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Wand Components:

All Wands must contain a minimum of one Wood and one Core. However they can have a
dual-core (e.g. Double phoenix feather or a blended core (e.g. !hoenix feather and dragon
heartstring in their wand. "ven three if needed (advised to be lesser cores at least
Although# it is ill advised to have more than two cores as that can cause fatal bac$fires.
While its not possible to blend the wood of the Wand# you may have a Wand Handle of one
wood and a %ody Wood of another. &ormally in these cases# the Handle represents the Heart
of the Witch or Wi'ard. (he %ody of the wand generally represents the Witch or Wi'ards
outward appearance. )n rare cases a wand may have three woods# to which the third would
be either set as decoration or hidden inside to cover the core.
(he flexibility of a wand is generally a measurement of its willingness to wor$ for its chosen
Witch or Wi'ard. A witch with a whippy wand might learn spells faster than a wi'ard with a
rigid wand# but the wi'ard with a rigid wand will have more spell strength once he finally
masters it. *igid and inflexible wands are the hardest to master# but dependent on their core
and wood# can be the most powerful. (here is also an element of material inherent- it is rare
to find a whippy mahogany wand or a stiff reed wand.
The scale, from speed to strength:
-whippy < easiest to learn and cast, least powerful
-rigid < hardest to learn and cast, most powerful
%ecause numbers have $nown magical properties# a wand+s length# much li$e its core# may
symboli'e something its owner. ,or example# the wand of (om *iddle# a reputed Dar$
wi'ard# measures -./ inches# and thirteen is commonly an omen of misfortune or evil in the
fol$lore and religion of various cultures around the world.
Wands that are unusually short# anything less than 01# tend to belong to people 1lac$ing1 in
personalities# Dolores 2mbridge being a $nown example.
Wands are generally 0 to -3 inches in length although they can be as short as 4 inches and as
long as -5 inches.
6ost of the main woods are based on the Celtic (ree Astrology 7igns that match a wi'ards
birthday ( http899www.whats-your-sign.com9celtic-tree-astrology.html # but it+s not set in
stone that the exact birth tree has to be used# as there are many more woods listed officially.
Acacia8 Wands made from acacia were difficult to match with a wi'ard and generally refused to
produce magic for anyone but their owners# but conversely# seemed to withhold their full power
from all but the most gifted wi'ards. As such# :llivander only $ept a small supply of acacia wands
in his shop. :wners of acacia wands were generally subtle wi'ards.
Alder8 Whilst alder ma$es for an unyielding wood# its ideal owner is not stubborn or obstinate# but
often helpful# considerate and most li$eable. Whereas most wand woods see$ similarity in the
characters of those they will best serve# alder is unusual in that it seems to desire a nature that is# if
not precisely opposite to its own# then certainly of a mar$edly different type. When an alder wand is
happily placed# it becomes a magnificent# loyal helpmate. :f all wand types# alder is best suited to
non-verbal spell wor$# whence comes its reputation for being suitable only for the most advanced
witches and wi'ards. Alder is also excellent for protection against outside forces# and# when
combined with phoenix feather# is a suitable match for a wi'ard who will 1ma$e their mar$ on this
world1. Alder is extremely rare# as many wandma$ers will refuse to ta$e wood from an alder. (he
;bleeding<# turning from white to red# is considered to be inauspicious. (he few wands made of
alder are often those with strongly opposing cores (such as doxy wings and phoenix feather# as the
wood imposes balance.
Apple8 Applewood wands are not made in great numbers. (hey are powerful and best suited to an
owner of high aims and ideals# as this wood mixes poorly with Dar$ Arts. )t is said that the
possessor of an apple wand will be well-loved and long-lived# an assertion supported by the fact
that =arric$ :llivander often met customers of great personal charm to find their perfect match in
an applewood wand. Apple is a gentle# outdoorsy wood that would find favour with a student s$illed
in Herbology or Care of 6agical Creatures. )t tends to get overwhelmed easily# and is thus rarely
used with powerful cores (Dragon heartstrings or phoenix feathers# for example. An unusual ability
to converse with other magical beings in their native tongues is often found among apple wand
owners# who include the celebrated author of >6erpeople8 A Comprehensive =uide to (heir
?anguage and Customs@ by Dylan 6arwood
Ash8 (he ash wand clings to its one true master and ought not to be passed on or gifted from the
original owner# because it will lose power and s$ill. (his tendency is extreme if the core is of
unicorn hair. :ld superstitions regarding wands rarely bear close examination# but it is believed that
the old rhyme regarding rowan# chestnut# ash and ha'el wands (>rowan gossips# chestnut drones#
ash is stubborn# ha'el moans@ contains a small nugget of truth. (hose witches and wi'ards best
suited to ash wands are not lightly swayed from their beliefs or purposes. Ash is slightly associated
with the Dar$ Arts# as the ash tree is said to ;strangle< the plants around it. )t does excel at Dar$
magic# but is also good for (ransfiguration. (hey also tend to bond to good Diviners. However# the
brash or over-confident witch or wi'ard# who often insists on trying wands of this prestigious wood#
will be disappointed by its effects. (he ideal owner may be stubborn# and will certainly be
courageous# but never crass or arrogant.
