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June 9, 2014

Dear Mrs. Dyer,

If you are represented by legal counsel, please direct this
letter to your attorney immediately and hae your attorney
notify me of such representation.
!ou are hereby directed to
I hae recently learned that you are still engaging in
spreading false, destructie, and defamatory rumors about
me through your conersations "ith supporters, public
comments that you hae recently made, as "ell as public
media sites such as #ace boo$, %cribed, !ou&ube, 'e"
(olony Media, )log tal$ *adio, and many more. I "as
informed by (harles that you "ere a"are of the fact that he
and I are bac$ in contact and he does not consider me his
+s you are also a"are of the #+(& that ,d %noo$ has made
many open public statements about his goal to destroy my
life and find a "ay to hae me put in prison. %noo$-s
actions clearly proes that his actions are deliberate and
malicious. Mrs. Dyer "hen you post the lin$ to this
article you are aiding ,d %noo$ and you are fully a"are of
the impact the effects this has on me. If you are able to
send the eidence that you claim you hae , then send "hat
eer eidence that "ill proe that the follo"ing statements
are factual. .pinions must be stated as your opinion that
hae not been based by any facts or eidence, only your
I "ould also li$e to re/uest the eidence "here you claim I
stole thousands of dollars from (harles and then abandoned
him in &e0as. &his along "ith the other crimes you accuse
me of doing is 1001 false and sho"s malicious intentional
acts of deceit on your part.
2nder .$lahoma 3a", it is unla"ful to engage in defamation
of another character and reputation. !our defamatory
statements on the attached page clearly proe all parties
inoled are spreading malicious threats and defamation
"hich "ill only continue to create a public hate, mistrust
and ridicule of me. +ccordingly, I demand that you to
immediately cease and desist your unla"ful defamation of my
name as "ell as my past inolement in (harles situation.
4roide me "ith prompt "ritten assurance that you "ill
cease and desist from further defamation of my character
and reputation. If you do not comply "ith this cease and
desist demand "ithin this time period, I am entitled to
see$ monetary damages and e/uitable relief for your
defamation. In the eent you fail to meet this demand,
please be adised that I "ill pursue all aailable legal
remedies, including see$ing monetary damages, in5unction
relief, and an order that you pay court costs and
attorney6s fees. !our liability and e0posure under such
legal action could be considerable. 4lease sign and return
the attached Defamation %ettlement +greement "ithin ten 10
days to recommend that you consult "ith an attorney
regarding this matter. If you or your attorney hae any
/uestions, please contact me directly.
&he follo"ing statements are false and you hae full
$no"ledge of their falsity. &he crimes you are accusing
%"an of doing are destroying her reputation and she "ill
not be your scapegoat.
Deborah stole thousands of dollars from Charles and
dumped him in Texas
Deborah hindered the US Observer investigation
I just spent the last, up to about ! minutes ago ,
I have spent about "! minutes #ith the lad$ #ho%s
tr$ing to destro$ him& 'nd listened to all of the lies
I (ould stand to listen too& Started sha)ing and got
off the phone& So $eah I have been, it%s been a da$&
'll she does is lie
Charles #ants nothing to do #ith Deb an$ more&
I just spent about ! min hearing this other person
go ab a abb ab so I )no# I #as getting through& *od
#ill (lose the mouth of $our enemies& That is #hat I
am tr$ing to do )no#& To (lose the mouth of m$ enem$,
Deb S#an&
)no# all she does, it all she does is atta()&
Deborah said, $ou never puts an$thing that ba()s up
#hat she sa$s&&
That the$ don%t seast and desist #hen as)ed, and #ont
stop supporting me, Instead instigating arguments
amongst m$ allies&
I just made a threat #ith the hope I (an ba()up&
+e(ause I #as on Debb$%s radio sho# just a fe# minutes
ago, and she #as ma)ing statements that are in(orre(t&
I did (orre(t her& She sa$s #ell no# sin(e&&& sin(e I
)no#, no# that I )no# the truth I #ill (orre(t and
post it& ,ou should have )no#n that from before she
put it out there&
Deborah is the reason Charles #as pi()ed up&
Deborah got released earl$ from prison on (o(ain
(harges and is #or)ing #ith the -.DS
Deb lied about going to visit Charles in prison&
Its strange ho# Deb #as there in Dun(an the same time
the fire started&
