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48-hour Action Plan

Easy Affiliate
Cameron Syed
Click Here: http://!uideri!ht!roup%com/affilorama
(imitation of (ia)ility/*isclaimer of +arranty
,he author of this e)ook has done his )est to ensure that the information
contained herein is -alid. truthful information% Ho/e-er. he makes no claim or
/arranty. e0pressed or implied. as to the accuracy. applica)ility. fitness. or
completeness of said information%
1y readin! this e)ook. you ackno/led!e that you /ill not hold the author lia)le
for any loss or other dama!es that may occur as a result of any of the information
in this e)ook%
,his document is protected under international copyri!ht la/s. and any attempt
to ille!ally reprint or distri)ute it is prohi)ited and /ill )e prosecuted to the
fullest e0tent of the la/%
2ou ha-e purchased this report for your o/n use. and you do not ha-e the
license to reprint or distri)ute it to anyone else%
Earnin!s *isclaimer
,he earnin!s that you actually e0perience /ill depend on the amount of la)or
that you put into your efforts as /ell as your a)ility. e0perience. education.
market trends. search en!ine al!orithms. and many more personal and e0ternal
factors% +e do not !uarantee or other/ise promise that you /ill earn any
particular amount of money%
,hat said. it 4S possi)le to make money online% ,housands of people are doin! it
e-ery day. and /e hope that this report can help you 5oin those ranks6
8any 9 and 4 mean many 9 4nternet marketers ha-e !otten their start throu!h
affiliate marketin!% Consider this 9 you can start makin! money /ithout creatin!
a product. /ithout dealin! /ith support ni!htmares and e-en /ithout a /e)site%
And you can !et started immediately%
2ou !et paid )y )rin!in! )uyers to sellers% +hen they )uy. you !et a :piece of the
action; -- called a commission% So. if a prospect )uys a <=> product. and the
product pays =>? commission 9 you /ill make <'=%
4n other /ords. you are like a commission-only salesperson% E0cept that you don@t
ha-e to do all the sellin! 9 or. often. much sellin! at all% 2ou don@t ha-e to do take
any :orders;% 2ou don@t ha-e to meet prospects :face-to-face%; All you ha-e to
do. often. is simply introduce interested people to the product% And it all
happens online%
Considerin! that you can ad-ertise on the 4nternet often for free or -ery
ine0pensi-ely. it may )e the perfect place to start. or e0pand. your efforts in
creatin! an online income and an 4nternet )usiness%
+ith no floors to s/eep. no insurance to pay and ad-ertisin! that can /ork for
you '4 hours a day 9 it can easily )ecome a fairly passi-e income% Ane you can
start up /hile still sho/in! up at the day 5o) 9 or. /hen sufficient. takin! :the rest
of the day off; -- nearly e-ery day% B
(et@s !et started%%%
,he Action Plan
*ay 1:
+here *o +e Cind 1uyersD
Cindin! products to sell is a small fraction of the Affiliate 8arketin! Plan% ,he
:meat; of affiliate marketin! is findin! )uyers% ,rust me. if there are )uyers.
there /ill )e products to sell%
4n !eneral. there are t/o really !reat types of )uyers 9 people /ho /ill )uy no
matter /hat the economy is doin!%
,he first !roup is called :desperate )uyers; -- they ha-e a pro)lem and they need
a solution 9 no/% Cor instance. people /ho are in pain% Ar. theyEre facin! a
financial crisis Flike an impendin! foreclosureG% ,hey are lookin! for a solution as
Huickly as possi)le 9 and these folks ha-e a credit card hot in their hands
searchin! earnestly for a solution%
,he second !roup is :passionate For ra)idG )uyers%; 2ou kno/ these people%
8ay)e you are one yourself% ,hey are people /ho )uy e-erythin! on a particular
topic% 8ay)e it@s !olf% Ar )ase)all% Ar Harry Potter% Cood and cookin!% ,hese can
