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e-book – (for free circulation)



Tamarapu Sampath Kumaran

About the Author:

Mr T Sampath Kumaran is a freelance writer. He regularly contributes

articles on Management, Business, Ancient Temples, and Temple
Architecture to many leading Dailies and Magazines.

His articles are popular in “The Young World section” of THE HINDU
His e-books on nature, environment and different cultures of people around
the world are educative and of special interest to the young.

He was associated in the renovation and production of two Documentary

films on Nava Tirupathi Temples, and Tirukkurungudi Temple in


I wish to express my gratitude to the authors from whose works I gathered

the details for this book, and Courtesy, Google for some of the photographs.

- Tamarapu Sampath Kumaran

The redwood is one of the oldest and the tallest trees in the world, ranging in
an average height of over 300 feet and 60 feet around and lives up to 2,200
years. Over several centuries ago, there were more than a dozen species of
redwoods spread over western North America, Europe and Asia. The
climatic changes over the years dramatically changed the landscape and
plant life, and presently only two redwood species remain in North America
today. The official name for redwood is SEQUOIA SEMPIVIRENS – in
Latin which means “forever living”.

Coast redwood forests were among the most spectacular forests and
probably among the most ancient forests in North America. These forests
along the foggy coast are spread to nearly around 450 miles of northern
California in a narrow stretch of 10 to 30 miles in width. From the Monterey
County these forests extend into the southwest corner of Oregon, covering
an area of around 2 million acres. During 1750 AD members of Portolá’s
Spanish expedition identified these forests.

Redwoods need perfect growing conditions. Temperature must be between

40-80*F. They depend on steady winter rains and summer fog for moisture.
Redwoods have the ability to sieve fog for enough moisture, to thrive
through long rainless summers. Their thick bark, high in tannin, protects the
trees from wind-swept coastal fires and insects. Their wide-ranging roots
can intertwine with other trees, and can even withstand being covered with
more layers of soil after they’re mature. The seeds of the trees are the size of
a grape. The roots of these trees grow about 12’ deep but spread out to 60-
80’. Because of the moisture fire is rare, as redwood doesn’t burn easily.
The bark of redwood is around 1’ thicker. The scar of the hollow areas are
called “goose pen”, because in the past settlers kept chicken and geese there

The national parks protect nature and history. The Redwood Park is now
notified as a national park.

The park attracts many visitors, and there are quite a number of interesting
places to see around.

The Grandfather’s tree is estimated to be over 1800 years and the amazing
double trunked redwood is famous for its large limbs, full foliage. It is over
265 ft. tall and has one of the largest trunks of 55 ft. in circumference.

Grandfather tree
During 1920, to entice visitors to the redwoods – a tunnel was cut in a huge
tree to drive a car through to the other side. The tunnel measures 7ft high
and over 9ft wide. This is one of the tourist spots.

Car passing through the trunk of the tree

The Eternal tree house is a surviving stump containing a huge cavern caused
by fire centuries ago was used as shelter by the native Indians. Later during
1950 a 20ft room was refined in and a sales counter was installed in it.
The Eternal Tree House

An ancient redwood log measuring 33 ft. in circumference is on display in

the forest.
On the banks of the forest the Humboldt beaches, give a panoramic view,
where the ocean produces three to five-foot swells, often going to 20 ft.

Several black bears, black tailed deer, fox, mountain lion are found in these

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