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Recipient: Canadian Museum for Human Rights

Letter: Greetings,
Acknowledge that Aboriginals were Victims of genocide by the Federal
Name Location Date Comment
Jennifer Maksymetz Brighton, United
2014-09-20 To honour First Nations and their lost heritage is key in the healing process.
Bradley Robinson Timiskaming First Nation,
2014-09-20 The genocide of First Nations people by European immigrants must be
acknowledged, especially since the museum is a human rights museum.
areti spiropoulos Montreal, Canada 2014-09-20 because it's true and the gov't is trying to sweep it under the rug!
kathy briand antigonish, Canada 2014-09-20 honesty is the only real basis for change, and Canada's relationship with the
Aboriginal community must change.
Max Cafissi Mt. Albert, Canada 2014-09-20 It's our Federal Govt's responsibility to find out what happened to these missing
LJane Damude-Empey Toronto, Canada 2014-09-20 As a Canadian I am deeply distressed at the treatment of our First Nations
people, who we continue to abuse and destroy in order to further our desire for
more consumer goods. It is time to stand up against this unacknowledged
Richard Levangie Dartmouth, Canada 2014-09-20 Canada's treatment of First Nations is still an international travesty.
Mawgcen NESKYNILH Nanaimo, Canada 2014-09-20 Ab-origins are seeming to be legal designated to Europe and not
American/Tmicw el Xqweltin7stut-N'seqlut re Tsyucmin t'e Tqel:emc:ri
dallas minion grassy lake, Canada 2014-09-20 It is wrong to spend tax payers money on a national museum for human rights,
yet not acknowledge the atrocities the Canadian government has committed,
including, but not limited to, the intentional efforts to perpetrate the genocide of
Canada's first nations peoples.
Eve Roa Richmond Hill, Canada 2014-09-20 The genocide of First Nations people by European immigrants must be
acknowledged, the Canadian Government must take responsibility for this,
since they benefited from this genocide. They must take care of, educate and
help a nation that was here first. Without admitting one's fault, there is no
healing and without healing, there is no forgetting.
Carole Kowcun Halifax, Canada 2014-09-20 I am Mtis. It's time Canada admitted its past mistakes. Hopefully, others can
avoid our mistakes in the future. We can't change history, but we can
determine our future.
Sandra Flagler Toronto, Canada 2014-09-20 Not only were aboriginals in Canada victims of genocide but they still are.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper has consistently refused to change the current
system as it relates to first nations. He does not deserve the Nobel Peace
Anita MacLean Ottawa, Canada 2014-09-20 this has to be acknowledged.
Rev. F. Mark Mealing,
Kaslo, Canada 2014-09-20 Truth first, then reconciliation. We have much to set right.
Mawgcen NESKYNILH Nanaimo, Canada 2014-09-20 <a href=""
rel="nofollow"></a> &lt;view my declaration of tribal
status Declaring my own Tribe, and family legacy for future generations to co
Gina Tellez-McKee Quesnel, AZ 2014-09-20 It is true.
Name Location Date Comment
Melanie Davis Toronto, Canada 2014-09-20 Some of the money spent on this prop, possibly meant in part to make the
federal government seem compassionate and caring, could have gone to help
the remnants of the people decimated by this same government. But obviously
this is exactly why there is no acknowledgement of the genocide of these
people: the government is afraid that they will be called upon to right these
wrongs, financially.
This is a hypocritical token gesture to the world. The least that could be done is
to acknowledge the enormous wrongs done to the original people of this land.
Eleanor Muggah Sydney, NS, Canada 2014-09-20 The first step to a positive relationship between aboriginals, non-aboriginals,
and the federal government is to fully acknowledge our violent, discriminatory
Arlene Adamo Newmarket, Canada 2014-09-20 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you
gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed
clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison
and you came to visit me.
Then the righteous will answer him, Lord, when did we see you hungry and
feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a
stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we
see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?
The King will reply, Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of
these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. ~Jesus~
David Hardat Bordeaux, Canada 2014-09-20 Because I beleive that Canada was built on the genocide of aboriginals.
doreen maguire London, Canada 2014-09-20 Without the truth being told about our history..It's not "history" it's a cover up of
past atrocities....It does NOT change the historical just omits them...
Laurel McCorriston Iqaluit, Canada 2014-09-20 Canada cannot move on as a country without acknowledging our past and
accepting responsibility for the consequences.
Linda Lewis Halifax, Canada 2014-09-20 "Oh Canada, our home...ON native land!"
J L Halifax, Canada 2014-09-20 The truth must be acknowledged.
milena placentile winnipeg, Canada 2014-09-20 Bad enough this "museum" is built on stolen Native land -- a sacred burial
ground, no less! -- but that it fails to recognize the true nature of Canada's
relationship to First Nations people while lavishly spending untold thousands of
dollars to protect itself like a fortress is telling. This site does not yet serve the
people. If it wants to, it needs to learn and convey the truth.
nicole bretagnol montreal, Canada 2014-09-20 To fight against hypocrisy and injustice
Wendy Macdonald Pincourt, Canada 2014-09-20 Because it's true!
