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Ethics Case Study 14 | INSIGHTS

BY INSIGHT S | OCT OBER 1 0 , 2 0 1 3 1 1 :0 8 A M

Ethics Case Study 14

Ethics Case Study 1 4 : Moral Dilem m a, Ethics in Priv ate and Public Relationships
You are hav ing lunch with y our close friend Nav een. You both are friends since childhood and y our fam ilies are also close to each
other, its like one fam ily . Nav een recently got appointed as Assistant Director in Social Welfare Departm ent.
During conv ersation, Nav een tells y ou that he is enjoy ing his work because its giv ing him an opportunity to help the poor. He also
say s that he is not asking any one for bribes but people them selv es pay him m oney because they are happy with his speedy serv ice.
He say s that he initially did not receiv e any m oney but when m ore and m ore people insisted, he started taking bribes. He also say s
that just before he arriv ed for lunch he was giv en a good am ount of m oney by a happy beneficiary in his office.

You are a Deputy Superintendent of Police and y ou are on duty . Nav een knows this, but he is sharing his experiences as he does with
any one of his fam ily m em bers. He did not, ev en for a m om ent, think that y ou were a cop on duty .
As a responsible officer who is on duty , and whos duty is to enforce law, what will y ou do to y our friend?
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Ethics Case Study 14 | INSIGHTS

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October 1 0, 2 01 3 at 1 2 :03 pm

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If I am on duty ,Enter
and if your
this isemail
a confession
m ade by an accused in front of m e-howev er inv oluntarily , it is still inadm issible in law
and has no binding force because of the prov isions of the Indian Ev idence Act.

Sign me up

I shall therefore adv ise Nav een in the strongest possible term s to not accept these kind of facilitation pay m ents because they
v iolate his serv ice conduct rules (which is not for m e to enforce) as well the Prev ention of Corruption Act (which is within m y
jurisdiction). I shall Pow
up with an inv estigation som etim e later and if m y friend is seen to persist in these actions, I shall

proceed according to law against him .


Anny Middha
October 1 0, 2 01 3 at 1 2 :1 1 pm
Success in public relations dem ands intellectual honesty and integrity at all tim es to m aintain the credibility of office. In the
professional dem eanor, the m oral dilem m a is balancing personal relations and ethical conduct of duties.
In the giv en situation, I am hav ing a casual lunch with m y childhood friend Nav een who is an Assistant Director while also at
duty as DSP. Nav een has been v ery good at his work as citizenry is happy form his speedy serv ice and he is enjoy ing the
opportunity to help people. So he has been offered gifts/ bribes, Nav een initially resisted the sam e but later accepted while
carry ing on with his work properly . This shows his lack of will power.
I hav e to deal with this situation with a good friend while I am also on duty - balancing the role of a friend and adm inistrator. As
a friend I ll tell Nav een that accepting gifts or taking bribes, ethically stands on sam e line. I ll recom m end him to not only stop
doing this in future but accept his m istake and surrender to appropriate authority . Since he accepted his m istake he can expect
leniency from the tribunal but he should be ready to face the consequences for his m istake.
As DSP, i ll take action as I would hav e in case of any another officer taking bribes. I ll report the m atter to requisite authority
and let legal course take its due action. As a friend all i ll be able to do for his fam ily and dependents I ll do that.
A public relation officer has to m eet the v alue sy stem of his em ploy er, society , professional code of conduct and self conscience. In
real life situations, it seem s difficult but it is all the m ore required.
Insights sir and others please rev iew!

Anny Middha
October 1 0, 2 01 3 at 6 :3 7 pm
Please rev iew m y answer!

October 1 0, 2 01 3 at 9 :3 3 pm
You wrote really nice.
But I doubt that any body will take such an extrem e step in real life. Do one need to be so diplom atic while answering case
studies ?

October 1 1 , 2 01 3 at 1 1 :1 2 am



Ethics Case Study 14 | INSIGHTS

I think for the purpose of this exam ination we hav e to take an idealist stand because defending a pragm atic stand is not
only risky but also difficult. We hav e to answer like a civ il serv ant. I doubt ev en Anny would do that in reality
Nev ertheless, it is to show the upsc that we at least know the right thing.

