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N a t i o n a l

M a g a z i n e




o f


_ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ .


in Changing
This World

Your Part

Gods Church has been conznzissioized to reuch this er&e world

with u MESSAGE. His work is NOW starting around the world.
It is vital that you zinderstand YOUR job fully! What does the
future hold for YOU?

by Roderick C . Meredith

of you know, Mr. and

Mrs. Armstrong, Dick Armstrong
and I just recently returned from
Europe. What we found there has
.iIirrcd us to realize the scope of what lies
ahead for Cods work and His chugch.
Brethren, C;od has opened your eyes
ro see that H e is //.ring Mr. Armstrong
-and this work-to proclaim His message to this dying world. God reveals that
loic must do p / t r part in this work.
You KNOW these things. God has
made the fraits very evident tliiit this is
His church-His
called-out people in
this last generation of the present age.
And now you feel that you beloiig to
this church- god'^ chn rcb.
But do you realize that Gods church
is a living, active, dynamic, growing
spiritual organism-that
it has 2 very
definite job to d+-and that anyone who
is not doing his part in acconiplishing
rhat work will soon be r i f t off. by God
Himself, from being a part of His true
Do you realize the full extent a n J
scope of the work Christ gnve to His
church in this age-end? Do you understand and are you busily and zcu/oi~.rl?,
D O I N G y u ~ b r part in this work?
Or are you just drifting. and perhaps just KIDDING YOURSELF that all is


well when, in reality, all is NOT well!

Your Mission in Life

IF you are an acrive iiirrriber of Gods
true church-the only type of Christian
who will be spared in the coming tribulation-you
have a sole9127~responsibil;q to do your utmost to aid in furthering the mission of Gods Church.
.lhis should be your whole PURPOSE in
life. It should be the thing that gives
your life meuniitg-and
ties in your
daily activities with the great PLAN God
is working out here below.
I beseech you as the apostle Paul said,
t o present your bodies a LIVING SACRIFICE, holy, acceptable unto God, which
is your reasonable service (Romans

As Jesus said, if you seek to save your

life, you will LOSE it. But if you lose
your life-if you GIVE your l i f r to God
as 3 living sacrifice-you
will SAVE it

(Mat. 16:25).
Very few of you fully comprehended
t h e full meaning of baptism when this
ordinance was performed. But perhaps
you do realize that when you were baptized-going down, symbolically, into a
watery grave-that
this was to signify
the DEATH of your old self (Romans
6 :3 )--and that you acknowledged that

Jesus gave His life in your stead-He

bought and paid for YOUR wretched,
sinful life with His perfect life.
Your life does not belong to ~ o z cany
belongs t o H i m For ye are
bought with a price: therefore glorify
God in your body, and in your spirit,
which ape Gods ( I Cor. 6 : Z O ) .
If you will faithfully GIVE YOUR LIFE
to God-becoming an active instrument
in whatever way H e chooses to use you,
then you will remain in Gods church
and will be greatly rewarded when
Christ returns. Bur if you try to take
your life-which now belongs t o Godand use it for your own human desires,
then you will quickly be put oiit from
Gods true church (even though you
might remain physica!ly a part of it for
some time), you will be o u t from under
Gods protection, and you will suffer
Gods zwath if you live until Christs
Your life is eicher given t o God-r
yuu are on mighty ddngevoas ground!
Your mission in Life, then, is to study,
pray, fast, and seek zealously in every
way to present your human body-and
all of your talents-as a living sacrifice
in carrying out Gods work here on

November-I)ecember, 19%

I%ge 2

And what

chlloiagiug ~ a i ~ s iti ois!~

T h e Job Ahead
Events in Europe are moving faster
most people realize. It is uiial that
Gods niessage goes out very soon to
France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal
and other European countries before it
roo late!
Many of these countries are just ripe
for tlic true gospel at this time. The
Frencli are disillusioned :ind disgusted
\vith the world mad, in many wnys, with
the Catholic chiirch. So are the Italians
--many of wlioni are Catholics in ~ i a v i e
only. Millions are turning to Comniunism as a desperate hope t o solve thcir
troubles. They are seeking for ~oiizethiiig
. . . they need Gods T R U T ~ ~ !
In West Germany, thousands of spirittinlly starved people recently turned
c i u t to hear a popular cvnngelist of this
\vorld who denies the h r , of God. But
these people were bmigry even for
C r u m b s of spiritiial food. An overflow
crowd jam-pscked every speaking place.
hlany Ckrnian minds and hearts are still
open to receive Gods truth. They have
not been poisoned again with the drug
of Nazi ideologies-not yet.
In Spain, I found in talking to many
of the coninion people that countless
thousands of them nre fed u p with
thc superstition, the fear, and the corruption so prevalent in the church-state
dictatorship which so rigidly controls
their lives. They would ziselcotne Gods
truth if He would open a door by which
\ve could reach them. And IF we do o m
part, He will!
Reinember that the first commission
IO :dl uf us ill Gods church is ro see tha[
the trite go.rpel is preached to all ndtiotzs
;is a witmxr (Mat. 24: 1 4 ) . After that,
nnd secondary to it, we are to feed the
and strengthen those in
Gods church (John 21: 15-17).
Think of the responsibility God has
placed on each of oiir xhoiilders-for
if we really belong to Christ and His
church; we must each do OILY pmt just
as certainly as Mr. Arrnstrong does his.
Think o f the iirillin~izs mid mi1Lioii.r of
people we have not yet even begun to

Not h h c h Time

Consider the ainnzing rapidity of Germanys post-war recovery :ind the fact
that we are now in the process of granting her full .rowreigntlr and her oxiz
:irniy. Notice thc n e w releases about
Hiders former Generals cominp bxck
into power

n n d the f.ict that N e o - N a z i

r.illies arc beginning to draw :i huge

following. Reinember the fact Europe is
called a powder kcg-a
place where
uprisin,gs and w x s start suddenly, incspectedly.
What doc,s it :ill mean?