also )e people /ho )uy anythin! put out )y a particular manufacturer Fremem)er
1eanie 1a)iesDG%
Iroups of folks /ith a common interest /e call :niches%; Jo/. not all niches ha-e
)uyers% +e call niches /ith )uyers :niche markets%; 1ut /e don@t /ant 5ust a
niche market 9 /e /ant a niche market full of red-hot )uyers%
So /here do /e find these ra)id )uyersD
+ell. there are a num)er of places to look%
1ut. first of all. 4@d recommend keepin! your eyes and ears open%
+hat are those thin!s that your friends and relati-es simply can@t li-e /ithoutD
+hat@s Aprah talkin! a)outD
Actually. one /ay to find hot )uyers is to look at /hat are hot sellers% ,his
actually can kill t/o )irds /ith one stone 9 not only can you find hot markets. you
can find the products that are popular /ith )uyers%
Cor instance%%%
Jearly all marketplaces 9 e1ay. AmaKon. Click)ank 9 and the like /ill also ha-e a
list of hot products%
+ith e1ay. there is - e1ay Pulse http://pulse%e)ay%com/
+ith AmaKon. there is - http://amaKon%com/!p/)estsellers/)ooks/ A useful
rule-of-thum) is if a particular )ook is ranked '>.>>> or hi!her%
Checkin! on a particular niche 9 see if there@s a ma!aKine on the topic --
AmaKon 1estsellers in a -ariety of products:
,he Electronic 8arketplace. Click)ank:
(et@s say 4@m lookin! for a product /ith hot )uyers% 4f /e look under the :Health L
Citness Cate!ory; /e see products /hich are listed in Click)ank@s definition of
:most popular%; Currently. the top t/o products are :Cat (oss Cor 4diots;. and
:,he ,ruth A)out M-Pack A)s;
+here *o +e Cind ProductsD
+ell. /hile e1ay and AmaKon )oth ha-e affiliate pro!rams. Click)ank is -ery. -ery
popular /ith 4nternet 8arketers% Ane of the appeals of Click)ank products is that
they are di!ital products 9 meanin! they are !reat for impulse )uys%
1uyers can !et immediate satisfaction from their purchase )ecause they can
immediately do/nload and start usin! their product%
1ut /ait6 ,here@s actually another /ay that /e can make money that is similar
enou!h to affiliate marketin! that /e@ll include it here% And that is the /orld of
CPA. or :cost per action; offers%
+hat does this meanD 4t means that you can actually !et paid for )rin!in!
prospects to interested parties% ,hey don@t ha-e to )uy anythin!% 1ut those
parties kno/ ho/ much they /ill make off of e-ery person they con-ert into a
)uyer 9 and they kno/ ho/ many prospects they can con-ert into )uyers% ,hey
then kno/ ho/ much they can pay you to !o find prospects to )rin! to them%
Ane of the most common of these offers you@-e pro)a)ly seen: Nideo Professor%
,hose offers you see for rin!tones are often CPA offers%
Some of these offers /ill pay you if the person si!ns up for their offer. on do/n to
payin! you for people /ho simply enter their Kip code%
Ho/ ,o 1ecome An Affiliate
2ou can easily si!n up for Click)ank as an affiliate. here:
Ance you are an affiliate /ith Click)ank Fand 4@-e ne-er heard of them turnin!
anyone do/nG. you can promote any of the offers in their marketplace% Pust !o to
the link pro-ided in the last section. and look around% 2ou can click on the :pitch
pa!e; to see the sales pa!e. and you can see ho/ much you /ill make /hen you
sell the product%
Click)ank is not the only place /here you can find products to promote as an
affiliate% 4 pre-iously mentioned e1ay and AmaKon as companies that ha-e
affiliate offers% Also. there are other affiliate net/orks like Click)ank. such as
Pay*otCom and e-5unkie% Some indi-idual and smaller companies ha-e affiliate
pro!rams. )ut you may /ant to )e careful in selectin! some of them )ecause they
may not ha-e relia)le payouts% 2ou can keep up /ith -arious affiliate companies
and their reputations at Allan Iardyne@s Associate Pro!rams /e)site here
