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Discover Thyroid Diet Strategies to Immediately Regain

Energy and Melt the Pounds Away That Took Me 5 Years

to Learn.
You downloaded this document because you, or someone you care about and love is
struggling with hypo- or hyperthyroidism, Hashimotos or Graves Disease.
This means always feeling extremely tired (thyroid-tired is different from the tired
most people know), depressed, experiencing anxiety attacks, brain fog, heart
palpitations, inability to lose or gain weight no matter what and... so much more.
Oh, and have I mentioned the digestive issues, miscarriages and difficulty getting
You probably also believe that what you eat matters. You have a notion that food could
be your medicine; you just need help to know what works and what does not.
A few points I want you to know before I share the strategies with you.
Its personal.
I cured my thyroid and so can you.
If you have not watched my story, I recommend doing so, its here: My Story Video.
It feels overly simplistic to say it, but honestly, there were three critical things that cured
my Graves and Hashimotos. One: Quality Food. Two: Water. Three: Stress Reduction.
Everything else was a boost or an aid. I still cannot believe it took me 5 years to figure it
out. So you dont have to.
Be realistic and holistic.
Not one thing, food, pill, vitamin or mineral alone will cure your thyroid. Approach your
healing from a holistic perspective; just like wheels of a car that need to be aligned and
balanced for the car to run well; one misaligned wheel throws the whole car off balance.
Your body is the same.
What are the typical symptoms?
In the case of hypothyroidism or Hashimotos Disease, the typical symptoms are:
fatigue, exhaustion
feeling run down and sluggish
difficulty concentrating, brain fog
unexplained or excessive weight gain
inability to lose weight no matter what you do
anxiety attacks
brain fog
dry, coarse and/or itchy skin
dry, coarse and/or thinning hair
feeling cold, especially in the extremities
constipation, indigestion
muscle cramps
irregular periods
In the case of hyperthyroidism or Graves Disease, the symptoms would be:


heart palpitations
increased perspiration
thinning of your skin
fine brittle hair
muscular weakness especially involving the upper arms and thighs