Aspen8 Wand-Auality aspen wood is white and fine-grained# and highly pri'ed by all wand-ma$ers
for its stylish resemblance to ivory and its usually outstanding charmwor$. (he proper owner of the
aspen wand is often an accomplished duellist# or destined to be so# for the aspen wand is one of
those particularly suited to martial magic. (hose with aspen wands tend to be defiant and tal$ative.
(his wand boosts power in Charms# but detracts from Healing magic. =arric$ :llivander often
found that aspen wand owners are generally strong-minded and determined# more li$ely than most
to be attracted by Auests and new ordersB this is a wand for revolutionaries.
%eech8 (he true match for a beech wand will be# if young# wise beyond his or her years# and if full-
grown# rich in understanding and experience. beech wands perform very wea$ly for the narrow-
minded and intolerant. 7uch wi'ards and witches# having obtained a beech wand without having
been suitably matched (yet coveting this most desirable and highly pri'ed wand wood# have often
presented themselves at the homes of learned wandma$ers# demanding to $now the reason for their
handsome wand<s lac$ of power. When properly matched# the beech wand is capable of a subtlety
and artistry rarely seen in any other wood# hence its lustrous reputation. beech is a strong# neutral
wood that has no particular strengths or wea$nesses# with the exception of one small Auir$- it tends
to function less effectively underwater.
%irch8 Closely aligned with the element of water# the birch wand is used in many cleansing rituals.
%irch is a symbol of rebirth# renewal# and diligence. 7ome say this wood helps aid in the calming of
emotions and the bar$ helps to heal wounds and burns. 6any use or have used# birch wands to
expel evil spirits. Controlled by 6oon influences to includeB ?unar-based spells# healing# and
protection. although it has a reputation for wea$ness# in actuality birch is one of the finest ?ight
wandwoods in existence. )t is associated with both driving out evil spirits (and thus will produce a
strong !atronus and with healing magic.
%lac$ )ronwood8 an African import# remar$able in that it will sin$ rather than float in water.
Although its strength might imply a powerful wandwood# it is rarely used# even in African
wandcraft- its weight# particularly in longer wands# impedes spellcasting# and it is next-to-useless
%lac$thorn8 %lac$thorn# which is a very unusual wand wood# has the reputation - in =arric$
:llivander+s opinion well-merited - of being best suited to a warrior. (his does not necessarily mean
that its owner practises the Dar$ Arts (although it is undeniable that those who do so will enCoy the
blac$thorn wand<s prodigious powerB one finds blac$thorn wands among the Aurors as well as
among the deni'ens of A'$aban and Death "aters. )t is a curious feature of the blac$thorn bush#
which sports wic$ed thorns# that it produces its sweetest berries after the hardest frosts# and the
wands made from this wood appear to need to pass through danger or hardship with their owners to
become truly bonded. =iven this condition# the blac$thorn wand will become as loyal and faithful a
servant as one could wish.
%lac$ Walnut8 ?ess common than the standard walnut wand# that of blac$ walnut see$s a master of
good instincts and powerful insight. %lac$ walnut is a very handsome wood# but not the easiest to
master. )t has one pronounced Auir$# which is that it is abnormally attuned to inner conflict# and
loses power dramatically if its possessor practises any form of self-deception. )f the witch or wi'ard
is unable or unwilling to be honest with themselves or others# the wand often fails to perform
adeAuately and must be matched with a new owner if it is to regain its former prowess. !aired with
a sincere# self-aware owner# however# it becomes one of the most loyal and impressive wands of all#
with a particular flair in all $inds of charmwor$. a beautiful dar$ wood# this wand is more
decorative than Dar$# and is actually a strong ?ight wood.
%lue 7pruce8 ?i$e spruce# a strong wood that excels in everything except the Dar$ Arts. However# a
witch or wi'ard with a strong personality can coax more out of a blue spruce wand than a spruce
Cedar8 =arric$ :llivander believed that whenever he met one who carries a cedar wand# he found
strength of character and unusual loyalty. His father# =ervaise :llivander# used always to say# >you
will never fool the cedar carrier@ and he agrees8 the cedar wand finds its perfect home where there is
perspicacity and perception. :llivander said that he would go further than his father# however# in
saying that he has never yet met the owner of a cedar wand whom he would care to cross# especially
if harm is done to those of whom they are fond. (he witch or wi'ard who is well-matched with
cedar carries the potential to be a frightening adversary# which often comes as a shoc$ to those who
have thoughtlessly challenged them. Cedar is a rather docile wandwood with particular s$ill in
protective spells. Cedar wand wielders often become potent :cclumens.
Cherry8 Cherry is very rare wand wood that ma$es for a wand of strange power# most highly pri'ed
by the wi'arding students of the school of 6ahouto$oro in Dapan# where those who own cherry
wands have special prestige. (he Western wand-purchaser should dispel from their minds any
notion that the pin$ blossom of the living tree ma$es for a frivolous or merely ornamental wand# for
cherry wood often ma$es a wand that possesses truly lethal power# whatever the core - though if
paired with dragon heartstring# the wand ought never to be teamed with a wi'ard without
exceptional self-control and strength of mind or it Auic$ly can turn Dar$# willingly or not. Cherry
with phoenix feather is a particularly agreeable combination for a ?ight wi'ard without particularly
prodigious magical talents.
