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Ruxandra Ivan- 06.11.

Cold War
Cuban crisis
Second period of the CW: 1979
1. The containment 1947-1953
2. 1953-Cuban crisis- peaceful coexistence
3. 1962-1979 period of calm, dtente:both superpowers have realized how
dangerous a nuclear war could be.
MAD-mutual assure distruction
If any of the super power would lunge a nuclear weapon it would be bad.
Events that mark this period:
Vietnam War is going on
Usa gets more involved in the war,and they cant get out anymore,because it would be a
1968- the invasion of Ceskoslovakia by ussr in order to stop movement of reformation.
- in France,May, students protests in favor of communism,more socialist measures in
order to protect sectors such as education.
3. Race for space. CW is a competition for also symbolic proeminence.
In 1968 Usa send first space craft to orbit the moon.
1969-they send first man on the moon.
Emergence of China as power,which might be important in the international landscape.
1964 china has nuclear weapons.
Usa and ussr are far in geographical terms. Ussr and china are close,this is percieve by
the ussr as a threat. They share the longest common border in the world. After china
attain atomic bomb,tension appear in 1967( border incidents ch-ussr).
The struggle in in ideological terms also.Dispute between ch-ussr.Russian have the claim
to be the leader of all communist party in the world.china does not agree. Romania
intervines in order to mediate.They took Chinas side. Dej published a letter April
theses the communist party should be independent.
The bipolar modal is much more stable than a triunghiular model. Two of these countries
could reach
These situation was percieved as very dangerous by the USA.
For the us the beginning of the 70s are very strong because of the vietnam war. Protest
against the american participation. Nixon promises to put an end in the VW.
Major intern. Rezolution is SALT(strategic arms limitation treaty).
It is possible because there are weapons which the 2 sides are equal.IF one is more
developed they would freeze because they dont like.
Process of negociation. Henry kissenger(counceler of nixon) . In the context of the
triunghiular situation he goes in pakistan where he acuses someone and dissappers from
the public eye. He went to china in order to prepare a negociation between ch-us.
1972-nixon makes a tour in asia and in russia.

Visit in china(first american president in communist china) . Taiwan votes for china in the
Security Coucil.
*korean war: 1950-1953*
SC voted for intervention in korea. China did not opposed because they were not
represented by the governm of Mao but by the Taiwan one.When Mao took
power.Ussr:we are boicoting,the work of the SC.
The tops in China are secret but still it appears that it was a trade between taiwan and
vietanm. Usa accepted to renounced their support and recognize china.China was
involved in supporting the nothern vietnamese side. The visit of nixon in china was a
success. Than he was in the ussr,where the success it was grater. The sympathy between
him and breshnev.(nixon brought him a cadillac limuzine). They signed 10 agreements
and are mainly directed to 3 issues.(1972)
1. A declaration of basic principle 2 superpowers are equal and should leave in
peaceful coexistence.
2. SALT I agreement- limits the ABM systems,and imposes a 5 years freeze on those
sides of weapons . ABM perceived as being dangerous because if you know that
you are protected you can strike.
3. in moscow-secret agreements on trade, credits and grain. Us offered to russia
favourable things. They sell a large part of their something..
Nixon said that we obtain the peaceful coexistence. He didnt tell about the economic
agreements. Ussr were interests in 3, us insisted on 1 and 2.
The results of the 1972 summit were not favourable for the us.
Meanwhile in europe there is an imp development that take place in the 60s. the results of
the economic growth begin to be visible. Prosperity in most of the state,after the war. In
germany, it was a change in parliament, the christian dem party led by adenauer is
replaced by the social democratic party and willy bradt becames the new chancelor. He
changes the foreign policy of germany. Because during the christin dem rule the federal
,they do not accept 2 germanies. Willy changes this type of policy with the
Ostpolitik(politic of the East). He recognises the democ party of germany, with the idea
that germans are separte into two states and one nation.Diplomatic evolution in Europe
Germany accepts to sign the agreements on borders.Problem of germany with borders: a
lot of theritory went to poland.
In the context of all diplomatic evolutions a very imp event begins in 1972 and lasts until
1975 CSCE. Ends with the Helsinki agreements.
The helsinki agreemets are formed by different treaties, with 3 main baskets :
1. Human rights (western countries)
2. Borders in Europe that are inviolable( ussr was more interested than the west)
3. economic technological,scientific,cooperation(Eastern countries were interesed in
this part)
all european countries are taking part in this conference. It is the first agreement that
provides the borders.
The helsinki agreements are the supreme reconcialition between the west and east.
Nixon has to resign following the watergate scandal. Gerald Ford became president. 1966
jimmy carter(democrat) becomes presidents.