shaky hands

panic disorder
racing heart
more frequent bowel movements
weight loss despite a good appetite
weight gain for no good reason
hair loss
lighter flow, less frequent menstrual periods.
How do I get diagnosed?
Thyroid conditions are one of the most undiagnosed and misdiagnosed conditions
Its hardly surprising why there are so many women today reporting depression,
anxiety attacks, fatigue, infertility and unexplained weight gain in spite of being on
countless diets, medications and supplements.
Part of the problem lies in the lab tests doctors order (see more on this below). Apart
from the standard TSH and FT4 (Free T4), you should also ask for FT3 (Free T3; this is
the active hormone that powers you up) as well as reverse T3. Also ask for TGB
(thyroglobulin) antibodies and TPO (thyroid peroxidase) antibodies.
If you suspect having hyperthyroidism or Graves Disease, also test for TSI (thyroid
stimulating immunoglobulins) antibodies.
For mineral deficiencies, test for vitamin B12, vitamin D, ferritin and folic acid
(vitamin B9).
For hormonal health, I recommend testing for estrogen, progesterone and cortisol
(the infamous stress hormone so many people struggle with!).
These tests will give you a really good insight of what is really going on in your body as
a starting point. At times, I recommend more tests like heavy metal toxicity, parasite
and candida tests or liver function test.
But, get started with the above first. If your insurance does not want to cover these, I
recommend investing in these tests as they will reveal the true picture of your thyroid
If you doctor is not willing to run these tests, find one that does and yes, they do exist!
I want to offer you a reframe here: dont see doctors as gods or know-it-alls see
yourself as a client who has the right to ask for what is reasonable, well-researched and
sensible. Take that power back in your hands and dont rely on one doctors verdict
alone to conclude your diagnosis.
Why are so many thyroid conditions not diagnosed
Practitioners who really understand thyroid health (very few of these but they do exist)
are baffled and outranged at the standard medicines ignorance and unwillingness to
change the diagnosis methods.
So why are so many of us flying under the thyroid radar? Why are so many of us
undiagnosed in spite of feeling run down, fatigued, moody, struggling with weight,
anxiety, depression, hair loss and infertility?
There are many reasons, but lets just focus on the key ones:
1. Incomplete tests
You probably know this by now that the standard thyroid test a traditional doctor
would ask for is TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) and T4 (this is just one of the
hormones produced by the thyroid).
Unfortunately, we know today that this is a very inconclusive way making a thyroid
diagnosis. Many people have a normal TSH and T4 in spite of showing all signs on
hypo- or hyperthyroidism. However, when more complete tests are done like T3 (this is
the bio-available active hormone that our body cells have receptors for), reverse T3 and
antibodies called TPO and TGB only then a diagnosis can be completed.
I, Magdalena, am a good example of this trap my TSH, FT4, FT3 were always perfect
even though I felt extremely sick and compromised. After much education and
insistence, we ran the TPO antibodies which showed up as over 1000 where the normal
range is below 30. You can see my test results here (and how I managed to bring these
antibodies down).
2. TSH normal range is set as 0.5 to 5.0
This is second controversial area. Even the American Association of Clinical
Endocrinologists (AACE) recommends doctors to use the range of 0.3-3.0.
Most endocrinologists are, sadly, still basing their diagnosis on outdated education and
are not even aware of the revised range. Most holistic doctors and functional medicine
practitioners believe that we should be in the 1.0 2.o range.
As mentioned, my own TSH ranged between 1.8 and 2.0, yet I felt absolutely awful when
3. Total T3 instead of Free T3
This is another mysteriously overlooked thyroid health marker if a doctor orders the
T3 test (too often, they do not), its most often Total T3 and not the Free T3.
Free T3 means its the unbound or bio-available T3 hormones that you body receptor
can actively use receptors are like parking lots that are waiting to be filled up with T3
to function properly.
Total T3 consists of both bound and unbound T3 and is a useless measurement as we
just want to know how much FREE T3 there is.
4. Ignorance and outdated practices
You might be asking so, why are doctors not getting updated with this information?.
Good question. Partly due to an outdated approach that never got enough attention to
be changed (although thats changing now with many thyroid advocate groups pushing
for it).
Another reason is that most endocrinologists (the doctor looking after hormonal
health, including the thyroid) are too busy with the diabetes pandemic and have
therefore little time and willingness to learn more about the thyroid.
This is another reason why you need to become your own thyroids CEO.
Why is it all happening, this thyroid pandemic?
If you pose this question to a traditional endocrinologist or a GP would tell you we
dont knows. However, holistic practitioners have a different point of view as to why do
we have a thyroid and autoimmune pandemic in developed countries.
Lets take a look at what they are:
1. Nutritional deficiencies
Many people are experiencing chronic digestive issues such as bloating,
constipation, gas, acid reflux, bouts of diarrhea, burping or more serious
conditions like Celiacs, Crohns, IBS/IBD or leaky gut. When our digestive tract
is behaving this way, the villi (see more below) are not absorbing the nutritional
goodness offered from the food we consume.
The soil is which our food is grown today is often depleted of the key nutrients
our body needs to function properly. Nutritional deficiencies are one of the
reasons why the thyroid is not functioning properly.
2. Toxic load
Todays developed world is loaded with toxins, many of which we are not even aware
impact us. Here are a few key sources (this is, by no means, a complete list):
Non-organic food which is loaded with pesticides, synthetic fertilizer residues,
hormones and antibiotics which are well documented to be serious endocrine
disruptors (and more).
Drinking water which is found to contain high amounts of chlorine and fluoride
which inhibit the thyroid gland.
Household items and skin care products, which we know today, are a source of
xenoestrogens which create a serious hormonal imbalance.
3. Over usage of antibiotics
A highly reputable naturopath I like to collaborate with said this: the worse thing
medicine has given us in this century are antibiotics and birth control pills. How true is
Here is a challenge with antibiotics: they quickly kill the bad bacteria that caused
the illness but they also kill the good bacteria which are responsible for keeping your
immune system up. This is why many people fall sick with another illness soon after a
series of antibiotics.
4. Stress
Whenever you get stressed out, upset, if you are bottling up your emotions without a
proper release, a potent hormone enters your blood stream, called cortisol.
Excess cortisol erodes the lining of your digestive tract by creating inflammation.
Constant stress also inhibits your stomach from digesting foods properly.
The Role of the Digestive Tract in Thyroid Health.
If you remember only one thing from this document, it needs to be this:

This means that your own immune system is attacking the thyroid gland.
Like with any autoimmune disease, the immune system turns against ones own body
parts in the case of rheumatoid arthritis its the joints, Celiacs its the gut, Type 1
diabetes its the pancreas, multiple sclerosis its the nerves, lupus its the joins and
muscle tissue, and the list goes on.
In the case of thyroid autoimmune diseases, its called thyroiditis it can either be
Hashimotos which is an autoimmune disease that makes the thyroid hypo (slows it
down) or Graves Disease which causes hyperthyroidism (or an overactive thyroid).
Its well known now that people with one autoimmune condition are more likely to
develop two or three other, more debilitating autoimmune conditions.
Statistics show that 50% of people with Hashimotos Disease will develop other
autoimmune diseases, many of which can be far more debilitating.
It is therefore essential to restore the functioning of the immune system in order to
manage the state of your immune system and hence your thyroid challenges. To restore
the immune system one must, of course, restore their gut health.
Gut, Thyroid And The Immune Connection.

It has been estimated that the gut wall contains about 8085% of the immune
system. The good bacteria in the gut engages the lymphoid tissue, a very important part
of the immune system.
There are tons of lymphocytes and other immune cells in the gut, which protect the body
from viruses, bacteria, and other invaders. If the bacteria in the gut is damaged or
abnormal, there are far fewer lymphocytes, and the immune system is compromised.
This can lead to the person developing chronic viral infections, allergies, chronic colds,
autoimmune disorders, and the like.
What you need to know about the gut.
Everyone has bacteria in their digestive tract, or gut, that is essential to the function of
the human body. A healthy adult has about 1.5 2 kg of bacteria in their gut, both good
and bad.
The different types of bacteria live in harmony, with the good bacteria keeping a tight
control on the bad. Normal levels of bacteria, or flora, in the gut protects against
invaders, undigested food, toxins, and parasites. It keeps the gut wall protected, takes
an active part in the digestion and absorption of food, and is essential to the immune
It helps to transport vitamins, minerals, water, gases, and other nutrients through the
gut wall into the bloodstream. The bacteria also actively synthesizes various nutrients.
When the good and bad bacteria in the gut get out of balance also called as dysbiosis
(i.e. more bad than good), a whole host of negative reactions can occur in the body.
Undigested foods can leak through into the bloodstream causing food allergies and
intolerances, vitamins and minerals to not be absorbed, leading to deficiency, the bad
bacteria to produce a whole host of toxins, and the immune system to not function

