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ANACLYSM front cover

The illustration for the front and back covers have been omitted
to allow easier posting to the ECOphysics site/group.
The illustrations for the front and back covers,
plus 8 glyphs, otherwise found in Appendix A,
are available for viewing in a photo album, titled ‘Anaclysm – book’
in the ‘Pictures’ section at ECOphysics.
( Please go to to view illustrations. )


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Submerged in Spirit

A Physiology of the Spirit



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Submerged in Spirit
A Physiology of the Spirit

© 1972, 2004, ECOhealth / Z. P. Charnoe

author: Zeera (Zee) P. Charnoe (Z. P. Charnoe)

publishers: ECOhealth, S. J. Gray, Canada

Portions of this text may be copied and distributed for personal use
only by providing proper reference to the author, including:
1. title of the book: Anaclysm
2. full name of author: Zeera (Zee) P. Charnoe or Z. P. Charnoe
3. publisher: ECOhealth
4. website addresses:

Posting quotations from or reference to this book

in reviews and at internet forums,
in the context within which the writings were intended
is welcomed and is appreciated.
Posting links to our forum(s) or website(s) is welcomed and is appreciated.
Posting quotations from or references to this book on a website
requires written permission by author or publisher.
Making the book or any portion thereof available, at other websites,
for sale or distribution
requires written permission and agreement by author or publisher.

waves and pool at high tide, North Sea, Scotland, 1972
after much patience, lying on his stomach in the sand,
the author captured this with a 35 mm camera


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COVER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
TITLE PAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

COVER PHOTO DETAILS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
TABLE OF CONTENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4


by S. J. Gray Charnoe

PREFACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
by Z. P. Charnoe

ANACLYSM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

MESOFACE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
MESOLOGUE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
SELF-DECEIVED / SELF-REALIZED. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
OF QUANTUM MECHANICS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

OF CREATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64


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ANNERLOBE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

SCREEN PLAY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

FOOT NOTES / BIBLIOGRAPHY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

APPENDIX A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Art Glyphs, referenced in Mesosis

APPENDIX B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Anaclysm the Forum, 1974, original subscription form

APPENDIX C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Maintaining and Expanding Connections

APPENDIX D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Proposed Website

APPENDIX E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Materials Available by Author – Titles and Formats

BACK COVER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107


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I have something to say.

It may even be something someone wants to hear or to read.
What I have to say is about masterpieces not being in style.
It is also about change and adaptation, about platforms
and closed doors behind and open doors ahead, about cheese and shocks,
shuddering and falling into nets.
But what I have to say is about much more than all that: I jumped. I leaped.
That jumping, that leaping, constitutes an ANACLYSM,
a sudden upbuilding, versus cataclysm, a sudden destruction or downfall!

I jumped through some doors - doors that weren't apparent.

What did those doors look like? What was behind those doors?
Anaclysm lay behind those doors - those doors with coded marks.

Cataclysm is a very sudden destruction. Anaclysm is the opposite.

Anaclysm is a sudden spurt of life, an upwelling construction.

There is no way back. I can only pass this account of the adventure along.
I can only reach back from this state. I try to appear familiar.

Zeera (Zee) P. Charnoe, author


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"You write like a man in full formal attire, tie and tails, without a white shirt."
That obviously means . . . missing an essential.
What's the essential I'm missing?"
"The connection of meaning, the arousing of attention,
the holding of attention, because of the relevance, the interest,
the tangency of what you write to the experience of the reader.
You must touch the open questions of those to whom or for whom you write.
Writing isn't just a technique.
First and foremost - you must have something to say,
something someone wants to read or to hear."

That was the first sermon on creative writing I heard. I was young.
That statement was made, by Professor Ruff, in 1953,
while I was attending the University of Oregon.
Yet, I felt I did have something to say. I needed to be heard.
My mind was full.
I was diligent. I was apt at learning words.
In the ninth grade, I called the cow with the crumpled horn - in the poem
"This is the House that Jack Built" -
the gentle bovine with the corrugated curvilinear protuberances.

Years later, I read - in the preface of a book - the book offered a word diet
to those who were verbally overweight.
I understood what was meant.
I had vigorously applied myself to gaining the vocabulary which I wielded
when I wrote "without a white shirt".

My attention was fully focused on his soft voice

and his glistening pale blue eyes.
It was another sermon from academia.
[ ]
Dr. John Bruce 1 was within months of retirement.


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His words were gleaned from a lifetime of considering art of many kinds,
including film and literature.
He leaned forward, sitting on the edge of the table,
"With a craft, you know at the onset, the means and the methods
of your work.
There is an inventory of materials. The dimensions are determined.
Selected tools are at hand.
There is a plan, perhaps drawn or described,
but at least established by experience.

"With an art the pattern flows with the moment.

There is not a predetermined number of grams
of each preselected colour of paint.
You don't know which brush nor how many brushes you will use,
nor whether brushes will be used at all.
Even so with the art of writing a story, literary art.
There is no inventory of prepositions, adjectives or nouns.
There isn't a number of words or a number of subjects.
The number of characters, or the number of scenes, is open
to a spontaneous flow.
These numbers are open to impulses
from the unconscious or subconscious mind.
Art and craft have very distinct parts in creative expression."

In 1953, I sat at an old oak table on the second floor

of the grey stone building.
There were rain drops on the west windows. I scribbled my notes to keep up.
It seemed odd that he spoke with a slightly mouthy lisp.
He was a speech teacher.

Professor Rice said, if I recall correctly - after all these years,

"A sermon is an oral dissertation, on a religious theme,
with a view to persuasion."

Ward Rice was a Professor of Speech, at Northwest Christian,

across the street from the University of Oregon, in Eugene, Oregon.


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I was told Northwest Christian had far better speech courses

than the University of Oregon.
I wondered, "Is or can art or creative writing, on any subject,
be a religious theme?
There is a view to persuasion.
These pieces of writing are or can be oral dissertations.
Religio, the Latin term, means 'binding back to God'.
Maybe art is a religious theme. Maybe creative writing is religious.
Maybe they are sermons, sermons on creative writing or sermons
from academia."

I was an academic tramp, but I didn't know it yet.

I only knew that professors needed to have something to say,
something I needed to hear.
But what did I need to hear?

Over the years, the questions formed.

The elements of the questions emerged,
on occasions such as when Taffy, my dog, died.
I wanted to understand why he died.
I wanted to understand what it meant to die.
There not only was no one around even to attempt to tell me why,
but those who were around weren't wondering why,
at least as far as I could tell, and I didn't understand that either.

Mom was pretty, she was a good cook

and she had a fantastic low-pitched voice.
She just didn't know very many songs. At one time, she sang on the radio.
The questions she seemed to have weren't questions I even understood, then.
Why didn't she cry, when Taffy was going to die?

I didn't cry, when my Mom died. Now I want to understand that.

Being an academic tramp seemed to follow from those questions about dying
and crying, and the echo of those words,
"You write like a man in full formal attire, tie and tails,
without a white shirt".

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I wanted to have a lot to say. I wanted to understand why Taffy died.

I wanted to know why I cried and Mom didn't.
Maybe she did, but she wouldn't cry, where I could see her.
But that only makes me want to understand why she did that.

I don't think I ever cared about whether I had a career or a profession.

I just wanted a life.
Within weeks of reading the red marks on my writing effort, that motto
about the tie, tails and white shirt, I was married.
A few weeks later, I was working in Beverly Hills,
as an architectural draftsman, designing houses.
They weren't very interesting houses. Usually they were showy.
Sometimes they were just comfortable or familiar.
Masterpieces weren't in style.
I wondered why?

In the evenings, I studied psychology at Los Angeles City College.

We lived in a stark white apartment over the top of some garages –
with red tile parapets, Spanish style.
For some reason I still remember the address: 2233 1/2 Alsace.

Each pay check was cashed and the cash was divided into envelopes.
The envelopes were marked: rent, electricity, food, telephone, clothing . . .
As I look back at it now, there should have been more envelopes,
envelopes marked: "things to try", "places to go".
Instead, there was simply a miniscule surplus.

Of all the words I read and heard, of all the things I saw –
in the name of psychology,
I remember one experiment – after all these years.
We saw the experiment on film: Mice were placed, on a small platform.
The way back from the platform was blocked, by a closed door.
Around the platform was space, with a net at the bottom of the space.
Across from the platform, were two doors - mouse-sized doors.
A piece of cheese was put, in clear sight of the mouse –
through one of the open doors.

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The mouse would jump, eventually, through the open door,

through which door, it could see the cheese.
The mouse would eat the cheese.

I have wondered since . . . how much cheese a mouse might want to eat,
at one time.
I've also had the idea, since, of perhaps blowing a fan
in the direction of the mouse, over the cheese and through the door.

The cheese was moved. It was put behind the other door.
It was still in plain sight.
The other door was opened.
But the mouse didn't want to start jumping through a different door.
It just sat there on the platform.
The platform was gleaming bright stainless steel.
It was connected to the output of a transformer –
the source of an electrical jolt.
The mouse was shocked.
It jumped through the same door through which it had jumped before.

This first door was closed and latched. The other door stood open.
The cheese was there, in plain sight. The mouse was put back on the platform.
It sat there. The mouse was shocked.
It jumped against the closed door, bumped its nose, and fell into the net.
It was put back on the platform. It sat there. It was shocked.
It jumped through the open door. It ate the cheese.
The first door was opened again.
The cheese was put behind the first door again.
The mouse was put back on the platform. It sat there. It was shocked.
It jumped through the open second door.

Finally, after more such events, the mouse being put on the platform,
the cheese in plain sight, both doors open, it would sit.
It would be shocked.
It would shudder and simply fall off the platform into the net.


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If, after all these years, those experiments stand fresh in my mind, I wonder
whether I shall ever forget them.
I've thought about how many times and in how many ways I've had to change,
to adapt.
I've seen so many people who resist change.
I've even seen some who shudder and simply fall into the net,
rather than change.
Of course, there is no net.
There is no electrical shock, but sometimes there is a shock of a different kind.

I have something to say.
It may even be something someone wants to hear or to read.
What I have to say is about masterpieces not being in style.
It is also about change and adaptation,
about platforms and closed doors behind and open doors ahead,
about cheese and shocks, shuddering and falling into nets.
But what I have to say is about much more than all that:
I jumped. I leaped.
That jumping, that leaping, constitutes an ANACLYSM,
a sudden upbuilding,
versus cataclysm, a sudden destruction or downfall!

I jumped through some doors - doors that weren't apparent.

What did those doors look like? What was behind those doors?
ANACLSYM lay behind those doors - those doors with coded marks.

Cataclysm is a very sudden destruction. Anaclysm is the opposite.

ANACLYSM is a sudden spurt of life, an upwelling construction.

There is no way back. I can only pass this account of the adventure along.
I can only reach back from this state. I try to appear familiar.


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A number of events occurred in a close sequence.

Together these events sculpted my mind and soul,
as if by some deliberate hand or following some previously determined script.

Someone went through a stop sign, on a cold winter day.

He hit me, broadside.
I was driving a new Mercedes Benz. I was wearing a heavy overcoat.
My seat belt was slack. The front seat arm rest was down.
I got a bump on the head and a bad bruise on my hip.
The steel support of the arm rest was bent.
Later I calculated the force of the impact required
to bend that steel with my hip (it was helpful to be a physicist).
He had to be going at least fifty-three miles per hour
in a twenty-five mile an hour zone.
His insurance company quickly consented fault.
I was given another new maroon Mercedes Benz and a cash settlement.
It seemed to me that there always was an overshadowing hand,
benevolently dispatching resources and experience to prompt me, to assist me,
to goad me, when I was dull or inattentive.

It didn't seem anything was wrong or different from the bump on the head
and the bruise on my hip, but I wonder.
I did need to sit down. I was slightly dizzy.
I began to read and to think about subjects never before
within the scope of my interests.

Some years later, the term: "developmental crisis" was applied

to that transition in my life.

One day, I tried to encapsulate the state I was in and the process of transition.
I wrote the following:


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[ ]
J. Allen Boone 3 wrote a book called Kinship With All Life.
That book struck me. I was in bed with pneumonia.
I was in Rye, New York, at The Wainwright House.
I had first gone there to lecture, in response to an invitation
from Dr. Robert Laidlaw, the Chief of Psychiatry
at Bellevue Hospital, in New York.
Now the comfortable conference facilities were empty and quiet,
except for the caretaker, John.
I read that first Boone book, Kinship With All Life, as I was healing.
Boone recalled his experiences with the dog Strongheart, the large Alsatian
that played the part of Rin Tin Tin, in the movies, many years ago.

In 1943, J. Allen Boone wrote another book, You Are The Adventure.
The book title was listed in a recent edition of Kinship With All Life.
The local library searched every library in Canada. The book wasn't on hand.
They extended the search to the United States.
Finally, it was located at Clemson College. It was sent to Canada.
I received the book.
I recently read five or six chapters in it . . .
more than forty years after its publication.
After reading several passages, I read that Boone had a conversation
with what he called an adventurer - in Shanghai, China.

"He (the adventurer) predicted that we would all

have to become mental explorers sooner or later,
because of the way the scientists were causing
the material universe to disappear before our very eyes.

"'They are insisting, with ever increasing proof', he said,

'that the universe of mechanical matter is not external to us at all,
but inside us –
that is, inside each individual mind –
and that it is made of the same substance as mental ideas.
Which means that everything contrary to a spiritually mental universe
is as temporary and as fleeting as vapour.'"

The adventure through the unapparent door, and the subsequent doors –
with coded marks, is that kind of an adventure, an adventure within.

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It is the adventure I commenced with the jump.

Perhaps I should use the term leap.
It led to anaclysm.

During part of the twelve years, the commencement of which was marked
by writing without a white shirt, I studied physics, at Linfield,
in McMinnville, Oregon.

The whole of physics can be re-cast into the terms of

Force, Form and Motion;
Space, Time and Substance;
Number, Sequence, Territory,
Scale, Duration, and Rate.

The function of force is to change; the function of form is to bound,

limit or define;
the function of motion is to relate,
by means of range changes of interaction and acceleration
or the transformation of charge into field, opening the domain.

Force changes the posture, the position or the state of form.

Force changes the direction or the rate of motion.
The equivalence of effect of mass and inertia can be seen
when the motion component of kinetic energy, at any given temperature,
can be exchanged for the mass component,
in the behaviour of a gas especially.

A general formula may be written:

Force = Form (or substance) times Second Form


This formula parallels:

F = m' m" c , F = q' q" c

2 2
d d

A similar formula exists for magnetic monopoles.


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The impact of relativity can be seen in the d2 term which becomes d 2.000006

I would like to re-state it all as

what we mean by force has a value following relationship
to what we mean by form or substance
e.g. mass, charge, field, as a two body interaction or exchange
between two forms,
divided by the distance or change in distance,
defined by either a constant, a changing motion or relative stillness.
The questions were like a selection of ingredients.
I posed and postured the ingredients. Do they connect? Do they relate? How?

Maybe the connecting elements or ingredients are missing from the questions.
Perhaps it is like asking "How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?"
The elements of the questions don't connect –
I mean the elements of the angels, the dancing and the pin head.

While at Linfield, studying physics, I worked in architecture.