Simply this-that
we must reach
many of these nations in Europe within
I very few years or it w
ill be too late!
Once this revival of the old churchstate Roman system takes place, it will
be i?izpossible-humanly
at least-to
reach many of the European nations
with Gods truth. God will see to it that
these nations are reached. But as in the
time of the apostle Paul, the exteirt to
which they are reached and number of
people conzerted as children of Codcoming under His protection during terrible events to come-all this is affccted
by the diligeizce and ZEAL with which
crjer-y one of ~ L Sdoes his pan co furdiet
Gods work.
Note Gods warning about a time
soon to come: The time is coming, says
the Lord Eternal, when I will send a
FAMINE on the land, no famine of
bread, no drought of water, but OF

(Amos S: 11, Moffatt).

That time will undoubtedly fall i n
Europe even before it does here in
America! We have to be BUSY doing
Gods work while it is still day-for the
uight is drawing near.
W e MUST reach these nations in Europe sooe. These people are just as r e d
-2nd they are just as hiad and JricmiII
on the whole-as the people we ;111 love
here in America. And as we realized
when we met and baptized some in
England last summer, once these people
are truly converted and filled with
Gods Holy Spirit, they are as wonderful
as any people on earth. In the resurrection, they will be part of O N ) fmz.i/y-

Gods family.
Gud help yuu tu have rcal c o n ~ p a J J i o u
for these people in Europe, and the
millions of others throughout the world
that we are to reach with G o d s message.
Each of LIS can have a part in chmging
their entire lives-and
bringing them
into Gods owiz fmnily!
Your Part

In giving yourself as a liiing sacrifice

to God, you have to carry out this giving of yourself to His scrvicc day by
d.iy. You will have to intelligently
study and p r q in order to have more of
the m i n d of God, and the w i s d o m of
God, in directing your life.
You MUST keep your eye on the big
~ o ofd the church as a whole--on getting the gospel to all nations as a witness. You will have your own personnl
problems and trials to overcome. Rut
even these will be made easier if your
chief concern is not J-clf -but the

~ of rGod.

In I Corinthians 12, Paul explains

that God gives t o each one of u s in
His church different gifts and abilities,
but it is God who is working through
each individual and that each part of the

job G o d is doing is iis important as any

other part.
God divides spiritual gifts to each
man as He wills (verse l l ) , but in I
Cor. 14: 1 we are told to desire spiritual
gifts. Remember that God gives spiritual
gifts according to our natural ability, so
each of us must strive to increase in
wisdom, knowledge, and all around ability in order to be qualified for the greater gifts.
Many of you brethren will find that
you should take further schooling and
a correspondence
course-which will not only prepare you
LO serve as a inore ellective light t o
others now and for a higher position in
Gods kingdom-but
will also result in
a greater earning capacity, enabling you
to live a fuller, more abundant life and
also to have much more to give to the
work of God.
You see, we are to become lihhc God
in every possible way. That means we
nzxrt grow in kiiowlecige, wi.:donz, ubili11, as well 11s in faith and love. Gods
way not only makes us better able to
help in His work, but it also enables us
to live a fuller, happier personal life.
Gods way is nlways best!
Iiut brethren, take l o u r ;bar( to henrt.
This work of God MUST expand izipiiilj
in the next very few years. To a great
extent, this growth depends on 1 oiir
spiritual grou8tb. your ferieizt prayers.
and your tithes and gerxrous offerii2g.r.
God knows thik, and if you are His
children you will know i t too-and act
Be sure you keep up with world news,
and study about other n:xions. Obtain
a good map, x i d farxiiliarize yuurself
with them. After all, God has choseit
you to have a part in CHANGING this
And as you learn about these nations,
PRAY earnestly that God will open up
the doors of truth so that we may reach
them with Christs gospel.
As many of you know, we need ministers to start churches in England light
now.But as in Jesus time, the harvesttruly is plenteous, but the laborcrs fcw
(Mat. 9: 37). Ask God earnestly to provide more ministers of His choosing to
carry out this work.
And lastly, be comtatit with Gods
tithe and your generous offerings. Ask
God to help you employ your abilities
so that you may give mnre to His work.
And pray continually that God will call
others who are able to see His truth,
and to bless His work at this time. This
!nay be material wealth, biit it is tn
carry out a spiritiral nzes.ra,qe-the last
hope of this dying world! It wi!l build
lip real, In~tiiz,~
treasiire in heaven.
Does this sound like asking too much?
700 MUCH?

(Pleizsr soiitiiziie


p g e 8j

M o d e m educatiopz is f a i h i g to t r a h young people adequately. T h e
primary ?*em011f o r this failure is that men have forgotten that this
l i f e is ri f?*aiiiiugperiod in which ule are t o 1earl.z to become like G o d .

by Herrizuu L. Hoeb
T IS T I M I ;

\vc 111111c.rstoo11 the facts

of kno\vledge whatever nim can dis-

cover for himseif.

