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ERwin r9 to ER/Studio v9.

5 Comparison Guide
Copyright @ 2013

Enterprise Architecture . Modeling
4900 Hopyard Road . Suite 100
Pleasanton . CA 94588
Tel 925 . 736 . 3400
Dr. Nicholas Khabbaz
Franois Cartier
e-Modelers, Inc.
ERwin r9 to ER/Studio v9.5
Comparison Guide

ERwin r9 to ER/Studio v9.5 Comparison Guide
Copyright @ 2013
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ERwin r9 to ER/Studio v9.5 Comparison Guide
Copyright @ 2013

ln Lhls paper, we propose a gulde for comparlng Lhe L8wln r9 and L8/SLudlo v9.3
modellng Lools, based on boLh Lool and pro[ecL requlremenLs. 1he comparlson covers
only a llmlLed seL of key feaLures LhaL are elLher frequenLly used, or of lmporLance ln
dlfferenL modellng pro[ecLs such as enLerprlse daLa modellng, daLa governance and
masLer daLa managemenL.

8oLh Lools have a rlch seL of feaLures. 1hls gulde may be used as a LemplaLe LhaL can be
reflned and expanded Lo creaLe a comprehenslve comparlson of L8wln r9 and L8/SLudlo
v9.3 based on a seL of Lool and pro[ecL requlremenLs. We propose Lhe followlng process:

! SLarL by deflnlng:
" 1he Lool requlremenLs, and
" 1he Lype of pro[ecLs LhaL Lhe Lool wlll be used for

! ldenLlfy and assess Lhe key feaLures LhaL are necessary Lo meeL Lhe Lool
" SLarL wlLh Lhe key leaLure ulfferences secLlon ln Lhls reporL
" Add / deleLe key feaLures Lo allgn Lhem wlLh Lhe Lool requlremenLs
" erform LesLs Lo add or enrlch Lhe conLenL

! ldenLlfy and assess Lhe key feaLures LhaL are necessary Lo meeL Lhe pro[ecL
" SLarL wlLh spreadsheeLs slmllar Lo Lhe ones used ln Lhe roducL
CapablllLles vs. ro[ecL orLfollo secLlon ln Lhls reporL
" Add / deleLe key feaLures Lo allgn Lhem wlLh Lhe pro[ecL requlremenLs
" erform LesLs Lo populaLe Lhe spreadsheeLs
" Complle Lhe resulLs ln a spreadsheeL such as Lhe one ln Lhe roducL
CapablllLles vs. ro[ecL orLfollo secLlon

! lf no Lool emerges as a clear cholce, use a scorlng meLhod Lo make a declslon:
" rovlde a score and welghL for each relevanL feaLure LhaL meeLs Lhe Lool
requlremenLs, and come up wlLh a LoLal score for each Lool
" rovlde a score and welghL for each pro[ecL, and come up wlLh a LoLal
score for each Lool
" Comblne Lhe scores wlLh welghLs such as 30 for feaLures and 70 for

ERwin r9 to ER/Studio v9.5 Comparison Guide
Copyright @ 2013
key Ieature D|fferences


! Under|y|ng 1oo| Structure

! L8/SLudlo provldes an underlylng ob[ecL-orlenLed llke sLrucLure around model
ob[ecL Lypes, model ob[ecLs, ob[ecL properLles, and blndlng beLween ob[ecLs
LhaL ls reflecLed ln Lhe user lnLerface Lo make lL qulLe conslsLenL and easy Lo

! L8wln provldes an underlylng sLrucLure around model ob[ecL Lypes, model
ob[ecLs, ob[ecL properLles, and llnks beLween ob[ecLs LhaL ls lnLernally
conslsLenL buL noL as well reflecLed ln Lhe user lnLerface.

! Cp|n|on:

1he conslsLenL user lnLerface ln L8/SLudlo and Lhe conslsLency
of Lhe blndlng operaLlons across Lhe Lool reduces Lhe learnlng
curve and enhances Lhe producLlvlLy of Lhe user.

! Co|ors & Ionts

! L8/SLudlo uaLa ArchlLecL has a flexlble meLhod for seLLlng up model ob[ecL Lype
fonLs and colors. 1hese seLLlngs could be dlfferenL for each model/submodel.
ln addlLlon, lL provldes Lhe capablllLy Lo seL fonLs and colors for speclflc ob[ecLs
such as an aLLrlbuLe ln an enLlLy. Powever, Lhe seL of fonL and color
speclflcaLlons cannoL be saved or reused as an lndependenL seL.

! L8wln supporLs Lhemes whlch are a named seL of dlsplayable model ob[ecL
Lype fonL and color defaulL speclflcaLlons, for flll, llne/ouLllne and LexL. An
L8wln dlagram fonL and color defaulL speclflcaLlons can be sLarLed by flrsL
speclfylng a Lheme, and Lhen cusLomlzlng Lhe dlagram speclflcaLlons.

! Cp|n|on:


ERwin r9 to ER/Studio v9.5 Comparison Guide
Copyright @ 2013
1he L8wln Lheme ls a useful feaLure LhaL provldes conslsLency
of colors and fonLs across mulLlple models.

! Mode| Layout

! L8/SLudlo uaLa ArchlLecL provldes a number of layouL opLlons. When parLlal
layouL ls applled, enLlLles/Lables do noL overlap. Powever, relaLlonshlps do
overlap wlLh non-selecLed enLlLles/Lables, whlch would laLer need Lo be
read[usLed by Lhe user.

! L8wln also provldes a number of layouL opLlons. When parLlal layouL ls
applled, enLlLles/Lables overlap wlLh non-selecLed enLlLles/Lables and subLyplng

Core Mode||ng

! Submode| Nest|ng

! ln L8/SLudlo uaLa ArchlLecL, a model may conLaln a hlerarchy of nesLed
submodels. 1here ls no llmlLaLlon Lo Lhe number of submodels or Lhe nesLlng
level of submodels. All nesLed submodels are synchronlzed wlLh Lhe maln
model aL all Llmes.