I designed municipal swimming pools, a food-processing building,
a newspaper plant, some churches, some schools . . . none masterpieces.
Again and again I heard, "We must be practical", or "Keep down costs".
Masterpieces weren't in style.

Almost intoxicated with new possibilities, I looked for problems,

problems a physicist could solve.
I found some.

In nine hundred and sixty square feet, I combined two desks, a drafting table,
a calculator and typewriter,
an electronics work bench and a chemistry bench –
with an exhaust hood through a rear window, a lathe, a drill press,
and an array of other tools.
I had the lowest cost, best value-for-money research lab, ever.
A part-time secretary, Helen Rolene, and I, began.

The only problems I could find were ones everyone else had given up on.
Audacity and näivety propelled me.
Soon I had an electronics engineer, an electronics technician and a chemist.

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Six of us moved to new quarters, a six thousand square foot building

on 33rd Street, in Vancouver, Washington.
By 1966, there were about thirty of us.

The twelve years were over. The twelve years had started in 1954.
It was 1954, when I first read about ties and tails without a white shirt.

I resigned. I left for California. I spent time on the beach at Malibu.

So much had changed. I had jumped, no I had leaped.

Every experience of my life seemed to fit together.

The years over a drafting board - the spatial sense that one gains,
the psychology, the physics.

I went to work for the American Humanitarian Foundation.

I was designing a psycho-physics lab at the edge of the UCLA campus.
Human possibilities, my possibilities as a human being, meant everything.

From that inventory of experience, from those twelve years

that followed that summer evening class, that summer evening class
when I saw the film of the experiment with the mouse,
so many of the events were able to be understood, at least in part,
from the explanations and insights which followed that psychology class.

Dr. Varnum , who taught that psychology class,
was memorable in other ways.
He had been a psychologist for the United States Army, during World War II.

He recounted, "There was an ex-soldier from a suburb of Detroit.

The ex-soldier said that he sat silently for nearly an hour,
able to hear the Japanese interrogator question his buddy - in English.
The interrogator was patient. He was appealing. He was understanding.
He was persuasive.
The soldier couldn't believe how well informed the Japanese interrogator was
about American life.

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"'We understand suffering.

We know that suffering comes from the differences
between what you have and what you are
and what you want and what you want to be.
We have learned control.
You have seen how our snipers undergo surgery on their feet
to enable them to wear special shoes and cling firmly in the trees.

"'Americans do not know themselves. They have no control.

How can they win this war? Americans want anything and everything.
Wild wanting is even stirred to the point of fulfilling those wants by crime.
If you want happiness, if you want contentment,
you must have control of yourself.
You must control your desires. We understand this. We will win.
We have control of self. Americans do not.'

"His buddy responded, shaken.

It was possible to hear the shaking in his voice.
"Wha . . . what you say is true . . . about wanting,
but we can supply those wants.'

"'Not so. Not so many wants.

Not wants you generate in hour after hour of advertisements,
everywhere in your environment.
You are out of touch with the alternatives.
You do not even inform yourselves about life and philosophy.
You do not inform yourselves about traditions hundreds
or thousands of years old and their wisdom.'

"The soldier sat in silence, hidden, but able to hear.

He wanted to keep on listening.
He was challenged. He wanted to speak. His buddy didn't or couldn't answer.
He didn't know whether he could either.
He didn't even know whether he should, if he could.

"Now he was faced with a crisis.

His chances to release his friend and to escape were narrowing.

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Could he kill this Japanese interrogator?

Was there a way not to kill him and still gain his buddy's freedom?
Not only would his own support company be leaving shortly,
but Japanese soldiers would be arriving."

Dr. Varnum hesitated.

"This tormented man, this ex-soldier lies before me
in the Veterans Administration Hospital, not only shocked, not only confused,
but rationally unraveled.
How could he take up life in a society about which he had
the deepest reservations and doubts?
How could he take up life in a society
that had remotely incinerated tens of thousands of people –
men, women, children . . .
a society that did, indeed, promote wild wanting.
A society that was, indeed, unhappy, discontent
and without a deep knowledge of self
or the wider ranges of human possibility.

Much more, how could he take up life in any society after his own act,
if he killed this man?

There was conflict between loyalty to his buddy and some fair-mindedness,
some recognition of the truth the Japanese interrogator spoke.

"He wasn't wearing a uniform. He wasn't armed. I couldn't shoot him.

He asked to be taken a prisoner, to a society he opposed.
I marched him back, without requiring that he raise his hands.
We reached the corner of the building - with him leading the way.
Somehow, suddenly, shots were fired. He fell, dead.

"'I saved my buddy,' he said faintly,

grasping for every justification he could find – without satisfaction.
'We are home!"
But Varnum asked us, "Home to what?
A society that kills out of fear so great it shoots a captive, unarmed,
without uniform.
A society that kills someone simply because he is there, suddenly.'"

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Dr. Varnum said he not only had no answers,

he didn't even have any questions.
He simply sat, quite affected by the whole account
and the condition of the man that lie before him.
The story left him less able and more inert. What was the answer?

From that same inventory of experience, during those same twelve years,
I returned to Eugene, Oregon,
the place where I first encountered that statement,
"You write like a man in full formal attire, tie and tails,
without a white shirt".
That encounter was at the University of Oregon.
I worked as an architectural draftsman.
I took classes at the University: The History of Architecture
and the translation of Alcestis, by Euripides, from Greek.

In the History of Architecture I was looking for masterpieces. I found some.

"What do you consider a masterpiece?"

"Certainly a masterpiece requires a master."

"So what's a master?"

I didn't like being cross-examined in that tone.

It sounded as though he had a right to require critically
some kind of satisfying answer.
Where did that right come from? How did he come to assume that attitude?

Some part of me wanted to ask the same questions, but not the same way,
not in that tone.
Perhaps he had just become accustomed to asking questions
with a sense of demand because he was a professor.


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I answered the question, in a dreamy tone,

"A master is someone who has gathered and structured
all the crafts of expression, but more than that:
someone who has forces converge within his work
and within his person,
forces which no other person has allowed to express - as art."

That was something else I had come to understand from Professor Bruce.

I continued my dissertation - with rising powers of articulation

as I noted the sense of satisfaction with what I had said so far.
"With art the fewest bounds are accepted in initiating the work.
The media and perhaps the scale are chosen.
Every force, every form, every motion, thereafter, flows from some pattern
invisible to an onlooker.
Only parts of the pattern are intermittently
within the ordinary consciousness of the artist."

I went on. "There is another credential of masterpieces: the time taken,

the patience, the intensity and concentration of sheer effort is apparent.
It is a distillation of expression.
Even the names and the functions of masterpieces seem to participate
in the art – temples, places of devotion, where ideals are honoured, revered,
perhaps served.
The temple may even be the habitation for the embodiment of an ideal."

I fell silent, astonished at my own words.

I wondered, "Where are these temples today?

There are great buildings, there are works of art, there are even masterpieces,
but temples . .
Silently I thought, "Would the cinema be the counterpart?
Would the icons of Hollywood be the embodiment of some ideals?
Maybe that was the problem - the ideals being embodied.
They seemed to lack the heroics . . . maybe not.


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It is just a matter of recognition. Would Superman be our embodied ideal?

The freedoms of his powers - invincible, wise, strong, able to fly,
devoted to justice.
What do we hold as ideals?

[ ]
Perhaps Einstein 5 , a human ideal, personifies our quest.
His mind was his laboratory.
He figured out something so fundamental from such indistinct clues . . .

I fell ill with pneumonia. I was admitted to Vancouver Memorial Hospital.
I ran a high fever. Congestion increased seriously.
Dr. Butler had me put in a steeply inclined bed, head downwards,
with a stainless steel pan on the floor beneath.
I coughed.
Mucous would gush from every passage: my nose, my mouth,
even the tiny slits on the inside corner of my eyelids, the puncta,
I had learned to call them.
I sputtered, coughed and convulsively pumped out immense quantities
of pink-tinted, yellow-streaked fluid gels.
I was delirious.
My life was at the edge of being over at this young age of thirty.

I was leaving behind four beautiful children, two girls and two boys.
They had stood at the hospital room west window the day before.
They weren't allowed to come inside.
I had given them assurances of coming home soon, but now . . .

I blushed. I was deeply embarrassed at the ugly discharge

in the stainless steel pan.
The fever's heat and the hot blush fused into a red tide
that washed my sight through closed eyelids and the bright sun streaming
in those west windows in the late afternoon.

I looked down at the body, prone, poised over the pan. Breathing had stopped.
The heart had stopped.

 

Buzzers blared continuously, in contrast to the intermittent bleeps

that had continued day and night.
A bell sounded.
Nurses moved swiftly, tilting the bed up, turning the body over,
turning the head aside, pressing the chest.

The buzzers and bells had gone dim to my hearing.

I looked upon the scene now from outside the west window.
Along the beams of sunlight from the setting sun, a tunnel formed.
Colours streaked the curved walls and blurred as I was propelled along
towards and through the tunnel.

A clear white light shone from the end of the tunnel, upon me, into me,
through me.
It was a white whiter than any white I had ever seen or even dreamed.

In an alcove off the tunnel stood the quiet, kind and smiling face
of the man I called Dad during the first years of my life,
my foster grandfather.
His clear white hair reflected the beams of white light.
He didn't speak, but I slowed –
as though drawn by tractor beams of love between us.

The last time I had seen him he was in the Veteran's Hospital with cancer.
He died.
I remember the sound of the baseball game
from the radio in his hospital room.

Then I remembered the expectations of a four-year-old boy
on East 94th Street, in Los Angeles, as I listened to the Philco radio,
sitting on the dining room dish cabinet.
Red Ryder and Little Beaver would be on soon.
Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy, was just over.
My expectations weren't focused on the radio,
but on Dad's arrival in the new white Ford.


 

He came in the back door, put down his black lunch pail
on the black-and-white hexagonal tile drain board and sat down on the step
next to the Servel gas refrigerator.
I submerged in the warm enclosure of his arms, legs and chest
and offered my overstretched hug.

Then he reached across and opened the black lunch pail

and took out a waxed paper parcel of Nana's cookies,
cookies he hadn't eaten at lunch, but reserved for this evening ceremony.
This private ritual was kept secret.
It always waited until Nana's ears couldn't hear
the opening of the lunch bucket nor the unfolding of the wax paper
which we always put back in the lunch pail.

The next strategy was for me to retreat to the radio and listen to Red Ryder
and Little Beaver in their latest adventure,
which always contained enough thundering hoof beats
to drown out the crunches of cookie-eating before dinner.

Now I think Nana knew and always found an excuse to leave the kitchen
at the rehearsed minute.
She always had to fetch a piece of mail
or carry boots to the back porch and scrape bits of metal from the soles.

The tractor beam of love between Dad and I relaxed and I went out
into that white light.
The tunnel got larger until the walls disappeared and I was simply in a mist
with the beams of light surrounding me.
I stood before the source, a being. Liquid love poured forth.

"You judge yourself" were his only words or perhaps they weren't words,
only thoughts, like the liquid love that was contained in the beam of light
that obscured any form.


 

The feelings made me remember a book George had come upon

when we were in grade eleven.
He showed it to me in Mrs. Culveyhouse's class.
[ ]
Judy had loaned it to him: Intra Muros 6 .
A woman described just such a feeling and some marvelous scenes
of being beneath the waters of a stream, but not required to breathe.

George had been the best man at my wedding.

I remembered talking with him about the feelings he had
about his girlfriend, Lois, while we walked in the park.
In fact, my whole life was streaming before me, scene by scene.

The pace of the playback seemed always to hesitate when I came to a scene
where I had helped or hurt the feelings of someone
or they had helped or hurt mine.

The scene slowed in 1942, when Gloria invited me into her house,
then into her bedroom.
Gloria was my twelve year old next door neighbour.
I was six years old. Why did she want to frighten a six-year-old boy?

We lived in Delano, in the San Joaquin Valley, in California.

I was with Mom and Dad. They were together again.
I missed Nana and Dad, or the man whom I called Dad.
But they came for Christmas.
They brought me a bicycle, a turquoise blue bicycle. It wasn't new.
The war meant that new bicycles weren't available, but Dad,
my foster grandfather, had completely repainted and repaired it
and brought it from Los Angeles.

I seemed to be the means of bringing four people together

that otherwise would have stayed apart.
Nana always had preferred Margaret to my mother.
But Margaret died at age 12, of pneumonia, leaving Nana with my mom
as her only daughter, three years younger.
Mom had been reminded too many times about how much better
or how much nicer Margaret was.
But they were left with each other.

 

It was interesting to see thirty years of a lifetime from such a perspective.

Purpose was so much a matter of people and their feelings,
not the success of the lovely home, the Boeing contract,
the new Mercury Station Wagon or the Mercedes Benz.

Pneumonia seemed a sorting agent in our family history.

It had taken Margaret out of Nana's and Mom's life and now it took me.

No, there were too many loose ends, too many feelings in disrepair,
too much life pointed in the wrong direction
and too much life to point in the right direction.

Back through the tunnel.

The tractor beam of love to Dad, my foster grandfather, stayed intact,
but we simply allowed the pulse of warmth to pass
and I was going back down the tunnel.

Ugh, residence in that muted sick flesh . . .

Dr. Butler had arrived. There were injections, thrusts on my chest.
I looked on the wall of the hospital room to the clock.
A little more than two and a half minutes had passed.

Wow, some fast cinema. Thirty years of life in a little more than two minutes.

I coughed. My heart took up beating again.

The sun still was shining through the west window,
but I had to add many days to this lifetime, many years.

Those years were going to be different. They have been.

How was I going to break loose? How was I going to change directions?

A few days later, Sim brought a pile of checks for me to sign for payroll.

"Everything's fine. It's all getting done." he assured me.

Lois, Jill, Lindy and Bryce were back at the west hospital window.


 

"I'll be home soon."

But everything was different.

"You can't decide what you're going to discover."

"You can sure as hell decide how much you're going to spend discovering it.

Can't you understand the meaning of $ 77,000 to this company,

at this stage in its development?"

Joe spoke with some harshness.

But he had that kind of control
that makes one’s lips somewhat tight and less mobile.
I retreated. "Joe, there's a stream of energy which flows with discovery.
It completely captures you. I'm not spending recklessly.
I don't mean to neglect or abuse anyone.
I just sense an immense value to what I've discovered."

"Then you have no business heading this company."

I was jolted.
As the years rolled by, I had even wondered how I could change directions
or quit.
All I could do is to hold a shield of rational response.

"What's this company all about?"

"Research! But what kind of research?
Research of problems that someone is paying us to perform,
questions we ask with instruments.
It is not research we are paying to perform because the problems excite you."

"Joe, you haven't even looked at what I've discovered."


 

"It doesn't make any difference.

If we're not going to have a business,
it just doesn't make any difference what you've discovered.
You know that every hope I've ever had is in this business.
I've invested everything I could, for years, to help create this business,
a business you are spending on some crazy discovery no one will believe,
even if they understand it."

"Joe, listen . ."

"You listen. Resign or I'll force you out."

"What?" That statement didn't just jolt me.

The whole content of my life was just thrown into the air.

"This company will not survive with you heading it.

Your own family or any of the people who work here
don't want the company to be lost and your actions will lose it."