I dont think we fully g r q the great
iiient:il and spiritual power of GodHis ability and intelligence. If we did
vvc \\.auld want to develop a great deal
faster than most of us are doing. W e
\vould become more zealous, more studitiL)[cAmm!
ous. W c would want to broaden our
What E D ~ I ( ; A ~ I OReally
outlook, to acquire interest in new fields.
W c would not let our minds stagnate.
1:ducation is iiot inrrclp g::iinecl i n
ilassroonis froin Ix)oks. <ic?///iize cdi~(-ii- To put it blniirly, when compared to
God, some of you will only be i i ~ o ~ o i a s
~ ~ I I includes
inuch morc--:i lifetime of
in the Kingdom of God-unless
acquiring knowleJge, of practical esbegin to apply yourselves. Is that wh:it
periencc ; i d of travel.
you w a n t to becomr? As ;L ~ o a
trf God
I-ropcr education ought t o be defined
ns the ART 01; SUCCESSFUL L I V I S G .
do you want to disgrace your heavenly
By this clefinition very few are really
becoming eclucatcd. Too few children
Conversion is serious business. It is
far more important than the learning of
;ire being taught how to live. The presthe educational institutions of this age.
ent educational system is based upon a
Now let us understand how faulty
mixture of truth and error. Lets undereducation commenced and what you
stand ~61,.
can do about it.
The source of ediic:ition is God! But
God is not accepted in the schools. The
H o w Faulty Education Began
world has forgotten what Solomon said:
are living in the climactic age
I he Eternal giveth wisdom: out of His
when six thousand years of the wrong
mouth cometh kno\vledge and underkind of education is finally bearing its
standing (Pro. 2:6).
fruit. The present educational system is
Every human being, as long as he is
separated f r o m God, c m ncvcr become
of conversion. It can readily be traced
fully educated, no matter how great his
to the events in the garden in Eden.
material knowledge may be. Complete
Notice how Satan commenced his
education involvcs S P I R I T U A L VALUES.
The truly educnted person becomcs
God instructed Adam in right and
physically, mentally :ind spiritnally mawrong. God, then, was the teachertured. Since the natural mind, cut off
the Supreme Teacher. He imparted
from God, cannot discern spiritual valKNOWLEDGE to the man-knowledge
ues, oizly those .w6o u w bcirig converted
which the man was to act upon. The
cri i t 6ec ow2 e f n/[I~l
c ( hmt cil,
man was to obey the instructions of
Conversion means a change of mind,
his Teacher. Adam knew right froin
:I change of behavior. It is not accornwrong. H e was NOT deceived. W h a t did
is YOUR lifeplished in a minute-it
Satan do?
time study and work. It is the educaDid he commence by rejecting the
tional process of pro\ving to complete
iin;iiiirity. Unless you are improving
previous instructions of God? No! Hc
yourself in yoiir own home or on the
first planted iloubt in the mind of the
wom;in. Then he pev!,i?rted what God
jcb. y o u are not becoming rouverted
j i . o i i i M A N iuto GOD.
said. He appealed to greed and vaniry.
Tci convert anything means to change
He implied that God wanted man
it. W e are to become converted into
chained to ignorance. Here are Satans
GoJ! Now we are physical. carnal. W e
words: God doth know-but H e 11::snt
;ire t o beconic spirit, Imrn into the God
told you-He has concenltcl it from you
f:iiiiily. That incans we are to begin
--thnr in the clay ye eat thereof, then
t o think. act. be1i:ive like God. W e learn
yoiir eyes shall be opened ( t o underhow G o c l thinks, acts and bc!iaves from
standing), and ye sh;ill be as gods,
rlie Bible. Thc I3ible is therefore O L I I ~ kriowing good and e i d (Genesis 3 : 5 1 .
kmic tcs-tliooh. W i t h the Scripture as a
Observe that the deiril promised xnnn
bxsis. God \\..inis us to : d t / t(i o u r fund
knowledge. God hnd given man the way

behind the presctit ectucational system th;it grips the world.

I-his world is sick! It is siltrering from
,I poison that is [lie WIICJIV of
society. This poison ;itt;icks the miidc
of our children. The poison is WROSG

knon-lecigc, but d i e ;:d\,ersar): otfcrred

iinot6t.r. w L q to acquire it. All man needed to do W:IS to throw off the authority
of Gods instruction. hfnn could solve his

own problems a p r t from the Creator.

said the devil.
This is the origin of todnys educational system! It began by questioning
Gods function a r i d prerog-itivcs. It b t gin by lnunching man on the road of
human sc;irch for understanding mitho u t God-the
wily that sic iizs right to
rnaterixl man, but which will end in
destruction (Pro. 16:25).
I i n l e a r n i n g Error

Conversion involves the process of

unlearning as well as of learning. L i e
have to study and prove all things-to
check into the ideas which we have
taken for granted. Lets take note of the
classic example of Moses.
Moses was trained jn Egyptian cducation for 40 years. Stephen said of him:
Moses was learned in all the wisdom of
the Egyptians, and was mighty in words
and in deeds (Acts 7 : 2 2 ) .
Egypt possessed the wisdom of this
world. So thorough had been his training that Moses had to undergo another
40 years tdnleanzing the errors which he
acquired in Egypt. It was only when he
had unlearned those errors that God
used him and lie became mighty in
words and in deeds. Moses didnt let
down in his studies-lie made use of
his previous training in Pharaohs court
schools by directing his training into the
right channels.
Through Moses God communicated
His plan of education which the world
rejecml at the beginning. God revealed
to Moses and to Israel His perfect laws.
together with an additional fund of
know!edge embodying the history of
inan from Creation. To preserve this
IRICELESS heritage, God gave them t
gvecit principles.
First: Parents are to train a n d i n struct their children. The neglect of illis
obligation by parents and their failure
to teac!i this duty of parenthood is the
primary C ~ L I S Cof all worlcl ilia. To insure education in the home God mnde
marriage UNBREAKABLII cxcept by
death. Notice the Bible exposition of
this principle: Y e r h d l teach . . . your
children. speaking of (Gods instruction)
when thou sittest down. and when thou


