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Archangel Michael, take command over all dark spirits

1. By the authority of the Christ Flame within me, I call to Archangel Michael to
manifest your Flaming Presence with me and form an impenetrable shield around my
energy field. Protect me from all imperfect energies, dark spirits, discarnate souls and
all forces of anti-christ, and enlighten me so that I can identify dark vibrations. I
hereby choose to stop all darkness from entering my being. Archangel Michael,
protect all people from all imperfect energies and dark spirits.
Hail Michael
Hail Archangel Michael, Lord of Angels,
Your Presence is always with us.
Protect us from all forces of darkness,
and bind the enemy within us.
We take dominion over our lives,
and manifest Gods kingdom on Earth.
Holy Michael, Defender of Faith.
we invoke your Blue-flame Sword.
Cut us free from the lies of anti-christ,
so we can pierce the veil of separation.
We affirm our oneness with God,
and form the Body of God on Earth.

2. Archangel Michael, manifest your Flaming Presence within my energy field. Bind
and consume all vortexes of imperfect energies that threaten to overpower my mind
and emotions. Cut me free from all connection to the planetary vortexes of negative
energies. Enlighten me so that I can identify all imperfect energies in my being. Help
me see that they are not part of my being and that I do not need them. I now choose
to let all dark energies go. Archangel Michael, consume all toxic vibrations in the
energy fields of all people.
Hail Michael

3. Archangel Michael, bind and consume all dark spirits, all discarnate souls and all
forces of anti-christ that have gained entry into my being and are seeking to control
me from within. Enlighten me so that I can identify these enemies within me. Help me
see that they are not part of my true identity and that I do not need them. I now
choose to let all dark spirits go. Archangel Michael, cut all people free from dark
Hail Michael

4. Archangel Michael, bind and consume all spiritual poisons in my being. Cut me
free from the poisons of ignorance, anger, pride, greed, envy and non-will/non-being.
Enlighten me so that I can identify all spiritual poisons in my being. Help me see that
they are not part of my being and that I do not need them. I now choose to let all
spiritual poisons go. Archangel Michael, cut all people free from spiritual poisons.
Hail Michael

5. Archangel Michael, bind and consume my carnal mind and my human ego,
forming an anti-self that seeks to prevent me from accepting my true identity.
Enlighten me so that I can identify the lies that my anti-self is using to control my
actions, feelings, thoughts and sense of identity. Help me see that the anti-self is not
part of my true identity and that I do not need it. I now choose to let my anti-self go.

Archangel Michael, strip me of my anti-self and bind the anti-selves of all people who
are willing to be free.
Hail Michael

6. Archangel Michael, cut me free from the gravitational force of the mass
consciousness that pulls me into following convention, to never rise above the lowest
common denominator and to deny my potential to put on the mind of Christ. Strip me
of all spiritual blindness so I can see that there is a better way to live than the way
that seems right unto a man. Give me the courage to come apart and belong to the
separate and chosen people. I now elect to follow the Way of Life, the way to Christ
consciousness. Archangel Michael, cut free all people who are willing to rise above
the mass consciousness.
Hail Michael

7. Archangel Michael, cut me free from the consciousness of materialism that causes
me to feel attachments to the things of this world. Help me see that my Christ
potential is the true key to the abundant life. I now choose to seek first the kingdom of
God, and I know that when I attain the Christ consciousness, all things will be added
unto me. Archangel Michael, cut free all people who are willing to rise above the
consciousness of materialism, the consciousness of death.
Hail Michael

8. Archangel Michael, cut me free from all attachments to my current beliefs and all
fear that if I give up my limited beliefs, I might lose my sense of identity. Enlighten me
so I can see through all of the dualistic beliefs that have been programmed into my
mind by church and state. Help me see that by giving up these dualistic beliefs, these
man-made idols, I will win my true identity in Christ. I choose to stop dancing around
the golden calf of these carnal beliefs. Archangel Michael, cut free all people who are
willing to rise above the consciousness of duality, the consciousness of death.
Hail Michael

9. Archangel Michael, cut me free from all attachments to my mortal sense of identity,
and all fear that if I give up this carnal mind, I will have no identity left. Enlighten me
so I can see through the unreality of my anti-self and see that behind it is my true
identity as an immortal spiritual being. I now choose life, and I accept my true identity
in Christ. Archangel Michael, cut free all people who are willing to rise above all false
sense of identity.
Hail Michael

And Now :
I Choose Life!
Beloved Archangel Michael, save me or I perish! (3X)
Archangel Michael, save me from the consciousness of death that causes me to
identify myself as a mortal human being who is separated from my God.
Beloved Archangel Michael, thou Defender of my Faith, if people knew better, they
would do better, and by the authority of my God-given free will I hereby declare that I
am willing to know better. I am willing to be cut free from the lies of anti-christ that
have enveloped my soul, so that I am caught in a spider web of lies from which there
seems to be no way out. Archangel Michael, I am willing to rise above the
consciousness of death and be free to see the truth of Christ and the shining reality
of God. I am willing to see my God and no longer live as a human being but live as
the spiritual being that I truly am.
Archangel Michael, I am willing to change my life. I am willing to lose my mortal
sense of life, my mortal sense of identity, that is based on the limitations of this world
and the duality of the carnal mind. I am willing to let mine eye be single, so that I can
see beyond the subtle lies of the serpentine mind and be filled with the Light of
Christ. I am willing to surrender my emotional attachments to the things of this world
and the limitations that seem so real. I am willing to lose this sense of life to win the
immortal life of the Christ consciousness and accept my true identity as a
son/daughter of God.
Therefore I now say, with the full authority of my free will and the power of the Christ
Flame within me:


I choose the consciousness of life, the Christ consciousness, and I accept that am
alive forevermore in the light of Christ. I accept that behind all appearances of this
world is the reality of my God, and therefore I vow to nevermore give permanency to
any worldly appearances. I affirm that God is everywhere and therefore also in me.
I choose to be one with my God, and therefore I am the Presence of Archangel
Michael in this world.