Sonia B.-Inkster Hamilton, Canada 2014-09-20 My grandmothers' identities have been eroded by government policies. My
mother and her siblings were raised in shame, powerlessness, and fear. My
generation grew up not knowing of my ancestry.
Kenneth McGrath Ottawa, Canada 2014-09-20 Colonial ancestors started the genocide and this gov't is attempting to finish the
job. It's morally repugnant on every level.
Micheline Bdard Qubec, Canada 2014-09-20 Nous devons gurir l'humanit toutes et tous ensemble, mondialement...e
temps de la gurison, de la solidarit et de la dignit et de la vrit est arriv.
Name Location Date Comment
Denis Rancourt Ottawa, Canada 2014-09-20 Every museum is a political propaganda instrument, this one especially in
today's "Canada" as a satellite to the US global power. Therefore, citizen must
apply popular pressure to insist on truth and sanity. Canada's genocide of
aboriginal peoples is arguably the most vicious national genocide in history,
and it continues today in many ways, in parliament and in the courts, on city
streets, and in extortion of collaboration and on and on. I pledge to support Red
power and the Red liberation struggle.
Eileen Yyacyno Baie-Comeau, Canada 2014-09-20 Cause it was and still is a genocide by our federal Steven Harper government
with the way they are treating the missing aboriginal women file and the way
they deny their rights on our canadian land and keep them in the upmost
poverty and shamefull living conditions... shame on you Stephen Harper and all
the other that followed and will follow in the same inhuman tracks...
Kim Routledge-Blondal Shawnigan Lake,
2014-09-20 It's true... And, few know about it.
Violet Sparkes Halifax, Canada 2014-09-20 Aboriginal Peoples deserve recognition
Bonnie Gembey Winnipeg, Canada 2014-09-20 I'm signing because a museum dedicated to the subject of human rights is the
last place that should be intellectually and politically dishonest.
Connie Miller Iron Bridge, Canada 2014-09-20 This is very important to me because when every country comes as close as
possible to every article in the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, we
humans will become civilized animals. Right now I consider humans still much
too primitive and barbaric. Canada needs to start taking steps for improvement
and this is a key step. We will benefit tremendously from the friendship and
sharing we can do with our First Nations aboriginal peoples. I hope that one
day more of them will be in parliament and some will become prime minister.
Michael Rochemont Roberts Creek, Canada 2014-09-20 The hypocrisy of the present government is so extensive that it is an
international embarrassment to Canada. Racism is rampant in the government
here, and denied.
Rebecca Gingrich Princeton, Canada 2014-09-20 Why is anyone surprised that our governments won't admit the truth about our
genocides??? We support the genocide of Palestinians, we committed
genocide in Libya, we committed genocide in Afghanistan but that is not
mentioned either. Genocide to our governments is ok as long as it is not
admitted. The Natives suffered terribly under our governments and sadly their
own leaders. Time to face the truth.
Achard Marcel Montral, Canada 2014-09-20 It needs to be done and we must respect them and admit what's been done.
Rob Plain Sarnia, Canada 2014-09-20 I'm signing this cause the truth must come out. Canadians need to understands
what happened and is still happening. We all need to heal and move on but
first the truth must come out
Mary Kaye May Kuujjuaq, QC, Canada 2014-09-20 Because I am the mother of 3 Inuit children and 9 Inuit grandchildren
Nazhath Ashraf Ottawa, Canada 2014-09-20 We cannot erase history
Michael Sheppard Port Coquitlam, Canada 2014-09-20 I think it's still happening in the form of cultural genocide. It's Canada's shame
and must be acknowledged.
Rachel T. Scott Oak Bay, Canada 2014-09-20 We must acknowledge the true and vast nature of the suffering and crimes that
were perpetrated on our Aboriginals.
Rachel T. Scott Oak Bay, Canada 2014-09-20 We must acknowledge the true and vast nature of the suffering and crimes that
were perpetrated on our Aboriginals.
Care Bearr Edmonton, Canada 2014-09-20 It's no secret. .recognizing genocide existed in Canada is a bigger step for the
future generations then the past. Let the lessons their hardship taught not be
Name Location Date Comment
judie paden Burnaby, Canada 2014-09-20 I am of First Nations peoples descent, I truly believe the truth should be known
about this genocidal event. The truth must be known to heal.....