Page 4

The national magazine of


ministering to its mmbers
scattered abroad, and
reporting on campus happenings
at Ambassador College

Notice that God did not require the

Levites ( H i s ministers under the old
covenant) or the parents to train their
children in technical fields-that was reserved for specialists.
This is Gods plan for education. It is
a perfect balance between tlie home,
the church and trade schools. Nations do
NOT follow this procedure today.


Iierhert W . ArmstronC
Piihlisber and Editor
Herman L. Hoeh
Exeru/ir,e Editor
Roderick C. Meredith

Associate Editor

risest up (Ileut. 1I : 19). This same

comniruid is repeated by Paul in Ephesi.ins


Second: hfinisters and teachers whom

( h d has c.i!lcd are to instruct the parents, including children. in the ways
ml t h ( . 1:11\ s ot ( ; l k l 7 . l l ( . c - O i l l n l 2 n r ~ inelits are exceedingly broad said David (Psalm 119 : 9 6 ) . They constitute the
!woad foundation of all knowledge which
ininistcrs atid tcnchcrs in the church
iiiust coniniunicate t o the people. In
Lev. 10: 11 the ministers are coinmanded to teach the children of Israel all the
statutes which the Lord hath spoken unto
thcni by the hand of Moses. And again
in hfalachi 7:7, we read: For the
priests lips should K E E P KNOWLEIX;E;and they should SEEK THE LAW
AT HIS MOUTH: for he is tlie messenger
of the I.ord ot Hosts. T h e N e w Testanient ministry is to carry o n this same
Christians are to d o the works of
Abrahmi, who was both parent and
prophet. Of him we read: He will
commnnd his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the
\say of the Eternal. to do justice and
jadgnient (Genesis 18: 19).
76ji.d: Special skills are to be taught
t>y those trained in each particular field
of occupation. We rend in Exodus 35:
X. 3 5 Libout technical training: He
j Cod ) has also given him Oholiab the
son o f Ahisaiiiak, belonging to the clan
oi l h i , ability TO I R A I N OTHERS endowing tliew with skill in every skillful
craft in engraving, in decorating, in han,iling violet. pnrple, and scarlet yarn, in
\sorking witli fine linen. in weaving,
.ind in all sorts of trndes and arts (Moff n t t rendering).

Herbert W . Armstrong analyzes todays news, with the prophecies of

Mondays, Greenwich time.


Tuesday: 10:15-10:45 P.M. IndiaPakistan Ream and Ceylon Beam.
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November-Ilecemher, I954

Our Babylonish Educational System

Babylon means confusion. Our educational system is a confusion of truth and
error. It is the outgrowth of what commenced at Babel. It spread to all nations
nnd has been transmitted through all
I t is of value that we ncqin
int ourselws a i t h the facts behind the present
we will see
educntional system-then
cleaily wiry Gods paticin, wliicli ilie
Cliurch of God uses todny. is right.
I t did 1:ot t:ike the ancient Egyptians
long t o corrupt t!ie three basic principles of educ.ition. ,It the dawn of its
history, Egypr hLidthe professional teachn h o believed i n the idea
of making priests the O N L Y POSSESSORS
OF KNOWLEDGE and in keeping tlie
m m e s i n general ignorance. Only the
highest were insmcted so that the f e u
could rule t!ic iiinny through ignorancc
and poverty. 57,) woncler that Egypt is
die b a e s t of rixtions iEze. 29: 15-16).
In ancicnt Greece, the le.iders tried
t o have family life and kmiily ties totally
sbolis!ied. Aristotle, t?ie , p . i t phi!osopher, :illowed the family unit to remiin.
b u t he re,qarded it :i$ likely to affect children more for
than for good. App ; ~ r e i i t I in
~ ~ his d a y pareilts \yere not
properly traini1;p their children. I n place
o f the parents. the St;itc too!: o v e r re
sponsibility for cducnting childrensounds like our public school system,
doesnt it?
I n Athens, a ciry-srate o f mcienr
Greece. education emphasized the intellect. Here developed rhetoric, training in the skills of public speaking.
Notice how the training was applied:
For all the Athenians and strangers
which were there spent their time in
nothing else, hiit pither to tell, or to
hear some new thing (Acts 17:2 1 ) .
This pointless Greek philosophy has
filled many of our American higher institutions of learning.
Roman education was originally practical. civic and moral. Youths were
taught Roman law-not
Gods lawby hearing their fathers decide cases of
clients in the halls. This was gradually
supplanted by tlie Greek system. After
the fall of the Roman Empire, the Catholic Church col!ected the paran teaching and doctrines of ancient Rome. T h e
priestcraft dominated education and
kept the people in superstitious ignorance for a thousand years!
In the Middle Apes state universities
were founded-under the control of the
Church. Later grammar schools were
founded in connection with c h x h l s .
and trade schools in connection with
medieval unions. Materialism was slowIv emerging. Little schooling occurred
until after tlie unstable 18th century,
(Plenre contiizue 012 pngc 7 )

Are Animal Products good food?

