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Valparaíso, December 2009

Name : Marta Toledo Brito

Subject : Practicum

Teachers : Isabel Vásquez

Rodrigo González

Class : English Pedagogy

Year : 2009

Introduction 3

Pedagogical Artifacts 4

Reflective Writing-Pedagogical Reflection 7

Reflective Writing-Observation Stage 9

Course Program 12

Reading Articles 17

School Information 20

Observation Stage 21

Team Teaching Stage 25

Consejo de Curso y Orientación 28

Reunión Consejo de Profesores 30

Reunión de Padres y Apoderados 33

Unit Plan and Lesson Plans 34

Descriptions and examples of visual materials used 36

Evaluation and Instruments implemented 37

Self Evaluation 41


The practicum is a process that every student of pedagogy has to live and it means
to get a lot of knowledge and experience. Is in this process when you have to apply
all the tools you have learned during five years at the University.

This process is really important in order to prepare us to become real teachers

because we started as observers then we helped in the class, but now is our
responsibility to teach the contents and everything you can imagine. Teachers are
a kind of godparents who have to be willing to help, to teach, to comprehend and
support the students to get their goals.

The experiences get during practicum process are fundamentals to grow as a


This portfolio is a summary that represents so many hours of work and some
nights when I could not sleep well thinking in the best way to teach. It represents
the work of one semester I will never forget.


Observation stage

This artifact represents the importance of being aware of everything that could help
us reflect about our attitude to solve problems. Every week the Mercurio’s
newspaper brings as a gift the magazine “Ya” and inside it there is a section called
“Escuela para padres” wrote by “Neva Milicic”, a famous psychologist. In this
section she sets out different problems related to children and students. One of
the articles was called “Solucionar problemas” and deals with how to face
problems. She also mentions how some people tends to blame everybody for
his/her problems and as an example she mentions a well-known situation:

When children get bad grades, they tends to blame everybody and do not consider
the possibility that they do not pay enough attention to the teacher or maybe they
do not study the contents at all. However, in this section I learnt that problems are
partly our responsibility and we have to be enough mature to understand it, but in
children’s case they need that parents, teachers and everybody help them look for
the best way to face problems. This way they will improve their lives.

“Ciertamente, lograr entender que una parte del problema pudiera ser de propia
responsabilidad es un proceso largo y difícil”. Neva Milicic.

In reading this article, I realized that this message could be applied in the school
observation, team teaching and teaching stage as well since the problems will be
part of the process and I will have to know how to face them. On the other hand, I
will have to be prepared to help my students solve their own problems, specially
the subject to be taught, English, is considered one of the most difficult by

Fortunately, we can find a lot of material on the web, newspapers, magazines,

television, and the like that help us manage some situations in our lives and
student’s lives.

This article could be found in


Team Teaching Stage

This artifact represents the importance of establishing a good relationship during

the practicum period with everybody at school. From the first time in the school, all
people was very kind to me and everybody was worried to make me feel well
(principal, teachers, and students). The students gave me a very good reception
and during the team teaching I started to talk to them, especially with a young man
called “El regalón” (the teacher’s favorite.) This student is famous within the school
because is nice and funny, he is a kind of leader in his class and all the students
pay attention to him. One day he asks me: When will you start to do the class?
And I answered “next week” and he said: ok I am going to give you some
advices; you have to be nice but strict; do not allow students to treat you as
a friend and never talk to them about your private life since they can use the
information to take some advantages from you. If you have some problems,
you point at him/her immediately and say in front of the class I am your
teacher and you have to be respectful of me.

This experience made an impact on me because it helps me understand that the

observation stage already finished and the teaching was about to start. More
important, a student had helped me to face that period and teaching me how to
manage the class. At that moment, I realized that I was not a student of English
Pedagogy observing the class; however, in that moment I realized within a week
the class would depend on my work not only to teach the contents but also to
manage the group, to solve problems, to establish a respectful relationship, and so

I thank for experiencing the team teaching because if it did not exist, I had never
received those advices from a student that helped me realize the importance of
establishing good relationships at the beginning. I learnt that you can never
underestimate student’s knowledge regarding behavior inside the class. Besides, I
learnt that the best way to create a good environment is to listen student’s needs
and interests.

Teaching stage

I selected this artifact because it not only represents the importance of being
patient and comprehensive with students but also the importance of keeping
students’ discipline and teacher’s leadership. In my class, there were three
students that were always late, and were always interrupting the class. One day I
was writing some examples on the whiteboard and told the students to write down
the examples. But one of them told me I do not have a pencil and I said do not
worry I borrow one, but he again told me I do not have a notebook, then I said I’ll
give you a sheet but you have to write down the examples. All the class was
laughing and one of my students said “Miss, you always have the solution”.

When everybody was working I came close to talk to him and asked “What
happened with your materials? And he answered me “I came from my work” and I
said ok, but “What happened with your materials? And he kept in silence.

