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1 Episodio 1: Extrem Agressor[editar]

Gideon: Joseph Conrad dijo, La creencia en una fuente sobrenatural del mal no es necesaria.
El hombre por s solo es capaz de cualquier crueldad.
Gideon: Emerson dijo, Todo es un acertijo; y la clave de un acertijo es otro acertijo.
Gideon: Winston Churchill dijo, Entre ms atrs puedas mirar, entonces ms lejos hacia
adelante podras ver.
Gideon: Nietzsche dijo una vez Cuando miras profundo en un abismo, el abismo mira hacia tu
2 Episodio 2: Compulsion[editar]
Gideon: Faulkner una vez dijo, No te molestes solo en ser mejor que tus contemporaneos o
predecesores. Intenta ser mejor que t mismo.
Gideon: James Reese una vez dijo, Existen ciertos indicios en una escena de crimen que, por
su mera naturaleza, no permiten ser recolectados o examinados. Como puedo examinar el
amor, la ira, el odio, el terror...? Estas son cosas para las que no fuimos entrenados para
Gideon: Einstein dijo cierta vez, La imaginacin es ms importante que el conocimiento. Este
es limitad; la imaginacin rodea todo el mundo.
3 Episodio 3: Won't Get Fooled Again[editar]
Gideon: Samuel Johnson escribi, Casi todo lo absurdo del comportamiento surge de la
imitacin de aquellos a quienes no podemos parecernos.
4 Episodio 4: Plain Sight[editar]
Gideon: El poeta francs Jacques Rigaut dijo, No olvidemos que no puedo verme a m mismo,
pues mi rol est limitado a ser aquel quien mira en el espejo.
Gideon: Rose Kenedy dijo en una ocasin, Las aves cantan tras la tormenta Porque las
personas no deberan sentirse tan libres como para deleitarse en aquello que la luz solar deja
para ellos.
5 Episodio 5: Broken Mirror[editar]
Gideon: Eurpides dijo, Cuando un buen hombre est herido, todos aquellos quienes podran
llamarse buenos deben sufrir junto a l.
Gideon: Eurpides dijo, Cuando el amor se presenta en exceso, este no trae al hombre honor
ni mrito alguno.
6 Episodio 6 L.D.S.K.[editar]
Gideon: Nietzsche escribi, La irracionalidad de una cosa no es argumento contra la
existencia, en tanto si la condicin de esta.
Hotchner: Shakespeare escribi, Nada es ms comn que el deseo de ser extraordinario.
7 Episodio 7: The Fox[editar]
Gideon: With the foxes we must have to play the fox. Dr. Thomas Fuller
Este es un juego de palabras donde el trmino fox (zorro) se toma como persona astuta,
mientras que play the fox es una expresin que se entiende como travesura o jugarreta
8 Episodio 8: Natural Born Killer[editar]
Gideon: Hemingway escribi, No hay cacera como el cazar a un hombre; y aquellos quienes
han cazado hombres armados lo suficiente, nunca toman un cuidado real de nada ms.
Gideon: Carl Jung dijo, El hombre saludable no tortura a otros. Generalmente, es quien ha
sido atormentado quien se convierte en torturador.
9 Episodio 9: Derailed[editar]
Gideon: R. O. Bolt escribio cierta vez, Una creencia no es simplemente una idea que posee la
mente, es una idea que posee a la mente.
Reid: Albert Einstein pregunt, La pregunta que en ciertas ocasiones me torna difuso. Soy yo
o son los otros quienes estn locos?
10 Episodio 10: The Popular Kids[editar]
Gideon: Sir. Peter Ustinov dijo, Desafortunadamente, una superabundancia de sueos es el
pago por un potencial creciente de pesadillas.
Gideon: Eugene Ionesco, dramaturga, dijo, Las ideologas nos separan. Los sueos y la
angustia nos trae de vuelta juntos.
11 Episodio 11: Blood Hungry[editar]
Gideon: Harriet Beecher Stowe una vez dijo, Las lgrimas ms amargas derramadas sobre
tumbas son por palabras no dichas y actos no terminados.
12 Episodio 12: What Fresh Hell[editar]
Gideon: El poeta W.H. Auden escribri, El mal no es extraordinario, pero siempre
humano,comparte nuestra cama y come en la misma mesa.
Gideon: No midas el trabajo hasta que la labor del da est hecha. Elizabeth Barrett Browning
13 Episodio 13: Poison[editar]
Gideon:Dijo el filsofo romano Lucretio, Lo que es comida para uno, es para otros amargo
Gideon: Confucio dijo una vez, Antes de embarcarte en un viaje de venganza, cava dos
14 Episodio 14: Riding the Lighting[editar]
Gideon: Derramada ser la sangre de cualquiera que derrame sangre humana. Genesis 9:6
El versculo completo dice as: "Derramada ser la sangre de cualquiera que derrame
sangre humana; porque a imagen de Dios fue creado el hombre".
Gideon: Alberth Pine dijo, Lo que hacemos por nosotros muere con nosotros. Lo que hacemos
por los otros y por el mundo permanece y es inmortal.
15 Episodio 15: Unfinished Business[editar]
Gideon: Norman Maclean escribi, It is those we live with and love and should know who elude