Should adults drink milk? Are animal products-especially
mucous-forming, and theref ore harmful?


by Herman L. Hoeh

a major role in maintaining good health. But in determining a proper diet, it

Seems t1i.u people swing from one extreme to mother.
It is high timc to wake up to tlie eliurs of health food fanatics who think
rhemselves wiser than God.
We have all come to realize that
many commonly eaten foods are harmf u l to the body. However, lets not become unbalanced by rejecting foods
which God credtcd to provide n s with

Ilealth Ianatics, Too!

I!I chis health-conscious age, you hcar
cxperts voicing their opinion on diet
.ind nutrition. Yet few people realize
I i x thcsc self-styled informed indiv i d i d s are often quite aninformedwen cuinpletely ignorant of the twth
Libout foods and sound nutrition.
Whenever people become conscious
of a new trnth, there will always be
[!lose \i.ho seek to profit by it-by corrupting aiid perverting the truth to earn
I living For themselves. This situation
occurred in apostolic days when the nczu
truth o f the gospel was corrupted. Today, fdke nutritionists and health lecturc r s cluttei tlic l a i d with their books,
pamphlets and class lectures. Its time
to zitahe z ~ pto tlie errors floating about
and begin to prove AIL things.
I n the maze of health literature,
scarcely a food coinnionly included in
rlie human diet has escaped condemnacion. Besides the refined foods-most
of which can be prozled harmful-basic
ones such as salt, meat and milk have
been accused of causing ill health. And
ninny people havc been led to feel
conscience-stricken if they dared to eat
As an example. some contend that
cows milk is nowhere mentioned as a
food i n the Bible-therefore not meant
for adults to drink. Others even go so 3 s to say that nothing made from
COWS milk should be used.
Lets find the TRUTH!

Pnuls Warning for T O D A Y !

Tiic apostle Pm1 wrote ;L pertinerlt
naming for us today. Open your Bibles
10 I Timothy 4:l-5. But the Spirit
sit11 expressly, that in later seasons--that includes today--some shall fall
from the fnith, giving heed to deceiv-

ing spirits and teachings of demons,

throzdgh hypocrisy of lying speakers,
their own conscience branded . . . commanding to abstain from nleats-the
original inspired Greek word means
foods in general-which God created
to be received with thanksgiving by
them that believe and know the truth
. . . nothing is to be rejected, if . . .
it is sanctified through Gods word.
(Panin trans.)
Notice, some fall from the faith by
erring on matters o f food and diet, by
rejecting the Word of God! It is a dangerous matter to be wrong.
I personally have attended a sufficient number of public lectures on
health to KNOW that some speakers are
deliberstely misrepresenting facts. They
crave a following. They have literature
to sell. One lecturer in Pasadena admitted he was a direct instrumentality of
the evil one. He based his lecture
on hidden knowledge he claimed he acquired by partaking of the tree of
hno21dedge of good and evil. This is
exactly what has been occurring these
past six thousand years-mcn
tliirik that
only through experiezcing various diets
can they know which foods are harmful.
H u t this is NOT the right way to learn.
For after all this time no two health
lecturers fully agree on proper food
Why cant we see that GODS WORD
a2om gives us the true principles of
diet and nutrition?
Now for a specific case. Should adults
ariBk milk?
Cows Milk in Scripture

First, you should understand that the

word kine is an old English expression for cows. Isaiah 7:22 and 23 prove
that milk from cows (kine), as well as
milk from goats and sheep, was used.
Open your Bibles to these verses: And
it shall come to pass in that day, that a
man shall nourish a young cow and two
.rheep; and it shall come to pass for
the abundance of milk that they shall
give, he shall eat butter . . . everyone
that is left in the land.
Notice that Lcrause of the abundance
of milk that the stock give-especially
because cows provide such quantities of
all the milk can be drunk
fresh; some will be skimmed for butter
or cheese. Here, certainly, is wo condemnatioa of milk for addts.

From Genesis 18:s we learn that

Abraham served milk to his visitors.
One of these visitors was the God of
Israel-the One who became Jesus! This
is the example of Jesus! Are we going
to follow it?
When the Eternal called Canaan a
land flowing with milk and honey, H e
was referring to ail kinds of fresh milk.
Because of the abundance of cows milk,
what was not drunk, was left to sour or
Numerous incidents in the Bible
prove that fresh milk was coinmonly
used by adults. Every Old Testament
passage translated milk cones from
chdlab, the inspired Hebrew word for
fresh milk. Notice what the Imperial
Bible Dictionary states under the article
Milk: The proper e q i i i v a l ~ n ctn this
in Hebrew i s chilab, and it denotes milk
with reference to its richness or fatness,
consequently sweet and fresh. Milk, in a
sour, or in a coagulated state, went b y
the name, chemah, and in our version is
translated -often improperly - butter. From the earliest times milk has
always formed an important article of
diet among the people of the East . . .
When the word milk is used alone
it usually refers to cows milk. When
fresh milk of sheep and goats is specifically intended it is called goat milk
or sheep milk (Deut. 32: 14; Pro. 27:
2 7 ) . The word butter in the King
James version is more properly rendered
curdled or sour milk or cheese, as in
Deut. 32:14. In Proverbs 30:33, however, it means butter curds, not cream or
cheese, ;is butter is formed when milk is

