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1. Metzger, JP, Muller, E. 1996. Characterizing the complexity of landscape boundaries by

remote sensing. Landscape Ecology 11 (2): 65-77.
2. Metzger, JP. 1996. Structure du paysage et diversit des peuplements ligneux fragments du
rio Jacar-Pepira (Sud-Est du Brsil). Ecologie 27 (2): 122-123.
3. Metzger, JP. 1997. Relationships between landscape structure and tree species diversity in
tropical forests of South-East Brazil. Landscape and Urban Planning 37: 29-35.
4. Metzger, JP, Dcamps, H. 1997. The structural connectivity threshold: an hypothesis in
conservation biology at the landscape scale. Acta Ecologica 18 (1): 1-12.
5. Metzger, JP, Bernacci, LC, Goldenberg, R. 1997. Pattern of tree species diversity in riparian
forest fragments with different widths (SE Brazil). Plant Ecology 133: 135-152.
6. Metzger, JP. 1998. Changements de la structure du paysage et richesse spcifique des
fragments forestiers dans le Sud-Est du Brsil. Comtpes Rendus de l'Acadmie des Sciences Sciences de la Vie 321: 319-333.
7. Metzger, JP, Goldenberg, R, Bernacci, LC. 1998. Diversidade e estrutura de fragmentos de
mata de vrzea e de mata mesfila semidecdua submontana do rio Jacar-Pepira (SP). Revista
Brasileira de Botnica 21 (3): 321-330.
8. Bernacci, LC, Goldenberg, R, Metzger, JP. 1998. Estrutura florstica de 15 fragmentos
florestais riprios da bacia do Jacar-Pepira (SP). Naturalia 23: 23-54.
9. Metzger, JP. 1999. Estrutura da paisagem e fragmentao: anlise bibliogrfica. Anais da
Academia Brasileira de Cincias 71 (3-I): 445-463.
10. Metzger, JP. 2000. Tree functional group richness and spatial structure in a tropical
fragmented landscape (SE Brazil). Ecological Applications 10: 1147-1161.
11. Metzger, JP, Pivello, VR. 2000. Landscape Ecology in Brazil. IALE Bulletin 18 (2-3): 1-2.
12. Metzger, JP. 2001. Effects of deforestation pattern and private nature reserves on the forest
conservation in settlement areas of the Brazilian Amazon. Biota Neotropica
13. Metzger, JP. 2001. O que ecologia de paisagens? Biota Neotropica
14. Metzger, JP. 2002. Landscape dynamics and equilibrium in areas of slash-and-burn
agriculture with short and long fallow period (Bragantina region, NE Brazilian Amazon).
Landscape Ecology 17: 419-431.
15. Metzger, JP. 2003. Effects of slash-and-burn fallow periods on landscape structure.
Environmental Conservation 30(4): 325-333.
16. Antongiovanni, M, Metzger, JP. 2005. Influence of the matrix habitat on the occurrence of
insectivorous bird species in Amazonian forest fragments. Biological Conservation 122: 441451.
17. Uezu, A, Metzger, JP, Vielliard, JM. 2005. Effects of structural and functional connectivity
and patch size on the abundance of seven Atlantic Forest bird species. Biological
Conservation 123: 507-519.
18. Pardini, R, Souza, SM, Braga-Neto, R, Metzger, JP. 2005. The role of forest structure,
fragment size and corridors in maintaining small mammal abundance and diversity in an
Atlantic forest landscape. Biological Conservation 124: 253-266.
19. Alves, LF, Metzger, JP. 2006. A regenerao florestal em reas de floresta secundria na
Reserva Florestal do Morro Grande, Cotia, SP. Biota Neotropica 6(2): (ltimo acesso
em 03/05/2006).
20. Catharino, EL, Bernacci, LC, Franco, GADC, Durigan, G, Metzger, JP. 2006. Aspectos da
composio e diversidade do componente arbreo das florestas da Reserva Florestal do Morro
6(2): (ltimo acesso
em 03/05/2006).
21. Metzger, JP, Alves, LF, Goulart, G, Teixeira, AMG, Simes, SJC, Catharino, ELM. 2006.
Uma rea de relevante interesse biolgico, porm pouco conhecida: a Reserva Florestal do
6(2): (ltimo acesso
em 03/05/2006).