"Joe, wait a minute. I founded the company.

I have been the one that has produced the success it experiences.
I own most of it.
Can't I spend some of what I've earned on what I want?"
"For your own good and the good of everyone else,
I'm taking you out of here and I know how to do it."

"How can you? Please look at what I've discovered!"

"It just doesn't make any difference what you've discovered.

You listen - to what I'm telling you."
"This is impossible. Who would believe . . .? Where are you going?
We've scheduled the evening . . . Joe! Joe! Of all the . . . My God!"

An internal stream of words flowed in my mind,

"Minutes ago I was elated over what I had to show . . .
Who'll listen? Well, I'll get this down on the dictating machine at least."


 

"Donna, five copies . . . This is unbelievable.

I've made the most significant discovery of my life or maybe anyone else's
and Joe won't even look.
He's going to do something to get me out of here.
Don't make five copies of that.
I'm just telling you that. Here's what I want five copies of . . .
Just as soon as you can, get one copy to Kovalenko and send one over
to the University of Oregon Medical School to Van Dreal."

After some forty minutes of dictation describing the work

I had carried out with some secrecy,
I deliberated over whether to record the next part.

"I kept attempting to increase field strength, to raise the frequency

to a region significantly beyond 2 to 3 gigahertz.
Finally I was able to modify the vacuum tube geometry
in terms of the electron optics
and the very large magnetic component of energy operating in the circuit.

Oh, Donna, sorry, this should be headed

'The High Frequency Fields of Life and Consciousness'.
That title probably even spooks you, what the hell can I say.
That's it - for real.
I mean this generator even acted on me. How much it has acted on me . . .
What am I telling you? What am I doing telling anybody?
My mind is so full I don't know whether to tell what's happened
or to use what's happened.

"God, I've got to use what's happened.

To tell would mean there would be more responses like Joe's.
Donna, by the time you transcribe this I'll be a thousand miles away.
Cancel all my appointments, indefinitely.
Joe seems determined to take care of this business anyway. Let him.
Forget about the five copies."

Back to the talking inside my head,

"Where's the directory? Let's see, Taylor, Glen, area code 213." I dialed.
"Damn! Busy! Let's see, what's his other number."

 

"Glen? Hi. Can I get in my plane and have a late dinner with you tonight?"

"Sure it's important.

You know I didn't say a swear word until I was thirty years old and Hell,
this is the most important discovery of either of our lives."

Well, briefly, the density of the supragranular layer
of the cerebral cortex in the brain
is a physiological difference between man's brain
and the brain of any other creature.
The activity of this part of the brain characterizes man,
at least in some measure, not only in its physical presence, but in its function.
The human brain has a ratio
of 1,600 to 1 local neurons to projected neurons . . .

"Glen, brain physiology is primitive.

Science has focused upon electrical events or chemical events
because they were easy to find and to record,
not because they had the greatest meaning.

"Whenever a charge moves there is a magnetic field.

The magnetic events are the significant physiological events of the brain.
We are not simply looking at the motion of the electron as a charge,
but the motion of the charges within the nucleus, the charge fractions
within the nucleons.
These events are of very high frequency and very short wavelengths
which follow some laws of conservation of path length and susceptibility.

"Glen, that's the problem, I can't tell you so little and have it make sense.

"Yes, that's right."

"I've revised the electroencephalographic techniques.

I've found a metaneural network.
I've built a generator to synthesize and modulate the frequencies.

"About six and a half months."


 

"This morning."

"Well, I've changed me.

You know that electroencephalographs are only crude probes
of more minute scale events in the brain.
I've found a way to get some very focused measurements.
I've made some measurements.
Can you trust my judgment without any more information?"

"It's on then?"
"Great. I'll see you tonight, late."

"Yeah, I'd love to stay at your place.

We can discuss this with minimum distraction. Bye."

Glen was the Chairman of the Continental Bank.

He lived in Beverly Hills, across the street from Richard Nixon.
I called home. "Honey, can you pack a bag?
I'm flying down to see Glen tonight."

"Yeah, something, but just a bite, something quick.

I'm calling Walt to arrange the plane tonight.
I don't want to take a scheduled flight. I've got some thinking to do."

"I know about the kids. I'll leave the Mercedes. I just can't explain."

"No. Two suits. I'll see you in a few minutes."

"Where's that dictating machine? Oh . . .?"

"Donna, I'm walking out the door right now - to fly down to see Glen Taylor.
Call me there in the morning.

I'll try to pick up any dangling loose ends,

but I'm sure Joe is going to be intercepting most of those ends.
That's what Vice Presidents are for anyhow. Maybe that's another discovery.
I don't know when I'll see you next, if ever.

 

I feel like I'm leaping off of something.

So long Donna. Thanks for everything."

Glen met me at the Burbank Airport near Los Angeles.

"Bless your heart Glen for coming down here so late at night."

"From the sound of things it was the only reasonable thing to do.
Tell me more about this?"

"Just a minute. Walt will you hanger the plane and meet us in the lounge?"

"O. K.
Glen, here goes: Joe, the Vice President of the company is kicking me out,
if he can.
I don't care. He wouldn't even look at what I've discovered.
I don't want to do anything about the company or Joe.
I'm just explaining I now have to further my work without the company
and I want you to help me do it."

"You know I've wanted to work with you,

but I'm not in the best circumstances."

"I know you've supported a fairly rigorous research group for psychical study,
that you must have that work be fairly exacting in its direction . . .
what I've discovered touches that.
You know I'm a bread and butter physicist.
What I've discovered bridges, with rigor, the phenomena of Western science
in hypnosis and psychology, Eastern yoga and biophysics.

"Ingredient premises that have hovered in my mind for some time

involve the phenomena of sanity and hallucinations,
the forming pattern and energy
that makes people hallucinate what they hallucinate
as adverse to hallucinating anything else,
what death or dying is,
the implementation of an exacting posture or movement by your body
from the conscious practice of the slightest turn of mind,
what hair growth on the body means, why it orients the way it does
on different portions of the body and lots more.

 

"Glen, I have some electroencephalographs, you know, brain wave recordings.

I found out that much of the phenomena was being obliterated by the probes
and low impedance of the apparatus . . .
I'm sorry for the super technical stuff . . .
enough to say I took .0005" diameter wire
and made coils under a microscope . . .
I put them in an evacuated quartz envelope in place of the regular probe
and began using a modern oscilloscope.
I rate recorded the readings.
I used gaussmeters with the human body in a helmholtz coil,
and I finally constructed a generator
for high intensity high frequency fields . . ."

"Easy, sit down, what did you learn?"

"There's something we might call a metaneural network,

where high frequency transmission and receiving goes on,
not in the body, but outside of it.
There are points like the solar plexus, the throat, or the heart
where the fields are noticeably stronger or at least more easily indicated
with the apparatus I have put together.
Look, it isn't so hard to understand, really, as it will be to believe."

"Glen, we sit in the back of our eyes. . ."

He searched my face for understanding.

"We have subscribed so much of our attention to our senses,

particularly our sense of sight,
that we experience our consciousness as situated there.
Close your eyes. Where do you think about the room from?"

I closed my eyes.
Indeed I imaged myself facing the way my eyes pointed,
thinking about the room from the level of my eyes.
"Notice when you go to lift something how you take in a deep breath. Why?
Do you notice how your presence is affected by your inbreath?"


 

I remembered lifting my brief case and suitcase

from the back window of the station wagon
and gulping in a breath of air as I did so.

"Yes, I know what you mean."


"Think, when you don't want to hear something,

when you want to back away, you sigh."
He hesitated. "Your presence follows your breath."

I was invited to be a presenter, at a conference, at Wainright House

in Rye, New York.
I recalled my trip in the station wagon on the way to the conference.
[ ]
Dr. Hamilton 7 had driven so fast on the narrow parkway,
[ ]
through heavy traffic that Joan Grant 8 had exploded with simple fright
and frustration by smashing her fist into a box of Kleenex,
which I thought would have been an adequate signal
about the distress of her front seat passenger,
but Dr. Hamilton only explained that she had to stay close
[ ]
to Dr. Laidlaw's 9 limousine in order to know the way there.
I sighed.
[ ]
At that conference, I met Arthur Ford 10 , the renowned medium
and an ordained minister in the Christian Church.
He was the one who told me
about our presence sitting in the back of our eyes.
Arthur talked with me in the graveled walkway.
Arthur went on. "Your presence follows your breath.
Try directing your attention down into your body, as you breathe in,
then direct your thinking up to the centre of your forehead as you breathe out."

I closed my eyes and followed his suggestion.

He went on prompting me, "Now as you breathe in and out,

try to hold the rhythm of your breathing steady, constant, unvarying.
Don't let anything distract you.
Strengthen the rhythm, the flow, keep the count."


 

My breathing did become deep and slow, even and strong.

I began to feel a pressure at the center of my forehead.
"This is the way to begin to mobilize your consciousness, to be able
to move out of your eyes.
We are so committed to our eyes we even have rapid eye movement
as we dream.
We are tethered to our eyes."

I recognized the familiarity he had with such subjects.

[ ]
He was the one who broke the Houdini code, 11 after all those years.

The Houdini code was a statement which Houdini and his wife alone
had agreed upon.

It was meant to test the possibility of life after death.

If she ever found anyone who purported to connect or to communicate
with those beyond death, who could present this agreed statement,
it would show him / her to be authentic.
Arthur Ford presented the statement.

I respected his unusual field of knowledge and his ability, enormously.

Because we both had studied in the same kind of seminary,
we had an immediate affinity with one another.
He gave me his address and telephone number, in Philadelphia.

Some months later my wife wakened one morning with a dream.

Arthur was in a hospital bed. She described him.
She had never even met him. She didn't attend the conference.
I telephoned him.
He answered the telephone, but he was groggy. He had fallen and hit his head.
He said he needed help, but that there was no immediate problem.
I said we would start out immediately on our way,
but it would be the next morning before we could be there.
I called an ambulance. I told him we would call on the way.

When I called some hours later, a friend answered.

They had taken Arthur to the hospital. He recovered briefly.
He died, before we could see him again.

 

Years went by.

We had moved to Europe. I was in Amsterdam.

I was drawn to a bookstore where they had books in English.
The bookstore was not too far from the Krasnapolsky Hotel,
where we were staying.
There was a book by a journalist who had been writing
[ ]
for the Washington Post: Ruth Montgomery 12 .
The book was called A World Beyond.
At the head of the book it said, "The first eyewitness account of the hereafter
from the world-famous psychic Arthur Ford.

I bought the book.

I opened it and read in the opening pages:

"The strident ring of the telephone roused me

to reluctant consciousness.

Wrong number, I decided drowsily,

on noting that dawn was just beginning to break.
I snuggled more deeply into the pillow,
seeking to recapture an elusive dream,
but the phone continued its shrieking protest,
and at last I clutched for its raucous throat.
A familiar voice at the other end of the international hook-up said,
"Ruth, this is Marianne Wolf in Philadelphia."

"Arthur is dead," I thought dully,

and even as my heart turned to lead, Marianne continued.
"I'm sorry to awaken you so early, but I wanted you to know
before hearing it on the radio.
Arthur Ford passed on early this morning, in Miami."

That telephone call had been made January 4th, 1971.

My wife's dream and our car trip south toward Philadelphia had occurred
just a few weeks before.

 

We went back to Europe, in December 1970. We had been there a year before.
Another marker in the extraordinary years since my jump, or rather, leap.
We didn't return to Canada again, until October, 1979.

There seemed to be some greater scheme, providence, or fate

out of which the events of my life unfolded.
And it continues to be so.

I was invited to Stanford University to speak about the change
in my consciousness, the anaclysm, the jump, the leap.

Professor Robert McKim was teaching his students
the use of idea sketches.
They couldn't draw. They had no sense of perspective or proportion.
He thought the task was to simply be teaching them to draw.
Then he found out they couldn't see.
They weren't getting the drawings a little wrong.
They were getting them very badly wrong.

Finally, he began to examine the twenty-three thousand students

on the campus at Stanford.
They had gained admission to Stanford
because of their ability at analytical, serial, abstract thinking.
The population he had before him was selected
for abilities Western culture valued.

Parallel, contextual or holistic thinking was neglected, even suppressed.

His students were half-witted and lame-brained.
The right brain function of the lateralized brain was neglected, if not ignored.

Professor McKim instituted his visual thinking course.

He built an imaginarium.
His class is booked for years in advance.

I described the nature of my own transformation.

I described the frustrations of a creative spirit.

 

I described the mounting tensions of years - masterpieces forbidden.

The audience was focused and attentive. I spoke deliberately and quietly.
"In the forties, a questionnaire was sent
to mathematicians in the United States.
It asked them where their best ideas came from. Einstein responded.
He described imagining himself traveling with a beam of light.
This was at age sixteen."

Even Professor McKim was listening with arrested attention.

I went on, "To view human experience as random, requiring survival skills,
requiring conservation of the human form
and human biological substances – as a struggle –
is to subscribe to a belief system which persists in the outlook of man
as a separate, disconnected, isolated and perhaps alienated being.
In this view, man is placed in nature as a master or conqueror,
not because he understands and upholds nature
so much as because he fears what will happen if he fails to be master
or fails to be conqueror."
The quick clear grasp of minds benefited by Professor McKim's coaching
in contextual thinking was apparent from the expressions on their faces.
It seemed important for me to clearly formulate the contrast within myself,
before and after the jump, the leap, the anaclysm.

I sustained my engagement of their attention,

"This belief system can only consent
to physical means of mastery, conquest or defense.
It must dismiss such an idea as the power of thought, imagination, or desire,
in having any effect other than determining physical action.
It must deny the direct agency of the mind and / or deny, perhaps,
even the existence of the spirit.
What one does constitutes the only basis of morality, in this view.
What one thinks is considered to be without consequence, unless one acts.
The appearance of seemingly separate form is translated
into the belief in the reality of separateness
and the necessity of physical and mechanical means for all effect
and all experience.


 

It was even interesting for me

to hear myself spontaneously describe this transformation, this realization.

I continued, "This view sees the victim of crime or disease as non-responsible.

According to this view, the practice of fear would be without consequence,
other than perhaps modification of behaviour
and thereby fear may even yield a due caution.
If any act is obscured or hidden from the physical witness of another,
only the product of the act has meaning –
socially, the practice is able to be shielded
from any effects in one's experience,
unless it is self inflicted as per this mechanistic world view.

To cast a crumpled wrapper upon the floor, because no one can see,
shows the small scheme of this belief system, this belief in separation."

The viewpoint seemed to register familiarity,

but it was like touching something sore.
My own sense of connection with the audience
and with the universe intensified.
I could feel-see the responses.

There was a kind of knowing from impulse

rather than from my memory or the senses normally used.
Their interest followed not only their new experiences with Professor McKim
and the imaginarium meditations, but their own conditioning,
the conditioning that had gained admission for them to Stanford.

My next words appealed to this former conditioning and its transformation,

operating within them.
"Outdated science believes it can isolate and define.
The experimental method is also a belief.
Scientific experiments attempt to separate
the phenomenon from the context of the experiment,
especially the observer, as part of that context.
Experiments attempt to show an objective reality.
By this method the experimenter is saying something to himself.
He is saying, 'I am isolated and defined.'"