Chestnut8 Chestnut is a most curious wood that little character or traits of its own other than its
attraction to witches and wi'ards who are s$illed tamers of magical beasts# those who possess great
gifts in Herbology# and those who are natural fliers. )nstead# the wand of chestnut tends to ta$e on
character of the wand core and the owner. ,or example# when paired with dragon heartstring#
chestnut wands may find their best match among those who are overfond of luxury and material
things# and less scrupulous than they should be about how they are obtained. Conversely# three
successive heads of the Wi'engamot have possessed chestnut and unicorn wands# for this
combination shows a predilection for those concerned with all manner of Custice. Chestnut is Auite
good at (ransfiguration# although it tends to sputter at Charms and DADA.
Cypress8 Cypress is associated with valour. =eraint :llivander# wrote that he was always honoured
to match a cypress wand# for he $new he was meeting a witch or wi'ard who would die a heroic
death. ,ortunately# in these less blood-thirsty times# the possessors of cypress wands are rarely
called upon to lay down their lives# though doubtless many of them would do so if reAuired. Wands
of cypress find their soul mates among the brave# the bold and the self-sacrificing8 those who are
unafraid to confront the shadows in their own and others< natures. Cypresses have long been
associated with the =ree$ god of the underworld# Hades. (his wand has subtle power# and is good at
(ransfiguration and Dar$ Arts.
Dogwood8 Dogwood wands are Auir$y and mischievousB they have playful natures and insist upon
partners who can provide them with scope for excitement and fun. Dogwood is extremely hard and
strong# and the wands made from it will have this resilience. )t was once used for ma$ing daggers#
and hence has a slight violent strea$. )t would be Auite wrong# however# to deduce from this that
dogwood wands are not capable of serious magic when called upon to do soB they have been $nown
to perform outstanding spells under difficult conditions# and when paired with a suitably clever and
ingenious witch or wi'ard# can produce da''ling enchantments. An interesting foible of many
dogwood wands is that they refuse to perform non-verbal spells and they are often rather noisy.
"bony8 (his Cet-blac$ wand wood has an impressive appearance and reputation# being highly suited
to all manner of combative magic# and to (ransfiguration. "bony is happiest in the hand of those
with the courage to be themselves. ,reAuently non-conformist# highly individual or comfortable
with the status of outsider# ebony wand owners have been found both among the ran$s of the :rder
of the !hoenix and among the Death "aters. )n the experience of =arric$ :llivander# the ebony
wand<s perfect match is one who will hold fast to his or her beliefs# no matter what the external
pressure# and will not be swayed lightly from their purpose.
"lder8 (he rarest wand wood of all# and reputed to be deeply unluc$y# elder wands are tric$ier to
master than any other. (hey contain powerful magic# but scorn to remain with any owner who is not
the superior of his or her companyB it ta$es a remar$able wi'ard to $eep an elder wand for any
length of time. (he old superstition# ;wand of elder# never prosper#< has its basis in this fear of the
wand# but in fact# the superstition is baseless# and those foolish wandma$ers who refuse to wor$
with elder do so more because they doubt they will be able to sell their products than from fear of
wor$ing with this wood. (he truth is that only a highly unusual person will find their perfect match
in elder# and on the rare occasion when such a pairing occurs# it may be ta$en as certain that the
witch or wi'ard in Auestion is mar$ed out for a special destiny. )nterestingly =arric$ :llivander
found that the owners of elder wands almost always feel a powerful affinity with those chosen by
"ucalyptus8 "ucalyptus trees grow Auic$ly# so these wands channel that liveliness to be both willing
and powerful# along with being great at healing spells. However# they are rather rare# and are most
commonly Australian imports.
"lm8 (he unfounded belief that only pure-bloods can produce magic from elm wands was
undoubtedly started by some elm wand owner see$ing to prove his own blood credentials# for
perfect matches between elm wands and 6uggle-borns are $nown to exist. (he truth is that elm
wands prefer owners with presence# magical dexterity and a certain native dignity. :f all wand
woods# elm - in the experience of =arric$ :llivander - produces the fewest accidents# the least
foolish errors# and the most elegant charms and spellsB these are sophisticated wands# capable of
highly advanced magic in the right hands (which# again# ma$es it highly desirable to those who
espouse the pure-blood philosophy
,ir8 =erbold :ctavius :llivander# always called wands of fir wood ;the survivor<s wand#< because
he had sold it to three wi'ards who subseAuently passed through mortal peril unscathed. (here is no
doubt that this wood# coming as it does from the most resilient of trees# produces wands that
demand staying power and strength of purpose in their true owners# and that they are poor tools in
the hands of the changeable and indecisive. ,ir wands are particularly suited to transfiguration# and
favour owners of focused# strong-minded and# occasionally# intimidating demeanour.
=ing$o8 (his is a highly unusual wandwood# and is rarely seen in the West. ,or over a millenium# it
competed with plum as the most popular Chinese wandwood# however# as ging$o trees ceased to be
a wild species# the wood began losing favor. (he commonly held perception that wild woods lead to
stronger wands means that modern ging$o wands are fairly rare. (his is not to say that ging$o is not
a useful wandwood# it has great staying power# and is good for calming temperamental cores.
Harthorn8 (he wandma$er =regorovitch wrote that hawthorn ;ma$es a strange# contradictory wand#
as full of paradoxes as the tree that gave it birth# whose leaves and blossoms heal# and yet whose cut
branches smell of death.< While he and =arric$ :llivander disagreed on many fronts# they
concurred about hawthorn wands# which are complex and intriguing in their natures# Cust li$e the
owners who best suit them. Hawthorn wands may be particularly suited to healing magic# but they
are also adept at curses# and it has been generally observed that the hawthorn wand seems most at
home with a conflicted nature# or with a witch or wi'ard passing through a period of turmoil.