At the end of the class, he asked me to talk in private because he felt embarrassed
because I gave him a pencil and a sheet since his classmates were laughing
because of the situation. I said that it was not my intention to make him feel
embarrassed but he had to understand that he could not waste his time doing
anything; he had to study and I was making a big effort to prepare motivating
classes and good material. However, his attitude was unfair to me but especially to
him since he needed knowledge to get good grades. I tried to be really careful for
him to understand that I could help him but he had to make an effort.

This experience helps me not give up to one of my students; it does not matter if
the students do not show the willingness to continue working. Because part of
teacher’s work was to help students improve their attitudes and actions in their
lives. At the end of the process, I realized that teacher’s job involves not only to
teach contents related to the subject but also the teacher has to teach manners,
respect, responsibility, and so on.

Sometimes students do not have enough support from their parents, or from
people who are taking care of them. Then teachers play an important role in order
to help them acquire necessary tools to face life.

Pedagogical reflection

1) Talk about a teacher who influenced you. What characteristics did
he/she have?

A teacher who influenced me was my math teacher in high school; she

played an important role in the development of my personality because she
believed in my abilities more than me. She was always establishing
challenges and told me that I was able to get wherever I want.
She is very clever and I can appreciate in her the desire to teach. She is
always looking for new ways to get knowledge.

2) Why do you want to become a language teacher? And why English?

I want to become and language teacher because is the way to get

knowledge, and it is an important tool to interact wit other people.
Nowadays English has become in a key to achieve better jobs and salaries.

3) What experiences and personal strengths do you bring to language


I would like to expose the students to real situations because I think it is a

very good way to learn; experiences mean learning.
I consider that technologies joined with the reality are the perfect mixed to
motivate the students to learn.

4) How do you see yourself in (please talk about your profesional life:

A.- 1 more year

I would like to get my degree as an English Teacher and looking for
opportunities to study in an English country.

B.- 15 more years

I would like to be a good teacher with a lot of techniques and knowledge.

C.- 30 more years

I do not know, maybe I will be thinking in the retiring.

5) What personal and professional characteristics should a teacher of

English have? Provide 3 of each.

PERSONAL: kind, patient and friendly
PROFESSIONAL: responsible, serious and clever

6) What do you want to accomplish as a student teacher?

As a student teacher I would like to motivate the students and make feel
them that they can learn English, math, etc.



Reflective writing Nº1: The Observation Stage
I. Introduction
• What do you think the cartoon provided below is illustrating? Why?
Answer briefly.

If I look in detail I think the cartoon illustrates people’s need to be informed. In this
particular case show a couple ready to watch Television as a way to be connected
with the world. Nowadays internet, television, radio, newspaper etc., play an
important role in being informed. I think that the cartoon represents our
dependency on media. Related to the observation I believed that we have to
include media in our class because it allows us to catch the student’s attention.

If I look in general I could say that in the cartoon there is a couple sharing a good
time. Related to the observation I believed that we have to be careful in order to
not be influenced with first impressions.

II. Reflective writing

• Taking into account the information you collected during the

observation stage,
1. Reflect on the importance of the initial observation period in final

The initial observation is really important because it is the period when you can
appreciate how the school works and how students behave especially when a new
person is inside the class. It is the opportunity to observe all the common
situations during school period. For me the most important thing observed was the
relationship between students and teachers. The observation is a really good tool
to know how to face situations at the school and how to treat students. I tried to
know every student of the class because most of them work and do not have
enough time to study then I talked to them in order to know what their expectations
were with the English class and what their goals were in their lives. This
conversation with some of them allows me to understand the reality and challenges
me to be sympathetic to them.

2. Refer to the observed issues in assigned school, and explain if these

issues caused a change on the expectations you had about this particular

I have to say that during the observation time I was concentrated on being clear
about what the contents were and what the methodology was. I also observed the
student’s discipline and sometimes I felt strange because I still had the concept of
students who were concentrated on writing down the lesson on their notebooks but
it was rare for me to appreciate interaction between students and teacher.
Because of these reasons I changed my expectations and I realize that the
Teacher has to be really creative in order to get students’ attention. I learned that
the students are not only names to sign in the list; they are people who have
problems, intentions, dreams. Before this period I was not interested in
understanding the students’ lives or establishing closed relationships with them.

After that I realized that education is not only to teach contents but also to help
students develop their talents and interests.

3. How did you feel? Provide one example you consider most relevant to
support your answer.

From the first time I feel good because the guide teacher receive me in a very
good way and showed a lot of disposition to work with me. He introduced me to
the class and told them that from that moment I was their teacher and they had
to respect me and follow my instructions. As an example I can remember that
the Principal expressed her disposition to receive prospective teachers in the
school. All the staff in the school was really nice to me and make me feel

You have one full page (letter format) for this task; be as clear, brief and precise
as you can. Use Times New Roman, size 12 letter. You may provide foot notes
and references to support you work.
Upload this reflective writing into,
Submission date: Wednesday October 14th.