Roger Pothier rines creek, Canada 2014-09-20 Because it's true
R. Bruce Chamberlin Saskatoon, Canada 2014-09-20 Because its true and we should acknowledge our national shame.
Jarrett Bremaud Winnipeg, ME 2014-09-20 We (Canada) cannot move into the future until we acknowledge the horrible
Brian Cook Thompson, Canada 2014-09-20 Genocide continues, the problem is a white problem.
colen lee nanaimo, Canada 2014-09-20 because harper does not even deserve mention that he is interested in
Hugh McFadden Dublin, Ireland 2014-09-20 I believe in the human rights of indigenous and aboriginal
people & I support them ...
Geoffrey Pounder Rocky Mountain House,
2014-09-20 Change "were victims of genocide" to "are". The genocide is ongoing. Many of
the conditions that destroyed the First Nations health, environment, resources,
and way of life are still prevalent today. Can you say "oilsands"?
Michael Hogan Salt Spring Island,
2014-09-20 This continues today, time to address the facts.
Diane Gordon Toronto, Canada 2014-09-20 It's a basic ethical position that needs to be dealt with eventually.
Carole Beaulieu Montreal, Canada 2014-09-20 Native issues should be the priority in Canada
Anthea Fritz White City, Canada 2014-09-20 It is extremely arrogant of us to have a 'Human RIghts' museum pointing to
genocides throughout the world, without acknowledging what Canada did to
their first nations..and continues to
Berry Tibbitt Eston, Canada 2014-09-20 It is time the be known. End this racism now.
Everett Coldwell Dartmouth, Canada 2014-09-20 When Canada can own up to the "genocide" committed against first nations we
will have taken a big step forward.
Rakesh Varma Kingston, Canada 2014-09-20 This is the American Holocaust that hardly anyone acknowledges: the
harrowing facts are that in a span of 400 years, 100 MILLION Native
Americans we massacred by the ancestors of Americans, Canadians, and
South Americans. This needs to be acknowledged. It is well documented in the
book American Holocaust by David Stannard.
David Helme VIctoria, Canada 2014-09-20 Time to come to terms with the past.
Michael Henderson Saanichton, Canada 2014-09-20 It's true. Prime Minister Harper even now refuses to help investigate the
disappearance of hundreds, perhaps thousands, of First Nations women. He
opposes all attempts to look into the matter. Meanwhile new deaths are
reported every week. Stephen Harper's conduct in this regard is disgraceful
and embarrassing to the majority of Canadians.
Graeme MacQueen Dundas, Canada 2014-09-20 The crimes against native people in the Western Hemisphere, including in
Canada, are among the most extreme in history. Let us not create a Museum
that is a global laughing stock.
kara ardan vancouver, Canada 2014-09-20 Without acknowledgement of genocide toward aboriginals in Canada - the
PMStephen Harper govt continues to ignore & unfortunately support practices
Internationally that are destroying indigenous cultures. Canada's historical
treatment of aboriginal people is used as an exemplar by developing nations.
To perpetuate the cultural destruction Inyernationally through silence or an
argument of ignorance is unacceptable. We must accurately define the cultural
Genocide that has destroyed the foundations of indigenous life in Canada, from
this place of authenticity we can begin to move forward.
Name Location Date Comment
Alfred Pettersen Brampton, Canada 2014-09-20 i am offended that the museum cherry picks what it acknowledges and leaves
out the crimes committed against First Nations people.
cindy king Nelson, Canada 2014-09-20 to be honest and truthful with what happened is the first step to a healthy
present and future
Dan O'Donnell Saskatoon, Canada 2014-09-20 It's time for the federal government to honour the treaties.
Maureen Uldall-Ekman Vancouver, Canada 2014-09-20 It is time to recognize what Canada has done. That is a very important step in
the reconciliation process.
Mike Short Rosseau, Canada 2014-09-20 Because it true.
Doreen Dixon Lunenburg, Canada 2014-09-20 Stephen Harper has committed so many atrocities against people, the
environment, and democracy since he gained power that he should be
acknowledged as a criminal, not awarded the Nobel Peace Prize!
Andrew Carmichael Preston, United Kingdom 2014-09-20 because the behaviour of successive immigrant colonial Governments was a
disgrace and requires an apology with reparations
Blaine Cameron Ottawa, Canada 2014-09-20 Until we acknowledge the past, the present and future will never be just.
Ian McLeish Smiths Falls, Canada 2014-09-20 It is hipocrasy to recognize human rights violation without acknowledging our
Richard Doiron E4Y 2V4, Canada 2014-09-20 Because genocide not only occurred here but continues to be perpetrated on
First Nations.
Leila Lustig Victoria, Canada 2014-09-20 By not acknowledging this, you are saying that Aboriginals are not human.
What does that make you?
Natasha Wesaquate Regina, Canada 2014-09-20 The truth needs to be recognized
Noal Balint saltspring, Canada 2014-09-20 Steven Harper absolutely does not contribute to world peace. The prize would
be better suited for an apple and than for him. Harper is not a peaceful person,
and certainly not the MOST peaceful.
karen shamas Barrie, Canada 2014-09-20 We cannot support human rights until we confront our past. Unless we do so,
we won't change.
