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External: Capt.Baweja
Attempt: 2nd
Result: - P P
Previous Ships:LPG and LNG
First he asked me for which attempt i have come and the reason for failing . Then he
told me to write all the questions which i had wrongly answered in the last attempt
and their correct answers.
i wrote all of them and was happy.He didnt ask me those questions again.
then he asked me whether i cleared my writtens and all in 1st attempt.i said yes sir
all in 1st attempt.was happy
Thn he started with fuction 2
function 2
1) how many of grades of cargo u loaded on LNG ship-ans: only one grade methane
coz on lng u can load only methane.
2) difference between LNG and LPG
ans: LNG -163 ,LPG : propane -40 : ammonia -33 : nbutane 0 :isobutane -4
LNG : lighter then air LPG: heavier thn air (exception ammonia)
3) ISGOTT ammendments(i.e new ISGOTT)
ans: 1) its divide into 4 parts
2)use of mobile(can use only if its intrinsically safe)....looking for this answer
3)bunkering operation included
4)static electricity hazards
there are few more which i told him i cant recollect
4) hazards of LNG
ans:Fire, spillage can cause brittle fracture as cargo is cold, Frost bite ,asphyxiant.
5) What instrustion u will give to ur junior officer regarding cargo operation as mate
ans:1) written standing orders(tell him evrything eg: breakdown of pump,difficulty in
adhereing to the plan,when in doubtetc)
2) any req by sms
3) special instructions and req by shore
all the above things should be in writing.
6) Cargo gear breakdown contingency plan:
ans: Stop cargo opertion as soon as breakdown occurs by pressing esds or cut off
switch(he wants to here this 1st)
inform cheng elec officer
inform port and chief inpector who will send a competent person.
7) what is load density and angle of repose.(define)

8) load LNG.
9) what is note of protest.
their were few more cant rememeber.....
Fucntion 3:
1)Why is dry docked needed.
ans: 1) class req
2) and for underwater hull maintenance
2) construction of LNG/LPG ships.
3)statutory and mandatory certificates.
ans: statutory which is reqd by the law or statute
mandatory : local reg
4)Chain regsiter parts.
5) what is Biparty and tripary with eg
ans : biparty CBA(betwwwn owner and union) , triparty AOA(owner/master , shipping
master and employee)
6)Duties of mate as per Stcw and Ism
ans : 2nd in command(he wants to hear this 1st) and thn blah blah...
7)As a mate prepare for PSC inspections
ans : tell him i will first check the last psc report and all the previous NCs, if any are
2off- bridge items
3off- lsa/ffa
mate-loadicator printouts
log book entries:ORB, ballast watre management,OFB(drill entries)etc,work rest
crew-knw their duties and thier duties during emegency.
8)give examples of NC rest hours not complied
2.cannot lower life boat
3.gmdss equipment not working
5.emergency equpmet not working.
9)as a mate how will u make a PMS for any equipment on board.
ans:1) i will refer to maker's manual.
2) as per company sms.

10) contingencies
Grounding- stop engine...thn blah blah
collision- stop engine..exhange of info and check the feasibilty of staying interlocked.
11)master gone ashore and ur anchored in port limits..action if there is any
i used dragging anchor eg as emergency.
ans:1)since im send 2nd in command i will assume the reponsibilty
2)send 2nd officer for emergency anchor stations.inform port and alert nearby ship.
contact master on mobile (he is actually waiting to hear this)
3) inform engine room.
4) pay out extra cable.
5) if still not holding thn pick up anchor and reachor
12) can u pick up anchor on our own.
ans : no sir ..b4 picking up i hav to inform portand req their clearance..who will
arrange for a pilot
thts all guys i remember....capt. baweja is a very nice guy.. he will ask u practical
questions..he helps u and gives u chance if ur stuck..he is looking for the key words
eg:2nd in command (stcw
In: 1600 hrs
Out: 1610 hrs
Result: PASS
statutory/mandtory certificates?
duties of chief mate as per ism/stcw?
port state control?what is mou?total how many MOU?
indian ocean, riyadh , tokyo,paris,medi,black sea ,african ,latin america
PMS? how wilil u make PMS for steering gear?
actions in case of grounding?
anchor dragging , action??
dry docking surveys n requirement?
defination n eg of non-conformity as per ism?
Finally by grace of god , blessings of my parents n love n support of all my freinds
i cleared ....chief mate now!!!!!!! Special thanks 2 all those who have posted
was of g8 help.god bless all..

