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New Models fresh


How to remove corruption from our country INDIA

our country and many others has been plagued by corruption . many countries are facing acute poverty
because they have to feed their hard earned money on corrupt officials

to counter and bring about literacy on this issue , I have selected a model which is


The answer lies in seeing, thinking, acting and mobilizing in a cultural mindful ways

a) personal literacy

aggressive insight : creating self awareness about corruption in society

confident humility : being self confident , humble enough to listen and learn from other people of how
to counter attack corruption through brain storming
authentic flexibility : understanding and accepting attitudes , beliefs and behavior of corrupt officials
and counter attack with books on them
reflective decisiveness : by acting boldly and forcefully highlighting in the public against corrupt officials
realistic optimism : envisioning a better future by highlighting to the public about what benefits are
enjoyed by those who are not corrupt through social awareness programs

b) Social literacy

pragmatic trust : by being proactive in society against corruption

urgent listening : by setting up toll free in society to make public aware about corrupt people
constructive impatience : solving corruption cases by setting up mobile courts in cities and towns
connective teaching : setting up chapters in the pages of children textbooks about corruptio n and moral
ethics concerning society in which they live
collaborative individualism : creating employment opportunities in the society to remove corruption

C) Business literacy

chaos navigator : creating awareness in business training and development knowledge and brain
storming when employees come across corrupt officials in their activity zone
business geographer : creating awareness in the employees by giving them access to knowledge about
countries where corruption is present and removed
technology steward : creating awareness in the public by setting up corruption case websites in society
for public to watch and participate proactively
leadership liberator : creating levels of administration where corruption is removed through
employment generation
economic integrator : aligning and connecting people systems and processes in support of vision and
goals to remove corruption from the society

D) Cultural literacy :

proud ancestor : highlighting books about corruption and its spread in each country and what the
society did to remove it from its backyard
inquisitive internationalist : making resource available about corruption and its spread across the globe
to counterattack with ferociousness and awareness by being in a global village
respectful modernizer : keeping the best strategies against corruption intact and remove unnecessary
data to spread it to those who need it
culture Bridger : forming alliances and connections across countries
global capitalist : bringing in global awareness and knowledge sharing to global village by solving local
issues through knowledge

thought of the day

how to implement the above in each country including ours


How to introduce religious books in the Indian scenario which are informative

after Salman Rushdie case I have started thinking what should the country like ours do when religion on
some pretext or the other goes on fighting with each other and killings never stop because of stupidity
of authors
so I thought of designing a model based where if author has an aspiration to publish religious books he
should follow to certain extent this model if he believes in its authenticity

I selected the model to be


Turning in to the environment

when an author wants to write religious books he should consult the country to whom he is addressing
the issue and discuss with them the terms and conditions to promote the books discussing what he
wants to write and what knowledge he possess on the basis of which he wishes to communicate to the

challenging the prevailing organizational wisdom

the author should be able to reveal the patterns and foresight of his viewpoint (repercussions) on the
basis of which his book would lead to if he able to produce it in a world class format in convincing the
reader to his way of thinking

author should be able to state where his book would lead the readers to a conclusion point and what his
aspiration is when he concludes the book

communicating a compelling aspirations

every author has an aspiration to draw conclusions from the knowledge he has gained , reveal them to
the appropriate authorities and get their opinion and viewpoint before writing the book

building coalitions

every author should build up a coalition of political, intellectual thought people and interact with them
to know their view point before endeavoring the journey on writing

having contacts in times of crisis is crucial in writing literature

transferring ownership to a working team

authors should own up the responsibility of what they write and take precautionary measures an d also
face the wrath of the community if it goes haywire
proper documentation and reporting structure should be designed well in advance when it comes to
understanding literature of religious doctrines and their decipherations and repercussions associated
with them

learning to persevere

every learning curve must be documented and to be highlighted in the preface and given explanations
when asked for and to be continued in the end phase of book also

making everyone a hero

the institution which allowed the author to write and taken pains to promote the book must come
forward and give explanation on the said theme
if there is difference of opinion on what was projected and what the end result got the authoritative
institution must do the needful as per terms and conditions accepted before the author journey began