 

Recognition and response was so strong and so clear upon their faces,
I was witnessing what I can only call rapture.
They understood!

[ ]
"Jacob Bronowski 14 , the mathematician, says, in his book,
The Ascent of Man, 'One aim of the physical sciences has been
to give an exact picture of the physical world.

One achievement of physics, in the twentieth century has been to prove

that objective (aim) is unattainable.'"

My eyes scanned the audience for a contact that showed the impact.
"This is quoted to signify that there is room for an alternative viewpoint
to the one which sees man as separate, disconnected, isolated
and perhaps alienated and that the appearance
of separateness of form is the basis of reality."

[ ]
"Many years ago, Herman Weyl 15 stated
in Philosophy of Mathematics and Natural Science, . . .
" . . . there is no such thing as one and the same substance
of which the electron consists at all times."

The value of this statement can come, at least partly, from the implication
that the transient energy and mass of which the electron is constituted,
in sequence, is part of another member portion
of the universe, then another – creating connection,
to the extent that it may carry pattern and energy
from one expression to another.

[ ]
Einstein is quoted in The Philosophical Impact of Contemporary Physics 16 ,
"We may therefore regard matter as being constituted by the regions of space
in which the field is extremely intense . . .
There is no place in this new kind of physics both for the field and matter,
for the field is the only reality."
By now the contrast of view was clear: separation or connection,
but I wanted to show how connected we were.


 

[ ]
"Hoyle 17 says in Frontiers of Astronomy,
'Present day developments in cosmology are coming to suggest,
rather insistently, that everyday conditions could not persist,
but for the distant parts of the universe,
that all our ideas of space and geometry would be invalid
if the distant parts of the Universe were taken away.
Our everyday experience, even down to the smallest details,
seems to be so closely integrated to the grand-scale features of the Universe
that it is well-nigh impossible to contemplate the two being separated.

That Shanghai adventurer, that J. Allen Boone encountered, understood!

I continued my dissertation.
"Indian Philosophy and Chinese Philosophy pose outlooks
compatible with this view of twentieth century scientists.
They are outlooks opposite to the view
of those who believe in outdated science
and the appearance of separateness of form,
as the basis of no connection and thus no consequence,
and a non-responsible relationship with one's experience.

"In the Indian philosophical view, human experience is ordered.

All human experience is the product of karma
and the connected state of human existence to the universe.
By means of the connection of all substance and form
to all other substance and form and to all other realms
and times of existence, a large scheme justice operates,
following a moral pattern within that connected scheme,
which Indian philosophy calls Rta.

"The so-called victim or experiencer is co-responsible

by means of his thought, imaginings, desires
and his existence beyond the bounds of a single lifetime,
via the connection of the lifetime to the other realms and times
or existence beyond time."

I said, "What if everything in the universe is attempting to be something

or do something as a result of everything else in the universe?


 

The light, the pattern that reflects from forms,

that is refracted by transparent fluids,
that is absorbed and emitted by substances,
that light is a force that changes,
that fosters a harmonious resonance
and stirs intricate and dynamic response –
that makes alive!

"The universe makes alive, wants life, wants us to live and to make alive.
Life is the counterentropic force. Yielding to change is yielding to life.
Practice the art of living.

Be a masterpiece!"

The applause was warm and welcome. It brought tears to my eyes.

The platform was carpeted. The door behind was closed.

The doors ahead were open.
The last course of dinner was a cheese board. It was a formal occasion.
I wore a new set of shirt studs and cuff links - with a new white shirt.
I had something to say.

A few days later I received a letter from John Sondeno,

the president of the forum who had invited me to speak at Stanford.

It read:
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
November 15, 1967

"I am taking this opportunity to thank you for being with us

yesterday at our luncheon.
The audience turned out to be ever more receptive
than I had dreamed, and I believe that this is the first time
in our history that one of our speakers has been invited
to continue on in the graduate design seminar.
Professor McKim is particularly interested in the creativity
of the human experience, as you have probably found out.


 

We all enjoyed you immensely, and if I interpret correctly, some of us

may be seeing a great deal more of you.

Thank you again, and I hope that I will see you soon.
By the way, if you will let me know where and when
you are meeting with your new fellowship,
I think I would be interested.

Respectively yours,

John Sondeno

"That's a strange title for a book. How can it be true?"

"What title? This one?"


"Magnets, the Education of a Physicist"

"Physics is a big subject. How can magnets be the education of a physicist?"

"Don't ask me. Why don't you read it?"

I paused, opening the first few pages of the book.

[ ]
"Francis Bitter 18 , he really is a physicist."

"If you want to find out, get the book and read it."

"I will. Ted, do you want to look around any further?"



 

"I really want to read this. Can we go?"


We walked to the front of the store.

I laid the book on the counter and laid the money on top of it.
"Have you been thinking about magnets?"

"No, but something really intrigues me about the subject

and about the name of the book.
I had a big horseshoe magnet when I was a boy.
I found it intriguing that when I picked up a nail with it
other nails would stick to the one I picked up."

"I've seen that too."

"David, a boyhood friend of mine had an uncle who showed him

how to make a motor by winding copper wire around a nail
and hooking it up to contact strips on a rotor.
We built a motor. It really worked."

"Do you remember how?"

"Yeh, I do. The whole thing went 'round with just a flashlight battery.
The little strips on the side of the rotor were like switches.
When it spun around, they touched and broke, touched and broke.
That made the coils turn on and off, as magnets."

"Have you ever studied anything about magnetics?"

"Only a few books from the library over the years.

I've never really gotten into it."

"But you kept on with your interest?"

"Yeah, I don't know why.

Ted, isn't there something you've kept at for a long time
without really knowing why?"

 

"Mm, I guess so. Photography is a bit like that for me."

"Can you excuse me? I really want to just go sit down for a read."

"Sure, I'll see you at Doug's after dinner."


"At Doug's. Remember the birthday party?"

"Oh, sure, see you later."

I wandered down the walk to the ice cream parlour,
ordered a dish of grape ice cream and slouched
and sprawled on the bench, reading, absorbed.

"Anything more for you? Uh, anything more for you?"

"Me, oh, uh, yeah, another dish."

It melted to a slurry before I dipped the spoon in.

In an hour and fifteen minutes I had learned some
of why magnets were the education of a physicist.

"You're late."

"Hi Ted."

"You're late."

"Oh yeah, I've been home reading."

"That book?"
"Yeah, yeah that book."

"Must be some book."


 

"It is Ted. You know . . . every motion of a charge produces a magnetic field."

"What kind of charge?"

"An electrical charge, like an electron."

"Oh, so?"

"Well every atom has electrons in motion. So everything's magnetic.

I mean ev er y thing."

"Bring your mind to the party will ya?"

"It's here. It's just really interacting."

"Ladies and gentlemen, may I please present to you our late arriving guest,
the magnetic fiend."

"I'm sorry to be late, Doug. Happy Birthday Patsy. Here's a present."

"Thanks, it's O.K., but what does he mean, magnetic fiend?"

"Oh, I'm just reading this book."

"Reading a book doesn't make you a fiend."

"No, I'm really intrigued though, and I lost track of the time."

"It's O.K., just join the party."

"Go ahead, open the present."

Patsy lifted the card, read it, paused, took my hand and kissed my cheek.
Then she carefully lifted the tape at the end of the package,
folded back the wrapping and slid the unmarked box from the wrapping.
She opened the top to find an array of rods, donuts, disks, bars,
a small plastic tube of particles, an iron plate.

 

"What's this?"

"Let me show you."

Giving a girl a bunch of magnetic paraphernalia wasn't exactly romantic.

But I meant it as a kind of parable of attraction and I couldn't believe
that anyone wouldn't find the apparatus as fascinating as I did.

Her response was polite.

There was a tone of disappointment, but the more I showed her
and the more I told my reasons for the odd gift,
the warmer her response became.
Years later she displayed the gift on her coffee table,
not only as a conversation piece, but as a memorial
to a strange friend she didn't want to forget.

Creative writing is first and foremost creative.
Creativity may use the media of fiction, but it may not.
[ ]
As William Knott 19 points out in The Craft of Fiction,
"Years ago, the ratio of fiction to non-fiction published in our magazines
was three to one.
Now the situation is reversed."
That means there is three times as much non-fiction as fiction published now.
The questions are: "How can non-fiction be creative?" "What is creativity?"

Knott explains this ratio of non-fiction to fiction by reference to TV,

which fills the function formerly served by fictional writing.
Quite simply - that only means that now the creative writing
involves TV scripts.
The market remains.
Perhaps even a larger market exists with a new kind of literacy: TV literacy.
New training is required for the creative writer to produce TV scripts.

The second reason Knott gives for the change in the ratio
of fiction to non-fiction is that "the real world has proven so complex,
so fascinating, and so deadly, that today the average reader turns to it
(the real world or non-fiction) as avidly as he once turned to fiction."

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Again, creative writing is first and foremost creative.

The only implication of Knott's statement is
that a creative writer may now need to undertake journalism.

It should be pointed out that one best selling author,

over the same decades that the ratio has reversed,
[ ]
is Carlos Castaneda 20 and his series
based upon anthropological explorations
of the Yaqui Indian, Don Juan Matus
and his brujo or sorcerer companion, Don Genaro,
whom we meet later in the sequence of volumes.
Some have called Castaneda's work fiction.
[ ]
Similarly, the works of Jane Roberts 21 or Ruth Montgomery
involve the same phenomena of extraordinary sources.
In the case of Roberts an "energy essence personality" - Seth.
In the case of Montgomery a discarnate group, at least one of whom
was well known in this world in recent times: Arthur Ford.

Jane Roberts was formerly a science fiction writer and poet.

Ruth Montgomery was formerly a journalist.

Knott points out that in the craft of fiction,

"What matters is whether or not the reader will be able to believe, as he reads,
that it really happened this way".
On that account he discounts wild coincidence.

Knott's insights must be honoured.

They are really validated by the advent of Castaneda, Roberts
and Montgomery.
The insights of Knott, to which I refer, are about the real world
proving to be so complex, so fascinating and so deadly,
and the insight about the possibility of belief in the body of fiction.

Creative writing has thus been challenged

to use the added credibility of TV imagery as a media
and the journalism of the extraordinary for at least one third of the market.
The market remains. Its form has simply changed.


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We are faced with the fact that the writings of Roberts are excluded
from consideration as literature.
The occult is simply clandestine.

Jules Verne was highly regarded because he reported the technology
of the future, while it lie in the borderland of feasibility.
The exact means of achievement wasn't at hand,
but the promise of science and technology was great enough for Jules Verne
to serve a social function: the mythology of the future.
[ ] [ ]
This is exactly the function Asimov 23 or Clark 24 provide today,
but perhaps without the range of Verne into the borderlands of possibility.
Asimov and Clark merely extrapolate for the greater part.

The great reach into the borderlands of possibility is a domain

touched by Castaneda, Roberts or Montgomery.
Spielberg's stories may be serving the same function quite well,
in such works as "E. T. ".


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Is this writing a work of art or a work of science?

Creativity may allow it to be both.
Is this fiction or non-fiction? Creativity may allow it to be either.
Edmund Sinnot , former Dean of the Graduate School at Yale,
wrote a book - some years ago - called, Biology of the Spirit.
This writing is, in some ways, a sequel, a "Physiology of the Spirit".

Edmund Sinnot points to certain forces involved in biological growth

and development.
These forces express themselves in the developmental sequences of form
and in the behaviour of living organisms.
Treating these subjects, he calls his book Biology of the Spirit.
It is a biology because it is concerned with the morphology (form)
and the anatomy (structure) of living organisms.
[ ]
Rupert Sheldrake 27 is a natural sciences scholar from Cambridge University.
He was a Frank Knox Fellow at Harvard. He took his Ph.D. in biochemistry.
He studied cell biology.
He has also been a Rosenheim Research Fellow of the Royal Society.
Sheldrake has written a book
called A New Science of Life - The Hypothesis of Formative Causation".
His thesis is that the form, the development
and the behaviour of living organisms, are shaped
by 'morphogenic fields' sequence.
These fields are patterned by the form and by the behaviour of past organisms
of the same species, at least, and perhaps by the form
and by the behaviour by other species,
through direct connections across space and time.
This direct connection across space and time is called 'morphic' resonance.
This morphic resonance relates to living organisms from microbes to man.
The similarities resonantly ring.
This resonant ring or reverberation is pattern containing
and pattern conveying.


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The pattern containing and pattern conveying occurs,

because there is a conservation of susceptibility
and a conservation of pathlength of the frequency modulated field.
Everything in the physical reality is charges in motion.
Some of these charges are balanced or neutral at certain scales,
but they still are charges in motion, motion with a pattern.

The motion of a charge always has a complementary magnetic field.

All of the energy in the pattern is not closed systemically into domains.
Some of the energy in the pattern is open systemically and interacts
or couples to other charges in motion.
The shape of this field follows a conservation of path length
and susceptibility, the shortest path through the most susceptible field.

Susceptibility is gained by the similarity of the pattern

of the charges in motion.
Similarity is harmonic, partly; polar partly. The harmonic is a temporal aspect.
The polar is a spatial aspect.
Spatial posturing or positioning as polar alignment,
can compensate for temporal or harmonic differences.
Fundamentally, however, there is a charge motion geometry
which is reflected in quantum mechanics.

Akin to these biological frontiers of Sinnott and Sheldrake,

is Biological Transmutations, the most recent researcher
[ ]
and reporter being C. L. Kervran 28 ,
an eminent French scientist.

Herein, in this test, we consider societies of organisms, species,

and specie-sets as superorganisms: coupled by morphic resonance.
We consider the sun and all its shining, as one;
even the moon and all its glow;
man and all his thoughts, imaginings and desires;
men, mankind and all their collective thoughts, imaginings and desires;
even so, all life.
It is all embodied in that which is submerged in spirit.


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The brain is an intricate form of complex substances.

There are no forms or substances in the physical world which are as intricate
or as complex.

The brain has tissues, related groups of cells. The cell has organelles.
These members of the cell, the organelles, are composed of molecules,
molecules with hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of atoms,
in each molecule.

Morphology and anatomy involve only the form and the structure
of a living organism.
Physiology involves its function.
Often that function is described in terms of chemistry: little molecules joining
to form big molecules, one compound transformed
from or into another compound.

There is another dimension to physiology.

Atoms involve charges: electrons, protons - negative, positive charges.
The proton is even composed of charge fractions:
quarks - up quarks, down quarks.
Rather than more detail, the issue:
the motion of charges produces magnetic fields
and magnetic fields produce the motion of charges –
an interdependent system.
Describing or identifying the motion of charges,
at atomic or sub-atomic scale is another matter.
A matter which won't be neglected, but for now – on with the magnetic fields.

There are networks of interacting magnetic fields.

In the photosystems of plants, which photosynthesize, we have excitons –
which involve magnetic field networks.
The electromagnetic waves from the sun (light)
cross millions of kilometers of space and interact with the molecules
within the chloroplasts of plant cells.


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Magnetic fields permit substance and form to interact over immense distances.
Perhaps we can see that it is appropriate to call magnetic waves,
which involve the response of the charge
called the electron, electromagnetic waves,
however, we should call the magnetic fields,
which interact within the nucleon (member of an atom's nucleus)
nucleomagnetic fields.
Then we should also note that another member of the nucleus of all atoms
is made up of charge fractions - quarks.
These quarks are the components of the neutron.
The quarks may participate in nucleomagnetic field phenomena.