October 1 0, 2 01 3 at 1 1 :4 6 pm
hi anny nice answer i m ust say but nowhere y ou hav e m entioned about upholding intellectual integrity .i think this
situation checks his intelectual and professional integrity rather than honesty just m y opinion though

Anny Middha
October 1 1 , 2 01 3 at 1 1 :4 4 am
Its easier said than done. Atleast till now i feel i can do it.
And term inator i wasnt aware about this intellectual integrity .
Can y ou please elaborate?

October 1 1 , 2 01 3 at 3 :1 0 pm
intellectual integrity sim ply m eans there should be a degree of coherence in y our thoughts and v alues y ou uphold
and y our action(opposite of hy pocrisy ).If feel that u are honest than it should be reflected in y our action.If I would let
go nav een scot free,I would be term ed as hy pocrite

Asha Goud
October 1 0, 2 01 3 at 1 :1 1 pm
As a responsible officer who is on duty , and whose duty is to enforce law, what will y ou do to y our friend?
A: The giv en situation m akes it v ery difficult to balance both relations public and personal. So I hav e to m ake a decision between
the two. As the confession is m ade by m y friend while I am on duty it becom es m y responsibility to inform the v igilance
departm ent and request an inquiry into the m atter. I should inform m y friend that ev en though he is working with full
dedication, by accepting bribe he is m aking him self v ulnerable to future acts of corruption. I would adv ise him to cooperate with
the v igilance departm ent inquiry and take it as a lesson and ensure it is not repeated.
A public serv ant has to behav e in dutiful m anner and his/her priority should alway s be public serv ice and com m itm ent to the
job. It is im portant to m aintain personal relations too but not at cost of integrity

October 1 0, 2 01 3 at 9 :4 4 pm
Good that y ou pointed he is m aking him self v ulnerable to future act of corruption. Otherwise y ou took a stand taken by
alm ost ev ery body here. Cant we be a bit practical ?

October 1 0, 2 01 3 at 1 :1 3 pm
As a DSP I am required by m y duty to act as soon as I get to know of any breach of law in any form , in this case corruption. Being
a friend I shall explain him , how taking gifts defies the code of working ethics and is a crim inal offence. Further, I shall storngly
adv ice him to im m ediately report his crim e to the his regulating athority and surrender to police. This way I shall be able to
help him m ore and he can ev en plead for lesser punishm ent in the court on the grounds of accepting and reporting the crim e
him self.
In case he refuses, I shall follow the regular procedure that we follow in any corruption/bribery case including arresting him .



Ethics Case Study 14 | INSIGHTS

In case he refuses, I shall follow the regular procedure that we follow in any corruption/bribery case including arresting him .
Being a friend too if I ignore m y friends act, he is likely to get m otiv ated and continue with m ore intensity and later on he has to
get caught som e day with harsher punishm ents. Thus, its apt to act im m ediately .
In addittion, I shall encourage him to help police crack down all corrupt officials in his departm ent, this way as a DSP I shall
perform m y duty and as a friend I can help him to reduce his guilt and becom e a good exam ple. Finally , I shall counsel his
fam ily , if I m ay , to suppot him in the righteous path.

Aditya Jha
October 1 0, 2 01 3 at 1 :3 7 pm
Public duty com es before personal obligations and relationships. Knowing that Nav een has accepted bribes, i would register a
case of corruption against him based on prim a facie ev idence. But before i register the case, i would suggest and conv ince him to
surrender before the police. This m ay result in reduced.
Here, nepotism , which would m ean concealing the crim e of Nav een would be unethical and a com prom ise on m y integrity . If
ev ery officer did so with ev ery friend of his/her, the state of law and order is difficult to im agine.
Hard decisions need to be taken in such circum stances ev en if they im pinge on personal life.

Aditya Jha
October 1 0, 2 01 3 at 1 :3 8 pm
Please correct it in the last line of intro :This m ay result in reduced sentence.