function1 :
1.ror few Capt. Baveja & Capt.Seggi
rv situations
2.fog signals for pilot vsl
3.principles of gyro
4.assisting master in command decision
5.trs sign of approach and actions
6.indian ship reporting systems
7.towing arrangements as required by solas
8.radar use of "performance monitor"..use the word " to check efficiency of radar" u`ll use trial manouver button
10.solas requirement of many targets it can acqure as per solas
11. vsl grounded action...mention 1st point "stopping of engines" he`ll be happy..
12. quote rule 5,6,7
13. explain synotic chart
function 3 :
1.stautory certificates..examples and meaning of statutory.
2.duties of chief mate as per ISM code
3.PMS for steering gear
4.port state and flag state control differentiate..and who is superior
5.vsl anchored in port limits, master ashore and anchor dragging action
6.drydocking..requirement as per?? and preparation for DD
7.latest ms notices..asked me to tell ms notice for piracy in detail (mention safe
house and explain safe house in detail)
this is all i remember...capt. baveja will encourage you, when you are giving the right
ans and gives time to think...all the best guys :)

well when i came to know that i got dg. n later on surveyor is deepak kapoor, was
very happy ki this time pappu pass ho gaya but things r not in my hand as kismat ne
mari palti this is how it happens
kapoor called me in at 1230
i m preparing for kapoor set of que....
in his room master was there for oral, on his right hand side kapoor n left hand side 1
more surveyor.... till this time don't know who was he......
so kappor ask 1 que then other surveyor ask 1 que finally master was fail....
till this time i got the feeling ki buri thare bajne wali hai.... aur who he hua.....
by this time i'll come to know that other surveyor is capt.baveja as he is writing his
name on register......

here is how capt.baveja took my oral.....(till this time i forgot every thing as master
fail in front of me...)
what happen last time.....
told him the reason not satisfied with my answers......
so he asked me same que what capt. m chandra asked (guys see my last post on i ans... him all
then baveja ask some more que......
fun 1 1- u see red light what is it
2- quote rule 6/5/2
3- fire in hold action
4- anchor dragging master gone ashore in mumbai (told him i'llcall him on his mob
he said not picking up then i told him i'll check posn fo v/l, inform port auth.../send
2mate fwd to pay out some more chain..)
fun 3 1- as per stcw responsibility. (told him 2 nd in command)
2- why dd is necessary.
3- survey done in dd
then he told me to wait out side.....and capt. kapoor will call u
later kapoor called me in at 1340 - 1435
he started with fun 3 n when he is on fun 1 don't know.......
all standard que of capt. kapoor but
he asked me indirectly (pls refer abhijeet marathe post of 11/05/11) same que
for fun - 1
is ror apply to war ship (i told him yes as they are complying with light)
then he put some ship model for situation
1- war ship right ahead ur action ( 1 short blast a/c to stbd)
2- u cant go to stbd one more v/l is on ur stdb qtr overtaking u (try to get attention of
war ship by 5 short blast,or flashing, if not responding then i'll reduce speed let the
overtaking v/l pass n then following overtaking v/l
he put more close risk of collision exist, i told him a/c to port by rule 2,
he said why rule2, what condition rule2 applies told him every thing but not
satisfied.... said no its not the case.....
3- fishing v/l on ur port bow risk of collision action (told him by rule 18 my duty to
keep clear so a/c to stbd, again he said no, then he put pilot v/l on port bow i said i'll confirm if he is coming for me then no problem with safe speed i'll pick him
up other wise if she is going to other v/l she has to keep clear...
he didn't said any thing, asking my form said u need more practice on ror giving u fun
3 for 1 come next time.......
that's it guys
guys pls clear up this situation in ror he want which rule ur applying n why....
guys pls post the ans for situation 1,2 & 3
i don't know what he want to listen......
any ways
failures are stepping stone to success..........
ped pe pathar marna apna kaam hai jab fal girega to kah lenge nahi to fir pathar
1. Tell me about Passage Planning in Brief?