2ou can disco-er affiliate pro!rams for companies )y lookin! do/n at the )ottom
of their product pa!e and they /ill often ha-e a link that says :affiliates; or
:associates; or :partners;% Click on that and you /ill find out /hat they reHuire
to )ecome an affiliate% Some companies ha-e :open; affiliate pro!rams 9/hich
menas they /ill take 5ust a)out anyone /ho si!ns upR others ha-e /hat are called
:closed; affiliate pro!rams and are more restricti-e in /ho they allo/ to promote
their products%
+hate-er you do. )e sure to read the :terms of ser-ice;. )ecause affiliate
pro!rams often ha-e restrictions Fusually Huite reasona)leG on ho/ you promote
their pro!rams 9 and -iolatin! those restrictions can !et you thro/n out of their
affiliate pro!ram% Cor instance. most pro!rams /ill thro/ you out if they feel that
you are sendin! out :Snsolicited Commercial Email; FSCEG 9 or /hat is commonly
kno/n as SPA8%
Cor promotin! CPA Affers. there are tons of companies% 8ost CPA companies are
not completely open. and ha-e an application process% 1ut if you seem serious
and can con-ince them you /ill )rin! them traffic. you should )e accepted%
+hen you !o to a CPA net/ork site. you /ant to look for :pu)lisher application%;
Cor instance. here are some companies you can apply to:
AKoo!le 9 Ane of the lar!er CPA Companies
8odernClick 9 +ith a step-)y-step trainin! pro!ram
8a01ounty 9 ha-e a di-erse array of offers
Je-er1lueAds 9 A ne/er company. popular )ecause of its interface
CommissionPunction 9 Also kno/n as :CP%com; F,heyEre cele)ratin! their
,hese are 5ust a fe/ of the companies 9 as you can see. there is a lot to choose
from. and this is 5ust scratchin! the surface%
Choosin! 2our Affer
Af course. you@ll /ant to pick an offer that fits your niche%
Cor your first !o-around. pick somethin! that is an esta)lished product and makes
decent money%
Cor instance. if /e decided that /ei!ht-loss /as our niche. /e mi!ht pick the :Cat
(oss Cor 4diots; product from Click)ank%
+hen /e !o to the marketplace for promotin! products Fas discussed earlierG 9
/e see this information:
Cat (oss 4 4diots% Affiliate Pa!e Here: Cat(oss44diots%com/aff ::: ,hanks%
</sale: <7>%7M U Cuture <: - U ,otal </sale: <7>%7M U ?/sale: Q=%>? U ?refd:
8Q%>? U !ra-: 4'7%87
-ie/ pitch pa!e U create hoplink
,he pitch pa!e /ill sho/ you the sales pa!e. the :create hoplink; link /ill easily
allo/ you to create a url to use so that you /ill !et credit for the sale /hen people
)uy throu!h that link% FCirst. thou!h. you ha-e to si!n up /ith Click)ank and !et
your Click)ank nickname%G
+hat you /ant to look for in Click)ank offers. alon! /ith the :</sale;. is the
:!ra-; num)er% :Ira-; stands for :!ra-ity;. and indicates Click)ank@s assessment
of the popularity of the item Fin a formula only kno/n to themG 9 reportedly
)ased upon a com)ination of num)er of sales as /ell as the num)er of affiliates
promotin! it% 4f there are lots of people promotin! it. you can )e sure that it a
!ood percenta!e of -isitors )ecome )uyers% FIood can ran!e any/here from 1
out of 1>> -isitors 9 or 1? -- on up%G
+ith AKoo!leAds 9 and other CPA net/orks. the older the :open date; is. the
)etter% ,hat indicates that the ad-ertiser has )een successful /ith this offer%
Settin! Sp Aur 8achine
,o promote affiliate offers. you can set up a simple machine )y usin! a simple '
pa!e /e)site /ith an autoresponder%
4Em a)out to lay out /hat you need to make this happen% *AJE, freak out6 4 kno/
itEs easy to !et o-er/helmed /hen youEre first startin! online. )ut after you )uild
a site or t/o. you should )e a)le to )reeKe throu!h these steps /ith no pro)lems6
F4n fact. if you /ant -ideo trainin! on ho/ to !et a domain. point it at your hostin!
account. and C,P your files to your site. and e-en ho/ to set up a +ordpress )lo!