October 1 0, 2 01 3 at 2 :57 pm
Adity a, I really dont know the law, so I am asking, can we just register a case against any one, without any com plaint on suo
m oto? If thats true, why a case is not being registered against Dham endra who is publicly m arried to two wom en which is
against hindu code of m arriage and ev ery police officer knows it??? Is there no single honest police offcer in our country ??
I just want to know the law..

October 1 0, 2 01 3 at 2 :58 pm
To clarify , Dharm endra was just an exam ple.. no personal grudges Will u arrest him once u becom e IPS.. lol

Aditya Jha
October 1 0, 2 01 3 at 3 :08 pm
Yes a FIR can be registered and ev en an arrest can be m ade based on prim a facie (first-sight) ev idence. Ev en a police
officer is a citizen of the country and
he can file a case on his behalf. For e.g. if som eone phy sically hurts a police officer, who else can register the case except
him /her?
Dharm endra is guilty and legally a case should be registered against him . I really do no know or understand why is a case
not filed in this case.
There are honest police officers in the country , but they are v ery few in num bers.

October 1 0, 2 01 3 at 3 :3 8 pm
What y ou are say ing is correct. Howev er, in this case, only oral inform ation has been giv en. The Policem an, or for



Ethics Case Study 14 | INSIGHTS

that m atter any body , is not a witness to this. The FIR m ay be registered as a technicality but is bound to be quashed.
This cannot be considered as a confession either under Sections 2 5-2 7 of the Ev idence Act which disallows all
confessions m ade to a Police officer.

Aditya Jha
October 1 0, 2 01 3 at 5:52 pm
Yes it can not be used as ev idence against him during tria,l but it is definitely a ground for registering a case.

October 1 0, 2 01 3 at 5:1 2 pm
Hi Neeraj,
Just an infoDharm endra was legally conv erted to Muslim before his second m arriage so do Hem a Malini

October 1 0, 2 01 3 at 5:3 5 pm
Cool007 .. ok.. there are m any politicians who hav e m ore than one wife publicly .. what about them ?? did they
conv ert to Islam as well??

October 1 0, 2 01 3 at 6 :2 3 pm
Yup. If they hav e m arried legally , they hav e conv erted. Take an exam ple of Chander Mohan and Fiza.
Otherwise the relation could be just liv e-in like Rajesh Khanna and his liv e-in partner Anita Adv ani.

arvind bhargava
October 1 0, 2 01 3 at 5:3 9 pm
if y ou are supposed to lodge a com plaint against any one who is asking y ou to pay bribe
than for courtroom procedure it is enough sufficient that y ou are hav ing an ev idence in which an officer is asking y ou to
pay bribe ..and it will be considered as an ev idence.
or otherwise y ou m ay file a com plaint in y our nearest ANTI CORRUPTION BUREAU office where the cops will check out
y our blam e and will take an appropriate action against the culprit

Vijay Pateriya
October 1 0, 2 01 3 at 4 :4 8 pm
nice answer,good intro and last line gav e it the finishing touch.
. If ev ery officer did so with ev ery friend of his/her, the state of law and order is difficult to im agine.
i just doubt the presence of this line.
if y ou could relook and find m e right pls consider.

Aditya Jha
October 1 0, 2 01 3 at 5:55 pm
The line m eans that if all civ il serv ants(in m illions) leav e their friends for the sake of friendship, one can well im agine its
outcom e at large.




Ethics Case Study 14 | INSIGHTS

Vijay Pateriya
October 1 0, 2 01 3 at 8:05 pm
i m eant the relev ant of that line their.

October 1 0, 2 01 3 at 1 :4 2 pm
This case study beautifully describes the conflict between personal and professional interests, a situation bureacrats faces quite
often. As a responsible officer cum friend I hav e two possible options:
1 . As a strict cop, I will log a form al FIR (First Inform ation Report) and will arrest Nav een on grounds of bribery and m alpractices. Mov ing forward, I will be inv estigating this case im partially and gather ev idences. My m otiv e will be to do whatev er
it takes to m aintain law and order.
2 . As a friend: I should not forget that Nav een is telling m e all this considering m e as a good friend not a cop. As a friend I will
request Nav een that whatev er m al-practices he is indulged in, should leav e them im m ediately . I will request him neither to
take bribe nor prom ote it. I will also warn him that I will be continuosly checking his conduct in future and if I found hum
guilty , I will take strict actions forgetting that he is m y friend.
As som eone quoted nicely Punish the crim e not the crim inal. Here m y behav ior as a friend not only m ake him understand his
wrong doings but will also act as a correctiv e m easures. On the other hand m y behav ior as a strict cop will loose his trust on m e
coupled with not giv ing his a chance to correct him self.

