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B i s m i l l a a h i r R a h m a a n i r R a h e e m

Alhamduliallaahi Rabbil-'Aalameen wa-Salaatu wa-Salaamu 'alaa Ashrafl

Anbiyaa-e-wal-Mursaleen, wa ba'd.

Assalaamu `Alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuhu

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

hat does the word !AM"#$ mean%
"t means Father And Mother I Lo&e You, lihubbillaah'

hat is a !amily% "n his arti(le, )The Family As A Cradle For Human
Society) Shaykh Muhammad Saleem Dhorat wrote the *ollowin+ -
quote: "Muslims have been blessed with a religion which specifes roles with
guidelines to the creation of an ideal society, wherein the needs of all its
members are taken care of; a society whose collective and individual aim is
to surrender to the Will of Allah, Who is the Creator and the rovider of all,
and who cares for the needs of all !is creations" #he $ur%aanic directives are
&uite specifc about the responsibilities of all human beings as well as the
regulations concerning the responsibilities of parents towards their children.)
- unquote.

,he "slami( *amily has a mother who (onsiders the (are *or her (hildren not
as a -art-time .ob but as one o* her *oremost duties, and a *ather who
a((ordin+ to the -atriar(hal nature o* "slam, is an "mam *or the *amily on
whose shoulders rests the reli+ious res-onsibility o* the *amily. )!e must, as
Syed Abul A`la Maudoodi -uts it so beauti*ully, /uphold the tenets of faith
and his authority symbolises that of Allaah in the world" #he man is in fact
respected in the family precisely because of the sacred total function he
fulfls" #he rebellion of Muslim women in certain &uarters of 'slamic society
came when men themselves ceased to fulfl their religious function and lost
their virile and patriarchal character""

0stablishment o* an "slami( ethos in the home is the -arental res-onsibility.
1hildren do (ontribute to that, a((ordin+ to their a+e and maturity. hen
rituals and s-irit o* "slam are (ons(iously (ulti&ated and -ra(tised in a *amily,
they (reate a dynami( and ha--y en&ironment where ea(h member +uards
the other *rom e&il. ,his +i&es rise to a -ositi&e learnin+ atmos-here in the
A *amily, where this s-irit is (onstantly ke-t alert, will be the best +uarantee
*or a sound "slami( so(iety be(ause it enables all *amily members to assume
their &i(e+erent (ons(iously. And this one o* the most im-ortant -ur-oses o*
*amily li*e.

,he 2ro-het Sall Allaahu `alayhi wa sallam said3

"Mothers, fathers, teachers, and the society as a whole, will all be
accountable in front of Allaah about the tarbiyyah (education and upbringing)
of this generation" 'f its tarbiyah is good, then there will be happiness * both
in this world and the !ereafter" 'f it is not, then there will be misery, and it
will be a rope around your necks * since there occurs in the hadeeth+ ,-ach of
you is a shepherd, and each of you will be &uestioned about those who you
are responsible for". [Related by al-Bukhaaree (13/111) and Muslim
(n! 1"#$)%

" would like to introdu(e you to the Abdullah *amily. ,hey are a lo&in+ and
(arin+ *amily, whose intera(tion with their (hild is e4em-lary, established on
mutual understandin+, the e4(han+in+ o* &iews and (o-o-eration. 2ositi&e
-arents make sure that what they im-art to their (hild is smooth and
"slami(ally sound.

" ha&e also atta(hed below is a dis(ourse "#he /uture of our Children and our
0esponsibility" -re-ared and deli&ered by Shaykh Muhammad Saleem
Dhorat at the international seminar o* intelle(tuals inau+urated by orld
"slami( !orum at 1onway 5all #ondon, on 67th Au+ust, 6889.

May Allaah Subhaanahu wa ,a`aala +uide and +rant us wisdom and -atien(e
in (arryin+ out our -arental res-onsibilities.