Hawthorn is not easy to master# however# and one should only ever consider placing a hawthorn
wand in the hands of a witch or wi'ard of proven talent# or the conseAuences might be dangerous.
Hawthorn wands have a notable peculiarity# their spells can# when badly handled# bac$fire. )t is an
excellent DADA wand# as it symboli'es protection.
Ha'el8 A sensitive wand# ha'el often reflects its owner<s emotional state# and wor$s best for a
master who understands and can manage their own feelings. :thers should be very careful handling
a ha'el wand if its owner has recently lost their temper# or suffered a serious disappointment#
because the wand will absorb such energy and discharge it unpredictably. (he positive aspect of a
ha'el wand more than ma$es up for such minor discomforts# however# for it is capable of
outstanding magic in the hands of the s$illful# and is so devoted to its owner that it often ;wilts<
(which is to say# it expels all its magic and refuses to perform# often necessitating the extraction of
the core and its insertion into another casing# if the wand is still reAuired at the end of its master<s
life (if the core is unicorn hair# however# there is no hopeB the wand will almost certainly have
;died<. Ha'el wands also have the uniAue ability to detect water underground# and will emit silvery#
tear-shaped puffs of smo$e if passing over concealed springs and wells.
Hemloc$8 Hemloc$ is a ;Auic$< wandwood and allows for fast reactions# and ma$es an excellent
potion stirrer as well as having a natural gift for healing.
Holly8 Holly is one of the rarer $inds of wand woodsB traditionally considered protective# it wor$s
most happily for those who may need help overcoming a tendency to anger and impetuosity. At the
same time# holly wands often choose owners who are engaged in some dangerous and often
spiritual Auest. Holly is one of those woods that varies most dramatically in performance depending
on the wand core# and it is a notoriously difficult wood to team with phoenix feather# as the wood<s
volatility conflicts strangely with the phoenix<s detachment. )n the unusual event of such a pairing
finding its ideal match# however# nothing and nobody should stand in their way. Wi'arding
superstition holds that those with a wand made of holly are incompatible with those with a wand
made of oa$ and should not marry. %eing the archetypal ?ight wandwood# Holly is renowned for its
ability to repel dar$ spirits and demons. )t may reduce your power in hexes# but the boost you get to
DADA may Cust balance it out.
Hornbeam8 Hornbeam selects for its life mate the talented witch or wi'ard with a single# pure
passion# which some might call obsession - more $indly - vision# which will almost always be
realised. Hornbeam wands adapt more Auic$ly than almost any other to their owner<s style of
magic# and will become so personalised# so Auic$ly# that other people will find them extremely
difficult to use even for the most simple of spells. Hornbeam# or ironwood# is considered to be the
most stubborn of wandwoods. (hose who have the necessary will to master it will be rewarded with
an extremely powerful wand. Hornbeam wands li$ewise absorb their owner<s code of honour#
whatever that might be# and will refuse to perform acts - whether for good or ill - that do not tally
with their master<s principles. A particularly fine-tuned and sentient wand.
)vy8 Determination# strength# optimism# spiritual growth. )vy is a fine wand for protection# good
against wayward spirits and angry elementals# ensures success in business and all new endeavours.
an uncommon wandwood due to the difficulty of harvesting thic$ enough pieces# it is often worth
the trouble# as it is deceptively strong.
Eaya8 A lovely yellow wandwood of Dapanese origin# it is extremely rare in %ritish wandma$ing.
However# those bonded to $aya wands will find their abilities in logical arts# such as !otions#
Astronomy# Ancient *unes# and Arithmancy# boosted.
?arch8 7trong# durable and warm in colour# larch has long been valued as an attractive and powerful
wand wood. )ts reputation for instilling courage and confidence in the user has ensured that demand
has always outstripped supply. (his much sought-after wand is# however# hard to please in the
matter of ideal owners# and tric$ier to handle than many imagine. =arric$ :llivander found that
larch always created wands of hidden talents and unexpected effects# which li$ewise describes the
master who deserves it. )t is often the case that the witch or wi'ard who belongs to the larch wand
may never realise the full extent of their considerable talents until paired with it# but that they will
then ma$e an exceptional match.
?aurel8 )t is said that a laurel wand cannot perform a dishonourable act# although in the Auest for
glory (a not uncommon goal for those best suited to these wands# laurel wands have been $nown to
perform powerful and sometimes lethal magic. ?aurel wands are sometimes called fic$le# but this is
unfairB the laurel wand is unable to tolerate la'iness in a possessor# and it is in such conditions that it
is most easily and willingly won away. :therwise# it will cleave happily to its first match forever#
and indeed has the unusual and engaging attribute of issuing a spontaneous lightning stri$e if
another witch or wi'ard attempts to steal it.
6adrona8 A beautiful evergreen from the !acific &orthwest region of &orth America# it is rare in
%ritish wandma$ing. However# its distinctive peeling bar$ denotes its magical powers of change-
hence# a powerful wood for (ransfiguration.
6ahogany8 !liable# excellent for transfiguration and having a little more power in general.
6ahogany is a good all-around wood# not particularly over-powerful in any one situation# but a
good solid overall wood.
