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Convert your Arduino into a sofisticated web control pl atform using

Teleduino is both a product and a service. Once the Teleduino sketch has been
loaded on your Arduino (the 'product'), it then connects to the Teleduino server
awaiting your instruction from anywhere in the world via the internet (the
Typically there are no firewall changes required, and if your network supports
DHCP then no network configuration is needed on the device. Easy!
The Teleduino platform allows you to perform the following with your Arduino, all
via the internet:
Reset, ping, get version, get uptime, get free memory.
Define pin modes, set digital outputs, set analog outputs, read digital inputs,
read analog inputs, or read all inputs with a single API call.
Define up to 2 'banks' (4 for the Mega) of shift registers. Each 'bank' can
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nathanknz (/member
Developer of the telecontrol and
telemonitoring system Teleduino, using the
Arduino platform.
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Arduino Control via a Web Service with Teleduino by nathanknz (/member/nathanknz/)
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Arduino Control via a Web Service with Teleduino
1 of 18 9/20/2014 5:38 PM
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contain up to 32 cascaded shift registers, giving a total of 512 digital outputs
(1024 for the Mega).
Shift register outputs can be set, or merged, and expire times can be set on
merges (you could set an output(s) high for X number of milliseconds).
Define, and read and write from serial port (4 for the Mega).
Read and write from EEPROM.
Define and position up to 6 servos (48 for the Mega).
Set preset values for the above functions, which get set during boot. Preset
values are stored in the first 178 bytes of the EEPROM (413 for the Mega).
J ust imagine what you can do. The possibilities are endless. What makes it even
better? The process is quick and easy.
This tutorial will guide you through creating a Status LED for your device, then
obtaining and uploading the Teleduino library/sketch to your ethernet enabled
Arduino Uno (or equivalent).
To complete this tutorial you need:
Arduino Uno / Mega (or equivalent)
Ethernet Sheild (Wiznet based)
1K Resistor (or similar)
This is our first tutorial and will be adding neat project tutorials for achieving
specific tasks.
If you get stuck on any of the steps, or if you feel that there is a step that could
be explained better, please leave a comment so that we can improve things.

Step 1: Obtain Unique API Key
In order to uniquely identify your device on the Teleduino server, you need to
obtain a unique API key.
This API key needs to be loaded into the Arduino sketch (explained in Step 4).
Your key will be sent to you by email within a few minutes of being requested.
To request a key, hop over to
( (please bear with us while the
nice looking site is being built!)
See More (/tag/type-id/?q=)
Control Servos over the
Internet via Arduino with
Teleduino (/id/Control-
Read Light Level over the
Internet via Arduino with
Teleduino (/id/Read-Light-
Control a Relay over the
Internet via Arduino with
Teleduino (/id/Control-
Control an LED over the
Internet via Arduino with
Teleduino (/id/Control-
APDuinOS (Fl ashing) --
arduino IoT (internet of
things) -- aquaponic
applicati on (/id/APDui nOS-
Fl ashing-arduino-
Arduino Control via a Web Service with Teleduino
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Step 2: Add Status LED to Arduino
While your Teleduino device is booting, it flashes codes out the Status LED. This
is so that you can keep an eye on what's happening, and it also makes
troubleshooting easier if you're having trouble getting connected.
The different status codes are:
1 flash - Initialising
2 flashes - Starting network
3 flashes - Connecting to server
4 flashes - Authenticated
5 flashes - Session already exists for supplied key (sometimes happens after a
quick restart - will work on next auto-restart)
6 flashes - Invalid or unauthorised key
10 flashes - Connection dropped
The Status LED is preconfigured on digital pin 8 of the Arduino board. In order to
see status codes being flashed, we need an LED connected.
Solder the 1K resistor onto the flat-edge side of the LED. You may wish to
shorten the leads (as per image) .
Bend the leads for the resistor / LED so that they are spaced far enough apart
for the resistor lead to fit in the GND port, and the LED lead to fit in the pin 8 port
Arduino Control via a Web Service with Teleduino
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(as per image). Trim any excess lead so that it looks nice and tidy.
Connect your masterpiece to your Arduino.
Nice work!
