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A 13-Point Library Media Program Checklist for School Principals (2!

#ead the $nstr%ctions on Page 1 &ery caref%lly
Rapid changes in technology, learning research, and the library profession in the past 20 years have created
a wide disparity in the effectiveness of school library media programs. Is your school's library media program
keeping current? he checklist below can be used to !uickly evaluate your building"s program.
#istrict$ %&I'#
(ampus$ (omo )lementary 'chool
#ate$ *0+,+*-
Interviewee"s .ame$ /errily /artin
0ppro1imate .umber of 'tudents on (ampus$ -23
1' Professional Staff and (%ties
#oes your library media center have the services of a fully full4time licensed school library media
specialist 5'chool 6ibrary /edia 'pecialist 7'/6'8 or librarian9? :es /rs. /artin has her certificate
from e1as &omen"s ;niversity.
Is that person fully engaged in professional duties? Is there a written <ob description for all library
media personnel$ clerical, technical, and professional? 7#oes the librarian have any other duties not
connected to the library program? &hat are they?8 'he is the &ellness (oordinator, I) 5echnology
Instructional )ducator9, &eb #esigner for the school webpage, on the 'cience (ommittee, and in
charge of 'core a =oal for the (lassroom.
#oes the '6/' understand the changing roles of the '6/' as described in the Empowering
Learners: Guidelines for School Library Media Programs? 7new 00'6 guidelines that replace
Information Power8 7If the librarian has no knowledge of )mpowering 6earners, please indicate it.8
#oes the '6/' offer professional development opportunities in information literacy, information
technologies, and integration of these skills into the content area to students and teachers? :es, she
provides professional development opportunities in information literacy > technologies as well as
integration of these skills into the content area to both students and teachers. 0s the media specialist
/rs. /artin is one of the points of contact that is made from the #ivision of echnology in our district
so when there are off campus opportunities she forwards the information to the staff to let them know
the necessary steps that they need to take in order to schedule and attend said opportunities.
Is the '6/' an active member of a professional organi?ation such as 60, 060, )(0, I')? :es,
she is currently an active member of e1as 6ibrary 0ssociation.
Is the '6/' considered a full member of the teaching faculty? 'he is considered to be a part of the
support staff.
2' Professional S%pport
updated.html#comments !accessed and re"ormatted 08.1#.2009$
0/;4(ommerce 'pring 20*- @age *
Is sufficient clerical help available to the '6/' so that she+he can perform professional duties rather
than clerical tasks such as checking in and out books and shelving? here isn"t sufficient clerical help
in the library because the school"s enrollment is lower than the re!uired amount to receive a
paraprofessional part time.
Is sufficient technical help available to the '6/' so that she+he can perform professional duties
rather than technical tasks such as cataloging books or troubleshooting technology problems?
he technical help that she has comes from #ebbie Aelt.
Is there a district media supervisor, district librarian, library supervisor, leadership team, or
department chair who is responsible for planning and leadership? he 6/' director which is (arter
(ook and Bennifer 6aboon who is the 6ibrary supervisor for the district.
#oes the building principal, site leadership committee, or staff development team encourage the
library media personnel to attend workshops, professional meetings, and conferences that will update
their skills and knowledge? .o, the principal does not encourage staff development or professional
workshops outside of the district. If it is something that /rs. /artin can participate in that is offered
through 6/' or #ivision of echnology then he whole4heartedly supports her involvement.
#oes your '6/' participate in a @rofessional 6earning (ommunity and @ersonal 6earning .etworks?
/rs. /artin currently participates in
3' Collection Si)e and (e&elopment
#oes the library media center"s book and audiovisual collection meet the needs of the curriculum?
Cas a baseline print collection si?e been established? Is the collection well weeded? 7&hen is the last
time the entire collection was weeded?8he collection has not been weeded since the end of the
previous school year.
Is a variety of media available that will address different learning styles? 7&hat kinds of media are
available?8 @rint materials, #D#s, (#s, audio cassettes, /@, device players, &hiteboard activity
software, etcE
Cave electronic and on4line resources been added to the collection when appropriate? Is there
sufficient hardware and Internet bandwidth for groups of students to take advantage of these
resources 7in the library8?
Cas a recent assessment been done that balances print collection si?e and electronic resources?
Cave some print materials been supplanted by on4line subscriptions? Cas space formerly used to
house print materials been effectively repurposed? 7Cow long are maga?ines archived?8 he library
no longer has maga?ines other ones that are specific to the 6ibrary media specialist role.