Do you often experience bloating, gas, constipation, acid reflux, burping or bouts of
It is so common for so many people that we have grown to believe that its normal to
have frequent or chronic digestive issues. Its very important to understand that it is not
only not normal but its detrimental to your immune system (remember, this is where
the immune system starts) and therefore also your thyroid health.
If you look at the picture on the left you
see villi; these are hair-like projections
located in the ileum which is a part of
the digestive tract.
The villi are instrumental in digesting
carbohydrates, proteins, and fats without
causing irritation of the intestinal walls.
The villi are also responsible for the
absorption of the vitamins and minerals
from the food we eat. The picture on the right is showing you a damaged form of the villi
which is often the case with people with chronic digestive issues.
When we say chronic it does not have to mean you must be in a constant and
debilitating pain it just means you are frequently (say minimum twice per week)
challenged with any of these: constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating, acid reflux, burping
or intestinal pain.
What is leaky gut and why does it matter.
The intestinal walls are often irritated in those with intestinal permeability also known
as leaky gut.
The term leaky gut is a non-medical yet very real and descriptive way of saying that
the lining of the intestines is damaged and undigested food particles leak out to the
blood stream and create havoc in the body.
This havoc is largely created by the immune system launching an attack on ones own
body parts when there is food leaking out.
Some of the food particles, like gluten, are said to look very similar to the thyroid gland
cells this is why so many people with thyroid conditions do well when off gluten.
Autoimmune disease and a compromised gut create a vicious cycle.
A person suffering from an autoimmune disease invariably has gut issues.
The more inflammation in the autoimmune system, the more severe the gut issues. In a
self perpetuating vicious cycle leaky gut flares up autoimmune conditions, which in turn
further damages the gut lining.
Diagnosing leaky gut is not easy and the list of symptoms can be very long. It includes
conditions like constipation, intestinal pain, diarrhea, headaches, skin problems (acne,
eczema), frequent colds, stubborn weight gain, UTIs, insomnia and the list goes on.
Things that have a negative effect on gut flora:
Antibiotics and other drugs.
Diet, especially sugar and processed food.
Other: physical exertion, age, alcoholism, pollution, etc.
Why do I need to change my diet?
Diet is an important component of a persons health. The food that one consumes
affects the type and amount of bacteria in the gut, the functioning of the immune
system, and vitamin and mineral levels, among other things.
Poor diets can lead to improper digestive system functioning, food allergies and
intolerances, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, and toxins leaking into the bloodstream
and therefore, into the brain and nervous system.
All of these things can lead to a plethora of different health problems ranging from
autism, depression to thyroid dysfunction.
When we change our diet, we start to cleanse the body. We begin to repair the gut
lining, dispose of built up toxins, restore immune system function, and we see our
health starting to shift.
Symptoms such as weight gain, fatigue, anxiety, constipation, difficulty concentrating,
diarrhea, insomnia and so on start to disappear. Once the immune system is repaired,
the thyroid is no longer under any attack and our body can heal.
Stricter diet is often necessary.
If you have been diagnosed with an autoimmune conditions like Hashimotos or Graves
Disease, its very likely that a simple diet improvement might not be enough at this
Generic advice dispensed by mass media, like eat whole food, unprocessed and
local might not be enough.
Isnt the elimination/challenge diet we have tried good enough? How much more can I
be cutting out?
It became clear to many integrated physicians (who believe in diets) and holistic
nutritionists, that a new more stringent approach is sometimes necessary.
The diet must be very basic and simple so as not to trigger inflammation in the
intestines and further worsen leaky gut and autoimmune flare-ups.
Food allergy and food intolerance tests (they are two different tests) are
infamously unreliable and can therefore not be relied on when it comes to repairing
serious digestive issues.
How Is Sugar Killing Your Thyroid?