Elle: Abraham Lincoln dijo cierta ocasin, Al final no son los aos en tu vida lo que cuenta. Es
la vida en tus aos.
16 Episodio 16: The tribe:[editar]
Hotchner: Nietzsche escribi El individuo siempre ha tenido que luchar por mantenerse lejos
de ser abrumado por la tribu.
La cita completa continua: "Si lo intentas, estaras solo entonces, y en algunas ocasiones
asustado. Pero ningn precio es tan alto para pagar por el privilegio de ser tu mismo por ti
El trmino tribu se puede aplicar ampliamente como "pueblo o sociedad"
17 Episodio 17: A Real Rain[editar]
Gideon: W.H. Auden dijo, Murder is unique in that it abolishes the party it injures, so that
society must take the place of the victim and on his behalf demand atonement or grant
forgiveness. (traduccin)"El asesinato es nico, ya que suprime la parte que se lesiona, por lo
que la sociedad debe tomar el lugar de la vctima y en su nombre demandar expiacin o
conceder el perdn."
Gideon: Ghandi dijo, Es mejor ser violento si existe la violencia en nuestro corazn que usarla
bajo el manto de la no-violencia para encubrir la impotencia.
Hotchner: Ghandi tambin dijo Yo objeto la violencia, porque cuando esta aparece para hacer
bien, el bien es solo temporal. El mal es permanente.
18 Episodio 18: Somebody's Watching[editar]
Gideon: Diane Arbus dijo cierta vez, Una fotografa is el secreto sobre un secreto. Entre ms te
dice, menos sabes. Pues no existe tal cosa en el pas
Gideon: Bernard Shaw dijo una ocasin, El americano no tiene la sensacin de privacidad. No
conoce que significa.
19 Episodio 19: Machismo[editar]
Hotchner:' Anthony Brandt escribi, Otras cosas podrn cambiarnos, pero siempre
comenzamos y terminamos con nuestra familia.
Hotchner: El hogar no descansa en el suelo, Sino en la mujer.
20 Episodio 20: Charm and Harm[editar]
Gideon: El filsofo Francs Voltaire dijo, Existen quienes solamente usan las palabras con el
propsito de disfrazar sus pensamientos.
Gideon: Franois de la Rochefoucauld escribi, Estamos tan acostumbrados de disfrazarnos
de otras personas que al final nos convertimos en disfraces de nosotros mismos.
21 Episodio 21: Secrets and Lies[editar]
Gideon: Albert Einstein, dijo, Cualquiera que comience a ubicarse a s mismo como juez en el
campo de la verdad y el conocimiento es arruinado por la carcajada de los dioses.
Gideon: George Orwell dijo, En tiempos de un engao universal, decir la verdad es un acto
22 Episodio 22: The Fisher King (1)[editar]
Gideon: El escritor lber Hubbard dijo, No hay hombre alguno que necesita tanto unas
vacaciones como aquel que acaba de tenerlas.
23 Temporada 2[editar]
24 Episodio 1: The Fisher King (2)[editar]
Gideon: Los defectos y fallas de la mente son como las heridas en el cuerpo; despus de todo
cuidado imaginable para sanarlas, aun queda una cicatriz. Franois de la Rochefoucauld
Reid: Se ha dicho 'el tiempo cura todas las heridas' no estoy de acuerdo. Las heridas
permanecen; Con el pasar del tiempo la mente cuida de su salud, cubrindolas con cicatrices,
entonces el dolor desciende. Pero nunca se va Rose Kennedy
25 Episodio 2: P911[editar]
Gideon: El telogo Dietrich Bonchoeffer dijo, La prueba de la moral en una sociedad es
aquello que hace por sus nios.
26 Episodio 3: The Perfect Storm[editar]
Gideon: Mark Twain escribi, De todos los animales, el hombre es el nico cruel. Solo l
inflinge dolor por el placer de hacerlo.
Hotchner: El filsofo Khalil Gibran escribi, Del sufrimiento han surgido las almas tenaces. Sus
carcteres predominantes son cicatrices de quemaduras
27 Episodio 4: Psychodrama[editar]
Hotchner: "Un hombre es menos de l cuando habla de si mismo. Reglale una mscara, y te
dir la verdad. Oscar Wilde
Hotchner: Los fundamentos de nuestro remordimiento no son los errores personales, pero esa
humillacin es vista por todos. Milan Kundera*
28 Episodio 5: Aftermath[editar]
Gideon: Helen Keller dijo cierta vez, Aunque el mundo est lleno de dolor, tambien lo est de
victorias para atenuarlo.
29 Episodio 6: The Boogeyman[editar]
Hotchner: Platn escribi, Fcilmente podemos perdonar a un nio que tiene miedo de la
oscuridad. La verdadera tragedia de la vida es cuando los hombres le temen a la luz.
30 Episodio 7: North Mammon[editar]
J.J.: El legendario entrenador de baloncesto John Wooden dijo, No es tan importante quin
comienza el juego. Sino quin lo termina.
J.J.: La ltima decisin de un hombre, en tanto se conduce a s mismo para trascender, es
crear o destruir; es amar u odiar. Enrich Fromm
31 Episode 8: Empty Planet[editar]
Gideon: Robespierre escribi, Crime butchers innocence to secure a prize, and innocence
struggles with might against the attempts of crime.*
32 Episodio 9: The Last Word[editar]
Hotchner: Elbert Hubbard una vez escribi, Si los hombres solo pudieran conocerse uno al
otro, nunca se idolatraran u odiaran entre ellos .
Hotchner: Mahatma Gandhi dijo, En toda la historia, han existido tiranos y asesinos, y con el
tiempo han parecido invencibles, pero al final siempre fallan, siempre.
33 Episodio 10: Lecciones aprendidas[editar]
Gideon: Dale Turner medit, Algunas de las mejores lecciones son aprendidas de errores
pasados. El error del pasado es la sabidura del futuro.
Gideon: Ralph Waldo Emerson dijo, En orden de aprender lecciones importantes en la vida,
uno debe, cada da, vencer un miedo .
34 Episodio 11: Sex, Birth, Death[editar]
Reid: T.S. Eliot escribi, Entre la idea y la realidad, entre la mocin y el acto, cae la sombra.
Gideon: T.S. Elliot tambin escribi, Entre el deseo y el espasmo, entre la potencia y la
existencia, en medio de la esencia y la ascendencia, cae la sombra. Esta es la manera de como
termina el mundo.
35 Episodio 12: Profiler, Profiled[editar]
Morgan: Todos los secretos son profundos. Todos los secretos se vuelven oscuros. Esta es la
naturaleza de los secretos. Cory Doctorow, escritor.
36 Episodio 13: No Way Out[editar]
Gideon: Aristteles dijo, El demonio se lleva a todos los hombres juntos.
37 Episodio 14: The Big Game[editar]
Gideon: Perry Smith, asesino condenado, dijo acerca de sus vctimas, la familia Clutter, Yo no
tena nada en contra de ellos y ellos nunca hicieron algo malo contra m, fue otras personas
quienes tomaron toda mivida. Quizs fueron ellos quienes simplemente tuvieron que pagar por
38 Episodio 15: Revelations[editar]
Hotchner: No hay hombre en la tierra que haga el bien y no peque jamas. Eclesiastes 7:20
39 Episodio 16: Fear and Loathing[editar]
Gideon: De los deseos ms profundos a veces surge el ms mortal odio. Socrates
Reid: La vida del muerto est en la memoria del vivo. Cicern
40 Episodio 17: Distress[editar]
Gideon: Nuestra vida est hecha de la muerte de otros. Leonardo Da Vinci
Hotchner: Si ser un problema, djalo as en mi dia, que mi nio necesita tener paz. Thomas
41 Episodio 18: J ones[editar]
Gideon: Robert Kennedy dijo una vezLa tragedia es una herramienta del vivo para ganar
sabidura. No una gua de cmo vivir.
42 Episodio 19: Ashes and Dust[editar]
Hotchner: La tortura por una conciencia turbia es el infierno de un alma viva. John Calvin
Hotchner: Gandhi dijo Vive como si fueras a morir maana. Aprende como si fueras a estar
por siempre.
43 Episodio 20: Honor Among Thieves[editar]
Prentiss: Un viejo provervio ruso nos diceNo puede existir bien sin mal alguno.
Prentiss: Todas las familias felices lo son de igual manera. Pero cada familia infeliz lo es a su
propia manera. Leon Tolstoy
44 Episodio 21: Open Season[editar]
Gideon: La tierra salvaje de un hombre es un parque temtico para otro. Autor desconocido
Prentiss: El historiador britnico James Anthony Froude dijo cierta ocasinLos animales
salvajes nunca matan por deporte. El hombre es el nico a quin la tortura y muerte de su igual
le parece fascinante por s misma.
45 Episodio 22: Legacy[editar]
Hotchner: De todas las absurdas conjeturas de la humanidad, nada excede la crtica ms que
la hecha hacia un hombre pobre por [well-housed],[well-harmed] y bien alimentados.
Gideon: Nada es permanente en este retorcido mundo, ni siquiera nuestros problemas
. Charles Chaplin
46 Episodio 23: No Way Out II: The Evolution of Frank[editar]
Gideon: Yo elijo mis amigos por su buena apariencia, mis conocidos por su buen carcter y
mis enemigos por su gran intelecto. Oscar Wilde
47 Temporada 3[editar]
48 Episodio 2: In Name and Blood[editar]
Hotchner: George Washington dijo Deja a tu corazn conmoverse por la afliccin y angustia
de todos.
49 Episodio 3: Scared to Death[editar]
Hotchner: El filsofo taosta Lao-tze escribio una vezQuin controla a otros debe ser
poderoso, pero el hombre que se ha dominado lo es ms an.
Hotchner: Eleanor Roosevel dijo una ocasinGanas fuerza, coraje y confianza por toda
experiencia en la cual tu realmente te detienes para ver el miedo en el rostro; entonces tienes
que hacer lo que piensas eres incapaz de realizar.
50 Episodio 4: Children of the Dark[editar]
Prentiss: En la ciudad, el crimen es tomado como un emblema de clase y raza. En lo
suburbios, pienso, es ntimo y psicolgico -resistente a toda generalizacin, un misterio de cada
alma individual . Barbara Ehrenreich
51 Episodio 5: Seven Seconds[editar]
Hotchner: Dotoyevsky dijo cierta vez Nada es ms fcil que condenar al malvado. Nada ms
difcil que comprenderlo.
Hotchner: G.K. Chesterton escribi Los cuentos de hadas no le dicen al nio que los dragones
existen. Los nios ya saben que los dragones existen. La fantasa ensea a los nios que estos
pueden ser asesinados.
52 Episodio 6: About Face[editar]
Hotchner: Qu hay ms all de toda la vida de los mortales que una especie de comedia, en la
cual varios actores disfrazados con diversos trajes y mscaras, pasan e interpretan cada una de
sus partes, hasta que el director dice adis con la mano al escenario?. Erasmo
53 Episodio 7: Identity[editar]
Rossi: Un reino terrenal no puede existir sin desigualdad entre las personas. Algunos deben
estar libres, otros ser sirvientes; algunos dirigentes, algunos sometidos. Marthin Luther King
54 Episodio 8: Lucky[editar]
Morgan: La fantasa abandonada por la razn produce monstruos imposibles. Francisco Goya
Morgan: Dios enva carne y el diablo cocineros. Thomas Deloney
55 Episodio 9: Penelope[editar]
Garca: William Shakespeare dijo malos a todos, confa en algunos, no le hagas mal a nadie.
56 Episodio 10: True Night[editar]
Reid: Superman es, despues de todo, una forma de vida aliengena. l es simplemente el
rostro aceptable de las realidades invasoras. Clive Barker
Garcia: El antihroe es un caballero en armadura embarrada de sangre. l es sucio y hace lo
mejor para negar el hecho de que es un hroe todo el tiempo. Frank Miller
57 Episodio 11: Birthright[editar]
Hotch: El poeta norteamericano Anne Sexton escribi una vezNo importa quin fue mi padre;
lo que interesa es como recuerdo que era.
JJ: Wordsworth escribi
"Un simple nio
Que suavemente recupera el aliento
Y siente su vida en cada extremidad del cuerpo
Que debera conocer acerca de la muerte?"
58 Episodio 12: 3rd Life[editar]
Hotch: Ningn hombre o mujer que persiga un ideal esta libre de enemigos en
su camino. Daisy Bates
Hotch: Este es un padre sabio que conoce a su propio nio. William