0re new materials chosen from professional selection sources and tied to the curriculum through
collection mapping? :es, collection mapping is used through itlewave.
0/;4(ommerce 'pring 20*- @age 2
*' +acilities
Is the library media center located so it is readily accessible from all classrooms? #oes it have an
outside entrance so it can be used for community functions evenings and weekends? (an computer
labs be reached directly from a hallway instead of through the library media center? he library media
center is located in the center of the building and is readily accessible from all classrooms because it
has two doors in which patrons can enter and e1it from. Fne door faces the main hall in the school
were students it doesn"t have an outside entrance so it can"t be used for community functions
evenings and weekends
#oes the library media center have an atmosphere conducive to learning with serviceable furnishings
for the age group it serves, instructional displays, and informational posters? Is the library media
center carpeted with static4free carpet to reduce noise and protect electronic devices? Is the library
media center climate4controlled so that materials and e!uipment will not be damaged by high heat
and humidity, and so that it can be used for activities during the summer? :es, /rs. /artin has a
library with a child centered story4time rug area. 'he also has a storage space. he furniture is age
appropriate. 'he has informational posters about library rules, genres, and active directory login
information which are all available in both )nglish > 'panish. he library is carpeted fully carpeted.
he library is climate controlled at a constant of G0 degrees.
#oes the library media center contain a computer lab, multi4media workstations, and D production
facilities as well as general instructional areas, a story area 5in elementary schools9, and spaces for
individuals to work? 7Cow many student computers are available in the 6ibrary? #oes the campus
have a *$* laptop initiative? If so, for what grades?8 he library does not have an enclosed computer
lab, but it does have *0 computers available for use. here isn"t a D production facility on site, but
there is one at our #istrict @rofessional #evelopment (enter. )ven though the campus doesn"t have a
*$* laptop initiative there is a (omputer 6ab that is available with ,0 computers each for use in
addition to the library computers.
#oes the library maintain a useful, up4to4date online presence 7web page8 with resources for students,
staff and families? /rs. /artin has her own webpage created in &i1 in which she is planning to
update real soon.
,' C%rric%l%m and $ntegration
Is the '6/' an active member of grade level and+or team planning groups? /rs. /artin attempts to
participate on each grade levels planning team throughout the year in order to address the literary
needs of her patrons by meeting with them once each si1 weeks.
Is the '6/' an active member of content curriculum writing committees?
/rs. /artin is not a member of the content curriculum writing committees. (urriculum is written by
individuals chosen by the district. 6essons are placed on (urriculum %rameworks for access.
Is the '6/' a part of grade4level or content area professional learning communities?
0re library media center resources e1amined as a part of the content areas" curriculum review cycle?
.o, the resources are not e1amined as a part of the content areas" curriculum review cycle. he
curriculum is e1amined at the administrative offices. /rs. /artin and I had a long discussion about
this one because the district tells the teachers what books are needed for a particular lesson.
Cowever, the district does not make sure the books are available in every school library. It is up to the
library to do due diligence to make sure that these materials are added.
0/;4(ommerce 'pring 20*- @age ,
0re library media and information technology skills taught as part of content areas rather than in
isolation? 0re the information literacy skills of evaluating, processing and communicating information
being taught as well as accessing skills? /rs. /artin teaches the skills in con<unction with content
area lessons although some skills are taught through the (ounseling #epartment 5e.g. (yberbullying9
while the other skills are left up to the 6ibrary /edia 'pecialist to cover in his+her lessons.
Is the safe and appropriate use of online resources a part of the information and technology literacy
curriculum? 7Internet safety instruction8 :es, these practices are a part of the information and
technology curriculum.
-' #eso%rce-based .eaching
#oes the '6/' with assistance from building and district leadership promote teaching activities that
go beyond the te1tbook? 'he has in the past but not in recent years. @lease refer to !uestion ** the
fifth !uestion down.
Is the '6/' used by teachers as an instructional design and authentic assessment resource? :es at
various times throughout the year her e1pertise is utili?ed such as during events like Cistory >
'cience %air. 0lso when students are being considered for =ifted > alented and now that the
department has creating a new position the coordinator for the building is using her assistance
#oes fle1ible scheduling in the building permit the '6/' to be a part of teaching teams with
classroom teachers, rather than only covering teacher preparation time? 0lthough /rs. /artin
schedule is fle1ible because of all of the other roles that she has she is unable to be a large part of
the teaching team.