The illumination level of moonlight or perhaps even starlight is adequate

to affect some photo responses within plant life.
The substances and the forms of plant life are simpler
than the substances and forms of the brain.

So, physiology, the function of living organisms, charges in motion –

magnetic fields, the intricate and complex substances and forms of the brain,
these constitute an inventory of some of the elements of the story
ANACLYSM - Submerged in Spirit - A Physiology of the Spirit".

What is it that is submerged? What is it that it is submerged within?

What happens when it is so submerged?
These are some of the questions of the story.
These questions combine with the elements of the story.

We are conscious, in varying measure and in sundry ways.

We are even conscious of being conscious.
At least some diffuse boundary operates within us that allows one part of us
to be conscious of another part of us, which is being conscious.
This is even so in our relationship with works of art:
from literature to drawing, from poem to painting, from story to sculpture,
from drama to design . . .

We have the possibility of an observing consciousness.


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As we read a well crafted story, some part of us submerges, indulges –

suspends our critical faculties and simply experiences and enjoys.
We touch the images and the experiences the story imparts.
When we come to a sad or an intense experience, real tears may flow.
When we come to a sudden comic turn, we laugh - out loud!
When confronted with a menacing, grotesque, fierce force –
embodied or invisible, we chill, in real fright, but some part of us balances,
holds us in range to continue reading - while we thrill from terror.
We don't fling the book away in horror and run.

Perhaps that balance of acceptance within the described and offered bounds
of a story and the reserved part of consciousness, which holds back
and connects to a reference context we call the real world –
also occurs in life itself.
We dream. We awaken.
In the dream, in spite of its sur-real quality, we perspire, we scream, we sob.
Is life only another balance of the very same nature?

Whatever the structure of the self that allows us to witness

or observe us experiencing,
that structure is the one that submits the consciousness as an experience
and then reserves some observing overconsciousness,
which balances the degree of submergence or indulgence.
This regulatory function of consciousness applies the same methods to stories,
to dreams and to life.

There is always recourse to some degree or some kind of awakening.

We can see that it is possible to navigate the consciousness.
We can focus intently, perhaps even totally, upon experience,
whether artistic experience or simply a sense of absorbing wonder.
We can extend, protract or sequence our absorbable consciousness,
which disengages the criteria of reserved consciousness.
We can allow "real" life
to become the object of our intensely absorbed consciousness.


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We may even draw back the consciousness to a further philosophical posture,

which witnesses the experience of "real" life as objects of controlled consent.
What is the effect of hypnosis on these levels of consciousness?
Notice that there are a number of accumulating questions.
You may benefit by going back and reviewing that sequence of questions.

A mind and a magnetic field set are at least analogous and,

at most, coincident.

A magnetic field is generated by a charge or charges, in motion,

and a magnetic field will couple with and produce the motion of a charge.
The wavelength, the frequency or the wave number, will determine the nature,
the dimension or the scale of the charge.
One charge is the electron and the related magnetic fields are electromagnetic.
Sometimes, we are able to refer to interactions, more than fields of force,
because interactions signify the discrete or the quantum nature
of the effects of the unit of the electromagnetic: the photon.

The electron and the photon are two of the so-called stable particles.
But, in a certain sense, it is misleading to refer to anything as a particle.
This is so because it either denotes or connotes separate and distinct existence,
in some kind of empty space.
Space isn’t empty. It is full.
First, the separateness is impossible, because every so-called particle,
pattern and energy set, is coupled or is connected
to every other so-called particle.
This coupling or this connection may be said to be magnetic.
In order to be called magnetic we must go back
and mention the motion of a charge.
First, we must define a charge in some sense.
We could point to or refer to a large number of charges
and to their interaction, and simply say charges are like that.
We would refer to electrons and protons for instance.
We would point to charges and say that there are two kinds of charge
and all of one kind are negative and all of the other kind are positive.
We would discover that opposites attract and that identical charges repel.
We could measure the forces of their interaction.


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We could even divide this total force by the number of charges

and figure out the force seemingly due to each charge.
We could then provide a current path for the motion by the charge
and discover the relationship between the motion of the charges,
according to the geometry, the scale and the dimensions of the current paths,
and the magnetic field that is generated by the motion of the charges.
We could even look at the exchanges in a capacitor
or other electrostatic device and the magnetic field and its forces,
as a result of allowing the charges to move.

Even the issue or the subject of the motion of the charge

requires some meridian, some coordinate, some definition of the system
with respect to which the motion occurs.
Here again the quantum nature of physical substance confronts us
with its behaviour mechanics:
the more we know about the direction and the energy of any valued
or defined (but not isolated or disconnected) form (sometimes called a particle)
the less we know about where it is, was, or may be.
Only a probability density is possible.
This probability density even extends to apply to its existence.

That brings us back to the motion of space, particularly empty space

and the relationship of seemingly empty space as a context
or an environmental field to so-called particles,
which have separate and defined existences.
These two illusions are connected.

Neither empty space, nor separate, definable, discrete

or isolated entities are possible.
Neither particles nor empty space exists. Then what does exist?
What is this continuous field or sea of interaction? What is its nature?
What characterizes its relationship to mind and / or to magnetics?
What are the numbers and the patterns of interactions or magnetics?
What are the relations between the number of charges, their motion,
magnetic fields, the forces of electric interaction
and the pattern we call dimension
and its property we call perpendicularity?


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The motion of a charge produces a magnetic field. Why?

Because every form (bounded and defined) interacts with every other form,
along certain paths, with degrees of direction and indirection,
and over a given range of interactions which is modified by the motion -
because it is the nature of a charge to close a domain of magnetic interaction
conserving pathlength and susceptibility
at the sub-atomic scale of quantum chromodynamics,
thereby minimizing its interactions
by means of the degree of isolation of the form of the charges
this motion of the charge modifies the pathlength and susceptibility
of the charge form, modifying its interactions
and producing the open domain of interaction
versus the highly isolated domain of the charge.

The charge geometry relates to these spatial qualities of interaction,

both by its internal motion and its mobilities and its connecting interaction
with its environmental forms and their motions and mobilities.

The known interactions or forces are thus unified

and expand by means of the motion and mobilities,
and their geometries of interaction,
e.g. the mass property of the form called matter
relates to the charge property of electromagnetic interaction,
by means of the geometries of gravitational and electromagnetic interaction
and the quantum chromodynamic scale of nucleomagnetic
and electromagnetic interaction.


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If we examine the behaviour of two physical phenomenon

we may see evidences of the large scale manifestations of subatomic patterns:

1) Magnetic domains

2) Discharge patterns of electrical fields.

The North / South properties of a magnetic domain relates

to the direction of movement of what are called charges.

figure 1. Input/output relationships of consciousness


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A magnetic field is associated with charges in motion.

How do we define the motion? (at atomic scale)

What is a charge? (defined temporally and spatially)

An amp is defined as a number of charges per unit time.

Time is the product of motion - the motion of bodies,
the motion of substances and form,
but how do we define that motion at atomic scale?

There is no absolute motion. There is only relative motion.

There is only motion with respect to some body or some system of references.
Motion is interaction with defined points or bodies of references
and the nature of the surfaces, meridians of surfaces are very significant.


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The Eighth and Ninth Days of Creation

A yellow-orange scintillating beam shone upon me.

At first, to my eyes, it was diffuse.
I looked into the beam, holding my arm across my brow.
I squinted, through slits, which remained between the lids of my eyes.
The beam seemed to intensify, to focus.
It intensified and focused, first beside me, creating a torsion, which acted
upon something besides my body.
It made me turn, but at the same time, it made me draw arms and knees
across the front of my torso, and caused me to bow my chin and wither
on the sloping ground, upon which I had stood erect,
facing the mountain ridge over which the luminous form had risen,
like a swift rising sun.

The beam then seemed to sweep upon and over me, encompassing an area
larger than my contracted form, but then narrowing to shine
only upon portions of my shoulder, neck and head.
The beam or beams narrowed more and began to sweep over and upon,
but through me, leaving me coiled, weeping, beyond ecstasy.
I was flooded, enchanted, transformed, but shattered, will-less, weak.
No motion of my form was adequate . . . no,
it was more that motion was futile.

There was some toy-like pretend effort to agonizingly report to others,

but it was met with bewilderment.
I mechanically moved a body through the many weeks required
to disengage from the whole course of activity called living.

Through what seemed to be mammoth jewels, the beams of energy emanated.

These beams of light and more than light, illuminated, penetrated,
transformed, ignited . . . myriads of unfamiliar effects.


 

There was an intensity of sweeping comprehension which violated

the bounds of every rate of thought and feeling I had ever known,
no matter the ecstasy.
All of known history, legend and myth merged with every tale of magic,
no matter whether the work was fiction or a holy book of revelation.
The scheme filled my mind, at that instant. Perhaps that is a mis-statement.
The scheme was something, which I now am able to recount,
but the edges of my mind were so diffused with what seemed to be known
and that which was told to me by something else,
I could not care nor heed what my mind was or was not.

Even now, what used to be slow paced hours have a fullness and rapidity,
which makes each hour seem to be a lifetime,
compressed into swift currents of converging hyperthought.
Some distance is sustained between my body and my mind
to prevent my mind from exploding the fragile and slow changing form
of my body with a transcendental ignition of the substance.

A clear and painful awareness of the ways of slow

line by line processes of thought and all of the hell of that existence,
constrains me to report, at least to attempt it.
Like imparting the beauty of a piece of sculpture by slicing it into thin slabs
and delineating the pattern with profile after profile
using Babylon's linguistic torture.
Describing life in this way is so still, it is more easily called death.
Doubt fosters the anatomy of life in this way.
The skeptic is deluged in illusions arising from examining too little
with each view.
I was thrust into a screaming journey of my mind
from microcosm to megacosm in hope of relating to creatures of this form
the greater consequences of the practices of life
and the greater causes of life and its unfoldment.

That was more than three years ago.

It has been an era of waking sleep,
where within or beyond the confines of my body
some dream flow has distributed the concentrations of that moment.
Nothing remains of that life or identity.

 

What I bear about on worn legs is more like a butterfly

just emerging from a cocoon and writing this
as the first stirring of life after emerging.
The context of forces and motions to which I find myself accountable
are like pin points of distant stage lights shining down
upon a stage called earth.
Many minds submit forms with voices to encounter one another,
like a celestial conference conducted by robots, which issue telemetry signals
back to the authorizing mind.
The negotiations are real. Yet it seems to be a game board.
Direct exchange between these minds needs translation.
Unique patterns were nearing one another and were attempting their fit.
A translational switchboard called human existence was the convergence
of diverse minds, each contributing ingredient forces and fields,
cross modulating the resultant motions of the forms with which negotiation
and communication were implemented.

What had seemed to be all of me was indeed a form incomplete,

still being nourished and still enfolded in a mental womb.
I was without sensation of the greater context of my existence.
The converging inspirations which propelled me seemed to come
through the walls of self, whence the source beyond those walls
seemed unknowable.

Now I conjure every form of expression I can pour meaning into.

Assimilate what you can from the art-glyphs appended to this account.
[see Appendix A]
Assimilate what you will from the poetic formulations.
[see Appendix D, Additional Materials by Author]
Glean what you will from the diagrams and photographic records
of the constructs, which all together constitute the collective effort
to enlarge the distribution –
communication of this scheme within which we live.
[see Appendix D, Additional Materials by Author]

Reality more and more convincingly discloses itself to be a grand thought

rather than a grand machine.


 

I will not credit the statement to the mouth that uttered it, (Jeans)
because the edges of self pale into insignificance in the light
of the very thought itself.

That grand thought touched me.

Now, like a coherent echo I attempt to allow another translation
of that grand thought to flow.
Another view of another fragment is all that it is or can be,
confined to expressions possible by this form and this level of existence,
but I am compelled.

The universe is not space perpendicular to time.

That is the human experience of part of the universe.
Time is a rate and a manner of assimilating,
with a mind still being formed, the properties of part of the universe.
There is a greater perpendicular.
The greater perpendicular is the concentric essences.

Upon myriads of thoughts, a few emotional constructs are formed.

From myriads of these emotional constructs, a few enactments are resolved.
From myriads of these enactments, the supplementary exchange
between beings and forms appears.
The celestial conference is constituted of these exchanges.
Physical existence is simply a required augmentation,
which will not always be required.
Physical reality is an encoded remnant of the uncommunicated elements
of minds seeking the required mutations for unity
and the nearer range of existence and mutual freedom
that nearer range permits.

I leap.
It is so effortful to reach into explicitness with and of patterns more tedious
than aesthetic.
Every part of the universe is attempting
to notify every other part of the universe
of its nature, its forms, motions and forces.


 

That yellow-orange beam was a deposit.

It was a report of the nature of other portions of the universe.
It was deposited upon or within the substance,
which could best register its patterns: living substance.
The substance of my body was not necessarily best suited, it was available.
There is no eminence which derives therefrom, only a burden.
I am therefore discharging that burden as best I can.

This orb called a planet moves relentlessly through the heavens.

It changes proximity howsoever subtly with multitudes of other forms
and trespasses multitudes of fields in the trajectory of its motion.
It is not especially needful for it to harmonize with those fields and forms,
but it is reasonable, orderly, expedient and more than that,
efficient and aesthetic for it to take on the mutations of concord,
with each sector of the universe.
The substance of the planet, not exploited
or easily influenced by man's whims will be the first yielding response.
Earth changes shall be. Tractable minds will reorient.
The minds which do reorient will be in harmony
with the geophysical transformations.
The meek shall inherit the earth.

There is some need to structure this disclosure

in a manner less like bursts in sequence and more like a graceful ballet
of coded postures and motions.
I will earnestly constrain the fullness.
Forgiveness will be required should I burst again.

The grand thought has a configuration, but it is a moving configuration

not only changing posture, but changing its substance
and changing its form like a wildly growing creature,
becoming ever more graceful, ever more beautiful.
There are moments of exquisite beauty of form of the grand thought.
They are held hesitatingly and then submitted
to the process of transformation again and still.
Eventually the sequences provide kaleidoscopic shape and colour,
which provides a kind of concert of growing, allowing one to anticipate
the emerging climax of beauty.

 

There ceases to be regret however, when the form is again more turbulent,
moving towards another even more wondrous living pattern.
The living motions transform the onlooker in a spell,
which causes some divine image to replicate itself in his eye, then in his mind,
then in his manner and form
until the center of beauty becomes a sacrificed form
plummeted into the view of a sea of creation
with rings or rippling images of the sacred figures
disseminating through the levels of the progressive stages of living substance,
until rocks themselves are tainted in measure with the afterglow
of the igneous descent of heaven and they heave, attempting to live.

Evolution is the unfolding of something folded.

There was a descending arc of isolation, alienation,
schemes ever more limited, form ever more lifeless.

It is the force of doubt, the skeptical arresting of streams

which evaded comprehension in their swiftness and so were halted, retarded,
slowed to be encompassed by the slow, dull mind
not understanding that his doubt was a dagger thrust into reality
forming murderous illusion.
He did not gain the truth by his insistence that splendor dim for his eyes.
He made illusion his gallery of experience and thought himself wise.
Unwavering, life pierced, quickened him tirelessly with taunting delight,
sorted the mingled dull substance and fear laden patterns of his small mind
and blended the skeptic into its scheme.