22. Metzger, JP, Alves, LF, Pardini, R, Dixo, M, Nogueira, AA, Negro, MFF, Martensen, AC,
Catharino, EL. 2006. Caractersticas ecolgicas e implicaes para a conservao da Reserva
6(2): (ltimo acesso
em 03/05/2006).
23. Metzger, JP, Casatti, L. 2006. Do diagnstico conservao da Biodiversidade: o estado da
acesso em 03/05/2006).
24. Pivello, VR, Metzger, JP. 2006. We welcome IALE Brazil. IALE Bulletin 24 (1): 1.
25. Luque, S, Matteucci, SD, Metzger, JP. 2006. IALE in Latin America. IALE Bulletin 24 (2):
26. Oliveira Filho, FJB, Metzger, JP. 2006. Thresholds in landscape structure for three common
deforestation patterns in the Brazilian Amazon. Landscape Ecology 21: 1061-1073.
27. Pivello, VR, Barbosa, DP, Meirelles, ST, Jesus, FM, Vidal, MV, Alonso, RAS, Franco,
GADC, Metzger, JP. 2006. Chuva de sementes em fragmentos de floresta Atlntica (So
Paulo, SP), sob diferentes situaes de conectividade, estrutura florestal e proximidade da
borda. Acta Botanica Braslica 20 (4): 854-859.
28. Boscolo, D, Vielliard, JME, Metzger, JP. 2006. Efficiency of playback for assessing the
occurrence of five bird species in Brazilian Atlantic Forest fragments. Anais da Academia
Brasileira de Cincias 78 (4): 629-644.
29. Metzger, JP. 2006. Como lidar com regras pouco bvias para conservao da biodiversidade
em paisagens fragmentadas? (How to deal with non-obvious rules for biodiversity
conservation in fragmented landscapes?) Natureza e Conservao - Revista Brasileira de
Conservao da Natureza (The Brazilian Journal of Nature Conservation) 4 (2): 11-23 (125139).
30. Bernacci, LC, Franco, GADC, Arbocz, G, Catharino, EL, Durigan, G, Metzger, JP. 2006. O
efeito da fragmentao florestal na composio e riqueza de rvores na regio da Reserva
Morro Grande (Planalto de Ibima, SP). Revista do Instituto Florestal 18: 121-166.
31. Metzger, JP, Fonseca, MA, Oliveira Filho, FJB, Martensen, AC. 2007. O uso de modelos em
ecologia de paisagens. Megadiversidade 3 (1-2): 64-73.
32. Pivello, VR, Metzger, JP. 2007. Diagnstico da pesquisa em Ecologia de Paisagens no Brasil
33. Vidal, MM, Pivello, VR, Meirelles, ST, Metzger, JP. 2007. Produo de serapilheira em
floresta Atlntica secundria numa paisagem fragmentada (Ibina, SP): importncia da borda
e tamanho dos fragmentos. Revista Brasileira de Botnica 30 (3): 521-532.
34. Silva, WG, Metzger, JP, Simes, S, Simonetti, S. 2007. Relief influence on the spatial
distribution of the Atlantic Forest cover on the Ibina Plateau, SP. Braz. J. Biol., 67(3): 63163.
35. Awade, M, Metzger, JP. 2008. Using gap-crossing capacity to evaluate functional
connectivity of two Atlantic rainforest birds and their response to fragmentation. Austral
Ecology 33: 863-871.
36. Boscolo, D, Candia-Gallardo, C, Awade, M, Metzger, JP. 2008. Importance of inter-habitat
gaps and stepping-stones for lesser woodcreepers (Xiphorhynchus fuscus) in the Atlantic
Forest, Brazil. Biotropica 40 (3): 273-276.
37. Durigan, G, Bernacci, LC, Franco, GADC, Arbocz, G, Metzger, JP, Catharino, EL. 2008.
Estdio sucessional e fatores geogrficos como determinantes da similaridade florstica entre
fragmentos florestais no Planalto Atlntico, Estado de So Paulo, Brasil. Acta Botnica
Braslica 22 (1): 51-62.
38. Hansbauer, MM, Storch, I, Leu, S, Nieto-Holguin, JP, Pimentel, RG, Knauer, F, Metzger, JP.
2008. Movements of neotropical understory passerines affected by anthropogenic forest edges
in the Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest. Biological Conservation 141: 782-791.
39. Hansbauer, MM, Storch, I, Pimentel, RG, Metzger, JP. 2008. Comparative range use by three
Atlantic Forest understory bird species in relation to forest fragmentation. Journal of Tropical
Ecology 24: 291-299.

Jean 10/11/14 12:40

Comment [1]: Foi incluido corrigir
numeracao apos no caso da documentacao.