Is a clear set of information literacy and technology benchmarks written for all grade levels available?
0re these benchmarks assessed in a <oint effort of the '6/' and classroom teacher? 0re the results
of these assessments shared with the student and parents? here aren"t a set of information literacy
and benchmarks written for each grade.
/' $nformation .echnology
#oes the library media center give its users access to recent information technologies such as$
o computeri?ed library catalog and circulation system for the collection :es, the system is
o access to a computeri?ed union catalog of district holdings as well as access to the catalogs
of public, academic and special libraries from which interlibrary loans can be made he
district does not have access to public catalogs or academic libraries.
o full on4line access to the Internet
o a wide variety of online reference tools like full te1t periodical inde1es, encyclopedias,
atlases, concordances, dictionaries, thesauruses, reader's advisors and almanacs he district
subscribes to (ulture =rams, )A'(F, )ncyclopedia Aritannia, %acts on %ile and &orld
0/;4(ommerce 'pring 20*- @age -
o a wide variety of computeri?ed productivity programs appropriate to student ability level such
as word processors, multi4media and presentation programs, spreadsheets, databases,
desktop publishing program, graphic creation programs, still and motion digital image editing
software access to collaborative learning tools such as wikis, blogs and other online sharing
programs /icrosoft Fffice is available for use under the students and faculty 0ctive #irectory
log4in which includes word, e1cel, access, publisher, photo editor, as well as )nvision /ath
tools > I'I@5i'tation9
o production hardware such as multi4media computers, still and video digital cameras,
scanners, and 6(# pro<ection devices (amera are available on the elementary levelH
scanners are in the library as well as pro<ectors.
o educational television programming and services
o access to desktop conferencing e!uipment and software
o educational computer programs including practices, simulations and tutorials that support the
curriculum hink hrough /ath > Aig Arain?
0re the skills needed to use these resources being taught to and with teachers by the '6/'?
7Fn campus is there access to blogs, wikis, or other &eb 2.0 tools, or are they blocked by the district
filter?8 'ome sites are blocked with the district filter. 0s of last year teachers were allowed to access
:ouube by entering their active directory password.
0' .elecomm%nications
Is the school linked by a telecommunications network for distance learning opportunities 7video
conference, 'kype, =oogle Dideo Cangouts, etc.8 for students? 0re there interactive classrooms in
the building? here are no interactive classroom on the elementary level.
#oes the library media program coordinate programming that can be aired on the local public access
channel? .o. If programing is done, it is aired through educational technology.
#oes the library program coordinate in4house video broadcast programming?
/rs. /artin elementary library does not have in4house video broadcast programming. his is handled
through educational technology.
!' #eference1 2et3orking 4 $nterlibrary Loan
#oes your '6/' have the e1pertise needed to provide effective and timely reference services to the
building students and staff? /rs. /artin attempts to provide reference services in a timely manner by
ask the staff to submit their re!uest in writing ahead of time so that she can effectively give them
reference information as soon as she can get the information to them.
Is your school a member of a regional multi4type system or library consortium?
#oes the '6/' use interlibrary loan to fill student and staff re!uests that cannot be met by building
collections? Interlibrary loans are normally at the discretion of the librarian as to whether or not she
wants to loan the material out and if so these are the options given to ac!uire the materials$ school
mail or come by the school > pick it up. /ost librarians don"t loan books out to students unless the
librarian can vouch for the materials being returned.
#oes the '6/' participate in cooperative planning opportunities with other schools, both locally and
distant? /rs. /artin plans cooperatively with another elementary librarian within her pyramid 5e.g.
0/;4(ommerce 'pring 20*- @age I
0rlington Ceights9 as well as one outside of her pyramid 5e.g. &estern Cills9. Aoth schools have
populations that are similar to hers and they are facing some of the same academic challenges that
(omo is facing and have been very helpful in assisting with ideas for promoting success.
1' Planning56early 7oals
#oes the library media program have a district4wide set of long4range goals? he long range goals
that we have district wide are embodied in the mission statement which are the following$ 6eading
training and professional development for school librarians. 'upporting the selection, ac!uisition, and
processing of library resources. @roviding and maintaining multiple platforms for accessing library
resources. @roactively addressing changes in how information resources are managed, accessed,
and utili?ed.
