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Project Time Management Questions







Project Time Management Questions


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1. Question
Which statement is true about Sequence Activities?

Identifying and documenting interactivity logical relationships.

Establishing the activity logic and the dependencies needed to create a realistic and achievable schedule.
As input list of activities, to put them into some sort of logical order, which is called Sequence Activities.
All o f th e ab o ve
I n co rrect
Sequence Activities : Identifying and documenting interactivity logical relationships. As input list of activities, to put them into some sort of logical order,
which is called Sequence Activities. Establishing the activity logic and the dependencies needed to create a realistic and achievable schedule

2. Question
Estimating the number of work periods likely to be needed to complete each activity is called :

Estimate Activity Resources

Estimate Activity Du ratio n s
Sequence Activities
Define Activities
I n co rrect
Estimating the number of work periods likely to be needed to complete each activity is called Estimate Activity Duration .

3. Question
Which statement is true ?

All o f th e ab o ve
Finish-to-finish An activity must finish before the next activity can finish.
Finish-to-start An activity must finish before the next activity begins.
Start-to-finish An activity must start before the next activity can finish.



Project Time Management Questions

I n co rrect
Finish-to-start An activity must finish before the next activity begins. Finish-to-finish An activity must finish before the next activity can finish. Start-to-start An
activity must start before the next activity can start. Start-to-finish An activity must start before the next activity can finish.

4. Question
The critical path method (CPM) calculates the theoretical early start and finish dates; and late start and finish dates. The difference between the late and early
start of a task is called:

T o tal flo at
Free float
Danger zone
Feeding buffer
I n co rrect
The difference between the early and late finish of a task is called the total float for that task. Total float is the amount of time that a schedule activity can be
delayed from its early start date without delaying the project finish date. [PMBOK 5th edition, Page 177]

5. Question
You are the project manager for a Project. You are updating the WBS during Define Activities, which is often called ________?

R efin emen ts
Supporting detail
I n co rrect
updating the WBS during Define Activities, is often called Refinements. It occurs with riskier projects.

6. Question
Which of these is accurate regarding the Develop Schedule process?

Schedule network analysis is a technique that is carried out once the schedule is approved.
Schedules are optimized such that all non-critical activities have a zero total float.
Schedule compression shortens the project schedule while changing the project scope
T h e critical p ath meth o d is a sch ed u le n etw o rk an alysis tech n iq u e th at is p erfo rmed u sin g th e sch ed u le mo d el
I n co rrect
The accurate statement regarding the Develop Schedule process is that the critical path method is a schedule network analysis technique that is performed
using the schedule model. The rest of the statements are not accurate. [PMBOK 5th edition, Page 173]

7. Question
Who develops the project plan ?

Pro ject Man ag er an d team




Project Time Management Questions

Executive management
Only Project Manager

I n co rrect
Project Manager and team develops the project plan .

8. Question
Which of the following statement is true about Corrective action ?

An yth in g d o n e to b rin g ex p ected fu tu re sch ed u le p erfo rman ce b ack in -lin e w ith th e p ro ject p lan
Modification to the schedule information used to manage the project
Changes to the scheduled start and finish dates in the approved (or baselined) schedule
I n co rrect
Corrective action Anything done to bring expected future schedule performance back in-line with the project plan. Schedule updates Modification to
the schedule information used to manage the project. Schedule revisions Changes to the scheduled start and finish dates in the approved (or baseline)

9. Question
Discretionary dependencies are identified during __________.

Define Activities
Control Schedule
S eq u en ce Activities
Develop Schedule
I n co rrect
Discretionary dependencies are identified during Sequence Activities process. PMPBOK Page no 171.

10. Question
_____________ allows conditional branches and loops .

None of the above
I n co rrect
Conditional branches are not used in PDM and ADM. GERT (Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique) allows conditional branches and loops .