In I1 Samuel 17:29, cheese is translated from the Hebrew word shaphah.
It comes from a root word meaning to
that a hard cheese is
Temperance in All Things
In these passages we have ample
proof that both butter and cliecse, as
well as milk, are recognized as wholesome foods-as
part of the blessings
from God. Pauls statement that a babe
uses milk (Heb. 5:13-14) does not
mean that milk must not be used by
adults. Adults add stronger foods to their
diet, but still need milk.
Intemperate indulgence of good
foods, however, often makes us allergic
{Please contiwe on page 6)

by Isabel1 Hoeh
articles in the Good
News have discussed proper
methods for cooking meat and
vegetables without any specific recipes
being included. At the request of many
of you, we havc dccided to publish in
this issue a few tested recipes which we
believe will add variety and value to
your daily meals.
The following main-dish recipe has a
barbecue flavor that you will enjoy.

Iseef in Spicy Sauce

For the meat portion, select lean veal
o r less tender cuts of beef such as heel of
rotind or cuts from the chuck or brisket.
Trim off excess fat before dicing it.
Cut ll/L pounds of lean ineat into
cubes approximately ly2 inches square.
Mix together 2 tablespoons of flour, 1/2
teaspoon dry mustard, >A teaspoon black
pepper and one teaspoon of finely
crushed or ground dried basil. Roll the
meat cubes in this mixture, coating each
piece well.
Slice 1 large onion and 1 green pepper.
He3t 2 tablespoons of oil in a skillet,
add a finely chopped clove of garlic and
the meat cubes and brown quickly on
one side. (To brown the cubes on all
sides toughens the meat and destroys
food values unnecessarily. All you need
is enough browning to add flavor.)
While the meat is browning, heat in a
separate pan one 8-ounce can o f [uiiiato sauce :tnd one 3-ounce can of broiled
chopped ~nushroonis \v i th their liquid.
When the meat has browned, spread
the sliced onion and green pepper over
it and pour the hot sauce over :ill. Cover
and simmer 45 minutes or until the
mmr i s render. Serves 4 people gener0 11s 1y .
The dry mustard is a powdered form

of mustard that rnay be purchased in

any grocery store. The toinato sauce is
sold in small cans containing S ounces
(1 cup). Buy brands that do not contain added sugars such as dextrose, if
possible. The ingredients will be listed
on the label.
Basil (or sweet basil) is an herb that
may be purchased either in the ground
or whole form. If the whole kind is
used, rub it through a wire strainer to
break it into finer particles.
If you do not happen to have meat to
provide protein for your meal, then
have a dish that incltides milk, eggs or
cheese. Any of these contains protein
eqiial in quality to that found in meat

Carrots a n d Beans Au Gr&z

Cook 3 cups green beans and 3 cups
sliccd carrots in a small amount of water
until tender. Add about 1 teaspoon of
salt and pour them into a glass or pottery baking dish. Cover them while preparing the following.
Cut one sinall onion fine and mix it
u i t h 31 cup soft whole wheat bread
crumbs. Melt 2 or 3 tablespoons of butter in a skillet or pan over a low fire,
add the crumb mixture and let simmer
a few minutes. Remove from heat.
P u t 2 cups of milk in a pan over a
low fire to heat. Mix 3 tablespoons of
flour with /2 cup of milk to a smooth
consistency. W h e n the milk begins to
bubble, pour in thc flour-milk mixture
all at once and stir vigorously until it
thickens. Remove from the fire and add
1 cup grated mild American cheese.
Pour this sauce over the beans and
carrots, sprinkle the onion-bread crumbs
over the top and place in a moderately
hot oven a few minutes to heat through.
Serves 6 people.
Soft bread crumbs are made from

Are Animal Products

good food?
to them in later life. Then we wonder


why we cannot properly digest them.

A great deal of literature is being
publis!ied to the fcffcct t h a t milk and
other animal products are not good for
the body-thnt
they are mucous-formin<q Whnt scvcrnl of the writers fail to
w l r n r they ;uc in total isnorance of-is that mi!k or inilk products

The solution is not to condemn milk,

but to correct the real cause of the disorder If milk or other animal products
are not tolerated by your body, then
you need to examine your diet, correct
it, and after a period of time slonly resume thc fnll range of wholesome foods
Your body needs milk f o r cal~iciii~to
maintain healthv bones and teeth


iiiiicniis 0 N I . Y W ~ I F NSOME-




bread more than one day old but not

yet dry.
For additional flavor and d u e , b e t
2 eggs until light and add them to thc
white sauce just after it is removed from
the tiex bur before xiding the checsc..
If desired, canned vegetables may be
used. Drain the juice from them into a
pan and simmer until it is reduced to
ur 1 cup uf liquid. Subsriiute i t for
an equal quantity of the milk in the
white sauce.
A good salad adds zest to any nieai.
and may even be a meal in itself, depending on the ingredients used.
Apple-Cottage Cheese Salad
Combine: 1 cup cottage cheese
1 cup coarsely diced
unpeeled eating apple
( 1 medium apple)
$5 cup finely diced onion
$5 cup thinly sliced celery
Place in it covered container in refrigerator to chill. To serve, place individual portions in cupped lettuce leaves.
hfix I , i cup French dressing with 2
tablespoons of chopped sweet pickle to
pour over the salads at serving time.
Basic French Dressing: Mix $4 teaspoon salt, $6 teaspoon black pepper
and 1 tablespoon of mild vinegar. Ther?
gradually whip in 4 tablespoons ( M
cup) salad oil. A little sugar is sometimes used also.
If you have sour cream, a dressing
made by thinning Y3 cup of sour cream
with pickle juice to make the proper
consistency is better than the French
dressing. Use the chopped pickles the
same as in the French dressing. This
amount of salad will serve 3 or 6 people.