! L8wln's Sub[ecL Areas are all lndependenL of each oLher and noL synchronlzed
wlLh each oLher, excepL wlLh one excepLlon: one sub[ecL area can be marked as
auLo populaLe", becomlng Lhe maln sub[ecL area.

! Cp|n|on:

MulLl-level submodel nesLlng ls a sLrong feaLure of L8/SLudlo
uaLa ArchlLecL. Submodel nesLlng can be leveraged Lo provlde
mulLlple perspecLlves of Lhe same model whlle ensurlng LhaL
submodels are synchronlzed aL all Llmes wlLh Lhe maln model.
1hls feaLure becomes very useful when developlng very large
daLa models supporLlng, for example, an enLerprlse daLa
warehouslng pro[ecL. Such models may acLually be developed
and managed from Lhe lower level nesLed submodels whlle Lhe
maln model ls used for synchronlzlng all Lhe nesLed submodels.


ERwin r9 to ER/Studio v9.5 Comparison Guide
Copyright @ 2013
! Compare & Merge

! 1he L8/SLudlo uaLa ArchlLecL Compare and Merge uLlllLy ls very useful and
wldely appllcable. lL lncludes comparlng and merglng daLa models wlLh
daLabase schemas and generaLlng Lhe requlred uuL for schema changes. WlLh
8elease 9.3, forced mapplngs beLween Lwo enLlLles/Lables, Lwo
aLLrlbuLes/columns or Lwo vlews can be saved and vlewed ln Lhe Where used
Lab of Lhe correspondlng model ob[ecLs.

! ln L8wln, a slmllar CompleLe Compare feaLure compares all selecLed model
ob[ecLs, Lhelr assoclaLlons and Lhelr properLles. Powever, Lhe CompleLe
Compare dlsplays more Lhan ls needed, leadlng someLlmes Lo confuslon for Lhe
daLa modeler. SynchronlzaLlons (equlvalenL Lo L8/SLudlo's forced mapplngs)
are posslble beLween Lwo model ob[ecLs of Lhe same Lype buL cannoL be saved
and are losL upon exlLlng CompleLe Compare.

! Cp|n|on:

1he L8/SLudlo uaLa ArchlLecL Compare and Merge and L8wln CompleLe
Compare share a number of slmllar capablllLles, however:

L8wln's CompleLe Compare covers addlLlonal Lypes of model
ob[ecLs such as domalns, valldaLlon rules and defaulL values,
whlch ln some cases, may prove useful.

1he L8/SLudlo uaLa ArchlLecL Compare and Merge ls
subsLanLlally easler Lo use. ln addlLlon, forced mapplngs can be
saved, enabllng a number of useful appllcaLlons wlLhln dlfferenL
Lypes of pro[ecLs such as enLerprlse daLa modellng and daLa

! V|ews

! L8/SLudlo uaLa ArchlLecL supporLs boLh loglcal and physlcal vlews. Powever,
Lhe query used ln MaLerlallzed vlews does noL use Lhe same edlLor as Lhe
regular vlews.

! L8wln does noL supporL loglcal vlews. L8wln's reverse englneerlng of vlews
lacks some baslc rules. Cn Lhe oLher hand, Lhe dlsplay and handllng of
MaLerlallzed vlews ln L8wln ls slmllar Lo Lhose of regular vlews.


ERwin r9 to ER/Studio v9.5 Comparison Guide
Copyright @ 2013
! Cp|n|on:

L8/SLudlo supporLs loglcal vlews whlch, ln some cases, are
necessary Lo descrlbe and model daLa requlremenLs. 8everse
englneerlng of vlews ls handled relaLlvely well, a useful
capablllLy ln cerLaln appllcaLlons.

L8wln's handllng of MaLerlallzed vlews provldes conslsLency
and a good allgnmenL of a physlcal model wlLh an operaLlonal

! Mode| Cb[ect n|story

! L8/SLudlo provldes Lhe opLlon of malnLalnlng a user-deflned model change
hlsLory each Llme a model ls checked lnLo Lhe reposlLory.

! L8wln keeps Lrack of ma[or hlsLory evenLs for selecLable model ob[ecL Lypes
lncludlng Lhe model lLself, enLlLy/Lable, aLLrlbuLe/column and vlew. 1hese
evenLs lnclude model ob[ecL creaLlon, llnkage, LransformaLlon, spllL and lmporL.
1he daLa modeler can add a commenL Lo each evenL Lracked.

! Cp|n|on:

1he L8wln model ob[ecL evenL Lracklng ls qulLe useful for
cerLaln appllcaLlons such as daLa governance, daLa sLewardshlp
and audlL

! Denorma||zat|on Mapp|ngs

! ln L8/SLudlo uaLa ArchlLecL, denormallzaLlon mapplngs keep Lrack of Lhe
mapplngs beLween model ob[ecLs afLer a roll down / roll up, or a horlzonLal /
verLlcal spllL. 1hese mapplngs can be vlewed ln Lhe Where used" Labs of Lhe
correspondlng ob[ecLs.

! L8wln has slmllar denormallzaLlon capablllLles as L8/SLudlo, buL does noL
preserve Lhe mapplngs.


ERwin r9 to ER/Studio v9.5 Comparison Guide
Copyright @ 2013
! Cp|n|on:

L8/SLudlo uaLa ArchlLecL's denormallzaLlon mapplngs ls a very
useful feaLure as lL provldes Lhe means Lo documenL and
malnLaln Lhe LraceablllLy beLween a normallzed loglcal model
and a denormallzed physlcal model. Such LraceablllLy ls an
essenLlal llnk LhaL supporLs buslness aglllLy, l.e., qulckly
LranslaLlng changes ln buslness requlremenLs Lo a loglcal model
Lhen mapplng Lhose changes Lo a denormallzed physlcal model.

