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of content

1. The films message
2. Puzzled by the film?
3. Possibility
All of us have a mission in
6. To make the right
judgment and take the
right decisions
about Robots & Truth
about Human)
8. Personhood
Those characteristics
reveal the richness of our
being a person
Differentiate HUMAN Intelligence
FROM Artificial Intelligence
9. Everything in
nature speaks of a
10. Will man be able to
do the same
11. fundamental
requirement and a
12. That you think will
be true in Chicago,
Making Predictions
13. Complete the
sentences with will
(not), may (not) or
might (not)
14. They are
programmed with the
Three Laws of Robotics
Target Audience
15. Review
16. Sales
Questions :

A futuristic film.
A projection into the future.
A prediction of a future scenario based on what is happening in the present.
A fantasy!
What is the films message?
In the future, scientists and technologists will be able to produce robots with an
artificial intelligence like that of mans.
The film assumed that robots made of purely material particles (radicals) can advance
into a self-evolving one, a characteristic we ascribe only to human beings.
Puzzled by the film?

Is this possible?
Can a robot be made to effectively interact with the things of this world and be able to
grasp the essences of things or understand their meaning?
Can a robot be made to acquire an intentional identification with the things around it
and come up with concepts or ideas as a consequence of its interaction with its
Can a robot be made to effectively interact with humans to be able to understand how
humans understand?
Can a robot be made to write programs that allow it to spontaneously reprogram itself
which manifests freedom in its choices in the way it interacts with its surroundings?
Guide - gives us the general framework for assessing the value of things.
Principle - foundation for some norms of judgment and behavior
The most important resource of any nation is its people and each one of us is that
YOU and I
Agents of change!
You are the change that you dream as I am the change that I dream and collectively we
are the change that this world needs to be (Efren Penaflorida).
All of us have a mission in life!
Accomplishment of any task requires making a lot of judgment and taking decisions.
We are exposed to a great variety of ideas / opinions!
To make the right judgment and take the right decisions, it is essential that we are
To distinguish true from false
To have a good grasp of the facts
To distinguish facts from opinions
To be impartial
REALITY CHECK : Truth about Robots
Purely material Programmed by man
A tool or aid man uses for a purpose
Must be at the service of man
REALITY CHECK : Truth about human
Qualities unique to human beings:
Self-reflective / self-knowledge
Self-evolving / self-defining / self-determination
Capable of subjective interpersonal relationship / capable for freely giving of self.
Personhood : (the quality or condition of being an individual person.)
is what gives man those special qualities , and
what distinguishes man from the rest in the world
Those characteristics reveal the richness of our being a person.
Being rational, we enjoy a special and the most perfect kind of individuality and
We exist in and through ourselves.
The one doing.
Each man is a unique individual subject.
Every human being is a person, i.e., his nature is endowed with intelligence and
free will. Intelligence and free will are powers or faculties of human beings which are
spiritual in nature. Through their mode of operation and action, the human intellect
and will have the ability to act independent of material things.
Person connotes dignity
Agent of own activity Master of self and actions
Man, being the efficient cause of his acts, can be a real agent who can contribute to
the perfection of the society to which he belongs.

The film is commendable for being able to make something unreal, a flight of the
imagination or power of invention appears real. Camera tricks! {Thanks to science and
I, Robot is a film divorced from the truth about man and robot
The film is superficial and misleading. It attributes to robots all the properties unique or
proper to man.
The film is made by someone with an imperfect and limited mind who can fail to distinguish
between human intelligence and artificial intelligence.
Differentiate HUMAN Intelligence FROM Artificial Intelligence :
What is human intelligence?
Of humans
Perform functions or activities that are organic and animated.
What is an artificial intelligence?
Of machines
Programmed to simulate human intelligence.
System that can engage on behaviors that humans consider intelligent
Human intelligence:
Humans have pre-wired capabilities: large and effective brains, genetic development
of specialized functional areas (vision, speech, reasoning, etc.).
Humans gain intelligence mostly through learning and experience.
Humans construct their own intellect through complex interactions with the world
and other people all their life long.
Humans can discover new axioms and rules.
Humans learn individually. Each human has a unique intelligence, and this is of great
strength as it adds diversity, different strategies and wide range of solutions if applied
Human intellectual capabilities are amazing and unique.
Artificial intelligence:
AI blindly follow human instructions.
AI are machines dependent on human algorithms and knowledge how to solve
problems. Non-trivial solutions require understanding of ideas, problem solving,
learning from experience and much more everything what we can define as
AI will always be limited by fixed axioms and initial rules programmed by humans.
AI can quickly replicate and copy their intelligence.
Look at yourself! Look at your neighbors! Look at me! Everybody /
Everything in nature speaks of a Creator!
There is a God Who gave you your being! God, your Creator, gave you an intellect
and free will, which are spiritual in nature.
God infuses life into man. What makes man different is the fact that he receives his
life directly from God.
Mans existence as a living being comes directly from God, i.e., man is animated by a
vital principle which does not derive from the earth.
Will man be able to do the same?
The human mind being spiritual renders man power but it has its limits!
Is man capable of everything?
Mans capability is limited!
It is just not possible for man to have the power over everything that happens!
The truth will make you free
This expression contains both a fundamental requirement and a warning.
The requirement:
An honest relationship with respect to truth as a condition for authentic freedom.
The warning:
To avoid every kind of illusory freedom, every superficial unilateral freedom, every
freedom that fails to enter into the whole truth about man and the world.
Liberation is particularly linked with knowledge of the truth.
Liberation means mans inner transformation which is a consequence of the
knowledge of truth.
The transformation is a spiritual process in which man matures in true righteousness
and holiness.

