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Audioblog for speaking

[through voxopopTM]

Dian Eka Indriani, AA, SE., M.Pd

Prodi PGSD Wr.Supratman - STKIP



Audioblog For Speaking Assessment

Dian Eka Indriani, AA, SE., M.Pd

Audioblog For Speaking Assessment

Dian Eka Indriani, AA,SE., M.Pd
Salah satu keberhasilan pelajaran Bahasa adalah melahirkan individu yang mampu
belajar secara mandiri, karena bahasa tidak dapat dipisahkan dari kehidupan
manusia. Bahasa digunakan oleh manusia untuk berkomunikasi dengan manusia
lain, dengan mempunyai fungsi intelektual, sosial, dan emosional serta mampu
menggunakan kemampuan analitis dan imajinatif , Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa
internasional sekarang memiliki peran yang menonjol dalam pembelajaran bahasa
di seluruh dunia, sekarang semua ujian masuk universitas, ujian kelulusan bahkan
hampir semua ujian memakai bahasa Inggris sebagai materi ujiannya, terutamanya,
dalam speaking and listening, penguasaan berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris
merupakan prioritas bagi banyak sekolah atau peserta didik, begitu pula dengan
penguasaan dalam aspek mendengar, karena kedua hal tersebut nyata-nyatanya
saling terkait. Oleh karena itu, perlu bukan hanya media, namun juga sumber
belajar yang dapat memberikan cakrawala yang mampu menunjang kemampuan
dalam aspek mendengarkan dan berbicara. Audioblog merupakan blog yang
berisikan pembicaraan, dimana memungkinkan pengguna untuk dengan mudah
mempublikasikan konten tanpa perlu menulis huruf atau kode dan lebih
memanfaatkan potensi jaringan untuk mendukung interaksi sosial yang lebih besar.
Kata kunci: Audioblog, Voxopop, speaking and listening.


The mastery of speaking skills in English is a priority for many second-

languages otherwise, the foreign-language learners. There for learners must

evaluate their success in language learning as well as the effectiveness of their
English course based on how much they need to improve their spoken language
proficiency. Oral skills used to have been hardly neglected in EFL/ESL courses
(according to huge number of witness in conversation and other speaking course
books in the market), even though how best to approach the teaching of oral skills
has long been the focus of methodological debate.
Teachers and textbooks make use of a variety of approaches, ranging from
direct approaches focusing on specific features of oral Interaction (e.g. turn taking,

Audioblog For Speaking Assessment

Dian Eka Indriani, AA, SE., M.Pd

topic management, and questioning strategies), to indirect approaches, that create

conditions for oral interaction through group work, task work, and other strategies
(Richards, 1990).
These differences reflect the different purposes for which spoken and written
language are used. Jones (1996:12) comments: In speaking and listening we tend to
be getting something done, exploring ideas, working out some aspect of the world,
or just simply being together. In writing, we may be creating a record, committing
events or moments into paper. Pawley and Syder (1983) suggest that native
speakers have a repertoire of thousands of routines like these, which their use in
appropriate situations creates conversational discourse that sounds natural and
native-like, and that they have to be learned and used as fixed expressions.
In designing speaking activities or instructional materials for second
language or foreign-language teaching, it is also necessary to recognize the very
different functions speaking performs in daily communication and the different
purposes for which our students need speaking skills. An important dimension of
conversation is using a style of speaking that is appropriate to the particular
circumstances. Different styles of speaking reflect the roles, age, sex, and status of
participants in interactions and reflect the expression of politeness. Consider the
various ways in which it is possible to ask someone the time, and the different
social meaning communicates, different speech styles reflect perceptions of the
social roles of the participants in a speech event. If the speaker and hearer are
judged an equal status, a casual speech style that stresses affiliation and solidarity is
appropriate. If the participants are perceived as being of uneven power or status, a
more formal speech style is appropriate, one that marks the dominance of one
speaker over the other. Successful management of speech styles creates the sense of
politeness that is essential for harmonious social relations (Brown and Levinson,
II. Discussion
A. Functions of speaking
Actually there many attempts have been made to classify the function of
speaking in human life. Brown and Yule (1983) made a useful distinction between