!i Amman Allaah
:hktuki !il "slam
; a r i m a

&he Abdullah Family
The Road to Success
,he Abdullahs are a +ood -ra(tisin+ Muslim *amily. "n this story 5adi, their
nine year old son, is worried about all his tests and e4aminations at s(hool.
5e lo&es s(hool, but -lay and s-orts seem to him easier and more
(om*ortable than the idea o* su((ess and (om-etition in (lass. 5e wants his
belo&ed -arents to hel- him in this matter and here is his story3
'adi( 5ow (an " always be su((ess*ul, Dad%
Father( " think that the best way to tell you about su((ess is by lookin+ at its
defnition in the <ur'aan
Mther( Do you remember Soorah Al-Shams =,he Sun> whi(h you studied
last year% "n it you read3 "1y the soul and the proportion and order given to
it, and the enlightenment as to its wrong and its right" #ruly he succeeds that
purifes it, and he fails that corrupts it".
'adi( " am askin+ about su((ess at s(hool, Mum'
Father( $es we know. e belie&e that real su((ess (an only be a(hie&ed i*
one (ontrols himsel* and +uides himsel* to the ri+ht -ath. "* you do this you
su((eed not only at s(hool but in all your li*e.
'adi( hat do you mean by (ontrollin+ and +uidin+ mysel*%
Father( $ou see, our li*e is a test . "t is like a bi+ s(hool. "* we make ta?kiah to
oursel&es as the <ur'an tells us, we -ass the test and we are rewarded with
@annah - the -aradise. "* we *ail to do so we are -unished and sent to @ahanam
or hell.
Mther( 1ertainly, 5adi would like to +o to @annah'
'adi( $es Mum, but " also would like to su((eed in my s(hool and be amon+
the best.
Father( " think that i* you make ta?kiah you will do better at s(hool
'adi( hat is ta?kiah, Dad%
Father( ,a?kiah in Arabi( means two thin+s3 it means to -uri*y onesel* *rom
all bad ideas and deeds and it also means to +row and de&elo- a +ood *aith
and a +ood (hara(ter.
'adi( " understand now. "* " make ta?kiah to mysel* " will de&elo- mysel* and
be(ome better at s(hool.
Mther( Aot only at s(hool but in e&erythin+ you do. "t is *or this reason that
your Dad and " ha&e sent you to an "slami( s(hool. e ho-e that the s(hool
will hel- us in buildin+ in you a +ood (hara(ter.
'adi( ,hank you &ery mu(h Mum and Dad. " know that you wish me the best
in this li*e and in the herea*ter. Aow tell me, how (an " make ta?kiah to
Father( ,his is a li*elon+ -ro(ess 5adi, be(ause all our li*e is a test as " ha&e
.ust e4-lained to you. $ou need to study the <ur'aan and the li*e and
traditions o* the 2ro-het Sall Allaahu `alayhi wa sallam and *ollow his
e4am-le. $ou need to be a +ood -ra(tisin+ Muslim in all your deeds. $ou
should try all your li*e to stren+then your *aith with +ood deeds in order to
rea(h the le&els o* "hsan and that is, as 2ro-het Muhammad Sall Allaahu
`alayhi wa sallam e4-lained3 "to worship Allaah as if you see !im, and if you
see him not, !e sees you""
'adi( "s there a -ra(ti(al way that hel-s me in this lon+ .ourney%
Mther( $es, try your best to be sin(ere to Allah in e&erythin+ you do, in your
-rayer as well as in your study and work.
'adi( " shall try my best. " -ray to Allaah o* su((eed at s(hool and in all my
Mther( May Allaah a((e-t you amon+ 5is +ood worshi--ers.
'adi( " am only worried that " may *or+et.
Father( Allaah will always remind you o* 5imsel*. "* you like, you (an do what
my tea(her tau+ht me when " was your a+e.
'adi( hat did he tea(h you, Dad%
Father( 5e +a&e me a list whi(h he (alled )eeds Mana*ement. At the end
o* ea(h day, be*ore " +o to slee-, he told me to answer all the Buestions
about my deeds durin+ the day. "* " answered '$es' to all or most o* the
Buestions it means that " ha&e done many +ood deed and a&oided many bad
ones. " should be ha--y and thank Allaah *or that. "* more Ao's' are there it
means that " ha&e *ailed in my daily "slami( duties and " ha&e to ask
*or+i&eness *rom Allaah and try my best to do better the ne4t day.
'adi( 1an you -re-are me a similar list, -lease%
Father( $es, o* (ourse " will, son ....
The Deeds Management Chart
Name: .............................................. Month: ......................... Year: .........................
ACTIVITY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
1. Did you
pray Fajr?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. Did you
pray Zuhr?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3. Did you
pray Asr?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4. Did you
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5. Did you
pray sha?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6. Did you
!"#$io# $h"
#a!" o%
A&&ah 'h"#
you did a#
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7. Did you
ob"y a#d
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8. Did you
(o#$ro& your
%ro! sayi#g
bad 'ords?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9. Did you . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$"&& $h" $ru$h
you said
10. Did you
r"ad )"rs"s
%ro! $h"
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11. Did you
r"sp"($ a#d
ob"y your
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
12. Did you
do a#y$hi#g
'hi(h you
do#,$ 'a#$
a#yo#" $o
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
13. Did you
%""& $ha$
you s"$ a
"*a!p&" o%
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
14. Did you
do a#y
su(h as
h"&pi#g $h"
poor. $h"
)isi$i#g a
prayi#g a$
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
#igh$. "$(?
15. As a
s$ud"#$ did
you do a&&
s$udi"s a#d
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A#s'"r usi#g $h" 'ords ,y"s, or ,#o,. /ou shou&d $ry $o a$$ai# a$ &"as$ 10 ,y"s, a#s'"rs. As- A&&aah 0a,aa&a,s %orgi)"#"ss
%or a#y !is$a-"s b"%or" you s&""p. a#d pray $o 1i! $o guid" you $o b" a b"$$"r Mus&i! i# ord"r $o b" su(("ss%u&.
Do you $hi#- you (ou&d i!pro)" ("r$ai# $hi#gs you did duri#g $h" !o#$h? % so. 'ri$" do'# 'ha$ $h"y ar"...
23ri#$ $his pag" i# &a#ds(ap" !od"4