Ajith Samarasekara Shatin, Hong Kong 2014-09-20 Because, Harper & Baird are following a dicietful hidden agenda on Human
Rights to the outside world.
Heidi Piltz Burns Lake, Canada 2014-09-20 Truth must begin at home.
Tammy Edie Winnipeg, Canada 2014-09-20 I have family members who were taken from their homes to be put in
residential schools.
Jim MacDonald Rankin Inlet, Canada 2014-09-20 For truth be known. Nor can you a Human Rights Museum allow the
Government of Canada, to dictate to keep the truth a secret and fudge the
Bernadette Letchford Victoria, BC, Canada 2014-09-20 We need to acknowledge our history - all of it.
Maxine McLister Nipigon, Canada 2014-09-20 We whites in Canada are, for the most part, abysmally ignorant of the history of
aboriginal peoples in Canada. I live in an area where this allows racism to
flourish. That so many aboriginal women can be murdered or go missing and
Harper refuses to bring an inquiry into it is just more of the same deliberate
Codey Blair Vancouver, Canada 2014-09-20 Try to be accountable for SOME of the atrocities committed in the past.
cheryl cottrell Winnpeg, Canada 2014-09-20 Because it should be recognized that the aboriginals were robbed of their life
and their land and to have a human rights museum that doesn't acknowledge
the abuses and genocide towards the native people make the whole idea of a
human rights museum a farce. As well I believe the Human Rights Museum is
just a big business for the powers to be to make money. It is just that ..... a
business.....Cheryl Cottrell
Name Location Date Comment
DON ROSS Milford, Canada 2014-09-20 The truth can not be buried......face it, admit it, and try to make amends.
Heather Ross Milford, Canada 2014-09-20 Truth has it's own rewards and will always win over lies.
Richard Vachon Montreal, Canada 2014-09-20 For the respect and dignity of all human being
Eileen Puge Terrace, Canada 2014-09-20 As a Metis person I know first hand what this government has done to First
Nation and Metis people. I also appreciate you not using the "Indian" word to
describe the aboriginal people, Indians are from India.
Bette Chadwick Sechelt, WA 2014-09-20 There is a gross inequality between First Nations people and other Canadians.
The Federal government is treating the cases of many aboriginal women as an
everyday "crime". This has to change
ron jackson gravenhurst, Canada 2014-09-20 know the truth
Sonja Stone Winnipeg, Canada 2014-09-20 if you're going to spend that much money on showcasing human rights
violations, you need to honour the people and culture the museum was built
upon. you can't deny or ignore our nation's historical and ongoing violence
against indigenous in canada. we are in the midst of a genocide here in
Canada and this museum just perpetuates that genocide.
Edward Robak Fredericton, Canada 2014-09-20 It's time to acknowledge the truth.
Primrose Wylde Toronto, Canada 2014-09-20 i came to Canada to teach with First Nations Peoples. But life took me on
other directions. I feel a great affinity with them. Maybe b/c I have been F. Ns in
past lives. However, the treatment of these beautiful People who know The
Origins of Life & How The Universe works, is nothing short of disgusting. The
SURE!! Time to listen to their wisdom & connection to Mother Nature.
Ron Ekman Victoria, Canada 2014-09-20 Basic human rights
Theresie Tungilik Rankin Inlet, Canada 2014-09-20 Past history, good or bad just can't be changed. The truth about Canada's
beginning needs to be knwon.
Anna Harrison-Melville Ashford, United Kingdom 2014-09-20 The aboriginal inhabitants deserve justice
valerie giles halifax, Canada 2014-09-20 stop hiding their crimes against this earth & humanity
Blair Pilling Winlaw, Canada 2014-09-20 The time of selective ignorance is past. Don't taint this important institution with
lies by omission.
Joseph Hickey Ottawa, Canada 2014-09-20 Truth to counter government propaganda
Mark Hermary Kamloops, Canada 2014-09-20 Former Canadian Reverend, Kevin Annett has also uncovered much criminal
activity of the Canadian government involvement from the PM down, including
top RCMP Officers. They have been, along with the Queen, Pope Ratzinger
and others world wide, found guilty of "crimes against humanity" in the
International Common-law Courts <a href=""
rel="nofollow"></a> If we cannot trust our top officials to do
what's right for us, lie to us, cover up corruption, never own up to wrongs that
have been committed, then we all live under the rule of Communism with
criminals at the top. It's time these global royalty, elite and our high paid (until
they die) officials pay for their crimes.
Doug Neil Truro, Canada 2014-09-20 ...because not only did it happen, but it continues under the evil hatred of
Stephen Harper, whose ideology borders white supremacy...IN 2014!!!!
Brooke Angela Victoria, Canada 2014-09-20 There is a critical lack of knowledge among Canadians regarding the actions
and repercussions of present and past governments towards Indigenous
david walmark Rose Bay, Canada 2014-09-20 To rid Canada of some of the shame brought on us by Harper and his govt
kate collins orangeville, Canada 2014-09-20 We have no right to marginalize this part of out country. Make it right.