Audioblog For Speaking Assessment

Dian Eka Indriani, AA, SE., M.Pd

the interactional functions of speaking, in which it serves to establish and maintain

social relations, and the transactional functions, which focus on the exchange of
information. Three-part version of Brown and Yules framework, after Jones, 1996,
and Burns, 1998: Talk as interaction; talk as transaction; talk as performance. Each
of these speech activities is quite distinct in terms of form and function and requires
different teaching approaches. Talk as interaction is perhaps the most difficult skill
to teach since interactional talk is a very complex and subtle phenomenon that takes
place under the control of unspoken rules. Hence, preferably, make interaction talk
about safe topics, such as the weather, traffic, and so on is easier.
B. Understanding spoken discourse: bottom-up and top-down processing
We divide two different kinds of processes are involved in understanding
spoken discourse. These are often referred to as bottom-up and top-down

Bottom-up processing
Bottom-up processing is refers to using the incoming input as the basis for

understanding the message. Comprehension begins with the received data that is
analyzed as successive levels of organization sounds, words, clauses, sentences,
texts until meaning is derived. Comprehension is viewed as a process of decoding.
Therefore, bottom-up processing goes from language to meaning, from general to
Teaching bottom-up processing
It is the process when learners need a large vocabulary and a good working
knowledge of sentence structure to process texts bottom-up. Many traditional
classroom listening activities focus primarily on bottom-up processing, with
exercises such as dictation, cloze listening, and the use of multiple-choice questions
after a text, and similar activities that require close and detailed recognition, and
processing of the input. They assume that everything the listener needs to
understand is contained in the input.
2. Top-down processing
It is the process where Top-down processing on the other hand, refers to the
use of background knowledge in understanding the meaning of a message; top-

Audioblog For Speaking Assessment

Dian Eka Indriani, AA, SE., M.Pd

down processing goes from meaning to language. Knowledge in the form of

schemata or scripts plans about the overall structure of events and the relationships between them. From specific matters, into general matters.
Teaching top-down processing
Exercises that require top-down processing develop the learners ability to
do the following: Use key words to construct the schema of a discourse, Infer the
setting for a text, Infer the role of the participants and their goals, Infer causes or
effects, Infer unstated details of a situation, Anticipate questions related to the topic
or situation.
3. Combining bottom-up and top-down listening in a listening lesson
The fact is in the real world listening, both bottom-up and top-down
processing generally occur together. Whether it extent to which one or the other
dominates depends on the listeners familiarity with the topic and content of a text,
the density of information in a text, the text type, and the listeners purpose in
listening. There are typical lesson in current teaching materials involves a three-part
sequence consisting of pre-listening, while-listening, and post-listening and contains
activities that link bottom-up and top-down listening (Field, 1998). The prelistening phase prepares students for both top-down and bottom-up processing
through activities involving activating prior knowledge, making predictions, and
reviewing vocabulary. The while-listening phase focuses on understanding through
exercises that require selective listening, gist listening, sequencing, so on. The postlistening phase typically involves a response to comprehension and may require
students to give opinions about a topic.
C. Listening Strategies
A focus on how to listen raises the issues of listening strategies. Buck
(2001:104) identifies two kinds of strategies in listening:
1. Cognitive strategies: It is the mental activities related to understanding,
comprehending and storing input in working memory or long-term memory for
later retrieval and evidence.
a. Comprehension processes: Associated with the processing of linguistic and
nonlinguistic input.