2. What all Publication you will you use while Preparing Passage Planning?
3. Sailing Directions will give you information of Ports or Oceans?
4. Contents of Sailing direction, How will you utilize them?
5. Contents of Ocean Passage for World? How will you utilize them?
6. Contents of tide Tables, Tidal Steams?
7. Contents of list of Lights and of ALRS?
8. How to calibrate Gyro Compass? Sextant and Azimuth Mirror?
9. What is Seismic Vessels and What lights they exhibit?
10. In heavy weather duties of Navigating Officer?
11. What do you mean by NUC, CBD, Underway, RAM?
12. What lights they exhibit when they are at anchor, when they are underway?
13. What lights Fishing Vessel, towing Vessel, sailing Vessel exhibit when Underway
or when making way?
14. How you will proceed in Narrow channel?
15. What is your obligation in TSS? as a Navigating Officer?
16. What is your obligation in R.V? as a Navigating Officer?
17. What do you mean by Safe speed? what factors will you consider?
18. Breakdown in Narrow channel, Actions?
19. Duties of a Good Lookout?
20. How will you determine if Risk Of Collision exist? how will u determine in R.v?
21. Contents of Annual Notices to Mariner?
22. Final Passage Plan should include, what all things ?
23. Right Ahead Towing Vessel, your obligation and Action?
24. Who will broadcast Local Warnings , Coastal Warnings and Ocean Warnings?
25. In Indian Water, who will broadcast Ocean Warnings?
26. How many Navigational Areas are there?
27-10 situations (2-4 targets) wid obligation and by which rule?
28-12 Lights demonstrate on board, actions with obligations?
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Wt do u understand by Ship Reporting system?
2. Wt is AMVER, INSPIRES, AUSREP? What type of reports to be submit?
3. Wt r the duties of a officer in Port, while cargo operations are in progress?
4. Wt r the duties of a officer in port, while cargo operations are not in progress?
5. Preparations for long sea Passage?
6. Tell me Pilot Boarding Arrangement?
7. Precautions for pilot Embarkation?
8. After Pilot Disembarkation, how will you maintain Safe Watch?
9. Wt all navigational equipment to be calibrated and how often?
10. Wt is G.C Sailing?what all things you will consider, while deciding which
1 to do G.C. or Rhoumb Line Sailing?
11. Errors of Sextant?
12. Wt is Collimination Error?
13. Wt is Index Error, how will you calculate and its application?
14. Errors of Azimuth Mirror?