! keport|ng

! L8/SLudlo uaLa ArchlLecL has a baslc reporLlng Lool LhaL ls easy Lo use and qulLe
versaLlle. 8eporLlng LhaL ls wlder ln scope coverlng mulLlple daLa and/or
buslness process models ls supporLed by L8/SLudlo orLal.

! L8wln uses SA CrysLal 8eporLs. Powever, creaLlng a reporL enLalls navlgaLlng
a complex seL of meLamodel ob[ecLs, whlch has Lyplcally become Loo complex
Lo use for a loglcal daLa modeler who ls noL versed ln SCL.

! Cp|n|on:

L8/SLudlo reporLlng ls relaLlvely easy Lo use. 1he spllL beLween
baslc reporLlng used prlmarlly by a daLa modeler ln model
developmenL, and enLerprlse-wlde reporLlng used by a wlder
seL of roles for a varleLy of purposes around model analysls, ls
qulLe effecLlve.

! Attachments

! L8/SLudlo enables dlfferenL caLegorles of aLLachmenLs such as documenLs,
u8Ls, and llsL of values Lo be assoclaLed wlLh dlfferenL model ob[ecLs. ln
addlLlon, aLLachmenLs can be grouped lnLo aLLachmenL Lypes whlch could, ln
Lurn, be assoclaLed (resLrlcLed) Lo dlfferenL model ob[ecL Lypes.

! L8wln has a slmllar capablllLy, user deflned properLles, or uu, albelL more
resLrlcLed. lor lnsLance, a uu can be assoclaLed Lo only one model ob[ecL
Lype, elLher loglcal of physlcal, buL noL boLh. 1wo value llsL uu's for dlfferenL
ob[ecL Lypes can have Lhe same name, buL Lhelr llsL of values has Lo be kepL ln
sync manually.

ERwin r9 to ER/Studio v9.5 Comparison Guide
Copyright @ 2013
! Cp|n|on:

L8/SLudlo has a flexlble aLLachmenL feaLure whlch ls very useful
and should be wldely used. ALLachmenLs can be used Lo cross
reference model ob[ecLs wlLh lnLernal lnformaLlon and
documenLs such as buslness requlremenLs, use cases, and
exLernal documenLs such as markeL and regulaLory lnformaLlon.
8esulLlng beneflLs are many lncludlng lmproved LraceablllLy
from buslness requlremenLs Lo loglcal Lo physlcal models,
allgnmenL wlLh lndusLry sLandards, lmproved daLa
admlnlsLraLlon, lmproved communlcaLlon among Lhe model
sLakeholders, Lo name a few.

! ku|es and Constra|nts

! ln L8/SLudlo uaLa ArchlLecL, a rule can be creaLed and bound Lo enLlLles, Lables,
aLLrlbuLes, columns and domalns.

! ln L8wln, Lhere are no enLlLy level rules or consLralnLs ln Lhe loglcal model, buL
one can creaLe Lable level valldaLlon rules (consLralnLs) ln Lhe physlcal model.
valldaLlon rules lnclude a llsL of reference values, a range deflned by a
mlnlmum value and a maxlmum value, or a user deflned expresslon.

! Cp|n|on:

1he ablllLy Lo deflne rules ln Lhe loglcal model and assoclaLe
Lhem Lo dlfferenL loglcal model ob[ecLs, l.e., Lhe capLure of rules
aL an early sLage ln Lhe daLa modellng process, enables a beLLer
allgnmenL wlLh Lhe enLerprlse concepLual daLa model where
enLerprlse level rules are deflned.

! keference Va|ues

! ln L8/SLudlo uaLa ArchlLecL, reference values are deflned ln Lhe daLa dlcLlonary.
1hey can be bound Lo aLLrlbuLes/columns and domalns. 8eference values are
noL generaLed ln Lhe uuL, buL are generaLed as enumeraLlons ln Lhe xML.

! ln L8wln, reference values and rules are merged lnLo valldaLlon rules",
enabllng reference values Lo be always ln sync wlLh Lhe generaLed valldaLlon

ERwin r9 to ER/Studio v9.5 Comparison Guide
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rule. ln addlLlon, valldaLlon rules can be generaLed as look-up Lables ln Lhe

! Cp|n|on:

1he generaLlon of look-up Lables ln Lhe uuL ls qulLe useful and
enables an effecLlve mapplng beLween Lhe physlcal model and
a correspondlng daLabase.

! Doma|ns

! L8/SLudlo uaLa ArchlLecL domalns are LemplaLes for aLLrlbuLes. L8/SLudlo
supporLs domaln folders LhaL are key ln organlzlng large numbers of domalns
LhaL could emerge ln a large daLa model. ALLachmenLs, rules, defaulLs and
oLher ob[ecL Lypes could be bound Lo domalns. ln addlLlon, L8/SLudlo supporLs
sub-domalns along wlLh a flexlble way Lo synchronlze Lhese sub-domalns wlLh
Lhelr parenL domalns.

! L8wln supporLs a slmllar domaln capablllLy. Cne can deflne an aLLrlbuLe
deflnlLlon LemplaLe ln a domaln whlch may lnclude macro varlables LhaL lnserL
enLlLy or relaLlonshlp meLadaLa ln Lhe LargeL aLLrlbuLe deflnlLlon. Cn Lhe oLher
hand, domaln folders are noL supporLed.