Audioblog For Speaking Assessment

Dian Eka Indriani, AA, SE., M.Pd

b. Storing and memory processes: Associated with the storing of linguistic and
nonlinguistic input in working memory or long-term memory.
c. Using and retrieval processes: Associated with accessing memory, to be
readied for output.
2. Metacognitive strategies: It is the conscious or unconscious mental activities
that perform an executive function in the management of cognitive strategies

Assessing the situation: Taking stock of conditions, surrounding a language

task by assessing ones own knowledge, ones available internal and
external resources, and the constraints of the situation before engaging in a

b. Monitoring: Determining the effectiveness of ones own or anothers

performance while engaged in a task.
c. Self-evaluating: Determining the effectiveness of ones own or anothers
performance after engaging in the activity.
d. Self-testing: Testing oneself to determine the effectiveness of ones own
language use or the lack thereof a two-part strategy is appropriate in
classroom teaching and instructional materials, Namely:
Phase 1: Listening as comprehension
Use of the materials as discussed in the preceding section.
Phase 2: Listening as acquisition
The listening texts used are now used as the basis for speaking
activities, making use of noticing activities and restructuring activities.
D. Purpose of Teaching English
Purpose in learning English according to Basiran (1999) is the skill of
communicates on in every communication context. The fact is children in Indonesia
spend more than 2000 hours in studying English since elementary school until
University but still they cannot speak English fluently. That is why the focus in
teaching English is mastering vocabulary. In the higher class have been introduced
tenses. Still speaking fluently is the difficulty in most students. That is why until
now we still search the best media to practice English; we search not only media but
also the source of knowledge in English itself.

Audioblog For Speaking Assessment

Dian Eka Indriani, AA, SE., M.Pd

E. Innovation
Nowadays it cannot be denied, that there is an innovation in technology, that
has great impact to all aspect of our life, as nothing can escape changes and so is
education. Glatthorn and Jailall (2000) use a streams metaphor to explain all the
Changes, which are ongoing in educational systems some streams end, some
gather strength, sometimes the streams are widely separated, at other times they
flow together. Internet is one of great innovation today, and everybody have access
in internet, it can become not only media of learning but this is the source of
F. Matching Teacher and Student Priorities
We could not agree more that in learning English we need speaking and
listening ability to be improved by all means, It seems to be merely commonsense
that teaching styles need to be matched with students learning styles, A recent
study by (Chen, 2001) concluded that students who learned in matched conditions
scored significantly higher in conceptual knowledge. Various authors such as Dunn
et al (Dunn, 1989) contend that it is crucial for teachers to match their styles with
students learning styles.
G. Making Use of Technology
All modes of instruction make use of some form of technology, which we
take for granted ranging from chalk, marker pens; white boards untill elaborate
computer packages. Within a few short years computer technology for educational
use has expanded rapidly. There is now a range of software programs available in
market. Instructional opportunities for students are forever increasing (Williams,
Telecommunication opportunities include E-mail messages; list serves
distribute a single message to multiple receivers; bulletin boards post a public
message to multiple receivers; chat rooms allow online conversations with multiple
participants; synchronous communication allows two or more persons to interact at
the exact same time. Internet accessing of teaching/learning programs is readily
available and fun to use. Jones (2002) refers to The Human Race, an interactive
Internet site that enables students to enjoy regular physical activity away from their

Audioblog For Speaking Assessment

Dian Eka Indriani, AA, SE., M.Pd

H. What is Audioblogging
Audioblogging is formed by combining "audio with blogging".
Audioblogging is an extension of blogging, where bloggers substitute the bulk of
the text posts with voice recordings (The Guardian, 2004). Pictures, which are
common in blogs, continue to accompany the voice narration in blog posts, and so
is music can be played as background sounds as the blogger talks.
Audioblogging and podcasting take a more bottom-up approach by
allowing users to easily publish content without the need to write codes and hence,
better exploit the networks potential to support greater social interaction and
collaboration (OHear, 2005). Looking back, blogging and Audioblogging existed
way before podcasting became popular in late 2004. Nevertheless 'Podcast' has been
the Word of the Phenomenon in Year 2005 by editors of the New Oxford American
Dictionary, reported the BBC News2 (BBC, 2005).
Anyone with a digital recording device and an Internet connection can
produce a podcast themselves. Podcast is limited to MP3 users and it comes from
the word iPod, even though now it is not limited to iPod users only. However,
Audioblog can use any laptop or computer and internet connection to broadcast
their voice. Person who use Audioblogging is called Audioblogger, for Audioblogs,
the entire website used a blog server on the backend. As a result, Audioblogs inherit
key features of blogs. These include:
Dating and arrangement of information in reverse chronological order
Ease of posting new content
Automatic archival and organization of old posts
Content syndication through RSS (stands for Really Simple Syndication)