Step 3: Download Teleduino Library
Teleduino comes in the form of a library for your Arduino IDE (the software that
you use to write/upload sketches to your Arduino). The library is written for
versions 1.0 and 1.0.1 of the IDE (the latest versions at the time of writing).
Download the library from
/ (
/ for the Uno version, or
/downloads/arduino/ (
/downloads/arduino/ for the Mega version.
Once downloaded, open up the archive and you'll see a folder called
'Teleduino328' ('Teleduino2560' for the Mega). Copy this folder to the 'libraries'
folder of your Arduino IDE installation.
Important Note: If you have the Arduino software open at this point, you
wil l need to close it and restart it. If you don't, the library will not be
available and you'll get compi lation errors!
Good job!
Step 4: Upload Sketch to the Arduino
Arduino Control via a Web Service with Teleduino
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Now for the moment we've all been waiting for. Time to make some magic
happen and upload the Teleduino sketch to your Arduino.
Please note that the unique API key from Step 1 is required to proceed.
Open up the Arduino IDE. Click 'File' ->'Examples' ->'Teleduino328' ->
'TeleduinoEthernetClientProxy'. This will open up the sketch that we'll be using.
Near the top of the file you'll see some network configuration variables. If you're
feeling adventurous you can play with these, but the default should work fine.
The only thing we recommend changing is the MAC address declaration, even if
it's just a matter of changing the last byte to something like 0x01. MAC
addresses must be unique on your network (which is why we recommend you
change it from the default). If you are setting up two or more Teleduino devices,
Arduino Control via a Web Service with Teleduino
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you must ensure their MAC addresses are different.
The one thing that must be set is the unique key. See the attached image as a
reference. By default they are set to a bunch of zeros. To make it easier, when
you receive your unique API key, you'll also receive a URL to a tool which
outputs your key in a format that can be copied and pasted into the sketch.
Once your key is set, connect your Arduino (if you haven't already), ensure the
correct serial port is selected, and click 'Upload'. All going well the sketch will
compile and upload.
Step 5: Sample API Calls and Further Reading
By this stage you should have a functional Teleduino device. Connect up an
ethernet cable, supply power, and your device should connect to the Teleduino
server. Follow the Status LED to watch the connection process.
During normal operation, the Status LED will do a quick pulse every 5 seconds
of inactivity. This is the server checking in on the device to make sure everything
is happy.
So, you've got a connected Teleduino. Now what? I bet you want to do some
cool stuff with it, right? Let's start with a couple of really simple API calls. These
API calls will tell you what version of the Teleduino firmware you're running, and
the uptime of your device (in milliseconds).
Try out the following URLs (replace {key} with your unique API key):
For the Uno:{key}&r=getVersion{key}&r=getUptime
For the Mega:{key}&r=getVersion{key}&r=getUptime
Pretty neat, huh?
This is where we end the tutorial. We are continuing to add further tutorials
Arduino Control via a Web Service with Teleduino
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Make Comment
1 year ago Reply (CK7T6GSHD4VNRLQ)
6 months ago Reply (CYR8LYWHT2BW275)
which explain how to achieve specific tasks using the Teleduino platform. These
tutorials are:
Control an LED over the Internet via Arduino with Teleduino
Control a Relay over the Internet via Arduino with Teleduino
Read Light Level over the Internet via Arduino with Teleduino
Control Servos over the Internet via Arduino with Teleduino
If you want to dive right in yourself, you can view the full API reference manual
at (
Your comments and questions are welcome and appreciated.
Have fun!
1-40 of
Next (
Prodigal_Son (/member/Prodigal_Son/)
I just wanted to say that you can download an early version of Teleduino Controller
for Android devices on Google Play :
And like the info says, if you miss any functions please contact me and I will try to
add it in future releases.