She didn/t have to tell Charles $es #hen he as)ed for
her to pi() him up&
Deb dumped Charles and (alled the -+I&
Deborah too) him over the state line and too) him to
a fa)e safe house&
Deborah did not get in trouble for that
Deborah has been in re(ent (onta(t #ith 0alerie
Deborah (alled and (ussed me out om the phone
Deborah tells ever$one that she is the onl$ one #ho
(an save Charles
Deborah 12 page do(ument is full of lies&
%The USO arti(le proves Deborah is responsible for
'll I hear from Deb is lies&
Deborah uploaded the appeal #ithout Charles
Deb harasses me and has )ept me from ma)ing mone$ due
to her (onstant harassment&
I do not (are if Deb S#an has proven there are -.DS
in Charles support group& Charles #ants nothing to do
#ith an$ of her support an$more&
Deb a((used me of her dog getting )illed&
Deb never as)s, she just does #hat ever she pleases
and she has hurt Charles support&
Deb has (aused division #ithin the patriot
.dog3 is a bla() 4uslim and #e don/t #ant his
Deb uses her #illies to get men to follo# her&
This is not a government set up5 6e have never ta)en
this position nor an$ of our famil$, and neither has
Charles ever thought this #as a (onspira($& Deb S#an
#ants to blo# this up and ma)e herself loo) important&
This is a (ase of a vindi(tive ex #ife and a bad
prose(utor, not some government set up li)e Deb tries
to ma)e it out to be&
6e do not need all these distra(tions from Deb about
the -eds and her lunati( (laims
'n$thing that is atta(hed to Deb S#an, #e don/t #ant
an$thing to do #ith it&
Deb refused to give me (ontrol over the Dollars 1
D$er donations&
Deb S#an #as threatening to shoot 'lbert 7o(h at the
trial in 8anuar$ !9&
Deb almost made Charles loose his attorne$ due to her
(alling and ma)ing threats to his offi(e&
Deb (ame to m$ house uninvited and refused to leave
m$ propert$
I had to (all the poli(e to have Deb removed off m$
Deb does not )no# Charles li)e she (laims&
Deb onl$ #as here in Dun(an one da$ #ith Charles&
Deb #ants to use Charles to ma)e herself loo)
Deb a((uses me of being old and stupid&
Deb sure does seem to have a lot of legal )no#ledge
of ho# this stuff #or)s& I #onder #ho she is getting
this from
I do not (are if the supporters are informants&
6hatever Deb is sa$ing has 3ero (redibilit$& I thin) I
#ould be able to tell if these people are reall$ -eds&
Deb is a lunati(
I do not (are if 'lbert 7o(h is #or)ing to be a
prose(utor& Deb is just negative and #ants to destro$
Charles (han(e at getting out&
It don/t (are 6ilburn referred 7o(h to me& This does
not mean an$thing&
S#an and 4ortenson didn%t have to hire the US
Observer& I never as)ed her for an$ help&
Deborah has spe(ial prote(tion sin(e she hasn/t been
arrested for re(ording the -+I&
Deborah (ant get along #ith an$one (ause all she does
is atta() people if the$ don/t bo# do#n to her #hims&
I had nothing to do #ith the ++:O6 ta)ing do#n the
dollars 1 d$er donations& Deb #as tr$ing to get me in
trouble for taxes&
Deb S#an did not get an$thing to the US Observer& &I
#as the onl$ one #ho gave Snoo) #hat he needed&
Deb S#an has not donated a dollar to the defense
Deb S#an #anted me to fire the attorne$ and allo# her
to tr$ the (ase for Charles&
Deb S#an lies about spending the summer #ith Charles&
If she #as here in Dun(an I #ould of )no#n she #as
Charles has finall$ (ome to reali3e that I #as right
all along about Deb S#an&
Deb atta()ed an$one she (ant (ontrol and (alls them a
Deb has ta)en large donations and not given it to
Deborah has lied about visiting Charles in ;rison&
Deborah has ta)en the letters Charles has sent to
her, (hopped them up to ma)e it sound li)e Charles and
Deb are #or)ing together&
Debs o#n daughter #ants nothing to do #ith her&
S#an #ill be getting arrested soon for aiding and
abbe ding&
S#an has been told that if she does not stop #ith the
,ou Tube videos, that Charles #ill have 6estern (ome
arrest her& Sleep$ smurf said so&
Deborah/s support is not #anted b$ our famil$
Deborah is #or)ing against the D$er famil$%s #ishes&
Don/t sign the petition (ause the D$er famil$ does
not #ant an$ help from S#an&
Deb%s petition #ill not help Charles& 'll this #ill
do is ma)e Charles loo) desperate if $ou go around
to#n begging for people to sign it&
6h$ should I sign a petition< .ver$one alread$ )no#s
I support Charles (ause he is m$ son&
Deb S#an has used Charles to ma)e a name for
Deb has put re(ordings of Charles up on the net
#ithout his )no#ledge&
Deb has put m$ private (onversations I had #ith Deb
out on the net&
Deb (alled and (ussed me out before the :C4 radio