Audioblog For Speaking Assessment

Dian Eka Indriani, AA, SE., M.Pd


What is the benefit using Audioblogs or Podcast in learning and teaching

In Duke University and Stanford University, lecturers have posted their

presentation slides along with their podcasts so that students can view the
presentations while listening to the accompanying audio file. Educators have begun
to explore the potential of Audioblogging /podcasting in their respective fields of
instruction (e.g. Rowell, Corl, Johnson, & Fishman, 2006; Lim, 2006).
Educators also see the potential of blogs in motivating students learning.
Because besides helping learners build confidence in their spoken English
(Bradford, 1995) make oral and aural expression and practice (Henry, 1994)
Individualized feedback, engendering teacher and student rapport (Henry, 1994) it
is especially create Non-threatening environment provision. At Duke University,
the first year students are provided with Apple iPods each one of them (Associated
Press, 2004) and the following uses (Belanger, 2005) are reported:

Dissemination/retrieval of course-related content and materials.

Recording of lectures, class discussions and verbal feedback.

Capturing of field notes and recording of interviews etc. outside the

classroom context.

Repeated playback of recordings, audio books, vocabulary list etc

Storage and transfer of files.

Many studies using Podcast, the benefit is using IPod or MP3 Player, after it
is synchronized, it save data or file, as the figure 1 show up, and it is small and can
be carried everywhere, so students and also teacher can analyze anywhere.

Figure 1. The three-phase podcasting process (adapted from Podcasting and Vodcasting (Meng,
P., 2005)

Audioblog For Speaking Assessment

Dian Eka Indriani, AA, SE., M.Pd

J. Consideration to use Audioblog or Podcast for teaching and learning.

Everybody knows that the world needs more communication between
people of differing social, political and religious contexts, where people can share
their mind, without hesitate. We would like to bring an idea, and propose some
considerations for teachers, who are keen to prove the potential of using this
technology by engaging their students in active learning especially in listening and
speaking English. As we considered iPod or MP3 device is not common that every
neither student nor teacher has. Therefore, we choose Audioblog for teaching and
learning in speaking and listening English conversation, we just need simply a
laptop, since technology nowadays microphone is already integrated in laptop or
notebook itself, we also need internet connection, and we need a program that is an
Audioblogs program to be chosen.
Here are some issues and things you may wish to consider on
Audioblogging /podcasting, especially if you intend to engage students in the
Audioblogging and/or podcasting process:

A digital voice-recording device. Microphone already integrated in your

laptop or notebook, or a microphone that is connected in your computer, but
for IPod or MP3 player you do not need microphone, it allow you to record
without the need of computer.


A voice recording software. This is required if you are recording your

podcast using a microphone attached to your computer, like audacity in The
URL is or LAME MP3 encoder if you want
to export your podcast in mp3 format.


Server space. One minute of audio recording may occupy up to one

megabyte of server space


Blog server software. It will be required only if you are attempting

Audioblogging, such as Voxopoptm .


RSS feed creator and FTP software. It will be required only if you are
attempting podcasting.

Audioblog For Speaking Assessment

Dian Eka Indriani, AA, SE., M.Pd


Podcast playback software. No additional software to hearing podcast or

Audioblogs. ITunes can be used to hear podcast.

K. What is VOXOPOPtm
Voxopoptm is a website that is a program for Audioblog in internet, it is
online discussion site that allows you to join an existing talkgroup or create a talk
group of your own. It is fun and easy to use. Talkgroups can be public, restricted, or
completely private. Actually, many website can support Audioblog. We choose
Voxopoptm since it is simple, easy to operate, such a handy dandy tools. It is where
we can share our mind, through an audio-blog.
Voxopop is a product of Chinswing Pty Ltd, and it is based in Melbourne,
Australia. It has virtually all coding and graphic design, everybody know that the
world needs more communication between people of differing social, political and
religious contexts, where people can share their mind, without hesitate, especially in
studying English, we can correct after we listen to the record at Audioblog more

What is Talkgroup?
A talkgroup is a community of people having discussions based on the

theme of the group. If you would like to simply start a single discussion, then find
an existing talkgroup to participate in on the explore page, you can join the
talkgroup, you can listen the conversation but, you need approval to send a message
into the talkgroup.