NOMBRE ASIGNATURA : Práctica profesional

CARRERA : Pedagogía en ingles
CLAVE : PIN 09143-1
MODALIDAD : Práctica en terreno
SEMESTRE : 1er y 2do Semestre.
AÑO : 2009


La Práctica Profesional es una asignatura práctica que se constituye en la última

etapa de formación de los estudiantes, la cual permite al futuro profesor integrarse al
ámbito educativo de un establecimiento educacional que se constituye como centro de
práctica, donde aplicará conocimientos propios de la especialidad y del quehacer
pedagógico, al interactuar con alumnos, alumnas y docentes de dicho establecimiento.
Siendo un curso de carácter profesional, ofrece la oportunidad de demostrar las
competencias lingüísticas y pedagógicas adquiridas a lo largo del proceso de formación
docente, a través de un contacto directo con una realidad educativa específica, y adquirir
las experiencias de aprendizaje necesarias para enfrentar con éxito su futura acción


A.- Semánticos:

• Demostrar conocimientos sobre la realidad educacional y los diversos

factores que intervienen en el proceso educativo tanto a nivel general como
en el ámbito de la enseñanza de inglés en Educación Media en el contexto
de la actual reforma educacional.
• Demostrar conocimientos sobre el paradigma cognitivo-contextual, el
enfoque constructivista, las teorías del aprendizaje cognitivas y
estrategias que a través del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en inglés,
promueven la formación de alumnos creativos, críticos y autónomos.
• Demostrar conocimientos acerca de distintos modelos de intervención
didáctica en el ámbito de la enseñanza de inglés como lengua extranjera
y/o segunda lengua que promuevan un aprendizaje significativo en los

• Demostrar conocimientos sobre distintas concepciones evaluativas y
específicamente la evaluación de aprendizajes significativos a través de
una perspectiva constructivista.

B.- Procedimentales:

• Demostrar habilidades para transferir, integrar y aplicar los conocimientos,

estrategias y recursos didácticos adquiridos en la especialidad disciplinaria
y pedagógica en la planificación, ejecución y evaluación de situaciones de
enseñanza y aprendizaje del inglés.
• Demostrar habilidades para interactuar en realidades educativas concretas
con los distintos participantes del proceso (padres, apoderados, profesores,
alumnos, etc.) a través de la enseñanza del idioma Inglés.
• Demostrar habilidades para generar estrategias que permitan utilizar el
enfoque más apropiado a la realidad educativa que enfrentan.

C.- Actitudinales.

• Valorar el aporte del idioma inglés en una sociedad globalizada, sus

implicancias educacionales y el rol que le corresponde al profesor de inglés
en el proceso educativo.
• Demostrar actitudes sociales que permitan interactuar positivamente con
los distintos participantes en el proceso educativo a través de la
enseñanza del idioma Inglés.
• Integrarse de manera competente y responsable en el centro de práctica
procurando una relación armoniosa con los integrantes de la comunidad
• Demostrar capacidad para trabajar en equipo, participando y colaborando
en la realidad educativa asignada.
• Demostrar capacidad para autoevaluar su práctica pedagógica a través de
la reflexión constante de su quehacer.


A.- Aproximación al Establecimiento Educacional

Esta etapa marca el inicio oficial del período de práctica profesional de la Carrera de
Pedagogía en Inglés. Durante esta fase el estudiante realizará las siguientes acciones:

• Presentarse al establecimiento en el cual le corresponderá efectuar su

práctica profesional pedagógica.
• Contactarse con autoridades de dicho establecimiento (Director(a), Jefe de
UTP, etc.)
• Contactarse con profesor guía de curso(s) asignado

• Contactarse con profesor–jefe de curso asignado
• Asumir horario de curso(s) en el(los) cual(es) le corresponderá trabajar la
• Reportar información del establecimiento educacional a través de un informe
(según pauta).

B. Período de Observación y Ayudantía: (3 semanas)

Acciones a realizar en este período:

• Analizar el Proyecto Educativo del centro de práctica y la adecuación de este a

su realidad social.
• Realizar diagnóstico de la realidad educativa (según pauta) a través de la
observación de los distintos subsistemas que la constituyen.
• Diagnosticar los niveles de desempeño en el subsector de inglés y las
características de los cursos asignados para la práctica.
• Reportar hallazgos través de informes (según pauta).
• Solicitar contenidos a desarrollar durante el proceso de práctica para elaborar
planificaciones de las Unidades de Aprendizaje.
• Construir en consenso con profesor(a) guía Matriz Conceptual Elaborada,
elemento básico para su planificación.
• Interactuar gradualmente con alumnos de cursos asignados a través de
actividades de ayudantía planificadas en conjunto con su profesor guía
• Planificar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en la asignatura para los
cursos asignados, coherentes con el diagnóstico realizado y con los contenidos
acordados con el profesor guía estipulados en los programas de inglés
• Interiorizarse de las actividades oficiales de la escuela (consejo de profesores,
reunión de apoderados, consejo de curso y orientación)

C.- Período de Realización (Intervención Pedagógica Curricular) (13 semanas)

Durante este período se espera que los estudiantes en práctica realicen las siguientes

• Dirigir el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje del Inglés en el(los) curso(s)