El dilogo completo dice: Lancelot: "[A su padre Gobbo] No, por el
contrario, si tuvieras tus ojos caeras en el error de conocerme: Eres un
padre sabio que conoce a tu propio nio"
59 Episodio 13: Limelight[editar]
Rossi: Ciertamente conozco el mal que plane hacer, pero ms fuerte que
todos mis pensamientos es mi furia, una furia que lleva a los mortales por sobre
los ms retorcidos males. Eurpides
Rossi: Nosotros pagamos un precio por todo lo que conseguimos o tomamos
en este mundo; y aunque vale la pena tener ambiciones, no se conseguiran a
un precio bajo.Lucy Maud Montgomery
60 Episodio 14: Damaged[editar]
Rossi: ... En el ncleo de cada uno de nosotros est el nio que una vez
fuimos. Este nio constituye la base de lo nos hemos convertido, de quienes
somos y que seremos.Neurlogo Dr. R. Joseph
Hotchner: No existe una frmula para el xito, excepto tal vez la aceptacin
incondicional de la vida y lo que nos trae. Arthur Rubistein
61 Episodio 15: A Higher Power[editar]
Rossi: No existe un refugio para la confesin excepto el suicidio, y el suicidio
es una confesin. Danie Webster
Prentiss: Lo ms autntico de nosotros es nuestra capacidad para crear,
mejorar, perdurar, transformar, amar y ser mejores que nuestro
sufrimiento. Ben Okri
62 Episodio 16: Elephant's memory[editar]
Reid: Un alma melanclica puede matarte rpido, mucho ms rpido que un
virus. John Steinbeck
Reid: Cruzamos nuestros "puentes" cuando llegamos a ellos y los quemamos
a nuestra zaga, sin nada que demuestre nuestro progeso ms que la memoria
del olor a humo, y la suposicin que una vez nuestro ojos lloraron. Tom
63 Episodio 17: In Heat[editar]
JJ: No hay secretos mejor guardados que aquel que todo el mundo
adivina. George Bernard Shaw
JJ: Si conocieramos los secretos del otro, que cmodos nos
encontraramos. John Churton Collins
64 Episodio 18: The Crossing[editar]
Prentiss: Christian Nestell Bovee cierta vez escribi Ningn hombre es feliz
sin una ilusion de algn tipo. Las ilusiones son tan necesarias para nuestra
felicidad como reales
Prentiss: Susan B. Anthony dijoUna mujer no debe depender de la proteccin
de un hombre, pero debe ensearse a protegerse de si misma
65 Episodio 19: Tabula Rassa[editar]
Hotchner: Todos los cambios, incluso los ms deseados, tienen su
melancola; por aquello que dejamos atrs y es una parte de nosotros;
debemos morir en una vida antes de poder entrar a otra Anatole France
66 Episodio 20: Lo-Fi[editar]
Hotchner: Voltaire dijo El hombre visitado por xtasis y visiones, quien toma
sueos por realidades, es un entusiasta. El hombre que argumenta su locura
con asesinatos es un fantico
67 Temporada 4[editar]
68 Episodio 1: Mayhem[editar]
Hotch: Nunca pienses que la guerra, no importa que tan necesaria o
justificada sea, deja de ser un crimen Hernest Hemingway
69 Episodio 2: The Angel Maker[editar]
Hotch: Todos morimos. Nuestra meta no es vivir para siempre. Es crear algo
que valga la pena Chuck Palahniuk
Hotch: Wendell Berry dijo Nosotros definimos el pasado. Tendremos que
esforzarnos con un buen motivo para eludirlo, o eludir lo malo en l. Pero solo
lo lograremos agregndole algo mejor
70 Episodio 3: Minimal Loss[editar]
Reid: Guiarse slo por f es obediencia ciega Benjamin Franklin
Prentiss: La razn no es automtica. Aquellos quienes la niegan no pueden
ser conquistados por ella Ayn Rand
71 Episodio 4: Paradise[editar]
Hotch: Thomas Fuller escribi El paraso de un loco es el infierno de un sabio"
Hotch: El fabulista romano Fedro escribiLas cosas no son siempre lo que
parecen; la primera apariencia engaa demasiado. Solo la inteligencia de unos
pocos percibe lo que ha estado cuidadosamente oculto
72 Episodio 5: Catching Out[editar]
Prentiss: La abundancia es tranquila pero el hambre no descansa proverbio
Ms all del este el amanecer y del oeste el mar
Y en el este y oeste la sed de vagar que me impide vivir.
Gerald Gould
73 Episodio 6: The instincts[editar]
Hotch: Quin le habla al instinto, habla con lo ms profundo de la raza
humana y encuentra la respuesta ms rpida A. B. Alcott
Reid: Yo pienso que las verdaderas cosas son sueos, a los que la
decadencia natural no puede tocar Bob Dylan
74 Episodio 7: Memoriam[editar]
Reid: Lo que fue silencio en el padre, habla en su hijo, y a veces
encuentro en l los secretos ocultos del padre Friederich Nietzsche
Reid: No existe un refugio para la memoria y el remordimiento en este
mundo. Los espritus de nuestros estpidos actos nos cazan, estemos
o no arrepentidos Gilbert Parker
75 Episodio 8: Masterpiece[editar]
Rossi: Consideremos que todos estamos locos. Esto nos explicara a
los otros, desenredara muchos enredos Mark Twain
Rossi: El hombre debe desarrollar para todo conflicto humano un
mtodo que rechace toda venganza, agrasin o represalia. Y el
principio de este mtodo es el amorMartin Luther King Jr.
76 Episodio 9: 52 Pickup[editar]
Prentiss: El autor Harla Ellison escribiEn el momento en que las
personas se enamoran, se vuelven mentirosos
Rossi: P.J. O'Rourke escribiLa higiene cobra importancia cuando el
bien es improbable
77 Episodio 10: Brothers in Arms[editar]
Morgan: Bajo la piel todos somos hermanos. Y, por mi parte, estara
dispuesto a despellejar a la humanidad para demostrarlo Ayn Rand
Morgan: ... Por aquel, quin, el da de hoy derrame su sangre
conmigo, ser mi hermano William Shakespeare
78 Episodio 11: Normal[editar]
Hotchner: El hombre promedio debe, en algn momento, verse
tentado a escupir en sus manos, hondear las banderas negras y
comenzar a cortar gargantas Henry-Louis Mencken
Reid: No hay tragedia ms grande que la muerte de un nio. Porque
las cosas nunca vuelven a ser lo que fueron Dwight Eisenhower,
presidente de los EE.UU
79 Episodio 12: Soul Mates[editar]
Reid: No existe mortal capaz de guardar un secreto, si sus labios no
hablan, las huellas parlotean; la traicin resuma por cada poro del
cuerpo Sigmund Freud
Morgan: El historiador britnico C. Northcote Parkinson dijoEl retraso
es la forma ms mortal de negacin
80 Episodio 13: Bloodline[editar]
Prentiss: Dijo Winston Churchill No hay duda alguna, que es
alrededor de la familia y el hogar, donde las ms grandes y dominantes
virtudes de la sociedad humana se crean, fortalecen y prevalecen
Hotch: Mario Puzo escribiLa fuerza de una familia, como la fuerza en
un ejercito, radica en la lealtad al otro
81 Episodio 14: Cold Comfort[editar]
:Y as paso, tendido a su lado, las noches,
velando a mi amada, mi amor; mi consorte,
en su sepulcro junto al mar turqu,
el mar que ruge por ella y por mi. Edgar Allan Poe
(Traduccin de Fernando Maristany)
Rossi: Para quienes creen, ninguna prueba es necesaria.
Y para quienes no, ninguna prueba es posible Stuart
82 Episodio 15: Zoe's Reprise[editar]
Rossi: Nunca les he enseado a mis pupilos; solo
procuro proveer condiciones en las que ellos puedan
aprender Albert Einstein
Rossi: El novelista australiano Marie Von Ebner-
Eschenbach escribiEn la juventud aprendemos, pero en
la vejez entendemos
83 Episodio 16: Pleasure is my Business[editar]
Hotch: Las prostitutas no son, como indica el feminismo,
vctimas del hombre, sino su conquista, quien, por fuera de
toda ley, controla los canales entre naturaleza y
culturaCamille Paglia