15. Preparations for Berthing?

16. Tug is to made fast in aft. Precautions?
17. Hw to check that RADAR is working at its Best?
18. In TSS, Engine Breakdown, Actions?
19. In TSS, Duties of a Second Officer?
20. Hw will observe Weather in open sea?
21. What are Routeing Systems?
22. Day signal, Fog & Night Signals of NUC, RAM, Power-driven vessel, CBD?
23. What is your obligation when you are meeting a fishing vessel head on? and if
24. Obligation when P.d. vsl Right head?
5-6 situations and 7-8 cards. with obligation and by which Rule?
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. What do you know about M and MS notices?
2. For what purpose Cardinal Marks to be placed?
3. For what purpose Lateral Marks to be placed? and where?
4. Purpose of putting Safe water marks?
5. What do you mean my LAND FALL?
6. What are the maintenance to be done on board for fog signaling apparatus?
7. How you will carry out maintenance of Navigation Lights?
8. What are the specifications of Navigation Lights?
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. What is the power of bulbs used for Navigation purpose?
2. Does ROR applies 2 WARSHIPS?? xplain both yes n no n as per which rules n in
what respect. Ans =
complies as per Rule1(a) n Rule 2 at all times xpect in war times.
cannot comply fully positioning of lights n shapes due to a diff kind of constn see
3. SW monsoon winds Storm Signals. Ans = not known.
4. Principles of wheelhouse. Ans=he xpects STCW(rest hrs n fitness for duty).
5. Steerin gear failure in a TSS. Actions. Ans=discuss n c Subra's book on
strom signals
- ship routeing imo publication
- solas ch. 5
- taking over watch- cargo,nav nd heavy weather
- when vl u cal master(if he asks u this question tat means u hav passed)

Capt baweja
Date: 01. September 2009
Day: Tuesday
Venue: DG Shipping
Internal: Capt. Shukla
External: Capt Baweja
Total: Approx about 1hr 15 mins
Result: Passed Function 2,
Capt Baweja asked me my name and asked me if I got enough time to prepare
I said yes I am prepared and I got enough time to prepare
How much time he asked. I said about 7 days
He then told me ROR is very important and that he will start with Function 1. He will
allow me 3 mistakes and if there are three then he wouldnt proceed further with the
He continued even when I made more than 3 mistakes saying that they were minor
ones Questiions asked were as follows
Function 1: Navigation
1.Started with ROR Cards
Should me about 6-8 cards on the following vessels
F/V Trawler day card
Towing Vessel
Mineclearance vessel
Pilotage vessel Day card
Do the ROR cards pretty well cause he wants it exactly as written on the back.
Because for the mineclearance vessel when I said it is as seen from the stern the
card had the stern lt and the mineclearance lights not in the same line because of
which my action was wrong. Also for pilotage vessel he wanted me to ask the pilot v/l
wether approaching for us and not alter course.
2. Situation as below

Own vessel
Radar operational and ROC exist state action
Target vessel

3. What information you get from Synoptic Charts

4. Due to a wrong action you have collided action

I said everything from that one could possibly think except saying that I will hoist
proper signals and alert the traffic around which he probably wanted
Function 2: Cargo Work
He asked me which ships I have done I said I have done Bulk, Container and Oil
On This basis he asked me
1 Precautions when Carrying high density cargoes, and hold preparations wanted
very practical answers no codes quoted. Asked what special precautions will be
required for the bilges
2. Define Load density and Angle of repose
3. ISGOTT New amendments: I said I dont know I have not studied them He didnt
ask further
4. Precautions when carrying out COW washing
He wants you to inform terminal prior carrying out Crude Oil Wash Very imp as we
generally tend to forget this point
5. IMDG Code: Not quoting the code but How will you load a DG container on board.
Basically segregation, Pllacarding etc
Function 3:
1.What are Statuatory certificates and Mandatory certificactes
Difference between the two
2. Duties of Chief mate as per ISM and STCW
3. Heavy weather precautions by chief officer
4. Difference between Contingency and Emregency
5. Action in case of Grounding and Collision
6. Dry docking Need to go to dry dock, how much trim required in a dry dock.
7. How will you make out a PMS schedule for the Windlass
8. How will you prepare for a Port State Inspection and difference between PSC
inspection and Flagstate Inspection
9. What is MARPOL Annex V and what is required on board as per Marpol annex V
Thn he started with fuction 2