The folding was the work of fear, doubt, ignorance, but it was part of a plan.
Creators were to be created.
That a creature could be created was not enough,
not the work of the grand thought.
A creator being created was enough of a task
to signify how grand this thought was.

A cycle then, folding then unfolding . . .

evil, the small scheme,
the work of the descending arc of isolation and alienation,
then evolution, the unfolding of the ascending arc.

 

Civilization is a minor work of the grand thought, a work incidental

to soul forming, incidental to the organism of fraternities of spirit.
This existence, which we grant heaping funds of attention, is only
the augmented requirement of the greater pattern.
It is the remnant still to be composed. It has no use for all of our attention.
So we wake and we sleep.
They whom we infringe upon are disguised in flesh of another form,
in another episode called a lifetime.
We are navigated to encounter whom we have abused,
but without self-bounding guilt.
We are led to face and to admire the orderliness
of our own grotesque identities as suitable and required sequences
of the whole process of soul forming.

Life is a complex change of energy.

Freedom is the product of order by and between the free
and the territory of his freedom.
There is no place of refuse.
Nothing we have thought or have felt can be discarded
and left unencountered.
We determine our destiny with our skill at synthesis.
Fit together every small scheme.
Evil is not to be rejected, it is to be composed into a greater whole.
The good of today is the extremity of our capacity to compose
and to heed a finite scheme of forces, forms and motions.
The good of today is the evil of tomorrow.
There is no form towards which we grow,
which is not also a form through which we grow.

The grand thought is modeled in our body.

Sincerity is the trueness of our thoughts to our inspirations,
our feelings to our thoughts, our actions to our feelings.
When sincerity is forbidden, discontinuity arises.
When we are unable to be true to our feelings, in our actions,
because of social intimidation (a lack of distributive order in society)
we thrust a stress into the substance of our bodies.
This stress accrues as a limiting of motion or function.


 

We retard the distribution of thought into the augmentary systems

of physical existence.
Our mind is frustrated. The human form accumulates limit after limit.
Eventually so few requirements of life can be fulfilled
by the persistence of our physical existence
that we withdraw the mind (life force field) from the body.
This is death. Death is not a single moment's disaster.
Death is the progressive diminishing of sincerity.
Social order is the alternative.

As cells and tissues, in progression, diminish the order

with which they were formed, the substances are no longer nourished
by the life force and must be isolated or expelled.
Symbiotic exchange with bacteria assists this.
Disease is the consequence of social disorder and resultant insincerity.
Death is the culmination of these forces.
Murder is the practice of harsh and ignorant social forces of every form,
which give rise to the discontinuity of insincerity.

The grand thought is a conquering pattern.

It assimilates these requirements of the descending arc of alienation
and fuses them together into the scheme of life.

We heed often and much the forces, forms and motions,

which are surrounding us, at near range.
Our sensations have great priority over the commitment of our attention.
We dim the unacknowledged senses of the mind,
which do not have organs well known, with which they report.
It is one of those social intimidations which fosters insincerity and disorder.
Atrophy prevails.

Fellow creature, fellow creator being created, turn your attention

to the intricate order of subtle senses and turn your attention
only in compassion and in care upon social limits and disorder.
What surrounds you, at greater range, must be given priority
over what surrounds you at near range.
Neither loudness nor brightness are a virtue,
which in themselves should procure the priority of your attentiveness.

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Listen to the still small voice.

One of the depositions of that yellow-orange beam disclosed a principle
prevalent through the universe: uniqueness and oneness . . .
every force, every form, every motion composes
into greater and greater wholes.
The microcosm reports this.

All That Is, is little encompassed in the stars that shine, the orbiting planets
and moons, the untold galaxies.
All That Is, is little reported to minds yet so limited.
There is not one enlightenment which renders one a citizen of heaven
with rapture and bliss as a leisure to be perpetuated and conserved.
The living index expands. There is a metabolism of mind as well as body.
The building up and the breaking down are microdeaths of form,
not yet dynamic enough to protract their existence.
Continuity is the property of the larger pattern of force.
The body continues with and through the microdeaths of metabolism.
The soul continues with and through the microdeaths of physical existence.

There is a greater and greater whole of which we are a part.

When the form mutates with rates of distribution and sincerity
to the directives of the greater whole, at the rate of requirement
for augmentation of the more precipitous form, death is overcome.
Social order through exchanges of intense intimacy will overcome death.
We could live upon the sun, if we could assimilate and distribute the energies
of its nature.
There are they who do.

Everything primitive discloses a remnant microscheme, an evil.

It is not to be rejected. The universe has no place of refuse.

The jewels through which that yellow-orange emanation shone

were set in a structure in which dwelt they who themselves evolved.
That emanation was an act of compassion, a gift full of hope,
yet mandatory act required by the aspiration of they who gave it as much
as by they upon whom it was shed in hope.

The living always navigate the universe between their hope and inspiration.

 

They are always the object of care and creation of those more evolved.
They must distribute to and through they who pursue their stature
of achievement.
For them or for us to disdain any role of the living is to alienate us
from a path of distribution of care and compassion as needful for them or us
as our inspirers are indispensable.
Uniqueness still prevails.
Stature does not prescribe the forces, forms or motions
to which we are accountable.
Stature prescribes the living index, the extent of flow, typical of our nature.
The social order of which I spoke must found itself upon that principle.
The intimacy, which fosters order, is a natural network of concern,
compassion and care.

Forever is a long line, which folds upon itself never.

Our destiny is that eternal.
Life is transcendent.
We are as uneventful rock to those who have traced a path
through existence as meager and as great as ours.
We live for the sake of all life, as well as our own.
We undertake expanded existence, as sure and as expedient as this word.

We may hew a future completely unfounded on the tradition

of any past achievement.
An excellence of living technology which is as unique
as the extremities now prevalent in the heavens and essences may be ours.
We gather and synthesize unique remnants and fit them together
in a unique place in the gradient of forces filling this universe.
Our place in the heavens is between our inspiration and our care.
We navigate blindly or knowingly. The choice is ours.
We are and have been elected as an object of care,
but our object of care suited us to that election.
We forfeit care by diminishing our scheme of care,
we enlarge our care by enlarging our scheme of care.
We alter our destiny by modifying our object of care.
We navigate our souls by what we give our attention to . . .


 

Do not allow your object of care to close the flow. Make your care living.
The yellow-orange emanation was care of that form.

The setting for the jewels from which that yellow-orange beam shone
was a macrocosm of a megacosm.
Militance and rigor were discriminate.
No one within that macrocosm was dominated by any other,
but no one was independent of the others.
Consequences distributed between them as easily and as surely
as distress within one part of my body alerts and beckons the upholding
of the whole of my body.
Their fraternity was so profound, the mind of one had as much influence
upon each other body as it had upon its own home or host form,
yet each was a distinct receptor providing a stereo sensitive network
anchored so intimately that they became a possible object of creation
to the inspiration to which they were accountable.

Captains were no more in order

than a body with twelve eyes and proportionate deficiency of other members.
It would have been a weakness, not a strength.
Order is not the product of domination and militant subjection,
it is the product of oneness.
Their habitation was more a shrine than a technological masterpiece.
Lagging achievement of one of the members, concentrated the concern
upon that one.
It did not disqualify nor merit disdain or punishment.
No one was deficient because they intended to be.
Need may have demonstrated itself in the deficiency,
but need was never mistaken for malice.
Malice is the forceful pursuit of a small scheme, infringing
upon more comprehensive schemes, but that is desperation which propels it.
It would have been easier to say they were holy
than to say they were superintellectual.
You simply couldn't separate the functions.
I comprehend some of what consciousness is by the exposure to their nature.
Every being constantly emanates, thoughts, feelings, piercing energies,
which permeate and which orient the substance within which he lives.


 

He may be unaware of the effect of his emanations

unless he closes the domains or loops upon himself
to sense or to experience the emanations.
That is the practice of consciousness. It is needful.
The network through which the closure of consciousness takes place
may vary, in complexity and may vary in the duration of the cycles
over which the sensed feed back occurs.
It may also be a mingled report.
Other forces may have converged and joined the emanations of our own
to produce the resultant sensed by the practice of consciousness.

Still weeping and weak I arose, numb, overwhelmed

and walked, sobbing, along the brow of the mountain, through the trees,
which had deposited upon the slope, all of the fragments
of their summer apparel called leaves.
I laid down upon the slope.
Somehow, along came one sensitive enough to remain silent,
concerned enough to cry with me, not knowing why I cried
nor needing for me to say.
She laid her lap beneath my head in some graceful way I can't remember
and her tears fell on my face to double the streams upon my cheeks.

Soon a couple seemed as compelled to have ventured up the slope

and along the brow of the mountain, without the guidance of a path,
to come upon us.
He put his hand upon my shoulder.
This was not the first act of upholding care he had rendered towards me.
Moments passed which were not awkward, but were silent.
A distant bell rang.
The couple walked on.
I arose still quite numb and in staggered leaps made my way down the slope
toward the bell.

The days that passed required that I indulge in insincerity.

It was a place and a time where as much sincerity
as can perhaps be practiced upon the face of this planet was possible,
but more agreement had been reached about exposing one's weaknesses
than exposing one's nobility.

 

Anything able to be construed as creating advantage of experience

of one over another was not easily distributed.
I could not speak much about what had happened.
I tried, but found an unwelcome deflection amongst most
to whom I tried to speak.
So, followed this course of retreat, during which I have correlated
and cross correlated all I can.
I have searched as many tangents to the believable as I could find.
It seemed to be necessary to start with the tangent to believable experience
to distribute the insights offered by the yellow-orange beam.
There is no nobility in this undertaking or this experience.
There is compulsion.

During the weeks that followed, a company

including the lap upon which I had rested my head, appealed to me
to attend to my mutual feebleness.
I could appeal effectively to get them to turn their attention
to our mutual nobility.
I consented with low index of sincerity to their appeal
to simply sustain the relationship until I could appeal more coherently.
If they read this, perhaps they will recall the episode
and understand the predicament.

In order to describe more fully the patterns imparted

not from the yellow-orange beam of light,
but the nature of the form from which it shone and they within it,
I want to offer a name, a meaningful designation to this source
which became a womb of transformation for me in its intervention in my life.


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Magnificent art, a triumph of science, a temple, a wonder

of more worlds than ours, how may it be uttered?

To participate in life within it, instead of wonderment at it,

is a part of the initiation of each citizen of Annerlobe.
This city of space was the host, not to militant keepers of justice,
nor the explorers of the outward universe, but to worshippers, adepts,
with a calm and serene sensitivity, a benevolent potency,
and an intense relationship with one another, that displayed itself
in devotion each to the other, excelling utmost care we give our own flesh.

To describe their nature requires this one learning . . .

the living process involves the intricate and abundant exchange of energy
with every form and being.
The enlargement of living, or evolution, is to gain fraternity
with an ever larger society of beings, and to harmonize one's motions
more and more intricately with all one's surroundings,
at greater and greater ranges.

Universal organisms were the order of magnitude of the momentary reach

of the living field of this company.
Their consciousness, each moment, beheld beauty
toward which many would only prostrate themselves, in awe.
It is even that posture of awe and wonderment that forbids many
from accepting the benevolence of that beauty for their own person,
and the contribution of their person to the enlargement of that beauty.

The purposes of the citizens of such a city as this!

They traversed not only the universe in its acknowledged form,
but they moved even through the essences . . .
witnessing other rates of living processes.
At one time they were both searchers into those forces
which elicit most subtle effect, and participants in the discrimination
of the very scheme of creation.

Not peculiar to their stature, their attentiveness

was often fastened upon the least ordered manifestations in the universe.

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And it became their task in part to expedite the process of ordering,

wherever their wisdom made more comprehensive the designs
of those cultures or civilizations.

The human kingdom is a band of consciousness in the spectrum of evolution.

Human beings transcend the consciousness of their kind
in company with the instructive ecology which surrounds them.
There is a coevolution of the species and its ecology.
The citizens of Annerlobe became to humankind
a fount of somewhere inspirers.
They provided a field of force, within which humankind lived and moved
and had their being, and became to humankind their overseer,
an answerer of their prayers, their angels in the heavens.

The proximity of those of Annerlobe, was,

in the early cycles of man's ascendancy, one of great distance.
But from time to time they would take upon themselves human form,
the bounding of human consciousness in the terrestrial ecology.

Forces are never known by human consciousness,

until they have displayed themselves, sometimes with enormity,
in the motions and in the mutations of substance and form.
When the changes wrought are so gradual
that they require a scientific historian to be noticed,
the forces may go unacknowledged.
Often too, a force displays itself so intermittently, in every age,
it becomes a newly acknowledged phenomena, that is observed by so few
and occurs with such rarity, its periodicity goes unnoticed . . .
until formulated from myth, legend, scantiest clues in history.

The pioneer observer will wait its occurrence and scorn the charge
that his promptings are occult, superstitious exploitations.
Somehow the observation is always left to clandestine undertaking
by the courageous, if not the compelled.

Annerlobe interventions were rare and their interventions

were usually witnessed by superstitious witnesses, who were ill-believed
when they reported their experiences.
It only increased the pain of being pressed away for those
who longed to abundantly assist.

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The bridge to their greater nature was offered to those

who were at first visited,
which deepened their fraternity with the citizens of Annerlobe.

A band of the most achieved came to be the most skilled and concerned
about the destiny of the race.
That band of the concerned, had themselves left behind
the need to propagate credit or acclaim for their labours,
and had come to realize their scheme of care was best executed
by anonymous dwelling.
And so they were seldom seen and only came to be known
to others of their kind who were at the periphery of transcending achievement.
They became very constantly attended members of the race
by the concerned ones . . . both for the sake of their own ascendancy
as well as for the sake of those ascending through them.

Through history, it became the frequent means of tutoring man,

to inspire the children's tales.
The evolutionary goal of each kingdom was often first known by the children,
and the operations of the universe first comprehended
by their believing minds
(only to have systems of education suppress their insight).

As the fullness of time came,

because of the motion of the planet through the heavens,
an urgency arose to have humankind in readiness to witness
and to participate in the cataclysmic changes in the force fields of space,
which were to be dispatched as a due experience.
The experience had its sense of dueness because there is,
in the fields of space, rainbows of force --
not that shine from violet through the spectrum to red, but that shine
from humankind of the most primitive to humanity the most divine.
This is the ecological field system through which the specie moves,
with the planet and her sun
(her vehicle of travel through the spectrum of energies of space).
The networks of force that produce the delicately balanced motions
of these luminary and planetary vehicles of space, are forces authored
by something beyond a great galactic mind, by which man and Gods evolve.
There are cusps of transition from colour to colour, from yellow to green,
green to blue, from humans primitive to Homo Sapien,
from Homo Sapien to the even greater specie.

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At each cusp there is the expected turbulence in the practiced civilization.

It is much like the turbulence of mother in labour,
of child surging through the canal of birth, and of a pacing, waiting father.