In vienna signed the SALT II treaty.

Afghanistan in the 70s is quite a modern country. Particular features:
1. geostrategical position
2. ethnic composition( 33% are shia muslims-related with Iran, 20% people that are
coming from the same ethnic groups,turkish tribes who has ethnic links with
kazakstan,turmekistan, 50% are pashtum which are linked with pakistan)
The political evolution of this countries is likely to have influence on the neighbours.
1978- quo detait in quagul, the power is conquered by a social communist party.
During 1978 you have a civil war which in destroying the country. Ussr did not intervine
at the beginning but in time the situation became more dangerous for them. There was a
danger of refugees in these central asia area. Ussr suported taraki,and after that he was
asassinated. Breshnev decided to intervine after that.
25 of dec 1978 troops in quagul ,8000 soldiers. They are caught in a guerilla war where
they dont have the possibility to fight. They are caught in a war and dont have the
option to leave(similar with the us)
Afg. War and VW should be a lesson about the guerilla war, that are not easy to fight.
National armies are not prepared for this type of war.
US somehow misinterpreted maybe the russian wanted an agreement with the middle
east. US reaction, Carter anounce an embargo,they boicoted the olympic games in
moscow.They heavily armed the afghan rebels in order to fight the russian. In 2002 they
had to fight the weapon they themselves given to them. US begin to consolidate their
alliace with pakistan. This alliance is an example of the gap between the foreign policy
and human rights.
Carter is affected by the soviet movement in afghanistan. In 1980 he releases a
doctrine(carters doctrine).
After 1979 the rel between ussr and us, are close to the containment period.
1981 new presedential elections, republican ronald wins.
Period when we begin to see a certain fragility of communism,signs of decline of SU.
How was possible the fall of the ussr?
Has fall from the inside. The central estern european countries were too scared to do stg
on their own.
Economic, social, political issue.
Economic: oil crisis. Soviet economy in the 70s was good because they sell oil very
expensive,and mask that they have real problems. Most of their economy was directed to
the heavy industry. 1/5 GDP:defence
They have lost the technological industry. During the 80s, a sudden fall of the oil.
- in the 80s there is still a great party. The party aparatus(political nomenklatura) is
very old.a strong layer
- young people who finish their universities studies and who can not enter the aprty
because is blocked.(young intelligentsia). They are unsatisfied by the fact that
they cannot built proper carriers. They express criticism towards the party.

They have two main directions: 1. the KGB which is recruiting from the
2. economic nomenklatura-they became directors of state enterprises.
- gap between the party and KGB and nomenklatura
- the intelligentsia is unsatisfied about the economy
- party was strong enough not to give up on these pressures
Mihail Gorbatchev -1985 secretary of the soviet communist party. When he was elected
he was 54 years he was very young. ( brechnev the first one than, andropov ,
cermenko). He understood the problems above, and thought of means to reform the
system. He found that the economy went wrong because people did not work enough and
drank too much => anti-alcohol campaign(they did not stop drinking, appear illigal
organisations, mafia; also the crisis of navrno karabach ). He thought that the people that
ocupied the places in the party were too old=> replace them with younger people.

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