function 2
1) how many of grades of cargo u loaded on LNG ship-ans: only one grade methane
coz on lng u can load only methane.
2) difference between LNG and LPG
ans: LNG -163 ,LPG : propane -40 : ammonia -33 : nbutane 0 :isobutane -4
LNG : lighter then air LPG: heavier thn air (exception ammonia)
3) ISGOTT ammendments(i.e new ISGOTT)
ans: 1) its divide into 4 parts
2)use of mobile(can use only if its intrinsically safe)....looking for this answer
3)bunkering operation included
4)static electricity hazards
there are few more which i told him i cant recollect
4) hazards of LNG
ans:Fire, spillage can cause brittle fracture as cargo is cold, Frost bite ,asphyxiant.
5) What instrustion u will give to ur junior officer regarding cargo operation as mate
ans:1) written standing orders(tell him evrything eg: breakdown of pump,difficulty in
adhereing to the plan,when in doubtetc)
2) any req by sms
3) special instructions and req by shore
all the above things should be in writing.
6) Cargo gear breakdown contingency plan:
ans: Stop cargo opertion as soon as breakdown occurs by pressing esds or cut off
switch(he wants to here this 1st)
inform cheng elec officer
inform port and chief inpector who will send a competent person.
7) what is load density and angle of repose.(define)
8) load LNG.
9) what is note of protest.
their were few more cant rememeber.....
Fucntion 3:
1)Why is dry docked needed.
ans: 1) class req
2) and for underwater hull maintenance
2) construction of LNG/LPG ships.
3)statutory and mandatory certificates.
ans: statutory which is reqd by the law or statute
mandatory : local reg

4)Chain regsiter parts.

5) what is Biparty and tripary with eg
ans : biparty CBA(betwwwn owner and union) , triparty AOA(owner/master , shipping
master and employee)
6)Duties of mate as per Stcw and Ism
ans : 2nd in command(he wants to hear this 1st) and thn blah blah...
7)As a mate prepare for PSC inspections
ans : tell him i will first check the last psc report and all the previous NCs, if any are
2off- bridge items
3off- lsa/ffa
mate-loadicator printouts
log book entries:ORB, ballast watre management,OFB(drill entries)etc,work rest
crew-knw their duties and thier duties during emegency.
8)give examples of NC rest hours not complied
2.cannot lower life boat
3.gmdss equipment not working
5.emergency equpmet not working.
9)as a mate how will u make a PMS for any equipment on board.
ans:1) i will refer to maker's manual.
2) as per company sms.
10) contingencies
Grounding- stop engine...thn blah blah
collision- stop engine..exhange of info and check the feasibilty of staying interlocked.
11)master gone ashore and ur anchored in port limits..action if there is any
i used dragging anchor eg as emergency.
ans:1)since im send 2nd in command i will assume the reponsibilty
2)send 2nd officer for emergency anchor stations.inform port and alert nearby ship.
contact master on mobile (he is actually waiting to hear this)
3) inform engine room.
4) pay out extra cable.
5) if still not holding thn pick up anchor and reachor
12) can u pick up anchor on our own.

ans : no sir ..b4 picking up i hav to inform portand req their clearance..who will
arrange for a pilot
thts all guys i remember....capt. baweja is a very nice guy.. he will ask u practical
questions..he helps u and gives u chance if ur stuck..he is looking for the key words
eg:2nd in command (stcw
question),stop engine(grounding)etc
just think and answer and be confident....orals is all luck..
special thanks to vikki and teji for the last moment help and also to the moderator of
this page.
And thanks to abhishek, sydney, alok and to all the members of this site for posting
their questions which is indeed a great help....
statutory/mandtory certificates?
duties of chief mate as per ism/stcw?
port state control?what is mou?total how many MOU?
PMS? how wilil u make PMS for steering gear?
actions in case of grounding?
anchor dragging , action??
dry docking surveys n requirement?
defination n eg of non-conformity as per ism?
Result: P - P
function1 :
1.ror few rv situations
2.fog signals for pilot vsl
3.principles of gyro
4.assisting master in command decision
5.trs sign of approach and actions
6.indian ship reporting systems
7.towing arrangements as required by solas
8.radar use of "performance monitor"..use the word " to check efficiency of radar" u`ll use trial manouver button
10.solas requirement of many targets it can acqure as per solas
11. vsl grounded action...mention 1st point "stopping of engines" he`ll be happy..
12. quote rule 5,6,7
13. explain synotic chart

