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In the life of a country , education plays a very important to ensure the survival of the state
and nation , because education is a vehicle to improve and develop the quality of human
resources . Along with the development of computer technology and information technology ,
the schools in Indonesia was time to develop its management information system to be able to
keep up with changing times .
Sisko is able to provide the ease of managing its activities and increase the credibility and
accountability of the school in the eyes of students , parents , and communities information
technology to support the educational process has become a necessity for educational institutions
in Indonesia. Use of information technology is needed to improve efficiency and productivity for
management education . Success in increasing the efficiency and productivity for management
education will also determine the viability of the institution itself. In other words, delaying the
application of information technology in educational institutions fluency means delaying







Utilization of information technology designed for performance improvement of educational

institutions in their efforts to improve the quality of Indonesian human resources . Teachers and
school administrators are no longer preoccupied with operational tasks , which actually can be
replaced by computers . Therefore, it can provide advantages in efficient time and effort .
Saving time and speed of presentation of information due to the application of information
technology that will provide opportunities for teachers and school administrators to improve the
quality of communication and guidance to students . Thus, students will feel more humanized in
order to develop the personality and knowledge .
For example, the main thing is that the scheduling system must be done every semester . It
usually takes a long time to arrange scheduling , With Sisko can be completed in a short time .

To facilitate the administration of the school curriculum , Sisko provide special facilities which
are at the core of the school curriculum system that helps in making the scheduling of school
subjects can be processed no longer than 10 minutes . Administrators would only include the
condition of each of the teachers who will be teaching both in the first week of a teacher can
teach few hours , but it can also place an order and placement of public holidays each teacher
teaching in a 1 week period . Once all the conditions entered , the system will process all of the
data to produce the optimal schedule and can be directly used as the system will detect that there
will be no timetable contiguous to each other .
Once all the conditions entered , the system will process all of the data to produce the optimal
schedule and can be directly used as the system will detect that there will be no timetable
contiguous to each other . After scheduling problem can be handled well , it is no less important
is the inclusion of student data ( student assessment ) .
Sisko program has provided facilities for the handling of student assessment that directly enter a
value into the report cards and ready to be printed . For student assessment system , which can
perform only charging Teachers who teach subjects . The scoring system has been adapted to the
CBC ( Competency-Based Curriculum ) so that each teacher can include a narrative description
of the subjects . To display the assessment data can be adjusted back to the discretion of each
institution whether to display the data value and displays the student's final grades of students
each time holding a particular test or assignment .
In addition to the scheduling module and Module Assessment of students , Sisko also provides
the facility to finance the administration of the school in terms of student tuition payments .
Administration can directly check that students who have delinquent tuition and tuition payments
for detailed history of each student can be printed as print books bank accounts that facilitate the
work of the financial administration . Financial administration can immediately make
arrangements payment data each student according to their needs and can be changed at any time
if there is a rise in tuition payments . If students are going to make the payment , the officer can
directly enter data . The same can be done for Voluntary Contribution payment data and Leisure

With existing facilities in the program Sisko , Sisko very profitable application of educational
institutions in their efforts to improve efficiency and productivity performance of educational
institutions . Therefore Sisko was created to provide convenience for the educational institutions

Storage and processing of data of students , staff , finance , and asset schools
Analysis of the performance of the development of students, teachers , and schools from period
to period
Provision of information about the development of students' studies to Master Guardians and
Provision of information to support reporting to the Office of the Department of Education
related to the National Final Examination ( UAN ) and the Accreditation Board School ( BAS )










Management of cataloging the library including books , book search , the process of borrowing
and returning books , books presence status , and the determination of the amount of fines .

Provision in the form of instant messaging communication to their stakeholders by utilizing

internet technology and wireless communication technology .

Motifs and patterns BATIK INDONESIA

Batik variety of shades and colors are influenced by various foreign influences. Initially, batik
has a variety of shades and colors are limited, and some patterns may only be in use by certain
circles. However, coastal batik absorb various external influences, such as foreign traders and
also the invaders. Bright colors like red popularized by the Chinese, who also popularized the
style phoenix. Retaining traditional batik s type, and is still used in traditional ceremonies,
because usually each style has a representation of each.
As for the types of Batik Based Pattern / Motive in Indonesia to date are as follows:
1. Batik Pekalongan
Pekalongan batik tidal development, showing Pekalongan worthy to be an icon for the
development of batik in the archipelago. This is due to the many industries that produce batik
products. Because the product is famous for its batik, known as the City of Pekalongan Batik.
The nickname comes from a long tradition rooted in Pekalongan. During that long period,
various properties, the variety of uses, type design, as well as batik quality is determined by the
climate and the presence of fibers of local, historical factors, trade and community readiness to
accept and understand new ideas.
Pekalongan Batik is very free, and interesting, though often modified with a variety of attractive
colors. Quite often on a piece of batik cloth found up to 8 colors bold, and dynamic combination.
Pekalongan Batik is a privilege, the pembatiknya always up to date. For example, at the time of
the Japanese occupation, the batik was born with the name "Java Batik Hokokai" with batik
motifs and colors that resemble the Japanese kimono. In the sixties also created batik with the
name "Tritura". Even in 2005, shortly after President Yudhoyono appointed appearing batik
"SBY" motif that is similar to ikat and songket. Pekalongan residents not breathing out of ideas
to make batik creations.
2. Batik Mega Chance