If you skipped lunch and you say that by 3pm you would feel jittery, shaky, moody,
unfocused and plain crap this is bad news: your sugar levels drop too quickly and this
is either an onset of hypoglycemia (called reactive hypoglycemia) or a full blown
You might have heard so many people feeling this way but, same as with the all-too-
common digestive issues, this is not normal.
Oh, and dont rely solely on the lab results of your glucose (fasting blood sugar) or
insulin HAC1 they can be a great test to take but always listen to your hunger signals
by 3pm.
If, as described, you get moody, shaky, jittery, unfocused, this is a time to be concerned.
Here is the good news: you can reverse hypoglycemia and even insulin resistance with a
proper way of eating!
Why are your sugar levels so important?
In simple terms: you will never enjoy good health and a healthy thyroid if your
sugar levels are not well managed and contained.
This is what happens when we consume sugars (natural too as sugar is sugar), refined
carbohydrates and high-glycemic carbohydrates (like starchy vegetables, e.g. potatoes):
to bring the sugar levels back to normal, the pancreas excretes insulin into the blood
steam to bring the blood levels back to normal.
The pancreas, as you may, or may not know (I didnt at first!), is also part of the
endocrine system.
The endocrine system is a complex, intricate and sophisticated network of glands all of
which produce hormones designed to balance each other out; this means an imbalance
of one will impact the others.
So, back to the pancreas: when sugar spikes occur frequently (too many lattes, cereals,
bagels, pastas, bread, candy, power bars), the pancreas begins to overcompensate,
releasing too much insulin into the blood steam.
Now the blood levels drop too low, and our adrenals fight or flight hormones steps in
to save the day. You see, the adrenals interpret low sugar levels as crisis mode in the
body and send out hormones to boost it.
When this happens chronically, the body systems that take a beating are the digestive
tract, the immune system (remember also that sugar is an immunity suppressant), the
brain and lungs as well as the adrenals which are driven to exhaustion.
I hope now you can see how reaching for an afternoon sugar fix is digging a deeper
hole of your thyroid crisis.
Sugar shockers!
Many people think they eat well. You might be one of them. I was certainly one of
them too.
Here is something I would like to share with you what many of us dont realize: read the
product labels to really know how much sugar there is in the products you buy and
count, for just a few days, the amount of sugar you consume.
Take a look at the meals of an all-too-common average American and the amount of
sugar they contain. 3.8 grams of sugar is 1 teaspoon of sugar.
Breakfast Lunch Snacks Dinner
Kashis Mountain
10 grams
Mixed Salad with
cranberries and
4 grams
Larabar Cherrypie
23 grams
Roasted Chicken
and 1/2 sweet
4 grams
69 grams
(not kidding)
Snapple Lemon
36 grams
1/2 cup of Ben &
Jerry Banana Split:
24 grams
OK, so here is the total: 170 grams of sugar. Thats 45 tea spoons.
Yes, this is not a typo. 3.8 grams of sugar = 1 tea spoon.
OK, take out the sinful Starbucks Frappucio, and we are still at 26.5 tea spoons.
How much sugar is a good amount to consume per day? 4-5 grams is optimum
and this includes sugar found in whole food, like fruits and vegetables.
The food makers are generous with sugar in their food, catering to our addiction to
sugar, carbohydrates and grain-based diets.
As you can see from this example, its key to get an idea of how much sugar we consume
daily and how we feel.
To repeat: the best test for your sugar levels is how you feel right after eating or when
you are getting hungry.
Feeling tired right after a meal could be a sign of insulin resistance and feeling shaky,
moody, unfocused could be a sign of hypoglycemia, or the onset of it.
What does it meant to crave sugar?
Food cravings are one of my all-time favorite topics as they are our bodys way of
telling us that is needs something from us.
Its like a voice from the inside that says I need your help to feel balanced or I need
something to feed an addiction or to fill in a void.
Chocolate craving, for example, is not a sugar craving; its most often, a sign of a
magnesium deficiency.
Craving meat should not be seen as a bad craving it often just means our body needs
animal protein, iron and/or vitamin B as it might be deficient of them.
So what about craving sugar and carbs like pasta and breads? About 60% of people who
I work with struggle with this craving so dont beat yourself up if thats you too. Its not
about you being weak. Its not about greedy for sweets.
Here are a few reasons why you could be craving sugar:
Candida (yeast overgrowth in gut)
Low blood sugar
Deficiency in: chromium, sulfur, tryptophan or phosphorus
Keep reading to find out how to address your sugar addiction.
Yes, but Im already a healthy eater!
Majority of my clients say this when we first
speak. I fully understand where you are
coming from I was a healthy eater too.
The question is: what is healthy and what is
right for you. A couple of things I suggest
Reason #1: Misconception of what is
good food
For example, many people still see low fat diets, protein powders or fortified food as
There is sufficiently strong evidence today showing their detrimental impact on our
Reason #2: Food sensitivities you dont know you have - you might have food
sensitivities (different from allergies) which most doctors misdiagnose.
If, for example, you are sensitive to eggs, even eating organic eggs, will still create a
havoc in your immune system. Food sensitivities compromise the immune system. You
need to find and eliminate them.
Reason #3: Imbalanced digestive microflora remember that your health starts
in your gut. Food intolerances, pathogenic bacteria, yeast, parasites and internal and
external toxic load create an inflamed immune system.
Reason #4: Heavy metal toxicity - toxicity from heavy metals (mercury, lead),
PCBs, BPAs, chlorine, fluoride all can trigger autoimmune diseases they are all present
in our modern lives. Do you know where to find them?
Reason #5: Marketing claims and perception by [large] food makers makes us
trust food that has little nutritional value or is often detrimental to our health by being
highly processed, chemical and loaded with sugar and sodium.
Just look at the innocent lemon tea from Snapple marketed as healthy, every-day
drink... with 36 grams of sugar which equal 9.5 spoons of sugar.