Name Location Date Comment
Lucie Idlout Igloolik, Canada 2014-09-20 Many High Arctic relocates died while being used as human flagpoles in
Canada's measures to assert sovereignty over the northern part of Canada's
map. My family was part of the 1955 relocation.
Michelle Treacy Toronto, Canada 2014-09-20 As an immigrant from a country victimized by English colonial policies, I want to
see justice for the peoples who have been victimized by the colonial policies of
my adopted country!
Marilyn McClelland Fanny Bay, Canada 2014-09-20 The Canadian governments throughout the years have a lot to answer for and
the present one particularly for reasons against First Nations, Veterans, the
Environment, Our wildlife, and Canadians in general. The country has been
ruined by our present PM and his "yes men". SHAME!!! Power and greed;
distasteful and disgraceful!
Gordon Reid Mississauga, Canada 2014-09-20 I WAS RAISED IN NORTHWEST ONTARIO IN THE EARLY 50'S WHEN
Marilyn McClelland Fanny Bay, Canada 2014-09-20 The Canadian governments throughout the years have a lot to answer for and
the present one particularly for reasons against First Nations, Veterans, the
Environment, Our wildlife, and Canadians in general. The country has been
ruined by our present PM and his "yes men". SHAME!!! Power and greed;
distasteful and disgraceful!
Jean Le Marquand Laval, Canada 2014-09-20 For too long the issue of discrimination against indigenous peoples has been
swept under the carpet; needs more accountability and dialogue.
Penny Mills Newmarket, Canada 2014-09-20 There are no words to explain building a Human Rights Museum over
unexcavated aboriginal historical artifacts, which would have added much to
our understanding of how people lived 1000 years ago. Obliterating aboriginal
culture like that is itself genocide & a HR violation. No words to explain why
centuries of deliberate mistreatment of aboriginals isn't included in the
Genocide exhibition.
Karen Lee Calgary, Canada 2014-09-20 This is a matter of truth and justice
Norman Godfrey Surrey,B.C., Canada 2014-09-20 because I have a conscience and more than a few 1st nations people I
consider my friends and brothers/sisters!!!
Beth Beech Stratford, Canada 2014-09-20 The only way to change is to truly accept what has happened, to acknowledge
our part and to participate in healthy next steps.
Suzanne Bernardin Mont-Tremblant, Canada 2014-09-20 We have taken away the native Canadian's language, way of life and lands.
The Federal government through out laws treats them like children. Let them
stand for themselves.
Franki Harrogate Edmonton, Canada 2014-09-20 History written by the victors only presents the "good side" of those in charge. If
we're going to celebrate human rights, we need to be honest about the things
we have done to the First Peoples and how we continue to behave horribly.
Mary Venn Sault Ste Marie, Canada 2014-09-20 The gall of our PM is palpable.
Gillian Warner Yarmouth, Canada 2014-09-20 May this part of history be acknowledged so that healing and moving forward
can happen. &lt;3
John Turner London, On, Canada 2014-09-20 I am appalled at the cons totally fucked up racism. The psychopath who has
taken our country hostage is re-writing history. Why so much emphasis on the
Jewish Holocaust and not a word about the attempted genocide of our First
Name Location Date Comment
Andre Sanscartier Notre-dame des Prairie,
2014-09-20 Many horror stories come from the past of Canada. Like the massacre of
thousand of dogs to force aboriginal to obey.
Annette Davidson Grand Forks, Canada 2014-09-20 Great wrong has been done and the aboriginal people have treated as though
they were at fault. They were not and the government was knowingly
murdering people and should be accountable to the fullest extent
commensurate with its crimes.
Anne Steele St.Catharines, Canada 2014-09-20 I am disgusted at what our government did to First Nation and Metis people,
they should have to compensate them for it.
Anne Fredette B.C., Canada 2014-09-20 It is a wrong that needs to be acknowledged and stopped. Government past
and present has not acted in the best interest of people if people do not hold it
accountable and force government to do the right thing.
Jan Heynen Ottawa, Canada 2014-09-20 It is very important that we are fair for this kind of remembrance building and
not forget the closest example of genocide.
Stephen Bedaux Victoria, Canada 2014-09-20 Native Americans have always been good people.
George Angnatuk Quaqtaq, CA 2014-09-20 I want to support the inuit culture, and the way they were treated, I want to give
my effort to help them out, with all the problems they encountered during their
schooling days
Elka Ronec Toronto, Canada 2014-09-20 There was genocide against native Indians in Canada's history. This should be
added to the museum. Also, should be added genocide against Palestinians
since 1917.