• Elaborar y utilizar material didáctico que favorezca el aprendizaje del inglés en
los alumnos (as) de los cursos asignados.
• Evaluar los aprendizajes esperados en las Unidades de Aprendizaje aplicadas.
• Planificar y llevar a cabo actividades complementarias al proceso de enseñanza
y aprendizaje de aprendizaje.
• Participar en actividades de Consejo de Curso y Orientación de los cursos

• Asistir a reuniones de profesores, y de apoderados de los cursos asignados a
las cuales sean invitados.
• Participar en actos programados por el establecimiento (conmemoraciones,
academias, visitas, etc.).
• Intercambiar y analizar experiencias relacionada con sus vivencias en la
práctica pedagógica.
• Analizar temas emergentes de la práctica
• Evaluar su práctica pedagógica, implementando modificaciones que permitan el
mejoramiento de su labor educativa.
• Asistir a tutorías individuales con el profesor supervisor cada vez que se les
• Asistir a entrevistas personales de carácter evaluativo con su profesor
supervisor con carpeta de práctica y bajo pauta evaluativa después de cada
sesión de observación en terreno.
• Asistir a reuniones semanales de análisis de prácticas de carácter grupal con

C.- Período de Culminación. (1 semana)

En esta etapa de finalización del proceso de práctica, el estudiante en práctica

efectuará las siguientes acciones, entre otras:

• Entrevista de evaluación final con profesor guía la cual debe culminar con el
llenado de pauta evaluativa (Estándares de Desempeño).
• Descripción y análisis de los eventos pedagógicos relevantes en cada uno de
los períodos de la práctica y sus respectivas reflexiones.
• Preparación y entrega del informe completo del proceso de práctica a través de
la modalidad “Blog” implementada durante el semestre. Cada estudiante
revisará la información incorporada a su propio blog y subirá los últimos
documentos solicitados, entre ellos tablas de información del desempeño de su
curso en la escuela, la evaluación de sus pares y su autoevaluación.
• Asistencia a la reunión de clausura de la práctica para socializar e intercambiar
impresiones, comentarios y sugerencias. Completación de encuesta de opinión
y revisión de compromiso escrito suscrito al inicio del período de práctica.


• Lectura independiente
• Reuniones colectivas periódicas de análisis y retroalimentación de la práctica
desde marcos teóricos y experienciales.
• Apoyo pedagógico on line
• Tutorías individuales con fines de retroalimentación
• Reflexión del quehacer pedagógico.
• Supervisión periódica en centros de práctica.

• Uso de blog de asignatura para la comunicación permanente con el estudiante
en práctica.
• Creación de blogs de parte de los estudiantes para el “posteo” de la
información requerida durante el proceso.
• Uso de material impreso restringido a documentos oficiales del proceso de
práctica. (Pautas de Evaluación de Profesores Guías de los establecimientos


A.- Formativa
• Autoevaluaciones periódicas
• Evaluación de pares
• Análisis de prácticas
• Retroalimentación presencial y on line
• Tutorías

B.- Sumativa
• Informes reportados por el estudiante en práctica. (20%)
• Informes de profesor guía según pauta (30%)
• Supervisión de clases profesor supervisor según pauta (30%)
• Estándares de desempeño del estudiante. (10%)
• Dominio de tecnologías de la Información y la comunicación del estudiante
en práctica (10%).


Dadas las características especiales de esta actividad curricular, las fuentes de

información serán básicamente las siguientes:

• Programas de asignatura de quinto básico a cuarto año de enseñanza media.

• Marco para la Buena Enseñanza.
• Bibliografía actualizada de todos los cursos tanto de la especialidad
pedagógica como disciplinaria.
• Páginas web con recursos didácticos (Tics) en relación al proceso de
enseñanza y aprendizaje

Equipo de Coordinación de Práctica Profesional

Pedagogía en Inglés

Reading Articles

Sigue el paro de profesores
18.15 hrs.- Por 94 votos a favor asamblea del Colegio de Profesores
decidió mantener la movilización por el no pago de la "deuda
El presidente nacional del Colegio de Profesores, Jaime Fajardo, informó hace pocos
instantes que la paralización que han mantenido los profesores por más de 15 días en
protesta por el no pago de la denominada deuda histórica con el magisterio, continúa de
manera indefinida hasta lograr un acuerdo con el Ejecutivo.

Según el máximo dirigente, la decisión se adoptó en una asamblea del gremio que finalizó
hace pocos minutos, la que por 94 votos a favor decidió mantener la movilización.

Fajardo valoró y agradeció la decisión del Senado de suspender la aprobación de la

partida de Educación del presupuesto para la nación del próximo año, a la espera de que
el Gobierno y los profesores se reúnan para limar asperezas y logren un acuerdo en
relación con la demanda de los maestros.

En concreto, los profesores están pidiendo que, así como el Parlamento reconoce la
existencia de la aludida deuda, el Gobierno haga lo propio y establezca una mesa de
diálogo para abordar el tema y negociar una solución que pasa por otorgar recursos a los
maestros que se vieron perjudicados durante la dictadura.