October 1 0, 2 01 3 at 1 :4 4 pm
Hello Insights sir and dear fellows,
Please rev iew.

October 1 0, 2 01 3 at 2 :4 4 pm
In this case a perfect balance between personal and profession is required. First explain to his friend about the consequence of
corruption as a fam ily m em ber and if there is no positiv e response from the other side. Then take appropriate action as an officer
in charge of his duty .

October 1 0, 2 01 3 at 6 :2 6 pm
You need to be m ore elaborativ e.

October 1 0, 2 01 3 at 1 0:07 pm
Ok i will try next tim e.

October 1 0, 2 01 3 at 2 :4 7 pm
The situation com m ands a com prom ise between friendship and call of duty .
Here, as an officer on duty , there has been no com plaint against Nav een for taking bribe. Also, the confession being m ade by
Nav een is not on records but as a friend. Also, apart from v erbal confession, I hav e no other ev idence to support. In court, I wont



Ethics Case Study 14 | INSIGHTS

be able to prov e any thing as it would be m y word against his. The situation dem ands that I do som ething and that som ething
can only be a friendly m oral adv ice to Nav een.
Firstly , I will appreciate Nav een for doing good social work and i will congratulate him for the satisfaction he is getting from the
work. Then, I will adv ise him against taking m oney from any one as it is against the law. Also, Gov t. is pay ing him to do his job.
So, there is no m oral or legal ground for taking the m oney ev en if people are giv ing it out of respect. I would ask him to politely
refuse his clients from taking any m oney . Also, taking m oney can oblige him and com prom ise his judgem ent ability if any of
them com es back for an illegal work. It can also be used by his prev ious clients to blackm ail him for upcom ing illegal work or
fram e him in cases of graft.
At this juncture, I can only adv ise Nav een and hope that he does not transgress his legal and m oral authority .

October 1 0, 2 01 3 at 3 :3 4 pm
Insights and others .. pls com m ent

October 1 0, 2 01 3 at 6 :3 0 pm
Very well written answer.

October 1 0, 2 01 3 at 9 :51 pm
You m ade v ery v alid points . Your answer is balanced and seem s practical too.

October 1 1 , 2 01 3 at 2 :2 7 pm
thanks cool007 and sujit

October 1 0, 2 01 3 at 3 :54 pm
Nav een and i are childhood friends so, he will know m e better than others. As a token of gratitude they are giv ing m oney or
bribe him . But, it m ay turn into a habit tom orrow. As police officer and also good friend of him i will charge him for taking
bribe. I dont let m y friend to spoil. I want him to be clean in his his work and character. I am sure that nav een parents will
definitely appreciated what i did.

Vijay Pateriya
October 1 0, 2 01 3 at 4 :4 5 pm
As a public serv ant to observ e the laws honestly without extending nepotism ,fav ouratism is the duty .Being the DSP its m y duty
to deal against v iolators of law.Nav een is one such case.
Being close to m y fam ily and telling the truth to m e in a casual frank way as m y childhood friend should not com pound for m e
to leav e Nav een straightaway .I will warn him for the consequences stating him that y ou were doing a good job and enjoy ing but
surrendering to taking gifts equals bribre and its against the work ethics..I will deal with it in full official way as required.
Further being close to his fam ily ill try conv incing them that whatev er I am going to do is the duty and its only for his
betterm ent and good society .