Sandra Archie Williams Lake, Canada 2014-09-20 We need Canadians and the world to know the truth
Mary Barlow Toronto, Canada 2014-09-20 Crimes against our own indigenous people have been ignored for too long and
continue to this present day as the Harper gov't. refuses to launch an inquiry
into the disappearance of hundreds of aboriginal women.
chris douglas stoney creek, Canada 2014-09-21 I want the truth not no santa clause easter bunny story
Billy Merasty Toronto, Canada 2014-09-21 Because It's true. Make it official.
LORETTE PAQUIN winlaw bc CANADA, WA 2014-09-21 Its time to face the truth. Genocide did happen, still happening, if people do not
speak against this and accept the truth it is a continued act of genocide...
Fiona Hoey Chilliwack, Canada 2014-09-21 In my opinion Canadian governments are stil trying to perpetuate that
benan yildiz monroe, NJ 2014-09-21 human right he was so silent about Israel he don't deserve it
Paulina Cosgrove Smithers, Canada 2014-09-21 because I feel that the past needs to be acknowledged before the future can
John Nestman Alert Bay B.C., Canada 2014-09-21 I'm signing this because as long as we perpetuate a climate for denial and lies
we can,t move forward as a nation .
Colleen Hailley Winnipeg, Canada 2014-09-21 First Nations suffered at the hands of settlers and to this day many Canadians
are ignorant to their own history. This has led to continue used discrimination to
First Nations people. The government must acknowledge the genocide and
honour treaties
James Carscallen Toronto, Canada 2014-09-21 The Human Rights Museum must display more than itself; and the most
important victims of human-rights abuse for Canadians are the Canadian
Native Peoples subject to cruel neglect and, yes, genocide by our own federal
Name Location Date Comment
robyn harvey london, Canada 2014-09-21 The long history of genocides starts with the old testiment and gets going again
in Europe with Charlemagne, who introduces this kind of violence to the
indigenous peoples of Europe. Who then eventually have to face the inquisition
and the war between the Catholics and the Protestants who both attacked
anyone who was not Christian. These intollerant thinking people full of hate for
all things not exactly the way they saw it were unleashed on North America.
They were still ready to kill rather than understand. I want people to understand
that the wiping out of 200 or more indigenous peoples of Europe, North Africa
and the Middle East was an idea trained into the colony attitudes and settling
peoples cultures of Europe for thousands of years. AND to cure this disease
you have to admit it is there. Canada has to admit its role in this ghastly
Melinda Huntley Vancouver, WY 2014-09-21 justice!
Jaime Carrasco Winnipeg, Canada 2014-09-21 By definition, what happened to indigenous people in Canada WAS Genocide,
and healing will only begin once the past is acknowledged for what it truly was.
Judy Gilbert Torontro, Canada 2014-09-21 Unfortunately, this persistent genocide was not due to one party or one
government. It is our (settlers') shame. Inasmuch as it is ongoing, the struggle
is not over, and we have a responsibility to speak out!
Vicky Mercier Toronto, Canada 2014-09-21 Vicky mercier
Jay Bailey Simcoe, Canada 2014-09-21 I can't stand the Harpocracy of pointing out the mote in the eye of another
country while ignoring the beam in our own eye.
sara bostic ottawa, Canada 2014-09-21 What has happened to the First Nations People of Canada has accumulated to
many, many injustices. Their rights have never been recognized. Instead they
continue to be ignored. It is time that the Federal government apologizes for
what has been done to the Aboriginal people of Canada and it is high time that
they are given the rights to the lands that are theirs.
Mary Peters Nanaimo, Canada 2014-09-21 because it's true
Michelle Morrow Fort Frances, Canada 2014-09-21 The systemic genocide of Canadian Aboriginal people should be recognized,
especially in a museum built on their sacred land!
dwayne iron Prince Albert, Canada 2014-09-21 I'm native and want the world to know the truth finally after 500 years
Paul Glassen Port Townsend, WA 2014-09-21 Genocide means not only the killing of people, but also the killing of a people.
That means it includes cultural genocide as well. Neither Canada nor the US
could sign the 1948 UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the
Crime of Genocide, precisely because their policies of forced assimilation were
Genocidal under the Convention. Do the right thing and acknowledge the
genocidal nature of 200 years of policies and practices toward indigenous
Phillip tupper Vancouver, Canada 2014-09-21 It means everything.
Stephanie Spence winnipeg, Canada 2014-09-21 I am aboriginal...and have heard first hand the trials and turmoil our elders went
through...they attempted to wipe out our people..calling us savages and that we
needed to be extermenated..and that wasnt possible...'"taking" forcibly the
"indian" out of us was the next option..hence the years and years of
suffering..murder and the brutality our people have endured
Debbie White Orangeville, Canada 2014-09-21 It is only by acknowledging the truth that we can move forward.
William Hall Winnipeg, Canada 2014-09-21 i, my parents and all my siblings are victims of this genocide that canada
refuses to acknowledge and take responsibilty of.