! Cp|n|on:

uomalns are an lmporLanL feaLure LhaL subsLanLlally enhances
Lhe quallLy of a daLa model, lf properly used and managed.
L8/SLudlo provldes a domaln folder capablllLy LhaL ls easy Lo
use and mosL effecLlve even when managlng a small seL of

! Nam|ng Standard 1emp|ates

! L8/SLudlo has a namlng SLandard 1emplaLe feaLure LhaL enables Lhe deflnlLlon
and appllcaLlon of namlng sLandards ln loglcal models, physlcal models or Lhe
LransformaLlon from loglcal Lo physlcal models. lL also lncorporaLes a
prlmary/secondary" properLy of an abbrevlaLlon LhaL helps map physlcal
abbrevlaLlons Lo a loglcal equlvalenL.
! L8wln has a slmllar capablllLy: namlng SLandard MeLaflle. lL lncorporaLes a
glossary LhaL applles Lo Lransformlng names from Loglcal Lo hyslcal. ln

ERwin r9 to ER/Studio v9.5 Comparison Guide
Copyright @ 2013
addlLlon, L8wln has a namlng sLandards compllance checker LhaL can reporL on
namlng lrregularlLles such as a classword noL found ln Lhe glossary.

! Cp|n|on:

ln L8/SLudlo, Lhe namlng SLandard 1emplaLe can apply wlLhln a
loglcal model or a physlcal model, ln addlLlon Lo enforclng
namlng sLandards golng from a loglcal Lo a physlcal model. 1hls
ls useful slnce ln some cases, Lo ensure LhaL Lhe namlng
sLandards are enforced wlLhln Lhe loglcal model as Lhe model ls
changed. ln addlLlon, Lhe prlmary/secondary properLy of an
abbrevlaLlon may someLlmes be useful ln reverse englneerlng,
ln order Lo make Lhe rlghL declslon regardlng Lhe name of a
loglcal enLlLy or aLLrlbuLe.

Cn Lhe oLher hand, Lhe lncorporaLlon of a glossary ln L8wln, lf
properly managed, and a correspondlng namlng sLandards
compllance checker, could be used Lo lmprove Lhe quallLy and
conslsLency of Lhe namlng sLandards.

Macros and Scr|pts

! Macro and Scr|pt |anguages

! L8/SLudlo lncorporaLes a macro language called SAx 8aslc. 1he language ls
slmllar Lo vlsual 8aslc. lL uses a llbrary bullL on Lhe MlcrosofL CCM lnLerface

! L8wln lncorporaLes dlfferenL proprleLary languages, dlsLlngulshed by a speclal
characLer ln fronL of Lhe command/funcLlon name. Cne such language ls used
for scrlpL and Lrlgger LemplaLes.

! Cp|n|on:


ERwin r9 to ER/Studio v9.5 Comparison Guide
Copyright @ 2013
1he L8/SLudlo macro language ls subsLanLlally easler Lo use
Lhan wrlLlng proprleLary scrlpLs. lurLhermore, Lhe language ls
very well documenLed. llnally, Lhe CCM lnLerface enables easy
lnLegraLlon wlLh MlcrosofL producLs such as Lxcel, whlch ls used
ln many appllcaLlons for lmporL/exporL lnLo Lhe daLa model.

! Samp|e Macros

! L8/SLudlo uaLa ArchlLecL provldes a seL of macros LhaL shlp wlLh Lhe producL.
Macros lnclude a varleLy of lmporL/exporL model ob[ecLs Lo Lxcel, as well as
producLlvlLy-relaLed macros LhaL perform repeLlLlve funcLlons on model

! L8wln provldes referenLlal lnLegrlLy Lrlgger LemplaLe scrlpLs. CLher macro
scrlpLs can be obLalned Lhrough user communlLy dlscusslon groups. L8wln can
also exporL/lmporL meLadaLa Lo Lxcel Lhrough Lhe MeLalnLegraLlon brldge.

! Cp|n|on:

L8/SLudlo sample macros are qulLe useful across Lhe dlfferenL
sLages of model developmenL. 1hey can, and should be used Lo
dellver a subsLanLlal modellng producLlvlLy lmprovemenL
whenever an opporLunlLy Lo do so arlses. 1hese macros can be
changed relaLlvely easlly Lo meeL speclflc daLa modellng


! Mode| Vers|on|ng

! L8/SLudlo 8eposlLory supporLs model change hlsLory encompasslng descrlpLlve
LexL enLered by a user when checklng ln a model. Cn Lhe oLher hand, Lhe
named 8eleases feaLure enables a user Lo save a snapshoL of a model,
provldlng a user-drlven verslonlng mechanlsm.

! Model MarL auLomaLlcally lncremenLs Lhe verslon number of a model when
LhaL model ls saved or checked ln, Lhus provldlng a sysLem-drlven verslonlng

ERwin r9 to ER/Studio v9.5 Comparison Guide
Copyright @ 2013
mechanlsm. 1he user can enLer descrlpLlve LexL relaLed Lo changes ln a verslon.
asL verslons of a model can be hardened" Lo prevenL accldenLal deleLlon.
1he user can also deLermlne how much hlsLory a model verslon wlll conLaln and
be saved ln Model MarL.

! Cp|n|on:

Model MarL provldes an auLomaLed and frequenL verslonlng of
a model. keeplng verslon hlsLory could be helpful, buL lL has Lo
be balanced agalnsL Lhe reposlLory performance degradaLlon as
a resulL of an excesslve number of model verslons.

! Cb[ect Mapp|ngs and L|nks

! L8/SLudlo 8eposlLory supporLs a one-Lo-many mapplng beLween 8eposlLory
model ob[ecLs of Lhe same Lype such as enLlLy/Lable Lo enLlLy/Lable, and
aLLrlbuLe/column Lo aLLrlbuLe/column. 1he mapplngs are dlsplayed under Lhe
Where used" Labs of Lhe respecLlve enLlLles/Lables.