Episode Quote Author Who said it
1x01 "Extreme Aggressor"
"The belief in a
supernatural source of evil
is not necessary. Men alone
are quite capable of every
Joseph Conrad Gideon
"All is a riddle, and the key
to a another
Ralph Waldo Emerson Gideon
"Try again, fail again. Fail
Samuel Beckett Gideon
"Try not, do or do not." Yoda Morgan
"The farther backward you
can look, the farther
forward you will see."
Winston Churchill Gideon
"When you look long into
an abyss, the abyss looks
into you."
Friedrich Nietzsche Gideon
1x02, "Compulsion"
"Imagination is more
important than knowledge.
Knowledge is limited.
Imagination encircles the
Albert Einstein Gideon
"There are certain clues at a
crime scene which by their
James Reese Gideon
very nature do not lend
themselves to being
collected or examined.
How's one collect love,
rage, hatred, fear...? These
are things that we're trained
to look for."
"Don't bother just to be
better than your
contemporaries or
predecessors. Try to be
better than yourself."
William Faulkner Gideon
1x03, "Won't Get Fooled
(1 quote)
"Almost all absurdity of
conduct arises from the
imitation of those whom we
cannot resemble."
Samuel Johnson Gideon
1x04, "Plain Sight"
"Don't forget that I cannot
see myself -- that my role is
limited to being the one
who looks in the mirror."
Jacques Rigaut Gideon
"Birds sing after a storm.
Why shouldn't people feel
as free to delight in
whatever sunlight remains
to them?"
Rose Kennedy Gideon
1x05, "Broken Mirror"
"When a good man is hurt,
all who would be called
good must suffer with him."
Euripides Gideon
"When love is in excess, it Euripides Gideon
brings a man no honor, nor
1x06, "L.D.S.K."
"The irrationality of a thing
is not an argument against
its existence, rather, a
condition of it."
Friedrich Nietzsche Gideon
"Nothing is so common as
the wish to be remarkable."
(attributed to) William
1x07, "The Fox"
(1 quote)
"With foxes, we must play
the fox."
Thomas Fuller Gideon
1x08, "Natural Born
"There is no hunting like
the hunting of man, and
those who have hunted
armed men long enough,
and liked it, never really
care for anything else."
Ernest Hemingway Gideon
"The healthy man does not
torture others. Generally it
is the tortured who turn into
Carl Jung Gideon
1x09, "Derailed"
"A belief is not merely an
idea the mind possesses. It
is an idea that possesses the
Robert Oxton Bolton Gideon
"The question that
sometimes drives me hazy:
Am I, or the others crazy?"
Albert Einstein Reid
1x10, "The Popular Kids"
"Unfortunately, a super-
abundance of dreams is
paid for by a growing
potential for nightmares."
Sir Peter Ustinov Gideon
"Ideologies separate us.
Dreams and anguish bring
us together."
Eugene Ionesco Gideon
1x11, "Blood Hungry"
(1 quote)
"The bitterest tears shed
over graves are for words
left unsaid and deeds left
Harriet Beecher Stowe Gideon
1x12, "What Fresh Hell?"
"Evil is always
unspectacular and always
human. And shares our
bed...and eats at our table."
W.H. Auden Gideon
"Measure not the work until
the day's out and the labor
Elizabeth Barrett Browning Gideon
1x13, "Poison"
"What is food to one is to
others bitter poison."
Lucretious Gideon
"Before you embark on a
journey of revenge, dig two
Confucius Gideon
1x14, "Riding the
"Who so sheddeth man's
blood by man shall his
blood be shed."
Genesis 9:6 Gideon
"What we do for ourselves
dies with us. What we do
for others and the world,
remains and is immortal."
Albert Pine - attributed to
Pine, but actually by Mason
Albert Pike, from his book
Ex Corde Locutiones:
Words from the Heart
Spoken of His Dead
Brethren (Google Books
1x15, "Unfinished
"It is those we live with and
love and should know who
elude us."
Norman Maclean Gideon
Who in his mind has not
probe the dark water?
"East from Eden" John
Steinbeck (here used in a
puzzle by the Keystone
(read by) Reid
"In order for the light to
shine so brightly, the
darkness must be present."
Sir Francis Bacon (here
used in a puzzle by The
Keystone Killer and in Max
Ryan's book on page 184).
(read by) Max Ryan
"In the end, it's not the
years in your life that count.
It's the life in your years."
Abraham Lincoln Elle
1x16, "The Tribe"
(1 quote)
"The individual has always
had to struggle to keep from
being overwhelmed by the
Friedrich Nietzsche Hotch
1x17, "A Real Rain"
"Murder is unique in that it
abolishes the party it
injures, so that society must
W.H. Auden Gideon
take the place of the victim,
and on his behalf demand
atonement or grant
"It is better to be violent if
there is violence in our
hearts than to put on the
cloak of non-violence to
cover impotence."
Mahatma Gandhi Gideon
"I object to violence
because when it appears to
do good, the good is only
temporary. The evil it does
is permanent."
Mahatma Gandhi Hotch
1x18, "Somebody's
"A photograph is a secret
about a secret. The more it
tells you, the less you
Diane Arbus Gideon
"An American has no sense
of privacy. He does not
know what it means. There
is no such thing in the
George Bernard Shaw Gideon
1x19, "Machismo"
"Other things may change
us, but we start and end
with family."
Anthony Brandt Hotch
"The house does not rest on
the ground, but upon a
Mexican proverb Hotch
1x20, "Charm and Harm"
"There are some that only
employ words for the
purpose of disguising their
Voltaire Gideon
"We are so accustomed to
disguise ourselves to others,
that in the end, we become
disguised to ourselves."
Franois de la
1x21, "Secrets and Lies"
"Whoever undertakes to set
himself up as judge in the
field of truth and
knowledge is shipwrecked
by the laughter of the gods."
Albert Einstein Gideon
"In a time of universal
deceit, telling the truth is a
revolutionary act."
George Orwell Gideon
1x22, "The Fisher King
(1 quote)
"No man needs a vacation
so much as the man who
has just had one."
Elbert Hubbard Gideon