Tchernyavsky (/member/Tchernyavsky/)
Hello! I have this problem: Everything works well until the power is in charge of
Arduino. But if you turn the power off and back on, the connection to the server
Teledyne not happening! The led is burning. If you press the reset button on the
Board, then everything begins to work as it should! What you need to do to when
power is turned off,then I could then press the button on the Board. Thank you!
bclagett (/member/bclagett/)
Can new values for variables (as set temps in a thermostat) be sent to the
Arduino Control via a Web Service with Teleduino
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6 months ago Reply (CM7RLLPHT216FCL)
6 months ago Reply (CWNNDGFHSM51HR7)
7 months ago Reply (CH6L7FTHRWNAEPM)
6 months ago
Reply (CAO25CAHS18B33T)
6 months ago Reply (C2IO6M9HS18CORR)
6 months ago Reply (C90A69J HS18INBF)
Dr_L (/member/Dr_L/)
The ethernet shield is based on the W5100 ic. By any chance, was anyone able to
make teleduino work using the much cheaper ENC28J 60 ethernet controller chip?
i kumar5 (/member/i kumar5/)
got {"status":403,"message":"Key is offline or invalid.","response":[]}this
me out kindly...
nathanknz (/member/nathanknz/) (author) ikumar5
Hi ikumar5,
This message means one of
two things. First off, please
check to ensure that the key
you're using is correct.
Secondly, please check that
your device is connecting
successfully. Have you
attached an LED to pin 8 to
read the status output? This will
provide clues as to whether or
not the device is connecting to
the server ok.
Hope that helps!
i kumar5 (/member/ikumar5/) nathanknz
thanx nathen it worksn one more
thing am using teleduino cotroller
app i want to read a sensor data but
i am getting struck with that stuf
could u help me how to read a data
through the
hl=en_GB this is tha app
nathanknz (/member/nathanknz/) (author) ikumar5
Hi ikumar5,
Great to hear you got it up and
running. In regards to your
question about the Teleduino
Pro app, it's written by a third
party and is not directly related
to the Teleduino project. Please
contact the author of the app
with any questions. Thanks!
Arduino Control via a Web Service with Teleduino
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6 months ago Reply (C4GJ R6RHRWNH9DQ)
6 months ago Reply (CVZKYH4HS18B3J 9)
10 months ago
Reply (CER20ZUHN827VTY)
1 year ago Reply (CQ84V4UHLA27BOV)
Dunes2 (/member/Dunes2/)
Hi, I have a strange problem. Initially everything was looking good, but
suddenly the board does not complete the login. It stops after three flashes
of the status LED. Regardless of this I get response when i send an
I even get an OK response when i have unplugged the board!!!
The response looks like this:
I get this regardless of which instruction I send.
In this case I asked for "getAllInputs"...
Any ideas on how this can happen?
Regards from Leif in Sweden
nathanknz (/member/nathanknz/) (author) Dunes2
Hi Leif,
This is definitely strange. I
suspect the response you're
seeing is a result of a browser
cache? It should definitely not
return 'OK' if the device is not
Failing after 3 flashes indicates
that your device is failing to
connect to the server. I would
suggest trying a different MAC
address (so that your router will
see it as a new device), and
possibly even trying changing
the serverPort value in the
sketch (the server listens on
ports 53 and 5353).
If you continue to experience
trouble, feel free to contact me
directly for further diagnosis.
wasimxxl (/member/wasi mxxl/)
can any one help me please ??
i wont to use arduino in my project ..
i wont ardino send alarm to my androin phone 'by internet ' whin the Bell home is
What are the pieces that will I need ??
remember by internet no IRir no blotooth
thank you
l ope12 (/member/l ope12/)
Cant upload the sketch to the arduino rev 3
error say:
teleduino was not declared in this scope
what i am doing wrong?
Arduino Control via a Web Service with Teleduino
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1 year ago Reply (CQF6UCLHLA27C6U)
1 year ago
Reply (CJ FN8XVHLA27CN2)
1 year ago Reply (CL25Z1J HLFUXG87)
1 year ago
l ope12 (/member/l ope12/) lope12
fix it,it was not in right dir.
Load up ok now.
Next i change the mac address and copy the coded key in place of the
zeros. did not change any of the ip numbers or subnet.
but now i cant connect to:{key}&r=getVersion
and yes i change the key.
I know it me lol i am realy new in arduino but love to have this working
Regards Lope 12
l ope12 (/member/l ope12/) lope12
Hi All.
Forget all my questions ask.
it works like a champ now.
i did all ok but ms explorer dont display the text from server, just want me to
download or open it.
Use chrome now and all works like it should.
