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Program series: Secondary Mathematics

Program title: Divisibility Test
Program level: Form One
Program number: 2 of Term One.
Script writers: James Maonga, Tiras Ngugi, John Karanja and Esther Mawia.
Script editor: John Karanja.
Producer: James Maonga.
Technician: Obach.
Duration: 18 minutes
Date of recording: 10
June 2014
Date of transmission: 17
June 2014
Studio cast:
Radio Teacher: Tiras Ngugi.
Radio student 1: Onyango
Radio student 2: Esther
Radio student 3: Atieno

Sound effects: Signature tune:
Bridge Music:

CONTROL: Bang on the signature tune15secondsthen fade under
ANNOUNCER: we present mathematics form one. This is our second program this term.
The title of this program is divisibility test under which we are going to
discuss the divisibility test of two, three, and four.
CONTROL: Fade up the signature tune..10 secondsthen fade out.
RADIO TEACHER: Hello form one students. In todays program we are going to learn about
the divisibility test of two, three, and four. You will be required to give
answers to our question to your class teacher when asked to do so. With
us in the studio are radio students, onyango, Esther and Atieno.
RADIO STUDENTS: Hello form one students
RADIO TEACHER: We will start by asking you a question. What do you understand by the
word divisibility? (Repeat). And tell your teacher now.
CONTROL: Fade up the bridge music..15 secondsfade out.
OTIENO: The property of being divisible by a particular integer.
RADIO TEACHER: That is very good Otieno, it is the property of a number being divisible by
a particular integer without leaving a reminder.
RADIO TEACHER: Class, give your teacher an example of numbers divisible by two
CONTROL: Fade up the bridge music..15 secondsfade out.
RADIO TEACHER: Yes, Onyango.
ONYANGO: Examples of numbers divisible by two are 8, 26, 60 and 364
among many others.
RADIO TEACHER: Good! All these numbers are divisible by two. Class what is
common with all these numbers? (Repeat)
CONTROL: Fade up the bridge music ..15 secondsfade out.
ESTHER: They are all even numbers.
RADIO TEACHER: Excellent! What about numbers like 5, 13 or 37, are they
divisible by two? (Repeat)
CONTROL: Fade up the bridge music..15 secondsfade out.
RADIO TEACHER: Yes, Onyango.
ONYANGO: They are not. They leave a remainder.
RADIO TEACHER: Very good. Now a number is divisible by two if its last digit is
even or zero.
RADIO TEACHER: Lets now consider the divisibility test of three. A number is
divisible by three if the sum of its digits is divisible by three.
RADIO TEACHER: Class, can a number like 81 and 1002 be
divisible by three? (Repeat) Give the answer to your teacher now.
CONTROL: Fade up the bridge music..15 secondsfade out.
ATIENO: Yes 81 is divisible by three, because the sum of its digits is 9
which is divisible by 3.
RADIO TEACHER: very good Atieno. Esther, what about 1002, is it divisible by 3?
CONTROL: Fade up the bridge music..10 secondsfade out.
ESTHER: Yes, 1002 is divisible by three, because the sum of its digits is 3
which is divisible by 3.
RADIO TEACHER: Well answered Esther. Lets us now consider whether 1257 is
divisible by 2 or 3 (Repeat).Now Teacher.on your chart,
show the students that the number is divisible by three and not
divisible by two. (Repeat).
CONTROL: the bridge music..25 secondsfade out.
RADIO TEACHER: Your class teacher has shown you that the number is divisible by
three. Now look at the chart again. (Pause7). You can see that the
sum of the digits is 15, which is divisible by three hence 1257 is
divisible by three.
RADIO TEACHER: However, 1257 is not divisible by two. The last digit is neither
even nor a zero, hence it is not divisible by two.
CONTROL: the bridge music..15 secondsfade out.
RADIO TEACHER: Now let us consider the divisibility test of four. A number is
divisible by four, if its last two digits are both zero or form a
number which is divisible by four.(Repeat)
RADIO TEACHER: Class..give your teacher an example of a number whose
the last two numbers are zeros (Repeat).
CONTROL: Fade up the bridge music..15 secondsfade out.
ATIENO: A number like 100, 200, 1200 and 2300 among many others.
RADIO TEACHER: Excellent! Atieno, the last two digits of those numbers are zeros.
Now, Esther, can you tell your teacher another example of
numbers whose the last two digits are divisible by four(Repeat).
CONTROL: Fade up the bridge music..15 secondsfade out.
ESTHER: 112, because the last two digits are 1 &2which form a number 12,
which is divisible by four. Another number is 624, whose last two digits
are 2 &4 which form a number 24 which is divisible by four and many
RADIO TEACHER: Very good Esther, keep up. Those numbers: 112 and 624 are
correct examples; they are divisible by four, because their last two
digits are divisible by four.
RADIO TEACHER: Now class, you are going to give the answer to this question to
your class teacher.which of these two numbers is divisible by
four: 1136 the other number, 1102 (Repeat).
CONTROL: Fade up the bridge music..15 secondsfade out.
RADIO TEACHER: Yes, Esther, and give a possible explanation why.
ESTHER: 1136. Because its two digits 3&6 form a number 36 which is
divisible by four.
RADIO TEACHER: That is very good Esther. 1136, is divisible by four. We have seen
that a number is divisible by four if its last two digits are zeros or
form a number which is divisible by four.
RADIO TEACHER: From what we have learnt, you may not manually divide a number
to test whether it is divisible by 2, 3 and 4, instead you may
consider the divisibility test.
RADIO TEACHER: In our next radio lesson, we shall learn about the divisibility test of
five, six and eight. Between now and then you should refer from
any mathematics book and enquire from your class teacher about
the divisibility test of five, six and eight. And that is all for today.
CONTROL: Bring up the signature tune10 secondsthen fade under
ANNOUNCER: You have been listening to the program number two in the secondary
mathematics series for form one. The title of the program was Divisibility
Test. This program was written by Esther and it was edited by John and
produced by James. Your presenters were Radio teacher Tiras and Radio
students Atieno, Esther and Onyango, and behind the controls was Obach.
The program was produced in conjuction with the department of
educational communications and technology, Kenyatta University. Until
next time, it is bye from us.
CONTROL: Fade up the signature tune20 secondsthen fade out.

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