How to start Voxopoptm

These are steps how to join Voxopoptm there are:

a. Go to the Voxopoptm site:
b. Click on the green Sign up, join in!
c. Fill out the required details-click on I agree, sign me up!
d. You will arrive at test recoding page. Read it carefully as it contains instructions
about how to navigate Voxopoptm . If you click on the words Test that recording
works on your system, you can make a test recording. You will be directed to
the voxopop sandbox talkgroup where you will join the test talk group. Click on


Audioblog For Speaking Assessment

Dian Eka Indriani, AA, SE., M.Pd

Join this talkgroup. You will be directed back to the green Voxopop Sandbox
page. Click on Record a new discussion.
e. Click Allow to the box that appears.
f. The recorder will load, and you will see the loading recorder page. You need that
latest version of Java. If you are using a Mac and recorder will not load, click on
this alternative recording page.
g. At this recorder page. Click on the Red button to record your voice. You need to
enter a title, and you need to type in a key word (for example Test. When you
are finished speaking, click on Stop, and click on Save Message, You can listen
to your recording by clicking on Play.
h. Your recording has been saved.
i. If you click on explore more discussions and talkgroups, you get to search page
where you will type in key words to search for a discussion group (for example,
type in ESL teaching. Click on Search)
j. You will be able to see a list of talkgroups on this topic (you should ignore
anything that says Ads by Google please do not click on them because they are
not talkgroups). Click on a talkgroup that interests you. You will come to the
talkgroups page, usually you will need approval to join the talkgroup in order to
you can record and send a message into this talkgroup, but you can listen to the
various recordings in the talkgroups.
k. If you has been approved and you can record your message like in the step
number 8, so your record has been saved. Now you can click on talkgroup>>
Voxopop Sandbox, you can choose to listen to all the test recordings or see your
l. To create a new Talkgroup of your own, go to the top menu bar, click on Start a
new Talkgroup. You can also logout from this menu bar, edit your profile, or
search for a new Talkgroup to join. Click on Start a Talkgroup.

3. How to Start a Talkgroup

a. Go to the top menu bar; click on start a new Talkgroup.
b. Fill the talkgroup name; please make sure your name is included.


Audioblog For Speaking Assessment

Dian Eka Indriani, AA, SE., M.Pd

c. Fill type of group: choose class.

d. Fill the category: Choose Education and language.
e. Make Costume image You will need to find some sort of image to use,
you can search online for an image or use one of the default images on your
f. Fill the description You need a description, you can say something like:
This is for the ATDOP class in fall 2012.
g. No need to fill Roles of conduct.
h. No need to Associated URL
i. Fill discussion zones create two: introduction (Click Add) then Audio
Journals ( Click Add)
j. Finally, click on create my Talkgroup.
L. Implementation
This assessment uses an experimental method and it was applied into High
School and Vocational School in Bangkalan. It was held at 3rd of December 2012
with had been participating about 12 English Teacher and 1 moderator from
American Associate of English teacher. Audioblog through Voxopoptm


introduced in the workshop that is being held in American Associate of English

Teacher office in Bangkalan, with great expectation that we can encourage all the
participants that is an English teacher to apply Audioblog for their students. That
was process of dissemination and retrieval of course related to content and materials
We suggested, that all participants should Recording of lectures, class
discussions and verbal feedback, Capturing of field notes and recording of
interviews so on, outside the classroom context make repeated playback of
recordings, audiobooks, vocabulary list and last Storage and transfer of files so they
easily correct and develop and the words and the sentences of their students to
increase their students vocabulary, speaking and listening. At first we asked all the
participants to join Audioblog that is Voxopoptm and do the steps that, we have
explained about the preparations and the steps how to join Voxopoptm and tried to
make their own recording and join the talkgroup.