Why You Should NOT Be Happy With Taking Synthroid
(or any other medication) Alone?
We are NOT saying: do not take Synthroid or any other medication. You need it to
function properly. Synthroid, Armour, Levoxyl, etc provide a hormonal replacement
therapy to give you the hormone (T4) you are not producing sufficiently today.
What they are not doing for you is: these hormone-replacing drugs are not addressing
the underlying reasons why you are having thyroid challenges today.
If you have lost your thyroid to cancer or RAI (radio-active iodine), you will, of course,
need to be on medications (or hormone-replacement therapy) for life.
However, optimizing your digestive health will benefit you all-around and your thyroid
meds will be utilized far more effectively.
But, in parallel to the pill-popping morning ritual, start thinking and take action to
rebuild your health by re-building your digestive health first.
Let me use this analogy here for you: imagine your house having a leak at your roof
and you keep repainting the walls inside the room every day so you dont see the mould
growing. Taking Synthroid every day is like re-painting this wall. Would you rather not
fix the roof since this is where the leak is? Or in other words, go the root of the
You can hear a fuller explanation of why medication alone is not enough to significantly
improve your thyroid health by watching this members-only 7-minute video.

So, What Exactly Is Thyroid Diet?
To explain Thyroid Diet Foods, let me talk about 3 pillars. I developed these, while
asking myself these fundamental questions:
Pillar 1: what to REMOVE from the current diet and lifestyle that is sabotaging my
immune system and my thyroid?
Pillar 2: what to ADD to my life to boost the immune system, detox the body and
help the thyroid?
Pillar 3: how to find a BALANCE in what Im doing so I dont go crazy and really get
to like my new life.
So, here we go:
Pillar 1: REMOVE what is detrimental and toxic to your thyroid
This means sugar cravings, hypoglycemia or insulin resistance and normalizing these
first is key.
Without fixing your sugar issues, your thyroid will never improve. This is because the
pancreas is responsible for sugar metabolism and same as the thyroid, the pancreas is
also part of the endocrine system. As you can imagine, these glands are all intricately
A few tips for you here:
start reading product labels to see how much sugar is in your food; 3.8g = 1
teaspoon. For example, a Caramel Frappuccino from Starbucks has 69g of sugar
= 18 spoons. Activias yoghurt proclaimed as healthy food has 7 spoons. Try not
to consume more than 5 spoons of sugar, especially if you are having a sugar
start the day with a high-protein, high-fat breakfast; this is a big secret in the
weight-loss industry as well. It will help you stabilize your sugar levels for the day, you
wont crush at 11am and wont crave sugar and snacks during the day. reduce carbs: we
are a carbs-obsessed and addicted nation with carbs constituting 50-60% of our diet,
much of which is coming from grains. Grains contain starch that feeds the pathogenic in
your gut and worsen the problem.
reduce starch; again, this is sugar too, especially from potatoes and processed
Do you see gluten-free, dairy-free etc popping up at the health stores today? This is
because many people get off the big five; gluten, dairy, corn, eggs and soy and
experience significant changes. To find the culprits, I always start off with an
Elimination Diet and this produces clear, unbiased results.
You can also get a food intolerance IgG test (not allergy, its different) done but they are
far from accurate.
Gluten is an infamous food if you have a thyroid condition and eliminating it is key.
However, often times, you would need to cut out more than just gluten.
As mentioned above, most thyroid conditions are autoimmune diseases. There are tons
of lymphocytes and other immune cells in the gut, which protect the body from viruses,
bacteria, and other invaders.
This is why most people with thyroid conditions also experience frequent bloating, gas,
constipation or diarrhea. A diet change will help your gut tremendously. All diseases
