precum cea de
matematician, fizician, chimist, economist, etc.
Inteligena muzical
Cei care posed acest tip de inteligen gndesc
n ritmuri, sunete, melodii i rime. Sunt
sensibili la tonalitatea, nlimea, i timbrul
sunetului; recunosc, creeaz i reproduc muzica
folosind vocea sau un instrument anume. Se pot
implica ntr-o ascultare activ i sensibil i
stabilesc o legtur puternic ntre muzic i
Inteligena vizual-spaial
Este capacitatea da a gndi n imagini, de a
vizualiza cu claritate i n mod abstract.
Inteligena corporal-kinestezic
Prezena i dominana acestui tip de inteligen
aduce dup sine gndirea n micri i folosirea
corpului n moduri sugestive i complexe.
Acest tip de inteligen implic simul timpului
i al coordonrii micrilor ntregului corp i al
minilor n manipularea obiectelor. Se
manifest n special la dansatori, sculptori,
sportivi, actori.
Inteligena interpersonal
nseamn recunoaterea diferenelor dintre
oameni, a avea i a da dovad de empatie, a-i
nelege pe ceilali, a aprecia modul lor de
gndire, fiind sensibili la motivele, inteniile i
strile lor. Inteligena interpersonal implic o

Logical-mathematical intelligence
The characteristics of this type of intelligence are:
understanding the relationship between actions,
objects and ideas, analyze the causes and effects.
Ability to calculate, quantify, evaluate results and
perform complex logic operations, the ability of
deductive and inductive thinking, critical thinking
and creative problem solving situations. People
with such intelligence and the professions they
choose mathematician, physicist, chemist,
economist, etc.
Musical intelligence
Those who possess this intelligence think in
rhythms, sounds, songs and rhymes. They are
sensitive to the tone, height, and timbre of sound,
recognize, create and reproduce music using the
voice or a musical instrument. It may involve an
active and sensitive listening and establish a
strong link between music and emotions.
Visual-spatial intelligence
It gives the ability to think in pictures, to see
clearly and abstractly.
Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence
The presence and dominance of this type of
thinking reflects the way of
using body
movements in ways that are meaningful and
complex. This intelligence involves a sense of
time and coordination of whole-body movements
of the hands and manipulate objects. It is
particularly evident in the activity of dancers,
Interpersonal Intelligence
It means acknowledging differences between
people, to have and exercise the empathy, to

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Education Sciences Series, Issue 3/2010


Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine ale Educaiei, Nr. 3/2010

interaciune eficient cu ceilali. Persoanele

care posed acest tip de inteligen sunt
conductori, psihologi, care au o nelegere
adecvat n ceea ce privete semenii lor.
Inteligena intrapersonal
Este tipul de inteligen care determin o
gndire i nelegere de sine, fiind contient de
punctele tari i slabe caracteristice unei
persoane. Presupune planificarea eficient a
parcursului privitor la atingerea obiectivelor
personale, monitorizarea i controlul eficient al
gndurilor i emoiilor.

understand others, to appreciate their way of

thinking, being sensitive to the motives, intentions
and their own states. Interpersonal intelligence
involves an effective interaction with others.
People who have this intelligence are leaders,
psychologists, who have a proper understanding