function 3 :
1.stautory certificates..examples and meaning of statutory.
2.duties of chief mate as per ISM code
3.PMS for steering gear
4.port state and flag state control differentiate..and who is superior
5.vsl anchored in port limits, master ashore and anchor dragging action
6.drydocking..requirement as per?? and preparation for DD
7.latest ms notices..asked me to tell ms notice for piracy in detail (mention safe
house and explain safe house in detail)
Fun 1: By external
1. Principle of Gyro
2. Purpose of Trial n manoeuvre in radar..., how to check the performance test of
radar... wat is oaw triangle, explain...
3. Errors of echo sounder
4. 14 to 15 cards of nuc, aground, fishing vsl, pilot vsl, bouys
5. How vl u keep an efficient navigasnl watch as chief mate n how vl u train ur
junior officers
6. How vl u approve a passage plan prepared by ur 3rd mate.
7. Precautions b4 entering ice.
8. Checks in steering room b4 departure
9. Drift, upwelling n gradient current... name some warm currents
1. Diff between roro n car carrier
2. Defn of Heavy lift, ans is anything which affects the stability of da vsl or which
causes concern to da vsl's GM
3. Wat is contingency planning for cargo gear arrangement, ans is limit
switches, manual over ride..
4. Defn of load density, SWL, breaking strength
5. Contents of imsbc code
6. Loading of imdg goods, how vl u plan... start from, u vl ask un no. from shipper
7. Calculations of grain loading.... vhm in detail
8. Wat all info u get from trim n stability booklet
9. Precautions for loading sulphur
10. Tanker Calculations in detail
11. Diff between pulpwood n woodpulp
12. Def timber
13. Hazards associated with concentrates
14. Diff between boatnote n mates receipt
Fun3: by external
1. Cert as per SOLAS
2. Statutory cert n mandatory cert... diff
3. Contents of chain register
4. Entries in olb
5. Reqmt of ORB n entries made by c/o
6. Diff between biparty n triparty agreement

7. how vl u maintain discipline on board

8. Diff in port state n flag state inspecsn
9. Training of cadets
10. Grounding... action in detail
11. Running moor n standing moor
12. Preparasn b4 dry docking

All questions asked by Capt. Baweja.

He started with Func. 1
1. Quote Rule 5, 6, 19
2. 5-6 Cards
3. Different types of Ocean Currents.
4. Performance Standards of Radar n ECDIS
5. How to check Performance of Radar equipment??
5. Is the Radar performace switch mandatory or optional??
6. What is the use of anti-clutter n gain control switch?? {he prefers to use the exact
word for this n don't forget to tell "efficiency" of Radar}
7. Grounding in ur watch. Action??
8. Beaching n when its use n how to select the area for beaching ??
9. Principle of Gyro n its Error??
10. Echo-sounder Principle n its Error???
11. Signs of TRS n Action when in TRS??
Func. 2
1. You are goining for shore leave in Venezula, what instruction will you give to your
2nd Off to carry out COW?? { 1st of all hearing shore leave in Venezula my face
brightened up, but bhavnao ko control karte hue i gave him answer for precautions
carried out while COW n requirement for COW}
2. How to load in an oil tanker??
3. What are the Documents required for loading Grain??
4. Define angle of Repose??
5. Precautions to be taken when loading Concentrates??
6. Distinguish between IMDG n ISGOTT??
7. Safe carriage of Coal??
Func. 3
1. What are satutory n mandatory certificates??
2. Master gone to shore leave, Anchor Dragging, action as a mate??
3. What is the importance of Drydock n how will you enter a Drydock???

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