La deuda histórica se remonta a principios de los años 80 cuando los profesores

cambiaron de empleador desde el Estado (Ministerio) a los municipios, lo que terminó
produciendo severos perjuicios a los fondos de pensiones de una cantidad importante de
profesores, los cuales están jubilando con montos muy bajos.

When we talk about “Deuda Histórica” we have to consider that it is a mayor
problem because involves a teacher’s strike for more than 15 days. And it is
becoming in a problem because is close the SIMCE and PSU.

It is impossible do not agree with teachers who earn low salaries and have a lot of
work but it is impossible to not being worried about the students who are
completely innocent in this conflict.

This conflict is really complicated to solve because whatever happens nobody is

going to be happy. The teachers want to get more money and the government
wants to finish the strike.

I think this phrase represents the teacher’s feelings.

What is going to happen with him in the future?

Last week I read this new. Then I asked me "What is going to happen with him in
the future? Are teachers prepared to face with that kind of situation, those kinds of
students? But those questions are not the most important because the real
question is what happens with parents? Why they can not discipline their children?

Here is the article.

School Information

I Personal Information.

Names : Marta Romina

Surnames : Toledo Brito

E-mail :

Telephone : 8.8673742

Kind of studies : Evening

II School’s information

School: : Centro Estudios Valparaiso, CEVAL

Address : Independencia 2415

City : Valparaíso

School’s Phone number : 2122399

1º nivel (1 y 2 medio)
Grade :
2° nivel (3 y 4 medio)
Wednesday from 19:15 to 21:30
Schedule : Friday from 18:30 to 21:30
Guide Teacher’s Name :
Thomas Barraza Infante

Guide Teacher’s E-mail Address :

Guide Teacher’s Phone Number : 82525319


Task 1: The School and Learning Environment

Name of student: Marta Toledo Brito

Name of School: Centro de Estudios Valparaiso, CEVAL

Number of students: 20

Date: Septiembre 30th, 2009 Class: 2nd level (3º y 4º medio)

Briefly and objectively describe the following aspects:

1. The school:

Describe the general background of the school including the physical

location, organisation, student population, philosophy and educational and
behavioural policies.

Centro de Estudios Valparaíso, CEVAL is located in Independencia street #2415,

Valparaíso. It is very special school because has three different academic sessions
to adult people in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening. CEVAL has
special characteristics because between its students there many belong to
institutions like SENAME. The organization is as any other school because it has
the principal, the UTP chief, administrative stuff, teachers and students. The
student’s population is around 580. The school’s philosophy is based in the
awareness of the people’s capability and social understanding, as I mention before
the school has a diversity of students from different social groups, and different
families, then the School’s challenge is to help them to get a new vision of their
future in order to encourage the students to persevere and get better possibilities in
their lives. The behavioral policies are based on the respect and tolerance because
only the student’s agreement can help to maintain the discipline. The evening
session is considered by the teachers as the most respectful and responsible.

2. The classroom

Describe the atmosphere of the room and the levels of engagement in the
room. Make notes on seating, sight lines, space, air, light, whiteboard,
equipment, etc

The atmosphere of the room it’s no the ideal because some students arrive late at
class then they interrupt the class which sometimes upset the other students. In
general some students are a little bit lost in the contents of the class because they
work and have a lot of absences from school. The room is small and it shows a
lack of care by the students who have written and drawn in the walls some
offensive words. The space is not enough and the students are seating wherever
they want, it does not exist an established order. The room does not have any
equipment but the school has computers and a data show. I can’t appreciate any
kind of stimulus that could encourage student’s learning (in the room); nevertheless
at the entrance of the school there is a poster made by the students in their English
class. The light is artificial and the room does not have any window

3. The activities & resources

a) Make notes on the kind of activities used, the nature of student

involvement, balance of student doing things and teacher doing things.

The school does not use a special book then the activities are provided by the
teacher and are based on grammar which seems natural for the students. The
teacher gave the students copies of some lessons of the Essential’s Grammar in
Use book then the class performed the activity without problems. The activities do
not consider any kind of interaction between the students; the teacher helps the

students when they asked for it. All the activities given by the teacher are
performed because some are evaluated.
b) Describe the resources used and the materials available within the
school. How are the resources used in the classroom?

The school has a small computer room, a data show and a laptop to take into the
room if it is necessary; also they have around 20 dictionaries English-Spanish.
The resources are not used frequently because there is not somebody who installs
the equipment in the room; the Teacher has to do it and this situation cause the
student’s distraction.

Task 2: Student´s learning

In this second observation task, you should focus on the things that help to create
conditions for effective learning and on the aspects that play a part in preventing

1. The learners
How motivated are the learners? Why? To what extent are they taking
part in their own learning? To what extent are they expecting the
teacher to do the work for them?

I believe that the students are not motivated in learning English, their main goal is
to finish the high school in order to get a better job (young students) or maybe to
be self satisfied with their effort (older students). The students know that education
is essential in their lives then they take part in the class and do the homework but I
can not appreciate a specific interest in learning English. Almost all are worried
about their grades. The class is in Spanish because the students do not
understand the instructions in English then the Teacher has to explain and shows a
lot of examples before starting the activities.