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Episode Quote Author Who said it
2x01, "The Fisher King (2)"
"The defects and faults of the mind
are like wounds in the body. After
all imaginable care has been taken
to heal them up, still there will be a
scar left behind."
Francois de la Roche
"It has been said that time heals all
wounds. I do not agree. The
wounds remain. In time, the mind,
protecting its sanity, covers them
Rose Kennedy Reid
with scar tissue, and the pain
lessens, but it is never gone."
2x02, "P911"
(1 quote)
"The test of the morality of a
society is what it does for its
Dietrich Bonhoeffer Gideon
2x03, "The Perfect Storm"
"Of all the animals, man is the only
one that is cruel. He is the only one
who inflicts pain for the pleasure
of doing it."
Mark Twain Gideon
"Out of suffering have emerged the
strongest souls. The most massive
characters are seared with scars."
Khalil Gibran Hotch
2x04, "Psychodrama"
"Man is least himself when he
talks in his own person. Give him a
mask, and he will tell you the
Oscar Wilde Hotch
"The basis of shame is not some
personal mistake of ours, but that
this humiliation is seen by
Milan Kundera Hotch
2x05, "Aftermath"
(1 quote)
"Although the world is full of
suffering, it is also full of
overcoming it."
Helen Keller Gideon
2x06, "The Boogeyman"
(1 quote)
"We can easily forgive a child who
is afraid of the dark. The real
tragedy of life is when men are
afraid of the light."
Plato Hotch
2x07, "North Mammon"
"It's not so important who starts
the game, but who finishes it."
John Wooden JJ
"The ultimate choice for a man, in
as much as he is given to transcend
himself, is to create or destroy, to
love or to hate."
Erich Fromm JJ
2x08, "Empty Planet"
(1 quote)
"Crime butchers innocents to
secure a prize. And innocence
struggles with all its might against
the attempts of crime."
Maximilien Robespierre Gideon
2x09, "The Last Word"
"If men could only know each
other, they would neither idolize
nor hate."
Elbert Hubbard Gideon
"Remember that all through
history, there have been tyrants
and murderers, and for a time, they
seem invincible. But in the end,
they always fall. Always."
Mahatma Ghandi Hotch
2x10, "Lessons Learned"
"Some of the best lessons are
learned from past mistakes. The
error of the past is the wisdom of
the future."
Dale Turner Gideon
"In order to learn the most
important lessons of life, one must
each day surmount a fear."
Ralph Waldo Emerson Gideon
2x11, "Sex, Birth, Death"
"Between the idea and the reality,
between the motion and the act,
falls the shadow."
T.S. Eliot Reid
"Between the desire and the spasm,
between the potency and the
existence, between the essence and
the descent, falls the shadow. This
is the way the world ends."
T.S. Eliot Reid
2x12, "Profiler, Profiled"
(1 quote)
"All secrets are deep. All secrets
become dark. That's in the nature
of secrets."
Cory Doctorow Morgan
2x13, "No Way Out"
(1 quote)
"Evil brings men together." Aristotle Gideon
2x14, "The Big Game"
(1 quote)
"I didn't have anything against
them, and they never did anything
wrong to me, the way other people
have all my life. Maybe they're just
the ones who have to pay for it."
Perry Smith Gideon
2x15, "Revelations"
(1 quote)
"There is not a righteous man on
Earth who does what is right and
never sins."
Ecclesiastes 7:20 Hotch
2x16, "Fear and Loathing"
"From the deepest desires often
come the deadliest hate."
Socrates Gideon
"The life of the dead is placed in
the memory of the living."
Cicero Reid
2x17, "Distress"
"Our life is made by the death of
Leonardo Da Vinci Gideon
"If there must be trouble, let it be
in my day, that my child may have
Thomas Paine Hotch
2x18, "J ones"
(1 quote)
"Tragedy is a tool for the living to
gain wisdom, not a guide by which
to live."
Robert Kennedy Gideon
2x19, "Ashes and Dust"
"The torture of a bad conscience is
the hell of a living soul."
John Calvin Hotch
"Live as if you were to die
tomorrow. Learn as if you were to
live forever."
Mahatma Ghandi Hotch
2x20, "Honor Among
"There can be no good without
Russian proverb Prentiss
"Happy families are all alike.
Every unhappy family is unhappy
in its own way."
Leo Tolstoy Prentiss
2x21, "Open Season" "One man's wilderness is another Unknown Gideon
(2 quotes) man's theme park."
"Wild animals never kill for sport.
Man is the only one to whom the
torture and death of his fellow
creatures is amusing in itself."
James Anthony Froud Prentiss
2x22, "Legacy"
"Of all the preposterous
assumptions of humanity, nothing
exceeds the criticisms made of the
habits of the poor by the well-
housed, well-warmed, and well-
Herman Melville Hotch
"Nothing is permanent in this
wicked world. Not even our
Charles Chaplin Hotch
2x23, "No Way Out I I: The
Evilution of Frank"
(1 quote)
"I choose my friends for their good
looks, my acquaintances for their
good characters, and my enemies
for their good intellects."
Oscar Wilde Gideon