Almost in all regions of Java has a rich culture typical batik. of course there are areas that are
more prominent such as Solo, Yogya, and Pekalongan. but the wealth of art batik Cirebon area is
no less than the other cities.
Historically, in the bustling port of Cirebon are served by various migrants from within and
outside the country. One of the newcomers is quite influential are immigrants from China who
brings confidence and art of the country.
In history it is noted that Sunan Gunung Jati who develop Islamic teachings in Cirebon area
married a Chinese princess named Ong Tie. His wife is very concerned with the arts, particularly
ceramics. The motifs on the tiles brought from the land of China is ultimately affect motives
batik mix up occurred between Cirebon-Chinese culture.
One of the most famous motifs of batik Cirebon area is the Mega Clear or Cloud-awanan. This

motif can be seen on both form and color style Chinese tastes.
Mega motif symbolizes Chance of rain in the next carrier-carrier natikan as fertility, and giver of
life. This motif is dominated by blue color, from light blue to dark blue. Dark blue color
illustrates the dark clouds that contain rain water, the giver of life, while the light blue color
symbolizes the bright life.
3. Batik motif Truntun

Arguably Truntum motif is a symbol of love that blossomed again. According to the story,
this motif was created by a Queen Keraton Yogyakarta.
The Queen who has been loved and pampered by the King, was forgotten by the King who has
had a new lover. To pass the time and eliminate grief, the Queen began to make. Queen
unconsciously make star-shaped motif in a dark sky, which had been with him in solitude. Queen
perseverance interest in batik king who then began to approach the Queen to see pembatikannya.
Since it constantly monitors the development of batik king queen, little by little affection towards
the Queen King grows back. Thanks to this motif king love blossomed again or tum-tum back, so
the motive is named Truntum, as a symbol of love that blossomed again king.
4. Batik Jlamprang

Motif - motifs Jlamprang or in Yogyakarta with Nitik name is one that is quite popular batik
produced in Pekalongan Krapyak area. This is the development of Batik motifs of India Potola
sometimes geometric shaped or star-shaped eyes and a breeze to use with its top branches
quadrangular. Batik is immortalized Jlamprang be one way in Pekalongan.
5. Batik Pegantin

Each traditional batik motifs on the classic always has its own philosophy. At Batik motifs,
especially from Central Java region, especially Solo and Yogya, each image has a meaning. It
has something to do with the meaning or philosophical significance in Hindu-Javanese culture.
At certain motifs exist that are considered sacred and can only be used on a particular occasion
or event, such as the marriage ceremony.
Sido Mukti motif-usually worn by the bride and groom at weddings, also named as Sawitan

(pair). Sido means continuously or be and mukti means living in affluent and happiness. so we
can conclude this motif melambangka hope for the future is good, full of happiness under on the
bride and groom. In addition there are also Sido Mukti motif Sido Asih the meaning of life in
love. There's more Sido Mulyo motif that means living in kemuliana and Sido Luhur meaning in
life is always virtuous.
There is also a motif that is not sawitan twins, but usually wear the bridal couple yaiu motif
Queen Ruth paired with Semen Rama, who symbolizes faithfulness of a wife to her husband.
Actually there are many more commonly used motifs bridal couple, everything was created by
symbolizing hope, messages, intentions and good faith to the bridal couple. At the marriage
ceremony the bride usually wears Parents Truntum motif which can also mean lead, the meaning
of which led the bride and groom in entering new intricacies of the married life.
Also known motif Sido wirasat, wirasat means counsel, and the motive is always some
combination of motives truntum in it, which symbolize the parents will always advise and guide
the bride and groom in entering married life.
6. Three Batik State
The complexity of a piece of batik was still not enough if we know the history of the State Ttiga
Batik motif. Three Batik motifs typical batik State is a combination Lasem, Pekalongan and
Solo, in the colonial era and the autonomous region called the land. Maybe if just blend motifs
typical of each region is still reasonable and ordinary, but who makes this batik has high artistic
value is the process. It is said that according to the batik, water each area has a major influence
on the coloration, and this makes sense because the soil water mineral content differs according
to geography. Then be made batik in each region. First, batik cloth is made in Lasem with a
distinctive red color, like red blood, after it was brought to the batik fabric Pekalongan and
dibatik in blue, and the fabric is colored brown last Sogan typical in the city of Solo.
Given the means of transport at the time was not as good as now, the three Foreign Batik cloth
can be said as one of the batik masterpiece.
7. Batik Morning Afternoon
Batik design started early afternoon there on the Japanese colonial era. At that time because of
the difficulty of life, for savings, batik making batik cloth afternoon morning. The batik fabric is
made with two different design motif. So if in the morning we use one side of the motif, then in
the afternoon we can put on a different motive from the other side of the fabric, so impressed we
use 2 different fabrics whereas only 1 sheet of cloth.
Of course now that people rarely wear kebaya fabric (jarik) for day-to-day, but the motive for the
morning / afternoon still made in many other batik products. Usually there are made of silk
fabric 2 motifs on one sheet of fabric so it can be made two dresses, there are also a scarf that
was used to veil, made half plain and half motif. Batik is an alternative to early afternoon has a
variety of batik with limited costs.

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