Larry McGillivray Vancouver, Canada 2014-09-21 It should be important to all Canadians
d walbrick victoria, Canada 2014-09-21 justice, compassion, common sense, peace
Name Location Date Comment
andrew robinson calgary, Canada 2014-09-21 Because my ancestors just about destroyed everyone who was already here
on this ground years ago. Not much of the culture is left now, compared to pre-
conact days. And also, First Nations people in Canada are not just relics of a
bygone era that belong in museum, they are living, working, breathing people
of today, that have hopes and dreams, likes and dislikes, and opinions that
need to be valued. It is no exaggeration at all to say that the Cree, Blackfoot,
Objibway and many more people were victims of genocide by the Canadian
government. That was the Canadian governments plan: to simply wipe them all
out. They didn't QUITE succeed (except with the Beothuk), so they sent them
off to the reserves, and later the residential schools. Does building a museum
devoted to human rights somehow atone for the violent past of the Canadian
governments? I sure don't think so.
Jim Vickers Erickson, MB, Canada 2014-09-21 It's time to fess up, wholeheart
Brian Beaton Fredericton, Canada 2014-09-21 The only way to move forward in a good way is to be honest about our past
and to truthfully acknowledge our history. Our former prime minister, Paul
Martin, is on record for referring to the residential schools as Canada's
genocide against Aboriginal people. Everyone needs to know and understand
our true history!
Rene Ariens Caledonia, Canada 2014-09-21 Truth about our history will help in reconciliation. It will be a good step forward.
Henry MacKay Trenton, Canada 2014-09-21 F/N have suffered under almost 150 years of government under both Liberals
and Conservatives, from Sir John A. to PET to SH, and will continue to suffer
under a future PM Justin Trudeau and beyond.
anura Abeyasinghe Brampton ON, Canada 2014-09-21 Justice
Donna Beaulieu Winnipeg, Canada 2014-09-21 I am a 60's scoop survivor and my mother is a residential school survivor.
Pamela Mac Neil Toronto, Canada 2014-09-21 This is important to me because it's the TRUTH!
maroesja van oeveren not applicable,
2014-09-21 I was not aware of the first part of the article(that the government only agreed
to supply food when the aboriginals would accept living on
reservations)+having lived in the Yukon ,I know children were taken away from
their families during the school season and were forced to live in either
protestant or catholic residential schools,both national disgraces !!
William Stevens Sherwood Park, Canada 2014-09-21 The time has come to do what should have been done long ago. Canada must
be honest about its history.
Rena Morrison Gloucester, Ontario,
Canada, Canada
2014-09-21 It's the truth. Do the human right thing and admit to it!
David Paterson Kanata, Canada 2014-09-21 Modern day concocted fantasies of what was in the minds of those who
committed this genocide doesn"t change the fact that, by modern day
standards, this WAS GENOCIDE. Time we admitted it.
Sarah Rose Vernon, BC, Canada 2014-09-21 truth is important
Marc Spooner Regina, Canada 2014-09-21 We have to own our past before we can move forward
bruce jonasson ottawa, Canada 2014-09-21 becuase it is true
M A Ali New Delhi, India 2014-09-21 Oppression of natives & minorities is a crime....
Haley Laronde Terrace, Canada 2014-09-21 Because what happened to the First Nations peoples during colonialism was
"noun: genocide
the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular
ethnic group or nation."
Name Location Date Comment
Paul Simard Smith Regina, Canada 2014-09-21 Because of I am concerned with universal human rights and respect for justice.
I am familiar with the history on this issue and the claims made in the letter are
accurate. And because I believe that many European settlers-especially
government officials--were aware of the effect that their polices were having on
indigenous Canadians. Finally I think that the benefits of European's
colonization of North American have been vastly in the benefit of European
decedents and not in the indigenous people from whom this land was taken.
Sheri Levy Nanaimo, Canada 2014-09-21 It may not have been 'Your" crime, but it was a crime Government committed
and so Government today must be accountable for ALL actions from history,
present, and future decisions.
Siobhan Hilsden Ottawa, Canada 2014-09-21 They are my ancestors and they deserve to be heard and remembered.
Sue Kaakee Madoc, Canada 2014-09-21 Many Canadians expect more truth these days regarding the mistreatment and
abuse aboriginals have had to endure. I am utterly disgusted by the way that
the harper government is continuing to ignore and yes, whitewash the past.
Lee Phillips Saullt Ste. Marie,
2014-09-21 Historically for the past, the present and for the future, accountability needs to
be owned!