2. Behaviour during classroom activities
Describe the ways students are encouraged to participate in activities.
Are there any particular strategies for managing issues and motivating
students? Are there any students with special needs?
As I mention before in the evening class most of the students work then they are
autonomous and go to class by their own free will, because of this the Guide
Teacher brings in a lot of humour and a positive attitude into the classroom, he is
always worried when somebody is absent. The older students are really respectful
and the young students are a little bit disrespectful but anything serious. The
teacher is always encourage the students to do the homework because it means a
grade and a grade it means to finish the high school and it helps them to get their
purpose wherever it was (work, better salaries, etc.).

3. Discuss the learning styles and levels of English in the classroom.

It is really difficult to talk about learning styles when I am not clear about the
Teacher’s methodology to teach is, for the moment I have seen a mix of
instructions and homework but nothing clear. In my opinion the level of English is
bad because when the Teacher gives exercises or homework most of the students
ask for help and I realize that they do not know the basic contents. Even so all of
them do the exercises and homework.

Observation scale
Observations clear & well informed
Not observed
Demonstrates understanding of social and
educational factors
Objective & factual information
Not observed
Evidence of active search of information

Use of English expression clear

Name of student : MARTA TOLEDO BRITO


Date : September 30 th , 2009

Task Nº1 : Collaboration activities

For the following questions describe as accurately as you can how you have
collaborated in school assigned:

1. What kind of activity did you perform the first time you were asked for
help? How long did it take?

I was asked for checking the students’ progress in some grammatical exercises
which involved the use of modal Can. The activity took 2 periods and allowed me
to know the students and their knowledge about the lesson. For the guide teacher
it is really important that I know and understand every student’s situation then I
took the opportunity and offered my help in any activity they need it.

2. What were the students doing before you started helping out?
They were trying to develop the grammatical exercises using the modal Can in
present and past tense and asking about the meaning of some verbs in order to
develop the task.

3. How did the students react? Describe the atmosphere of the room and
the levels of engagement in the room.
The first time the students reacted very well and were grateful for my help. I tried
to be clear in the answers that I gave, they paid attention and developed the task

without problems. They wanted to know more about me and told me that they
liked English but they think it is really difficult to remember all the vocabulary.
4. What other assignments were asked you to do? How often?
The teacher has only asked me for helping students with their homework

5. Were you asked to prepare any kind of special audio visual material
learning material for the students? Were they used? How effective
were they?
No yet, I was never asked to prepare special audio visual material. When I start
doing classes I hope I could use this type of material.

Task 2: Lesson Planning

Answer the following questions and explain how you planned the learning
activities for your students. Be as precise as you can.

1. How did you get the information for planning the lessons for your
My first idea was to review the “Planes y Programas” from the Ministry in order to
know what the specific goals are for “Adult Education”, and then I started getting
the information from some English books that I have and looked for the specific
information from the internet. I looked for examples of worksheets in order to
create my own material and looked for flashcards and images too that could help
me get the students’ attention.

2. Did your guide teacher give you any suggestions for planning?
No he did not; he told me I was free to prepare the class and material to present.

3. How long did it take to you to prepare learning material for your first

It took me around two days because I had my doubts. I wonder what kinds of
activities were more interesting or appealing to the students.

Formato de Consejo de Curso y Orientación

I. Datos Generales:

1. Nombre del Establecimiento Educacional: CEVAL

2. Curso : 2 nivel D
3. Profesor Jefe : Marcia González
4. Profesor en Práctica : Marta Toledo Brito
5. Fecha : 12 de noviembre de 2009
6. Hora : 18:30-19:15

II.- Desarrollo del consejo de curso

En la jornada vespertina, especialmente en los segundos niveles no se
acostumbra realizar consejo de curso pero por estar tan cerca la fecha de la
graduación, y aprovechando que se programo una actividad con todo el curso
junto a su Profesora Jefe, Jefa de UTP y Directora se hizo un mini consejo de
curso para entregar algunas informaciones e instrucciones respecto de la
finalización del semestre.

1. Tema de Orientación:

Los Temas a tratar fueron los siguientes:

 Motivación a los alumnos con problemas de notas a que puedan

recuperarse con el fin de que logren terminar el año escolar. Se instruyo
claramente respecto de las fechas finales de los exámenes.

 Día de la Ceremonia de Licenciatura: se informa a los alumnos que esta

actividad se realizará el jueves 26 de noviembre de 2009, a las 18:30 horas
en el Teatro Municipal de Valparaíso. Los alumnos son citados a las 18:00

horas, con tenida formal (sin zapatillas) y se les informa que a esta
ceremonia pueden asistir dos familiares por alumno, además se hace
especial énfasis que por tratarse de una ceremonia formal no se permitirá la
asistencia de niños menores de 5 años porque producen distracción.