40. Martensen, AC, Pimentel, RG, Metzger, JP. 2008. Relative effects of fragment size and
connectivity on bird community in the Atlantic Rain Forest: implications for conservation.
Biological Conservation 141: 2184-2192.
41. Metzger, JP. 2008. Landscape ecology: perspectives based on the 2007 IALE World
Congress. Landscape Ecology 23: 501-504.
42. Silva, WGS, Metzger, JP, Bernacci, LC, Catharino, ELM, Durigan, G, Simes, S. 2008.
Relief influence on tree species richness in secondary forest fragments of Atlantic Forest, SE,
Brazil. Acta Botanica Brasilica 22 (2): 589-598.
43. Uezu, A, Beyer, DD, Metzger, JP. 2008. Can agroforest woodlots work as stepping stones for
birds in the Atlantic Forest region? Biodiversity and Conservation 17 (8): 1907-1922.
44. Umetsu, F, Metzger, JP, Pardini, R. 2008. Importance of estimating matrix quality for
modeling species distribution in complex tropical landscapes: a test with Atlantic forest small
mammals. Ecography 31, 359-370.
45. Boscolo, D, Metzger, JP. 2009. Is bird incidence in the Atlantic forest influenced by multiple
scales? Landscape Ecology 24, 907-918.
46. Dixo, M, Metzger, JP, Zamudio, KR. 2009. Habitat fragmentation reduces genetic diversity
and connectivity among toad populations in the Brazilian Atlantic Coastal Forest. Biological
Conservation, 142: 1560-1569.
47. Dixo, M, Metzger, JP. 2009. Are corridors, fragment size and forest structure important for
the conservation of leaf-litter lizards in a fragmented landscape? Oryx 43: 435-442.
48. Freitas, SR, Teixeira, AMG, Metzger, JP. 2009. Estudo da relao entre estradas, relevo, uso
da terra e vgetao natural de Ibina-SP, com enfoque na ecologia da paisagem. Natureza e
Conservao - Revista Brasileira de Conservao da Natureza (The Brazilian Journal of
Nature Conservation) 7 (2): 44-56 (136-148).
49. Groeneveld, J, Alves, LF, Bernacci, LC, Catharino, LE, Knogge, C, Metzger, JP, Putz, S,
Huth, A. 2009. The impact of fragmentation and density regulation on forest succession in the
Atlantic region. Ecological Modeling 229: 2450-2459.
50. Hansbauer, MM, Storch, I, Knauer, F, Borntraeger, R, Hettich, U, Pilz, S, Kuchenhoff, H,
Pimentel, R, Metzger, JP. 2010. Landscape perception by forest understory birds in the
Atlantic Rainforest: black-and-white versus shades of grey. Landscape Ecology 25 (3): 407417.
51. Metzger, JP. 2009. Conservation issues in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Biological
Conservation 142: 1138-1140.
52. Metzger, JP, Martensen, AC, Dixo, M, Bernacci, LC, Ribeiro, MC, Teixeira, AMG, Pardini,
R. 2009. Time-lag in biological responses to landscape changes in a highly dynamic Atlantic
forest region. Biological Conservation 142: 1166-1177.
53. Ribeiro, MC, Metzger, JP, Martensen, AC, Ponzoni, F, Hirota, M. 2009. The Brazilian
Atlantic forest: how much is left and how is the remaining forest distributed? Implications for
conservation. Biological Conservation 142: 1141-1153.
54. Teixeira, AMG, Soares-Filho, BS, Freitas, SR, Metzger, JP. 2009. Modeling landscape
dynamics in an Atlantic Rainforest region: Implications for conservation. Forest Ecology and
Management 257: 1219-1230.
55. Banks-Leite, C, Ewers, R, Metzger, JP. 2010. Edge effects as the principal cause of area
effects on birds in fragmented secondary forest. Oikos 119: 918-926.
56. Dixo, M, Metzger, JP. 2010. The matrix-tolerance hypothesis: an empirical test with frogs in
the Atlantic Forest. Biodiversity and Conservation 19: 3059-3071.
57. Freitas, SR, Hawbaker, TJ, Metzger, JP. 2010. Effects of roads, topography, and land use on
forest cover dynamics in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Forest Ecology and Management 259:
58. Hansbauer, MM, Storch, I, Vegvari, Z, Borntraeger, R, Hettich, U, Pimentel, R, Metzger, JP.
2010. Microhabitat selection of three forest understory birds in the Brazilian Atlantic
Rainforest. Biotropica 42: 355-362
59. Joly, CA, Rodrigues, RR, Metzger, JP, Haddad, CFB, Verdade, LM, Oliveira, MC, Bolzoni,
VS. 2010. Biodiversity conservation research, training, and policy in So Paulo. Science 328:
60. Metzger, JP. 2010. O Cdigo Florestal tem base cientfica? Natureza e Conservao Revista Brasileira de Conservao da Natureza (The Brazilian Journal of Nature
Conservation) 8(1): 92-99.