Of course, some individuals cannot

tolerate cows inilk as well as goat milk.
Such people have inherited weak cligestive systems and need to be especially careful. Also true is the fact th3t
today man tampers with milk by pasteurization and homogenization. R u t
that does not mean that milk-before
man tampers with it-is not g o d food.
Even cheese is sometinits nrtificiLilly
colored with coal-tar dyes-which
cause cancer.
Let us remember, then, to proi c .ti!
tbing.r nnd beware of h m l t h fond f.1natics. Use the Bible as a guide to 1117derstand what foods are healthful.

News from Around the World

by Gavizer Ted Armstrotig
( Editors note: You need to be kept
posted on the latest trend i n world aff;tirs. The items appearing in this column are taken from the Portfolio, the
Ainbassndor College ciunpiis newspaper,
which keeps the students aware of the
c h o t i c world in which we life.)
rile pe;ice ;it almost any price a t t i r ~ i ~ (.if
l < tlic
United States i s continuing
r o shove wlr;itever remaining prestige
t i c m;:y h;ive once had right down the
skids to utter oblivion. Almost ;I time
honorcd ritii;d o f n:isty ~ i o t eexcii:mges
: i d buying friends in Asi.1 has turned
bocli pol Iticti1 ; l i d economic thumbs
down on America. Thc Communists,
proceeding with seemingly robust uiiconcern over the US. muscle-flexing
iiczir Formosn. ;ire Inunching new tr:ide
: i n i l ctimmerce progr;ims aimed at a
fcu of the nioi-e apprehensive nations
i n die f n r enst.
1o;in kostcr l>ulles is worried about
r I w liiissizin intcrprctation o f thc peaccf i l l co-existcnce slogan lienrd flo;iting
:iboiit in rhe trashy mill-run of Communist prop;igandn. The way the Russians
intcrpret peace is absolute conform. i n i t t o Kussi;iii world dominnircc.
Sonic intern.irion;il relntions x i i t h o r i ties have the peaceful co-existence
ide:i pegged for what its worth before
the world leaders even talk the thing
! For instance, Dr. Gehart Nicnieyer o f Y:rle University regnrds peaceful
co-existence with Communists about
like the other empty-worded phrases
that Moscow has been publishing since
1945. Dr. Niemeyer looks into the future in an article appearing in the US.
\ r ~ ~ ~ . and
W o r l d Report of December
10, frankly telling Ainericnns of the
idiocy in believing we can ever really
change the Cominunists way of thinkinp.
Pope Pills XI1 is reporteJ to be rep i n i n g strength after a severe attack of
. origin, even more serious than a
previous illness last spring. rVord conies
f r o m the College of Cardinals t h a t the
piissibility of the new Pope being chosen (when that becomes necessary) from
the ranks other than Italian is not too
remote. lhe next Pope coi.tli/ be the m a n
\I ho will unite Europe!
The flushed faces of Ainericnns busily spending millions of dollars on useless presents to trade with one another
;ire partidly the result of the promise
of more money and less work next year.
A n y t i m e someone i n Washington tells
the public its taxes going downnnges going up, people m r t spending

Page 7



money like they really had it to spend.

Meanwhile, the promise of economic
prosperity for the coming year here at
home has the excited Westerners conipletely oblivious to the ominous rumblings coming from Germany. West
Germany is riding high on the crest of a
new wave of economic and industrial
prosperity, all the while convincing thc
US and Great Britain of the zevy euzdcwt feelings against that new German
army. Feelings or no feelings, its a
fairly safe prediction that army will begin really taking shape next summer!
Regardless of seemingly reluctant attitudes from Germans themselveswatch f o r it-its
Startling news of increasingly faster
methods of delivering atomic and hyJ m g r n warheads on enemy targets cant
even turn the heads of a stubborn,
shock-proof society of sin-but some
of the top-level scientists are .rriived!


Even the terrifying Gerivlan V-2 missile that came screaming out of the
skies on England during World W a r I1
iooks like the inventors first attempt
when compared with the new developments being unveiled by science. There
:ire missiles now capable of carrying
atomic or hydrogen warheads across the
Atlantic in as little as 30 or 40 minutes!
The IDM (for intercontinental ballistic
missile) would be projected hundrcds
of miles into the stratosphere, where it
would travel a t a speed of from 4,000
to 5,000 miles an hour, to come crashing down on an unsuspecting city like a
miniature hell-fire! A g a i w t szcch s u p r dertrzrctiite toenpons there can be no defense!
The resignation of Japans Prime
Minister Yoshida touched off the initial
spark that will smoulder for a number
of years, finally igniting into a blaze of
full-fledged Communism. W e know
from prophecy Asia will finally be entirely devoured by the Communists, and
its not strange LO learn tlic successor to
Yoshida, who is Ichiro Hatoyama, has
Socialistic leanings, and favors trade
with Russia and Communist China.
Such phrases as resurgent nationalism
a n be seen in leading news magazines
with reference to Japan.
The United States and Grmt Rrirain are failing to learn the lessons written in the blood of millions through the
centuries. Its no longer a question of
maybe thcrcll bc another war but
when! In the face of undeniable facts,
Americans and all stiff -necked Israel

continue in their undistuiled C W l l l p l d cency, crying Peace! Peace! (when

there is no peace) and kidding themselves it will all work out somehow!
1he message being thundered to Israel
hasnt changed-irs WAKE UP! Or be