Ethics Case Study 14 | INSIGHTS


October 1 0, 2 01 3 at 4 :52 pm
Case study 1 4 :
Bribe is an offence, and justice dem and punishm ent for offence to m aintain justness irrespectiv e of relation.
I will tell Nav een that it was against m oral dignity & integrity to take bribe. By this y ou hav e shown not only incom petence but
also hav e underm ined y our position. Public or priv ate, any job require deliv ery of job without preferential treatm ent or
underm ined treatm ent. If such happens, as it happened here, a separate channel of function driv en by m al principle has been
I will also ask him to surrender im m ediately to anti corruption m echanism . And if he failed to do than on m y own I will bring
m atter to anti corruption m echanism s notice.
By this Nav een also feel the consequences of corruption both professionally & personally . And if possible will leav e form er to sav e
later in future.

October 1 0, 2 01 3 at 4 :53 pm
pls insight sir & frds do rev iew m y answer

October 1 0, 2 01 3 at 5:3 4 pm
As Nav een is m y childhood friend, I m ust be knowing about his habits. In his new job he was v ery happy that hes helping the
poor and needy people. Also people are v ery happy with his speedy serv ices. He nev er asked for the bribe initially , its the people
who offered him . Initially he didnt receiv ed any bribe, but its because of the surrounding pressure he starting taking bribe.
One should not forget that hes the v ictim of corrupt surrounding. By nature hes v ery honest person. By taking any action
against him will break the trust of friendship and it m ay kill the good deed nature of Nav een. I would try to inv estigate the
nature of working procedure of the office. Ill personally go to the office to check that proper instructions like citizen charter,
serv ice tim e and charges are display ed in office. And sim ultaneously Ill ask Nav een to stop taking such fav ors from the people,
as it m ay land him into serious problem .
Taking action against him is not the solution. Only proper awareness am ong the citizens can curb the corruption.

October 1 0, 2 01 3 at 6 :01 pm
Plz rev iew m y ans.

October 1 0, 2 01 3 at 8:2 2 pm
My actions in this case would be m otiv ated by two goals. One, to get Nav in back on track and secondly , to ensure that the law is
not breached.
To start with, I would ask Nav in to stop rationalizing bribery to him self. It does not m atter whether people are giv ing m oney for
his speedy serv ice, or for any other purpose. A bribe is a bribe. Period.
He needs to realize this fact and going forward refrain from any action that puts his integrity under question.
Next, I am going to ask him to surrender before the Vigilance com m ission and com e up with a clean conscience. I know that this
oral confession would not hold any weight under the law, and thus the only way to actually bring this episode to its lawful
conclusion is to conv ince Nav in to surrender him self v oluntarily .



Ethics Case Study 14 | INSIGHTS

There is a probability that Nav in m ight not heed to m y adv ice of surrendering, in which case I will register a com plaint m y self .
I would also bring this up with his fam ily and tell them to exert pressure on him . Em otional guilt at tim es can work better than
lawful codes.

October 1 0, 2 01 3 at 9 :2 0 pm
Collusiv e corruption is also a crim e, where people v olunteer them selv es to bribe public serv ants to carry out their official duty .
I will explain this to Nav een and warn him that this is also a crim e and he would be behind bars if caught.
As Nav een is enjoy ing his work because its giv ing him an opportunity to help the poor, this shows that he is an efficient officer.
Because of his efficiency , I will giv e him a chance and will warn him and let him know the serious consequences of his actions.
I will keep m onitoring his behav ior and if he continues to do the sam e i will register a case of corruption.

October 1 0, 2 01 3 at 9 :2 0 pm
That Nav een lov es helping poor and he was frank enough to adm it that he accepts bribe m ust be taken into account while
deciding any course of action.
Ev ery departm ent has conduct rules and gifting policy that prohibits accepting bribe/gift. Though he has breached those rules,
he m ust be giv en a chance for he m ay not be aware of such policy . Ev en if he was not m y close friend I would hav e m ake him
aware of what his action could lead to. I will conv ince him not to accept any bribe in future and return ev ery thing that he has
taken so far. He m ust also be aware of any legal action that could be taken.
Taking any legal action just for the sake of doing so will am ount to going too far which is not required.