6aple8 6aple is a good# sturdy wood# and a bit more magical than oa$. )t<s rather versatile. nature
travellers and explorersB they are not stay-at-home wands# and prefer ambition in their witch or
wi'ard# otherwise their magic grows heavy and lac$lustre. ,resh challenges and regular changes of
scene cause this wand to literally shine# burnishing itself as it grows# with its partner# in ability and
status. (his is a beautiful and desirable wood# and wand Auality maple has been among the most
costly for centuries. !ossession of a maple wand has long been a mar$ of status# because of its
reputation as the wand of high achievers.
:a$8 :a$ is a strong# reliable wandwood that helps with DADA and (ransfiguration. However# its
sturdiness means that it may ta$e longer to learn new spells. A wand for good times and bad# this is
a friend as loyal as the wi'ard who deserves it. Wands of "nglish oa$ demand partners of strength#
courage and fidelity. ?ess well-$nown is the propensity for owners of "nglish oa$ wands to have
powerful intuition# and# often# an affinity with the magic of the natural world# with the creatures and
plants that are necessary to wi'ard $ind for both magic and pleasure.
!ear8 (he golden-toned wood of pear produces wands of splendid magical powers. !ossessors of
pear wands are# in the experience of =arric$ :llivander# usually popular and well-respected and he
never $new of single instance where a pear wand has been discovered in the possession of a Dar$
witch or wi'ard. !ear wands are among the most resilient# and it is noted that they may still present
a remar$able appearance of newness# even after many years of hard use. (he perfect owner of this
wand is a small wi'ard or witch with a temper several times their si'e. (hey+ve got a lovely
personality# warm and friendly# until you cross them# then they+ll give you such a telling off you+ll
swear you+re being actually whipped.
!ine8 (he straight-grained pine wand always chooses an independent# individual master who may
be perceived as a loner# intriguing and perhaps mysterious. !ine wands enCoy being used creatively#
and unli$e some others# will adapt without protest to new methods and spells. 6any wandma$ers
insist that pine wands are able to detect# and perform best for# owners who are destined for long
lives# including =arric$ :llivander who had never personally $nown the master of a pine wand to
die young. (he pine wand is one of those that is most sensitive to non-verbal magic.
!lum8 !lum wood is not common in "nglish wandma$ing# however# it is a traditional Chinese
wandwood that has gained favour in Central "urope. )t seems to be much li$e applewood# if slightly
more inclined to Charms.
!oplar8 Although poplar is a light wood# it is sometimes found in the wands of Dar$ Wi'ards# who
find its properties of being extremely similar to human bone desirable.
*edwood8 Wand-Auality redwood is in short supply# yet constant demand# due to its reputation for
bringing good fortune to its owner. As is usually the case with wandlore# the general populace have
the truth bac$ to front8 redwood wands are not themselves luc$y# but are strongly attracted
to witches and wi'ards who already possess the admirable ability to fall on their feet# to ma$e the
right choice# to snatch advantage from catastrophe. (his wood excels at all wand-based magic# but it
rarely bonds to witches and wi'ards who do well in the non-wand-based arts. Don<t expect this one
to ma$e a good potion stirrer
*eed8 *eed is always delicate# and a difficult wand to wor$ with. However# its wisdom and
intelligence ma$e it sought-after by some. )t is almost solely a *avenclaw wandwood. *eed wands
were best suited to those who were bold and were eloAuent spea$ers# and proved to be very
protective friends. Coupled with a core of dragon heartstring# the owner+s loyalty would be greatly
admired by their friends.
*osewood8 (his wood has a strong sweet smell# which persists over the years# explaining the name.
*osewood is graceful and will complement phoenix feathers# unicorn hair# veela hair# and fairy
wings nicely. However# other cores end up at odds with the wood.
*owan8 *owan is a pri'ed wand wood due to its reputation for protection# and was noted by =arric$
:llivander to generally produce powerful# hard to brea$ Defensive Charms. *owan was also noted
for its believed disassociation with the Dar$ Arts. :llivander# who had a nearly photographic
memory when it came to the wands he had sold# could not recall a single instance of a wi'ard he
sold a rowan wand to ever becoming evil or turning to the Dar$ Arts. !erhaps for these reasons#
rowan has become associated with pure-hearted wi'ards# though :llivander noted that rowan wands
can also match or even outperform others in duels. :llivander also noted that wi'ards chosen by
rowan wands tend to be compatible with those chosen by elder wands. *owan gives a definite boost
to Charms and (ransfiguration# but is one of the most willing and reliable all-around wandwoods. )t
was commonly used for a bow-ma$ing wood# and carries this significance into being a good dueling
7eAuoia8 %eing a American wood# this is not commonly used in %ritish wandma$ing. However# the
great age of the trees gives them plenty of time to absorb ambient magic# and hence this wood is
ideal for those both strong-willed and in touch with nature.
7ilver lime8 (his unusual and highly attractive wand wood was highly fashionable in the nineteenth
century. Demand outstripped supply# and unscrupulous wandma$ers dyed substandard woods in an
effort to fool purchasers into believing that they had purchased silver lime. (he reasons for these
wands< desirability lay not only in their unusually handsome appearance# but also because they had
a reputation for performing best for 7eers and those s$illed in ?egilimency# mysterious arts both#
which conseAuently gave the possessor of a silver lime wand considerable status.
