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Masthead: The masthead is placed to

the side of the contents page and follows

the front cover as well as keeping a
Halloween theme. The issue no and
date are placed before the word
contents so that the audience know
which they are reading. Underneath a
well-known rock band is mentioned
therefore presenting the genre of the
magazine through the music that is
featured within.
Title: the title follows the code and
conventions of a magazine with its use
of generic wording as well as it being
placed at the top allowing all its featured
articles to be shown below.
House style: Because this magazine is
a special edition the house style has
changed slightly. The magazine know
they are able to do this therefore mix it
up as much as they can so that a new
style is created however keeping their
old style in other ways. They have
accomplished this by keeping the layout
generally the same with only a few
extras. They have also kept the regular
colours that fit the magazine these
being a simple black and white which we
may symbolise with rock as the colour
black has a semantic field of dark and
dangerous things.
Colours: as said before black and white
are the main featured colours on the
contents page. When we think of a
typical stereotype rock star we imagine
them dressed in black or other dark
colours, this meaning that the genre is
shown slightly through the colours used.
Linking to the front cover the colour
orange as been used in various places
this is so the Halloween side of the
magazine follows throughout making it
more special.
Main image: the main image is placed
right at the top of the magazine and is
the largest image on the contents page.
This is first image we are able to see
along with its heading that happens to
be a pun. The celebrity (Frank) is shown
from the neck up making the image a
medium close up. As we can see his
face is covered in blood. This fits the
theme of Halloween as well as
presenting the genre with the celebrity
the magazine have used.
Columns: this magazine features 3
columns, 2 of them being page headings
and the last on the right the editors note.
This follows the rule of thirds as they are
all placed evenly allowing the reader to
navigate their well around easily. The
columns make the contents page look
more presentable and organised
therefore coming across as more
Page numbers: The page numbers are
placed next to each story line. This is so
the reader is able to navigate
themselves to their preferred story they
want to read or find. They are in the
colour red. This shows up well when on
the white background. It also goes nice
with the colour black and also fits the
Halloween special as red may symbolise
blood which is shown in the main image.
Fonts: The fonts used are simple and easy to read. The main story lines are a dark bold. This makes the eye catching as
well as showing that they are more important than the writing that isnt bold such as the parts underneath the story lines.

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