October 1 0, 2 01 3 at 1 1 :4 9 pm
Bribery is a punishable offence under any circum stances whether the doer is y our friend or any other person.
But, in this case study , as nav een, who is working as a Assistant Director in Social Welfare Departm ent that too a close friend of a
cop too deserv es the sam e treatm ent/punishm ent, if Nav een is caught red-handed or any com plaint is lodged against him
lev eling the charges of corruption.
Howev er, as Nav een is close friend of m ine, I will try to explain things that accepting gifts(cash or kind) tantam ount to
corruption in the public serv ice Basing on the oral ev idence, we cant try his in the court of law. Firstly , I will try to m ake him
realize the m istake/crim e com m itted by him and a chance should be giv en to him to open his ey es and to act fairly without
com prom ising the ethics and integrity of the office. Secondly , with the experience I hav e as DSP, I will try to explain things that
how the persons who hav e got caught in such kind of corruption charges are undergoing trial and finally landing in jails,
punishm ents such as dem otions or transfers etc.depending on the sev erity of crim e, that the person is indulged. Finally , I as him
to return all such gifts that are taken as a token of gratitude or good will pay m ents for fast deliv ery of serv ices.

October 1 0, 2 01 3 at 1 1 :51 pm
Insight!!! & frenz ev aluate m y answer and lem m e know where I need to im prov e> > ..

October 1 1 , 2 01 3 at 1 :4 5 am
As a responsible officer who is on duty , and whos duty is to enforce law, what will y ou do to y our friend.
Public official do hav e a code of conduct that defines the acceptable behav ior for a public serv ant. Accepting m oney other than



Ethics Case Study 14 | INSIGHTS

legal rem uneration is presum ed to be an act of corruption under POC act. Nav een is clearly v iolating the code of conduct of his
departm ent. Though no inference about corruption can be easily drawn from Nav een statem ent but case requires further
scrutiny .
Though Nav een is m y friend but i am duty bound to take action against him . It is m y duty to m aintain the integrity of m y
position and treat all people equally . First of all, I will ask Nav een to return back the cash receiv ed .I will also discuss the
prev ious exchanges related inform ation with his departm ent seniors, In case any wrongdoing is found then a case can be
launched against Nav een. In case there is no corruption inv olv ed then I will seek Nav eens departm ent to take disciplinary
In case, our friendship in im pacting m y ability to take action against him , i will request m y senior officer to allow som eone else
to take charge of this case.

Amod Ankit
October 1 1 , 2 01 3 at 1 :51 am
This inv ites a conflict between the need to adhere to m oral code of conduct and upholding personal relation with a closed one.
As a law-enforcer and good friend,I need to attend to m y professional com m itm ents and treasure m y friendship as well at the
sam e tim e.
I would hav e adv ised Nav een to desist from corrupt practices as that would dilute his satisfaction lev el of being an able social
worker.That would ultim ately defeat his aim of of being into the serv ice.I would hav e serm onised him regarding ills of resorting
to such practices as inquiries and inv estigations m ight land him behind the bars on som e fateful day .
So,the better option would be to not resort to any such v ices under any com pulsion and offer his serv ices in an effectiv e
m anner,which would ultim ately earn him a good nam e and personal gratification.
This would likely obligate him to am end him self.

navbir sidhu
October 1 1 , 2 01 3 at 2 :02 am
the question raises som e com m only faced m oral dilem m as and issues od ethics..
nav een ev en though being an able adm inistrator has failed on the fronts of integrity and preserv ant on the front of his
honesty ..and tries to seek solace that bribes hav e been kind of enforced upon him and rather sees them as reward for his work..
by sharing these details with y ou he has raised questions about our integrity as well.believ ing that i am com placent about
bribery ..he seem s to understand personal relations m ean m ore to us than the sense of duty ..
one m ust clearly tell him that by sharing these details with him he m ight just hav e booby trapped him self in a case of birbery
and corruption..
the fact he is carry ing that sum of m oney is piece of ev idence that can be used against him knowing and tracing the source
of origin of that m oney ..
the course of action should be take hold of the m oney he purpotedly has wit h him and intiate further proceeding against him
acoording to the law