Annerlobe and her citizens were like the attendant physicians or midwives
assisting in the birth of a greater human species.
It was not some divinely assigned duty that brought them
to the time and place, but rather part of the scheme,
a part of a very locus or path over which they navigated.
But the path was not to be trodden upon, but to be worked through.
The path required matriculation and the midwifery was part of the skill.

We are without history and with but most meager myth or legends
regarding the fields of force
in which this planet was immersed grand cycles ago.
What has been interred in Earth's crust or covered by ocean bed
is little probed.
What substance, what form can be scrutinized
for the increment of mutation or motion which is new
and with what history of science shall it be compared, observation so unaided?

We have a faculty which causes us to suspect there is no form, no motion,

no effect of any kind, that did not come to be
by some intelligent prompting force.
There remains the suspicion, always, of the subjective mind
that the force which elicited the effect was authored by a mind . . .
a mind somewhere distant, somehow distant . . . out of reach
of any pursuit but one such as prayer.
The amazing orderliness and the ever enlarging scheme of order disclosed
by the discoveries of scientists and the living, entrench the suspicion,
and cause as history passes, reasoned prayer to have more to do
with the quest of thought and each hour's longings,
than some clergy's utterances in conjured shrine.

An explanation of the very means of propulsion through the heavens

will only suffice to allow comprehension of the stature of this station
in the process of matriculation.
Very much as a radio signal is broadcast, a star shines, a planet shines.


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Very much like an antenna stretched into the air

to receive the radiating waves, was Annerlobe.
But even as a radio receiving system requires a ground of some form,
a retransmission can serve as that ground.
But it must be transmitted to a body attuned.

So the Annerlobe navigators scanned the heavens for shining stars

and scanned the heavens for blackness, for dimness, to shine upon.
The distinction between the energies received and the energies emitted
produced the motion of Annerlobe.

It is a distinction of mobile celestial bodies

that have achieved some will of their own
regarding their path in the heavens, that their freedom is greater,
the wider the range of energies they can both receive and transmit.
An orbiting body is simply one of highly prescribed emissions
and absorptions.
This is true of any specie as well as a heavenly traveler.
The constant emanations of care in inception of inspiration,
provide the mobility of their being.
There was a mingling of the motions of the citizens
and the motions of the city,
so that the citizens themselves became the circuitous substance
by means of which navigation was planned.


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It is the nature of space that in the need

to index the mechanisms and the practices of the extensive systems of life
that we must use the word “nation” in the very specific reference
to an ecological intricacy.

The title of the space nation, in this case, is Annerlobe.

This refers to the science practiced with great acuity
within this particular nation, the science of motion and currents.

The qualities there are to consider about motion, first of all require
that we be observant that there is no such a thing as absolute motion,
but that all motion requires bodies of reference,
and in the bodies of reference not only the number of bodies,
but certain qualities of those bodies become significant.
It is also a nature of motion and the principles of relative motion
that there is a definite kind of energy,
which is exchanged between the bodies in relative motion,
which is not only a product of the nature of the substance of the body,
but the nature of the motion itself and the fields of force
within the environs of the bodies of reference.

There are no free body motions, anywhere in the universe.

Every body is related to every other body, by a definite network of forces,
and the definite range over which those forces are effectual
in high and low magnitude ways.
What can occur is that there can be biasing motion currents
that are set up in laboratory conditions
to subtract the effect of external motions and their currents
from being able to be effective in any given zone of space
particularly in the laboratory's environs.

The Annerlobe Space Nation was designed

to provide biasing currents through external systems of motion
so as to eliminate those external forces and currents
and be able to create in a way a vacuum in the field system,
where only known currents could be allowed through
to be exhibited in any given part of the laboratory.

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It is true of elementary laboratories for motion and for current studies

that the most complex substances and fields
to which they can provide an appropriate current vacuum
is in the non-living or low-living index types of substance.
The Annerlobe was peculiar inasmuch as it had
some of the most advanced biasing motion current networks found
in the territory of space.
At one time the Annerlobe Space Nation was the supporting system
for a large population for them to experience their growth, enlargement
as creators of greater domain, as well as a place within which
certain balancing forces in the universe were implemented by the locus
of the space nation itself and the attributes of those within the space nation.

There was a consciousness of the navigational practices

of the Annerlobe Space Nation that allowed them again and again
to be the amending or supplementing force in some solar system's evolution
that would make the difference.

There had just been a survey of the heavens

searching for the greatest whiteness and breadth of whiteness,
in every sphere radiant of the heavens
that surrounded the Annerlobe Space Nation.
In the direction of Megagontes the highest intensity
and greatest whiteness breadth had been measured.
The navigational locii
for the motion of Annerlobe into Megagontes was plotted.
The deportation-exodus schedules
and the import-rendezvous schedules were preliminarily planned
and the announcement of the locii was broadcast.

The metabolistic navigational programs were set up

since the field conditions of Megagontes required a more advanced life-form
than had ever been observed, reported or conceived of
by any of those within Annerlobe.

It was a Utopia towards which to move.


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The rate of change in the life-form required a particularly complex kernel

in the air-approach to Megagontes with high rate life cycles,
particularly with intricate supporting navigational motions,
for the intuitive and mental faculties to metabolize at a high enough rate
to allow any sort of reasonable high speed motion towards Megagontes.

The life-style patterns were disseminated

and the individual supporting behavioural patterns,
and the change in the pattern programs were begun early in the course.

A kind of mutiny arose on the part of those who were to be deported.

It was the obvious desire that instead of experiencing deportation
they would prefer that Annerlobe navigate for a lesser field-condition.
The fairness of majority desire even the ability
to analyze degrees and the intensities of desire and competence
to cope with such a far-reaching change in the nature of the population
of Annerlobe in order to enter Megagontes
became a severely contested question
insisting that there would be intervention of some justice
from the system of space.


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Note: Brief descriptions, one or more book titles

and one or more internet addresses are included where applicable.

1. Dr. Bruce was later recruited to Oxford University from the University of Guelph.
2. Charnoe, Z. P.
Selection: “A Bird’s Flight If Only You Could Fly”
from a book of poetry: Growing In Front of Everybody

3. Boone, J. Allen.
Caretaker of Strongheart, dog performer in the television series,
Rin Tin Tin; author relating real life experiences
showing how animals communicate.
e.g. Kinship With All Life; You Are The Adventure

4. Varnum, Dr., M.D.

Psychiatrist, US Army, World War II
5. Einstein, Albert, Ph.D., best known for his theory of relativity.
Said to have plagiarized materials written by earlier scientists:
Minkowski, who reported Hasenöhrl with respect to E = mc2 equation,
as reported through various sources including Nexus Magazine
(, summer 2004)

6. Springer, Rebecca Ruter.

Author of Intra Muros, 1898 (more recently published as: My Dream of Heaven)

7. Hamilton, Dr. Eleanor, Ph.D.

In early 1970’s, author of this manuscript was welcomed
to read some of Wilhelm Reich’s unpublished manuscripts,
which were available at her home, in Sheffield, Massachusetts.


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8. Grant, Joan.
Author of a series of books, some co-authored by her husband,
Dr. Dennis Kelsey, based upon her past-life recall.
e.g. Far Memory; Winged Pharaoh; The Eye of Horus

9. Laidlaw, Dr., Robert, M.D.

Psychiatrist, Chief of Psychiatry, Bellevue Hospital, New York, NY
10. Houdini, Harry.
Renowned magician, killed by a spectator after a performance.
Houdini and his wife agreed on a code.
If reported, through a medium, would prove the existence of life after death.
Two messages were actually delivered during two different sittings,
followed by a third meeting, on January 7, 1929.
the following letter was signed and witnessed by three people
who were present at the sitting, including one journalist
from Scientific American magazine:
“’Regardless of all statements to the contrary,
I wish to declare that the message, in its entirety
and in the agreed-upon sequence, given to me by Arthur Ford,
is the correct message pre-arranged between Mr. Houdini
and myself.’ (signed) Beatrice Houdini”
This story is detailed in the book:
Arthur Ford: The Man Who Talked With The Dead,
by Allen Spraggett with William V. Rauscher
11. Ford, Arthur.
(Refer to number 7 (above).)
Spiritualist, medium and author of books
pertaining to his life experiences as a medium.
e.g. The Life Beyond Death; Unknown But Known;
Apparently he became part of a group guidance
that came through automatic writing by Ruth Montgomery,
following his physical death (see below: Montgomery, Ruth, number 20)
Other books have also been written about his after-life communications.
e.g. Arthur Ford Speaks From Beyond, by Eileen Sullivan


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12. Montgomery, Ruth.

Began her career as a newspaper reporter in Washington, D.C.
Wrote numerous books as a result of communications,
through automatic writing, from a group including the late Arthur Ford.
e.g. Strangers Among Us; A World Beyond

13. McKim, Robert H.

Professor at Stanford University: seeing, imagining, idea-sketching.
Author of The Art of Visual Thinking, 1st & 2nd Edition

14. Bronowski, Jacob.

Author of numerous books, including
The Origins of Knowledge and Imagination and
The Ascent of Man series, also available as a video series;
mathematician / thinker; renowned study of science and human values.

15. Weyl, Hermann.

Chair of Mathematics in Göttingen
then researcher in advanced science at Princeton attempting
to incorporate electromagnetism into the geometric formalism
of general relativity.
Author of numerous books and articles.
e.g. Philosophy of Mathematics and Natural Science

16. Milic Capek.

The Philosophical Impact of Contemporary Physics
a treatment of process philosophy, quote by Einstein included

17. Hoyle, Sir Fred.

World-renowned astronomer, published over 40 books,
including technical science, popular science and science fiction
e.g. Frontiers of Astronomy

18. Bitter, Francis.

Author of at least 8 books on magnetics and physics.
e.g. Magnets, the Education of a Physicist


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19. Knott, William.

Author of books and articles on writing.
e.g. The Craft of Fiction

20. Castenada, Carlos.

Author of a series of books resulting from his training and experiences
with Don Juan Matus and Don Genaro;
originally traveled to Mexico to research his Ph.D. in anthropology.
e.g. The Eagle’s Gift; Journey to Ixtlan; The Teachings of Don Juan

21. Roberts, Jane.

Author of a series of books, some written by herself
and some through the assistance of an entity known as Seth;
e.g. The Seth Material; Psychic Politics; The Nature of Personal Reality;
Unknown Reality; Dialogues of the Soul and Mortal Self in Time.
Co-author, husband: Robert Butts

22. Verne, Jules.

Visionary, author of classic books such as
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea and
Around the World in Eighty Days
and many other books such as Prophet of a New Age.

23. Asimov, Isaac.

Started as a chemist, author of over 500 books, essays, short stories.

24. Clark, Arthur C.

Acknowledged as the greatest living science fiction writer
and outstanding visionary
with over 100 books and over 1,000 articles and short stories.

25. Spielberg, Steven.

Producer and director of many films and series
e.g. E.T.; Taken; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Artificial Intelligence
Executive Producer in Dreamworks production company.


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26. Sinnott, Edmund.

A lifetime of scientific work, writing of numerous articles and books,
established as an eminent plant morphologist,
turned to metaphysics and mysticism;
books in botany, genetics, with interests in art, photography, architecture
e.g. Biology of the Spirit ; Cell and Psyche: The Biology of Purpose

27. Sheldrake, Rupert.

Biologist; work in telepathy with humans and animals;
author, lecturer, researcher, seminars, television series.
Books: e.g. New Science of Life – The Hypothesis of Formative Causation
The Sense of Being Stared At (official website)

28. Kervran, C. Louis.

As a scientist, he found phenomenal evidence
of non-radioactive, low-energy transmutation of light elements
in plants, animals and minerals also known as "nuclido-biological reactions".
Books and papers.
Apparently there are mineral supplements for sale
now incorporating his discoveries.
e.g. Biological Transmutations
Natural Non-Radioactive Transmutations: A New Property of Matter

29. Charnoe, Z. P.
Related document found at websites below or by contacting author:
Consciousness, The Coemissive Fundamental, 1996
Science and Con-Science, 2000


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The art-science glyphs were created using a platform,

suspended by four strings from the head of a doorway.
On the bottom of the platform, weights were added.
A crane was constructed, which would hold a free flowing pen,
which was counterbalanced to lie, lightly on the paper, taped to the platform.

The platform was jostled into a swinging motion.

The pen was dropped onto the paper while the motion decayed.
At a critical moment, the pen was lifted.

glyphs 1. – 9. - omitted to allow posting to ECOphysics


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In the 1970’s, Zee and his wife at that time, launched an ‘Anaclysm’ forum
through their publishing company: Psy Phor Publishing.

- graphics omitted to allow posting to ECOphysics


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At present, we have a free forum / website
dedicated to the regular postings of Zee’s documents
and participant exchange regarding related issues,
sharing of links, etc.
One may view the writings, without joining the forum,
but membership and participation is most welcome.
Please visit us at ECOphysics:


Our registered domain is; the site is ‘under construction’.
A second website will accommodate audio recordings and more documents:

We are investigating the possibility of either creating

a comprehensive website and/or a regular radio program
where pre-recorded lectures can be broadcast.
Expansion in any and all areas, at this point, is dependent upon support
that can come with shared purpose.

For general correspondence, here are e-mail addresses:
backups for either or
Snail mail (letters only) can be mailed to this address:
Box 10, Breslau, Ontario, Canada N0B 1M0
Please include a valid e-mail address or adequate SASE for a reply.


For complete details of materials available
and how to obtain copies of writings and recordings
please e-mail Jennifer: or
[See Appendix D for titles and format]

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Sudden change, Upbuilding change
In 1987, the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED)
the Brundtland Commission, made up of 21 Nations,
unanimously agreed on the need to change.
What it didn't agree upon is:

Change What? How?

Change is occurring!
Some of the changes that are occurring are the consequences of two (2) things:
1. growing human population and
2. human activity,
Human activity is intensified and amplified:

• by tools, by equipment
• by skills and by education
• and by energy.

All of these factors of intensified and amplified human activity

are governed:

o by policies,
o by principles,
o by paradigms, and
o by patterns of belief.

Anaclysm advocates that what we change

and how we change
involves why we do what we do.

Anaclysm examines motives.

Anaclysm examines:
 the policies,
 the principles,

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 the paradigms and

 the patterns of belief.


John Lily, M.D. stated:

“In the realm of the mind,
anything we believe either is true or tends to become true
as a result of having believed it.”

Belief is a power and a responsibility.

Einstein stated:
“God doesn’t play dice.”

Quantum mechanics, more particularly, the uncertainty principle,

shows there is a limit to what we can know
about the location
and the momentum of a charge in motion.

We have presumed this limit to certainty involves:

 randomness,
 chance and
 accidents.

What if it doesn’t.
What if the uncertainty principle only involves choice?

What if the uncertainty principle follows

from what Johann von Goethe meant when he said:

Until one is committed,

there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back,
always ineffectiveness, concerning all acts of initiative (and creation).

There is one elemental truth

the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans:
that the moment one definitely commits oneself,
then Providence moves too.
All sorts of things occur –
to help one, that would never otherwise have occurred.

A whole stream of events issues from the decision,

raising in one’s favour.


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All manner of unforeseen incidents

and meetings and material assistance,
which no man could have dreamed would have come his way.

Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it.