begin in the gut, said Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine and Im not sure why
this is not taught in school today.
Reduce toxicity from additives, preservatives, artificial sweeteners, excessive sodium,
trans-fats, parasites, candida and pathogenic bacteria as well as toxins hiding around
your house.
Water toxicity is HUGE in thyroid conditions; we add fluoride in the US that is now
linked to slowing down the thyroid; fluoride is believed to be leaching on to the thyroid
cells inhibiting the uptake of iodine, hence the production of the thyroid hormone (T4).
d). DETOX;
Your liver and your gut as this is where the T4 hormone (inactive hormone) gets
converted to T3, the active hormone which is the one that powers us up. Most of our
body cells need T3, not T4. If you are taking Synthroid, you are taking a synthetic
version of T4 that still needs to be converted to T3. If you have a sluggish liver and gut,
you wont convert properly. Look into doing a yearly, bi-yearly detox by fasting, juicing,
etc to give your body a break.
This is huge topic, especially with women. You wont be able to fix your thyroid without
fixing the adrenals. The adrenals are also part of the endocrine system and fire up when
you are stressed out.
I recommend looking up adrenal fatigue symptoms to see if you have them. De-stressing
by working with a therapist, life coach, getting into meditation, breathing, positive
thinking; whatever work for you is key.
Goiter is a substance that slows down the thyroid. It is found in bok choy, broccoli,
Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, mustard greens, radishes, soy, soy milk,
soy lecithin (often used as a filler in vegetarian food) and tofu. Cooking them reduces
their goiterous properties but you should still limit them in the recovery phase.
Baving saiu that, these veggies aie still veiy nutiitious anu will pioviue an abunuance of
much neeueu vitamins anu mineials. I'm theiefoie of the opinion they shoulu N0T be
completely eliminateu.
Foi example, they have wonueiful estiogen-balancing piopeities anu estiogen uominance
is a veiy common hoimonal imbalanceu expeiienceu, sauly, by most women with thyioiu
!"##$% '( )** +,$- ./0% -,.%/"1 23314 -/ 4-$%- ,3$#"256
a). F00B that is nutiitionally-uense anu pioviues all the key macio anu micio-nutiients in
goou iatios.
Some tips here:
Always organic, they are more nutrition-packed and free of hormones that are
known to interrupting our endocrine system.
Meat must be at least organic but pasture-raised and grass-fed is best. We want
to eliminate antibiotics and growth hormones from our diet.
Food that is FERMENTED the traditional way, so things like sauerkraut, kimchi,
kefir, homemade yoghurt, kombucha tea are all rich in probiotics.
They are the building blocks of your digestive track and our hormones. We are fat-
ophobic in America and low-fat diets are one of the worse things that we invented.
Europeans and Asians have fat-rich diets (traditionally) and enjoy much better health
than we do. Good fat tips: avocados, walnuts, coconut oil, coconut butter.
Animal fats are the best in restoring a troubled digestion; ghee (clarified butter), butter,
chicken and beef fat are essential but need to be rendered and not in fried/processed
c). PROBIOTICS are key in restoring your digestive track
Everyone has bacteria in their digestive tract, or gut, that is essential to the function of
the human body.
A healthy adult has about 1.5 2 kg of bacteria in their gut, both good and bad. Normal
levels of bacteria, or flora, in the gut protects against invaders, undigested food, toxins,
and parasites.
When the good and bad bacteria in the gut get out of whack (i.e. more bad than good), a
whole host of negative reactions can occur in the body.
Undigested foods can leak through into the bloodstream causing food allergies and
intolerances, vitamins and minerals to not be absorbed, leading to deficiency, the bad
bacteria to produce a whole lot of toxins, and the immune system to not function
Here are examples of traditionally fermented food you could incorporate to your diet:
Sauerkraut (pick properly fermented, not in vinegar)
Kim chee (Korean fermented veggies)