61. Metzger, JP, Lewinsohn, TM, Joly, CA, Verdade, LM, Rodrigues, RR. 2010. Brazilian law:
full speed in reverse. Science 329 (5989): 276-277.
62. Meyer-Lucht, Y, Otten, C, Puettker, T, Pardini, R, Metzger, JP, Sommer, S. 2010. Variety
matters: adaptive genetic diversity and parasite load in two mouse opossums from the
Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Conservation Genetics 11: 2001-2013.
63. Tabarelli, M, Aguiar, AV, Ribeiro, MC, Metzger, JP, Peres, C. 2010. Prospects for
biodiversity conservation in the Atlantic Forest: lessons from aging human-modified
landscapes. Biological Conservation 143: 2328-2340.
64. Pardini, R, Bueno, A, Gardner, T, Prado, PI, Metzger, JP. 2010. Beyond the fragmentation
threshold hypothesis: regime shifts in biodiversity across fragmented landscapes. Plos One 5
(10): 1-10.
65. Michalski, F, Metzger, JP, Peres, CA. 2010. Rural property size drives patterns of upland and
riparian forest retention in a tropical deforestation frontier. Global Environmental Change 20:
66. Michalski, F, Norris, D, Metzger, JP. 2010. Do ocelots use riparian corridors to move accross
a fragmented landscape? Evidence from the Brazilian Amazon. Cat News, 53: 4-7.
67. Banks-Leite, C, Ewers, R, Kapos, V, Martensen, AC, Metzger, JP. 2011a. Comparing species
and measures of landscape structure as indicators of conservation importance. Journal of
Applied Ecology, 48: 706-714.
68. Boscolo, D, Metzger, JP. 2011. Isolation determines patterns of species presence in highly
fragmented landscapes. Ecography, 34, 1018-1029.
69. Felinks, B., Pardini, R.. Dixo, M., Follner, K., Metzger, J.P. & Henle, K. 2011. Effects of
species turnover on reserve site selection in a fragmented landscape. Biodiversity and
Conservation, 20: 1057-1072.
70. Michalski, F.M., Valdez, F.P., Norris, D., Zieminski, C., Kashivakura, C.K., Trinca, C.S.,
Smith, H.B., Vynne, C., Wasser, S.K., Metzger, J.P., Eizirik, E. 2011. Successful carnivore
identification with faecal DNA across a fragmented Amazonian landscape. Molecular
Ecology Resources, 11: 862-871.
71. Putz, S., Groeneveld, J., Alves, L.F., Metzger, J.P., Huth, A. 2011. Fragmentation drives
tropical forest fragments to early successional states: a modelling study for Brazilian Atlantic
forests. Ecological Modelling, 222: 1986-1997.
72. Feltran-Barbieri, R., Abramovay, R., Metzger, J.P. 2011. Some more biofuels lessons from
Brazil. Nature, 475, 455.
73. Uezu, A., Metzger, J.P. 2011. Vanishing bird species in the Atlantic Forest: relative
importance of landscape configuration, forest structure and species characteristics.
Biodiversity and Conservation, 20: 3627-3643.
74. Banks-Leite, C., Ewers, R., Pimentel, R.G., Metzger, J.P. 2012. Decisions on temporal
sampling protocol influences the detection of ecological patterns. Biotropica. 44: 378-385.
75. Awade, M., Boscolo, D., Metzger, J.P. 2012 Using binary and probabilistic habitat availability
indices derived from graph theory to model bird occurrence in fragmented forests. Landscape
Ecology 27: 185-198.
76. Lira, P.K., Tambosi, L.R., Ewers, R.M., Metzger, J.P. 2012a. Land-use and land-cover change
in Atlantic Forest landscapes. Forest Ecology and Management 278: 80-89.
77. Tabarelli, M., Aguiar, A.V., Ribeiro, M.C., Metzger, J.P. 2012. The conversion of the Atlantic
forest in anthropogenic landscapes: Lessons for the conservation of biological diversity of
tropical forests. Interciencia, 37, 88-92.
78. Prist, P.R., Michalski, F., Metzger, J.P. How deforestation pattern in the Amazon influences
vertebrate richness and community composition. Landscape Ecology 27, 799-812.
79. Jesus, F.M., Pivello, V.R., Meirelles, S.T., Franco, G.D., Metzger, J.P. 2012 Seed Rain in
Atlantic Rainforest Fragments: Relating Seed Traits and Landscape Structure. Journal of
Vegetation Science 23, 1126-1136.
80. Ferreira, J., Pardini, R., Metzger, J.P., Fonseca, C.R., Pompeu, P.S., Sparovek, G., Louzada, J.
2012. Towards environmentally sustainable agriculture in Brazil: challenges and opportunities
for applied ecological research. Journal of Applied Ecology 49, 535-541.