Archangel Michael, take command over the lies of anti-christ

1. By the authority of the Christ Flame within me, I call to Archangel Michael to cut us
free from the lie that human beings are sinful by nature, that we were conceived in
sin and that everything we do is a sin. Cut us free from the self-condemnation, blame
and guilt that arises from this lie. Archangel Michael, bind all individuals, institutions
and dark forces who promote this lie. Expose this lie and cut people free to accept

the truth that we were created by the love of our Father/Mother God, who designed
us in their own perfect image.
Hail Michael

2. Archangel Michael, cut us free from the lie that the expanding force of the Father is
in opposition to the contracting force of the Mother, and that the Father is good and
the Mother is evil. Cut us free from the hatred of the Divine Mother, the hatred of
women and the denial of the feminine aspect of every soul that arises from this lie.
Archangel Michael, bind all individuals, institutions and dark forces who promote this
lie. Expose this lie and cut people free to accept the truth that God has both
masculine and feminine aspects and that they are in perfect harmony.
Hail Michael

3. Archangel Michael, cut us free from the lie that God is angry and judgmental, and
that once we make a mistake, we are doomed forever and are no longer worthy of
Gods love. Cut us free from the fear of eternal damnation and the fear of facing God
that arises from this lie. Archangel Michael, bind all individuals, institutions and dark
forces who promote this lie. Expose this lie and cut people free to accept the truth
that when we face God, forsake the consciousness of death and sincerely ask for
forgiveness, we are instantly forgiven by the unconditional love of God.
Hail Michael

4. Archangel Michael, cut us free from the lie that we can commit a sin that cannot be
undone, and that the matter universe is a prison from which there is no escape. Cut
us free from the hopelessness, despair and spiritual paralysis that arises from this lie.
Archangel Michael, bind all individuals, institutions and dark forces who promote this
lie. Expose this lie and cut people free to accept the truth that everything is energy,
and therefore any mistake we have made can be undone by invoking the Light of
God that consumes all unlike itself.
Hail Michael

5. Archangel Michael, cut us free from the lie that we are victims of circumstances
beyond our control, that we dont need to take responsibility for our lives and that
there is nothing we can do to work out our salvation. Cut us free from the
irresponsibility and indifference that arises from this lie. Archangel Michael, bind all
individuals, institutions and dark forces who promote this lie. Expose this lie and cut
people free to accept the truth that the universe is a mirror that reflects back to us
what we send out. Therefore, we can change the world by changing our
consciousness and putting on the mind of Christ.
Hail Michael

6. Archangel Michael, cut us free from the lie that the material universe is separated
from God, and that God is far away instead of inside of us. Cut us free from the
feeling of abandonment and aloneness that arises from this lie. Archangel Michael,
bind all individuals, institutions and dark forces who promote this lie. Expose this lie
and cut people free to accept the truth that without God was not anything made that

was made. Therefore, the kingdom of God is within us, and even the most imperfect
conditions simply hide the shining reality and the perfection of God.
Hail Michael

7. Archangel Michael, cut us free from the lie that we are separated from God, that
we cannot reach God on our own and that we are unworthy to be the sons and
daughters of God. Cut us free from the carnal mind, the false sense of identity, that
arises from this lie. Archangel Michael, bind all individuals, institutions and dark
forces who promote this lie. Expose this lie and cut people free to accept our true
identity as spiritual beings, as sons and daughters of God, who can reach God by
entering the Kingdom of God within us.
Hail Michael

8. Archangel Michael, cut us free from the lie that we must choose between relative
good and relative evil, and that there is no alternative, no middle ground. Cut us free
from the imbalance, extremism and fanaticism that arises from this lie. Archangel
Michael, bind all individuals, institutions and dark forces who promote this lie. Expose
this lie and cut people free to accept the truth that the reality of Christ is above the
relative opposites of good and evil. Therefore, we can find harmony and inner peace
only by following the middle way of Christ consciousness.
Hail Michael

9. Archangel Michael, cut us free from the lie that Jesus was the only Son of God,
and therefore it is blasphemy for us to follow in his footsteps and do the works that he
did. Cut us free from the denial of the Christ within us, the consciousness of antichrist, that arises from this lie. Archangel Michael, bind all individuals, institutions and
dark forces who promote this lie. Expose this lie and cut people free to accept the
truth that all of us have the potential to let this mind be in us, which was also in Christ
Jesus. Therefore, God can do the works through us that he did through Jesus.
Hail Michael

I affirm that Archangel Michael and his billions of Blue-flame Angels are
cutting all people free from dark spirits and dark energies.
I affirm that Archangel Michael and his billions of Blue-flame Angels are
I affirm that Archangel Michael and his billions of Blue-flame Angels are
cutting all people free from spiritual slavery under the forces of antichrist.
I affirm that Archangel Michael and his billions of Blue-flame Angels are
cutting all people free from material slavery under the power elite.
I choose to be one with my God, and therefore I am the Presence of
Archangel Michael binding the power elite on planet Earth.

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