Episode Quote Author Who said it
3x02, "I n Name and
(1 quote)
"Let your heart feel for the
afflictions and distress of
George Washington Hotch
3x03, "Scared to Death"
"He who controls others
may be powerful but he
who has mastered himself is
mightier still."
Philosopher Lao Tzu Hotch
"You gain strength,
courage, and confidence by
every experience in which
you really stop to look fear
in the face. You must do the
Eleanor Roosevelt Hotch
thing which you think you
cannot do."
3x04, "Children of the
(1 quote)
"In the city, crime is taken
as emblematic of class and
race. In the suburbs though
it's intimate and
psychological; resistant to
generalization; a mystery of
the individual's soul."
Barbara Ehrenreich Prentiss
3x05, "Seven Seconds"
"Nothing is easier than to
denounce the evil doer;
Nothing more difficult than
understanding him."
Fyodor Dostoevsky Hotch
"Fairy tales do not tell
children that dragons exist.
Children already know that
dragons exist. Fairy tales
tell children that dragons
can be killed."
G.K. Chesterton Hotch
3x06, "About Face" (1
"Now what else is the
whole life of mortals, but a
sort of comedy in which the
various actors, disguised by
various costumes and
masks, walk on and play
each ones part until the
manager walks them off the
Erasmus Hotch
3x07 "I dentity"
(1 quote)
"An earthly kingdom
cannot exist without
inequality of persons. Some
must be free, some serfs,
some rulers, some
Martin Luther Rossi
3x08 "Lucky"
"Fantasy abandoned by
reason produces impossible
Francisco Goya Morgan
"God sends meat and the
devil sends cooks."
Thomas Deloney Morgan
3x09 "Penelope"
(1 quote)
"Love all. Trust a few. Do
wrong to none."
William Shakespeare Garcia
3x10 "True Night"
"Superman is, after all, an
alien life form. He's simply
the acceptable face of
invading realities."
Clive Barker Reid
"The noir hero is a knight in
blood caked armor. He's
dirty and he does his best to
deny the fact that he's a
hero the whole time.
Frank Miller Garcia
3x11 "Birthright"
"It doesn't matter who my
father was, it matters who I
remember he was."
Anne Sexton Hotch
"A simple child that lightly
draws it's breath and feels
its life in every limb. What
should it know of death?"
Wordsworth JJ
3x12 "3rd Life"
"No man or woman who
tries to pursue an ideal in
his or her own way is
without enemies."
Daisy Bates Hotch
"It is a wise father that
knows his own child."
William Shakespeare Hotch
3x13 "Limelight"
"I know indeed what evil I
intend to do, but stronger
than all my afterthoughts is
my fury...fury that brings
upon mortals the greatest
Euripides Rossi
"For we pay a price for
everything we get or take in
this world; and although
ambitions are well worth
having, they are not to be
cheaply won."
Lucy Maud Montgomery Rossi
3x14 "Damaged"
"...within the core of each
of us is the child we once
were. This child constitutes
the foundation of what we
have become, who we are,
and what we will be."
Neuroscientist, Dr. R.
"There is no formula for
success except perhaps an
unconditional acceptance of
life and what it brings."
Arthur Rubinstein Hotch
3x15 "A Higher Power"
"There is no refuge from
confession but suicide; and
suicide is confession."
Daniel Webster Rossi
"The most authentic thing
about us is our capacity to
create, to overcome, to
endure, to transform, to
love and to be greater than
our suffering."
Ben Okri Prentiss
3x16 "Elephant's
"A sad soul can kill you
quicker, far quicker, than a
John Steinbeck Reid
"We cross our bridges when
we come to them and burn
them behind us, with
Tom Stoppard Reid
nothing to show for our
progress except a memory
of the smell of smoke, and a
presumption that once our
eyes watered."
3x17 "I n Heat"
"There are no secrets better
kept than the secrets that
everybody guesses."
George Bernard Shaw JJ
"If we knew each other's
secrets, what comforts we
should find."
John Churton Collins JJ
3x18 "The Crossing"
"No man is happy without a
delusion of some kind.
Delusions are as necessary
to our happiness as
Christian Nestell Bovee Prentiss
"A woman must not depend
upon the protection of man,
but must be taught to
protect herself. "
Susan B. Anthony JJ
3x19 "Tabula Rasa"
"All changes, even the most
longed for, have their
melancholy; for what we
leave behind us is a part of
ourselves. We must die to
one life before we can enter
Anatole France Hotch
"What though the radiance
that was once so bright, be
now forever taken from my
sight. Though nothing can
bring back the hour of
splendor in the grass, of
glory in the flower; We will
grieve not, rather find
strength in what remains
William Wordsworth
(This is not a quote but part
of a poem.)
3x20 "Lo-Fi"
(1 quote)
"The man visited by
ecstasies and visions, who
takes dreams for realities is
an enthusiast; the man who
supports his madness with
murder is a fanatic."
Voltaire Hotch