in 5ust minutes. check out ///%Ci-err%comG
HereEs /hat you@ll need:
1% A hostin! account
'% A domain name
7% A te0t-editor or /e)pa!e editor
4% ' -ery simple /e) pa!es
a% A :SHueeKe; or :Apt-in; pa!e
)% A :do/nload pa!e;
=% An autoresponder account
M% C,P soft/are
Q% ,he link to your affiliate offer
1% A Hostin! Account
A hostin! account is /here you /ill store your /e) pa!es% ,here are
literally hundreds of /e)hostin! companies 9 from e0pensi-e. top-of-the-
line to do/n-in-the dirt !run!y% 2ou don@t !enerally /ant do/n-in-the dirt
!run!y. )ut you don@t need to pay for top-of-the-line. either%
A /e)hostin! company thatEs popular /ith many 4nternet 8arketers and
has !reat prices and support is HostIator
HostIator is one of the fe/ hostin! companies 4Ell recommend% 4E-e )een
/ith them for years. and ne-er had a pro)lem that /asnEt fi0ed NEV2
Huickly )y their supportG
'% A *omain Jame
A *omain name pro-ides your /e) pa!es /ith an address on the 4nternet%
4t@s /hat people type in to the address )ar of their )ro/ser. and /hat is
commonly kno/n as a :SV(; FSniform Vesource (ocatorG or :SV4; FSniform
Vesource 4ndicatorG%
Pick a domain name that /ill )e rele-ant to your niche% 4f /e choose :Cat
(oss Cor 4diots; /e mi!ht /ant to choose. :SecretsAfCat(ossCor4diots%com;%
2ou can )uy your domains for a !reat price at JameCheap
7% A ,e0t Editor or +e)pa!e Faka :H,8(;G Editor
4 hi!hly recommend you do/nload /hat@s called a :+2S4+2I; html editor
Ffor :+hat 2ou See 4s +hat 2ou Iet;G /hich allo/s you to create /e)
pa!es simply and easily 9 )y addin! formattin! and font styles and the like%
,hese editors allo/ you to )uild a /e) pa!e -isually. so you kno/ e0actly
:+hat 2ou Iet;
+hy not 5ust use 8icrosoct +ord. you askD 1ecause +ord is ,EVV41(E for
/e) pa!es% 4 cannot stress that enou!h% 8icrosoft +ord should JENEV 1E
SSE* ,A CVEA,E +E1PAIES6 +hen you sa-e a +ord document as a /e)
pa!e. the pro!ram adds a )unch of !o))ledy-!ook to the )ackround of the
pa!e that ends up costin! you money in the lon! run% F+eEre here to make
money. not lose it6G
,here are a num)er of +2S4+2I editors. some of /hich are hi!h end. like
one pro!ram called *ream/ea-er% 1ut you can !et alon! Huite /ell /ith
the free and Huite e0cellent /e)pa!e editor WompoXer. /hich you can
do/nload here%
,ellin! you ho/ to edit /e) pa!es is a /hole other animal. and itEs 5ust too
much to put into this report% 1ut there are a num)er of !reat 9 and CVEE 9
resources that /ill sho/ you ho/ to do so easily% 2ou can 5ust !o to Ioo!le
and type in :Ho/ to learn H,8(; or :Ho/ to use WompoXer; and it should
)rin! up a num)er of options for you to check out6
4% ' Simple +e)pa!es
,he ne0t step in this process is to create ' simple /e) pa!es% ,he first is
called a :SHueeKe Pa!e; or :Apt-4n Pa!e;
SHueeKe Pa!e FJame it inde0%htmlG
A sHueeKe pa!e is simply an offer to e0chan!e -alua)le information in trade
for the user@s email address%
1asically. you /ill take the :opt-in; form that you !et from your
autoresponder company FdonEt /orry. 4Em !oin! o-er this ne0tG and create
a pa!e /ith a tantaliKin! offer 9 a report or a series of emails%
2ou /ant to offer somethin! that /ill entice the people in the niche you are
tar!etin! to si!n up%
Cor instance. for :Cat (oss Cor 4diots; you mi!ht /ant to offer a report titled
somethin! like :Ho/ ,o (ose Cat Yuickly6; or. the :,op 1> ,ips Cor Cat
(oss%; F2ou may ha-e to do a )it of research. )ut not too much. to find
ideas for the content for your report 9 )ut don@t steal other people@s
4ncidentally Fand here@s the real po/erG 9 once you ha-e your -isitors on
your email list 9 you can promote other Affiliate or CPA offers and other
products rele-ant to )uyers in this niche for 8AVE money6 +eEll talk a)out
your email list in 5ust a minute%
*o/nload Pa!e FJame it do/nload18TQ'%htmlG
,he second pa!e youEll need is called your :*o/nload Pa!e%; An your
do/nload pa!e. you /ill ha-e a link to your report Fmore on that in a
secondG. as /ell as a link to the affiliate or CPA offer that you are
Jote that the name 4 su!!est is do/nload18TQ'%html 9 4 5ust typed some
random num)ers% 4 do this so no)ody can try to !uess my do/nload pa!e
-ery easily% Sometimes 4 use somethin! like do/nloadZ1'74Z4soieur%html
or somethin! eHually craKy usin! letters. num)ers. and Zs only%
Jo/. remem)er the second hoplink /e !a-e a)o-eD 2ou /ill /ant to use
that hoplink on your pa!e Fif you are promotin! that particular product%
:Hoplinks; are actually a Click)ank term. so other affiliate net/orks /ill
pro)a)ly call their affiliate links somethin! more off the /all 9 like. /ell.
