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Dear Mr. XXXXXX,

With reference to your application and subsequent intervie ith us, e are pleased to appoint you as a
Trainee in !lectrical " !lectronics section of our or#ani$ation on the folloin# ter%s and conditions.
Durin# the probation period your services can be ter%inated ith seven days notice on either side and
ithout any reasons hatsoever. &f your services are found satisfactory durin# the probation period, you
ill be confir%ed in the present position and thereafter your services can be ter%inated on one %onth's
notice on either side.
(bsence for a continuous period of ten days ithout prior approval of your superior, )includin# overstay
on leave * trainin#+ ould result in your losin# your lien on the service and the sa%e shall auto%atically
co%e to an end ithout any notice or inti%ation.
Leave: ,ou ill be eli#ible to the benefits of the -o%pany's .eave /ules on your confir%ation in the
-o%pany's 0ervice.
Durin# the period of your e%ploy%ent ith the -o%pany, you ill devote full ti%e to the or1 of the
-o%pany. 2urther, you ill not ta1e up any other e%ploy%ent or assi#n%ent or any office, honorary or
for any consideration, in cash or in 1ind or otherise, ithout the prior ritten per%ission of the
1. ,ou ill not )e3cept in the nor%al course of the -o%pany4s business+ publish any article or state%ent,
deliver any lecture or broadcast or %a1e any co%%unication to the press, includin# %a#a$ine publication
relatin# to the -o%pany4s products or to any %atter ith hich the -o%pany %ay be concerned, unless
you have previously applied to and obtained the ritten per%ission fro% the -o%pany.
2. ,ou ill be required to %aintain ut%ost secrecy in respect of 5ro6ect docu%ents, co%%ercial offer,
desi#n docu%ents, 5ro6ect cost " !sti%ation, 7echnolo#y, 0oftare pac1a#es license, -o%pany's
polices, -o%pany's patterns " 7rade Mar1 and -o%pany's 8u%an assets profile.
9. ,ou ill be required to co%ply ith all such rules and re#ulations as the -o%pany %ay fra%e fro%
ti%e to ti%e.
:. (ny of our technical or other i%portant infor%ation hich %i#ht co%e into your possession durin# the
continuance of your service ith us shall not be disclosed, divul#ed or %ade public by you even
;. &f at any ti%e in our opinion, hich is final in this %atter you are found non- perfor%er or #uilty of
fraud, dishonest, disobedience, disorderly behavior, ne#li#ence, indiscipline, absence fro% duty ithout
per%ission or any other conduct considered by us deterrent to our interest or of violation of one or %ore
ter%s of this letter, your services %ay be ter%inated ithout notice and on account of reason of any of the
acts or o%ission the co%pany shall be entitled to recover the da%a#es fro% you.
<. 7his appoint%ent letter is bein# issued to you on the basis of the infor%ation and particulars furnished
by you in your application )includin# bio-data+, at the ti%e of your intervie and subsequent discussions.
&f it transpires that you have %ade a false state%ent )or have not disclosed a %aterial fact+ resultin# in
your bein# offered this appoint%ent, the Mana#e%ent %ay ta1e such action as it dee%s fit in its sole
discretion, includin# ter%ination of your e%ploy%ent.
&n 6oinin# our tea%, you share our co%%it%ent to providin# the best service to our clients. 2or this to be
achieved, your ideas, su##estions and initiative are encoura#ed as e strive to i%prove the ay e or1
and ho e present ourselves to the co%%unity at lar#e.
&f you are happy ith the ter%s of this letter, please confir% your for%al acceptance of appoint%ent by
si#nin# and returnin# the attached copy to %e prior to your co%%ence%ent. 5lease retain the ori#inal for
your records.

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