thought of the day

win win strategy in writing is seen


How to make money through books through mental labor in INDIAN scenario

books are the source of knowledge and to amass wealth through it is the desire of all bookworms

how to earn it is now the question

the model I thought is


I) Maintenance tools

employee suggestion systems

if you are working in an organization and organization is helpful ask the HR manager to groom up
employees through a suggestion box mechanism through which employees have an opportunity to earn
money by giving helping hand to employer problems

self directed work teams

if you are working in teams an individual can earn money by directing the team to desired result in
smoother fashion by adopting the strategy through team work through books.
the one who gives a better design to the strategy wins money if agreed upon by the team

statistical process control

through total quality management tools of enhancing reputation of the company one can earn money


by having competition between employees on monthly basis by setting up a monthly strategic magazine
through cooperation one can easily set up a money earning in companies giving helping hand to
organization by stating their ideas in a clear cut fashion

II) Crossover tools

transferring innovations for diffusing the successful methodology of one group throughout the

organization role models itself by designing one team on knowledge based and making it a common
example to promote others by reducing tension schemes across the organization to earn finance

business process reengineering

asking the employees to design their own reengineering methodology on their own and earn their
income by maximizing profits of the company through result oriented ways within a limited time period
every year

task forces to deal with specific problems

every employee is given a task every time to maximize the wealth of the company by looking at his own
job to smoothen it up with lesser effort with maximum affect and make it affective for the organization
to learn

III) Utility tools

customer surveys

by becoming a panelist in a well noted institution and completing surveys given to you one can easily
earn money once this type of scheme is seen or implemented by an organization

external advisory groups or consultants

design a consultant job on your own , promote yourself to institutions and earn your income else write
become popular and when opportunity comes grab it be being knowledgeable in your literature

content analysis

read books, understand the content , do model designing on books read and sell it to knowledgeable
party your works but it has to be original manuscript on books read

IV) Anticipatory tools

decentralized strategic planning

making the company decentralized in all angles and empower them with work load to re duce the
burden of the company in which they work by observing each other work

scenario analysis

usually as per my judgment it is seen in information technology of observing a case and implementing
the case in the form of scenario by duplicating it in form of games designing , case study writing etc

joint ventures / strategic alliances

through syndicate formation set up entrepreneurship and enjoy finance

external management development efforts

job enlargement roles to the rescue by being all rounder and asset to the organization you work for and
in near future to the companies you dedicate your life for

impact analysis techniques

strategic implementation and its impact to be discussed in the company forum for additional finance
earning opportunities for the decisions made and to be made in near future to know foresight where the
company is heading to and where it shouldnt head

V) Dialogue

creating a scenario for team spirit and knowledge sharing about where they are headed to on each
assignment taken up by team members for the company sake to get profits

VI) scenario planning

working on project based and implementing projects in companies through multiple directions by
creating multiple scenarios and choosing the best from all is what this scenario planning is all about
to create multiple alternatives money is earned

VII) the merlin exercise

projecting future and to give explanation about future events which might occur for employees to be
vigilant money is earned through this method

VIII) Action learning

working on real live cases and projecting knowledge to solve them is this action learning works on in

IX) practice fields

teams in practice fields study complex case and game backgrounds and industry environmen ts accept
starting position with defined resources and play out strategy implementation over several stimulated
year of operation under this methodology to earn finance

x) knowledge management and mapping

this is process for identifying what knowledge is needed within an organization what gaps exist and
what skills are required to solve a problem or complete a project

this is another method of identifying money making techniques

thought of the day

think on above lines and extend it if you like to add up your own spice


Recruitment model for our nation (INDIA)

in our nation recruitment takes place in huge numbers every day . the procedure to recruit employees is
lacking because of lack of a perfect model which can be an asset to the organizations
basing upon this the model I chose which can become handy for recruiters is


predictor variables :-

basing upon previous experience of the individuals recruiters can recruit employees to their organization
and check out their competency by looking at their future growth in the company they chose to deliver

zero base technique

in this form of technique the recruiter while recruiting employees for his organization put s a scenario to
the employee who is to be recruited to solve the scenario of cases put forward to him by understanding
the situation that the organization has zero man power and he is the first employee who has to design
the company lay out on all matters
this technique can be implemented when the recruiter looks out for leadership based jobs