 Asistencia a clases: se reitera que los alumnos del 2 nivel que no deben
notas y se encuentran al día con todas sus materias deben asistir al colegio
sin importar que ya se les haya promovido de curso.

2. OFT Cubierto

Los objetivos cubiertos fueron referentes al respeto que debe existir entre alumnos
y profesores, especialmente al final del semestre. Los alumnos que deben notas
y tienen problemas de asistencia deben tener especial cuidado al conversar y
exponer su situación puesto que en gran medida encontrarse en situaciones
conflictivas es su propia responsabilidad.

3. Tabla del Consejo de Curso

Como no se trataba de un consejo de curso formal o establecido de acuerdo al

horario de los alumnos no existía una tabla definida, los puntos fueron
planteándose de acuerdo a las circunstancias y necesidades expuestas por los
alumnos y los profesores presentes en esa reunión.

Formato de reuniones de Profesores

I. Datos Generales:

1. Nombre del Establecimiento Educacional: CEVAL

2. Profesor en Práctica : Marta Toledo Brito
3. Fecha : 20 de octubre de 2009
4. Tabla de la reunión :
• Proceso de Matricula para el año 2010
• Reforzamiento de contenidos para prueba especial
• Alumnos con condicionalidad de matrícula para el año 2010
• Licenciatura de 4º medios
• Bienestar
5. Hora
Inicio : 17:00

Término : 18:30

2. Escriba los temas propuestos en la tabla de la reunión, destacando el

tema principal que la convocó.

El tema principal fue:

Reforzamiento de contenidos para prueba especial, se hizo especial hincapié en
que todos los profesores aunaran esfuerzos para lograr el aprendizaje de los
contenidos solicitados por el Ministerio de Educación.

• Los otros temas fueron:

Proceso de Matricula para el año 2010, se informo a los profesores que

todos debían participar activamente, y que se designarían comisiones con el
fin de enfrentar este proceso en forma ordenada y siguiendo todos los
conductos regulares dispuestos por el establecimiento en cuanto a la
recepción de antecedes, verificación de datos personales de los alumnos,
entrega de reglamento interno de convivencia CEVAL con el fin de informar
a los alumnos las exigencias impuestas para el 2010.

• Alumnos con condicionalidad de matrícula para el año 2010: se señaló

que existían alumnos a los cuales no se les renovaría la matricula debido a su
falta de compromiso y mal comportamiento. En este punto todos los profesores
estaban de acuerdo que existen alumnos a los que se les ha dado muchas
oportunidades y no demuestran interés por mejorar su actitud.

• Licenciatura de 4º medios, se designaron comisiones para preparar

material audiovisual que será presentado en la licenciatura. Igualmente fueron
consultados los profesores respecto de nombres de alumnos que merecían ser
distinguidos en categorías como puntualidad, asistencia, etc.

• Bienestar, con motivo del fin del año escolar el encargado de bienestar
dio cuenta de las propuestas recibidas para participar de del paseo programado
para el mes de diciembre.

3. Comente sus impresiones de la reunión. Puede referirse a:

Aquellos temas que estaban en Tabla y no fueron tratados.
Todos los temas de la tabla fueron tratados sin excepción.

• Modalidad de la reunión. ¿Quién la conduce?
La reunión es dirigida por la Sub-directora del establecimiento quien estableció
los puntos a tratar, solo en el punto del Bienestar ella cedió la palabra al
profesor encargado de este tema.

• Modalidad de Intervención de los profesores.

Los profesores intervinieron libremente en el consejo, de manera ordenada.
Cabe mencionar que el grupo es pequeño lo cual permite avanzar con rapidez.

• Clima de la reunión (frecuencia de participación de los profesores,

situaciones inesperadas, manejo del tiempo, atmósfera de la reunión, etc.)
La reunión se realizó en un ambiente grato, sin problemas. En general todos los
profesores realizaban aportes cuando se tocaban los temas de la tabla, los
cuales eran atentamente registrados por la Sub-directora. De acuerdo a mi
parecer no hubo situaciones inesperadas y la reunión fue realizada en el horario

• Varios (aspectos y /o comentarios en torno a temas educativos

generales, tanto a nivel del establecimiento como nivel regional

Además de los temas tratados en la tabla, fue mencionado el llamado a Paro

Nacional convocado por el Colegio de Profesores al cual el cuerpo docente
determinó no participar en forma activa, a pesar de compartir las demandas
realizadas por el magisterio.

Respecto de los temas educativos la Sub-directora manifestó su confianza en el

trabajo de los docentes y en el logro de buenos resultados en la prueba que

realizará MINEDUC.

Reunión de Padres y Apoderados

Tal como lo expuse en el blog de la práctica los 2º niveles de educación media no

realizan reunión de apoderados, puesto que pertenecen a la jornada vespertina y
mantienen comunicación directa con los profesores, inspectores o directora del
establecimiento. Sólo en casos de suma urgencia se solicita la asistencia de los
apoderados al establecimiento.