Boldness has genius, power and magic to it.
Begin it now!

We then find ourselves in a crisis of choice,

a crisis of beliefs.
Our policies are governed by superstitious beliefs.

Science has followed the belief

that free-standing existence is possible,
that there is something called a particle.
Science has believed that we can know, by means of isolating
and defining.
What if isolation is impossible?

Hermann Weyl has reported

that there is no such thing as one and the same increment of energy
which constitutes a charge at any two adjacent increments of time.
That means that energy and pattern flows into
and out of every charge, constantly, continuously.
In one sense, all of physical reality
is nothing but charges and charge fractions in motion.
Nothing exists, in physical reality, except charges and charge fractions
and the fields, the flux of energy and pattern that flows
into, through and out of these charges and charge fractions.

What determines the sequence

of where that energy and pattern comes from and where it goes?

There is no energy without pattern.

There is no pattern without energy.
{diagram: alloy of energy and pattern}

This website is about change.

• It is about the nature of change.
• It is about the function of change.
• It is about the means of change.

The Nature of Change

Change is constant.
Change is continuous.
There may be a change in the rate of change.
There is a direction to change.
Change may be in the direction of more order.

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Change may be in the direction of less order.

More order in the direction of change is evolution.
Less order in the direction of change is chaos.

One strategy in the evolving direction of change is:

to multiply,
to combine and
to select (to allow or to disallow).

This is a strategy for evolutionary change employed by life

and by intelligence.
One place life uses this strategy for evolutionary change
is in the process of sensation.
In the eye, we have a sensation to a threshold of light energy.
That threshold for light energy differs with the species
whose eyes are being considered.
for a human eye {diagram} the threshold is about 10 photons
for a cat’s eye {diagram} the threshold is much lower
for an owl’s eye {diagram} the threshold is even lower.

At this juncture, the subject may branch.

We can take advantage of the html format,
regardless of your background,
regardless of your references or
regardless of the direction of your interest,
you can follow the branched pattern.

Remember, we are discussing the strategy

that life and intelligence uses for evolutionary change.
How life and intelligence
combine, and
select (allow or disallow).

This website: Anaclysm

does not ask you to buy anything,
does not ask you to do anything,
it only asks you to learn something, it only asks for your attention.
This website: Anaclysm is an agent of change, more particularly,
it is an agent of change, in the direction of evolution.
It is a matrix
of data,
of information,
of knowledge.

It is a path of exploration.
You may visit it many times.

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It is an evolving website.
Upon each visit, you may jump to a segment you haven’t yet explored.
You may leap over the segments you have explored.

In a certain sense, it is quite vast because it references the works of many authors.
You may excursion into their works.

Anaclysm uses many literary and artistic styles.

It is like visiting a gallery,
with art, where you enter the painting
and visit a concert,
during which concert
you learn about a movie,
which tells you about a biography,
the life of which reports an experiment,
the findings of which experiment take you to journals,
which journals describe a method of exploration,
which method of exploration
provides you with an altered state,
which altered state intrigues you with a culture,
which culture introduces you to an adjacent reality
which contains a piece of art, in a gallery,
where you enter a painting, etc.

When you find out how much you can explore

when you find out how much you can experience
when you find out how much you can change
are you captivated or are you liberated?

Anaclysm invites you to this web of exploration.

The Eye
At the back of the human eye are a group of neurons
of different kinds, five different kinds.
The human eye is designed for high resolution.
At the back of the retina,
we have a black, non-reflective screen of pigmentation
which aids that high resolution function.
The photoreceptors themselves are further supportive of this function.
There are cones and rods. {diagram}

{ to be continued . . . }


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(merged from a second document, 11 Oct. 2000)

Anaclysm is the opposite of cataclysm.

Anaclysm is a sudden upbuilding.
The mountain peak arising from a broken and burst surface
is the image of anaclysm.


Anaclysm can be described in terms of:

The function of Anaclysm is its motion and force.
The form of Anaclysm follows its function.
The means of Anaclysm is its method and substance.

The question posed is:

Anaclysm is a sudden upbuilding of what?
The answer is the sudden upbuilding of an integrated
body / mind / spirit, as a unit.

A different kind of unit

yields a different kind of unity.

The further answer is, the sudden upbuilding of relationships,

the extensification and the augmentation of nearness,
nearness made possible by the upbuilding of the body / mind / spirit units.
The upbuilding of the body / mind / spirit unit
involves reintegration, regeneration, restoration.

Reintegration, regeneration and restoration of the body

is the theme of health and wholeness.

Reintegration, regeneration and restoration of the mind

is the theme of bicameral enlightenment.

Reintegration, regeneration and restoration of the spirit

is the domain of the ecology of mind in the universe.

Each of these three aspects of reintegration, regeneration and restoration

yields the totality of a different kind of unit.


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The open self, the edgeless self, the connected self

embodies a dynamic diffusion of internal and external processes.

The fulcrum is choice.

The systemic advantage is belief.

We derive our experience, all of our experience from our beliefs.

This counters the metabelief that we derive our beliefs
from our experience.
What we explore, what we attempt
is always based upon what we believe is possible.

Belief is the vanguard.


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Copies of all of Zee’s materials, within our possession, are currently available,
or are in the process of becoming available, within the year 2005.
Availability will be posted at
or at (currently under construction).
Materials are generally grouped according to subject relatedness or to production era.
The majority of recordings are mid to good sound quality.
A small number of recordings are missing or of such poor quality
as to either not be retrievable or reproducible.
A large number of writings have been stored in various places in the world
and are presently unavailable to us.
All groupings (whether completely or partially available) are listed below.
For more detailed lists, please contact us by mail or e-mail (see page 95 above).

ERAS for Recordings and Writings :

Frontiers of Science Fellowship (FOSF) / USA : 1960’s

Devatron / U.K. and Europe : 1970’s
Earth Lab / Canada and USA: early 1980’s
Domain / Canada : 1980’s – 1993
Earth Lab / Canada : 1994 – 2000
ECOhealth / Canada : 2001 – 2003
ECOhealth / ECOphysics / Canada : 2004 – present


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Audio Recordings
Titles Index (Draft) - 30 pages

There are a number of different ways to approach listening to the recordings.

e.g. In sequence according to date, or in sequence according to subject or series,
or choose titles that seem most appropriate to gain a familiarity.

Recordings prior to Domain / Canada era are now in mp3 CD or DVD format.
These are usually 2 hours in duration (originally recorded on reel-to-reels).

Recordings of the Canada era are all still in audio cassette format awaiting conversion.
These recordings are usually 1 ½ - 3 hours (1 – 2 tapes).
Quality of original recordings is highly varied.
Many recordings have excellent sound quality.
An associate has been responsible for creating mp3 CD’s and optimizing sound quality.
It is helpful to read transcriptions at the same time, when and as available.

Frontiers of Science
Introductory Series (FOSF): 2 lectures, I.S. # 01 – 02;
General Series: 82 lectures, G.S. # 01 – 82; 67/07/28 – 69/04/25
Citizenship in the Age to Come: May ’68 conference
The Expanding Domains of Responsible Creators: July ’68 conference
Madness of the Soul: Sept. ’68 conference
Codification of Consciousness:
18 lectures, C.C. # 01 – 18; 68/06/17 – 68/07/10
Physiology of Higher Bodies:
18 lectures, P.H.B. # 01 – 18; 68/08/5 – 68/08/31
Skills of New Man:
9 lectures, S.N.M. # 01 – 09; 68/10/08 – 68/11/10
Far Field Contributions to Consciousness:
F.F.C.C. # 01 – 13; 68/12/29 – 70/11/?
Bridge of Fellowship (Glide Foundation):
6 lectures, B.F. # 01 – 06; 69/1/2 – 69/2/6
Details of Fraternity:
8 lectures, D.F. # 01 – 08; 69/5/31 – 73/7/10
Incarnational Technology:
13 lectures, I.T. # 01 – 13; 69/10/01 – 73/07/04

Radio Broadcast: “Aquarian Age Cosmology”,

Columbia University, Big Sur Recordings, 1969,
Chaplain’s residence, Riverside Dr., New York City, NY,
copies discovered in Univ. of Guelph archives; 2 audio tapes.


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9 lectures, no series, dates not recorded; 1970’s

534 audio cassette tapes (approx. 800 hours in total).
Classes, discussions, lectures, meetings, “Golden Griddle sessions”
Sunday and Wednesday meditations, health consultations,
public lectures, presentations, conferences.

Each audio cassette recording is approximately 90 minutes in duration.

Sessions involving two tapes are generally 2 – 3 hours in duration.

Classes, training, projects of foundation: 59 tapes

Subjects: controlled environment cropping, observation and measurement,
familiarization and orientation, environment and population,
social public knowledge construct, ECOsystems planning and strategy,
employer-based education, ECOsystems of the hydrosphere – desalination,
ECOsystems of the biosphere, healthy cities, ecological principles –
perspectives and viewpoints for planning, Einstein’s brain, geometries,
Science and Technology conference, microbial ecology and the living index,
Amazon rain forest, environmental ethics, Pied Piper – technical aspects,
changing atmosphere, environmental bioscience,
presentations to fund-raising clubs, Professor Kiyoshi Izumi.

Meditations (Sundays and Wednesdays): 122 tapes (minimum)

Format usually involved reading a newly written document,
or reading from another author’s book, discussing themes,
followed by exploration of meditative states.
There are a number of additional recordings of meditations
that were not specifically part of the Sun. - Wed. series.

Research Foundation meetings and orientations: 6 tapes

Golden Griddle Sessions: 8 tapes

Seshene: 2 tapes

Three Selves readings and discussion: 2 tapes

Health: 11 tapes
Note: Approximately 150 additional sessions are not available
due to confidentiality
Subjects: nutrition, nutrition in the ‘90’s, ECOsystemic nutrition, healing,
relaxation, holotrophic therapies, cancer, environmental health.

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Ecology of Knowledge (EOK) (United Nations / Epistemology) Conference 1:
1 tape, # 335; 86/05/31
Ecology of Knowledge (EOK) Conference 2:
9 tapes, # 336 – 344; 87/01/13 – 87/01/15
Ecology of Knowledge (EOK) Conference 3:
10 tapes, # 345 – 354; 87/11/11 – 87/11/13
Environmental Crisis Options: 10 tapes, # 364 – 373; 88/05/20 – 88/05/23
Ecology of Knowledge (EOK) Conference 5:
15 tapes, # 374 – 388; 88/12/02 – 88/12/04
The Law of One: 10 tapes, # 389 – 398; 91/11/08 – 91/11/10
Self Transcendence: 10 tapes, # 399 – 408; 91/11/22 – 91/11/24
A Half Truth is a Whole Lie: 5 tapes, # 409 – 413; 92/01/04 – 92/01/05
Evolutions of Mind / Body / Spirit:
10 tapes, # 414 – 423; 92/01/17 – 92/01/19
Initiations: Solar and Stellar: 9 tapes, # 424 – 432; 92/03/07 – 92/03/08
The Tao of One: 11 tapes, # 433 – 443, 92/03/20 – 92/03/22

Last Days’ Lectures (L.D.L.): 19 tapes, # 464 - 482; 95/02/12 – 95/11/24

Arby’s Sessions (R.B. – Really Beautiful): 3 – 5 sessions

- recorded on minidisk

Worldwide Philosophy – What Life Is and What Life Is For:

- 12 lectures recorded on minidisk, available on CD
- 600 pages of writings, bibliography and references;
Sept. – Dec. 2003


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Written Materials
Titles Indexes (Draft):
1. Poetry, Short Stories – 22 pages
2. Writings, Transcriptions (A – Z) – 60 pages

Approximately 400 poems have been written from the 60’s to present day.
Many are free-standing, there are also a number of poetry series.
Most poems were written in 1972, in England or Scotland
or in Switzerland, in 1974 (Psyphoric Hypergraphs for the Id).

Some series are incomplete or completely missing.

Books or series of poetry:

Apocryphal Proverbs
At the Festival of Sceptics
Creation’s Symphony
Greater Union (The)
Growing in Front of Everybody
Maps for the Mind
Peacemaker’s Handbook of Magic
Poems are the Mind Touching Things Apart
Psyphoric Hypergraphs for the Id
Second (2nd) Book of Lamentations
Stars & Flesh, Spirit & Dust
Too Controversial for the Polite

general – no grouping (post 1972)

Update as of May 2006: All poetry compiled into one book, titled:
The Soul of a Poet-Philosopher.

Aggregation, Assimilation, Affiliation and Alliance (A4)
Kinds and Degrees of Cadence and Resolve – in process (2003 -)
Anaclysm / Submerged in Spirit / A Physiology of Spirit (1972 - 2004)

What Life Is and What Life Is For (to be released 2005)

p – pl – please touch (1972) (with original cover and artwork)


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Short Stories (most written in 1970’s)

“African Kahuna”
“The Flambeths” (poetic short story)
“Ranunti” (poetic story)
“Year 1997”

Magazine, Journal Publications

“Anaclysm” - Scottish International publication (1974)
Changes Magazine – weekly publication, Frontiers of Science (1960’s)
Love Letter, Heaven Sent – daily paper, Harbinger (1960’s)
Harbinger – weekly publications (1968 – 1969)
Anaclysm: Psy Phor Publishing, Scotland

Short Books
Contemplation and Meditation
Holodynamic Universal Unity
Captivity in Schemes Too Small

Language, Literacy and Intelligence, Made For Each Other ! ?
Hons. B.I.S. thesis, presented in 1986, University of Waterloo
Description of Studies: Cadence and Epilogue – 26 pages
Total Thesis: approximately 1,500 pages;
Brief Description of each section – 21 pages
Six (6) sections:
1. The Truth Spectrum
2. Perception and Neuronal Activity
3. The Literate State
4. System Morphogenesis
5. Synopsis
6. Computers and Literature
- also includes 1984 Anaclysm text

Health modules
Approximately 30 short papers on health, wholeness and healing:
principles, research and personal experience

Ideally, every audio recording will be transcribed
and included on a CD to accompany the audio recordings.
At present, approximately 15% are currently completed.
(Estimated number of pages left to transcribe: 45,000)


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Learning modules
- in process –
- PDF files: written materials and photographs
e.g. Charnoe Modular Dome
Life Essentials to Obtain Immediately

Artwork and Design

A few samples of Zee’s creativity in finding media
with which to express forces of nature have been included in this manuscript
(pages 86 – 92).

Zee has studied many art media under a number of masters.

His most recent studies have been at the University of Guelph.
Zee has exhibited paintings in Edinburgh, Scotland
and has sold paintings, and other forms of art, in Europe.

As an architect, designer and engineer, Zee has an extensive portfolio.

His art resumé and exhibit history are available by mail or e-mail.

Radio / Audio Broadcast / Multi-media presentations

- via internet radio, satellite radio and/or via web page
(refer to in 2006 or 2007)
- playing of pre-recorded lectures and perhaps some live presentations


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ANACLYSM back cover

The illustration for the front and back covers have been omitted
to allow easier posting to the ECOphysics site/group.
The illustrations for the front and back covers,
plus 8 glyphs, otherwise found in Appendix A,
are available for viewing in a photo album, titled ‘Anaclysm – book’
in the ‘Pictures’ section at ECOphysics.
( Please go to to view illustrations. )


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