7pruce8 2ns$illed wandma$ers call spruce a difficult wood# but in doing so they reveal their own
ineptitudeB it is Auite true that it reAuires particular deftness to wor$ with spruce# which produces
wands that are ill-matched with cautious or nervous natures# becoming positively dangerous in
fumbling fingers. (he spruce wand reAuires a firm hand# because it often appears to have its own
ideas about what magic it ought to be called upon to produce. However# when a spruce wand meets
its match - which# in experience# is a bold spell-caster with a good sense of humour - it becomes a
superb helper# intensely loyal to their owners and capable of producing particularly flamboyant and
dramatic effects. 7pruce is a good# reliable# standard wandwood. Fou can<t go wrong with it.
7ycamore8 (he sycamore ma$es a Auesting wand# eager for new experience and losing brilliance if
engaged in mundane activities. )t is a Auir$ of these wands that they may combust if allowed to
become ;bored#< and many witches and wi'ards# settling down into middle age# are disconcerted to
find their trusty wand bursting into flame in their hand as they as$ it# one more time# to fetch their
slippers. As may be deduced# the sycamore<s ideal owner is curious# vital and adventurous# and
when paired with such an owner# it demonstrates a capacity to learn and adapt that earns it a rightful
place among the world<s most highly-pri'ed wand woods. A relatively new wandwood# many of
sycamore<s properties are as yet un$nown. However# it excels at divining# and would help with
Divination# Arithmancy# and Ancient *unes.
Gine8 (he druids considered anything with a woody stem as a treeB this# combined with the fact that
vine is thought to produce wands of a special nature# means that whilst vines are not actually trees
they continue to be used in the production of wands to this day (at least# by :llivanders.
Ginewands are among the less common types# and their owners are nearly always
those witches or wi'ards who see$ a greater purpose# who have a vision beyond the ordinary and
who freAuently astound those who thin$ they $now them best. Gine wands seem strongly attracted
by personalities with hidden depths# and =arric$ :llivander himself has found them more sensitive
than any other when it comes to instantly detecting a prospective match. *eliable sources claim that
these wands can emit magical effects upon the mere entrance into their room of a suitable owner#
and this has been noted to have occurred twice within :llivanders Wand 7hop. Ginewood is
flexible# which one might thin$ would denote a yielding wood. However# it tends to be extremely
erratic# and it is a strong wi'ard or witch who overcomes the insecurities the wood holds to become
successful with it.
Walnut8 Highly intelligent witches and wi'ards ought to be offered a walnut wand for trial first#
because in nine cases out of ten# the two will find in each other their ideal mate. Walnut wands are
often found in the hands of magical innovators and inventorsB this is a handsome wood possessed of
unusual versatility and adaptability. A note of caution# however8 while some woods are difficult to
control# and may resist the performance of spells that are foreign to their natures# the
walnut wand will# once subCugated# perform any tas$ its owner desires# provided that the user is of
sufficient brilliance. (his ma$es for a truly lethal weapon in the hands of a witch or wi'ard of no
conscience# for the wand and the wi'ard may feed from each other in a particularly unhealthy
manner. A beautiful# strong# and versatile wood. 2nli$e blac$ walnut# it has no slant towards ?ight
or Dar$.
White !ine8 White pine is a uniAue wandwood# as it radiates serenity. )t cannot be exhausted too
much or it will strain and become Auite fragile# but it is otherwise docile and easy to wor$ with.
Willow8 Willow is $nown as >the tree of enchantment@# and is hence Auite favoured for Charms. )t
also enhances healing magic# and is overall a willing# feminine wandwood. Willow is an
uncommon wand wood with healing power# and =arric$ :llivander noted that the ideal owner for a
willow wand often has some (usually unwarranted insecurity# however well they may try and hide
it. While many confident customers insist on trying a willow wand at :llivanders Wand
7hop (attracted by their appearance and well-founded reputation for enabling advanced# non-verbal
magic the willow wands there have consistently selected those of greatest potential# rather than
those who feel they have little to learn. )t has always been a proverb in the :llivander family that he
who has furthest to travel will go fastest with willow.
Few8 Few is a powerful wandwood. Due to its poisonous sap# it has Dar$ leanings# and is
particularly good at (ransfiguration. Few wands are among the rarer $inds# and their ideal matches
are li$ewise unusual# and occasionally notorious. (he wand of yew is reputed to endow its
possessor with the power of life and death# which might# of course# be said of all wandsB and yet
yew retains a particularly dar$ and fearsome reputation in the spheres of duelling and all curses.
However# it is untrue to say (as those unlearned in wandlore often do that those who use yew
wands are more li$ely to be attracted to the Dar$ Arts than another. (he witch or wi'ard best suited
to a yewwand might eAually prove a fierce protector of others. Wands made from these most long-
lived trees have been found in the possession of heroes Auite as often as of villains.
Where wi'ards have been buried with wands of yew# the wand generally sprouts into a tree
guarding the dead owner<s grave. What is certain is that the yew wand never chooses either a
mediocre or a timid owner.
Dragon heartstring8 Dragon heartstring is a powerful wand with a lot of magical >heft@. )t is not the
core you want for subtlety# but for sheer power it is definitely the best. Although it is the most
common core among Dar$ Wi'ards# Dar$ Wi'ards are most certainly not their most common users.