(Contimed from pnge 4
but the assertion of the nntural rights of
nian led tu tlic belief that children
should be properly trained to meet the
Rejected the Bible
Educators did not look to Gods revelation for instruction on founding an
educational system. They used their brt?/innreuso?z and :idopted NATIONAL S Y S TEMS OF PUBLIC EDUCATION. Because
they rejected the superstitions of the
Church of the Middle Ages, educators
rejected religion in general. They assumed that the pagan practices foisted
upon the world during the preceding
centuries came froin r l Bible!
demonstrates how little they studied to
prove what they believed. If educators
did not know how to arrive a t the truth,
how could their pupils be expected to?
The situation is no better today. Instructors are slaves to their textbmksslaves to authorities who disagree
among themselves.
Your neighbors probably see little
that is wrong with modern universal
education. They are not awarc of thc
trend in modern education-a
into inaterialism and specialization zuitbont trniniitg the churacter and mind of
man to control and utilize his discoveries.
Children are just not being taught
that spiritual and technical knowledge
go hand in hand. The rules of right living are not understood because the entire society has departed from Gods
ways. While humanity has suddenly
progressed UP the road of industrial
achievement, we are at the same time
traveling dowa the highway of greed
and vanity. Insmiction in self-control
and character development is lacking in
the home, the school and the church.
Instead of our material comforts creating more joy, there is no nation on the
face of the earth which is so mentally
sick with criminal motives as the United States! We havrnt h w n trained to
use the material inventions we possess.

The Opportunity We Face

Do we realize that we have a privi-

lege which none outside of the Church

of God possess-or
know about? Perhaps you have never had opportunity
for the funcl;iiiirnt;il ur t c c l i r i i d training which you have needed through life.
(Plense continue on rzext puge)


Page 8
R i i t that is the least important. The mnst
important part of education is character development-becoming like Godpatterning your life after His. That part
of education you can obtain in your
own home through prayer and diligent
God is training you during this life
to enter the profession of being God.
The functions of God are multitudinous,
beyond our comprehension.
God is perfect. He always makes the
right decision, He is always fair, always
kind. Jesus commanded us to become
perfect as our heavenly Father. This life
is thc moment in which to lcarn to usc
the time, the opportunities, the material
wealth we possess. We need to apply
ourselves on our jobs or in our homes.
W e need to study every part of the
Bible till we become familiar with it.
This is no small task. If we handle this
responsibility well-if
we make use of
our opportunities just as Christ would
do if He were here, thcn it will be said
of us: He that is faithful in that which
is least is f&hfd Ldso in nzmh (Lukc

Your Part in

Changing World
( C o i i t rn ~ e df r o m page 2 )

Is YOUR body presented as a living

sacrifice to God? Or are you stealing the
life that Jesus bought and p d for, and
putting it to your own use?
There is no point whatever in kidding ourselves. Eternal life in Gods
kingdom is a mighty wonderful gift.
Are you zealously preparing and qualifying yourself by y m r part in Gods
work ?zow?


Printed in the U.S.A.
Box 1 1 1-Pasadena, California

November-December, 1954



Is Mary the Queen of Heaven ?
bzary is dead. She is awaiting the
resurrection at the return of Jesus Christ.
Nowhere in Scripture d o we find that
Mary was assumed into heaven as its
Then what is the origin of the false
doctrine that Mary is Queen of
In Jeremiah 7:18 God forbids the
worship of the pagan Queen of Heaven. God, the Father, is supreme King.
He has no mortal woman as His Queen!
The spreading doctrine that Mary is the
divine Queen of Heaven stems directly from rank paganism. Here is its
The worship of the goddess-mother
with the child iiz her arms continued
to be observed in Egypt till Christianity
entered . . . Instead of the Babylonian
goddess being cast ozit . . . her name
o d i zcwr cha? iudr called the
Virgin Mary, and, wirh her child, was
worshipped with the same idolatrous

We regret that this issue of The Good
NewS has been delayed. It was necessitated by the financial strain imposed

by the publication of the Correspondence

Course. Your prayers are needed to keep
this work of God constantly expanding.

feeling by pwfeJsing Christians . . . as

formerly by pagans (Hislop, p. 8 2 ) .
Christ, pictured constantly in His
mothers a r m is shown to be less powerful than His mother! Here, then, we
see how, once again, a preseizt form of
worship has originated from the same
old source-Babylon! What is the attitude of many churches today regarding
One Church holds that IT IS NOT SO

of all grammmnr she renders the Divine

denunciation against the serpent thus:
She shall bruise thy head, and thou
shalt bruis: her heel.
It is well known that Semiramis was
worshipped by the Babylonians and other eastern nations as Rhea, the great
goddes Mother. It was from her son,
however, that she really derived all her
glory and claims to deificarion. That son.
though represented as a child in his
mothers arms, was a person of grear
stature and immense bodily powers, as
well as most fascinating manners. In
Scripture he is referred to (Ezek. 8:14)
under the name of Tammuz , . . Non
while the mother derived her glory. . .
from the divine character attributed to
the child in her arms, the mother in the
long run practically eclipsed the son
( H i ~ l o ppp.
, 2 1, 74-76, 80).

(Sec. 34.65 ( e ) , P.L.&R.)


Permit No. 703
Pasadena, California


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