Units, Lesson Plans and materials

Planificación Unidad Didáctica 1º Nivel Educación Media

Lesson Plan Nº 1

Lesson Plan Nº 2

Lesson Plan Nº 3

Lesson Plan Nº 4

Lesson Plan Nº 5

Units, Lesson Plans and materials

Planificación Unidad Didáctica 2º Nivel Educación Media

Nº 1 Planificaciòn Unidad Didactica 2º nivel Educación Media

Lesson Plan Nº 1

Nº 2 Planificaciòn Unidad Didactica 2º Nivel Educación Media

Reforzamiento de contenidos

Lesson Plan Nº 1

Lesson Plan Nº 2

Descriptions and examples of visual materials used

I created a lot of power point presentations in order to get the students attention
throw images.

All the materials were uploaded in the section “Units, Lesson Plans and materials”.
I made my best effort to prepare interesting material.

Evaluation and Instruments implemented.

Due to the students are adults in the schools the idea is to help them to get the
high school then the criteria to evaluate is to work in class and do homework, then I
had to prepare a lot of worksheets to practice.

Evaluations First Level


NAME___________________________ DATE____________ SCORE_____/


1 Choose and circle the correct answer.

1 We use there are to talk about one thing / two or more things.
2 We use there is to talk about one thing / two or more things.
3 We use there is / are to say that something exists / something is true.
4 After there aren’t we usually use a / any.


2 Choose and circle the correct answer, A, B or C.

1) Tourists often visit the _____________ A supermarket B museum C hospital

2) Excuse me, is there a __________ here? A shopping center B door C window

3) Look the beautiful_______________ A church B gas station C shopping center

4) I don’t have money. Is there a ________ in the C undeground

A bank B library
city? station

5) I’m hungry. Are there any ______in the city? A restaurants B post office C hospital

6) We don’t have enough gasoline. Is there
A hotel B gas station C bus station
any______________ here

7) I want to read a book. Is there a_____ in the

A church B museum C library

B shopping
8) The city has a beautiful _________ A café C gas station


3 Choose and circle the correct answer.

Nadia: (1) Is / Are there a library in your city?

Alana: Yes, of course there (2) is / are a library!

Nadia: (3) Is / Are there any hotels in the city?

Alana: No, there (4) isn’t / aren’t any hotels.

Nadia: (5) Is / Are there a computer?

Alana: (6) There isn’t / aren’t a computer, but there (7) is / are a CD player …
and there (8) is / are lots of CDs! There (9) is / are some books, too.
They’re on the table.

Nadia: What about a television?

Alana: There (10) isn’t / aren’t a television. I watch TV in the living room.


Name _______________________________ Date__________________Score______


Look at the picture and circle the right answer T or F.

1 There is a cafe behind the museum T F

2 There is a school next to the supermarket T F

3 There is a hotel in front of the church T F

4 There is a supermarket between the library and the school T F

5 There is a cinema next to the library T F

6 There is museum behind to the supermarket T F

7 There is a hotel next to the museum T F

8 There is a hospital next to the car park T F

9 There is a café across from the school T F
1 There is a car park between the museum and the hospital T F
The museum is the car park

The car park is

the museum and the hospital

The library is
the cinema

The school is
the café

The hotel is
the church

Complete the sentences with a suitable preposition (near, between, next to, across, in
front of)

Complete with the correct form of there is / there are.

1) Tourist Excuse me _____________________ a restaurant near here?

a very nice restaurant near the church,

2) Man
Yes,___________________________ but it’s really expensive.

3) Tourist Oh____________________________ any cafes?

4) Man Yes,___________________________ two or three cafes. They all really good.

__________ ____________ a cafe on this street. It’s next to the underground station.

5) Tourist Thank you.

1) Tourist: Can you help me?_______________________

a Roman museum here?

2) Man No ___________________ a Roman museum here.

Evaluation 2nd level


Name__________________________Date____________________ Score: __________

I Listen to your teacher and complete the sentences. (10 points)

0. Hello, my name is Carolina

1. I’m ________ years old.
2. I’m from __________________
3. I live in ______________
4. I’m a _________________
5. I live with my _________ and my sister

II Read the text and decide if the answer is True (True) or F (False).(10 points)

0 F Peter is a Doctor

1 He is 35 years old

2 He is married

3 He has 3 sisters

4 He is from Argentina

5 He lives in Buenos Aires

Hello my name is Peter and I am an English
teacher. I am 29 years old. I am single and I have
two sisters and two brothers. I am from Chile and
I live in Viña del Mar.

III Vocabulary (6 points)

Complete the sentences with the a suitable possessive adjective (my, your, his and her).

0 Hello my name is Charles

1 What’s ______________ name
2 I have a sister ____________ name is Emily
3 Is David ______________ brother?
Final Practicum
English Pedagogy


1 2 3 4
Number of X
Blog Entries

Technology X

Organization X

Quality of X


Evidence of X
Growth and
Professionalism X

Please see description of indicators in each of the categories. Levels go from 1 to 4
Level 1: Poor.
Level 2: Needs improvement
Level 3: Good
Level 4: Very good

Taken and adapted from CTEP, OISE University of Toronto, 2008.


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