Perfect Thanks
Regards Lope
nathanknz (/member/nathanknz/) (author) lope12
Hi Lope,
Thanks for the confirmation. Great
to hear you got it working!
nathanknz (/member/nathanknz/) (author) lope12
Hi Lope12,
That error would occur for one of
two reasons:
1) The library is not in the correct
libraries folder, or
2) The Arduino software was not
restarted after copying the library
into the libraries folder
Let me know if you continue to
have trouble after checking
those two points.
bruiser69 (/member/bruiser69/)
Sorry I forgot the error message. "Website Declined to show this Webpage"
Most likely cause - Website requires you to log in
Arduino Control via a Web Service with Teleduino
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1 year ago Reply (C8Y34VYHJ KC2ECV)
1 year ago Reply (C3XN6B9HJ KC2NHM)
1 year ago Reply (CXXOKI9HJ KC2D9P)
1 year ago Reply (CA8GHYPHJ KC2DHN)
What should I see if I can get
to site?
Do you know of a
customisable webpage that
will work with Teleduino to give
realtime feedback on
input/outputs & allow remote
readings and configuration?
The reason I ask is I would like
to remotely monitor voltages of
a battery bank, get alerts when
issues arise & even start/stop
a generator if solar input is too
nathanknz (/member/nathanknz/) (author) bruiser69
Hi Bruce,
If you use a different browser
(such as Google Chrome), or turn
off the friendly HTTP error pages
in Internet Explorer then you
should be able to see the
response in full.
I know of people that have
successfully integrated with
Cosm and ThingSpeak, as well
as custom applications for doing
monitoring and control. There is
also an unofficial Android app
available to operating your
bruiser69 (/member/bruiser69/)
Where can I download the sketch? I can't see a link in the Instructable.
nathanknz (/member/nathanknz/) (author) bruiser69
Hi Bruce.
Thanks for the comment. Once
you've installed the library (Step
3) and restarted the application,
the sketches are listed under the
Open up the Arduino IDE. Click
'File' -> 'Examples' ->
'Teleduino328' ->
This will open up the sketch that
we'll be using.
Arduino Control via a Web Service with Teleduino
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1 year ago Reply (CUMGIREHJ KC2DSE)
1 year ago
Reply (CW3GQ2J HJ KC2NG0)
1 year ago Reply (C2VP08WHFPTJ 8VP)
bruiser69 (/member/bruiser69/) nathanknz
Hi Nathan,
Thanks for clarifying that. I can now
see the TeleduinoEthernetClientProxy
in Examples. I opened sketch and
loaded my Teleduino code that I got
from their site.
I did not change any other settings. I
the plugged Arduino Uno Ethernet
shield into my ADSL2+router which is
connected to Internet.
I copy & pasted the Teleduino URL
shown in Instructable inserting my key
(the original one, not the one
generated to enter into sketch.
When I enter on this
}&r=getVersion I get error that can't
show site.
Any idea why I can't connect to
Teleduino? Could it be blocked by my
Billion 7404VNPX router?
nathanknz (/member/nathanknz/) (author) bruiser69
Hi Bruce.
It sounds like you're seeing
'friendly HTTP status errors' in
Internet Explorer.
The underlying problem,
however, is that your device is
not connected to the Teleduino
cloud service. Have you
connected a status LED to pin 8?
This will flash codes during
startup which helps with
dslrmotion (/member/dsl rmotion/)
Everything works as explained in the tutorials. Thanks for all the hard work
developing this service. Would love more tutorials in the future if you ever find
time. I do have one question. Not sure if I should ask here but I will anyway. I have
two Teleduino's hooked up at the same time from two different ports from my
router and they seem to conflict with each other. What steps would I take to
eliminate this problem? Thanks again for unlimited future projects. J oe
nathanknz (/member/nathanknz/) (author) dslrmotion
Hi dslrmotion,
Arduino Control via a Web Service with Teleduino
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1 year ago Reply (CBM7FC3HFPTIHRT)
1 year ago Reply (C19ECE0HFSHU8IN)
1 year ago Reply (CIKG6VHHFPTIHR5)
Thanks for the kind
There is no limit to
how many devices
you can run on the
same network (and
you can run them
all with the same
serverPort). You
just need to ensure
that the mac[]
variable is different
for each device,
and if you're not
using DHCP (it is
enabled by
default), then you'll
need to set unique
network settings for
the device.