Yoghurt (this is my recipe to make your own yoghurt)

Kefir (has different bacteria than yoghurt, also super beneficial)

Kombucha tea

Vegetable medley (fermented)

Coconut water kefir

d). HERBS, SUPPLEMENTS and VITAMINS that benefit the thyroid
Although Im a fan of getting these from REAL food whenever possible. Its hard to give
tips here as many people over-medicate and feel worse later. Hopefully these tips might
help; they apply to most auto-immune conditions (this was given by my naturopath who
focuses on hormonal and thyroid health):

Most people are Vit D deficient, taking Vit D in 2,000-5,000 units is safe and
good to do as Vit D is actually a hormone, connected to the thyroid.

Calcium is key but needs to be taken with magnesium for full absorption.

For hypothyroidism: selenium, turmeric/curcumin, phytosterols and for GI

support; probiotics and L-Glutamine are key.

For hyperthyroidism: copper and magnesium are a common deficiency.

manage stress and emotions.
I cannot emphasis how important this is, especially for people with hyperthyroidism.
We underestimate what stress and emotions do to us; each flare-up of anger, feelings of
guilt, fear, hostility, jealousy, etc fire up the adrenals which release cortisol and this
hormone has a detrimental impact on the thyroid.
Whether it is sports, dancing, yoga that gets you moving that does not drain your
adrenals and your thyroid, yet gives you a sense of accomplishment and joy.
Pillar 3: BALANCE based on your bio-individuality
No one diet/plan works for everybody as each person has a unique way of healing.
There is a saying: One persons food is anothers poison. Its always worth
remembering that just because one diet worked for one person it does not mean it will
work for you too.
The same way one person could have healed their thyroid by just changing the water
filters (by getting rid of fluoride) alone and another needs to implement five major diet
and lifestyle changes to start feeling just a little better. Lets respect our differences.
Our body has an amazing ability to heal; just give it the right environment and tools
and it will do all the work for you.
You coulu also watch oui 4.S-minute viueo coveiing Pillai 2 anu S in this membeis-only

So, What Can You Do Today?

By now you might have a dozen questions, like:
Where do I get started?
How do I get started with a detox?
What if I'm a vegetarian?
What about iodine in my diet?
How do I find out about my food intolerances with an Elimination Diet?
Where can I find local organic food at better prices?
Thyroid health is complex and its perfectly normal to be overwhelmed at this point.
Ive been there so I understand. Dont worry, we are here to help.
If you've been struggling with your own thyroid crisis and nothing you've tried works, I
am here to empower you with the right knowledge, action plans and point you to the
right resources to regain your thyroid health.

Go ahead join our Thyroid Community Calls hosted on a regular basis (typically,
twice per month) which we created to nurture the sense of community amongst women
(and a few good men) who actively seek:



Join us; ask questions, get answers and realize you are NOT alone in this.
Here are a few more FREEBIES for you:
Connect on our Facebook page and get daily
thyroid bits.
Follow me on Twitter @CuredMyThyroid.
Join our support group in NYC at Meetup that
gets together monthly.
I cured my thyroid. So can you.
This information in this document has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to
treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. This information is not intended as a substitute
for the advice or medical care of a qualified health care professional and you should seek the
advice of your health care professional before undertaking any dietary or lifestyle changes.
The material provided in this document is for educational purposes only.

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