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No: 001/ 14 Y.C.P/PVH

Whats youths committee of preah vihear ?

Is a network that have the members in club group that leader by child and youth
that they work with volunteer , Independence , Not Partailness , dont serve in
politicians trend or which religion but serve child and youth interest.

We want to see youth and child become potential in a bit of associate
communitys development and to make child have full abundance with their life.

Youth searching for Education , Skill to work in partnership with child , poverty
community , to make them get full abundance in their life. We are the partnership with
Authorities , NGO Organization and Government to associate to help community have
be change to better.
Lead Question for Youths representative to discussion arrange
1. Whats thing that youth in your community need for get better nowadays and
good future this time ?

Whats obstacle that make you cant get them ?

1. Necessary need for get better nowadays and good future that:

Knowledge and Recently Experience

Support a motion of youth and child parent , Community , Government and

Other partnership organization .

Ourself , Time and resource personal abandon.

Increase closeness between youth and youth , community and community .

Need material , involve file , definite place and Technical tool.

Youths committee of preah vihear

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Have determination and take care of associate development.

1.1. Obstacle that we cant get those needs:

Doesnt have definite place.
Weakly Group.
A bit of youth dont understand about important of associate .
A bit of parent and community careless with youth.
Youths knowledge in a limit.

2. Whats donate that youth in your community need to become a good leader in
the future this time ?

Whats obstacle that you meet ?

1. Necessary need to become a good leader in the future we need:
Search for skill , knowledge , experience to increase youths capability.
Technical Material.
Budget donated .
Support a motion of youth and child parent , Community , Government ,
Other partnership organization and involve institution.

Make a lot of volunteers work for youth to do ( youth can get skill,
knowledge and recently experience from it)

Build the definite place for youth to communication with development


2. Obstacle that we met:

Weakly Group ( Structure , Unity )
Youth dont have enough skill and capability .
3. In nowadays and future whats donate that youth in your community
need to become active people ( respect for the law, to save ones life,
help communitys job.etc.) this time?
3.1. Whats obstacle that you meet ?

Youths committee of preah vihear

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1. To become active people in nowadays and future we need:

Get better knowledge from community , Authority

Have education , Take care , better sample from community.
Volunteer , Time and resource personal abandon.
Search for skill
Publish to other youth and encourage to association to help community.
Publish about law, Violence, Health hygiene, Prostituting , and child

1.1. Obstacle that we met:

Youth dont sure understand with violence law, health hygiene
Authority and community get youth help to solve problem in community
not yet.

Youth darent abandon the personal time and resource.

Preah vihear, Date 31st 2014
Translate by
Second Deputy Director

Chourn Vibol

Youths committee of preah vihear

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