Dragon heartstrings are by far the most common wand core amongst 7lytherins# but their power
often bonds to =ryffindors and *avenclaws as well. However# they tend to overwhelm the
archetypal Hufflepuff personality. As a rule# dragon heartstrings produce wands with the most
power# capable of the most flamboyant spells. Dragon wands tend to learn Auic$er than other types.
While they can change allegiance if won from their original master# they always bond strongly with
the current owner. (he dragon wand tends to be easiest to turn to the Dar$ Arts# though it will not
incline that way of its own accord. )t is also the most prone of the main three cores to accidents#
being somewhat temperamental. )t also tends to be lethally ha'ardous if combined with cherry and
yew woods.
!hoenix tail feather8 !hoenix feather is a popular wand core due to its versatility and power. )ts
main strength lies in Defense Against the Dar$ Arts# although its adaptability can wrench it to hexes
and Cinxes if need be. As with the dragon heartstring core# the phoenix core is common amongst
?ight Wi'ards# but its users are not necessarily ?ight Wi'ards. (his core may specifically impede
Dar$ spells# so it is not common amongst 7lytherins. However# it is by far the most common
=ryffindor wand core# and is not unusual amongst *avenclaws and Hufflepuffs. Although being
popular# this is one of the rarest core types. !hoenix feathers are capable of the greatest range of
magic# though they may ta$e longer than either unicorn hair or dragon heartstring cores to reveal
this. (hey show the most initiative# sometimes acting of their own accord# a Auality that many
witches and wi'ards disli$e
2nicorn hair8 2nicorn hair is a more subtle wand# but it is Auite compatible with Charms and
(ransfiguration. )t is also hands-down the best core for healing# as it pic$s up some of the healing
capabilities of unicorn blood. 2nicorn hair has a reputation of pic$ing gentler or more cerebral
users# so it is common amongst Hufflepuffs and *avenclaws. 6ore laid-bac$ =ryffindors and
subtler 7lytherins may find themselves with a 2nicorn hair wand. 2nicorn hair can be used in
wandma$ingB they produce the most consistent magic# least subCect to fluctuations and bloc$ages#
most difficult to turn to the Dar$ Arts and the most faithful of wands. However# they do not ma$e
the most powerful of wands and are prone to melancholy if mishandled
Acromantula web8 )f you+re thin$ing about having a wand made with Acromantula web# you+re
probably a fan of having your wand confiscated by the authorities. 2sing a wand with this core has
been illegal in %ritain since -45H# after it was discovered that the wielder of an Acromantula web
wand has particular ability with Dar$ magics# especially the )mperius curse. (here are certain
diplomatic exceptions# as it is a traditional core for Asian wands# but even those are temporary# and
many wi'ard diplomats on long-term assignments find themselves compelled to procure
replacement wands for their stay.
Augurey tail feather8 Augureys# or )rish phoenixes# were once associated with powerful Dar$
wands# as their cries were thought to signify an upcoming death. However# they were in reality
never a strong Dar$ core# and were more accurately a powerful core for Divinations. 6isunderstood
students may find themselves bonded to an augurey wand# although these wands are altogether
Auite rare.
%asilis$ s$in8 %asilis$ wands are incredibly rare# as the beasts are rare to begin with and hard to $ill.
Due to the rarity# they often are passed down from generation to generation# so basilis$-core wands
are either the heirloom of 7lytherin-type !ureblood families or reforged wands from family cores.
(he occasional new basilis$ wand will almost always bond to a !arselmouth or budding Dar$
Wi'ard. Gery little good comes out of wielders of basilis$ wands.
%illywig stinger8 %illywig stingers are not common in %ritain# but are occasionally imported from
Australia# the native habitat of the %illywig. %illywig wands bond almost exclusively to light-
hearted pran$sters# and are extremely capricious- at one moment it will produce the strongest
Cheering Charm in the school# but another time it will obCect to being used as a potion stirrer and
siphon up hours of wor$ without so much as a by-your-leave. When they do bond to a witch or
wi'ard# they tend to be of Hufflepuff or =ryffindor.
%oomslang venom8 %oomslang venom# whether crystalli'ed or in a rarer liAuid core# provides a
small boost to Cinxes and hexes than$s to its venomous Aualities. However# when a wandma$er
underta$es the dangerous tas$ of wor$ing with the raw venom# it is generally with the aim of
creating a powerful (ransfiguration wand. Whether or not the advantages outweigh the ris$s is not
generally agreed upon in wandma$ing circles.
Chimera scale fragment8 Although chimera scales are magically powerful# they are extremely rare
in modern wandcraft. (his is not out of any concern for safety# as they are generally considered no
more stubborn than hippogriff feathers# and are more stable than "rumpent hide. (he fact of the
matter is that there are more recorded basilis$ slayings in the past fifty years than there are chimera
slayings in all of recorded history. (his one slaying occurred in =reece over two millenia ago# so
what scales were harvested at that time have been degraded# bro$en# and dispersed. (oday# they are
only found as parts of heirloom cores# and even then# all such cores are a more common core (often
dragon heartstring with a tiny fragment of scale embedded. Chimera wands are most common in
=reece and the %al$ans# although as they were circulated through the 6editerranean and former
*oman "mpire they are found throughout "urope. (hese wands are pri'ed for their raw power#
although they are difficult to control.