Chris Curpen Winnipeg, Canada 2014-09-21 We should always come to the Aid of Victims of Crime and make sure Real
Reparations Fulfilled. Kidnapping, Psychological, Physical, Sexual Torture of
Children to Destroy a Peoples to Eliminate Treaty Obligations to Allow Free
Reign Pillaging and Decimating Our Shared Land for Corporations and
Aristocracies of Ceos, Vps, Majority Shareholders, their families, social circles
and lapdogs equals the Horrendous Crime of Genocide, which any self-
respecting Museum of Human Rights would document and Reverse
Juhelle Boulet Winnipeg, Canada 2014-09-21 I am a social worker, human rights activist and I firmly believe every human
being to be equal. Unfortunately, due to Canada's history, both past and
present, of colonizing Aboriginal peoples, we are currently living in a society
where equality does not exist. This should not be the case in a rich country
where we are proud to be 'progressive' and 'liberal'. This should not happen
Linda Roe Courtenay, B.C., Canada 2014-09-21 It is important to us all, to think a Government could treat human beings like
this is atrocious, and they are the First people of this great country!!
Hilary Strang Surrey, Canada 2014-09-21 The truth will set (us) free.
Indigo McMath Vancouver, Canada 2014-09-21 The truth is important, and the truth about what's happened (and continues to
happen) to Aboriginal people in Canada is constantly hidden away.
Stephane Gibson Lachine,Montreal,
Quebec, Canada
2014-09-21 It was an orchestrated genocide. And sadly, even today, the politicians choose
to bury their heads up their butts, rather than to admit what they did was
horrible and inhuman. After all, if they did admit, the natives would probably
sue for reparations. And the government can allow that. They need all that
money for their retirement pensions and their expense accounts. Screw the
natives. I think we should pay reparations, as well as make a public
declaration of apology.
Janet McLeod Ch'town, Canada 2014-09-21 Truth is always important to real historians.
Robyn Lawson Port Coquitlam, Canada 2014-09-21 The days of whitewashing history is over. Time to face the past as it was and
get on with the business of dealing with the consequences of it in real and
meaningful ways.
Name Location Date Comment
Robyn Lawson Port Coquitlam, Canada 2014-09-21 I grew up within this dearth of truth and misinformation about my own ancestry
and the price I paid was an almost insurmountable loss of self esteem, and at
times nearly my life.
I am working with groups who work to restore balance for all Canadians with
truth and reconciliation, but this is the part where truth starts.
It's one step, but hopefully it will be something that changes something else in
a bigger way for our kids.
Karen Gallagher-Burt Calgary, Canada 2014-09-22 THe truth about how our First Nations Population was treated needs to be
captured and told with honesty and integrity. As quoted long ago about war,
the story is told through the eyes of the victor. Our first peoples must be the
ones to tell THEIR story.
Elizabeth Pitura Okotoks, Canada 2014-09-22 I live in Canada where this horrible genocide took place - I am filled with shame
and rage.
Burg Code Toronto, Canada 2014-09-22 The Aboriginals of Canada are part of this nation's history and must be
respected as such in every way.
Yours, Burgandy Code
Marcus Danson Calgary, Canada 2014-09-22 Because we must create a new peaceful reality.
Ali Mallah Toronto, Canada 2014-09-22 "Cowardice asks the question - is it safe? Expediency asks the question - is it
politic? Vanity asks the question - is it popular? But conscience asks the
question - is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position
that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular; but one must take it because it is
right". Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Daryl Bernhardt Gibsons BC, Canada 2014-09-22 Because it is the truth.
Yvette ringham-cowan Victoria, Canada 2014-09-22 It is important to recognize, and admit the truth, so we can at least have an
honest place from which to begin again.
Brenda Dorval Thunder Bay, Canada 2014-09-22 Canada is guilty of genocide of FN by way of Residential School, 60's swoop
and the Indian Act
Brenna Klaverkamp Winnipeg, Canada 2014-09-22 This issue needs to be addressed because nothing will change until the truth is
acknowledged and respected; Canada's history involves genocide on a
massive scale towards the indigenous peoples who live/d here.
Selma Adler Israel, Upper Nazareth,
2014-09-22 I am a Jew.
My people know about powerlessness, starvation, dislocation and
throughout the ages.
Jeannie Graham Black Creek BC Canada,
2014-09-22 Because the way #HeilHarper is trying to change our history is deplorable!! It
is what it is, so let's accept it and improve on the past!
Treana Chretien North Bay, Canada 2014-09-22 This is so important to me, not only because I am an aboriginal woman, but
because I currently live on a reserve and see first hand the irreparable damage
the genocide has done to our people. I also have a young child whom I want to
be able to learn about what happened to his ancestors and his culture. I
attended high school in my home town, and when I took Canadian History
there was no mention of the heinous crimes committed against my people.
These crimes need to be acknowledged as a part of Canadian history instead
of being ignored and swept under the rug.
Matt Derrington Bristol, United Kingdom 2014-09-22 Because now is time for truth, not more hypocrisy
Name Location Date Comment
Aisha Entz Winnipeg, Canada 2014-09-22 Our Canadian history regarding Insigenous people is atrocious, and if it had
happened in another country far away we would call it genocide and put it in
our museum!

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