dr Vineet
October 1 1 , 2 01 3 at 3 :2 9 am
It is a situation of conflict in professional duty and personal relations.
Nav een seem s to be honest, com petent and efficient. Though taking m oney from his clients is an unethical behav iour, this
situation should be looked in term s of his intention . He should hav e politely refused to take the m oney . But as the things hav e
happened, I would explain Nav een that it is perfectly unethical behav iour on his part and he should return the m oney from
whom it was taken and not to indulge in this kind of activ ities in future otherwise I would hav e to take action against him . I
would try to conv ince him how this practice will be harm ful to him in long run both personally and professionally . Taking a
direct action will ruin career of an honest and efficient em ploy ee (which we need in public sector). He needs to be giv en chance
to im prov e considering his efficiency and work satisfaction. Official action rem ains the next option if he fails to im prov e though
it will sour personal and fam ily relation. Som etim es y ou hav e to take harsh decisions in conduct of y our duty .

dr Vineet



dr Vineet

Ethics Case Study 14 | INSIGHTS

October 1 1 , 2 01 3 at 3 :3 1 am
Insight please com m ent


dr Vineet
October 1 1 , 2 01 3 at 6 :3 9 pm
friends please com m ent

Rahul Agarwal
October 1 2 , 2 01 3 at 4 :4 2 pm
Let us ascertain the facts of the case:
a) I and Nav in are in course of an inform al m eeting
b) Nav in candidly adm itted to hav e been reciev ing m oney from public
c) Nav in has pointed that m oney has been giv en willingly without any coercion for bribe
d) I am on duty as DSP at present
The ethical dilem m a inv ov led is, whether should i breach trust of Nav in and take cognizance of this issue and intiate enquiry
against him or whether should i trust his word.
Since he is m y v ery close friend, i will tell him that accepting m onet from public underwhatev er pretext is inappropriate for a
public serv ant. It is against the Civ il Serv ices rules of conduct and m ay land him in trouble in future. I will ask him to refund
the whatev er m oney he has reciev ed from the beneficiaries.
When i will reach m y office, i will ask m y resources in social waork departm ents to check the v eracity of the claim s m ade by
Nav in. Whether he has really got m oney by beneficiaries or it was a disguised bribery . if i find som e conclusiv e ev idences i will
request the approproate authorities to allow m e to intiate enquiry against Nav in to find out the truth

October 1 3 , 2 01 3 at 1 1 :2 0 pm
Such a situation depicts the dilem m a one faces while dealing with our near and dear ones and between our official duties. In the
present case m y friend who has im m ense trust in m e has shared inform ation which he would not share with any one. Any
person shares his deepest thought only when the person has confidence that y ou will guide him better. In this case as a friend I
hav e responsibility to show him the way that he is not going in right direction. I hav e to conv ince him the futility of life of
hankering for cheap m aterial things and m oney . In fact m y friend has been enjoy ing job because he has been serv ing people. I
m ust try to conv ince him that his real wealth is people are happy with his work and he will be able to generate m ore happiness
and respect when he denies things which they offer in lieu of his work. Secondly as a duty bound officer, I should clearly warn
him that he faces the risk of being loosing his job and face charges against his wrong doings.

October 1 4 , 2 01 3 at 8:3 9 am
i am hav ing lunch with nav een, this suggests that i am m eeting him in m y personal capacity as a friend and not as an officer.
also i hav e not receiv ed any com plaint against him nor is he m aking any confession therefore it would be im prudent to take any
action at this juncture.
i will adv ise him as a friend that he m ay fall in trouble if not now then m ay be later.there are no free lunches and the v ery
people who are bribing him m ay put pressure on him to deliv er fav ours and com prom ise his official position.
as a dsp i would m ake him aware of the laws and regulations and warn him t o stop such activ ities.i would suggest him to report
about the m onetary transactions to the superiors in the departm ent as at this stage he m ight get
off with just a departm ental enquiry and m inor disciplinary action but if som eone were to com plain about it later he m ight get
booked and legal action initiated against him .



Ethics Case Study 14 | INSIGHTS


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