Demiguise hair8 Demiguise hairs were long considered to not have enough oomph to ma$e a proper
wand# but with the advent of multiple cores they have gained favour for their strength in
(ransfiguration and the subtle arts. When combined with a stronger wand core they ma$e potent
wands# however# on their own they can be rather one-dimensional and difficult to use for anything
but (ransfiguration. (hey have found favour in students of all Houses# although they may be
slightly rarer among the open Hufflepuffs.
Doxy wing8 Doxy wings# li$e the creatures they come from# can be unmanageable and mean-
spirited. (hey are second only to basilis$ wands in their abilities with the Dar$ Arts# and as such
these rare wands are most often found in the hands of stubborn 7lytherins without the familial
connection to obtain a basilis$ core.
"rumpent hide8 (here is a very good reason this is an exotic- "rumpent hide wands are extremely
dangerous# and don+t ta$e well to high levels of magic or sharp impacts. (hey may add a +punch+ to
spells when combined with a gentler core# but most wandma$ers refuse to wor$ with it completely
due to the danger it poses to ma$er and wielder.
,airy wing8 (his core ma$es for a light# airy wand# and is the absolute best for Charms. (hey also
signify a connection to the mystic# so these wands# despite their relative rarity# are used by nearly
half of $nown witches and wi'ards with the 7ight. Despite their astounding strength in Charms#
they are merely average in Defense Against the Dar$ Arts and (ransfiguration# and will often fail at
hexes altogether. As such# they<re not commonly found in 7lytherin House# but are common in
Hufflepuff. *avenclaws and =ryffindors may be drawn to this core# although they tend to react
better to blends of fairy wings and unicorn hair.
,wooper feather8 ,wooper feather wands are said to be a mar$ of ill omen for the wi'ards they bond
to# as# li$e the birds they come from# they are rumoured to slowly drive their wielder mad. Despite
their poor reputation# they do well with Charms and Care of 6agical Creatures. However# they have
a near-inability to cast Iuietus. (hey are commonly combined with another feather core# such as the
phoenix for health or the hippogriff for stability.
Hippogriff feather8 Hippogriffs are noble animals with a reputation for not ta$ing a slight. (hese
wands reAuire constant respect# and if the wielder does not give it# they can watch its formerly
stable and versatile magic bac$fire on it. )t is not the strongest core# but it is one of the most
adaptable. (hese wands are most common amongst =ryffindors# but they are rare overall.
Eelpie mane8 Eelpie hairs are incredibly temperamental cores# explaining their rarity. (hey were
once common in Celtic wandma$ing# however# the import of demiguise hairs has resulted in them
falling out of favour. (hey have similar Aualities to demiguise hair# and are powerful
(ransfiguration cores when they don+t bac$fire spectacularly. Eelpie hair can be used as a wand
core# although it is said to be an inferior substance when compared with 2nicorn hair# !hoenix
feather and Dragon heartstring. A Eelpie is a shapeshifting water demon native to %ritain and
)reland. Able to ta$e any form# they usually ta$e the form of a horse with a bullrush mane. After
luring unwary travellers onto their bac$s# they drag them underwater and eat them# allowing the
entrails to float to the surface of the water# which explains the whole temperamental thing.
Geela hair8 Geela wands are temperamental li$e the creatures they come from# and are considered
too volatile for a decent wand core in many circles. However# some wi'ards# particularly those with
Geela blood# enCoy the boost it gives to outdoorsy magics# divinations# and Charms. (he veela<s
inherent intelligence ma$es finding these wands among the non-Geela blooded most common in
*avenclaw. 7ince %ritain+s chief wandma$er# =arric$ :llivander# finds that Geela hair cores ma$e
for 1temperamental1 wands# it is li$ely that there are few Geela hair wands made in %ritain. 7ince
the only $nown Geela hair wand is from ,rance# it is li$ely that there is a wandma$er from central
"urope# possibly =regorovitch# who uses Geela hairs as the cores in his wands.
(hestral tail hair8 A (hestral tail hair is regarded as an unstable# if not difficult substance to use in
wand ma$ing# though Geela Hair is also described as such# but has been successfully utilised. )t is
assumed that one must be able to see (hestrals in order to utilise their hair# and since one must
witness death first-hand to see a (hestral# anyone wishing to forge a wand with the hair must
witness death# tying in with the story of being 16aster of Death.1 )t is un$nown if the tail hair
would be invisible to a wandma$er who had not seen death# as a (hestral would be# or if it can be
seen once its separated from the (hestral. (he only $nown case of this core being used is in the
"lder Wand itself# so it+s unli$ely# unless gifted down or made by the owner# that someone would
have a wand of this core.
Enea'le whis$ers8 Enea'le whis$ers can be used in wand cores although they are said to ma$e
inferior wands when compared with 2nicorn hair# !hoenix feather and Dragon heartstring.
Enea'les ma$e great pets so it+s safe to say that a wand with this core would be easy to use# even if
it may be someone else<s wand.
(roll whis$er8 (roll whis$ers are ta$en from the facial hairs of trolls. %eing Auite a magical
substance# they can be used as average wand cores# though in modern times it is considered an
inferior substance to the common cores.
Eoralle8 :r# Coral# is very uncommon to see# if only in "urope. (hese cores are rumoured to be the
one of the most balanced wand types# as far as spell casting goes.
Dittany 7tal$8 !retty hard to obtained# the plant also is extremely difficult to fuse into a wand# so
not a lot of wandma$ers tend to bother trying. Although if used as a core# would be one of if not the
best at healing spells.

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