! L8wln supporLs a one-Lo-one llnk beLween aLLrlbuLes/columns when daLa
movemenL ls enabled. An aLLrlbuLe/column can be llnked Lo anoLher
aLLrlbuLe/column, based on selecLed properLles, llke Lhe daLaLype. 1he llnk can
be unldlrecLlonal, from a source aLLrlbuLe/column Lo a LargeL aLLrlbuLe/column,
ln whlch case a selecLed properLy change from Lhe source aLLrlbuLe/column
modlfles auLomaLlcally Lhe LargeL's same properLy. lL can also be bl-dlrecLlonal,
ln whlch case boLh aLLrlbuLes/columns' selecLed properLles are kepL
synchronlzed. 1he resulLlng llnks wlll show under Lhe Where used" Labs.

! Cp|n|on:

LnLlLy level mapplngs are qulLe useful for pro[ecLs such as
enLerprlse daLa modellng or masLer daLa managemenL, where
an enLlLy ln an enLerprlse model can be mapped Lo mulLlple
enLlLles ln oLher models, lncludlng reverse-englneered models.

Cne-Lo-one llnks are also useful ln cerLaln lmplemenLaLlons.
1hey allow, for example, synchronlzaLlons beLween Lhe
columns of a masLer Lable and Lhe columns of varlous oLher
Lables populaLed from Lhe columns of Lhe masLer Lable.


ERwin r9 to ER/Studio v9.5 Comparison Guide
Copyright @ 2013
! Lnterpr|se-Leve| Cb[ects

! ln L8/SLudlo, all daLa dlcLlonary ob[ecL Lypes can be promoLed Lo Lhe enLerprlse
level Lhrough an enLerprlse daLa dlcLlonary. 1herefore daLa dlcLlonary ob[ecLs
of dlfferenL Lypes (aLLachmenLs, namlng sLandards, domalns, rules, defaulLs,
eLc.) may be bound Lo daLa model ob[ecLs enLerprlse-wlde across all daLa
models ln Lhe reposlLory LhaL are bound Lo Lhe enLerprlse daLa dlcLlonary.

! L8wln malnLalns model LemplaLes" LhaL conLaln enLerprlse deflnlLlons for
shared enLlLles, domalns, valldaLlon rules, defaulL rules, a namlng sLandards
meLaflle, daLaLype sLandards, Lhemes, user deflned properLles, macro scrlpLs,
user deflned Lrlgger LemplaLes, and color legends. SynchronlzaLlon of a model
wlLh a LemplaLe ensures LhaL Lhe model has all enLerprlse model ob[ecLs
assoclaLed wlLh lL. 1he user has conLrol of when and whaL models are
synchronlzed buL noL how Lhey are synchronlzed.

! Cp|n|on:

L8/SLudlo provldes a flexlble approach by malnLalnlng a clear
dellneaLlon beLween local and enLerprlse daLa dlcLlonarles.
Model ob[ecLs can be bound Lo elLher a local or an enLerprlse
daLa dlcLlonary. ln addlLlon, macros can be leveraged Lo change
Lhe blndlng of daLa model ob[ecLs beLween Lhe Lwo daLa
dlcLlonarles. An example ls Lhe change domaln blndlngs"

L8wln provldes a wlder selecLlon of enLerprlse model ob[ecL
Lypes lncludlng shared enLlLles and re-useable color schemes.
SupporL for shared enLlLles can be very useful for cerLaln
pro[ecLs such as enLerprlse daLa modellng where an enLlLy may
be propagaLed from an enLerprlse daLa model Lo mulLlple
pro[ecL-level loglcal models.

! kepos|tory Secur|ty

! ln Lhe L8/SLudlo 8eposlLory SecurlLy CenLer, a user (or a user group) ls asslgned
a role (or a seL of roles), each of whlch can be assoclaLed wlLh a reposlLory
ob[ecL, such as a pro[ecL, a model or a submodel. Lach role has a seL of
permlsslons. ermlsslons flow from Lhe reposlLory ob[ecL down Lo lower level
ob[ecLs. Speclal permlsslons such as no access" or read-only access" can be
deflned overlald aL lower level ob[ecLs. LuA supporL ls provlded.

ERwin r9 to ER/Studio v9.5 Comparison Guide
Copyright @ 2013
! ln Lhe Model MarL Server AdmlnlsLraLlon, a user ls asslgned a proflle (user role)
for a Model MarL ob[ecL. 1he proflle can be assoclaLed Lo Lhe whole server
down Lo a speclflc sub[ecL area. Lach proflle has a seL of permlsslons.
ermlsslons LhaL are enabled for a glven Model MarL ob[ecL apply also Lo all
ob[ecLs underneaLh lL, wlLh no excepLlons. Wlndows LuA ls supporLed, buL
user groups are noL.

! Cp|n|on:

L8/SLudlo 8eposlLory securlLy ls qulLe flexlble, provldlng Lhe
deflnlLlon of user groups, such as Lhe u8A group, and enabllng
excepLlons Lo securlLy enforced aL a hlgher level ob[ecL (such as
a pro[ecL) by overlaylng speclal permlsslons aL lower levels such
as no access" Lo cerLaln models and read only access" Lo
oLhers wlLhln Lhe pro[ecL.


! 8rows|ng, Search|ng and keport|ng

! 1he L8/SLudlo orLal provldes browslng of models, keyword searches, ob[ecL
drlll down, and versaLlle advanced search and cusLom reporLlng. WlLh Lhe
laLesL verslon of Lhe L8/SLudlo orLal, Lhe range of ob[ecL Lypes LhaL are used
for browslng, searchlng and reporLlng has been exLended Lo lnclude daLa
dlcLlonary Lype ob[ecLs.

! L8wln Web orLal provldes browslng, keyword searches, ob[ecL drlll down, and
llmlLed reporLlng.