Intrapersonal intelligence
It iss the type of intelligence that causes thinking
and self-understanding, being aware of the
strengths and weaknesses specific to a person.
Effective planning of the journey involves
regarding personal goals, monitoring and control
Inteligena naturalist
Acest tip de inteligen presupune dragostea of
pentru natur, plante i animale, nelegerea
lumii naturale, abilitatea de a recunoate Naturalist intelligence
indivizi i specii i de a stabili relaii ecologice; This intelligence involves the love for nature,
interacioneaz eficient cu creaturi vii i pot plants and animals, understanding the natural
discerne cu uurin fenomene legate de via i world, the ability to recognize individuals and
de natur. Este prezent n cazul naturalitilor, species and establish ecological relationships,
biologilor, ecologitilor precum i al interact effectively with living creatures and can
easily discern phenomena related to life and
Lucrarea Frames of Mind este urmat n nature. It is present in the case of naturalists,
1999 de o reanalizare i extindere a teoriei n biologists, environmentalists as well as
Intelligence Reframed. Multiple Intelligences astronomers.
for the 21st Century(Basic Books, 1999). n
capitolele al IV-lea i al V-lea al acestei lucrri The book "Frames of Mind" is followed in 1999
sunt considerate cteva noi tipuri care ar putea by a review and extension of the theory in
dobndi statutul de inteligen: inteligena "Intelligence Reframed. Multiple Intelligences for
spiritual, inteligena moral, inteligena the 21st Century "(Basic Books, 1999). In
Chapters IV and V of this book some new types
existenial i inteligena naturalist.
are brought into discussion, types that could
Inteligena existenial
Este o modalitate de cunoatere a lumii care i achieve the status of intelligence: spiritual
caracterizeaz pe filosofi, pe cei care pun intelligence, moral intelligence, existential
ntrebri despre nceputul universului, despre intelligence and naturalist intelligence.
sensul lumii i despre fericire. Spiritualitatea
este posibil s aparin acestui tip de Existential intelligence
inteligen. Inteligena existenial se refer la It is a way of knowing the world that
nclinaia uman de a pune ntrebri privitoare characterizes the philosophers, those who ask
la existen, precum: Cine suntem? De unde questions about the universe, the meaning of the
venim? Ce este lumea? De ce murim? Se poate world and about happiness. Spirituality is likely to
afirma c inteligena existenial ne permite s belong to this type of intelligence. Existential
cunoatem lumea invizibil. Singurul motiv intelligence refers to the human inclination to ask
pentru care Howard Gardner este rezervat cu questions about existence, such as: Who we are?
privire la inteligena existenial se datoreaz Where we come from ? What is the world? Why
faptului c nu avem suficiente evidene n creier do we die? We can say that existential
i n sistemul nervos care s califice determine intelligence allows us to know the invisible
Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Education Sciences Series, Issue 3/2010


Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine ale Educaiei, Nr. 3/2010

acceptarea acestui tip distinct de inteligen.

world. The only reason that Howard Gardner

rejects the existential intelligence is because there
are no sufficient evidences in the brain and
Inteligena spiritual
Dac exist multe aspecte care s susin nervous system to classify this as a particular
inteligena spiritual aceasta este respins pe type of acceptance intelligence.
temeiul c dei oamenii au capacitatea de a
aborda aspectele cosmice ale existenei i de a Spiritual Intelligence
fi preocupai de adevrurile transcendente If there are many aspects to support the spiritual
aceasta este o capacitate care depinde n ultimul intelligence this is rejected on the grounds that
rnd de caracteristicile afective i c de fapt nu although humans have the capacity to address the
dispunem de mijloace tiinifice de a investiga issue of the existence of cosmic and transcendent
truths to be concerned about, this is a capacity
aceste aspecte n mod corespunztor.
Inteligena moral
i aceste tip de inteligen este respins n baza characteristics and in fact we do not has the
faptului c moralitatea implic judeci de scientific means to investigate these matters
valoare pe cnd inteligena este prin natura ei properly.
neutr din punct de vedere moral.
Moral Intelligence
This type of intelligence is rejected on the
Chiar dac situaia actual este influenat de grounds that morality involves value judgments
accesul la mijloacele informatice i faciliteaz when intelligence is by its nature morally neutral.
accesul al cunoatere, ncercare de aplicarea a
acestor teorii n mediul educaional se Even if the current situation is influenced by a
confrunt cu
cteva probleme n pofida more easy access to means of information and
knowledge, the attempts to apply these theories
entuziasmului manifestat fa de acestea:
- cunoaterea modului cum aceste teorii in the educational environment is facing some
explic nvarea uman i cum este posibil problems despite the enthusiasm shown to them:
transferarea acestora n cadrul nvrii - knowledge of how these theories explain human
learning and how it is possible to transfer and
apply them into the educational learning type,
- problematica mediului cultural
- posibilitile reduse ale educatorilor de a - reduced opportunities for educators to identify
identifica tipurile de inteligen formulate
- lipsa unor instrumente psihometrice adevate the types of intelligence specific to each type of
fiecrui tip de teorie
- dificultile tehnice pe care le presupune - lack of psychometric instruments for each type
msurarea acestor tipuri de inteligen i of theory and their availabilty to educators
utilizarea acestor rezultate n proiectarea - the technical difficulties involved in measuring
activitilor instructive i educative curente these types of intelligence and use these results to
- problematica cunoaterii suficiente a design instructional and current educational
acestor teorii i demersuri de ctre activities
- insufficient knowledge of the issues implied by
educatori i prini
- conflictul dintre punctele de vedere these theories and approaches by the educators
referitoare la utilizarea rezultatelor generate and
de aplicarea unor instrumente de msur i - conflicting points of view regarding the use of
results generated by the application of
- costurile pe care le presupune pregtirea measurement
tehnic i disponibilitatea specialitilor - the costs involved in technical training and
pentru a realiza astfel de evaluri curente availability of specialists to perform such
ale potenialului naintea nceperii sau pe evaluations of potential before the beginning or
Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Education Sciences Series, Issue 3/2010


Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine ale Educaiei, Nr. 3/2010

parcursul activitilor instrucionale i

evaluarea potenialului este numai una
dintre condiiile i nevoile proiectrii
activitilor instructive i educative.

during the current instructional and educational

- assessment of potential is only one of the
conditions and needs of instructional design and
educational activities.

Gardner, H., Frames of Mind: The Theory of
Multiple Inteligences. New York: Basic Books,
Gardner, H., Multiple Intelligences: The Theory
in Practice. A Reader. BasicBooks, New York,
Gardner, H., Intelligence Reframed. Basic
Books, New York, 1999.
Gardner, H., The Minds New Science. A
History of the Cognitive Revolution.
BasicBooks, New York, 1985.
Gardner, H., Creating Minds. An Anatomy of
Creativity Seen Through the Lives of Freud,
Einstein, Picasso, Stravinsky, Eliot, Graham,
and Gandhi. BasicBooks, Collins, New York,
John D. Mayer, David R. Caruso, Peter
Salovey, Emotional Intelligence Meets
traditional Standards for an Intelligence. EQ
Institute Home Page, Full text, Copyright 1999,
Ablex Publishing Corporation.
Clifford Moriss, Working Smarter not Harder,
Investigation. A Discussion Paper.,Skeptic Magazine Interview
with Robert Sternberg on The Bell Curve,
interview by Frank Miele, from Skeptic, vol. 3,
no.3, 1995, pp.72-80.
Steve Hein, Definition and History of
Emotional Intelligence,Steve Heins Home
EQ Institute internet Home Page.
Goleman, D., Inteligena Emoional. Editura
Curtea Veche, Bucureti, 2001.
Roco, M., Creativitate i Inteligen
Emoional, Editura Polirom, Iai, 2001.
Salvat, Henri., Inteligen, mituri i realiti.
Editura Didactic i Pedagogic, Bucureti,

Gardner, H., Frames of Mind: The Theory of

Multiple Inteligences. New York: Basic Books,
Gardner, H., Multiple Intelligences: The Theory
in Practice. A Reader. BasicBooks, New York,
Gardner, H., Intelligence Reframed. Basic Books,
New York, 1999.
Gardner, H., The Minds New Science. A History
of the Cognitive Revolution. BasicBooks, New
York, 1985.
Gardner, H., Creating Minds. An Anatomy of
Creativity Seen Through the Lives of Freud,
Einstein, Picasso, Stravinsky, Eliot, Graham, and
Gandhi. BasicBooks, Collins, New York, 1995.
John D. Mayer, David R. Caruso, Peter Salovey,
Emotional Intelligence Meets traditional
Standards for an Intelligence. EQ Institute Home
Page, Full text, Copyright 1999, Ablex
Publishing Corporation.
Clifford Moriss, Working Smarter not Harder, A
Multiple Intelligence Longitudinal Investigation.
A Discussion Paper.,Skeptic Magazine Interview with
Robert Sternberg on The Bell Curve, interview by
Frank Miele, from Skeptic, vol. 3, no.3, 1995,
Steve Hein, Definition and History of Emotional
Intelligence,Steve Heins Home Page,
EQ Institute internet Home Page.
Goleman, D., Inteligena Emoional. Editura
Curtea Veche, Bucureti, 2001.
Roco, M., Creativitate i Inteligen Emoional,
Editura Polirom, Iai, 2001.
Salvat, Henri., Inteligen, mituri i realiti.
Editura Didactic i Pedagogic, Bucureti, 1972.

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Education Sciences Series, Issue 3/2010


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