Read the sentences below and check the ones that you think will be true in Chicago,
1. All electronic appliances are modern. People live in very comfortable homes.
2. Mail is delivered by robots.
3. People and robots share the streets.
4. Robots walk dogs for their owners.
5. Litter collecting is done by robots.
6. People wear the same kinds of clothes we do today.
7. Robots rob people.
8. Robots protect people.

Making Predictions:
Give your opinion about the future. Complete the sentences with will (not), may (not) or
might (not):
1. All electronic devices are modern.
2. People live in very comfortable homes.
3. Mail is delivered by robots.
4. eople and robots share the streets.
5. Robots walk dogs for their owners.
6. Trash collecting is done by robots.
7. People wear the same kinds of clothes we do today.
8. Robots rob people.
9. Robots protect people.

I Robot is a very similar story as mine, as it is set in the future and has similar plotlines
and twists. Some of the similarities include
The manmade items such as the robots in I Robot and the doppelganger device Both
turn on their human counter parts.
The main story is about being able to stop them from killing off humanity so machines
that control them must be destroyed.
They are programmed with the Three Laws of Robotics directives:
First Law: A robot must never harm a human being or, through inaction, allow any
human to come to harm.
Second Law: A robot must obey the orders given to them by human beings, except
where such orders violate the First Law.
Third Law: A robot must protect its own existence unless this violates the First or
Second Laws.
Target Audience:
The target audience for I Robot are Ages 13+ I think this is a very fair age for the film
does have the occasional violence of destroying robots but nothing to dark, gritty or gory.
The film also features the odd joke and would be a very good watch for any fans
younger and older that love the sci-fi genre and to see another alternate universe in which
our future could end up like.
This is a user review I found on the internet for the film I robot.

The sales for I Robot were in excess of 144 million dollars and with a budget of 120 million
dollars they just about turned profit from the US box
Office this film was very successful but in comparison with the amount they spent making this
film it seems like they have made very little profit from what they were expecting to get.

Questions :
1. What year is I Robot set in?

2. How does Dr. Lanning communicate with Detective Spooner about his death? Why is
it difficult for Spooner to communicate with Lanning via this devise?
Or, why is it difficult to get answers from him?
3. What are the three Laws of Robotics?



4. Why does it appear that Lanning has committed suicide?
5. Why does Spooner think it is impossible that Lanning committed suicide?
6. What is Dr. Susan Calvins position at U.S. Robotics?
7. Why would it be impossible for a Robot to kill a human?
8. What characteristics about Sonny make him unlike other robots? Or, why is it difficult
to believe that he is a robot? What does he say or do differently?
9. Who comes to collect Sonny from the police station and on what grounds is he able to
take him?
10. What function does V.I.K.I. (Virtual Interactive Kinetic Intelligence) play in regards
to the new robots (Nestor Class 5)? Why is she important?
11. What happens to Spooner when he is at Lannings home and why is he suspicious
that it occurred in order to harm him?
12. What realization does Spooner have about Lannings message at this point? Or, what
does he think the reason behind it means now?
13. What does Calvin discover about Sonny when she gives him a diagnostic? Why is he
different from the other robots?
14. When Spooner is fighting with the NS-5 in the tunnel, after the car chase, what do we
discover about Spooner?
15. Why does nobody believe Spooner in regards to the attacking robots? What is the
consequence for Spooner?
16. Describe the incident that occurs under water the decision that the NC4 Robot
made why the robot made the decision and why Spooner believes that this is an unhuman
17. Describe Sonnys dream. What is the man freeing them from?
18. Later, Spooner is at the USR storage facility and discovers another hologram. What
does Lanning say that the 3 laws inevitably lead to?
19. Why are the NC5s destroying the NC4s?
20. Who do we discover is the brain behind the robots revolt? Why do the robots believe
that this is an act of protection?
21. What are two aspects about the film that positively intrigue you about the prospect of
having robots become part of our human - life. Explain your point of view. (4)
22. What are two aspects of the film that concern you about the prospect of having robots
become part of our human - life. Explain your point of view. (4)


o Articial Intelligence 175 (2011) 942949 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Articial Intelligence ethics

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