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That which you are Seeking

Revealing Your Inner Voice

A free and responsible search for truth and meaning

Created by UU RE Program September 2005

Many Names

Is causing you to seek

Direct experience of that
transcending mystery
and wonder, affirmed in
all cultures, which moves
us to spiritual renewal
(wholeness) and an openness to the forces
which create and uphold life;
Defines Our Values
Gives meaning and value to life

Inner Voice Different Language

Gut Feeling
Psychic Sense
Sixth Sense
Creative Energy Imagination
Channeling Angels Gods - Universe

Compassion and Justice

May be represented
by images the mind
cannot put together
by itself.
Most often the inner
voice says things
you do not expect,
nor want to hear.
Always patient,
always truthful.

Inconvenient Times
Often when driving, or
busy with other things
the little glimpses of
truth sneak and then can
never be remembered
Like Old Faithful, the
return of the inner voice
can come at late or early
hours whether or not
you are ready for it.
Often we have
conditioned ourselves
not to notice it so a first
step is to stop and listen.

Inside or Outside?

What Blocks The Inner Voice

A thought
An Inspiration
Many sages assumed
It was outside when it was
Some were tortured for
Some were committed
A dangerous Journey?

Thinking the minds endless ticker

tape of activity.
Emotions The perceived mental
formations created by the mind.
Physical The body sending
messages of craving, fear, desire,
pain and other messages to the brain.
Belief Systems That impose
conditions on the direct experience
of life and alter perception and
dismiss direct experience.

Where there are many Voices


Old Buildings
Historical Sites
Water Mountains
Anything that has a historical pulse.
Unlike a sandy beach that does not
hold the vibrations of yesterday but
gives them up to the waves of time.

Meditation, Singing, Chanting, Music,
Sacred Spaces, Yoga, Dance, Art, Ritual
and others are methods to turn down the
ticker tape of the mind and allow the part
of your being that can have a direct
experience to emerge.
Like moving clouds from the sky to see the
Prayer is talking to God, Meditation is
listening to God. The Christ came to teach
love not Christianity Mind made Religion

Are a path to the direct experience but not the

direct experience itself.
Some can take you further away if fear or
conditional based.
Inclusive vs. Exclusive.
All Religions have direct experience with
energy, God, mystery, and the direct
experience of internal and external Life.
You have had direct experience
But have you believed it?
This is the critical choice of mind.

Poetry can be a Bridge

Merges emotional,
and subconscious
With a dab of
Bridges common
experiences not of
the mind but of the
Can be a beginning
to listen within.

The Mind

Lets not over think this thing

Like fear, the mind is

Required human equipment
To allow human survival in
A world of dualities.
The mind is to keep you
Alive but the heart or spirit
Is to give you an experience of living
and life with all of its horrendous
Beauty, pain, bliss, terror and sorrow

Thinking to find your

inner voice or truth
or God is like trying
to scoop up water
with a fishing net.
Just as emotions
are not facts, what
would life be without
Only fearful mind
requires scientific
proof but the heart


The Buddha said WAKE UP
The Christ said the kingdom is
spread out over the earth
and man does not see it.
What it means is the MIND
cannot see it, but the heart
can. Enter the kingdom as
children who do not see the
world with their minds.
None come to the father not by
a person but by an energy
which is what she is made

The Difficult Trick to Learn

Make heart decisions with the heart
and mind decisions with the mind.
Let the mind keep you alive but let
the heart let you live.
I was in love or thought I was which
is NOT the same thing.
How do you want your life to
Feel not be.
The safe way is unsafe and
The unsafe way is often safe.

Great Opportunity
Many societies no longer have to rely
on the mind for daily survival so we
have the choice to stop and give
Rome what is Romes and our hearts
to the energy of the world around us.
Because we have grasped
safety though things we suffer
and if we get things we are
both empty and lonely.
The Buddha Cow Sutra

Provides Eternal Insights

Copyright James M. Thomsen 2001

Value love above all life as it is the raw material of the

Value life above all non life as its secret name is God
Value family above all other people and work as it is the
vine of your being
Value people and animals and other life above all
acquired material things
Value truth, justice and integrity above all need for
power and control
Value growing learning and exploring over the safety
of all previous thought and belief.
Value service, touching and compassion over all the
rituals, rules and regulations.
Value children for they are the time to come and work
to keep them safe and happy
Value those unlike you over those more like you as
they are your greatest teachers
Value the nutrients you need always over the things
that you want.

The Challenges

Stopping Mind/Body
Listening In Confidence
Hearing/ Feelings- Images -Words
Loving Allowance

No need to travel
You dont need to go
anywhere, but sacred places
remind us the station is
still broadcasting
The Guru is within but we
dont trust that unless
someone else points it out whom we

Atmosphere = Mind Control

Just as romantic atmosphere can
create release of emotional side of
the mind the altering of outside
environment changes the inside.
Find the music
For your eyes
For your ears
For your skin
For your heart

Finding Your Inner Voice

Anything that puts
the fearful mind at
ease allows the radio
station that never
goes off the air to be
Nature and places
where the sense of
time is dulled.

Sacred Spaces
Can be created in any kind of
space with light, arrangement and
shape. This helps tell the mind
that it is not required to engage in
safety related thinking so other
aspects of the self can be given
equal time to emerge.

A learned response from

childhood as an American Indian,
Negro, and other backgrounds
and cultures all have different

The sacred space for a family

used to be the dinner table, but
was replaced with the TV.