&he Future + ur ,hildren and ur Res-nsibility
By .haykh Muhammad .aleem )hrat
&his is a dis0urse -re-ared and deli1ered by Muhammad .aleem )hrat at
the internatinal seminar + intelle0tuals inau*urated by 2rld Islaami0 Frum
at ,n3ay 'all Lndn4 n 15th Au*ust4 1$$3! Many leadin* s0hlars and
-ersnalities +rm all 1er the 3rld als -arti0i-ated! - Muhammad 6thmaan!
Muslims ha&e been blessed with a reli+ion whi(h s-e(ifes roles with +uidelines to the
(reation o* an ideal so(iety, wherein the needs o* all its members are taken (are o*C a
so(iety whose (olle(ti&e and indi&idual aim is to surrender to the ill o* Allaah, ho is
the 1reator and the 2ro&ider o* all, and who (ares *or the needs o* all 5is (reations. ,he
<ur'aani( dire(ti&es are Buite s-e(if( about the res-onsibilities o* all human bein+s as
well as the re+ulations (on(ernin+ the res-onsibilities o* -arents towards their (hildren.
Be*ore we dis(uss the )*uture o* our (hildren and our res-onsibility) it seems a--ro-riate
to brieDy +lan(e throu+h the -resent (ondition o* the Muslim (ommunity with re+ard to
,he Muslim (ommunity at lar+e is -resently obser&in+ in their (hildren the
mani*estations o* the e&il eEe(ts o* the libertine li*estyle o* the west. ,he -resent
+eneration o* youn+sters ha&e *allen &i(tim to the onslau+ht o* the western e&il. Many
-arents are sheddin+ tears and belie&e that they will now ha&e to li&e with the ruin o*
their oEs-rin+ who ha&e drowned themsel&es into &i(e F dru+s, al(oholism and
immorality o* all sorts. ,he -arents o* those (hildren are now wailin+3 "What can be
done to save our children?"
,he stark re&elation o* dru+s, al(oholism and immoral se4ual (onta(t in s(hools are
suG(ient to (ause (on(erned Muslims to wallow in +rie* and sho(kin+ dismay. "n many
s(hools, Muslim boys and +irls take dru+s on a wide s(ale, (onsume al(ohol on s(hool
-ro-erty and indul+e in -romis(uity. 5ayaa =shame and modesty>, the di&inely-+i&en
-rote(tion has de-arted *rom the s(hool-+oin+ +irls. Aakhirah is a remote and distant
-ossibility in their minds.
e ha&e to *a(e u- to the *a(ts o* reality +ri--in+ our (hildren at s(hools and (olle+es.
,hey are (au+ht u- in an o(ean o* &i(e and immorality. ,hey are totally i+norant o*
"slaami( knowled+eC they are de&oid o* "slaami( moral trainin+C their li*estyle and that o*
their asso(iates is un-islaami(C their en&ironment is un-"slaami(C their tuition is un-
"slaami(C their tea(hers are un-"slaami(C their *riends are un-"slaami(C their system o*
edu(ation is un-"slaami(C e&erythin+ surroundin+ them and e&erythin+ with what they
asso(iate is un-"slaami(.
Due to the la(k o* "slaami( edu(ation, their hearts are flled with mis(on(e-tions a+ainst
"slaam. ,hey (ome home +reetin+ their -arents who belie&e them to be inno(ent and
honest (hildren, little realisin+ that the immorality and mis(on(e-tions are beatin+ in
their hearts. ,he e4hibitions o* the .aahiliyyah =-eriod o* i+noran(e> are o-eratin+ at their
hi+hest -eak. !ree intermin+lin+ o* the se4es, intimate *riendshi- with the o--osite se4,