! Cp|n|on:

1he L8/SLudlo orLal advanced search and cusLom reporLlng
enable a rlch seL of valuable appllcaLlons lncludlng sLandards
compllance reporLlng and model conslsLency and quallLy


ERwin r9 to ER/Studio v9.5 Comparison Guide
Copyright @ 2013
! Data L|neage

! L8/SLudlo uaLa ArchlLecL supporLs a vlsual daLa llneage wlLhln a dlagram. 1he
daLa llneage conslsLs of Lhe mapplng beLween mulLlple source and LargeL
models and submodels along wlLh speclflcaLlons of Lhe buslness and hlgh level
code documenLaLlon beLween sources and LargeLs. ln addlLlon, daLa
movemenL rules could be speclfled along wlLh Lhe source Lo LargeL
LransformaLlons. 1he resulLlng daLa llneage can be exporLed Lo Lxcel and
lmporLed lnLo an L1L Lool.

! L8wln vlsuallzaLlon of daLa llneage ls noL ln Lhe daLa modellng Lool buL ln Lhe
L8wln Web orLal. lL ls currenLly llmlLed Lo Lhe mapplng of Lables and columns
beLween source and LargeL models, and does noL show LransformaLlons. ln
addlLlon, daLa movemenL rules are noL made vlslble on Lhe orLal's vlsual

! Cp|n|on:

L8/SLudlo uaLa ArchlLecL has a sLrong vlsual daLa llneage
capablllLy LhaL can be effecLlvely used Lo plan Lhe L1L
developmenL ln a daLa warehouse, daLabase mlgraLlon, or
oLher appllcaLlons. Load sLraLegles can be documenLed, daLa
movemenL rules can be speclfled, and aLLachmenLs can be used
Lo provlde a clear plcLure of Lhe daLa llneage.

L8wln's daLa llneage, belng ln Lhe Web porLal (as opposed Lo
wlLhln a model) creaLes mapplngs dlrecLly on models ln Lhe
orLal as opposed Lo lmporLed coples of models. 1hls avolds
handllng manually Lhe occaslonal updaLes of lmporLed source

! Comments and Labe|s

! 1he L8/SLudlo orLal provldes bl-dlrecLlonal commenLs from a orLal user Lo a
uaLa ArchlLecL user and vlce versa. See Appendlx. lL also provldes labels LhaL
could be assoclaLed wlLh dlfferenL model ob[ecLs.

! L8wln Web orLal does noL supporL commenLs and labels aL Lhls Llme.

! Cp|n|on:


ERwin r9 to ER/Studio v9.5 Comparison Guide
Copyright @ 2013
CommenLs open Lhe door Lo an effecLlve lnLeracLlon beLween
daLa and process model sLakeholders. Such an lnLeracLlon, for
example beLween buslness analysLs uslng Lhe orLal and daLa
modelers uslng uaLa ArchlLecL can resulL ln lmproved
coordlnaLlon ln model developmenL and quallLy. Slmllarly,
labels can be used, for example, Lo plnpolnL daLa model ob[ecLs
around a speclflc dlscusslon.

Supported D8MS Conf|gurat|ons

!"#$ &'(()*+,- ./012 3,*&1)2 456 ./7$+'-1) !8 3,*&1)2 459
!"#"$%& ()*+ ,-./ 0-. 12334$5"6/ 2#13"&%7%"6 8"$1%4#
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54 JQ-.E/ 74$ +4::4# N"$8"$
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AN NVF N"$8"$ ,QQQ/ ,QQC/ ,QQO/ ,QJ, ;-./ D-./ K-./ ,QQQ/ ,QQC/ ,QQO/ ,QJ,
AN W%12=9 X4.Y$4 ,-./ 0-./ C-.
AZNVF C-. 4#9Z 0-. 54 C-.
R"5"LL= ;-D/ C-Q/ D-Q
($=&9" JQU/ JJU K-. 54 JJU-.
Y415U$"NVF O-Q/ I-.
Y$4U$"11 I-./ JQ-.
NPN 12334$5"6/ 2#13"&%7%"6 8"$1%4#
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\"$=6=5= ,-D/ J,/ J0 R+? ,-; 54 ,-D/ J,-Q/ J0-.

ERwin r9 to ER/Studio v9.5 Comparison Guide
Copyright @ 2013
roduct Capab|||t|es vs. ro[ects

Lnterpr|se Data Mode||ng

!"#$%&'()* +,-.&/01$ +,21(
Model ulsplay
More opLlons for dlsplaylng model ob[ecL Lypes
such as aLLachmenLs
uoes noL dlsplay user ueflned roperLles
Submodellng Medlum SupporLs mulLlple levels of submodels SupporL only 2 levels of submodels
Compare & Merge Plgh Lasler Lo use Plghly complex
vlews Low
Cccaslonal use of loglcal vlews Lo represenL hlgh
level requlremenLs
no loglcal vlews
ALLachmenLs Plgh
An aLLachmenL Lype can be bound Lo mulLlple
model ob[ecL Lypes
A user ueflned roperLy can be bound Lo only
one ob[ecL Lype
uaLa SecurlLy Plgh
ulsplayed separaLely from aLLachmenLs, lncludes
daLa classlflcaLlon, dlsplayable ln Lhe model
no uaLa SecurlLy feaLure separaLe from user
ueflned roperLy
uefaulLs, 8ules and
8ules can be generlc and be assoclaLed wlLh
8ules are only for valldaLlon, noL avallable for
8eference values
and uomalns
1he rule assoclaLed Lo reference values can geL
ouL of synch when reference values are modlfled.
1he valldaLlon rule and Lhe reference values are
always synchronlzed
8')%$4 Medlum
Cross-model search & modlfy Lhrough v8
Cuery SCL Lool ls used Lo search across models,
modlfylng Lhrough SCL ls noL recommended.
LnLerprlse uaLa
Plgh Cleaner and more effecLlve approach
Wlder selecLlon of enLerprlse ob[ecL Lypes
lncludlng shared enLlLles and re-useable color
CommenLs and
CapablllLy of commenL moderaLlon beLween
archlLecL and Lhe resL of Lhe Leam
no commenLs moderaLlon capablllLy
8eporLlng Plgh More versaLlllLy ln advanced search and reporLlng 8aslc reporLlng on all model ob[ecLs