Laughter is more intimate

Then even Sex
Think why we
laugh as it is a
connection to
what we find
humorous that
reveals we are not

Do not hold on
The world and we are all in a constant
state of dynamic change.
We fear change because we cannot
control and feel unsafe.
Growth requires
Consistency is
the lie
Make change your
partner i.e. Hockey

Next time the Unknown comes

Learn first to see,
but not to
understand as only
then can you have an
experience that is
later understood by
the mind.
The mind feeling
unsafe by not
knowing tries to

All Encounters With God are alone

Not a group activity
Whether an internal
or external encounter
the reality is known
by the heart and not
by the mind.
Know when it is time
in your life to take
the walk alone and
find that part of the
labyrinth where your
core resides.

The Voice
Does not come with
Identification by way of some
expected religious figure.

It comes as a dinner partner

eating life with you and
making comments and
pointing out things you are
not paying attention to.
But we refuse to listen to
those moments that inform

Become a Seeker
More than one right
answer people.
Force yourself to look for
more right answers,
different perspectives,
different paths as they all
lead to the same place.
Find groups that support
your practice singing,
walking, art, dance.

What is the benefit to our lives

What we all seek is not as much love
but to know the value of our life and
Humans seek spiritual experiences to
answer core questions of where we
come from, where do we go, who am I
and why.
Anything to manifest must first be
thought and often that thought comes
from knowledge from your inner

Lighten Up

Even Popes are Listening

Not one bit of scientific evidence that

life is serious.
Take yourself lightly take life with an
attitude of gratitude.
Play the how can it be worse game.
What the manifestation change
And the inner voice become louder.

No Heaven
No Hell
But a condition
Of living with or
Apart from God
Experiences of
Heaven or hell
Are available
Here and now.

Smile at the experts

Not what you Expect

They are not wrong

or right but on
different paths to the
same destination.
Learn from their
common experiences
but remember your
path has never been
created before so
only you can listen to
the inner voice that
guides you to your
full potential.

Your inner voice

may take shocking
views or comments
but the truth is not in
the presentation but
in the content.
The experience of
the Red Wood tree
teachers that there
are many
expressions of truth.

Even Children can Understand

Copyright 2005 All Rights Reserved
We all seem to have a voice in our head
That keeps us awake when we should be in bed
You can hear it read when we pick up a book
It warns us in time to quick stop, and look
I wish it could help me find my lost shoe
I dont always know what it wants me to do.

It gives me advice when sometimes I dont know

because it seems to understand which way I
should go.
It feels nicer still when it drips love in my tummy
and warms my heart and makes me feel yummy
The voice my the head is sometimes not glad
In fact, you could often call it quite sad
Thats when our voice is counting on me
To enjoy some time dancing happy and free

So who is this voice, that thinks on its own

It can be a good friend or mischievous child
and without warning it can leave us alone
giving kisses and snuggles and then acting wild
For freedom is great and fun and so nice
Often it tells me I need a good hug
But its better still when you have good advice
But then gets me in trouble when we play in the
What colors to wear in my clothes and my shoes?
Just listen dear friend and it will help you to choose
The voice never goes away, it never grows old Which way should you go, and what should you
its a treasure so rare it seems just like gold
Just listen dear friend to the voice inside you
It can be nice this friend that I keep in my head
When it helps me to remember the books that
Ive read

Its part mommy and daddy and that may seem

a odd
But its really special and put there by God

Verb NOT noun

Humans, Animals, The Planet, the
Universe and God are always energy in
motion and instead of being things we
are all states of energy.
To manifest something in your life you
must give energy to the verb not the
If you WANT more money, a soulmate, or
happiness you get more WANTING as
the universe hears the verb and not the

Even Truth is a Verb

There is no truth that is a
static thing it is an
Like Music it flows from one
verse to another.
What is true for a child, a
young adult and a mature
human or male or female are
not wrong or incomplete but
the intro to another
movement in the song that
never ends.

We share and recognize truth

The life of a poet,

artist, policeman or
doctor have different
truths, values and
No one holds the
truth for another but
instead by standing
in their light others
can see their own.

There is no Flower or separate You

Nothing can exist by
itself, not even truth.
When looking deeply
into a flower we see the
sunshine, the rain, the
earth, the clouds, time,
and the understanding
that if just one condition
was not there the flower
could not exist It
interbes with all else.
A flower is in motion
from seed to flower to
compost and then to
more flowers.

In Art
In Music
In Word
In Compassion
In Patience
In Gratitude
In Tolerance
In Respect
In Laughter
In Prayer & Meditation

Misery loves Company

Dont follow where
the path may lead but
go instead where you
are called and leave a
Suffering is pain
times resistance.
Surrender is an
important part of life
as you cannot fight
the wave with the

Your Truth is not Another's

Life is like climbing the mountain, you

get skilled at climbing but drown
when you come across a lake and try
and climb it.

What are you within interbeing with and how

does your inner voice inform and tell your
flower to grow, become and rejoin all that is.

Joseph Campbell
Follow your bliss
and doors will open
that are not there for
anyone else and you
will have a sense
when you are off
your track and while
you may not have
money, safety or
love, you will have
bliss and if you seek
money, safety or love
you may not get any

The Truth
Many will Hear &
Few will Do and

Key West a great place to start

Many self actuated
authentic lifestreams
to interact with and
Places of great
beauty and solitude.
Writers, poets,
artists, mystics and
of course great souls
in the form of
dolphins. 2001 Story

Time to Eat?

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