:affiliate links;%
Jo/. you /ill pro)a)ly /ant to say somethin! more than 5ust :click here; --
)ecause you /ant to entice your -isitor to click on the link for this offer%
So. you mi!ht say somethin! like :,his is a product that 4 found really has
helped many people in their )attle a!ainst the )ul!e;% 4f you@-e actually
used the product /ith success. )ra! on that%
Also. you can look on the product pa!e for their :affiliates; link. and they
may ha-e more promotional material F)anners. !raphics. and the likeG that
you can use on your do/nload pa!e%
=% An Autoresponder Account
An autoresponder company is an email pro-ider /here people can si!n up
to email lists that you create% Ance you ha-e an account /ith one of these
companies. you can then send out email to your mem)ers automatically on
a periodic. scheduled )asis% So you set it up once. and then keep profitin!
from it o-er and o-er B
Here are a couple of popular Autoresponder pro-iders:
1% 4mnica 8ail
'% ,raffic+a-e
1asically. you can set up your account so /hen someone si!ns up for your
email list. they !et email \1 after si!nin! up. email \' a day or t/o later
F/hene-er you@d like to schedule itG. email \7%
4t doesn@t matter /hen they si!n up 9 the autoresponder company keeps
track of /hat email to send each person. and /hen to send it 9 so you don@t
ha-e to6
Ane of the other thin!s that autoresponder accounts also do is ensure
email deli-era)ility% 4f you send out email from your o/n domain. your
domain mi!ht accidentally end up on a :)lacklist;. F4E-e )een there )efore.
you donEt /ant it to happen to you. )elie-e meG and email /ill not )e
deli-ered to email pro-iders like yahoo%com. hotmail%com. !mail%com. etc%
/ho su)scri)e to the )lacklistin! companies% F8ost email pro-iders and
4nternet Ser-ice Pro-iders 9 4SPs 9 do]G
Here@s the secret: +hen you set up your autoresponder form. you /ill )e
asked for the location of a :,hank you; pa!e% 2ou /ant to put your affiliate
link into that field% Cor most autoresponder ser-ices. it defaults to a form
on their site% 2ou don@t /ant that% 2ou /ant the user to !o to your
affiliate/CPA offer. so you can make money6
Cor instance. let@s take the Affilorama Setup product 4 talked a)out earlier%
4f Click1ank Ssername /as :A1C;. +e /ould use the :create hoplink;
function in the Click)ank marketplace to create my affiliate link 9 /hich
/ould look like this:
Put that in the :,hank you; pa!e for your autoresponder si!nup form666
+hile you@re at the :create hoplink; form. also !ra) the other link pro-ided.
the one that looks like this:
^a hrefO_http:// A1C%Affilorama%hop%click)ank%net/_ tar!etO_Ztop_`Click
2ouEll /ant to use the one that looks like the link a)o-e on your do/nload
pa!e. )ecause the ^a href` parts of that ta! make it clicka)le for you. so
your -isitors can click it to check out the offer6
+hen the site !i-es you the H,8( form to put on your pa!e. paste it into
your SHueeKe Pa!e so you can start !ettin! email si!nups6
,hen. in the first :follo/ up; email Fie 9 the email that is sent after the user
si!ns up for your email listG !i-e them the link to your do/nload pa!e. and
tell them that youEre !oin! to )e sendin! the /eekly tips and tricks a)out
the niche youEre /orkin! in%
4f youEre promotin! Q 8inute Setup. your /eekly tips and tricks /ould )e
a)out /e)sites. )lo!s. or makin! money online%
M% C,P Soft/are
C,P stands for :Cile ,ransfer Protocol;% And that@s /hat this soft/are does%
4t transfers files from your computer to your /e)hostin! account% All it
does is mo-e files from one computer FyoursG to the other Fthat of the
/e)hostin! companyG
,he pro!rams mentioned )elo/ make the process -ery similar to simply
copyin! a file from one place on your computer to another% ,here are a
num)er of free options for ftp soft/are%
2ouEll use one of these pro!rams to transfer your sHueeKe pa!e and
do/nload pa!e to your ser-er:
1% WompoXer -- ,hat@s ri!ht. the html editor mentioned a)o-e