11. Question
Starting a new task before finish the old one is an example of a __________ dependency.

S tart-to -fin ish



Project Time Management Questions

All of the above

I n co rrect
Start-to-finish An activity must start before the next activity can finish.

12. Question
Project Time Management includes _________ ?

Sequence Activities
Control Schedule
Define Activities
All o f th e ab o ve
I n co rrect
The process areas listed for Project Time Management in the PMBOK are: Define Activities, Sequence Activities, Estimate Activity Resources, Estimate Activity
Duration, Develop Schedule, and Control Schedule.

13. Question
If you are doing revisions and schedule updates than you are making changes to _________ ?

S tart an d Fin ish Dates
I n co rrect
Schedule updates means Start and Finish Date changes.

14. Question
The technique most commonly used by project management software packages to construct a project schedule network diagram is:

Node-On-Activity (NOA)
Activity-In-Node (AIN)
Activity-O n -No d e (AO N)
Finish-to-Start (FS)
I n co rrect
The method used by most project management software packages to construct a project schedule network diagram is Activity-On-Node (AON). This uses
boxes or rectangles, called nodes to represent activities and connects them with arrows showing the logical relationship between them. [PMBOK 5th
edition, Page 156]

15. Question
Which of the following is not a Project Time Management process?



Project Time Management Questions

Estimate Activity Resources
Define Activities
S o u rce Activities
Sequence Activities

I n co rrect
The Project Time Management processes include Plan Schedule Management, Define Activities, Sequence Activities, Estimate Activity resources, Estimate
Activity durations, Develop Schedule, and Control Schedule. [PMBOK 5th Edition, Page 141]

16. Question
A project has three critical paths. How does this affect the project ?

It needs more time.

I t in creases p ro ject risk.
It needs more resources.
It costs more.
I n co rrect
It increases project risk.

17. Question
Total activity float is the amount of time :

th at can b e d elayed w ith o u t d elayin g p ro ject co mp letio n d ate.

that can be delayed without delaying project.
delayed for indefinite time.
Not related with project.
I n co rrect
Total activity float is the amount of time that can be delayed without delaying project completion date.

18. Question
Which of the following is NOT a valid statement regarding the critical path method?

The flexibility of the schedule is measured by the difference between early and late dates.
A forward pass and backward pass are performed through the project network paths.
The early start and finish dates and late start and finish dates are calculated without factoring in resource limitations
T h e resu ltin g late start an d fin ish d ates w ill b e th e p ro ject sch ed u le b aselin e.
I n co rrect
The critical path method is a technique that calculates the earliest and latest possible start and finish times for work activities in a project. It uses the
estimated duration of activities and the dependencies among them to determine limits for when each activity can be performed. [PMBOK 5th edition, Page
176, 177]

19. Question



Project Time Management Questions

PDM stands for ___________ ?

Process Diagramming Method

Process Destination Method
Preced en ce Diag rammin g Meth o d
I n co rrect
Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM).

20. Question
Which of the following are inputs of Define Activities ?

Organizational Process Assets

Enterprise environmental factors
Scope baseline
All o f th e ab o ve
I n co rrect
Inputs of Define Activities : Scope baseline, Organizational Process Assets and Enterprise environmental factors

21. Question
You have decided to apply Resource Leveling to a project due to a critical required resource being available only at certain times. Which of the following will
likely be true?

Resource Leveling will over allocate resources to schedule the project before the deadline.
Resource Leveling will never alter the original critical path
R eso u rce Levelin g can o ften cau se th e o rig in al critical p ath to ch an g e.
Resource Leveling will require additional resources to complete the project.
I n co rrect
Resource Leveling can often cause the original critical path to change. [PMBOK 5th edition, Page 179]

22. Question
You are in charge of constructing the Ferris wheel in each town a carnival visits. However, this is something you have never done before and you are getting
different opinions from others on how long it takes. Joe, is new and has given you what you believe to be an optimistic estimate of 3 hours, Bill says it will take
10 hours, which seems too long to you and quite pessimistic. Lastly, Margie, who is the most experienced at this task is telling you it will take 8 hours. You are
not sure who to believe, so you decide to do a PERT estimation, based on this you have determined it will take how many hours to assemble the Ferris wheel.