Audioblog For Speaking Assessment

Dian Eka Indriani, AA, SE., M.Pd

III. Closing
A. Result
All participants eventually understand about the Audioblog, the benefit of it
and they were excited doing it; sign up, record message, join the talk-group,
listening the entire message they like through the workshop. They also agree that
Audioblog can be an effective tools and source to gain knowledge especially in
speaking and listening English assessment. They will use this method of Audioblog
through Voxopoptm in their class and their assessment to their students, even to
communicate among them. It is new to them, and it cannot be denied that almost all
their students have already an access to internet and have a blog of their own, even
maybe they are much more capable in the technology nowadays. Therefore, it is not
difficult to implement Audioblog in their classes.
B. Conclusion
We can make conclusion that Teachers and students both get benefit from
initiating/experiencing a range of modes of instruction, we are as educator cannot
be hesitate to try the innovation, methods to develop the ability and skill both
teacher and student, because both student and teacher get the effect of situation
itself. In summary, the computer technology enables classroom instruction to be
greatly benefited because it:

It provides the flexibility to meet the individual needs and abilities of

each student (Norton and Wiburg, 2003);

Can provides students with immediate access to rich source materials

beyond the school and beyond the nation

It fosters the cross-cultural perspectives (Norton and Wiburg,2003)

Relevant ways to presents information in new method.

Can encourages every students to try out new ideas and to problemsolve (Means, 2000)

As they allow teacher and student to be more creative to create,

subscribe, publish audio content to learn Audioblogging and podcasting
offer great potential for teaching and learning.


Audioblog For Speaking Assessment

Dian Eka Indriani, AA, SE., M.Pd


Belanger, Y. (2005). Duke university iPod first year experience final evaluation
report. Retrieved July 10, 2006,
Samani, M.1996. RelevansiEfektivitas Muatan Lokal di SMK. Surabaya: Lemlit
IKIP Surabaya.
Chan, Anthony and Lee, Mark J.W. (2005) An MP3 a day keeps the worries away:
Exploring the use of podcasting to address preconceptions and alleviate pre-class
anxiety amongst undergraduate information technology students
Dirk HR Spennemann & Leslie Burr (Eds.), Good Practice in Practice. Proceedings
of the Student Experience Conference Sep 5-7. Wagga Wagga, NSW: Charles Sturt
University. 5971.
Tan Yuh Huann, Mong Kok Thong (2006) Audioblogging and Podcasting in
Education. Educational Technology division ministry of education, Singapore 2006.
Marsh, Colin J (2005) Key Concepts for Understanding Curriculum chapter 8.
3rd ed.p. cm. (, Taylor & Francis e-Library, British library.
Tan, Y.H., Ow, E.G.J., & Tan, S.C. (2006). Audioblogging: Supporting the
Learning of Oral Communication Skills in Chinese Language. Paper presented at
the AECT Research Symposia, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, Jun 2225 - July 11, 2006
Jack C. Richards (2008), Teaching Listening and Speaking from theory to practice
Cambridge University Press 2008
Wolvin, A., and C. G. Coakely (1996). Listening, (5th ed.). Brown and Benchmark
McCarthy, M., and R. Carter (1997). Language as Discourse: Perspectives for
Language Teaching. London: Longman.
Meng, P. (2005) Podcasting and Vodcasting A white paper. Retrieved at June 8,


Audioblog For Speaking Assessment

Dian Eka Indriani, AA, SE., M.Pd

1. Go to Voxopoptm Site:


Audioblog For Speaking Assessment

Dian Eka Indriani, AA, SE., M.Pd

2. Click on the green Sign Up, Join in!

Do the steps in article!


Audioblog For Speaking Assessment

Dian Eka Indriani, AA, SE., M.Pd

3. Make a talk group or record message!


Audioblog For Speaking Assessment

Dian Eka Indriani, AA, SE., M.Pd

Record a message!


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