siddiqov (/member/siddiqov/)
Hi again,
I have tried many times and wonder about TeleduinoEthernetClientProxy sketch.
if i upload it as it is except replace the key, it works. But as i make some change
even a single statement of declaring a variable e.g. int pin=4; it generate error of
the following
{"status":403,"message":"Key is offline or invalid.","response":[]}. if i remove the
customize code it starts working again. Why is it exhibiting such behavior?
nathanknz (/member/nathanknz/) (author) siddiqov
Hi siddiqov,
Adding custom code shouldn't
cause any problems unless it
exceeds the devices flash memory
or volatile memory (SRAM).
The 403 is a response given by
the server if either the key is
incorrect or device has not
connected to the server.
If you're having trouble getting
your device to connect to the
server, I would recommend
connecting a status LED to pin 8
and checking at which stage the
connection is failing - this would
help to find a solution.
siddiqov (/member/siddiqov/)
Hi NatahnKnz,
Arduino Control via a Web Service with Teleduino
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1 year ago Reply (CHJ WMCNHFSH593S)
1 year ago Reply (CQ3N7EWHFPTIEKF)
1 year ago Reply (COQEIJ MHFSHU3YM)
there is an example of fading.
i want to run it through
teleduino. but don't know how
to do it. the example is using
pin 9 for the LED, i can turn it
on and off through teleduino
but how to pass loop
controlling variables. will be
very grateful to you in this
the code is here
for(int fadeValue =0 ;
fadeValue <=255; fadeValue
+=5) {
// sets the value (range from
0 to 255):
// wait for 30 milliseconds to
see the dimming effect
// fade out from max to min in
increments of 5 points:
for(int fadeValue =255 ;
fadeValue >=0; fadeValue
-=5) {
// sets the value (range from
0 to 255):
// wait for 30 milliseconds to
see the dimming effect
nathanknz (/member/nathanknz/) (author) siddiqov
Hi siddiqov,
Unfortunately fading is not
natively supported in the standard
Teleduino library.
You could, however, add the extra
code to the library. The
analogWrite function is being
called at line 332 of the
Teleduino328 library (version
siddiqov (/member/siddiqov/) nathanknz
Thank you. how about if i send request to turn on PIN 4 and then in the
loop i start checking in if(pin==0n){then do my fading coding}else{do
if (pin4==ON){
set pin5 high
set pin6 high
Arduino Control via a Web Service with Teleduino
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1 year ago Reply (CP1RGN7HFPTIHR2)
1 year ago Reply (CRHUAGAHFPTIFGM)
1 year ago Reply (CZRGCBTHFSH590Q)
1 year ago Reply (CEOUGLFHFPTIEKC)
something like that.
is it possible to handle multiple pins while in one go.
Best regards
nathanknz (/member/nathanknz/) (author) siddiqov
Hi siddiqov,
An override like you've suggested
should work fine.
If you just want to replicate the
output of one pin to another, the
following would probably work
digitalWrite(5, digitalRead(4));
J ust make sure you have the pin
modes set to OUTPUT.
siddiqov (/member/siddiqov/) nathanknz
Hi Nathanknz,
I used fade example for my two linear actuator to extract and retract
simultaneously just like to open a box top at both ends and found that from
pin 1-8 doesn't activating the linear actuators although i have checked with
leds and serial monitors and both are showing that PINS are responding.
but as i attached these linear actuators with pin 9 and on-wards, these are
activating the actuators. just posting my stupid experiences to help
someone who face same things in future.
siddiqov (/member/siddiqov/)
Hi NathanKnz,
I want to set more then one pin on for a specific time, but don't know how to do it in
one go. there is a URL but only for only one pin like pin 4.
nathanknz (/member/nathanknz/) (author) siddiqov
Hi siddiqov,
Thanks again for your comments.
Your question was actually very
well timed! In the current version
of the firmware (328-0.6.7) you
are not able to set multiple
outputs with a single API call, but
I'm currently testing the next
version (328-0.6.8) which
supports exactly that! It should be
released within the next couple of
weeks once I'm satisfied that it's
tested out fine.