has ftp soft/are%
'% CireC,P - ,his is an e0tension that is used /ith the Cirefo0
1ro/ser% 4f you ha-e more Huestions a)out ftp. /hat it@s used
for. ho/ to use it 9 you can find ans/ers at the -ery e0cellent
help pa!e for CireC,P. /hich you can find here%
Q% A Simple Veport
As mentioned a)o-e. /hen you create your /e)pa!es. you /ant to ha-e a
report to offer to people to inspire them to si!n up to your email list%
2ou can make simple )ut ele!ant-lookin! reports usin! products like
8icrosoft +ord. the free ApenAffice suite. or /ith online tools like Ioo!le
2es. 4 told you not to create /e) pa!es /ith +ord% 1ut 4 H4IH(2
recommend usin! +ord to create your reports and e)ooks and such% 4Em
actually usin! +ord '>>Q to /rite this ri!ht no/ B
After you create your document. you /ill /ant to make sure it@s reada)le
on all computers% ,he /ay to do that is to create a :pdf; document out of
2ou can use the pdf creation capa)ility of ApenAffice. /hich /ill let you
con-ert +ord F%docG or ApenAffice F%odtG documents into pdf files from
directly /ithin ApenAffice Fusin! Cile-`E0port as P*CG
Ar. if you donEt /ant to use ApenAffice. you can con-ert +ord documents
to P*C files for free here% ,his is the process 4 use. )ecause itEs Huick L easy.
and 4 donEt ha-e ApenAffice on my computer. since 4 ha-e 8icrosoft Affice%
,o SummariKe *ay 1:
1% Cind a hot niche
'% Cind a hot sellin! product
7% Create your ' /e) pa!es
4% Create an opt-in list in your autoresponder account
=% Create your report
M% Spload the pa!es to your /e)hostin! account %%% and no/ /e@re ready for
*ay '6
1ut Pason. Ho/ *o +e Connect ,he 1uyers ,o ,he ProductsD
,hatEs our only topic for *ay '. )ecause itEs SA important6 (et@s Io6
*ay ':
*ay ' is our /ash. rinse. and repeat day% 1y that. 4 mean this is the process youEre
!oin! to repeat o-er and o-er to keep )oostin! your income%
2ou need to !et your prospects to your /e) pa!e. other/ise kno/n as :traffic%;
+hen they are prospects /ho are interested in your niche. /e call that :tar!eted
traffic; -- and that@s the kind /e /ant% So ho/ do /e !et itD
+ell. there are a num)er of /ays of !ettin! traffic 9 you can pay for traffic. )y
payin! for ad-ertisin! 9 such as throu!h Ioo!le Ad+ords and other Pay-Per-Click
pro!ramsR you can :)orro/; it 9 )y doin! Point Nentures Fmore suita)le for /hen
you ha-e your o/n productGR and you can !et free traffic%
+e@re 5ust !oin! to talk a)out a fe/ /ays to !et free traffic% FCree is !ood. ri!htDG
Specifically. /eEre !oin! to talk a)out ho/ to !et traffic -ia /ritin! articles and -ia
:/e) '%>; sites F/hich also le-era!es article /ritin!G Here /e !o6
Article +ritin!
Cirst. you ha-e to /rite some articles% Articles /ith titles similar to those /e
su!!ested for your report also make !ood article titles F)ut don@t use the same
one for )oth your article and your report%
People like to read articles that start /ith :Ho/ to; and :1> +ays; and :,op =%;
,hey also like to read articles /ith catchy headlines% So o)-iously. headlines are
So important. in fact. that 4 sometimes put off decidin! on one until after 4E-e
/ritten my article. so 4 can ha-e the entire time 4Em /ritin! to decide /hat the
)est title /ill )e B
2our article )ody Fthe real )ulk of the articleG should )e )et/een M>> and 1>>>
/ords% ,his mi!ht sound like a lot. )ut itEs only a)out 1 a or ' pa!es of standard
siKed te0t% 8ost people can )an! out an article in an hour or so. assumin! they
donEt need to do research for it%
4E-e )een kno/n to /rite articles in under 7> minutes if 4Em really passionate
a)out a su)5ect. so itEs definitely doa)le%
Cinally. after youE-e /ritten the article and chosen a title. itEs time to /rite the
:resource )o0; 9 this is /here you !et to actually promote your site% 2ou canEt do
that in the main )ody of the article Fnor do you /ant to. )ecause people /ould
see the article as ad-ertisin! and lea-e )efore they /ere interested in learnin!