8 hours
7 hours
7.5 h o u rs
21 hours
I n co rrect
The PERT formula is Estimate= (Optimistic + (Most Likely *4) + Pessimistic)/6. [PMBOK 5th edition, Page 171]



Project Time Management Questions

23. Question
Which of the following statement is true about Schedule revisions ?

Modification to the schedule information used to manage the project

Anything done to bring expected future schedule performance back in-line with the project plan
C h an g es to th e sch ed u led start an d fin ish d ates in th e ap p ro ved (o r b aselin ed ) sch ed u le
I n co rrect
Corrective action Anything done to bring expected future schedule performance back in-line with the project plan. Schedule updates Modification to
the schedule information used to manage the project. Schedule revisions Changes to the scheduled start and finish dates in the approved (or baseline)

24. Question
Which of the following statement is true about Resource leveling ?

R ed u cin g p eak o verlo ad s b y re-d istrib u tin g allo catio n s to activities w ith flo at
To fast track, shorten the duration of critical activities, or increase working hours
Decreasing the total project duration with the least cost possible
Doing activities in parallel that, normally, would be done in sequence
I n co rrect
Resource leveling : Reducing peak overloads by re-distributing allocations to activities with float.

25. Question
Linda is a first-time project manager and is analyzing a project schedule. She intends to apply resource leveling and has been given the following guidelines
on resource leveling. Which of these four statements is incorrect?

Resource leveling is necessary when resources have been over-allocated.

Resource Leveling can often cause the critical path to change.
Resource leveling is applied to keep resource usage at a constant level.
R eso u rce levelin g is ap p lied to a sch ed u le b efo re it h as b een an alyz ed b y th e critical p ath meth o d .
I n co rrect
Resource leveling is a schedule network analysis technique. It is applied to a schedule that has already been analyzed by the critical path method. [PMBOK
5th edition, Page 179]

26. Question
You are the project manager for a large Project. You have identified and documented relationship among the project activities and created project schedule
network diagram. What is your NEXT step ?

Define Activities
Control Schedule
Sequence Activities
Develo p S ch ed u le



Project Time Management Questions

I n co rrect
project schedule network diagram is input to Develop Schedule. PMBOK Page no 142.

27. Question
Bar charts dont show _______.

Partial tasks
Time constraints
I n co rrect
Bar charts dont show Dependencies,Partial tasks and Time constraints. Bar Charts : Good to show progress and controlling tool, Does not display task
dependencies, Does not help with project organization

28. Question
Resource Breakdown Structure is an output of __________ process.

Estimate Activity R eso u rces

Develop Schedule
Estimate Activity Durations
Control Schedule
I n co rrect
Resource Breakdown Structure is an output of Estimate Activity Resources process. PMPBOK Page no 162.

29. Question
Comparing target dates with the actual or forecast start and finish dates is called :

Earned Value
Varian ce An alysis
Progress Reporting
I n co rrect
Variance Analysis : Comparing target dates with the actual or forecast start and finish dates.

30. Question
Which of these precedence relationships is most commonly used in Precedence Diagramming Method?

Fin ish to S tart

Start to Finish
Finish to Finish
Start to Start



Project Time Management Questions

I n co rrect
Finish to Start relationships indicate that the next task is not able to start until the one preceding it is completed. This is the most commonly used type of
activity relationship. [PMBOK 5th edition, Page 157]

31. Question
Progressive elaboration is least applicable to which of the following processes?

C o n tro l S ch ed u le
Develop Schedule
Estimate Activity Duration
Create WBS
I n co rrect
Progressive elaboration applies when only a certain amount of information is available initially and additional information is obtained as the project or
phase progresses. It is the progressive detailing of the project management plan and relates more closely to the processes from the planning process
group. [PMBOK 5th edition, Page 55]