-lays, (on(erts, mi4ed re(reational *a(ilities and -ra(ti(es, immodest dresses et(. are all
in+redients o* .aahiliyyah whi(h are (ondemned and -rohibited by the <ur'aan but,
un*ortunately are -re&alent at s(hools and (olle+es amon+st our (hildren too.
"n short, by the time our (hildren rea(h the a+e o* si4teen and Buali*y *rom their s(hools
they are de&iated *rom "slaam in their belie*s, a(tions, (hara(ter and in(linations. "* this
is the (ondition o* our -resent +eneration, then it is not diG(ult to understand the *a(t
that the ne4t +eneration o* Muslim (hildren will be treadin+ a -ath o* moral and s-iritual
destru(tion more dan+erous and worse than the road o* ruin whi(h the -resent
+eneration o* Muslim teena+ers has been -loddin+ *or the -ast de(ade. Muslim -arents
must realise what is ha--enin+ to their sons and dau+hters. ,hese are real -roblems
whi(h we as -arents ha&e to *a(e u-to. ,hese are real e&ils whi(h are +ri--in+ our
(hildren. e as Muslim -arents (annot shru+ it oE or (hoose to (ast a blind eye to it.
,here*ore, the Buestion is how (an this dan+erous situation be remedied and (hallen+ed%
hat is the solution to these -roblems% As -arents, what is our res-onsibility towards our
"t will be im-ossible to re(ti*y a rotten situation i* the rot and the disease are not
dia+nosed and remedied. ithout re(o+nisin+ and understandin+ the root o* the
-roblem, whi(h is de&ourin+ our (hildren, all s(hemes de&ised to im-ro&e the morals o*
our (hildren will be *ruitless. 5ere are a *ew su++estions3
6. 7arent8s res-nsibility(
2arents must realise that Allaah has bestowed them with (hildren as amaanat =sa(red
trust>. A trust about whi(h we will be Buestioned F a trust whi(h will testi*y a+ainst us on
the Day o* <iyaamah. "* we ruin this amaanat here on earth, so will it ruin and destroy us
in the 5erea*ter by its testimony a+ainst us. Rasoolullah sallallahu `alayhi wasallam has
said3 )0&eryone o* you is a she-herd and e&eryone o* you will be Buestioned in re+ard to
hisHher Do(k.)
,he -arent's res-onsibility is to nurture the (hild in his in*an(y and (are*ully a--ro-riate
his edu(ation and trainin+C tea(h him the 5oly <ur'aan and the basi( belie*s o* "slaamC
make him aware o* ne(essary laws re+ulations (on(ernin+ the 1reator and the (reationC
-re&ent him *rom those thin+s whi(h lead to destru(tionC instil in him the +reatness o*
Allah and that his duty towards the 1reator is abo&e all and e&erythin+. ,he -arents -lay
a &ery &ital role in the destiny o* their (hildren and it is also indi(ated in a 5adeeth3
)0&ery (hild is born on ftrah =an innate (hara(ter +i&en to all by Allaah>. ,hen his
-arents either make him a 1hristian, a @ew or a Ioroastrian.)
,oday, -arents are (on(erned only about the well-bein+ o* their (hildren's se(ular
edu(ation and materialisti( *uture and are totally ne+le(t*ul o* their s-iritual and moral
-ro+ress. "n these (ir(umstan(es, they (annot be re+arded *riends o* their (hildren. "n