1ut. in the resource )o0. you should )rid!e the !ap )et/een your article and your
free report% ,ry somethin! like this :,hink these 1> tips /ere !oodD Nisit
http://yourdomain%com for 1> more tips that are ENEJ )etter6; F+here
http://yourdomain%com is your actual domain. not yourdomain%com]G
Ak. 4 ha-e a fe/ articles /ritten% Jo/ /hatD
Ance you ha-e /ritten your articles. you /ant to su)mit them to the top = or 1>
article directories%
Here@s a list of the top 1> article directories F4n no particular order. e0cept \1
throu!h \7 9 theyEre the )estG
1% eKinearticles%com
'% Articles1ase%com
7% !oarticles%com
4% articlecity%com
=% search/arp%com
M% articlealley%com
Q% )uKKle%com
8% articleset%com
T% articlesnatch%com
1>% articledash)oard%com
+e) '%> Sites
+e) '%> sites are all o-er the place. )ut /eEre !oin! to focus on 7 specifically%
,hese social sites that are !reat places to put content a)out your niche and entice
readers to your email list and to your offers%
Here are 5ust a fe/:
1% SHuidoo%com
'% Hu)pa!es%com
7% Ioo!le Wnols
1y !ettin! your content%%%and more importantly. your links. on these sites. your
sHueeKe pa!e stands to !et more traffic% People read your articles and other
content that you put up. find you. find your opt-in pa!e. si!n up to your list and
)uy the products you point to%
+hile it may look a )it complicated to start /ith. this is a -ery simple process. and
once you !et !oin!. it can also )e a -ery fast process. too6
+hat@s more. once you@-e !ot your content up 9 the hard /ork is done 9 and your
pa!es do all the hard /ork 9 '4 hours a day. Q days a /eek%
Yuick ,ip: +rite some more articles and link to these +e) '%> sites in the
resource )o0es. youEll )e amaKed at ho/ /ell it /orks6
And then itEs time to do it all a!ain6 S/eet% B
So here@s the 48 hour !ame plan:
Step 1: Cind the product you /ant to promote
Step ': 1uild your /e)site
Step 7: +rite articles and create content on /e) '%> sites
Step 4: Vepeat Step 7 until you@re tired of promotin!
Step =: Vepeat Steps 1-4 until you@-e made so much money you don@t care any
more B
A Yuick Jote
,his mi!ht take some time to ramp up your traffic% 1ut keep /ritin! articles and
!et your content out there on hi!h-rankin! /e)sites. and soon you@ll ha-e traffic
comin! from places you don@t e-en e0pect%
Ane of the ad-anta!es of puttin! your content on article directories like
EKinearticles%com is that other people can take your content and put it on their
site 9 as lon! as they keep your resource :)o0;% ,hat means%%%more links to your
/e)site. and that means more traffic6
,his isnEt a fast /ay to 4nternet millions. )ut it is somethin! you can do to make
some money in 5ust minutes a day B
4n Closin!
Ho/ much traffic you !et /ill al/ays -ary not on 5ust ho/ many articles you /rite.
)ut /here you post and ho/ /idely your articles !et distri)uted 9 so it pays to
/rite those articles /ell%
,his is a !reat /ay to make some cash /ithout really ha-in! to do a lot. after your
machine is set up%
Ho/e-er. this action plan alone pro)a)ly isnEt !oin! to make you a millionaire% 4n
fact. itEs pro)a)ly not !oin! to let you Huit your 5o) and do this full-time]
4f you /ant to do that. you need to step it up and take more action%
,he !ood ne/sD 4tEs EAS26
,hereEs a site called Pure Profit Sni-ersity that has full -ideo trainin! on all of the
thin!s discussed in this report B
,he easy to follo/. step-)y-step -ideo trainin! sho/s you /hat you need to do to
start makin! real money online. and then ho/ to take your )usiness to the ne0t
le-el /hen you start to pull in a !ood income%
,hink a)out /hat youEd do if you /ere your o/n )oss 9 /here /ould you !oD
+hat /ould you )uyD +hat kind of hours /ould you setD +ho /ould you spend
more time /ithD
Jo/ let us help you realiKe those dreams% B
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