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Differences between 2 related groups

(Before-after situation)
Twin studies

What are two related groups

-Intervention group and a matched control group
Grouping variable

Defines the 2 related groups being compared

Is the independent variable
Examples: pretest/posttest

Characteristic of Interest variable


Interval or ratio
Is the dependent variable measured at 2 points in time or between a case and control
Examples: blood pressure premedication & postmedication, Weight (case and control)

Statistical test

Pared t test
Compares the means of 2 related groups
Parametric test (assumes a normal)
Reports the mean of each group
Reports the standard deviation of each group

Wolcoxon matched pairs test


Cpmares the diribution of the values in 2 related groups

Nonparametric test (no assumpotion about distribution)
Reports the median of each group


Chapter 7
One-way ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis h test: 3 or more unrelated groups

Grouping variable

Desines the 3 or more groups being compared

Often referred to as a factor
Is usually, but not always, the independent variable

Dependent variable(Insterest)

Interval, ratio, ordinal

Is usually dependent variable

One way ANOVA


Parametric test (assumes a normal)

Assumes homogeneity of variance

Kruskal-Wallis H test

Nonparametric test
No assumption about variance
Assumes 3 or more
Depenedent variable is at least ordinal
Median and interquartile range

How ANOVA works


ANOVA models compare within and between group variance to determine if the means of the
groups are different from one another


Chapter 8

Chapter 9 comparing mean of 3 or more related groups

Repeated ANOVA- for parametric test

Grouping Variable

Defines the related groups being compared

Is the independent variable
Pretest time and posttest ties on the same person
Characteristic of interest var.
Interval or ratio
Is the dependent variable

Statistical tests

Repeated measures ANOVA

Compares the means of 3 or more related groups

Friedmans ANOVA by rank


Nonparametric test
Reports the median of each group
Reports the interquartile range of each group

Post hoc tests

Carryover effects

Occur when some or all of the effects of a treatment given at one atime are still evident at the
time of the second treatment
In drug trials for example. Time allowed for one drug to wash out

Position effects

Occur when the order in which the treatments are given affects the outcome

Chapter 11
Correlation coefficient provides measure of strength and direction
Pearson correlation coefficient

Both variables are normaly distributed

Parametric test

Spearman correlation


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