bottom up technique

in this technique the recruiter recruits the employee to his organization based upon empowerment
technique where the recruitee designs his own specifications to the organization to see whether the
organization can cater to the employees recruitment and place him in their organization as per
recruitees requirement of credentials which he has specified to the company
this technique is usually adopted in board of directors recruitment procedure where knowledge plays a
dominant role

simulation technique

in this technique a candidate is recruited for a brief period to see whether he understands and feels
comfortable in the job he has applied for . if results are seen during the brief period of stay the recruitee
is asked to continue the job and given articles of association to get enrolled once recruiter feels satisfied

thought of the day

ponder on the above skill set required for the recruiter to judge recruitee for your organization


How to remove poverty from our country (INDIA)

to remove poverty is the desire of every nation . it is also one of my desires to see my nation progress
and live lavishly with huge amount of intellectual knowledge coming to our shore and gain insight into
societies knowledge bank
to accomplish this task I have chosen a model which you all readers would like to cherish
it Is



1) build awareness among citizens that poverty is evil and it has to be removed --- talk through books
2) set goals for each of assignments made which would lead to removal of poverty ---- free education
through training of soft skills
3) organize people manpower to achieve the above goals ( pick up like minded people from any source )
4) train people through vocational training to remove poverty
5) vocational training must be project based where through systematic planning one can accomplish it
6) report progress of each project in websites to create awareness to spread it if there are any people
who would take up similar projects under pull strategy
7) recognize peoples achievements and commitment and reward them handsomely by making them
face in the crowd in our nations accomplishment of removing poverty
8) communicate accomplished goals and spread the message through technology
9) keep score of each completed projects accomplished
10) maintain momentum and never stop should be the motto of these type of projects taken up


1) In removing poverty create long term needs and foresight and design projects which support long
term objectives and not short term
2) create awareness that we live in economic age and no longer live with mistakes and defects
3) make poverty removal a catchword for people to be ingrained with
4) loyalty and trust should be the motto for accomplishing poverty for those who took up the project
5) what is good for today may not be good for tomorrow so keep changing the strategies and bring in
new people with new ideas into the stream to remove poverty
6) training and development should be the keyword for progress with case studies being written on
7) institute leadership through supervision of requirements needed to accomplish the task
8) drive out fears that poverty removal is impossible by ingraining in people who are bothered about by
making them participate through projects designed through collaboration at every level
9) break down barriers by making the project look simple by taking steps one at a time
10) eliminate slogans and exhortations for the project under muscle power and take up projects where
finance can be earned through knowledge by creating knowledge hubs and awareness
11) eliminate quotas and promote projects on pull strategies
12) eliminate barriers by making people empower with their own ideas and promote them by looking
out for like minded people who can think alike ( generating ideas )
13) self improvement awareness through financial awareness of poor people mindset must be created
and make them aware about what is good for them
14) transformation from poverty should be the motto of everybody's job


1) commitment from all levels of society should be seen to remove poor people from poverty
2) poverty improvement teams must be designed with senior representatives guiding them in all levels
3) determine where current and potential poverty removal and problems lies
4) evaluate cost of how much money is required per project is needed and get money through sponsors
and social awareness programs
5) raise poverty awareness programs by making public participate through proper knowledge
6) take actions on the problems generated while implementing the projects decided upon
7) establish teams and committees to have zero issues on poverty problems of the country
8) train supervisors who are grooming up the teams and create leadership traits at each level
9) hold meetings and get together of important project teams and create awareness in public through
presentations ( technology driven )
10) encourage individuals to be self driven and give them proper food clothing shelter to accomplish
tasks and projects they are undertaking ( before project starts for them sponsors are mandatory)
11) once the project undertaken at each month sponsors are informed about the progress made so that
further financial trouble is not encountered for the individuals
12) recognize and appreciate those who participate in the project in the form of benefits assigned to
them ( benefits should be the basis for accomplishing tasks in our country and should be promoted)
13) government should set out councils to govern these projects to see that final result is accomplished
14) spread the projects to other states and see that the project never dies and exchange view points on
the accomplished projects with each other and state employees




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