32. Question
Which of the following is accurate regarding the Estimate Activity Resources process?

It produces project resource calendars as the output

This process is coordinated independent of the Estimate Cost process
It determines dependencies that may require a lead or lag to define the relationship
I t in vo lves d etermin in g w h at an d h o w man y reso u rces w ill b e u sed
I n co rrect
The Estimate Activity Resources process determines what and how many resources will be used. The resource calendars are inputs to this process and this
process is closely coordinated with the Estimate Costs process. Activity leads and lags are not determined during this process. [PMBOK 5th edition, Page

33. Question
During a work breakdown structure meeting you have decomposed the deliverable into work packages and created your WBS dictionary. However, you now
want to decompose the work packages to assist you in estimating, executing and control the project. These decomposed work packages are called?

Control Accounts
Work Packages can't be decomposed into smaller units
I n co rrect
Activities represent the effort needed to complete a work package and are an output of the Define Activities process. During this process, the work
packages are further decomposed into project activities. [PMBOK 5th edition, Page 152]

34. Question
The Three estimates are : Pessimistic (P) : 30 Most Likely (M) : 25 Optimistic (O) : 14 What is Standard deviation ?



Project Time Management Questions


I n co rrect
Standard deviation formula = (P O) / 6 then (30-14)/6 = 2.66

35. Question
Which statement is true about Finish-to-start activity ?

An activity mu st fin ish b efo re th e n ex t activity b eg in s.

An activity must start before the next activity can start.
An activity must start before the next activity can finish.
An activity must finish before the next activity can finish.
I n co rrect
Finish-to-start An activity must finish before the next activity begins.

36. Question
What are Milestones ?

Activities with durations
Project plan
S ig n ifican t even ts in th e p ro ject life cycle
I n co rrect
Milestones Events need to be part of the Sequence Activities to assure that the requirements for meeting the milestone (s) are met.

37. Question
You are the project manager for a large Project. You are currently busy with approximating number of work periods required to complete individual activities
with estimated resources. Which of the following inputs do you need for this ?

Activity resource requirements

All of the above
Activity List
R eso u rce Breakd o w n stru ctu re
I n co rrect
Approximating number of work periods required to complete individual activities with estimated resources is done in Estimate Activity Duration process.
Activity List,Activity resource requirements and Resource Breakdown structure are inputs of Estimate Activity Duration process. PMBOK Page no 142.

38. Question
What are the three-point estimates used during the Estimate Activity Duration process?



Project Time Management Questions

High probability, Low probability, Most likely

Best-case, Worst-case, Mean
Most likely, Most dangerous, Average
Mo st likely, O p timistic, Pessimistic
I n co rrect
Most likely, optimistic, and pessimistic are the three-point estimates used during the Estimate Activity Duration process. [PMBOK 5th Edition, Page 170]

39. Question
Which statement is true about Critical Path Method (CPM) ?

Calculates a single, deterministic early and late start and finish date for each activity
C alcu lates a sin g le, d etermin istic early an d late start an d fin ish d ate fo r each activity an d also Used to d etermin e w h ich activities
mu st b e co mp leted o n time to avo id imp actin g th e fin ish d ate o f th e p ro ject
Used to determine which activities must be completed on time to avoid impacting the finish date of the project
I n co rrect
Critical Path Method (CPM) Calculates a single, deterministic early and late start and finish date for each activity, to be used to determine which activities
must be completed on time to avoid impacting the finish date of the project.