ERwin r9 to ER/Studio v9.5 Comparison Guide
Copyright @ 2013
Data Governance

!"#$%&'()* +,-.&/01$ +,21(
Model 1emplaLes Plgh no model LemplaLes
ConslsLency beLween daLa models can be
conLrolled Lhrough model LemplaLes
vlews Low
Loglcal vlews enable expresslon of daLa
requlremenLs and valldaLlon
L8wln does noL supporL loglcal vlews
ALLachmenLs Plgh
Covers a governance Loplc Lhrough one
aLLachmenL Lype for all relevanL model ob[ecL
Covers a governance Loplc Lhrough mulLlple user
ueflned roperLles, one per model ob[ecL
creaLlng redundancy lssues
uaLa SecurlLy Medlum
Compllance pollcles can be dlsplayed ln Lhe
user ueflned roperLles cannoL be dlsplayed
namlng SLandard
A namlng SLandards 1emplaLe can be used when
reverse englneerlng a physlcal model lnLo a
loglcal model
A namlng SLandards MeLaflle can be used only
for forward englneerlng
314/'5 7'&'
vlsuallzaLlon of daLa llneage ls supporLed ln Lhe
modellng Lool, daLa llneage can also be exporLed
vlsuallzaLlon of daLa llneage ls supporLed ln Lhe
Web orLal Lool only, daLa llneage ls noL
graphlcally represenLed ln Lhe modellng Lool
:')%$4 Plgh
Macros may be wrlLLen Lo double check meLadaLa
level compllance and conslsLency across mulLlple
models, macros can also updaLe daLa dlcLlonarles
across models Lo enforce conslsLency (example:
8eference values)
L8wln can only reporL on Lhe conslsLency or
compllance of one model ob[ecL Lype aL a Llme,
because reporLs are SCL bound
verslonlng and
named 8eleases
rlor verslons of dlagrams are noL kepL ln Lhe
8eposlLory unless saved expllclLly as a named
rlor verslons of models are auLomaLlcally kepL ln
Model MarL unless manually deleLed, prlor model
verslons can be marked "hardened"
unlversal Mapplng Plgh
Applles Lo enLlLles and relaLed model ob[ecLs,
synchronlzaLlons durlng Compare and Merge are
Applles only Lo aLLrlbuLes and columns,
synchronlzaLlons durlng CompleLe Compare are
noL reLalned
L8/SLudlo ls moderaLely more flexlble ln handllng
reposlLory access conLrol, lncludlng "no Access",
"8ead Cnly" access conLrol, and user groups
Model MarL Server securlLy ls slngle user based,
no group asslgnmenLs
;$%&'5 8eporLlng Plgh
More versaLlllLy Lhan L8wln ln advanced search
and reporLlng
8aslc reporLlng on all model ob[ecLs, lncluslon of
model and daLa llneage dlagrams

ERwin r9 to ER/Studio v9.5 Comparison Guide
Copyright @ 2013
Master Data Management

!"#$%&'()* +,-.&/01$ +,21(
A ConcepLual MuM submodel lncorporaLlng
many-Lo-many relaLlonshlps cannoL exlsL along
wlLh a loglcal model where Lhese relaLlonshlps
have been resolved
A ConcepLual MuM Model can exlsL as a dlagram
along wlLh a loglcal model wlLhln Lhe same
Sub[ecL Area, only relevanL Sub[ecL Area model
ob[ecLs can be dlsplayed
Loglcal / hyslcal
L8/SLudlo makes lL easler Lo reverse englneer
legacy Lable/column names lnLo proper
enLlLy/aLLrlbuLe names
Legacy models cannoL be reversed englneered
lnLo a loglcal model
Cb[ecL namlng Plgh Legacy names cannoL be hardened.
name hardenlng prevenLs Lhe alLeraLlon of
exlsLlng operaLlonal daLabase Lable, column,
lndex and consLralnL names
Compare & Merge Low
Comparlng MuM wlLh legacy models ln L8/SLudlo
ls easler Lhan ln L8wln
8esynch of Legacy models wlLh MuM model
requlres golng Lhrough CompleLe Compare whlch
ls dlfflculL Lo masLer
uenormallzaLlons are more flexlble, and
mapplngs are reLalned ln Lhe "Where used" Labs
1ransformaLlons are noL model ob[ecLs and do
noL appear ln Lhe "Where used" Labs
8eference values
and uomalns
CeneraLlng lnSL81 sLaLemenLs from 8eference
values cannoL be done.
lnSL81 sLaLemenLs can be auLomaLed from Lhe
value llsL valldaLlon rules Lo do lnlLlal loads of
lookup and reference Lables for Lhe MasLer uaLa
uslng a scrlpL
617/'8 3'&'
1he MasLer uaLa model ls lmporLed ln CLher
Sources ln Lhe vlsual uaLa Llneage of Legacy
dlagrams, no hlerarchy of daLa llneage
LransformaLlons, relaLed llneages have Lo be kepL
ln lndependenL LransformaLlons
1he MasLer uaLa model serves as Lhe source
model for all legacy models LhaL are LranslLlonlng
Lo lncorporaLe Lhe MuM servlce, ulagrams can
be used Lo show Lhe sLep-by-sLep phased
lmplemenLaLlon of MuM ln a legacy model,
lncludlng daLabase ob[ecL ad[usLmenLs for
synchronlzaLlon performance uslng a sub[ecL area
wlLh Lables wlLh dupllcaLe names
unlversal Mapplng Plgh
LffecLlve supporL of effecLlve mapplngs beLween
MasLer uaLa model and legacy model
enLlLles/Lables and columns/aLLrlbuLes
no enLlLy level mapplngs
LnLerprlse uaLa
Medlum no capablllLy Lo share MuM enLlLles
Shared enLlLy ls an advanLage, slnce Lhe
enLerprlse wlde model LemplaLe can be updaLed
from Lhe MuM model.
CommenLs and
lnLeracLlon beLween MuM modelers and
sLakeholders on one hand, and legacy buslness
analysLs on Lhe oLher uslng commenLs and labels
can be qulLe beneflclal ln MuM pro[ecLs
no supporL for commenLs and labels.