%I 6I== C='>I-, ':,T7I:* I C':& +UT T7'T%S ;'>T O-
67'T I '>*U.D 6IT7 7.> O: T7. S7O6 TO:I*7T '+OUT& ':D
T7.: I TO=D 7.> T7'T I 6':T.D 7.> OUT O- T7IS C'S.&
OUT T7.>., 6IT7 T7I:*S TO +'C? IT U;& ':D :.0.> DO.S&
I DO:%T 7'0. T7. .:.>*, TO -I*7T 6IT7 7.> ':,4O>.&
':D S7. S',S I DO:%T ?:O6 '+OUT T7. C'S.&
I just spent the last, up to about ! minutes ago I
have spent about "! minutes #ith the lad$ #ho%s tr$ing
to destro$ him& 'nd listened to all of the lies I
(ould stand to listen too&&
I Started sha)ing and got off the phone& So $eah I
have been through a lot&&& it%s been a da$&
I (an onl$ ta)e so mu(h I had to ta)e a deep breath
and then go again& 'nd that%s #hat stands right no#&
;ra$er and the good lord& 'nd he%s there before us&
'nd he #ill guide us& ,ou got that right& 'nd #e are
loo)ing at his help and he is #or)ing
to shut her mouth&@
what we do care about is what they say and the attacks they say about us, yes
we get sick and tired of having to deal with it, but we don't care, but what they've
done to upset the Dyer family and Charles, it is past the point of being anything
that anyone to have to deal with

Deb %"an 7inders Dyer Inestigation. &he truth of the

ongoing damage done by Deb, to the case of J44. Docs
are at scribd.com85uly4patriot *ead the 2% .bserers
inestigatie reporters ne"s here9
=,nough lies9 !.2 +*, &7, I'#.*M+'& &7+& >.& IMM2'I&!
#.* >I?I'> I'#. &. &7, >*+'D J2*!9 !.2 +*, &7, *,+%.'
&7, #,D% @,*, I'?.3?,D #.* D*I?I'> 7IM +(*.%% %&+&,
3I',%9 !.2 +*, &7, .', &7+& D2M4,D 7IM .## +& +
%&*+'>,*-% 7.2%,...+'D J+' &.3D M, &7+& (7+*3,% A'.@%
&7+& &7, ?,*! %+M, >2! (+33,D &7, #,D% +#&,* 7, D2M4,D
(7+*3,%9 !.2, D,).*+7 %@+', +*, &7, 4*.)3,M. !.2 +*,
&7, *,+%.' 4,.43, +*, ),>I''I'> &. #+33 +@+! #*.M
%244.*&I'> (7+*3,%9 %top your craBy shit and fantasy
DO :OT DO:'T. TO D.+ S6':& S7. DO.S :OT 7'0. T7.
CO:T>'CT55 C'== 4>S& D,.> I:ST.'D55 T7IS IS T7. S'4.
SC'4 T7'T D.+ T>I.D TO >U: O0.> ' ,.'> '*O5 IT IS 7O6
S7. ;',S -O> =I0I:* I: 4OT.=S& CO:T'CT S6':%S -'4I=,
-O> >.'= I:-O>4'TIO:5 T7., C': :O =O:*.> D.'= 6IT7 7.>

':D 7'0. +..: -O>C.D TO TU>: T7.I> +'C?S O: 7.>55 'T
T7IS ;OI:T, ,OU> =I.S 7'0. *O:. O: =O:* .:OU*7, S6':55

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