Episode Quote Author Who Said It
4x01 "Mayhem" "Never think that war, no Ernest Hemingway Hotch
(1 quote) matter how necessary, nor
how justified, is not a
4x02 "The Angel Maker"
We all die. The goal isn't
to live forever, the goal is to
create something that will.
Chuck Palahniuk Hotch
The past is our definition.
we may strive, with good
reason, to escape it, or to
escape what is bad in it, but
we will escape it only by
adding something better to
Wendell Berry Hotch
4x03 "Minimal Loss"
"To follow by faith alone is
to follow blindly."
Benjamin Franklin Reid
"Reason is not automatic.
Those who deny it cannot
be conquered by it."
Ayn Rand Prentiss
4x04 "Paradise"
"A fool's paradise is a wise
man's hell."
Thomas Fuller Hotch
"Things are not always what
they seem; the first
appearance deceives many;
the intelligence of a few
perceives what has been
carefully hidden."
Phaedrus Hotch
4x05 "Catching Out"
"Plenty sit still. Hunger is a
Zulu proverb Prentiss
"Beyond the East the
sunrise, beyond the West
the sea, And the East and
West the wander-thirst that
will not let me be."
Gerald Gould Prentiss
4x06 "The I nstincts"
"Who speaks to the instincts
speaks to the deepest in
mankind and finds the
readiest response."
Amos Bronson Alcott Hotch
"I think the truly natural
things are dreams, which
nature can't touch with
Bob Dylan Reid
4x07 "Memoriam"
What was silent in the
father speaks in the son, and
often I found in the son the
unveiled secret of the
Friedrich Nietzsche Reid
There is no refuge from
memory and remorse in this
world. The spirits of our
foolish deeds haunt us, with
or without repentance.
Gilbert Parker Reid
4x08 "Masterpiece"
"Let us consider that we are
all insane. It will explain us
to each other; it will
unriddle many riddles..."
Mark Twain Rossi
"Man must evolve for all
human conflict a method
which rejects revenge,
aggression and retaliation.
The foundation of such a
method is love."
Martin Luther King, Jr. Rossi
4x09 "52 Pickup"
"The minute people fall in
love, they become liars."
Harlan Ellison Prentiss
"Cleanliness becomes more
important when godliness is
P.J. O'Rourke Rossi
4x10 "Brothers in Arms"
"We are all brothers under
the skin, and I, for one,
would be willing to skin
humanity to prove it."
Ayn Rand Morgan
"...for he today who sheds
his blood with me shall be
my brother."
William Shakespeare Morgan
4x11 "Normal"
"Every normal man must be
tempted at times to spit on
his hands, hoist the black
flag, and begin to slit
H.L. Mencken Hotch
"There's no tragedy in life
like the death of a child.
Things never get back to the
way they were."
President Dwight
4x12 "Soul Mates "
"No mortal can keep a
secret. If his lips are silent,
he chatters with his
fingertips; betrayal oozes
out of him at every pore."
Sigmund Freud Reid
"Delay is the deadliest form
of denial."
British Historian C.
Northcote Parkinson
4x13 "Bloodline"
"There is no doubt that it is
around the family and the
home that all the greatest
virtues, the most dominating
virtues of human society,
are created, strengthened
and maintained."
Winston Churchill Prentiss
"The strength of a family,
like the strength of an army,
is in its loyalty to each
Mario Puzo Hotch
4x14 "Cold Comfort"
"And so, all the night-tide, I
lay down by the side. Of my
darling, my darling, my life
Edgar Allan Poe (this is
from his poem, "Annabel
and my bride. In the
sepulchre there by the sea.
In her tomb by the sounding
"For those who believe, no
proof is necessary. For those
who don't believe, no proof
is possible."
Stuart Chase Rossi
4x15 "Zoe's Reprise"
"I never teach my pupils; I
only attempt to provide the
conditions in which they
can learn."
Albert Einstein Rossi
"In youth we learn; in age
we understand."
Austrian novelist, Marie
von Ebner-Eschenbach
4x16 "Pleasure is my
(1 quote)
"The prostitute is not, as
feminists claim, the victim
of men, but rather their
conqueror, an outlaw, who
controls the sexual channels
between nature and culture."
Camille Paglia Hotch
4x17 "Demonology"
(2 quote)
"He who does not punish
evil, commands it to be
Leonardo Da Vinci Prentiss
There is no heresy or no
philosophy which is so
abhorrent to the church as a
human being.
James Joyce Rossi
4x18 "Omnivore"
Fate is not satisfied with
inflicting one calamity.
Roman author Publilius
Men heap together the
mistakes of their lives, and
create a monster they call
John Hobbes Hotch
4x19 "House On Fire "
"We all live in a house on
fire, no fire department to
call; no way out."
Tennessee Williams Hotch
"I have loved to the point of
madness; That which is
called madness, That which
to me, is the only sensible
way to love."
Francoise Sagan Hotch
4x20 "Conflicted"
"Light thinks it travels faster
than anything but it is
wrong. No matter how fast
light travels, it finds the
darkness has always got
there first, and is waiting for
Terry Pratchett Reid
"Monsters are real, and
ghosts are real too. They
live inside us, and
sometimes, they win."
Stephen King Reid
4x21 " A Shade of Gray"
"To lose a child is to lose a
piece of yourself."
Dr. Burton Grebin Rossi
"Without a family, man,
alone in the world, trembles
with the cold."
Andre Maurois Rossi
4x22 "The Big Wheel"
"In order for the light to
shine so brightly, the
darkness must be present."
Francis Bacon Hotch
"No matter how dark the
moment, love and hope are
always possible."
George Chakiris Morgan
4x23 "Roadkill"
I'm not sure about
automobiles. With all their
speed forward they may be
a step backward in
Booth Tarkington Hotch
The human voice can
never reach the distance that
is covered by the still small
voice of conscience.
Mahatma Ghandi JJ
4x24 "Amplification"
"It will become fine dust
over all the land of Egypt
and it will become boils
breaking out with sores on
man and beast through all
the land of Egypt."
Exodus 9:9 Reid
"Security is mostly a
superstition. It does not
exist in nature, nor do the
children of men as a whole
experience it."
Helen Keller Reid
4x25/26 "To Hell...And
"If there were no hell, we
would be like the animals.
No hell, no dignity."
Flannery O'Connor Hotch
"Sometimes there are no
words. No clever quotes to
neatly sum up what's
happened that day...
sometimes the day... just...
Aaron Hotchner (Note: This
is the first time that a quote
used in the beginning or end
of the episode had one of
the main characters as its