40. Question
Which of the following is an output of the Define Activity process?

Project schedule activity diagrams

Resource calendar
Activity duration estimates
Milesto n e list
I n co rrect
A milestone list is a valid output of the Define Activity process. [PMBOK 5th edition, Page 149]

41. Question
In a small office construction project, the following activities are scheduled in sequence. i) Digging and pouring footings 5 days ii) Working on the slab and
pouring 3 days iii) Framing the floor 5 days iv) Wall framing 4 days v) Roof framing 6 days vi) Insulation and drywall 7 days vii) Interior doors and trim
3 days viii) Hardware and fixtures 2 days. What is the minimum time to complete the project if all activities are on a critical path except number viii, and
activity iii is delayed by 1 day?

35 days
34 d ays
33 days
32 days
I n co rrect
A critical path has a zero total float. That means, any delay in the critical path activity delays the project finish date. In other words, critical path gives the
minimum time required to complete a project. So, adding the duration for all critical path activities give the minimum time required as 33 days. If activity iii is



Project Time Management Questions

delayed by one day, the total duration or the minimum time required to complete the project will also be delayed by one day, thus making it 34 days.
[PMBOK 5th edition, Page 176]

42. Question
Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM) is also known as _______?

Activity dependency
Activity O n No d e (AO N)
Activity On Arrow (AOA)
All of the above
I n co rrect
The Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM) uses boxes or nodes as activities and arrows as dependencies between the nodes. PDM is also known as
Activity On Nodes (AON). ADM (Arrow Diagramming Method) is also known as Activity On Arrows (AOA).

43. Question
Decomposition of the Scope Statement results in _____ ?

Business plans
Project plan
I n co rrect
The WBS defines all activities you will need to do in order to successfully complete the project.

44. Question
Work periods between the finish of one activity and the start of another activity is called ______ ?

Elap sed time (Delay)

Estimation time
I n co rrect
Elapsed time (Delay) Work periods between the finish of one activity and the start of another activity.

45. Question
While developing the project schedule, you find that the completion of a successor activity depends on the completion of its predecessor activity. What is this
dependency called?

Fin ish -to -Fin ish



Project Time Management Questions

I n co rrect
In a Finish-to-Finish dependency , the completion of the successor activity depends upon the completion of its predecessor activity. [PMBOK 5th edition,
Page 156]

46. Question
As you are creating the Activity List, which technique is recommended for subdividing the project into smaller components called activities?

Rolling Wave Planning

Deco mp o sitio n
Expert judgment
I n co rrect
The decomposition technique allows the project manager to create smaller and more manageable pieces of work from the larger work packages. [PMBOK
5th edition, Page 151]

47. Question
________ are examples of corrective actions that can be taken.

T rackin g an d T rackin g
I n co rrect
Tracking and Crashing are examples of corrective actions that can be taken.

48. Question
An experienced project manager was assigned a project of very small scope. Which of the following scenarios could be representative of the project?

Developing and Controlling the schedule could be viewed as a single process

Estimating activity resources may be skipped for the project
Defin in g Activities, seq u en cin g activities, estimatin g activity reso u rces, an d d evelo p in g th e sch ed u le co u ld b e view ed as a sin g le
p ro cess
Defining Activities, estimating activity resources, developing the schedule, and controlling the schedule could be viewed as a single process
I n co rrect
On projects with small scope, defining activities, sequencing activities, estimating activity resources and durations, and developing the schedule are very
tightly linked, and are often viewed as a single process. The other choices are incorrect. [PMBOK 5th edition, Page 142]

49. Question
You are the project manager of a software project. Your team member want to make technical changes to an activity which will add more time to that activity.
What should you do ?

C h eck if th e activity is o n critical p ath

Report to senior management



Project Time Management Questions

Ignore change in activities.
Allow team members to change the activity

I n co rrect
Check the activity if it is on critical path is the best option.

50. Question
Risk probability and impact Assessment, Risk Categorization are done during:

Q u alitative risk an alysis

Quantitative risk analysis
Risk identification
Risk management plan
I n co rrect
Risk probability and impact Assessment, Risk Categorization are done during qualitative risk analysis.




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