Ma.aalise Abraar it is stated3) A *riend o* man is one who stri&es to de&elo- the Aakhirah
o* his *riend e&en i* it means detriment to his worldly li*e. ,he enemy o* man is one who
stri&es to brin+ about ruin in one's Aakhirah althou+h there may be worldly +ain in this
stri&in+.) Remember, we as -arents are res-onsible to sa&e our (hildren *rom !ire by
+uardin+ and de&elo-in+ their "maan and their morals. ,he <ur'aan says3 )J Belie&ers'
Sa&e yoursel&es and your *amilies *rom the !ire whose *uel is -eo-le and stones.)
K. Madaaris [r e1enin* s0hls%(
,here is a need to establish e&enin+ s(hools *or (hildren in e&ery lo(ality and where
these already e4ist we need to (han+e the method o* tea(hin+ in them and remo&e the
(ommuni(ation barrier. !rom the s(hools to the homes and madrasah there is a hu+e
(ultural +a-. ,he (hildren (an hardly understand the lessons im-arted in :rdu or Lu.arati
or any other *orei+n lan+ua+e. ,he result is that they lea&e the madrasah without
+ras-in+ the true knowled+e o* "slaam. S-e(ial (ourses in 0n+lish should be -re-ared *or
(hildren. e must also introdu(e (lasses *or 69M boys and +irls u- to 6N years as this is
the a+e o* understandin+.
9. 2estern institutins(
,he +reatest (ause o* the moral de-ra&ity is the e&il en&ironment o* these institutions.
Jur (hildren s-end most o* their -re(ious time in these institutions where they study
immorality, flth, obs(enity and in(orre(t belie*s and theories whi(h (ontradi(t "slaam.
Be(ause o* the -oor "slaami( edu(ation, due to the la(k o* attention *rom -arents, many
o* our (hildren are not *ully aware o* "slaami( belie*s and laws, and they be(ome
mentally (on*used and uneasy at heart. ,o re*rain *rom endea&ourin+ to -ro&ide se(ular
edu(ation *or our (hildren in an "slaami( en&ironment and to send them to -ubli( s(hools
is like thrustin+ them into a lion's den.
O. &he en1irnment(
,here is no doubt that the en&ironment and so(iety in whi(h a -erson li&es has a +reat
eEe(t on his (hara(ter, habits and dealin+s. ,he en&ironment o* the (ountry we li&e in is
totally un-"slaami(, there*ore, the eEe(ts o* su(h so(iety on our (hildren are ob&ious.
5en(e, it is ne(essary that we en(oura+e our (hildren to kee- away *rom bad (om-any
and arran+e re(reational *a(ilities et(. *or them where they (an +o and s-end their time
in an "slaami( en&ironment.
Jur (hildren will be leaders o* tomorrow. "* their (ondition is im-ro&ed then the :mmah
will be im-ro&ed and i* they deteriorate then they will be the *orerunners o* +reat
destru(tion whi(h will ine&itably harm the Muslims +reatly.
Lrou-s ini diwu.udkan untuk mera-atkan hubun+an sesama muslim di
alam (yber. Adalah dihara-kan ahli +rou- ini da-at men+hantar artikel
yan+ da-at menin+katkan ketaBwaan ke-ada Allah S..,. Semo+a
usaha ke(il ini menda-at keredhaan-Aya. ;ebaikan harus dilakukan
walau di mana kita berada.

$a Allah ' Selamatkanlah :mat "slam di seluruh dunia ini. Betulkan niat
dalam melakukan sesuatu kerana Allah S..,

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