Episode Quote Author Who Said It
5x01 "Nameless, Faceless" "A weak man has doubts Carl Kraus Rossi
(1 quote) before a decision. A
strong man has them
5x02 "Haunted"
"One need not be a
chamber to be haunted,
one need not to be a
house. The brain has
corridors surpassing
material place."
Emily Dickinson Hotch

"There is no witness so
dreadful, no accuser so
terrible as the conscience
that dwells in the heart of
every man."
Polybius Hotch
5x03 "Reckoner"
"Justice without force is
powerless; force without
justice is tyrannical"
Blaise Pascal Rossi

"I have always found that
mercy bears richer fruit
than strict justice."
Abraham Lincoln Rossi
5x04 "Hopeless"
"There is no lasting hope
in violence, only
temporary relief from
Kingman Brewster, Jr. Morgan

"These violent delights
have violent ends."
William Shakespeare Morgan
5x05 "Cradle to Grave"
(1 quote)
"You don't really
understand human
nature unless you know
why a child on a merry-
go-round will wave at his
parents every time
around -- and why his
parents will always wave
Journalist William D.
5x06 "The Eyes Have I t"
"And if thy right eye
offend thee, pluck it out,
and cast it from thee..."
Matthew 5:29 Morgan

"Dwell in peace in the
home of your own being,
and the Messenger of
Death will not be able to
touch you."
Guru Nanak Morgan
5x07 "The Performer"
"In all the darkest pages
in the malign
supernatural, there is no
more terrible tradition
than that of a vampire - a
pariah even among
Writer Montague

"Better to write for
yourself and have no
public than to write for
the public and have no
Writer Cyril Connolly Prentiss
5x08 "Outfoxed"
(1 quote)
"Man usually avoids
attributing cleverness to
somebody else unless
it's an enemy."
Albert Einstein Morgan
5x09 "100"
"He who fights with
monsters might take care
lest he thereby become a
monster. And if you gaze
for long into an abyss,
the abyss gazes also into
Friedrich Nietzsche Hotch

"So much of what is best
in us is bound up in our
love of family, that it
remains the measure of
our stability because it
measures our sense of
Haniel Long Hotch
5x10 "The Slave of Duty"
"It's love that makes the
world go round."
W. S. Gilbert Hotch

"Where we love is home,
home that our feet may
leave, but not our
Oliver Wendell Holmes Hotch

"What lies behind us and
what lies before us are
tiny matters compared to
what lies within us."
Ralph Waldo Emerson Hotch
5x11 "Retaliation"
"Men are more ready to
repay an injury than a
benefit, because
gratitude is a burden and
revenge a pleasure."
Tacitus Prentiss

"There is a sacredness in
tears. They are not the
mark of weakness but of
power. They are
messengers of
overwhelming grief and
of unspeakable love."
Washington Irving Prentiss
5x12 "The Uncanny
"Anything you cannot
relinquish when it has
outlived its usefulness,
possesses you. And in
this materialistic age, a
great many of us are
possessed by our
Mildred Lisette Norman Reid

"In life, unlike chess, the
game continues after
Isaac Asimov Reid
5x13 "Risky Business"
"Life is a game, play
it....Life is too precious,
do not destroy it."
Mother Teresa JJ

"Experience is a brutal
teacher, but you learn.
My God, do you learn."
C.S. Lewis JJ
5x14 "Parasite"
"If I am what I have, and
if I lose what I have, who
then am I?"
German Psychologist
Erich Fromm

"Oh what a tangled web
we weave, when first we
practice to deceive.
Sir Walter Scott Prentiss
5x15 "Public Enemy"
"Show me a hero, and I
will write you a tragedy."
F. Scott Fitzgerald Rossi

"When a father gives to
his son, both laugh; when
his son gives to his
father, both cry."
William Shakespeare Rossi
5x16 "Mosley Lane"
"Hope is the worst of
evils, for it prolongs the
torments of man."
Friedrich Nietzsche JJ

"Hope is the thing with
feathers, that perches in
the soul, and sings the
tune without the words,
and never stops at all."
Emily Dickinson JJ
5x17 "Solitary Man"
"We're all sentenced to
solitary confinement
inside our own skins, for
Tennessee Williams Prentiss

"The family is a haven in
a heartless world."
Christopher Lasch Morgan
5x18 "The Fight"
(1 quote)
"I have found the
paradox, that if you love
until it hurts, there can be
no more hurt, only more
Mother Teresa Hotch
5x19 "Rite of Passage"
"A lions work hours are
only when he's hungry;
once he's satisfied, the
predator and prey live
peacefully together."
Chuck Jones Prentiss

"Many persons have the
wrong idea of what
constitutes true not
attained through self-
gratification, but through
fidelity to a worthy
Helen Keller Hotch
5x20 "...A Thousand
"A sincere artist tries to
create something which
is, in itself, a living thing."
Painter William Dobell Rossi

"I have seen children
successfully surmount
the effects of an evil
inheritance. That is due
to purity being an
inherent attribute of the
Mohandas Gandhi Hotch
5x21 "Exit Wounds" "Nature, in her most John Morley Garcia
(2 quotes) dazzling aspects or
stupendous parts, is but
the background and
theater of the tragedy of

"Nothing is so strong as
gentleness and nothing is
so gentle as real
Ralph W. Sockman Garcia
5x22 "The I nternet I s
"The single biggest
problem with
communication is the
illusion that it has taken
George Bernard Shaw Hotch

"The Internet is the first
thing that humanity has
built that humanity
doesn't understand, the
largest experiment in
anarchy that we have
ever had."
Eric Schmidt Rossi
5x23 "Our Darkest Hour"
(1 quote)
"And out of darkness
came the hands that
reach thro' nature,
moulding men."
Alfred Lord Tennyson Morgan

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