Setting multiple outputs on a shift
register is already supported via a
Arduino Control via a Web Service with Teleduino
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1 year ago Reply (C6BYMKSHFPTHA20)
1 year ago
Reply (CNNK198HFWST841)
1 year ago Reply (C9VLKJ OHFPTE8GK)
1 year ago
single API call, but requires further components.
siddiqov (/member/siddiqov/)
Thank you Nathanknz, the problem in my case was an older version of arduino
IDE. when i upgrade it to 1.0.1, every things went perfect.
nathanknz (/member/nathanknz/) (author) siddiqov
Hi siddiqov,
Thanks for reporting back, and
great to hear you got it working.
Thanks for using Teleduino!
siddiqov (/member/siddiqov/)
I uploaded the TeleduinoEhternetClientPoroxy sketch and set my key, obtained via
email, but when i tried the following link
got the following response
{"status":403,"message":"Key is offline or invalid.","response":[]}
please let me know where am i wrong. I am pasting my code where i have done
sme changes
byte useDhcp =true;
byte useDns =true;
byte mac[] ={0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xAE, 0xED };
IPAddress deviceIp(192, 168, 0, 100); // Only if useDhcp is false
IPAddress gatewayIp(192, 168, 0, 1); // Only if useDhcp is false
IPAddress dnsIp(192, 168, 0, 1); // Only if useDhcp is false
IPAddress subnet(255, 255, 255, 0); // Only if useDhcp is false
IPAddress serverIp(173, 230, 152, 173); // Only if useDns is false
char serverName[] =""; // Only if useDns is true
unsigned int serverPort =5353; // Can be set to either 53 or 5353
byte statusLedPin =8;
// User configurable key, this is used to authenticate with the proxy server
// This is checked against the EEPROM on boot and written if necessary
// The proxy server retreives the key from the EEPROM
byte key[] ={0x0D, 0x85, 0x54, 0x07,
0x82, 0x35, 0xC2, 0x7A,
0xD7, 0x14, 0xA8, 0x3F,
0x08, 0xD0, 0xDE, 0x31 };
nathanknz (/member/nathanknz/) (author) siddiqov
Hi siddiqov,
Looking at your code everything
looks fine. The error your getting
is most likely because something
is preventing your device from
connecting to the server
(possibly firewall).
You can try changing the
serverPort variable to 53. If you
Arduino Control via a Web Service with Teleduino
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1 year ago Reply (C153XEYHFPTGQSX)
1 year ago Reply (C9FV82IHFPTEC2V)
1 year ago Reply (CM2NNMCHFSHEBGG)
continue to experience problems, take note of what status the status LED
is indicating that you're getting up to. This will help to troubleshoot where
the issue is.
On a side note, you may want to request a new API key since you have
published this one in a public forum :) J ust fill in the form again and a new
key will be sent to you.
Thanks for trying Teleduino!
siddiqov (/member/siddiqov/) nathanknz
Thank you for the quick response, Nathanknz. I tried and attached the
status LED with 1 k resistor and a new key. The LED didn't even a single
flash, though there are many others build-in LED on Ethernet shield, some
of them are blinking while two of them are constantly on. Moreover I
checked the Status LED with simple Arduino LED sketch and it works. still
getting the same error.
{"status":403,"message":"Key is offline or invalid.","response":[]}
when i tried the following URL{MY KEY}&r=getUptime
i have tried with replacing 5353 with just 53 as well and get the status quo.
nathanknz (/member/nathanknz/) (author) siddiqov
Hi siddiqov,
It's very bizarre that you're not
getting anything on the status
LED, because even if you didn't
have the ethernet shield attached
you should still at least see a
status flash of '1 - pause - 2', and
then it should eventually time out
and fail and flash '2' for a while
before it restarts and tries again. (1
flash means initialising, 2 flashes
means establishing itself on the
network). Have you definitely got
the status LED connected to pin
siddiqov (/member/siddiqov/) nathanknz
Thank you for your consistent
replies. I just Noticed when i restart
the teleduino, the status LED flash
once and then immediately it flash
two times (Flashes). Does it means it
initialized and started network but
couldn't connect to the server. I will
appreciate your tips in this regards. I
will appreciate your feed back.
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Arduino Control via a Web Service with Teleduino
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Arduino Control via a Web Service with Teleduino
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Arduino Internet / Web Control with Teleduino
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