ERwin r9 to ER/Studio v9.5 Comparison Guide
Copyright @ 2013
roduct Capab|||t|es vs. ro[ect ortfo||o

!"#$%&'() !"*(+ !"#$%&'() !"*(+ !"#$%&'() !"*(+
,-./(0(%1 !"#$% '()*%+, -*.("/)
0"1*+2$ 3 !$24$
0"/5$*.6+% !"#$%(/4
'$/"21+%(7$# !+**(/4)
8"4(5+% 9 :;,)(5+% <,/5;2"/(7+.("/
!"#$% =$1*%+.$)
->?$5. @+1(/4
'+.+ <$562(.,
'$D+6%.)E F6%$) +/# 0"/).2+(/.)
@+1(/4 <.+/#+2# =$1*%+.$)
F$D$2$/5$ A+%6$) +/# '"1+(/)
2(-&.0 4.%. 5(+6.76
G/.$2*2()$ '+.+ '(5.("/+2,
F$*")(."2, <$562(.,
H/(I$2)+% !+**(/4
A$2)("/(/4 +/# @+1$# F$%$+)$)
0"11$/.) +/# 8+>$%)
!G'KH! -F 8-M
!48 4.%. ;)<6:+.+96 848
?):6 8)'60(+7
4.%. 4(9%()+.:1

ERwin r9 to ER/Studio v9.5 Comparison Guide
Copyright @ 2013

8oLh CA L8wln r9 and Lmbarcadero's L8/SLudlo v9.3 are well developed, enLerprlse-
grade daLa modellng producLs. ln our comparlson, we covered only a llmlLed seL of key
feaLures LhaL are elLher frequenLly used, or of lmporLance Lo dlfferenL modellng pro[ecLs.
ln addlLlon, we looked aL Lhree speclflc Lypes of pro[ecLs:

! LnLerprlse uaLa Modellng
! uaLa Covernance
! MasLer uaLa ManagemenL

Whereas L8wln ls an older producL, has a slgnlflcanL user base, and many years of
developmenL efforL, L8/SLudlo ls conslsLenLly ahead when lL comes Lo ease of use, as
communlcaLed Lo us by our cllenLs. ln addlLlon, L8/SLudlo Lends Lo be ahead when
speclflc Lypes of modellng pro[ecLs are compared. 1hls could aL leasL be parLly explalned
by Lmbarcadero's emphasls on regular lnLeracLlons wlLh lLs user communlLles, as well as
Lhelr efforLs Lo undersLand Lhe challenges around dlfferenL cllenL pro[ecLs, Lhus enabllng
L8/SLudlo Lo evolve focuslng on meeLlng Lhose challenges.

CA L8wln and Lmbarcadero's L8/SLudlo producL feaLures and Lhe resulLlng beneflLs wlll
conLlnue Lo evolve over Llme. We wlll conLlnue Lo monlLor Lhe progress of Lhe L8wln and
L8/SLudlo Lools ln Lerms of meeLlng Lhe demands of Lhe daLa professlonal.

ERwin r9 to ER/Studio v9.5 Comparison Guide
Copyright @ 2013

1bls wblte popet wos JevelopeJ by ut. Nlcbolos kbobboz ooJ ltoocols cottlet of e-
MoJelets, loc. ut. Nlcbolos kbobboz ls o seolot eotetptlse otcbltectote coosoltoot wbo
bos JellveteJ k/5toJlo ttololoq ooJ coosoltloq fot mote tboo 10 yeots. ltoocols cottlet ls
o 5eolot uoto MoJelloq coosoltoot wbo bos beeo oo kwlo coosoltoot fot ovet 15 yeots.
5ome of oot oploloos ote Jtowo ftom oot collectlve expetleoce lo Jeveloploq oometoos
Joto moJels lo botb tools, os well os lopot we tecelveJ ftom mooy clleots.

e-MoJelets, loc. ls o ptofessloool setvlces compooy speclollzloq lo eotetptlse otcbltectote
ooJ moJelloq. we ote locoteJ lo lleosootoo, collfotolo. lleose seoJ os yoot commeots

ERwin r9 to ER/Studio v9.5 Comparison Guide
Copyright @ 2013
Append|x: Lk]Stud|o Comments

Comment In|t|ated from a orta| User

!"#" %&'()#*'# +,*& &*-&*,(*,
./'". 0/1*. /23*'#, -&/0
4*5/,)#/&6 #/ 7)*8 '/00*9#
:/00*9# ), &*5.)'"#*1
#/ #(* 4*5/,)#/&6 2
;/&#". <,*&
"11, '/00*9#

:/00*9# =/1*&"#/&
"55&/7*, '/00*9# 6


ERwin r9 to ER/Studio v9.5 Comparison Guide
Copyright @ 2013

Comment In|t|ated from a Data Arch|tect User

!"#" %&'()#*'# +,*& "--,
&*,./0,* '/11*0# "0-
,20'(&/0)3*, 4)#( 5*./,)#/&2
5*,./0,* '/11*0# ),
&*.6)'"#*- #/ #(* ./&#"6 2

7/#* #("# 0/ '/11*0#
1/-*&"8/0 ), "..6)*-

9/&#"6 +,*& :)*4, &*,./0,*
'/11*0# ;

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