#oes the '6/' set yearly goals based on the long4term goals that are tied directly to building and
curriculum goals in collaboration with building leadership? 0re these goals written? 0re they
submitted to a supervisor? :es, /rs. /artin submits 'mart =oals to both the principal and the director
of 6ibrary /edia 'ervices.
Is a portion of the '6/'"s evaluation based on the achievement of the yearly goals? :es, /rs. /artin
is evaluated on the four goals that she created which are the following$ updating the library
homepage, increase genre collection according to lists submitted by teachers, increase 'panish
collection, and weed DC'+book collection.
Is the library media program represented on the building technology planning committee? he district
technology planning committee? .o, the library media program isn"t represented on the building
technology planning committee.
11' 8%dgeting
Is the library media program budget determined by the librarian from an amount allocated by the
district or principal? Is the budget tied to program goals? he library media budget is initially
determined by the total number of students that are enrolled at your campus times J2.00 a student,
but no less than J,,000. It is at the discretion of the principal as to how the budget is to be spent.
#oes the '6/' write clear rationales for the materials, e!uipment, and supplies re!uested? .o /rs.
/artin isn"t re!uired to do this.
#oes the budget reflect both a maintenance and growth component for the program? ;nfortunately,
/rs. /artin has to factor that in through the fundraisers that she has throughout the school year.
#oes the '6/' keep clear and accurate records of e1penditures? Fnce /rs. /artin receives a
snapshot of what her budget is either from the principal or the secretary, she immediately plans
update the information in her binder to make sure the amounts corresponds to what she has figured
based on if she had money left in the budget from the end of the school year.
#oes the '6/' write grant applications when available? /rs. /artin was on a committee to write a
grant called @ro<ect ;@#0) a few years ago. his grant was aimed at improving the literacy and
technology skills of students by encouraging academic success through the use of librarian4teacher
collaborations. he hope was that the grant would promote greater usage and understanding of new
0/;4(ommerce 'pring 20*- @age K
technology for librarians and teachers if professional development opportunities were designed. 'he
also applied for a arget =rant as well back in 20*2 to obtain a total remodeling of the library.
12' Policies5Comm%nications
0re board policies concerning selection and reconsideration polices current and enforced? Is the staff
aware of the doctrines of intellectual freedom and library user privacy? #o these policies e1tend to
digital resources?
#oes the district have a safe and acceptable use policy for Internet and technology use?
In reference to student photos+work, publishing student pictures, video, and work on websites
promotes learning, collaboration and provides an opportunity to share the achievements of students.
Images and products of students may be included on the website without identifying captions or
names. @arents+guardians must indicate their written consent to publish their child"s photo or school
work on any school related website before the item is published to the web. @lease note that under no
circumstances will student photos or work be identified with first and last name on a %&I'# website,
including the #istrict, school, or teacher website.
#oes the '6/' serve as an interpreter of copyright laws? #oes the '6/' help others determine the
rights they wish to put on their own intellectual property? /rs. /artin disseminates information as it is
generated by 6ibrary /edia 'ervices and the #ivision of echnology department.
#oes the '6/' have a formal means of communicating the goals and services of the program to the
students, staff, administration, and community? Is the library's web presence professional, easy4to4
navigate, current and useful? he web presence is kid friendly. 'he does not have a formal means.
13' 9&al%ation
#oes the '6/' determine and report ways that show the goals and ob<ectives of the program are
being met and are helping meet the building and district goals? #oes the '6/' create an annual
library report for staff and parents that included !ualitative and !uantitative measurements?
#o all new initiatives involving the library media and technology program have an evaluation
component? 7)ven though they are out of date, has the library"s program been evaluated with the
School Library Programs: Standards and Guidelines for Texas within the last two years? Is the
librarian formally evaluated by a campus administrator each year?8/rs. /artin is evaluated by her
principal. he library is not evaluated by 'chools 6ibrary @rograms. Cowever, it is mentioned in 6/'

#oes the district regularly evaluate the library media program using e1ternal teams of evaluators as
part of any accreditation process? .o, the district does not evaluate the program by outside
evaluators. /ost libraries are unacceptable.
0/;4(ommerce 'pring 20*- @age G
#o the '6/' and school participate in formal studies conducted by academic researchers when
re!uested? .o, the '6/' does not participate in formal studies. If there are studies, (arter (ook
would be the contact person.
0/;4(ommerce 'pring 20*- @age 2

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