81. Martensen, A. C.; Ribeiro, M.C.; Banks-Leite, C.; Prado, P.I. & Metzger, J.P. 2012
Associations among forest cover, fragment area and connectivity with neotropical understory
bird species richness and abundance. Conservation Biology 26, 1100-1111.
82. Banks-Leite, C. Ewers, R.M., Metzger, J.P. 2012. Unravelling the drivers of community
dissimilarity and species extinction in fragmented landscapes. Ecology 93, 2560-2569.
83. Lira, P.K., Ewers, R.M., Banks-Leite, C., Pardini, R., Metzger, J.P. 2012b. Evaluating the
legacy of landscape history: extinction debt and species credit in bird and small mammal
assemblages in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Journal of Applied Ecology 1325-1333.
84. Freitas, S.R., Alexandrino, M. M., Pardini, R. Metzger., J.P. 2012. A model of road effect
using line integrals and a test of the performance of two new road indices using the
distribution of small mammals in an Atlantic Forest landscape. Ecological Modeling 247, 6470.
85. Banks-Leite, C., Ewers, R., & Metzger, J.P. 2013. The confounded effects of habitat
disturbance at the local, patch and landscape scale on understorey birds of the Atlantic Forest:
implications for the development of landscape-based indicators. Ecological Indicators 31, 8288.
86. Capurucho, J.M.G., Cornelius, C., Borges, S.H., Cohn-Haft, M., Aleixo, A., Metzger, J.P.,
Ribas, C.C. 2013. Combining phylogeography and landscape genetics of Xenopipo atronitens
(Aves; Pipridae), a white sand campina specialist, to understand Pleistocene landscape
evolution in Amazonia. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 110, 60-76.
87. Tambosi, L. R., Metzger, J.P. 2013. A framework for setting local restoration priorities based
on landscape context. Natureza & Conservao, 11, 152-157.
88. Leite, M.S., Tambosi, L.R., Romitelli, I., Metzger, J.P. 2013. Landscape ecology perspective
in restoration projects for biodiversity conservation: a review. Natureza & Conservao, 11,
89. Metzger, J.P., Brancalion, P. 2013. Challenges and opportunities in applying a landscape
ecology perspective in ecological restoration: a powerful approach to shape neolandscapes.
Natureza & Conservao, Natureza & Conservao, 11, 103-107.
90. Freitas, SR, Sousa, COM, Boscolo, D., Metzger, JP. 2014. How are native vegetation and
reserves affected by different road types in a southeastern Brazilian state? Oecologia
Australis, 17, 447-458. -
91. Tambosi, L.R., Martensen, A.C., Ribeiro, M.C., Metzger, J.P. 2013. A framework to optimize
biodiversity restoration efforts based on landscape cover and connectivity. Restoration
Ecology, 22, 169-177.
92. Vicente, J.R., Pereira, H.M., Randin, C.F., Gonalves, J., Lomba, A., Alves, P., Metzger, J.P.,
Ribeiro, M.C., Guisan, A., Honrado, J. Environment and dispersal paths override life
strategies and residence time in determining regional patterns of invasion by alien plants.
Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 16, 1-10.
93. Ferraz, S.F.B., Ferraz, K.M.P.M.B., Cassiano, C.C., Brancalion, P.H.S., Luz, D., Azevedo,
T.N., Tambosi, L., Metzger, J.P. How good are tropical forest patches for ecosystem services
provisioning? Landscape Ecology, 29: 187-200.
94. Villard, M-A. & Metzger, J.P. 2014. Beyond the fragmentation debate: a conceptual model to
predict when habitat configuration really matters. Journal of Applied Ecology, 51, 309-318.
doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.12190

95. Joly, C.A., New Phytologist

96. Banks-Leite, C., Pardini, R., Tambosi, L.R., Pearse, W.D., Bueno, A.A., Bruscagin, R.T.,
Condez, T.H., Dixo, M., Igari, A.T., Martensen, A.C., Metzger, J.P. 2014. Using ecological
thresholds to evaulate costs and benefits of set-asides in a biodiversity hotspot. Science 345,
97. Putz et al. Nature Communications.

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